Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy
Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3
Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3
Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3
Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.
The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.
Warm Regards,
The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics
Dear Mr Ali:
Thank you!
Dear Andrea Cadin:
I do not know, because that kind of material is not available to me.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Cadin:
I speak only of things I have experimented, and I cannot experiment that kind of material.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
thanks for the great invention. World will change.
Beside Energy, I see that after your process Nickel turns into Copper.
Do you think is possible to turn Plutonium into Americium or some other more stable material ?
Maybe is possible to clean up all the mess that humanity has done in the last years.
i am following your work for a couple of time and i am very amazed! As a result of everything i have seen on the web i wish this come true very soon and looking forward to october
respects from germany
Dear Mr Marco Bonetti:
Frank Perley is among the most important scientific journalists in the World. I am very proud of his article.
Means I am working in the right direction: this is an encouragement to go forward.
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Matteo Ciardi:
Contact Mr Aldrovandi to get an invitation.
Thank you for your attention,
Warm regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
i look often this website because i believe in your system. I’ll wish to see the plant 1MW in October in Athens if it’s possible. I hope it so much. I have contacted you through Mr Adrovandi, i don’t know if you remember me. I trust in your invention and i’ll glad to support your work after Athens presentation. The italian media is blind and it need time for new and important inventions. We are waiting the presentation of October when the power plant will be ready and the common people will understand that Ni-H system products much energy.
Best Regards
Matteo Ciardi
From Washington Times ( )
Just as Japan’s earthquake raises fears of catastrophe from a nuclear meltdown and Mideast turmoil jeopardizes the world’s supply of conventional energy, along comes word of a possible scientific breakthrough that holds out the hope of cheap, abundant power. Cold fusion – discredited and vilified in the past – is back in the news. The potential benefits are great enough that, despite past failures, the technology deserves a fair hearing from the scientific community this time.
In January, two Italian scientists announced they had invented a reactor that fuses nickel and hydrogen nuclei at room temperature, producing copper and throwing off massive amounts of energy in the process. Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi demonstrated their tabletop device before a standing-room-only crowd in Bologna, purportedly using 400 watts of power to generate 12,400 watts with no hazardous waste. They told observers that their reactors, small enough to fit in a household closet are able to produce electricity for less than 1 cent per kilowatt hour.
Nuclear reactors like those at Japan’s damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi plant produce power by employing fission, splitting atoms to release huge amounts of energy. But they require large containment structures to prevent the escape of dangerous radiation. If the shield is breached, either by internal explosion as in the case of the Chernobyl leak in 1986 or natural disaster such as Japan’s earthquake and tsunami, the health threat from radiation is great. In contrast, extracting energy from fusion entails the bonding of atomic material – and normally requires extremely high temperatures and pressure. But cold fusion, the label given to a theoretical process occurring at room temperatures, would be more practical and safe.
The Italians’ reported 31-fold increase in energy from cheap and commonplace ingredients – if genuine – would rank as one of the greatest scientific achievements of all time, deposing oil as king of energy resources. Petroleum-producing regimes in the Middle East now using petro-dollars from the United States and other power-needy nations to fund Islamic extremism across the globe would be put out of business.
Alternatives to oil all have their drawbacks. Conventional nuclear power has been recently generating renewed interest – until now – because as a carbon-free product, it produces no “greenhouse” gases. But fear of radiation contamination in Japan is likely to undermine the industry in the near-term. Coal is always the black sheep of the energy industry because of environmentalists’ concerns over coal plant emissions. Expensive, renewable energy projects involving solar and wind power gobble up fortunes in taxpayer funds only to produce high-priced electricity.
A nuclear physicist associated with the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Giuseppe Levi, told reporters at the January demonstration that he was convinced the results were accurate. But peer-reviewed journals, exhibiting an abundance of caution, have so far refused to publish the findings.
It is easy to understand why. In 1989, University of Utah chemist Stanley Pons and University of Southampton chemist Martin Fleischmann announced a similar breakthrough in cold fusion. When their results were largely unexplainable and irreproducible, they were shunned by the scientific community. That episode has resulted in scientists looking askance at any claims of success in cold fusion research, complicating the task the Italians face in proving their results are genuine.
If this new technology is real, it should be easy to prove and past failures – and outside agendas – shouldn’t stand in the way. Still, scientific discovery is expensive and money is often the X factor. Fortunes and reputations are made and lost based on results. Orthodoxies develop that discredit ideas posing a threat to the money flow, whether from government sources or from private investment. In the debate over “global warming,” scientists and politicians alike have resorted to repeating the mantra “the science is settled” as a means of freezing out researchers whose climate findings undermine public acceptance of the warming-planet credo and jeopardize billions in research funds.
Cold fusion is the holy grail of energy generation. Achieving it would constitute a breakthrough of epic proportions, but wishing it won’t make it so. In light of Japan’s nuclear woes, the scientific community should approach the Focardi-Rossi enterprise with both healthy skepticism and a wary eye toward naysayers who would suppress rational inquiry. Let science be science and the chips fall where they will.
Frank Perley is senior editor of opinion for The Washington Times.
Dear Mr Lucio Martini:
I agree with you, but about the media I think there is nothing to say before the start up of the plant of 1 MW we will make in Athens in October.
Warm regards,
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Dear Eng. Rossi
Personally I am absolutely convinced that his discovery of the E-Cat is the solution of the problems that plague not only our country but the entire world. If 1 gram of nickel 2MWh even if you get a yield of electricity with an efficiency of 20% (very low) for the Italian needs 200/250 tonnes of nickel are more than sufficient. Personally I think after the test on the E-Cat 1MW and after the necessary theoretical studies in depht, in order to solve the theoretical approach to the problems, you will go to a size greater than 10kW, maybe an E-Cat 100kW I hope so much there.
I believe in God like you, and i being convinced that each of us has talents to yelded, now you are yelding yours. But I hope also that some TESTE D’UOVO(?) of enrichment programs of different TV channels, at last doing their duty of disclosure about your E-Cat, it would be right now!
Warm regards,
Lucio Martini
ing. Rossi come italiano sono orgoglioso di lei, se lei e il dottor Focardi, riuscirete nei vostri intenti, farete un favore immenso a tutta l’umanità, oltre a prendere di diritto il premio Nobel.
Dear Mr Stefano Marchetti:
After the start Up of the first plant in Athens we will be ready for the market, not before. Please take contact n late October: you will find us ready to give all the necessary guarantees.
Warm Regards,
Egr. Ing. Rossi ,
Tantissimi complimenti per il vostro progetto,
posso dirle che sono molto interessato ad approfondire,
in particolare se esiste la possibilità di realizzare impianti da 200kw. Sono indirettamente in contatto con
soggetti che desiderano investire in energie rinnovabili e green .
Con stima
Stefano Marchetti
Gent. Sig. Stefano,
Stiamo lavorando al massimo delle nostre possibilità. Riuscire, come faremo sicuramente, a presentare ad Atene il nostro impianto da 1 MW a ottobre sarà un mezzo miracolo. Tenga presente che da mezzo secolo stanno tentando in tutto il mondo con risorse pari a miliardi di dollari a fare altrettanto. Noi ci stiamo riuscendo con i miei soli mezzi economici e lavorando 16 ore al giorno. Noi facciamo quello he possiamo.
Cari saluti,
Egregio Ing. Rossi,
se non adesso, quando?
Ottobre? Grecia? 1 MW?
Quasi tutti i giorni ritorno sul Vostro sito sperando di poter leggere che finalmente tutto il mondo oggi conoscerà la Vostra invenzione. Che il momento è arrivato. Che l’Umanità è pronta a fare un balzo in avanti.
Chiedo scusa ma sembra un’attesa inutile.
Se anche dopo una catastrofe come quella giapponese e visto le intenzioni del governo italiano la Vostra Time Table rimane invariata comincio a pensare che forse vi siete chiusi su voi stessi e non volete gurdare la realtà. Non sentite la disperazione attorno a voi.
Per favore:”Se non adesso, quando?”
[…] 2. Conferenza stampa di Focardi e Rossi del 15 Gennaio: 3. Cold Fusion: “You have to embrace this”: […]
Dear Mr Coelho:
I have not time for that. We are manufacturing our 1 MW plant, which will be put in operation in October. After that we will be ready for the market.
Warm regards,
I have been following your developments carefully. I would propose a simpler proof of concept test for your process.
We could equip an electric van (VW perhaps) with a small version of your reactor / generator. The US and world press would be invited. Drive continuously across the United States from New York to California with a couple of press members in the van as witnesses. Film the entire process and create a documentary.
Instant proof and lots of positive press.
Marco Coelho
President, CEO
Argon Technologies Inc.
Come tutti in questo momento così tremendo a causa dei tragici fatti giapponesi, specialmente quelli intorno al nucleare, sto seguendo l’informazione e la discussione intorno al problema energetico. I mezzi di informazione sono “assaliti” da una miriade di ” esperti” favorevoli a ri-costruire anche in Italia centrali nucleari,; è una posizione legittima e la rispetto, e da loro non mi aspetto niente di più naturalmente, ma si ascoltano anche un numero sempre crescente di contrari i quali si presentano tutti con proposte alternative quali il Fotovoltaico, il solare, l’eolico, le biomasse ecc. Non uno, dico uno che faccia riferimento alla sua innovativa e, secondo me, rivoluzionaria invenzione che potrebbe essere l’unica a mettere tutti d’accordo.
Chiedo quindi a lei: possibile che in questo marasma di proposte sollecitate anche dalla paura emotiva di questi fatti nessuno sia stato nemmeno sfiorato dalla tentazione di chiedere a chi di competenza, alle autorità politiche intendo, di approfondire questa scoperta e vederla almeno come possibilità?
Capisco che il nuovo fa paura, che sia difficile da accettare, ma almeno uno, dico uno di quelli che ” contano “, specialmente di coloro i quali si dichiarano contrari al nucleare, e che solitamente frequentano i salotti televisivi e le redazioni dei giornali, sia stato almeno sfiorato da questa tentazione.
Chiedo a Lei, Ing. Rossi: Almeno con voi qualcuno, a livello un po’ più ufficiale, intendo politico e non solo scientifico, si è fatto vivo per chiedere almeno di cosa vi state occupando concretamente?
Sinceramente non riesco a immaginare un disinteresse così totale, specialmente adesso che questo tipo di discussione è così attuale e che il vostro E-Cat potrebbe essere una soluzione già disponibile.
Dear Mr Kezn:
Thanks to you all.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Do your current experiments suggest that your system is running at maximum efficiency or do you expect to improve the efficiency in the future? If so, given that Nickel is a finite resource, do you think you should improve the efficiency before bringing this new technology to the market. After all, Oil was once thought abundant!
Kind Regards
Dan Judd
Dear Andrea,
… make it safe.
I got faith on you and your people. Breath, take a shower and keep on going forward like a bush pig! there is a huge silent crowd following you!
Very best!
Dear Mr Shaun H. Williamds:
Our policy for now is not to search venture capital. We are not the kind of guys who play foot ball with the bones of the others. After a 1 MW plant will be in operation the situation will be different.
Warm Regards,
Mr. Rossi,
I haven’t seen any requests for venture capital. Is there any place for early investors to jump on board?
Mr. Shaun H. Williams
Dear Mr Mats Heijkenskjold:
Yes, you can adjust it, by means of a potentiometer .
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Rossi,
Congratulations again!
I have tried to study everything around your energy generator, and I have always noticed the “10” kW unit.
Is it easy to adjust the output power of that unit or is it just “on” or “off” 10 kW?
Best regards
Mats Heijkenskjold
[…] forse, nonostante, dal punto di vista dei fatti sperimentali qualcosa comincia a muoversi, e a meno che qualche grossa multinazionale impaccata di soldi non gli sfili il brevetto (della […]
Dear Mr Johan Lundquist:
We want to start with a 1 MW plant because our goal is not to produce lab tests, but to produce energy generators, and we need to start a production for the market, after the research we made in labs. Automatically, of course, the operation of industrial plants will automatically make obsolete the theoretical discussions, which rise from the fact that, for obvious reasons, I cannot disclose classified data.
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Alen Kauzlaric:
We are designing also smaller units, but we will start with the 1 MW dimensions because strategically we deem it the best to begin with.
From October/November I think we will be ready to accept orders.
I an really grateful to you for your kind expressions,
Warm regards,
Mr Rossi,
Apologizes for my calculations!
I was so excited so I forgotten the factor of 15!
That means the total value should be 300.000 tons of Ni.
My earlier result was only for 100 Mega units.
Mats Heijkenskjold
Egregio ing. Rossi,
First of all I would like to express my appreciation for the work you are doing. There are not a lot of people in today scientific world that is thinking out of conventions and established, I can say, dogmas. Fortunately there are people like you who had the courage to step out and shout to the world: “hey, maybe we should look out in this way”.
I just wanted to ask you some practical things. As you are building the 1 MW heat generator for practical use, you already have an idea of how much time it will take to produce on mass scale this kind of equipment? I’m asking you this because once the story breaks loose to the world public (and is really sad that it didn’t yet), you will be bombarded by orders.
I understand that the design of your E-Cat allows you to make also generators of lower output power. Are you planning to produce standard generators of let say 100 kW, 500 kW or you will be building them custom made?
I’m happy to say I’m living in this moment of history where I can witness the birth of a new paradigm.
I just bumped in this quote by Frank Zappa: “Without deviation from the norm, ‘progress’ is not possible”.
Grazie ing Rossi.
Cordiali saluti
Alen Kauzlaric
Dear Mr Rossi,
First congratulations! I wonder if you can explain to me why you consider it necessary to build a large MW reactor in order to “defeat the opposition”. Wouldn’t it be sufficient to prepare your table-top device so that any team of scientists could use their own equipment to provide the input power and measure the output heat energy?
Best Regards
Johan Lundquist
Mr Rossi,
In the discussion of the calculated amount of nickel there must be something wrong of the figures mentioned.
I think power and energy dimensions are mixed. Power must be judged with power etc.
If we assume 15 TeraWatt (Watts to the 12:th power) is the world total power need and the reactor delivers 10 000 Watt (Watts to the 4:th power).
The result is then the need of 100 Mega units.
If they need 0.2 kg Ni each per year, that means 0.2 kg times 100 mega units.
Equivalient to 20 000 tons of Ni.
Best regards and hope for the future!
Mats Heijkenskjold*10^12%2F+8.76*10^7
correction to previous post
Dr Gudmundsson,
1 TW = 10^12 W. And 15 TW = 15*10^12 (or… 1.5*10^13)
And, of course, 10 KW = 10^4 W.
As Piers D noted: ” 87600 kWh = 365 Days * 24 hours * 10 kW ‘
But Piers had 87600 in the denominator, instead of 87600 “kw”.
Reactors required to meet 2008 total consumption 171232 =
15 TW / 87600 (15,000,000,000/87600)
So, if 15 TW is written as 15*10^12 W, the denominator has to be in watts
in watts: 8.76*10^7 W .
Thanks for the mental stimulation. I think that’s correct.
“I may not be sure, but I’m right.”
(Opposite of I may not be right, but I’m sure.)
So the required number of 10 kw reactors is still 15*10^12/ 8.76*10^7 or
171,232 more or less.
0.171232876^_ × 10^6\n(period 8)
Rational approximation:
12500000/73 = 171232 + 64/73*10^12%2F+8.76*10^7
Joseph Fine
Dear Mr “DOM”:
Thank you for your suggestion and for your attention.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Gudmundsson,
Thank you for your insight. At the moment I am focused on the one only battle that we (I and my Greek Partners) have to win at any cost, the only battle that counts: to put in operation our first 1 MW plant in Athens in October. If I succeed, all the opposition will be defeated. At that point, as you correctly say, from the Ford T to the F1 Ferrari it will take time, during which all the different technologies will integrate and compete. As usually, it will be the market to determine the results of the competition.
Warm regards,
It seems to me that the calculation of the amount of nickel needed per year
to substitute the world’s consumption of energy is wrong.
Mr Piers, the reference in your calculation to 15 TW is the average annual power consumption rate.
Thus this should be compared to the stated energy production rate of the E-cat of 10 000 W.
Thus the yearly need for nickel would be 300 000 ton.
Which can be compared to what is being produced by the largest producer of nickel,
Russia, with a total production of 267 000 ton/year.
What is more interesting for you Ing. Rossi is that the number of E-cat reactors needed
to replace all energy production devices of the world is also up by a large factor.
The number of 10 kW reactors needed is thus 1 500 000 000.
But as we have learned the present level of the technology is at the level of T-ford and
the level of at least a supersonic airplane must be reached before all energy will be provided by
Ing. Rossis fantastic invention.
Both numbers and consequences of this technology are mind boggling, indeed.
Warm regards
Dr. Gudmundsson
Egregi , Complimenti per i risultati raggiunti e sopratutto per il coraggio dimostrato!
Chiaramente anche se il principio di funzionamento è completamente sconosciuto, valgono i risultati raggiunti!!
Vi invito a considerare l’aspetto magnetico del fenomeno.
Ancora tanti auguri, anche se in Italia non se ne parla per niente!!
Domenico Dati
Dear Mr Piers Dickinson:
Thank you for your comment. It is true that more nickel than what you have calculated is necessary, due to the fact that most of the Ni in the charge doesn’t react, but it is true that the discharged Ni can be easily recovered.
Warm Regards,
Congratulations on transforming cold fusion from theory to commercial reality. I have been following your technology for a few weeks with great interest. Based on your interview in NY Teknik, I have completed a few theoretical calculations on what it will take to replace 2008 global annual energy consumption with the “Rossi” cold fusion reactor.
Total World Energy Consumption 2008 15 terawatts
Cold Fusion Reactor kWh annual production 87600 kWh 365 Days * 24 hours * 10 kW
Reactors required to meet 2008 total consuption 171232 15 TW / 87600 (15,000,000,000/87600)
Annual Nickel Consumption per reactor 0.2 kg 100g every 6 months
Annual Nickel Consumption for Cold Fusion 34246 kg Number of Reactors * 0.2 kg
It is incredible that total world energy consumption (based on 2008 estimated consumption) can be supplied by 34.2 tonnes of Nickel powder. I also assume that not all of the Nickel is tansmuted into copper, and therefore there will be an active recycling business of the spent (used) fuel from the reactor.
Yours sincerely
Piers D
Dear Mr Luca T.
Yes we are studying on the issues you suggested. Ships and trains are for sure the most possible applications, after the heat and power generation.
Warm Regards,
Nice interview Rossi!
Question: Would it be possible to power a car using the E-Cat? / Mats Johnson
Rossi: Maybe in the future, not in the next years.
Just my opinion Rossi but a naval or a train application of your device should be easy and also it is possible to refit existing ships.
Dear Readers:
Yesterday I made a chat organized by Mats Lewan of the Swedish technological magazine NY Teknik. Many interesting questions have been made. If interested, please go to
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
Dear Guy Ben Zvi:
Thank you for your comment.
I think that all the areas of the world will get help from this technology. The real start will be with the plant of 1 MW we will start in Athens in October.
Warm regards,
Andrea Rossi
Dear Andrea Rossi
The very few of us in Israel who know about and follow on your development are crossing our fingers with excitment and anticipation for its success.
Needless to say the Middle East is probably one of the areas of the world which will be most affected in the wake of this invention, and I am sure, to the benefit of all.
Best regards
Dear Marco Parmigiani:
Thank you.
Please contact me in end October.
Warm regards,
Andrea Rossi
Carissimo Ing. Rossi, mi meraviglio tutti i giorni di come il mondo possa andare avanti con tanta cattiveria ed ingordigia; c’è bisogno di chi infonda speranza. Se Dio le ha donato dei talenti li usi anche per compensare il male. Le auguro di poter contribuire al restauro del paradiso terrestre e che la Divina Provvidenza l’aiuti a districarsi nella giungla umana.
Che le umiliazioni che ha patito possano trasformarsi in successo e gloria nella stessa misura con cui il suo reattore sarà efficiente.
Con stima Marco Parmigiani