Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3

Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.

The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.

Warm Regards,

The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics


  • Lucio Martini

    Congratulations Mr. Rossi, if I understand are on the threshold of a new era. I would ask you if there are problems to come out from your Energy Catalyzer with pressures sing at 20/30 bar, or more, in order to power a steam turbine generator with attached and, while we are there, to carryng the outgoing steam in a heat exchanger steam / water to heat the house?

  • Rob King

    Dear Mr Rossi,
    Congratulations on your achievement.
    I have a question:
    1) The heat required for the fusion process is 400C at 80 bar pressure and this you say is provided by a heating element consuming 1KW at first and then reduced to 600W once the reaction starts. Why is the heater required once the process starts when the main output is heat?

  • Io non sono un fisico e non ho capito molto delle spiegazioni tecniche, però a me sembra che questa sia una notizia sensazionale e sinceramente mi pare strano che se ne parli solo in ambiti ristretti e poi non capisco questo ostruzionismo da parte di alcuni insigni accademici.So che ci sono diverse persone anche in Italia che fanno studi sulla fusione fredda, la prima domanda (forse banale) è questa: cosa c’è di diverso (in termini di risultati) nella sua macchina Ing. Rossi rispetto ai reattori che probabilmente altri scienziati hanno fatto sulla base sempre degli esperimenti di Fleischmann e Pons? Quanto costerà il catalizzatore? ed i costi di manutenzione? Sarà possibile investire in quote/azioni della società produttrice? Non posso che concludere facendo i complimenti a lei e al Prof. Focardi (mio prof. di Fisica all’università) che già 15 anni fa ci parlava nelle sue fantastiche lezioni di questo fenomeno. Spero che l’evoluzione commerciale del catalizzatore e della società produttrice vengano divulgati su questo post così da rimanere aggiornati.Grazie.Cordialmente

  • Impresionante articulo dedicado en este original videojuego creo que todos los grandes deverian tener uno.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Miss Isa Tiboni:
    I thank you for your kind comment.
    I think that it is important that people knows my past, about which I am attacked now, trying to discredit the person and, consequently, the invention. I am not afraid of this, because when good products are on the market words are just written on the wind, but, anyway, to be correct, if somebody wants to know exactly my story, with a complete and documented insight, can go to
    Warm Regards,

  • [Vo]:Deuterium kills the reaction?
    Jones Beene to vortex-l@eskimo.com
    show details 7:27 PM (34 minutes ago) January 19, 2011

    One detail worth exploring further was the statement from Rossi that only hydrogen works, and that deuterium kills the reaction !

    That is counter-intuitive to say the least. Everyone in hot fusion knows for an absolute fact that deuterium is the more active nucleus, right? And everyone in LENR knows that deuterium and palladium work, whereas H2 is often used as the ‘control’ to show what doesn’t work. Go figure.

    Well, pondering this for a moment, the only possible property that comes to mind to explain it was posted a few days ago – the “composite boson” in the context of negative temperature. It is sounding better and better as a rationale.

    To rephrase, the complex argument goes like this. The heat anomaly, whether it is fusion or not depends on “pycno” or dense hydrogen clusters. Based on Lawandy’s paper and others, we see that spillover catalysts operate by splitting molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen without ionization. Dense hydrogen forms from atomic hydrogen if there are adjoining dielectric surfaces or cavities. Atomic hydrogen is a composite boson. If there are internal defects (cavities) for atoms to accumulate, they somehow seem to densify there without ever going molecular.

    We know that H is a composite boson which is a singularity in nature – as it is composed of the minimum number of fermions (2) that permit both states to oscillate back and forth… and furthermore having this minimum number of quantum states to “align” (statistically) means that it is exponentially easier to condense than deuterium at so-called negative temperature (which are not “cold”) especially since spin can be aligned magnetically…

    Thanks to google books, we have access to an old issue of New Scientist from 1981. On p. 205-6 there is clear indication that we have known for nearly 30 years that hydrogen condensation can happen at cryogenic temperatures – i.e. that monatomic hydrogen is a composite boson independent of the molecular state – which has very unusual properties as a condensate.


    This paper seems to have been largely forgotten, and offers no indication that “negative temperature” could provide an alternative to cryogenic temperature. And certainly no indication that the Casimir cavity can provide a locus for negative temperature.

    No one should be blamed at this juncture for being completely skeptical that negative temperature in a cavity can do this, even on a temporary time frame; and the only evidence of it today is the implication from half a dozen papers which indicate that so-called pycno-hydrogen exists (under many different names, even IRH or Inverse Rydberg Hydrogen). Rossi’s results are consistent with this modality, and Holmlid and Miley claim to have evidence of tiny bits of hydrogen a million times denser than liquid H2.

    Are they nuts too? Or is it all fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle?


  • So, Celani and Rossi both clarify that the output steam is vented to the outside air — I’m glad to see that issue cleared up — I concur that the evidence strongly shows the huge heat output is real.

    This establishes the reality of unknown fundamental physics, easily accessible in small, simple, cheap setups, capable of explosions — world science has to openly and urgently find the correct theories and determine the possible ramifications — anything that can hugely change weapons must be assessed fully and publicly, so the world can establish safeguards.

    Rossi and his close associates have a clear-cut duty to humanity to immediately and fully release all details to the world, or, at least, to a public network of competent, qualified scientists who can protect his commercial property interests, while overseeing the research, hopefully with his wholehearted participation.

    Any delays increase the motivation around the world for a selfish, secretive, and unpredictably dangerous explorations by rouge and failed states, criminal cartels, and terrorists.

    The evidence so far is more than enough to motivate grave global consequences — we all exist within exponential processes of change in science and all human affairs — the available futures range from glory to gory.

    Trust can be increased within the human family via rapid and shared prosperity, education, freedom, opportunity, creativity, and proactive positive goals in every domain of life, as mutual generosity and active good will quickly become universal.

    Rich Murray rmforall@gmail.com 505-819-7388

  • Isa

    Egr. sig Rossi
    Desidero esprimerle la mia infinita ammirazione per quanto intelligenza,intuito, capacità, ma anche tanta tenacia e amore per il lavoro, le hanno consentito di realizzare.

    Non avrebbe potuto scegliere un modo migliore per rispondere alle intollerabili ingiustizie subite e mettere alla gogna i suoi persecutori.

    Purtroppo però la sua scoperta è di tale portata che potrebbe essere esposto a rischi non indifferenti…mi auguro pertanto che abbia messo in atto tutte le misure necessarie a salvaguardare la sua incolumità.

    Un saluto cordiale

  • Andrea Rossi

    You can break the shielding only if the reactor is not working. In this case no harm is there.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gent. Sig. Michele Gulino,
    You can contact
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Alberto Castelli:
    I think that many sources of energy will integrate themselves for a long time.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr. Om,
    In our reactors we put metals and hydrogen, and at the end we have metals, which are raw materials.
    No radioactive waste is left.
    Warm regards,

  • question dude

    i am rather an enduser and basically a curious humand behing rather than any sort of chemistry biology or physics scientist of any sorts.

    still: i have a huge demand of you inventors and bright minded people who drive the future of this planet:

    the biggest problems mankind on this planet face at the moment, is the result of inventing or doing and following paths and things that do not create a cycle in nature.

    meaning you for example dig into the ground, mine minerals or crude oild, coal, natural gas and the like, burn it and there is your cycle. you dig a hole in the ground, and dump a mountain of waste on the other end of your world.

    when will mankind at last invent and act in cycles and circles on this limited resources and places sphere called earth.

    andrea rossi: please, tell us, does your invention resemble a real cycle and circle of input/original materials and reusable output/destination materials?

    whole nature on this planet except for mankind works as a circle and in cyclic reusable states. no waste whatsoever is being created and generated by nature and other organisms, and thus resulting in no waste whatsoever at all. everything is natural and organic, degradable, reusable by microorganisms in the end.

    only mankind invented and produced all kinds of massive waste, gigatons of carbondioxide, hazardous materials, undegradable, barely decomposable barely reusable barely separable materials.

    this has to end.

    i really hope your invention however it may work on whatever physical nuclear or classical chemical level, does come as a proper cycle and circle and does not leave waste and hazardous material left over.

    just multiply your technology for the long run to estimate planetary impact. what if say a billion or two billion households or machines, automata, cars, planes, factories or whatnot would use your technology.

    would mankind have enough raw materials to supply these powergenerating machines that you invented, and more importantly, what of a billion or two billion of source and resulting materials of your process?

    can you please elaborate on this if your invention is just another pest for the planet in the long run (on a scale of billions of units being manufactured, deployed and needing to feed with fuel (whatever the fuel/consumable materials for your machine will be, or however little nano-grams or whatnot it would need, but multiply it over centuries or by billions of units, etc.)

    thanks for your replies already.

  • Alberto Castelli

    Egregio Ing. Andrea Rossi,

    in un futuro (spero non troppo lontano) sarà possibile sfruttare la sua tecnologia per produrre quantità massive di energia elettrica, sostituendo in toto gli attuali combustibili ?

  • Dear Mr Andrea Rossi!
    Thank you for the answer to me.
    You have chosen a correct way.
    I am believe, that you can find many answers in my book:
    Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages.

    Quantum energetics is based on new fundamental discoveries of quantum of space-time (quanton) and super-strong electromagnetic interaction (SEI) made by Vladimir Leonov in 1996. On the basis of new fundamental discoveries the theory of Superunification of fundamental interactions of electromagnetism, gravitation, nuclear and electro-weak forces is completed. It is important that new fundamental discoveries have the widest practical application in the development of quantum energetics. It is discovered that the single source of energy in the Universe is the quanton in the structure of quantized space-time, which is the carrier of super-strong interaction (SEI). All known methods of energy generation (chemical and nuclear reactionsm etc.) are redued to the release and transformation of SEI energy. Quantum energetics is a more general concept in energetics, which includes both the new energetic cycles, and traditional ones, including nuclear energetics.

    Thank you,
    Vladimir Leonov

  • Gentile Ing Rossi , che si chiami fusione fredda o altro e questione tecnica che non rientra nei miei ambiti, però se il suo sistema garantisce un incremento di 15 volte in termini di energia termica il risultato è incredibile per i consumi delle energie non rinnovabili del mondo .Altro che Kyoto !!!! Il nostro gruppo opera nel settore dei biocarburanti e siamo molto interessati al suo lavoro . Cortesemente vorrei essere informato chi contattare in italia per approfondimenti commerciali . Grazie e immensi complimenti .

  • daniele spagli

    “What if the lead shield removed/broken?” “to break or remove the lead shield is impossible unless intentional. If they crash a hammer upon their head, there is nothing anybody can do…”

    Mr Rossi, you’re too much intelligent to don’t understand that this is not an answer about the question.

    What happen if someone remove protection intentionally or casually break… which is the risks… how far can reach and hit people in dangerous way.

    sorry for my poor english

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr “USER”:
    1- safety rules are impossible to violate, because if you violate them the reactor turns off
    2- in this case , also, the reactor turns off
    3- to break or remove the lead shield is impossible unless intentional. If they crash a hammer upon their head, there is nothing anybody can do…
    4- the reactor will not turn on.
    Warm regards,

  • Well maybe Rotoverter & transverter resonant technology can be used in them ….


    maybe alone make fusion & fision obsolete ….

  • We have uploaded a short interview with Prof. Levi, the person who conducted the experiment. See:


  • User

    Dear Mr. Andrea Rossi,

    What will happen if the owner of commercial reactor violates safety rules?
    What if the input electric voltage will be increased, with naive intention to produce more output energy?
    What if the lead shield removed/broken?
    What if somebody drills a hole through operating reactor?

    Thank you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Leonov:
    Thank you for your interesting information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Chris:
    Please ask these informations to this address:
    Warm Regards,

  • Hello,

    Could you send me more information on your new product or how much it would cost to buy or distribute it?

    Kind Regards
    Chris Whelan

    p.s. parlo un po italiano anche….auguri ed complimenti! 🙂

  • I congratulate. This magnificent the achievement.

    However, as early as in 1974 the Belorussian scientist Sergey Usherenko discovered the effect of the ultradeep penetration (UDP) of particle-strikers of micron sizes in solid targets with the release of colossal energy in the channel of the target. The particles 10…100 microns in size, accelerated to a speed on the order of 1 km/s, pierced right through a steel target with a thickness of 200 mm, leaving a molten channel. Even according to approximate calculations the energy required for melting the channel is 100…10000 times greater than the kinetic energy of the particle-striker. This cannot be achieved by chemical reactions. Where does the additional energy in the Usherenko effect come from? It is obvious, that this additional energy can be generated only by the high-energy processes characteristic of nuclear physics and elementary particles.

    Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages.

  • I congratulate. This magnificent the achievement.

    However, as early as in 1974 the Belorussian scientist Sergey Usherenko discovered the effect of the ultradeep penetration (UDP) of particle-strikers of micron sizes in solid targets with the release of colossal energy in the channel of the target. The particles 10…100 microns in size, accelerated to a speed on the order of 1 km/s, pierced right through a steel target with a thickness of 200 mm, leaving a molten channel. Even according to approximate calculations the energy required for melting the channel is 100…10000 times greater than the kinetic energy of the particle-striker. This cannot be achieved by chemical reactions. Where does the additional energy in the Usherenko effect come from? It is obvious, that this additional energy can be generated only by the high-energy processes characteristic of nuclear physics and elementary particles.

    Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages.

    Leonov V.S., Cold synthesis in the Usherenko effect and its application in power engineering, Agrokonsalt, Moscow, 2001.

    Leonov V.S., Russian Federation patent No. 220 1625, A method of generation of energy and a reactor for this purpose, Bull. 9, 2003.

    Leonov V.S.,The theory of the elastic quantised medium, part 2:New energy sources, Polibig, Minsk, 1997.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Bruce: once the energy has been produced, what happens after when you use it has no differences from the usual : the Carnot cycle efficiency is the same as usual, of course, depending on the efficiency of the power generation system.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Murray, Jed Rothwell:
    The installation has been completely made by the examinators and the reactor has been put upon a clean table, without wirings of any sort.
    I didn’t control anything at all, I just gave explications to the scientists attending the demo.
    Warm regards,
    All the instrumantations have been controlled by the examinators.
    Anyway, when the product will be on the market all this will be automatically over.

  • a challenge for skeptics — hidden H2 source would have to supply 36–216 kg/hour H2 to make Rossi heat: Rich Murray 2011.01.18

    [ Rich Murray: “100 to 600 more than the sensitivity of the scale”,
    which may be 0.1 gm, gives 10 — 60 gm/second ranges of H2 used —
    36,000 — 216,000 gm/hour = 36 — 216 kg/hour H2 — that would be a lot to deliver from a
    hidden source… ]

    ” The first measurements Levi described were energy measurements to determine the
    input of energy inside the reactor and the output of energy of the reactor. “I don’t have
    conclusive data on radiation but absolutely we have measured ~12 kW (at steady state) of
    energy produced with an input of about just 400 watts. I would say this is the main result.
    We have seen also this energy was not of chemical origin, by checking the consumption
    of hydrogen. There was no measurable hydrogen consumption, at least with our mass 2
    measurement.” By measuring with a very sensitive scale, within a precision of a 10 th
    of a gram, Levi measured the weight of the hydrogen bottle before and after the experiment
    “If the energy was of chemical origin you would have expected to consume about 100 to
    600 more than the sensitivity of the scale. You measure the bottle before and after and
    then you see in your measurements there was almost no hydrogen consumed.” ”


    Macy, M., Specifics of Andrea Rossi’s “Energy Catalyzer” Test, University of Bologna, January 14, 2011.
    2011, LENR-CANR.org.

    Specifics of Andrea Rossi’s “Energy Catalyzer” Test,
    University of Bologna, 1/14/2001

    Marianne Macy

    On January 14, 2011, Andrea Rossi submitted his “Energy Catalyzer” reactor, which
    burns hydrogen in a nickel catalyst, for examination by scientists at the University of
    Bologna and The INFN (Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics). The test was
    organized by Dr. Giuseppe Levi of INFN and the University of Bologna and was assisted
    by other members of the physics and chemistry faculties. This result was achieved
    without the production of any measurable nuclear radiation. The magnitude of this result
    suggests that there is a viable energy technology that uses commonly available materials,
    that does not produce carbon dioxide, and that does not produce radioactive waste and
    will be economical to build.

    The reactor used less than 1 gram of hydrogen, less than 1,000 W of electricity to
    convert 292 grams of water per minute at ~20°C into dry steam at ~101°C. The unit was
    turned ON and began producing some steam in a few minutes, and once it reached steady
    state continued producing steam until it was turned OFF. The amount of power required
    to heat water 80°C and convert it to steam is approximately 12,000 watts. Dr. Levi and
    his team will be producing a technical report detailing the design and execution of their

    A representative of the investment group stated that they were looking to produce a
    20 kW unit and that within two months they would make a public announcement. He
    declared that their completed studies revealed a “huge, favorable difference in numbers”
    between the cost to produce the Rossi Catalyzer and other green technologies. “We had a
    similar demonstration six months ago with the same success we’ve had today. We are
    almost ready with the industrialized product, which we think is going to be a revolution.
    It is a totally green energy.” The representative offered that the company was called
    Defkalion Energy, named for the father of the Greco Roman empire, and was based in

    Giuseppe Levi, PhD in nuclear physics at the University of Bologna and who works at
    INFN, offers exclusive comments on the test, which he deemed “an open experiment for
    physicists. The idea was like a conference: to tell everybody what was going on and
    eventually to start new research programs on that topic.”

    The first measurements Levi described were energy measurements to determine the
    input of energy inside the reactor and the output of energy of the reactor. “I don’t have
    conclusive data on radiation but absolutely we have measured ~12 kW (at steady state) of
    energy produced with an input of about just 400 watts. I would say this is the main result.
    We have seen also this energy was not of chemical origin, by checking the consumption
    of hydrogen. There was no measurable hydrogen consumption, at least with our mass 2
    measurement.” By measuring with a very sensitive scale, within a precision of a 10 th
    of a gram, Levi measured the weight of the hydrogen bottle before and after the experiment
    “If the energy was of chemical origin you would have expected to consume about 100 to
    600 more than the sensitivity of the scale. You measure the bottle before and after and
    then you see in your measurements there was almost no hydrogen consumed.”

    [ Rich Murray: “100 to 600 more than the sensitivity of the scale”,
    which may be 0.1 gm, gives 10 — 60 gm/second ranges of H2 used —
    36,000 — 216,000 gm = 36 — 216 kg H2 — that would be a lot to deliver from a
    hidden source… ]

    The workings of the Rossi reactor was, Levi explained, unknown to them because of
    “industry secrets.” He said: “What we’ve done is to measure the water in the flux and we
    are heating and making steam for that water. We are measuring the water flux and
    carefully checking that all the water was converted into steam, then it is easy to calculate
    power that was generated. You are measuring the power that was going in the system by
    quite a sensitive power meter. Initially the system started up and we had 1 kW of input
    and then we reduce the input to just 400 W. The output energy was constant at about
    12 kW.”

    The flow rate, Levi continued, was measured with a high precision scale. “The flow
    rate was 146 g in 30 seconds. Using a simple measurement gives a simple result. There
    was a pump putting in a constant flux and what I have done is – with the reactor
    completely off take measurements – we spent two weeks of the water that flowing
    through the system to be certain of our calibration. After this calibration period I have
    checked that the pump was not touched and when we brought it here for the experiment it
    was giving the same quantity of water during all the experiment. The water was coming
    from an Edison well and the pump was putting it in the system. Then we were releasing
    the steam into the atmosphere; there was not a loop.”

    To determine if the steam was coming out dry and at atmospheric pressure, Professor
    Gallatini, a specialist in Thermochemics and a former head of the Chemical Society of
    Italy, verified that all the water came out as steam. “There was no water in the steam,”
    Levi certified. “The outer temperature measured was 101° centigrade at atmospheric
    pressure.” The instrument he used was a Delta OHM # HD37AB1347 Indoor Air Quality
    Monitor. Gallantini inserted the probe inside the exit pipe with the steam.

    Levi was asked: How did you compute the thermal energy production by the Energy
    Catalyzer (ECat)?
    He responded, “The calculation is very, very simple. Because you know the number of
    grams of water per second delivered to the ECat you know you must raise the water to
    100°C, this is the transient phase of operation. Once the water is at 100°C the energy is
    used to make the water into steam. It takes 2272 joules per gram to convert water at
    100°C to steam. Because the ECat provided more energy the steam became hotter,
    101°C. So our conservative estimate of the steady state thermal output of the ECat,
    neglecting thermal radiation and other losses, is just 2272 joules per gram multiplied by
    the 4.9 grams per second = 11, 057 joules per second or Watts. When you realize that you
    have to add the energy to raise the temperature of the water you get by about 80°C and
    the steam by another 1°C the total thermal power the ECat releasing is about 12,400
    Watts. These are not our refined estimate but they indicate that the input electrical power
    of 400 W produces using an amount of hydrogen less than a gram in a couple hours of
    operation we are seeing a system with a power gain = 12,400/400 = 31.”

  • A hidden factor of 4 increase in electric power input to a resistive heater is possible: Rich Murray 2011.01.18

    1. Use four power input wires, one hidden from the floor up through the inside of each of the four table legs — in fact table legs could conceal as many as 4 — 9 wires each — has anyone tried moving the table?

    2. A single thin wire can supply power at lower current and higher voltage, as a thin layer of insulating plastic can insulate 880 AC volts, 4 X 220 volts, and 1/4 the current at 220 volts, as Er = V**2 X I = 4**2 X 1/4 = 16 X 1/4 = 4 …,ie, 4X more energy.

    Such an additional thin wire, 1/2 the diameter (1/4 the area) of a 220 volt wire, could be easily hidden within a regular 3 wire extension cord, for instance by being disguised as the third “ground” wire — or such extra wires may be in power cables made for special purposes, where some device needs a high voltage feed in addition to 240 volt AC.

    3. Gold wires carry much more power than Cu wires…

    Strict testing might necessitate bringing in a standard propane gas motor electric generator, or a special power input box to monitor the actual power outputs from the 3-prong plug, with attention to capability to detect current flows from hidden wires of metal or conducting plastic, glass, films, or paint.

    Also, H2 gas and other gas or liquid fluids could be fed into the device via tubes hidden in the H2 and H20 input and exit tubes.

    The reported gamma rays are, however, possibly definite evidence of nuclear reactions.

    So, there are many feasible ways for fraud to elude the usual scrutiny of academic scientists — and these are ideas from an unskilled layman…

    Rich Murray 505-819-7388 rmforall@gmail.com

    On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
    > Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
    >> And as to “not being convinced by anything” … as long as the conclusions
    >> are based on precise heat measurements there is room for doubt.
    > These conclusions are based on somewhat imprecise measurements, and you can
    > be just as certain with no measurements at all. Just look at the thing. You
    > see water going in at about a liter every three minutes, steam coming out,
    > and only a thin, ordinary wire going to the power supplies. It would be
    > physically impossible for that wire to supply the electricity needed to
    > vaporize that much water. Impossible by a wide margin; at least a factor of
    > 4. You don’t even need to see the power meter or thermometers to be sure of
    > this.
    >>  Once the loop is closed there is no more room for doubt.
    > As far as I am concerned, this is first principle proof, and it is as
    > convincing as a self sustaining machine, or as Fleischmann’s boil-off video.
    > Unless there are camera tricks or hidden wires involved this is massive
    > anomalous heat. I do not think there are tricks or hidden wires because the
    > professors involved would notice that, and they would not stand for it. If
    > it were only the inventor, and everything was under his exclusive control, I
    > might suspect a fake, but I would be just as suspicious of a self-sustaining
    > demo under the control of the inventor.
    > – Jed Rothwell

  • Congratulations. As a cold fusion veteran (but not one with hands on contact with the equipment) I know the challenges you have faced and overcome. The energy output should be useful but what Carnot efficiency are you assuming in your electricity configuration? That’s an area I have looked at, it may be possible to get efficiency up a little and add some vehicular application with a pneumatic heat engine rather than a steam engine. Please contact me if I can be of service.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Brendan:
    There is no hydrogen combustion: we weight the hydrogen tank before and after the tests, and the difference of weight is in the order of decimal of grams.
    Warm Regards,

  • Brendan

    I presume the reaction chamber is not sealed and the cooling water does not flow through the reactor itself. In this case have you measured the water vapour content of the reactor vent pipe to check for hydrogen combustion?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Vernesoni:
    It is possible that Pt can be turned into Au, but are you sure it is worth?
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Gabriele Spadaccini:
    You will be contacted for this issue,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Patrice Furia:
    You will be contacted soon
    All the persons which have written for analogous reasons will be contacted .
    It is correct to write to this blog also for this reasons. Please do not write to my personal email address, which is reserved for personal interests: I continue to receive such messages in my personal email address, which I gave in an answer to a reader for a personal interest, but I cannot answer from my personal email address to the comments and the questions.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Wiesodenn:
    The test has been made by Professors of the University of Bologna, but I am not a professor, nor I work in the University of Bologna. In fact the test has been made by an Entity neutral and indipendent from me.
    Warm regards,

  • Wiesodenn

    There are a lot of people named Rossi at the University of Bologna, but noone named Andrea Rossi. :scratch:

  • patrice furia

    Sono consulente di un società di investimenti francese (Altoinvest) e desidero contattarvi per maggiori informazioni in vista di un eventuale investimento nella vostra società.
    Cordiali saluti.
    Patrice FURIA
    00 33 609216209

  • Gabriele Spadaccini

    Spett.le Ing. Rossi,

    innanzi tutto congratulazioni!

    Le scrivo perchè sono interessato alla commercializzazione del reattore, attualmente mi occupo di commercio nell’ambito delle tecnologie FER.
    Resto a completa disposizione per approfondimenti.

    Cordiali saluti

    Gabriele Spadaccini

  • vernesoni

    Buonasera Ing Rossi,

    Se nel catalizzatore mettendo Nichel si ottiene Rame è verosimele che mettendo Platino si possa ottenere Oro ?

    F. Vernesoni

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr William:
    I am waiting for the report of the professors who made the test.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Sergio:
    The drive is necessary to stabilize the reactor .
    The Authorization issue is a very important one and our legal department is working on it.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Sterling Allan:
    Thank you, as soon as possible he will be contacted from the marketing div.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mauro Murgia:
    Thank you,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Baldinotti:
    soon as possible, our marketing division will give the necessary communications about what you are asking.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    DEAR READERS OF THE BLOG: many of you are writing to me using my personal email address, from which i cannot answer you. i kindly beg all who have written to my personal email (..info etc) to write to this blog to allow me to answer. I gave my address only for personal communications.
    Thank you very much,
    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Peter Mobberley

    If I had a device which I needed to run @ 80 bar (1200 psi), and > 400 deg C I could do it in two ways:
    1. For a public demonstration, internally heat to >400 C and maintain the pressure vessel walls @ a safe 100-150 deg C.
    2. In my lab (where I can protect against vessel failure) allow the whole device together with the pressure vessel walls to attain the required >400 C .

    Material strengths are severely compromised @ > 400 C. When I commercialised my device I might still consider option 1.as the safest.

    What about the very large +28 +1 coulomb repulsion barrier ??

    Maximum expected prompt gamma energy for your scheme is 7.45 MeV

    For a public demo lasting up to 1 hour, 3 inches lead (Pb) would be quite safe.

  • Ivan Baldinotti

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I have some questions:

    – will be the reactor on sell also for the common consumers?
    – if yes what will be the cost of a reactor?
    – to use the output power of the reactor, for example in a house, is it possible to
    connect the reactor to a turbine for the production of electricity? and to heat also the
    Many thanks,
    Best regards


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