Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy
Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3
Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3
Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3
Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.
The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.
Warm Regards,
The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics
Dear Jim:
Actually, I was searching a new energy source. About the mechanism behind our process, we are making very strong progress. Soon we will publish the theory behind.
Warm Regards,
Hi Dr Rossi,
Congratulations on your development. I was wondering what you were working on when you discovered cold fusion, as you said (i think) that you don’t understand the mechanism behind your discovery. Where you looking for cold fusion? or was it a happy accident?
And also on the patent front you need to include more specifics from them.
Dear Dr Fine:
Thank you for the information. Our process is totally different, and I think I have understood why we produce mainly low energy gamma rays. I will publish it probably at the time of the start up of our 1 MW plant.
Warm Regards,
Today, ( Feb 22, 2011 ), the US Patent Office awarded a patent to Lewis Larsen and Allan Widom ( Lattice Energy LLC ) for a system to absorb Gamma Radiation and convert the incident radiation to a lower energy and frequency.
The patent is here:
Its title is:
” Apparatus and method for absorption of incident gamma radiation and its conversion to outgoing radiation at less penetrating, lower energies and frequencies ”
(it reads better as .. “and its conversion to outgoing, less penetrating radiation of lower energy and frequency.” )
The non-existence (or minimal background levels) of radiation external to the Energy Catalyzer (E-CAT) may or may not be due to sharing some common physical feature with the Widom-Larsen apparatus.
Hope you get your patent soon.
J. F.
Cool, have not been able to find the information I was looking for before now, thanks to the blog owners for this master piece work
Dear Mr Harold Vandersteen:
I know very well the Seebeck Effect, I made also a patent years ago about it. Of course you can apply thermocouples to a surface heated by the Reactor, but the efficiency of the Seebeck effect is very low (about 5-10%, depending on the figure of merit of the semiconductors used) so that it is not worth: better Carnot cycle or regular high efficiency heat exchangers.
Good question, anyway,
Warm regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
Is it possible to combine your Engergy reactor to TEG modules (Thermoelectric Power Generators)?
Kind regards,
Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
Very interesting, thank you for the information,
According to the New Energy Times ‘blog’, another MIT Colloquium on Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR) will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 10-11, 2011.
Tentative speakers and/or their work to be discussed include:
Peter Hagelstein, Mitchell Swartz, Brian Ahern,
Pam Boss, Scott Chubb, Tom Claytor, John Dash,
Larry Forsley, Russ George, Yeong Kim, Xing Zhong Li,
Jan Marwan, George Miley, Clint Seward, Robert Smith,
Fran Tanzella, and others.
Thanks to NET for publicizing this meeting.
Italian journalist Daniele Passerini has compiled some recent dialogue he has had with Andrea Rossi. In his interview, Passerini said:
22PASSI – the fact remains that there is still a scientific explanation of what happens inside the machine…
And Andrea Rossi replied:
ROSSI: CERN has made that immense ring just to try and start to truly understand how atoms are made, because they do not know.
Yes, Rossi is right.
So, look this strange hope of the theorists that try to explaind cold fusion:
1- they do not know the structure of the nuclei, they do not know how exactly the nuclei work when they produce some ordinary nuclear phenomena, and many nuclear properties of the nuclei cannot be explained by current Nuclear Physics.
2- Then, as the current Nuclear Physics cannot explain several ordinary nuclear phenomena and many properties of the nuclei, how could a theorist succeed to explain cold fusion by trying to do it from the foundations of the current Nuclear Physics ?
3- If the nuclear model of current Nuclear Physics should be correct, it would be able to explain all the nuclear phenomena and all the nuclear properties of the nuclei. But it is not able to to it.
4- Therefore, is it reasonable to expect to explain cold fusion by taking as a point of departure a WRONG nuclear model, unable to explain even some ordinary nuclear phenomena ?
For the explanation of cold fusion, there is need a NEW nuclear model.
A new theory capable to explain cold fusion must be developed by taking in consideration a new nuclear model capable to explain those nuclear phenomena not explained yet by the current Nuclear Physics.
Such new nuclear model is proposed in the book “Quantum Ring Theory-Foundations for Cold Fusion”.
Quantum Ring Theory was published by the Bäuu Institute Press in August 2006.
Quantum Ring Theory is NOT a cold fusion theory. Actually QRT proposes news foundations, from which a cold fusion theory must be developed.
The new nuclerar model proposed in QRT is named Hexagonal Floors Model.
It has a central 2He4, which produces gravitational Dirac strings (an experiment in 2009 yields evidence on the existence of those strings: ).
The Dirac strings produced by the central 2He4 captures deuterions, and they form several hexagonal floors around the central 2He4. The distance between the floors is submitted to contraction and expansion, a phenomenon called Accordion-Effect.
The resonance between the Accordion-Effect of nuclei in the lattice (for instance palladium) and the osciLlatory motion of free deuterions of the heavy water used in the electrolitycc cell helps the cold fusion occurrence.
According to QRT, the nuclei are surrounded by two concentric fields. For instance, the palladium nucleus has a principal field Sp(Pd), surrounded by a secondary fied Sn(Pd). There is a “hole” in the secondary field, and this lack helps the cold fusion occurence (see bellow “Cold Fusion and Gamow’s Paradox).
QRT also proposes a new model of neutron, formed by proton+electron.
A free electron moves with helical trajectory (zitterbewegung). When it is captured by the proton and they form a neutron, the electron loses its spin (it becomes a boson). The energy of the electron’s helical trajectory is the unique theoretical solution capable to explain the 2009 Pamela Mosier-Boss experiment, which emitted neutrons with 10MeV, while the energy available was only about 2MeV. There is not, from the principles of Quantum Mechanics, an explanation for this excess energy of the neutrons emitted in her experiment (see bellow “How zitterbewegung contributes for cold fusion in Pamela Mosier-Boss experiment”).
PowerPedia:Foundations for Cold Fusion
Article: How zitterbewegung contributes for cold fusion in Pamela Mosier-Boss experiment
PowerPedia:Cold Fusion Theories
Article:Cold Fusion and Gamow’s Paradox
PowerPedia:Cold fusion, Don Borghi’s Experiment, and hydrogen atom
PowerPedia:New model of neutron: explanation for cold fusion
Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
Thank you.
Why don’t you schedule some day of vacation in the wonderful town of Athens in the second half of October ?
I got the sensation that vacations in Greece will become “a’ la page”.
Warm regards,
Andrea Rossi
The entire paper with diagrams is here:
It is wonderful to relearn that the universe has some unknown secrets – lest scientists and philosophers get bored. Quantum Mechanics (QM) is mysterious all by itself.
I lean to Dr. Ruggero Santilli’s ideas on Hadronic Mechanics (HM) – which covers nucleons and their interactions. The Energy Catalyzer probably depends on both QM and HM.
In an earlier comment, I quoted Dr. Santilli when I wrote:
“It is impossible for quantum mechanics to be exactly valid for the nuclear structure because nuclei do not have nuclei”.
That is, what is valid for electrons in atoms that are ‘relatively’ far apart from the nucleus (no pun intended for relatively) is not exact – or may be far from correct – when the electron is near or even ‘within’ the nucleus.
When the impossible has been demonstrated, scentists have to find out why it was not only possible but its discovery was inevitable.
Many thanks to Dr. Rossi for this major contribution to Science and Engineering.
I just found this on the web, and it makes it more easy to believe when there might be an explanation to this energy.
02/10/11 at 7:52 am
Contrary to the POPSCI article on Italian Cold Fusion, the claims by Rossi and Focardi are not dubious, but quite valid. Indeed, nuclear fusion may be triggered by electrical heating of the nanoparticles in the Ni powder, the classical explantion of which is not possible. Insted, quantum mechanics explains the Bologna experiment by the QED induced conversion of absorbed electrical heating in Ni nanoparticles to high energy photons. Since the number of photons is not conseverved, there is no limit to the number of photons that can accumulate in the nanoparticle, and therefore the energy/atom increases to the 2.6 MeV level to trigger fusion. But like conventional fusion, radiation dangers exist that may limit the application for use by the general public. See
I think that everybody hopes that your discovery is really what you claim to be.
In this case it may be the end of the oil age (seems impossible, but it is so).
Energy as we know is not only a business but is a key element in the confrontation among nations.
Consider what if the powers presently fighting worldwide for the control of the energy resources would realize that your invention may be a threat for their interests. I imagine they have the means to stop you and make sure that your invention will never be used.
Much more has been done for much less. Just think to the history of middle-est, or to the history of Africa during the last 50 years; war, revolutions, civil wars, environmental disaster, and all for less of what is at stake with your discovery. This discovery will potentially make impossible to control the energy sources, hopefully ending all this. Do you think that they let it happen?
I mean that this discovery cannot be managed with logic of the small-medium businessman that have invented a new type of domestic appliance and will patent it to produce and sell it.
The only way, IMHO, is to exploit the time factor, and release all the details to the public in internet within a patent request.
I hope that this way a cover-up has not time happen. The fear that someone else will stole your invention, claiming that he invented it before you, is not to be considered in my opinion. Once this discovery will be known and used worldwide, I think it won’t be possible to hide anything, let alone making fake claim about who first invented it.
Running a 1MW plant keeping all secret could be effective if this was a minor technological breakthrough.
In my mind proceeding this way it is just losing time to make it public.
Consider also how many peoples die every day because of wars, famine, etc. caused by the global war for the energy resources. We cannot know exactly, but is a huge number. All this could not happen if energy was a resource to cheap to meter.
In any case, I would stress that the choice is not between “successfully patent the invention and run a company” or “having the invention stolen by somebody else”
The choice, I think, is between being able to render this discovery public and used worldwide, going down in history, or just not being able to do so.
Making it public within a patent request does not mean to give it away for free, as did for instance Albert Sabin with his discovery many years ago. I imagine also that if you become famous as “the one who saved the world from the energy crisis” money would not be a concern.
I just hope you may examine the situation from a different perspective and consider a different way of proceeding.
Dear Mr Alex Passi:
The energy produced is immensely superior to the energy necessary to make the raw materials: with 1 gram you can make the energy equal from about 500 kg of oil (considered the effeciency of the reactor), while to produce 1 gram of raw material combined you need tenths of grams of oil.
Warm Regards,
A.R. Ing. Rossi,
Seguo sempre con grand interesse il suo blog. Le pongo un’altra domanda (mi vengono alla spicciolata, purtroppo).
Esiste un chiaro rapporto vantaggioso tra la quantità di energia prodotta nel vostro catalizzatore da una data quantità di Ni+catalizatori+H2, e il costo energetico dell’estrazione/produzione della stessa quantità di materiale (ovviamente considerando il tempo medio massimo di funzionamento dell’apparecchio, non i tempi ridotti di un esperimento come quello del 14 gennaio scorso)?
Molto cordialmente,
Alex Passi
(The above question may be abridged in the following terms: if you compare the amount of energy produced during its normal life-span by Dr. Rossi’s energy catalyzer, and the amount of energy used for the extraction and processing of the materials used, which one is greater?)
Dear Ing. Rossi. I am a mechanical engineer and may I humbly say that I can understand most of the thermodynamics part of the science in your catalyser. I cannot say so for the nuclear physics part, I leave that to the experts. But let’s say that the unit produces a rise in temperature which, piggy-backed in series will increase the temperature (and pressure)of the steam to a level normally achieved by a standard oil/coal/gas/nuclear-powered power station utilising the carnot cycle to drive turbines and alternators to generate electricity for transmitting to the grid. So I would say that once the catalyser is commercialised it can safely be assumed that with a price of 1 US cent per KWH of heat (lets say 2 US cents per KWHr of electricity, we will be seeing a mad run for your catalysers.
Mr. Neri, has asked you about the possibility of running a Stirling engine with the energy (steam) generated by the catalyser. This is the same idea that came to my head when I read about your achievement. Military submarines are powered by Stirling engines energised by nuclear power. If this can be achieved in a space so limited ( submarines are very economical on space) why is it, as you said, “Theoretically is possible to couple it with a Sterling engine, but there are many problems to resolve, under a practical point of view. I think is premature.”
Stirling engines are being used for sun-powered electricasl generation (25 KW machines; Infinia corporation)
Stirling engines are silent, efficient and can be designed for both low and high temperature difference and therefore highly versatile.
Having said this, I am sure that you and your collegues have considered all options and I am sure that your first commercial launch will be by utilising the best power conversion system adaptable for the catalyser.
I take this opportunity to wish you and Dr. Focardi all the success that you merit.
Finally: Do not get disheartened by the critics. Cristoforo Colombo also suffered such fools but eventually discovered the new world because he believed in his theory and persisted.
Your development is the Columbus of the new energy world. First it is ridiculed, but then everyone would want to go there.
Take care of your health because the world needs you. God bless you.
Dear Mr Neri:
The max T reachable with a single reactor is 110 Celsius. Theoretically is possible to couple it with a Sterling engine, but there are many problems to resolve, under a practical point of view. I think is premature.
Warmest Regards,
Dear Mr Rossi,
first of all i say congratulations for your hard and really great job. Your are a light in a dark oil&gas dominated age and i hope your E-Cat will be a standard very soon.
I want to ask you a question even if it refers to a bit far future:
which is the max temperature achievable with only one catalyzer? do you think the reactor itself could be the warm heat source of a stirling engine (to get decent efficiency and low complexity system) for a domestic combined heat and power system?
Warm regards and keep the good job
Dear Mr Helmut Hansy:
Thank you for your throughly considerations,
Warm regsrds,
Andrea Rossi
Dear Ing. Andrea Rossi,
still the claims have to be proven with a functioning product, but if your claims are proved that way (and my doubts become smaller and smaller, the more i read about it), then you will become nothing less than the most famous inventor of all times. I can harldy believe to live as witness in that era and be able to correspond with you directly.
But i also want to make a few contrary comments to all the euphoric comments regarding a better future for mankind on this planet. I think the opposite will be the case.
1. Biologically mankind is a predator. He is programmed to fight. If the physical struggle has become obsolete thanks to cheap oil, this does not mean, that people in suits are not fighting. Every man is fighting other men to get the women he wants.
Life means fight and we tend to lose that out of sight, since power comes from the plug and the meat from the supermarket since a few decades.
Take a look at a slaughterhouse and you see the human predator’s real being behind all the hypocrisy.
2. Mankind’s money, this predator’s money, these days is CREDIT-BASED MONEY and the whole economy is based on it. This money vanishes, if the credits are payed back! Despite other claims, two world wars and more than 150 wars sine 1945 were fought to expand the rulership of this kind of money over the whole planet.
Interests, the result of credit-based money, grow exponentially over time and since they have to be paid, this money makes exponential economic expansion necessary. Otherwise the system collapses! This is a mathematical fact, no “free” media talks about.
3. Nothing in nature can grow exponentially forever.
4. Exponential growth means exponential demand of resources. Economic expansion means more ressource consumption.
5. The rising costs of energy have been the main driver behind environment-protection, no matter what politicians and hypocrites claim.
By removing the costs of energy from the equation, the system gets out of it’s current equilibrum and it will shift, since energy is almost eliminated as cost factor, fully torwards the costs of the remaining scarce resources.
That will lead to falling prices of all products. Transportation costs will fall even more. Instead of a more local economy, globalization will go into insane turbo-mode!
6. If someone takes an objective look at the elected decision-makers, he sees complete incomptence, ignorance and unwillingness to face the fact, that the exponential growth of credit-based money has been eating up all the great technological achievements and improvements over the last decades. They are also unwilling to see the consequences of the explosive growth of the most dangerous predator on this planet, called human.
So if this bservation is taken into account, it becomes clear, this new technology of free energy will most likely lead to the consequence, that all natural ressources will be plundered at a pace never seen before.
So called human politics will set up catalysts in all the areas with already exploding population, to “help the people”. This will lead to even stronger growing population. And even more consumers (imagine the GRRREAT business opportunities!).
With energy costs of roughly zero, the plundering of mother nature will accelerate into dimensions, we can hardly imagine today, since the scarcity of oil, has finally lead to higher prices of resource intensive products or services and was putting a modest brake on economic growth.
7. The limited supply of oil has lead to break-even costs, that made alternatives attractive (also think about the consciousness, that was established, because we FELT in our pockets, that ENERGY is getting more precious). With that costs eliminated, there are almost no borders for further plundering of mother nature, that rising oil prices would have forbidden to do so.
8. Oil will only become substituted by another form of energy, while the overall consumption will not shrink (think of the credit-based constuction of our money). That will lead to no longer rising oil prices, although overall resource consumption will rapidly rise. Flying just for fun all over the world, will become more cheaper than ever! Transporting poor animals through half Europe will become much cheaper, too. Individual traffic, like the waste of resources will explode.
Please don’t interpret my words, if i would mean this technology was bad. Ofcourse not! It would be the best invention after the wheel.
BUT the political and monetary system of the world these days, the negative selection of the leader’s characters through parlamentarism and votings in periods of four years within that system, while the public opinion is controlled by a handful news-agencies, that are mostly controlled by the international big money (it is the international high finance that is making the main profits from the credit-based money and the exponential growth insanity), is making wise and reasonable political decisions that are aimed decades and generations into the future, IMPOSSIBLE.
Very best regards,
Helmut Hansy
Vienna, Austria
Dear Prof. Martini:
Andrea Rossi
Esteemed Eng.Rossi thank you for your kind reply I assure you that at the end of March, let me check back. We all know of his activities and if the day you will be with us we will be happy to accept, if necessary by changing our educational activities. THANKS FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS. Regards and best wishes for the new 1 MW Catalyst.
Dear Mr Rossi,
While you are in the USA I would be honored to meet you.
Warm regards,
Paul Hunt
Dear Prof. Lucio Martini: I akm at disposal of every high school or University for free lessons. As soon as I will have the time and the coincidence to reach you in Brescia, I will be glad to come. Just, please rimind me every 15 days. Presently I amk in the USA, then I will have to go in Athens, than again back in the USA, but around April I should be in Italy.
So, please, at the end of March just remind me my promise.
Warm regaqrds,
Andreas Rossi
Hi eng. Rossi and prof. Focardi, I read each day this forum and believe this is the site where right now, the mankind history is changing reaching a new higher status of freedom from the energy lacking.
As in the previous post of mr. oilman says, Each day we lose in the wait of the startup of your finding, is a day in which many peoples are suffering over the earth, so I encourage you all of the team to burn the steps and go to the goal in the faster way as possible.
Only to eliminate the concern about the availability of adequate funds for the fast development of the project, in fact, somewhere you say to have sold your property, somewhere else you say that there is a company that holds the rights over the product, and I believe that it should grant the necessary funds, if the lacking of funds is an issue, do you know this company?
It seems they are involved in many of the most important startup.
Stimatissimo Ing. Rossi:
Le comunico che la Sua disponibilità nei confronti del nostro Istituto è stata assai apprezzata sia da parte del Preside Ing. Francesco Guarino, che dall’Amministratore Dott. Carlo Lobina.
I riferimenti che Le possono interewssare sono:
Istituto Tecnico Industriale Paritario “Luigi Galvani”
Via Orzinuovi 10
25125 Brescia
Il numeri di telefono della Segreteria Didattica sono: 030/3545209 – 030/3545210
Il n° di fax 030/3545211
Posso assicurarle che La stiamo aspettando con ansia oltre che con entusiasmo.
Riteniamo tuttavia che essendo questa settimana, a Brescia, festa patronale e la prossima settimana, dedicata allo stage che i nostri allievi effettuano in varie aziende, la sua graditissima visita dovrà essere rimandata a partire dal prossimo Lunedì 28 Febbraio in avanti.
Spero che questo non sia un problema per Lei e nel ringraziarLa cordialmente a nome di tutto l’Istituto, la prego di accettare i sensi della mia più profonda stima.
Ps. Se ritiene di volermi contattare personalmente mi spedica un’ e-mail.
I think that everybody hopes that your discovery is really what you claim to be.
In this case it may be the end of the oil age (seems impossible, but it is so).
Energy as we know is not only a business but is a key element in the confrontation among nations.
Consider what if the powers presently fighting worldwide for the control of the energy resources would realize that your invention may be a threat for their interests. I imagine they have the means to stop you and make sure that your invention will never be used.
Much more has been done for much less. Just think to the history of middle-est, or to the history of Africa during the last 50 years; war, revolutions, civil wars, environmental disaster, and all for less of what is at stake with your discovery. This discovery will potentially make impossible to control the energy sources, hopefully ending all this. Do you think that they let it happen?
I mean that this discovery cannot be managed with logic of the small-medium businessman that have invented a new type of domestic appliance and will patent it to produce and sell it.
The only way, IMHO, is to exploit the time factor, and release all the details to the public in internet within a patent request.
I hope that this way a cover-up has not time happen. The fear that someone else will stole your invention, claiming that he invented it before you, is not to be considered in my opinion. Once this discovery will be known and used worldwide, I think it won’t be possible to hide anything, let alone making fake claim about who first invented it.
Running a 1MW plant keeping all secret could be effective if this was a minor technological breakthrough.
In my mind proceeding this way it is just losing time to make it public.
Consider also how many peoples die every day because of wars, famine, etc. caused by the global war for the energy resources. We cannot know exactly, but is a huge number. All this could not happen if energy was a resource to cheap to meter.
In any case, I would stress that the choice is not between “successfully patent the invention and run a company” or “having the invention stolen by somebody else”
The choice, I think, is between being able to render this discovery public and used worldwide, going down in history, or just not being able to do so.
Making it public within a patent request does not mean to give it away for free, as did for instance Albert Sabin with his discovery many years ago. I imagine also that if you become famous as “the one who saved the world from the energy crisis” money would not be a concern.
I just hope you may examine the situation from a different perspective and consider a different way of proceeding.
Dear Mr galen Haugh:
Our generators, once they have produced steam or warm water, have finished their duty. Once you have the warm gluid, you can convert the energy in the form you need, which is thermal energy, electric energy, machanic energy, etc. To make electric energy you need the Carnot Cycle. If for direct production of energy you mean the SEEBECK effect, yes, bur it has a very low efficiency (about 5%).
About the application on transportation: trains, ships are in the target. Cars, not so far.
Warm Regards,
Thank you, Ken.
Yes, I believe in God.
Andrea Rossi
Dear Mr Rossi
Whether or not you’re a religious man I don’t know, but I thought you might be interested to know (if you don’t already) about a “word from the Lord” received by U.S. evangelist Jason Westerfield. He says that the Lord revealed to him that this period of time would usher in an “energy revolution”. He says:
“…just as we had an industrial age, right now this generation will be known as the energy age…and He showed me how we were going to be going to a hydrogen-based world economy, ….when that begins to come about, different changes, geo-politically will take place on the planet and there will be a massive human rights movement take place.
And I saw some converters that because of these converters every nation will be able to utilize and be self-sufficient in their energy and because of that the world will not be dependent on oil and we will see literally a global shift in power begin to take place.”
Are you feeling the hand of the Lord on your shoulder???!!
God bless you sir!
Congratulations, Dr. Rossi on this incredible advancement in energy generation. My question deals with applying the E-Cat to an automobile, truck, or train. Is it possible to directly generate electricity from the E-Cat or is heat the only form of energy generated? (Direct generation of electricity could be applied directly to electric motors to drive these vehicles without having to resort to steam as an intermediate step.)
Dear Eng. Martini:
If you tell me where is your school, I will come for free to talk with your students.
Warm regards,
Andrea Rossi
In addition esteemed Mr. Rossi to appreciate his invaluable work, there is ferry to a better future, the future of the energy at virtually no cost. I also appreciate his willingness to respond to my questions. The undersigned, a mechanical engineer (retired) activity also plays a teacher of technical subjects in a private institute for industrial technicians and I failed to explain to my students what you are doing, of course, after reading his and Prof.Focardi article and also the explanations of Prof Stremmenos. I can assure you that I never got much attention from my students talking about his invention than they’ve ever had in my class of Mechanics. Thank you for everything you are doing and throws right, if the “VESTALS” the sacred fire of the “truth” the threat of death even mean that you are doing the right thing. My students and I are anxiously waiting for October. Many greetings. Lucio Martini and students.
Dear Mr. Rossi by some days the news came out on synthetic fuel based on hydrogen encapsulated suitable substitute for normal market fuels, and now I wonder if it could be used to replace the cylinder irogeno.
Where can affect the ‘argument can visit the website of the Cella Energy
Yours sincerely
Marc Brunner
Dear Eng. Paul Hunt:
Thank you for your comment, I appreciate a lot your suggestions.
As for your request, all the requests will be duly analyzed, and I think we will meet. Defkalion is just waiting to be ready with the product for the market, before beginning the selection. It will be late october, after the 1 MW plant start up, that they will be ready to make this job.
Then we will meet, I am sure.
Warmest Regards,
Andrea Rossi
Dear Mr Rossi,
Thank you for your diligence and hard work. I appreciate your approach; to let your working product speak for itself. It speaks louder and clearer than all the theories and chattering.
I was in a similar situation when I submitted a paper to the IEEE about a radically different communications technology that I was developing. They rejected it, stating that it would never be practical. A couple of years later, when we were selling a very popular product based on that technology, the IEEE asked me to write a paper. I submitted the same one that had been rejected earlier and they loved it.
That experience introduced me to the 1000 electric power co-ops in the USA.
As I read your comments, I feel that you would like to see your technology used in the most moral ways to benefit the most people. I was pleasantly surprised to find the customer owned co-ops to be very down to earth, hard working rural people. They made excellent customers and dealers, which made it far more pleasant to survive the experience of my own rapidly growing company. It left me with a personal mantra; “Choose your customers wisely.”
You are entering the rapid growth phase of your business. I wish you luck, endurance and enjoyment as it unfolds.
Warm regards,
-Paul Hunt
I already submitted a very short and direct proposal to Defkalion. I assume that they are very busy and prefer short and direct for now.
Dear Mr Stephen Miller,
I share with you the love for the USA: is the Country I have chosen to make my factory in. I am glad to get also encouragement from there.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
Dear Mr Giovanni Savonarola:
When I think that I am working also for people like you, I get force, and smiles too.
Warm regards,
Andrea Rossi
Dear Nick:
I suggest you to work with the help of a professional Physic or Chemist as a consultant. The experiments you are making are dangerous. Remember that Nickel powder is toxic and that hydrogen is explosive (the most explosive gas).
Never work without the proper clothes, gloves, goggles, mask, shoes, helmet, etc etc, but do not work without the direction of a professional expert. You can find help in any University, searching the Faculties of Physycs or also Chemistry. And work only in proper labs, not in your backyard or in your house.
What you are doing is dangerous for you and for the people around you.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
Dear Dr Ellul:
Thank you. We are working with you, our theory is growing up also with the contribution of the critics ( Murray &co.). I am learning a lot.
Our work goes on. Today I finished a 24 hours shift, non stop, working on the tests for the 1 MW plant, and many progress has been made, also under the theoretical point of view. The R&D with the Univrsity of Bologna is proving extremely useful. Here is very much to learn, but , again, I am learning also from the comments and attacks I am receiving: there also is much to learn, and no one goes away without a careful study of every word. Many are stupidities, but among them there are many very interesting issues to work on.
Warm Regards,
In my opinion, history tells us that great scientific dicoveries were not made by scientists paid by the state, but by scientists working on their own,in their own lab, funded by their own pocket. This is also the fingerprint of the Rossi-Focardi science. It is a self-funded project coming out of personal initiative that is the result of honest science.
On the other hand, publicly-funded science is always less successful. The Iter project easily comes to mind. The quest for harnessing the power of the sun, by fusing two protons into a helium nucleus, has been banded about for as much as 60 years with billions of dollars pumped into research, admistrators’, scientists’ and engineers’ salaries. However, till this very day, economical and controllable (hot) fusion energy is still a pipedream with the first fusion reactor prototype still some 30 years away, at least.
Other scientists, out of their own initiative and self financed, have taken a different path towards harnessing nuclear power:
Dr. Randall Mills (Blacklight Power Inc.) has been, for the past 20 years chasing the hydrino power formula with what is now accepted as experimentally successful. However, he has still has to give us his first practical power generation unit, even though he has sold licenses to various power companies, including one in Italy.
Eric Lerner’s Hydrogen-Boron fusion is also being mentioned with a high degree of optimism. This has managed to get some funding. The reaction produces charged particles instead of neutrons, so, effectively the energy can be converted
straight into electrical energy.
Focardi and Rossi are the first scientific team to produce the first marketable LENR heat generator. I am confident that this development will spawn more scientists into the LENR research, resulting in more efficient and powerful energy generators. This is, I believe, the beginning of a new era, a new energy paradigm which will give power to the people, cheap power, and possibly even making the people energy providers themselves.
I am eager to see the first 1 MW unit and the 10 KW units manufactured and commercialised.
Good luck Ing. Rossi
I would like to speak with you or exchange correspondence as I was working on a homemade hydrogen generator that appeared to catch on fire underwater three times I never took any video of it but I had three individuals witness it and it made a funny noise and glowed cherry red underwater and boiled the water in the container which had a capacity of approximately 1-1 1/2 litre in about a minute. Watching your video today and more importantly reading about your work may shed some light on what happened with my generator , paticulary your mention of nickel and copper. I have been unable to duplicate what happened but I would be happy to share the details of what transpired before it happened.
Dear Dr Rossi,
I have been following this blog for a while but I hesitated to leave a comment because I am not a scientist. I’m just an ordinary man who, in spite the catastrophic news that the media feed us every day, is trying to keep alive the hope in a better and bright future.
I am not in the position to express a qualified opinion on you work and results but I strongly hope that soon you will be able to silence all the sceptics and enjoy a moral compensation over all those who are undermining your credibility and hard work.
Mr Rossi please be aware that many more people that you may think are behind you and support your work and dream, because your dream is the dream of all human beings.
We don’t know when Mother Nature will disclose her secrets but Mr Rossi, while you are working so hard, please try to find some time to smile too, thinking that the man who fights for a worthy dream has already saved himself and the whole world.
Thank you for sharing with us your dream through your hard work,
PS: ..and keep us posted.. we all are in a thrilling wait.
[…] This seems an epoch-making brakthroug . […]
Dear Mr. Rossi, I so much want to thank you for your work, and do send all best wishes for your continuation and strength. I am no scientist but an artist, yet it is solely from reading your comments here, that I clearly can sense the truth and certainty of your result. For what it is worth, you have one more supporter among humanity.
Please take your ease and regenerate yourself whenever possible, for even 5 minutes. All my best from USA.
Dear Daniel Zavela:
I am reading your email while directing a non stop24 hours test on a module: a mail like yours is worth a lot in these moments. I’m gonna spend the night in the lab, till tomorrow.
God Bless you,
Andrea Rossi
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Just a personal note …
Thank you for making the 22-year-old dream of Cold Fusion come true.
You will save this planet from pollution destruction.
Don’t worry about the negative people.
Your great, hard work speaks for itself.
Thank you again for sharing your work via your blog.
Your blog puts a smile on many faces of people who hunger for good news.
(Most researchers are cloaked in secrecy, but you’re open with the public. 🙂 Bravissimo!)
Please get some rest. I want to see you cross the finish line in good health.
Best Regards & Best Wishes,
Dan Zavela, MPH, MRP
Dear Mr Lucio Martini,
You are right, and sometimes I answer in a too hard way, but consider that I subtract the time to answer in this blog to my night time, after a 16-18 hours working day, and it is not very easy to remain cool when you read comments insulting the work done by me with all my energies and a test made by very high level scientists from CERN, INFN, University of Bologna treating all as if we are fools. It is all the more difficult when the comments contain insults or also death threats, as it happened recently. The whole arriving from people who lacks of the basic foundamentals of Physics, incapable to apply the thermodynamic principles and to make rigorous calculations. And to read carefully the reports and their calculations.
Being impossible to publish insults and threats, I am collecting all the bearable questions that some of these comments contain and I will answer as soon as I will have time, also because all the answers are already contained in this blog, if they have the patience (and the culture, and the good faith) to read them.
Thank you anyway for your heart warming comment,
Warm regards,
Andrea Rossi
Stimatissimo ing. Rossi, mi associo a quanto detto da Antonio lo scorso 08/02. Purtroppo ciarlatani e peggio affollano la rete. Fondamentalmente sono di due tipi, con alcune sottotipologie ossia i ciarlatani alla Salamanca (per i quali la terra non poteva essere rotonda percjhè non potevano esistere gli antipodi persone con i piedi sopra la testa) per costoro non avendo Lei individuata la base teorica il suo apparato non PUO’ produrre energia, questo bisognerebbe spiegarlo bene anche all’apparato in questione, il quale si ostina a produrla! Ricordo che Heviside alle obiezioni che i matematici del tempo gli opponevano rispose più o meno che nonostante egli non sapesse il meccanismo della digestione si ostinava, comunque, a mangiare!
L’altra categoria fa parte di quelli che l’anno già fatta, su costoro stendiamo un velo di pietà cristiana e lasciamoli perdere.
Come dice il sommo Poeta:
(magari eviti anche di guardare, non vale la pena che Lei sprechi il suo prezioso tempo)
Cordialmente Lucio Martini