Cold nuclear fusion

by E.N. Tsyganov
(UA9 collaboration) University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center at Dallas, Texas, USA

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Recent accelerator experiments on fusion of various elements have clearly demonstrated that the effective cross-sections of these reactions depend on what material the target particle is placed in. In these experiments, there was a significant increase in the probability of interaction when target nuclei are imbedded in a conducting crystal or are a part of it. These experiments open a new perspective on the problem of so-called cold nuclear fusion.

PACS.: 25.45 – deuterium induced reactions
Submitted to Physics of Atomic Nuclei/Yadernaya Fizika in Russian

Experiments of Fleischmann and Pons made about 20 years ago [1], raised the question about the possibility of nuclear DD fusion at room temperature. Conflicting results of numerous experiments that followed, dampened the initial euphoria, and the scientific community quickly came to common belief, that the results of [1] are erroneous. One of the convincing arguments of skeptics was the lack in these experiments of evidence of nuclear decay products. It was assumed that “if there are no neutrons, therefore is no fusion.” However, quite a large international group of physicists, currently a total of about 100-150 people, continues to work in this direction. To date, these enthusiasts have accumulated considerable experience in the field. The leading group of physicists working in this direction, in our opinion, is the group led by Dr. M. McKubre [2]. Interesting results were also obtained in the group of Dr. Y. Arata [3]. Despite some setbacks with the repeatability of results, these researchers still believe in the existence of the effect of cold fusion, even though they do not fully understand its nature.  Some time ago we proposed a possible mechanism to explain the results of cold fusion of deuterium [4]. This work considered a possible mechanism of acceleration of deuterium contaminant atoms in the crystals through the interaction of atoms with long-wavelength lattice vibrations in deformed parts of the crystal. Estimates have shown that even if a very small portion of the impurity atoms (~105) get involved in this process and acquires a few keV energy, this will be sufficient to describe the energy released in experiments [2].  This work also hypothesized that the lifetime of the intermediate nucleus increases with decreasing energy of its excitation, so that so-called “radiation-less cooling” of the excited nucleus becomes possible. In [5], we set out a more detailed examination of the process.  Quite recently, a sharp increase of the probability of fusion of various elements was found in accelerator experiments for the cases when the target particles are either imbedded in a metal crystal or are a part of the conducting crystal. These experiments compel us to look afresh on the problem of cold fusion.

Recent experiments on fusion of elements on accelerators
For atom-atom collisions the expression of the probability of penetration through a Coulomb barrier for bare nuclei should be modified, because atomic electrons screen the repulsion effect of nuclear charge. Such a modification for the isolated atom collisions has been performed in H.J. Assenbaum and others [6] using static Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The experimental results that shed further light on this problem were obtained in relatively recent works C. Rolfs [7] and K. Czerski [8]. Review of earlier studies on this subject is contained in the work of L. Bogdanova [9]. In these studies a somewhat unusual phenomenon was observed: the sub-barrier fusion cross sections of elements depend strongly on the physical state of the matter in which these processes are taking place. Figure 1 (left) shows the experimental data [8], demonstrating the dependence of the astrophysical factor S(E) for the fusion of elements of sub-threshold nuclear reaction on the aggregate state of the matter that contains the target nucleus 7Li. The same figure (right) presents similar data [7] for the DD reaction, when the target nucleus was embedded in a zirconium crystal. It must be noted that the physical nature of the phenomenon of increasing cross synthesis of elements in the case where this process occurs in the conductor crystal lattice is still not completely clear.

Figure 1. Up – experimental data [8], showing the energy dependence of the S-factor for sub-threshold nuclear reaction on the aggregate state of matter that contains the nucleus 7Li.  Down – the similar data [7] for the reaction of DD, when the target nucleus is placed in a crystal of zirconium. The data are well described by the introduction of the screening potential of about 300 eV.

The phenomenon is apparently due to the strong anisotropy of the electrical fields of the crystal lattice in the presence of free conduction electrons. Data for zirconium crystals for the DD reactions can be well described by the introduction of the screening potential of about 300 eV. It is natural to assume that the corresponding distance between of two atoms of deuterium in these circumstances is less than the molecular size of deuterium. In the case of the screening potential of 300 eV, the distance of convergence of deuterium atoms is ~510ˆ12 m, which is about an order of magnitude smaller than the size of a molecule of deuterium, where the screening potential is 27 eV. As it turned out, the reaction rate for DD fusion in these conditions is quite sufficient to describe the experimental results of McKubre and others [2]. Below we present the calculation of the rate process similar to the mu-catalysis where, instead of the exchange interaction by the muon, the factor of bringing together two deuterons is the effect of conduction electrons and the lattice of the crystal.

Calculation of the DD fusion rate for “Metal-Crystal” catalysis
The expression for the cross section of synthesis in the collision of two nuclei can be written as

where for the DD fusion

Here the energy E is shown in keV in the center of mass. S(E) astrophysical factor (at low energies it can be considered constant), the factor 1/E reflects de Broglie dependence of cross section on energy. The main energy dependence of the fusion is contained in an expression

that determines the probability of penetration of the deuteron through the Coulomb barrier. From the above expressions, it is evident that in the case of DD collisions and in the case of DDμcatalysis, the physics of the processes is the same. We use this fact to determine the probability of DD fusion in the case of the “metal-crystalline” DD-catalysis.  In the case of DDμ- catalysis the size of the muon deuterium molecules (ion+) is ~5×10ˆ13m. Deuterium nuclei approach such a distance at a kinetic energy ~3 keV. Using the expression (1), we found that the ratio of σ(3.0 keV)/σ(0.3 keV) = 1.05×10ˆ16. It should be noted that for the free deuterium molecule this ratio [ σ(3.0keV)/σ(0.03keV)] is about 10ˆ73.  Experimental estimations of the fusion rate for the (DDμ)+ case presented in the paper by Hale [10]:

Thus, we obtain for the “metal-crystalline” catalysis DD fusion rate (for zirconium case):

Is this enough to explain the experiments on cold fusion? We suppose that a screening potential for palladium is about the same as for zirconium. 1 cmˆ3 (12.6 g) of palladium contains 6.0210ˆ23(12.6/106.4) = 0.710ˆ23 atoms. Fraction of crystalline cells with dual (or more) the number of deuterium atoms at a ratio of D: Pd ~1:1 is the case in the experiments [2] ~0.25 (e.g., for Poisson distribution). Crystal cell containing deuterium atoms 0 or 1, in the sense of a fusion reaction, we consider as “passive”. Thus, the number of “active” deuterium cells in 1 cmˆ3 of palladium is equal to 1.810ˆ22. In this case, in a 1 cmˆ3 of palladium the reaction rate will be

this corresponds to the energy release of about 3 kW. This is quite sufficient to explain the results of McKubre group [2]. Most promising version for practical applications would be Platinum (Pt) crystals, where the screening potential for d(d,p)t fusion at room temperature is about 675 eV [11]. In this case, DD fusion rate would be:

The problem of “nonradiative” release of nuclear fusion energy
As we have already noted, the virtual absence of conventional nuclear decay products of the compound nucleus was widely regarded as one of the paradoxes of DD fusion with the formation of 4He in the experiments [2]. We proposed the explanation of this paradox in [4]. We believe that after penetration through the Coulomb barrier at low energies and the materialization of the two deuterons in a potential well, these deuterons retain their identity for some time. This time defines the frequency of further nuclear reactions. Figure 2 schematically illustrates the mechanism of this process. After penetration into the compound nucleus at a very low energy, the deuterons happen to be in a quasi-stabile state seating in the opposite potential wells. In principle, this system is a dual “electromagnetic-nuclear” oscillator. In this oscillator the total kinetic energy of the deuteron turns into potential energy of the oscillator, and vice versa. In the case of very low-energy, the amplitude of oscillations is small, and the reactions with nucleon exchange are suppressed.

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the mechanism of the nuclear decay frequency dependence on the compound nucleus 4He* excitation energy for the merging deuterons is presented. The diagram illustrates the shape of the potential well of the compound nucleus. The edges of the potential well are defined by the strong interaction, the dependence at short distances  Coulomb repulsion.

The lifetime of the excited 4He* nucleus can be considered in the formalism of the usual radioactive decay. In this case,

Here ν is the decay frequency, i.e., the reciprocal of the decay time τ. According to our hypothesis, the decay rate is a function of excitation energy of the compound nucleus E. Approximating with the first two terms of the polynomial expansion, we have:

Here ν° is the decay frequency at asymptotically low excitation energy. According to quantum-mechanical considerations, the wave functions of deuterons do not completely disappear with decreasing energy, as illustrated by the introduction of the term ν°. The second term of the expansion describes the linear dependence of the frequency decay on the excitation energy. The characteristic nuclear frequency is usually about 10ˆ22  sˆ-1. In fusion reaction D+D4He there is a broad resonance at an energy around 8 MeV. Simple estimates by the width of the resonance and the uncertainty relation gives a lifetime of the intermediate state of about 0.810ˆ22 s. The “nuclear” reaction rate falls approximately linearly with decreasing energy. Apparently, a group of McKubre [2] operates in an effective energy range below 2 keV in the c.m.s. Thus, in these experiments, the excitation energy is at least 4×10ˆ3 times less than in the resonance region. We assume that the rate of nuclear decay is that many times smaller. The corresponding lifetime is less than 0.3×10ˆ18 s. This fall in the nuclear reaction rate has little effect on the ratio of output decay channels of the compound nucleus, but down to a certain limit. This limit is about 6 keV. A compound nucleus at this energy is no longer an isolated system, since virtual photons from the 4He* can reach to the nearest electron and carry the excitation energy of the compound nucleus. The total angular momentum carried by the virtual photons can be zero, so this process is not prohibited. For the distance to the nearest electron, we chose the radius of the electrons in the helium atom (3.1×10ˆ11 m). From the uncertainty relations, duration of this process is about 10ˆ-19 seconds. In the case of “metal-crystalline” catalysis the distance to the nearest electrons can be significantly less and the process of dissipation of energy will go faster. It is assumed that after an exchange of multiple virtual photons with the electrons of the environment the relatively small excitation energy of compound nucleus 4He* vanishes, and the frequency of the compound nucleus decaying with the emission of nucleons will be determined only by the term ν°. For convenience, we assume that this value is no more than 10ˆ12-10ˆ14 per second. In this case, the serial exchange of virtual photons with the electrons of the environment in a time of about 10ˆ-16 will lead to the loss of ~4 MeV from the compound nucleus (after which decays with emission of nucleons are energetically forbidden), and then additional exchange will lead to the loss of all of the free energy of the compound nucleus (24 MeV) and finally the nucleus will be in the 4He ground state.  The energy dissipation mechanism of the compound nucleus 4He* with virtual photons, discussed above, naturally raises the question of the electromagnetic-nuclear structure of the excited compound nucleus.

Fig. 3. Possible energy diagram of the excited 4He* nucleus is presented.

Figure 3 represents a possible energy structure of the excited 4He* nucleus and changes of its spatial configuration in the process of releasing of excitation energy. Investigation of this process might be useful to study the quark-gluon dynamics and the structure of the nucleus.

Perhaps, in this long-standing history of cold fusion, finally the mystery of this curious and enigmatic phenomenon is gradually being opened. Besides possible benefits that the practical application of this discovery will bring, the scientific community should take into account the sociological lessons that we have gained during such a long ordeal of rejection of this brilliant, though largely accidental, scientific discovery. We would like to express the special appreciation to the scientists that actively resisted the negative verdict imposed about twenty years ago on this topic by the vast majority of nuclear physicists.

The author thanks Prof. S.B. Dabagov, Dr. M. McKubre, Dr. F. Tanzela, Dr. V.A. Kuzmin, Prof. L.N. Bogdanova and Prof. T.V. Tetereva for help and valuable discussions. The author is grateful to Prof. V.G. Kadyshevsky, Prof. V.A. Rubakov, Prof. S.S. Gershtein, Prof. V.V. Belyaev, Prof. N.E. Tyurin, Prof. V.L. Aksenov, Prof. V.M. Samsonov, Prof. I.M. Gramenitsky, Prof. A.G. Olshevsky, Prof. V.G. Baryshevsky for their help and useful advice. I am grateful to Dr. VM. Golovatyuk, Prof. M.D. Bavizhev, Dr. N.I. Zimin, Prof. A.M. Taratin for their continued support. I am also grateful to Prof. A. Tollestrup, Prof. U. Amaldi, Prof. W. Scandale, Prof. A. Seiden, Prof. R. Carrigan, Prof. A. Korol, Prof. J. Hauptmann, Prof. V. Guidi, Prof. F. Sauli, Prof. G. Mitselmakher, Prof. A. Takahashi, and Prof. X. Artru for stimulating feedback. Continued support in this process was provided with my colleagues and the leadership of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, and I am especially grateful to Prof. R. Parkey, Prof. N. Rofsky, Prof. J. Anderson and Prof. G. Arbique. I express special thanks to my wife, N.A. Tsyganova for her stimulating ideas and uncompromising support.

1. M. Fleischmann, S. Pons, M. W. Anderson, L. J. Li, M. Hawkins, J. Electro anal. Chem. 287, 293 (1990).
2. M. C. H. McKubre, F. Tanzella, P. Tripodi, and P. Haglestein, In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2000, Lerici (La Spezia), Ed. F. Scaramuzzi, (Italian Physical Society, Bologna, Italy, 2001), p 3; M. C. H. McKubre, In Condensed Matter Nuclear Science: Proceedings Of The 10th International Conference On Cold Fusion;  Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 21-29 August, 2003, Ed by P. L. Hagelstein and S. R. Chubb, (World Sci., Singapore, 2006). M. C. H. McKubre, “Review of experimental measurements involving dd reactions”, Presented at the Short Course on LENR for ICCF-10, August 25, 2003.
3. Y. Arata, Y. Zhang, “The special report on research project for creation of new energy”, J. High Temp. Soc. (1) (2008).
4. E. Tsyganov, in Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2010, Vol. 73, No. 12, pp. 1981–1989. Original Russian text published in Yadernaya Fizika, 2010, Vol. 73, No. 12, pp. 2036–2044.
5. E.N. Tsyganov, “The mechanism of DD fusion in crystals”, submitted to IL NUOVO CIMENTO 34 (4-5) (2011), in Proceedings of the International Conference Channeling 2010 in Ferrara, Italy, October 3-8 2010.
6. H.J. Assenbaum, K. Langanke and C. Rolfs, Z. Phys. A – Atomic Nuclei 327, p. 461-468 (1987).
7. C. Rolfs, “Enhanced Electron Screening in Metals: A Plasma of the Poor Man”, Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2006.
8. A. Huke, K. Czerski, P. Heide, G. Ruprecht, N. Targosz, and W. Zebrowski, “Enhancement of deuteron-fusion reactions in metals and experimental implications”, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 78, 015803 (2008).
9. L.N. Bogdanova, Proceedings of International Conference on Muon Catalyzed Fusion and Related Topics, Dubna, June 18–21, 2007, published by JINR, E4, 15-2008-70, p. 285-293
10. G.M. Hale, “Nuclear physics of the muon catalyzed d+d reactions”, Muon Catalyzed Fusion 5/6 (1990/91) p. 227-232.
11. F. Raiola (for the LUNA Collaboration), B. Burchard, Z. Fulop, et al., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.31, 1141 (2005); Eur. Phys. J. A 27, s01, 79 (2006).

by E.N. Tsyganov
(UA9 collaboration) University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center at Dallas, Texas, USA

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3,560 comments to Cold nuclear fusion

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Helmut H.,
    The E-Cat can be driven by any electric power source.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bernie Koppenhofer,
    I understood, but my answer is valid also in this case.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Marvin Ostrega,
    Tank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Marvin Ostrega

    I am crossing my fingers that LENR works; especially the E-Cat. Our world uses lots of energy. This would greatly help it. (No peak oil shock, or becomes less of a problem. No wind mills blocking views, or Fission reactors melting down.
    You have the whole world watching and praying for you. Good Luck Mr. Rossi.

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Mr. Rossi: I think you misunderstood my question/comment. I am talking about preheating water for power plants not making electricity.

  • Helmut H.

    Dear Ing. Rossi,

    do you already have any infos, if the E-Cat will be able to be run by electrical power generators for home use?
    And do you have already a guess, what power rating the generator must be able to deliver to get the E-Cat started and running?

    I’m asking, because i’m already in the very early planning stages of the new revolutionary heating system of our home. 🙂
    I want to be prepared for electrical blackouts. So i’m planning to have a mobile generator as backup system.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Simon Basovich:
    Are good ideas, worth to thoink about. But in this moment I am exclusively focused on the heat production systems, it is our absolute priority now.
    Warm Regards,

  • Simon Basovich

    Dear Mr. Andrea Rossi,

    What do you think about the following.
    Your ECAT is probably ideal for producing heat, but some important applications require another kinds of energy (mechanical, electrical). Proper transformation has low COP, about 0.3, that may be unacceptable, for example, for cars.
    May be, better solution will be to use central power station to produce cheap electricity (along with heat), then use electricity to produce clean and cheap liquid fuel. This fuel may be aqueous anolyte with low pH (i.e. with high concentration of ions H+); it is a liquid “hydrogen” fuel. To produce anolyte, electrodialysis is used. This method can dissociate water into hydrogen (H+, in fact “hydronium” H3O+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions. The first zone, anolyte, has low pH, and the second zone, catholyte, has high pH. Anolyte is used as clean and cheap liquid fuel. Catholyte may be used for something else.
    What do you think?
    Best regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Hughd:
    In September, after we will have completed (I suppose) the certification process and got all the necessary directions. At that point we also will send a precise offer to all the potential Customers who made a pre-order. so that they will be able to choose if to confirm or cancel their name from the waiting list.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear DSM:
    The theory has got the contribution of all the Scientists who worked with me. Whem the theory will be published they will be credited for their specific contribution.
    The US patent application is pending. A patent, of course, is important, even if I think that the IP protection will come from the industrialization we are making and the low production cost which will be derivated from it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
    We are not ready, yet, for the production of electriv power.
    As soon as we will, your proposal will have room.
    Warm regards,

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Mr. Rossi: There are many small towns and cities that own their own power plants. Wouldn’t this be the logical place to start marketing your 1mW E-Cat? Less regulations and red tape. As understand it the E-Cat could be installed to preheat the water without disruption to an operating plant. You would also get immediate recognition from the small town or city when it reduces their power costs.

  • dsm

    Dr Rossi

    In regard to your future theory of how the eCat process works. Will it be written by just yourself and Prof Focardi or do you have the support and cooperation of other eminent researchers contributing to it.

    Also, is obtaining a US patent any big issue for you.

    Many thanks & Kind regards

    Doug Marker

  • Hughd

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    When will a preliminary technical specification be available for the Home E-cat?

    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Piero:
    Good question: yes, I am taking risks, but a robotized line is also reprogrammable for the particulars: we expect some modification, but, as you correctly wrote, if we wait the end of the certification process to start the preparation of the factory we risk to delay . As you correctly said, I am taking my risks, but are calculated risks: a delay would cost more than a modification.
    Warm Regards,

  • Piero

    Dear mr.Rossi, speaking of certification, some are puzzled by the fact that a robotized assembly line is being put in place while the certification of the e-cat is still months down the road. Are’nt you afraid that some design modification imposed by the certification agency might cause significant extra investments in time and money? Or is this just a calculated risk you decided to run in order to meet your time-to-market objectives? Thanks. We wish you success

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Italo A. Albanese:
    To get the certifications necessary for cars will take 20 years. Let’s work on thermal energy, then on electricity, then we will see.
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo A. Albanese

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    I can’t understand why you say we need 20 years to have a e-cat car.
    The 2012 Chevrolet Volt on sale now is a full electric car with a 63 kW gasoline generator used only to recharge the battery. When there will be a comparable power e-cat generator, we will have a e-cat car. Is this correct or you see same problem? Maybe vibrations could affect e-cats or there can be danger in case of crash?

    Best regards,
    Italo A.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear DSM:
    Yes I will publish the theory. It has nothing to do with the Widom Larsen theory ( which I fully respect ).
    Warm Regards,

  • DSM

    Dr Rossi
    I am another follower who has become intrigued by what is unfolding in regard to both LENR & your eCat.

    When the Pons Fleishmann fiasco exploded, it was so dissapointing and the way they were treated was appalling. I have no doubt that you understand that at a very personal level.

    2months ago I had no idea who you were. Today am of the opinion that you will be teaching a lot of high profile people what a smart and dedicated person can achieve in the face of global scorn and the impossibility of your process.

    In the short time of researching your work have concluded …
    1) That small eCats (pocket eCat) with COP of 6, are stable & easy to produce & you will
    2) Big eCats are unstable and need more work to package the powdered nickel
    3) That you have outsmarted those who would steal your ip and call it their own
    4) That you really do care about the benefits to humanity vs pure profit
    5) That you will get your investment back (and remove that mortgage on your house)

    Can you say at this time if your theory of how eCat works, fits with the Widom-Larsen theory or does your and Prof Focardi’s theory offer a different approach ?

    If yes, will you publish your theory when you commence sales (knowing full well that labs all over the world will be reverse engineering eCats)

    Thankyou -. Doug M

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
    …And there are powerful forces at work who will gain a lot if we will succeed…
    All we need is to work produce, sell.
    Warm Regards,

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Mr. Rossi: Boy, I hope you are right. There are powerful forces at work who will lose a lot if you succeed.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
    You overevaluate by orders of magnitude the puppet snakes and their puppetteers, as well as you overevaluate by orders of magnitude the chatters. We are manufacturing a factory which will produce massively very cheap E-Cats. What the snakes say and write has no value at all, now: before our production of really working devices they had good play, because it was chatters against chatters. Now it is our facts against their chatters. The snakes have already changed tens of versions regarding their reasons, which means their reasons are inconsistent.
    Who will be able to make plants will have nothing to be afraid from the snakes. Who will not will abandone the scene. Times of mental bricolage are over.
    Warm Regards,

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    To the LENR community: The subtle and not so subtle attacks on LENR are going to continue and intensify by those who want to own it or kill it. The recent snakes articles are a good example, attacking those who are in the forefront of bringing LENR into wide acceptance and use. (Bushnell, Rossi, Zawodny) This is a delay it, delay it, delay it and then kill it or own it strategy. It will work unless this community fights back. This strategy is cynical if not evil, given all the lives LENR could save and improve if brought into use as fast as possible. We have one advantage over other technologies that have been delayed with the kill it or own it strategy: The internet. I suggest we fight back in the blogs and comment sections of articles about LENR and by letting our Federal Representatives know where we stand. Does anyone else have suggestions?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear ColdFusionIs Real:
    We are resolving our problems, which are normal for an enterprise like this, and I think we will respect the time scheduled for delivery of domestic E-Cats. The 1 MW plants are already for sale, though.
    We are not able to produce electric power, so far, but when we will have resolved also this issue your suggestion is a possibility.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Roberto:
    1- not in a short term
    2- yes
    3- 20 years at least
    Warm Regards,

  • Roberto

    Dear Ing. Andre Rossi,

    1. Do you think you can use the e-cat in electric cars?
    2. Is there a small turbine so small to enter in a car?
    3. Can you estimate how long will it take?

    Warm regards.

  • ColdFusionIsReal

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I am following the E-Cat development for almost a year. It is great and exciting. Recently I noticed that there is some problems with delivering E-Cat to the market, problems with patent and …
    My question is why you don’t use your E-Cat(1MW and stronger) and become the power company, supply the Electricity to the grid?
    By doing this you will acquire the needed funds for further development, the technology will be in your hands, you will have a stable source of money, and the patent office can’t ignore the working power source.

  • Hughd

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    Presently the heat for homes is delivered by forced air, radiant heat, convection heat or a combination of all three. The present heat sources are generally cycled “full on or off” to provide heat for the system to distribute to the home.

    How will the HE-Cat (heat E-Cat) be able to provide the heat? Can it be “full on then off”? Can it also be continuous at some selected level between say 1 kW to 10 kW? Can the power control be local or remote and if remote will a wireless thermostat feature be available?

    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Jill:
    Please extend my congratulations to this kindered spirit of mine!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Joseph Fine:
    1- both
    2- No
    3- hope 1 year, likely 2 years
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph Fine


    I read that the cost of electrical power produced from the E-Cat is expected to be about 1 cent per kilowatt-hour.

    1) Does that refer to the cost of power generated on-site or to that delivered from a central power station? (By either an Industrial or Home E-cat.)

    2) Are the costs of electrical power (cents per Kw-hr) higher when produced by the industrial (1 MW) as compared with the home E-Cat. That is, the Home E-Cat is significantly less expensive to purchase than the industrial version and so is expected to be less efficient at generating electrical power. But the costs of generating on site power with a Home E-Cat may be less expensive than purchasing power from a utility using the Industrial E-Cat(s), considering transmission line losses etc.

    3) When do you expect to have a working version of the first Electrical E-Cat? (An “EE”-Cat.)

    Best regards,

    Joseph Fine

  • Jill

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    I know this has nothing to do directly with the e-Cat, but since people recently mentioned the need for clean water I would like to forward information about this invention by a Swedish woman (she seems to be one of your ‘kindered spirits’) whom I read about in the newspapers. She has invented a way of using solar power to purify water on site: More info on

    “Petra Wadström: ”I developed Solvatten after seeing the problems caused by the lack of safe drinking water in Indonesia. I had just spent time in Australia. It took many years and prototypes but eventually the idea was realized. My mission is to provide Solvatten to everyone who has the need for safe water. We believe that we can get Solvatten to the people at ”the base of the pyramid” where Solvatten can transform people’s lives. I strongly believe in self-help so it is important both that we make it affordable and that the users invest in it, so they value Solvatten and take good care of it.””

    Kind regards,
    Dr Jill Kortesmaa

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Hansen:
    The E-Cat can be useful wherever a source of heat is ueful.
    We will be glad to help, knowing specific issues with precise data.
    As soon as possible I will visit you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Mr. Rossi and Mr. Koppenhofer, thank you for addressing one of the African issues. I have followed the blog for quite some time and value it´s content sincerely! Please allow me to state that we are an European based organisation of people from mostly west African countries and friends like myself, wishing to support the issues mentioned below. Meaning we have already quietly started searching for people, whom we know at governmental level. Without their approval, it may be impossible to implement anything of such origin as the e-cat or any other alternative source of energy. Some African countries are very proud of being able to produce oil. The demand on energy and fuel is constantly growing. Most African capitals are being polluted by old western decommissioned diesel engines in cars and buses, a huge helth problem, which also has to be met at some time.

    Africa is a giant leap, but by carefully picking the countries that are most well off, we hope to get an entrance to support those with the most urgent need.

    Issues are:

    * Rural areas walking round in pitch dark, as soon as the sun disappears.
    * The expression “Lights Off” is experienced by the lucky ones attached to power plants, that constantly breaks down, stopping refrigiators, air-conditioners an all electric equipment, including on hospitals. Each time hundreds of engines start up locally – and you smell it!
    * Tap water for cooking and food is kept at too hot temperatures
    * Warm water is not hot enough, and each liter of water is getting too expensive, so a “normal” shower is quite rare, and please note – here everyone have a reason to sweat. Infections, bacteria and diseases are always present.
    Employment and need for proper homes with cooling are both urgently needed.

    Could the E-cat be helpful on some of these issues? We are interested in reaching out for as much as it takes to implement and even enhance the possibility of production, hereby, maybe even creating work for people, who are longing to get a decent home, a job, and a cup of clear water.

    Dear Mr. Rossi, your contact is most welcome by email. (And – yes, it is me visiting the African school on the video

    Many optimistic hopes for “A free energy Africa”!

    Cand. Mag. Mus. Therapist

    Lars Hansen

    (From the adventures country of H.C.Andersen)

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
    You are right, I am at complete disposal if I can help.
    Warm Regards,

  • pasquale

    Sig.Rossi I make my best wishes for his invention and hope that everything goes as smoothly meglio. This time I checked the mail right: Thanks.

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Mr. Rossi: Two million children die every year because of the World’s ongoing water crises. I am convinced the E-Cat can become a huge part of the solution to this crises. Can you tell me anything about any interest shown by “the powers to be” to use the E-Cat for this purpose? I would encourage you to focus on anyone coming to you to use your E-Cat for water purification. If I can do anything to further this objective from your perspective please let me know. Thanks, and I admire the way you are proceeding with your invention.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Pasquale:
    Your pre-order has been accepted, just please confirm your email address, I think there is a typo.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Tommaso Di Pietro:
    Yes, I have a precise theory matured together with our technology, but, as you know, Theoretical Physics are like the river of Eraclitus and the falls of Hegel.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tommaso Di Pietro(t.c.&d.)

    Gentile ingegner Rossi,
    svariate volte ha detto che lei possiede una teoria che spieghi la reazione ni h che avviene nell’ e cat.
    Vorrei sapere se tale teoria descrive i fenomeni fisici in questione nella loro totalità o se sia comunque da sviluppare ed implementare ulteriormente.
    Grazie per la consueta disponibilità e sincerità.


  • Pasquale

    Good morning Mr. Rossi.Sono a fan of this new technology and would like to order 3 and cat-10-kw.Grazie

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Piero:
    No, it is not possible, so far.
    Warm Regards,

  • Piero

    Dear mr.Rossi, i was thinking about the possibility to use e-cats to heath vehicles like boats or RV’s. While water could be recycled i wonder if it would be possible to power the reactor with a 12 volts DC source. Thanks

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
    1- about 100,000
    2- yes
    3- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mauro Valerio:
    For the commercial issues please contact
    Warm Regards,

  • mauro valerio

    Buongiorno Sig. Rossi

    Ogni tanto le scrivo. Continuo a seguire gli svuluppi.
    Spero vivamente che gli e cat domestici saranno sul mercato a breve. Questo sarebbe un grande aiuto per tutte le famiglie che si devono confrontare con i continui aumenti di costi per il riscaldamento di casa e relativi balzelli fiscali.
    Mi raccomando, faccia presto!

    A tempo debito mi tenga in considerazione per la commercializzazione del prodotto in Svizzera e Italia del nord.
    Cordiali saluti

  • Joseph Fine


    1) As of now, how many 10 KW E-Cats have been (preliminarily) ordered?

    I think you have passed the 10,000 mark, but don’t know the total. Also, some people have ordered 2 or more. Wladimir says he might order 1000.

    2) Do you have quantity orders for the 1 MW plants? Are you building up your capability to mass produce these when the time is right?

    3) Will the 10 KW E-Cats and the 1 MW plants be built at the same factory? It seems logical to do so, but there could be reasons to have separate factories.

    Thanks for Watts (what’s) happening.

    Joseph Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Gillana Giancarlo:
    I think so.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gillana Giancarlo

    Dear Ing. Andrea Rossi
    By the time of 10 Kw reactor installation the theory explaining the reaction would be eventually published?.
    Many tanks anyway.

    Allorchè l’impianto di 10 Kw sarà installato, la teoria inerente al suo funzionamento, potrebbe essere di dominio pubblico?

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