Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3

Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.

The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.

Warm Regards,

The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics


  • Peter Grombach

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    with regard to my wish to buy a small (5kW) ecat device in 2012 and your promise to make this possible (page16), i would just like to renew the question if this can become true for me in Germany?
    Wishing health and good luck to you ,Mr Foccardi and the Worldwide contributors I burn gas meanwhile.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Alessandro Rossi:
    1- ORC has too low efficiency for us.
    2- We will organize visits to our plants for selected persons, please contact me in November for this and for the commercial issue regarding your brother.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alessandro Rossi

    Salve Ing. Rossi,
    ho provato a contattarla per mail, ma le mail sembrano tornare indietro.
    Sono lo studente di Ingegneria che le aveva suggerito l’ applicazione di macchine ad assorbimento e ciclo ORC.
    Gradirei avere notizie di questo eventuale sviluppo, e volevo sapere se era ancora valido l’ invito a proposito della visita della centrale.
    Inoltre, volevo sapere se era possibile metterla in contatto con mio fratello, Dott. Luciano Rossi (Fisico Sperimentale) che era interessato ad uno sviluppo (industriale) di tale tecnologia in Rep. Slovacca, lui lavora (imprenditore) e vive lì.
    Cordiali saluti,
    Alessandro Rossi

  • Arch. Gianvico Pirazzini

    Dreams disappear at sunrise?; money isn’t a problem if the “concept” is real.

    All the best.

    Arch. Gianvico Pirazzini

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Prof. Christos Stremmenos,
    I thank you very much for your important comment: it confirms that we made together in Bologna a splendid job, a splendid sery of tests. Again, the problem raised exclusively for financial issues.
    Warm Regards,
    p.s. The importance of your comment is such that I will make an English translation by today, as soon as possible.
    Warm Regards,

  • Christos Stremmenos

    Ch. Stremmenos
    Lo scrivente in ordine gerarchico, ha cercato nella sua vita di perseguire e umilmente servire i seguenti VALORI:
    • la verità scientifica e il suo contributo antropocentrico …..
    • I valori della cultura, della democrazia, della civiltà umana e la salute ambientale in cui essa si sviluppa.
    • Il mio paese d’origine, la Grecia non in termini campanilistici, ma come figura diacronica, portante
    i suddetti valori.
    Per quello che riguarda il primo punto, per onestà intellettuale confermo che in base alla mia passata esperienza, come ai lavori di tanti altri colleghi che si sono occupati dopo l’89 di fusione fredda o “di reazioni nucleari in stato solido”, mirando principalmente alla dimostrazione del esistenza del fenomeno e della sua riproducibilità che notoriamente era scarsa in tutti noi. Da quando mi sono convertito, abbandonando il caricamento elettrolitico e optando per un sistema più pulito, cioè al caricamento di idrogeno gassoso al nichel (ricerche svolte in parallelo anche con S. Focardi ed altri), ci siamo convinti che il fenomeno delle fusioni nucleari allo stato solido era una realtà scientifica ma nulla di più. Permaneva la bassissima produzione di energia in eccesso, se bene la riproducibilità del fenomeno veniva gradualmente migliorata …… Lo straordinario fino ad oggi metodo che supera i suddetti problemi e che rende le reazioni nucleari in stato solido, valorizzabili a livello industriale è quello del Ing. ANDREA ROSSI in stretta collaborazione con il Prof. SERGIO FOCARDI. Un evento epocale sia per la prospettiva della graduale soddisfazione dell’attuale bisogno energetico nel mondo che per la potenziale barriera che ci preserva dal punto di non ritorno al cambiamento climatico del pianeta ..…
    Ho assistito e in parte partecipato, alle numerose prove e misure, tutte svolte con successo a Bologna, non ultima quella descritta nel mio rapporto informale al Governo Greco (7-7-11).
    In presenza del Ing. Rossi, Prof. Focardi, Dr. Bianchini, dello scrivente, abbiamo constatato, come del resto in tutte le altre prove, l’assenza di radioattività (un lieve aumento entro i limiti ammessi, misurato dal Dr. Bianchini) e la produzione di energia termica di 10,6 Kwh/h, in gran parte auto sostenuta. Il calcolo numerico effettuato dal Ing. Rossi, coincide esattamente ed è in perfetto accordo con il mio calcolo analitico (tramite apposito programma al computer) che valuta rigorosamente la fondamentale funzione entalpica con validità generale.
    Poiché prevalentemente il mio interesse è e rimane scientifico e il mio contributo nel incentivare a livello politico ed imprenditoriale il trasferimento della tecnologia Rossi in Grecia, paese, come ho detto all’inizio, della mia origine, certo che mi dispiace questa rottura di origine puramente finanziaria …….
    Con la ferma convinzione che chi ha dato questa epocale tecnologia, merita assoluto rispetto e considerazione, mi consola la mia inclinazione caratteriale di guardare sempre con ottimismo il bosco e non il singolo alberello ….

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Roman Radionov,
    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Roman Rodionov

    Dear Mr. Rossi
    I just would like to wish you flourish and prosper! All the people of goodwill in the world will win if E-Cat will succeed. Just ignore idiots that wish to stop you writing insults etc. They are really weak and frightened and because of this they are trying to make you weaker. I wish you any success in your work and in your life and I’m sure other good people too.
    Warm Regards,
    Roman Rodionov

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Johanned Hagel
    1- yes, within one year
    2- Thank you !
    Warm Regards,

  • Dr. Johannes Hagel

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    1. Just a short question: Being a teacher I would be very interested in a demonstration model of the E-Cat for my school which should be cheap but running. Do you see any possibility for that?

    2. Please be careful with yourself not to put your health into danger. This for “obvious political reasons” as well as for the ammount of overwork you are doing by now. The world needs you so urgently!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Marcello Trucco:
    In this period I am receiving many insults and threats, which are totally void of real effects, but are not pleasant. So I thank you very much to let me see that there is not only hate around. The work is goingon very well, and I appreciate very much your comment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Marcello Trucco

    Buona giornata Ing. Rossi, stimo molto il lavoro che sta facendo comprendendo tutte le difficoltà tecniche e burocratiche legate a un progetto di tale portata. Se potesse servirle un aiuto di qualsiasi genere non esiti a chiedermelo. Buon lavoro. Ing. Marcello Trucco.

  • italo

    Gentile ing. Rossi, da quanto scritto in questi blog, l’impianto da 1MW costruito e collaudato negli Usa sarà presto trasportato in Grecia per essere messo in servizio e consegnato alla Defkalion a fine ottobre.
    Lei ha detto mi pare che il collaudo dell’impianto è stato già completato o comunque è a buon punto. C’è la possibilità che la data di messa in servizio possa essere anticipata?
    Grazie, non vediamo l’ora!!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Martini Lucio:
    1- 330
    2- YES,
    Warm Regards,

  • Martini Lucio

    Esteemed Mr. Rossi,
    the only disturbance to ask if you can give the information, how many E-CATS were built and tested, and if it can work on October, with the E-TIGER to 1 MW power.
    Thanks for your attention.
    Lucio Martini

  • Dear Dr. Rossi,

    One of the trickier parts of “Cold Fusion” research is loading cell with hydrogen prior to starting the heat reaction.
    Dr. Sergio Focardi recently commented on the loading process for the E-Cat.
    Can your E-Cat system be pre-loaded with hydrogen, or is the E-Cat loaded with hydrogen into the metal nickel lattice
    dynamically, on-demand, as needed? How long does the hydrogen loading process take before the E-Cat reaction is started?


    Interview With Focardi Reveals New Facts About E-Cat Fusion

    Monday, 18 July 2011 10:55
    Last Updated on Monday, 18 July 2011 10:58

    Sergio Focardi, Professor Emeritus of the University of Bologna and associate together with Andrea Rossi in the E-cat mission just recently was interviewed by Italian non-profit research organisation Energy Lab in the interview he clarified questions on E-cat Fusion technology.
    Heres a brief synopsis of what Focardi had to say regarding the Ecatfusion project:

    The nuclear reaction inside the E-Cat Fusion catalyzer happens once the reaction chamber is heated up up to 60-70 degrees C. Once this heat has been attained, and the reaction has started, the heat source is easy to remove and also the reaction is going to be self-perpetuating.

    The purpose of the special (secret formula) catalyst is to breakdown the hydrogen from the molecular state into individual atoms which in turn sink into the crystal lattice of the nickel, and get into the nucleus of the actual nickel, turning into copper by capturing a proton.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela, MPH, MRP

  • Dear Dr. Rossi,

    One of the trickier parts of “Cold Fusion” research is hydrogen loading into the metal matrix.
    Dr. Sergio Focardi recently described the process. Can the E-Cat be pre-loaded with hydrogen,
    or is your system a dynamic, on-demand, as needed hydrogen loading into the nickel metal matrix?
    How long does this loading process take?


    Interview With Focardi Reveals New Facts About E-Cat Fusion

    Monday, 18 July 2011 10:55
    Last Updated on Monday, 18 July 2011 10:58

    Sergio Focardi, Professor Emeritus of the University of Bologna and associate together with Andrea Rossi in the E-cat mission just recently was interviewed by Italian non-profit research organisation Energy Lab in the interview he clarified questions on E-cat Fusion technology.
    Heres a brief synopsis of what Focardi had to say regarding the Ecatfusion project:

    The nuclear reaction inside the E-Cat Fusion catalyzer happens once the reaction chamber is heated up up to 60-70 degrees C. Once this heat has been attained, and the reaction has started, the heat source is easy to remove and also the reaction is going to be self-perpetuating.

    The purpose of the special (secret formula) catalyst is to breakdown the hydrogen from the molecular state into individual atoms which in turn sink into the crystal lattice of the nickel, and get into the nucleus of the actual nickel, turning into copper by capturing a proton.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela, MPH, MRP

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Johannes Hagel:
    Warm Regards,

  • Dr. Johannes Hagel

    Dear Dr. Rossi, Just a short question for clarification. How does the energy need for preparing the nickel in your reactor (degassing in low pressure (10^(-6) Bars?), removing oxides, adding the catalyzer etc.) relate to the energy that you are getting out from the reactor? Is it negledgible?
    Dr. Johannes Hagel

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Gediminas:
    We will see!
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Mr Andrea Rossi,
    We hope your E catalysers tests goes well. We want to ask You question with some preface.
    In Lithuania we had biggest in the world Chernobyl type reactors – 3000 MW output (2* 1500 MW). It produced 80 percent of our country electricity. In 2009 Lithuania closed this power plant and now in this place there are plans to build nuclear power station with Japan reactor -1000 MW output (it was planed for Fukushima but unfortunately they don’t want them after march tsunami) Maybe we should stop plan to build nuclear power station described above and wait 3-5 years for Your ECats which could produce electricity without radioactive waste? Japan reactor cost about 8 billion Usd , installed KW price will be 850 usd ( price without fuel and radioactive waste storage )
    Do You think and believe that Your Energy Catalysers ( Hyperion power stations) in near future ( 3-5 years) can compete with existing nuclear / coal / gas power stations for electricity generation?

    Thanks and all the best for Your project.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Peter Heckert:
    This technology is totally useless to make weapons.
    Warm regards,

  • Peter heckert

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    I wish you all success and luck for this important work.
    There is, however one thing that I worry about:
    Can this technology be abused to built weapons or bombs?
    Because Ni and H2 is easily and freely available, possibly anybody could built a bomb from it.
    Is this possible? Might be not yet and not with your device, but once the theories and working principles behind are better understood, some bad people might find a way to do this, and then they will do it.
    How to prevent this?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Johannes Hagel:
    This is the core of my technology, I cannot give further information about this.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dr. Johannes Hagel

    Dear Dr. Rossi, I recently listened to an interview you gave to an american journalist from your residence in Miami: Congratulations, it contained a nice description of some details going on in inside your reactor. What puzzled me was your mentioning of extremely high pressures being present at the nickel surface “of the order of white dwarfs”. Could you clarify how this statement was to understand? Up to now I had in mind some 20 Bars of hydrogen pressure inside the vessel which is certainly far off the pressure even inside “normal” stars.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Daniel G. Zavela:
    Yes, my scare coefficient is inversely proportional to the time distance from the event. But I remember that when I was a kid I made boxing to pay for my books, and I was very scared the moments before the match. Nevertheless, when I hopped inside the ring I always got very cold and totally calm. Let’s hope it will be the same. Anyway, the 330 cats that will make up the 1 MW module are working pretty well in the factories.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alan DeAngelis

    Dear Ing. Rossi:
    I hope James Burke http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcSxL8GUn-g visits this website. I enjoyed his 1978 series Connections. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4186437927867084105

    I wonder if he’d be interested in telling the cold fusion/LENR story in a TV series.

    All the best,

    Alan DeAngelis

  • 100 Day Countdown!

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    If your manufacturing plant is on schedule, then it’s 100 days until the last week of October (10/21/2011).
    It’s been a long wait, but you give those of us who have worked on “Cold Fusion” a lot of hope that hard work and true scientific investigation can ultimately triumph over politics and self-serving institutions.

    Best of luck and Godspeed, Dr. Rossi.

    Daniel G. Zavela, MPH, MRP

  • EV World publisher William Moore interviewed Andrea Rossi by Skype on July 11, 2011. That interview, now part of EV World’s long-running “Future In Motion” series podcast, is available in MP3 file format on the EV World.Com website under the article entitled “30 Minutes with Andrea Rossi.” The URL is http://evworld.com/article.cfm?storyid=2004. Previous to this interview, EV World also interviewed NASA Langley’s chief scientist Dennis Bushell, who expressed keen interest in Rossi and Focardi’s research. That interview, in two parts, is also available to our readers on EV World.com.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear George (Jim) Hebbard:
    We are working also on this issue, even if I think it will take time.
    Warm Regards,

  • George (Jim) Hebbard PE

    As the last American Space Shuttle went up today, it was impossible not to imagine an incredibly high specific impulse rocket engine that didn’t need thousands of tons of hydrogen and oxygen, but rather a few hundred pounds of nickel dust and normal hydrogen.

    Most of the fuel energy for a shuttle launch is consumed just to lift the fuel to be burned later during the launch. Terribly wasteful! It should cause you pleasure to know you are moving us towards great things!


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Fabio Camponeschi:
    Thank you for your nice encouragement.
    Warm Regards,

  • Fabio Camponeschi

    Egr. Ingegnere, desidero ringraziarla per quanto fa e complimentarmi con Lei per gli incoraggianti risultati ottenuti. Se fare il tifo potesse servire a qualcosa… potrà contare sul mio. Per un aiuto più concreto, purtroppo, non ho i mezzi. Buona fortuna e buon lavoro!!!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear OnihiKage:
    We will.
    Warm Regards,

  • Onihikage


    Have you considered the potential to use the E-Cat as the heat source for a steam engine-driven vehicle? No need for conversion to electricity or anything such as that, just use it for what it is already doing – heating water to steam. Steam engines are still in use today, and some old cars which used them are collectors’ items – I saw a program in which Jay Leno took one of his old steam-powered cars out for a drive, and it was actually quite impressive.

    So, probably not now, but after October, will you or any associates/partners attempt things such as this? One E-Cat in the boiler for the steam engine, the steam engine itself, and a few batteries somewhere in the vehicle. I am hopeful that your technology is genuine, your company succeeds, and steam-powered vehicles return to mainstream. ^_^

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Random:
    Thank you for your important encouragement,
    Warm Regards,

  • random

    Caro ingegnere,

    si abbia, ancora una volta, un forte incoraggiamento.
    Non si può non pensare al Suo caso leggendo queste parole:

    “During the five years it took to develop his first vacuum, James was also battling. First to convince other manufacturers to embrace his new technology. Then to protect his invention when they copied it. It’s enough to give you a complex. And it did. James’ experience informs the way Dyson works today. Keeping our inventions secret. Protecting our ideas.”

    James Dyson inventa cose rivoluzionarie. Ad esempio produce un ventilatore SENZA PALE.
    Il suo percorso dalla London’s Byam Shaw art school alle industrie Dyson e ad un “personal worth” di 1,45 miliardi di sterline:


    Per arrivare alla versione definitiva del suo primo prodotto passò attraverso 5.126 prototipi. Ricorda un po’ i tanti tentativi prima della scelta del catalizzatore finale dell’E-Cat.
    Credo sia stato anche fatto Baronetto.
    Non credo di dire novità o eresie se in molti per Lei ci aspettiamo il Nobel.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Alen Kauzlaric:
    Great Prof. Nikolas Tesla! Thank you for this statement of His.
    I totally agree.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alen Kauzlaric

    Egregio ing.Rossi,
    Here is a quote from Nikola Tesla that I find appropriate to your work:
     “Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”
    Tanti auguri per il suo lavoro.

  • All the very best for your success.
    I agree with the comments that a self destruct mechanism can and will be reverse engineered.
    Am looking forward to November very much.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear B.Graumann:
    Thanks for the blessing, I’m gonna need it.
    Warm Regards,

  • B.Graumann

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    please be careful in every public place and also with the food you need.
    Too much inventors of free energy have died too soon.
    God bless you.

  • George M Hebbard PE

    I am very discouraged by the simple faith shown in man’s ability to make a tamper-free device. Our competitive friends are likely getting the liquid helium ready to freeze the core and cease any self-destructive tendencies.

    I wish I could propose a better solution, but trusting in man-kind’s basic honesty won’t work either. Perhaps the patent route, which preserves marketing rights in at least moral markets, is the best, after all.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Ralph:
    I have answered to this issue many times.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ralph

    Mr. Rossi I urge you to consider a open license to each country. This will speed the process for adoption and implementation. The world environmental condition mandates immediate action if we are to succeed in slowing and stopping Global warming.

    I country license would gain you huge royalties and keep the oil and gas powers from stopping and slowing its implementation. This would still make you the richest man in the world. It would also allow you to gain the wealth before someone else invents a path around your future patents..

    If you say you want to stop children’s cancer then consider the number of cancers caused by burning coal and the number children that will die due to Global warming.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear J.Catania, I have already answered to this issue. To estimate a steam flow in television is ridiculous. Dry steam is not visible. All you can see is the wet portion of it. I already gave in this blog the flow-speed calculation. Some imbecile has made a comparison between our output and ne of an appliance that emits more water than steam. We cannot lose time on this. Again, only product in operation in Customers’ facilities is the test that counts. All the rest is chattering which produces more chattering, exponentially, if you fall in this trap.
    Warm Regards,

  • Valery

    Dear Mr Andrea Rossi,
    First of all, I wish you big success! I have general theory (it is an alternative to mainstream physics) and as one of the consequences of it an explanation of cold fusion process. From my understanding of cold fusion I would like to suggest to you an experiment with the same device as you used but instead of Ni and your other compounds to use granules (micro or nano) of alloy of three elements Ni-Сu-Zn. As a result of cold fusion with hydrogen Gallium should appear in this mix of elements (heat also). I guess this experiment will be easy for you to conduct and it can also have interesting applications for you. Your results are already good support for my theory and if the suggested experiment will have result as predicted it will be a final support.
    Best regards, Valery Tarasov

  • J. Catania

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    I’d like to congratulate you on the work you have been doing. I must admit there does seem to be some debate, in the community at large that is examining your results, as to whether the steam quality issuing from your hose can be considered dry. In the video there can be seen water vapor coming from the hose- this certainly indicates some wetness. Also I believe you would confirm the presence of some condensation in the hose which could possibly be collected in a bucket in order to estimate the amount. This condensation would, of course, underestimate the wetness of the steam but would provide a lower limit on it. Since instrumental measurement of steam quality would seem to be a difficult matter perhaps the estimate I suggest might temporarily assuage the doubts that some have expressed.

    J. Catania

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Jon Soderberg:
    Yes, all of this is possible.
    I think that something like this will be made in the R&D work of the University of Bologna (by the way: yesterday the research contract with the University of Bologna has been signed.
    Warm Regards,

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