Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3

Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.

The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.

Warm Regards,

The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Alessandro Coppi:
    Please read the answer I gave few minutes ago the Steven N. Karels,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Magnus Grandin:
    Warm Regards,

  • Magnus Grandin

    Derar Dr Andrea Rossi!

    I have since long suspected, that you deliberately avoid showing e-cat at its full power (or performing obvious proofs)
    because of (among several reasons) impact on existing energy sector. As long as there is a fair possibility of
    e-cat not being true or not having sufficient power, you may continue developing your e-cat relatively undisturbed.
    How would you comment on such thoughts?

    Best regards, Magnus Grandin

  • Alessandro Coppi

    Hi Andrea, please, can you explain this point, you said:”
    when the Activator is on ( and the Cat off) all the energy consumed by the Activator is given as a heat production with a COP slightly superior to 1 ( 1.02): for this reason the energy consumed from the Activator has not to be accouinted for as a consume of the E-Cat: all the energy consumed by the activator is recovered and used by the Customer”.
    Accepting this consideration, the COP of the e-cat will be infinite, because the ratio energy output divided by energy input, if we do not consider the only energy input we get cop infinite.
    We have to consider that the cop of an electrical resistance as a thermal generator is very close or equal to 1 by default.

    In bocca al lupo! (and that the e-tiger will eat it)
    Alessandro Coppi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear4 Alex Demiurg:
    All the energy sources have to be integrated, and I think it will be very difficult to make this technology fit for cars.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alex Demiurg

    Greetings! Sir, I am simple man from a far-far away asian country. And when I was young i’ve heard about cool-nuclear reaction, which works on water. After that I have a dream – cars working on water without polution. Tell pe please, is it real (on your fuel off course) and can I (and all people of the world) wait for a engine, which kill all petroleum chemistry and theese mmm… bustards, who rules the world, make it like a peace of dirt.
    With best Regards, Alexander.
    Sorry for my English:)

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Tei Wong:
    1- evolving
    2- yes, waiting for certification
    3- confidential
    4- 4 hours
    5- 1050 °C
    6- no
    7- confidential
    Warm Regards,

  • Tei wong

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    How is your E-Cat project doing?
    Are there plans for small house uses?
    What kind of type of radiation and how strong are they?
    Is it true that deutron, have a stoping effect on the proces.
    How long willl it take to cool down?
    What is the maximal temperature that can be reach?
    Can I apply for a licence to produce only for the netherlands?
    What kind of sizes are the Ni parts you have been used?

    Question I like to asked.
    Friendly greetings T.K. Wong
    Email tkwong01@hotmail.com

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Ciro Cravetto:
    I publish here your proposal:maybe somebody will contact you if interested.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ciro Cravetto

    Salve, Ingegnere.
    Non ho idea di come contattarla diversamente, quindi ci provo da qui.
    Saro’ breve:
    So come trasformare la reazione nucleare a bassa energia (LENR) che si sviluppa al catodo in ambiente alcalino nelle celle elettrolitiche, direttamente in energia elettrica.
    Sto cercando qualcuno a cui possa interessare.

    Ciro Cravetto

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Antonella:
    We have chosen to put in the USA, Sweden and Italy our first manufacturing facilities based on the specific situation we are in. Italy is a Country with great industrial bases.
    Warm Regards,

  • Antonella

    Caro Andrea,

    capisco, sì, ma..qui ci stiamo tutti chiedendo cosa ti/vi ha spinto a cambiare idea e a costruire in Italia. Saremmo contenti di capire…

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Antonella:
    Warm Regards,

  • Antonella

    >Yes, we are biulding a manufacturing line also in Italy (Ferrara).

    sei graande! come hai convinto il Trust??

  • Free Energy

    We would like to thank Andrea Rossi for taking the time to speak to FreeEnergySystems.com. In the interview we were able to get further clarification on his E-Cat (energy catalyzer), its release date to the public, its attributes and what the future holds for LENR (low energy nuclear reactions). To read the interview in its entirety, kindly visit http://www.freeenergysystems.com/Andrea_Rossi_Discusses_The_E-Cat_Part_1/.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Luke:
    Your pre-order has been accepted, but please remember that we have to wait the certification.
    Yes, we are biulding a manufacturing line also in Italy (Ferrara).
    Warm Regards,

  • Luke

    Gentile sig. Rossi,
    metta il mio nome e e-mail tra quelli che aspettano con impazienza un preventivo
    per l’acquisto della sua creazione. Spero che le Sue recenti dichiarazioni sul
    concetto di invenzione=posti di lavoro si avveri e che quei posti di lavoro possano essere occupati qui, in Italia, dove Lei e il prof. Focardi avete lavorato non senza problemi ed ostacoli.
    Buon lavoro.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Ciro:
    The working plants speak for us.
    We cannot give E-Cats for the domestic use you propose without the certification made.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ciro

    Dear Dr. Rossi, excellent Prof. Focardi;

    I have a very simple question for you, since you claim you can boil water, why don’t you simply release an eating system (more efficient than existing one) for buildings/schools hospitals?

    Producing energy can be a mid term objective.

    By producing “only” hot water you have already given a vital contribution to human race. So take contact for example with Ferroli (http://www.ferroli.it/) or another boiler producer and beat the skeptical people immediately with a much simpler solution.

    Thanks for replying to this simple question. Ciro

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Julia Silver:
    Warm Regards,

  • I’m very glad I found your site, do not often see so much useful information about the physics in one place

  • luca

    Lei ha lottato per diventare il più grande inventore della storia e c’é riuscito.Io spero che lottera anche per diventare il più grande benefattore, il mondo ne ha bisogno adesso della sua invenzione. grazie

  • Here is the link to the incredible Andrea Rossi interview by Russell Scott.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Jasen:
    Yes, we did.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jasen

    Thank you very much for your answer. It is helpful in trying to calculate what the local electrical power provider will charge.

    In thinking of heat, have you considered induction heat for heating the Ecat? Induction is not as efficient as conventional electrodes (84% induction vs. 100% resistor) but it is more direct as it should be able to heat both the nickel powder and the chamber at the same time and very quickly. It will increase power draw, but it could shorten the amount of time required for heating the chamber.

    Thank you for your time.

    Warm Regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Jasen:
    Yes, it is correct. The average draw to make 1 thermal kWh/h is 1/6th of electric energy.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jasen

    Mr Rossi,

    Thank you for your patience in answering these questions. It is greatly appreciated.

    For the home Ecat, what is the maximum amount of electrical power draw at full-load while heating a home. Not including start-up of the reactor. Or what is the average electric power draw? In previous posts you mentioned that it would go into self-sustain mode, but that it may not always be in self sustain mode. Is that correct?

    Thank you for all your work,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Valentino:
    Thank you very much, the transportation of the E-Cats will be very chip, do not worry.
    Warm Regards,

  • Valentino

    Un augurio dall’italia, dottor Rossi, qui in mezzo agli scettici, e profittatori ci sono persone che credono in lei e nel e nella sua tenacia nel portare avanti i suoi obbiettivi.
    Ancora nessuno si è reso conto veramente del valore della sua scoperta che darà la speranza ai nostri figli di continuare in un mondo migliore.
    Ho gia ordinato 2 E-Cat alla Leonardo, spero solo che non mi costino un patrimonio in trasporto.
    Valentino (Non quello che corre, ma uno qualsiasi)

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Jasen:
    It is true, lasers are focused precisely on a target, but when we tried them the results have been no good.
    Yes, we need to heat a chamber, so a laser is not the right thing.
    Yes, we need heat, indipendently from the source.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jasen

    Mr Rossi,

    Yes, lasers are 5% efficient, but they are exact.
    Resistor electrodes are 100% efficient, but not exact.

    So would it be reasonable to say you need to heat a chamber? Also, when you say you need 3kw are you referring to heat energy, primarily? That is to say that regardless of how it is heated, there must be 3kw of heat?

    Thank you for your response,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Jasen:
    The efficiency of lasers is 5%.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jasen

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    Have you considered using a 1 watt blue or green laser to begin the reaction? They have come down in price (about $169 US) and gain high temperatures quickly. Also they consume about 60 watts. Far less than 3kw and might help with control of the reaction. If that would work, it could significantly reduce the electricity needed to begin the reaction. From 3 kilowatt hours to 60-100 watt hours?
    Although it would not eliminate the need for electricity to begin the reaction, it would significantly reduce the amount required which is important as the cost of electricity continues to go up.
    Is that a possibility?

    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Fabio:
    Your pre order has been accepted.
    Warm Regards,

  • fabio

    sono alcuni anni che la seguo nel suo traguardo ho sempre sperato che potesse portar a termine il suo lavoro .oggi mi metto in lista per acquistare uno dei primi E-cat .attendo il vostro successo e quello per il futuro dei miei figli

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear davide Ostuni:
    You can only reach the waiting list making a pre-order, so far. We will send precise offers starting from September, and everyone who made a pre-order will be free to confirm the order or scratch it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Davide Ostuni

    Vorrei ricevere un preventivo per acquistare una ad uso familiare e per la distribuzione in Africa dove risiedo.


  • […] Die Pressekonferenz, die später stattfand, findet sich hier (italienisch): http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=360 […]

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Susanne Kilian:
    In September we will deliver the precise offers. The price will ba around 600 euro, to be defined. Of course it will be available also in Germany.
    Warm Regards,

  • Susanne Kilian

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    Do you know still the old sign trick series “(Il Signor Rossi cerca la felicità” – I think you are Mr. Rossi and you have found the luck for everybody.
    I cannot touch at all in words what I felt when I have read your article about the E cat. I am so happy that there is, nevertheless, one more hope for us.
    Please, say me, nevertheless, like me here in Germany to an E cat. comes and what it Will cost approx.
    I would be glad to hear from you.

    Many greetings
    Susanne Kilian

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Robert Bristow:
    Please contact
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Dr. Rossi
    My colleague Thomas McLeister and I have followed your development programme since it entered the public arena. We would be very interested to discuss with you, the distribution rights for Ireland for the domestic sized reactors. We have an established business, servicing customers in Ireland, UK, Europe and into Africa. Here in Northern Ireland we have quite lucrative financial incentives for the establishment of new businesses, especially manufacturing or distributing a product as ground breaking as this.
    Look forward to your thoughts
    Bob Bristow

  • John Tobey

    Thank you Dr. Rossi. I look forward to more answers once the patents are granted and the process is better understood.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear John Tobey:
    We do not produce tritium. Besides, all the tests we made have given evidence of the fact that there are not radiations from the E-Cat versus the outside that change significantly the background. The gamma rays produced during the operation are turned into heat.
    Warm Regards,

  • John Tobey

    Imagining a future with billions of devices based on e-cat technology, I wonder at what rate tritium will enter the environment as the reactors break down or even from normal use. Is the amount produced negligible at the scales imagined? I fear that this dream-come-true could become a nightmare for public health and the ecology. Please help calm my fear.

    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Phil Young:
    Thank you for the info,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Mr. Rossi et al,

    I am a part-owner of a company in the USA that specialize in the manufacturing, testing, and screening of electronics components based in the Los Angeles area. I have been following your E-Cat system on the web lately and was wondering if you have any desire to expand into the high-reliability area in terms of your units in the future. I can see that ruggedized and high-reliability versions of your systems for use in Satellites, Space Systems, Military applications will be wide-spread in the future. These will be E-Cat systems which will use qualified hi-rel components only. You can start an entire division in the USA that will produce only the Space-Level or Military-Level E-Cat systems which are qualified to a much higher reliability level, such as those component presently used in those types of systems. I know that you are presently very busy at manufacturing the commercial units, but you might want to start thinking about the hi-rel version. If you need any help in this area, please let me know. Regards, Phil Young

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Giuseppe:
    Your pre-order has been accepted. In September you will receive precise offer also for the distribution.
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe

    Complimenti per la sua invenzione, mi dispiace che di questa grande invenzione si parla poco, sulla stampa non se ne parla tanto, solo Focus ne ha parlato, ma per questa grande invenzione è troppo poco.
    Sarei lieto di essere contattato sia per un preventivo per una macchina ad uso familiare e il suo combustibile e per un eventuale collaborazione per la vendita nella mia zona.
    Ancora complimenti e gli auguro un mondo di bene e successo.

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