Department Of Nuclear Physics, Andhra University, Vizag-530003, AP, India.
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Estimated or phenomenological [7, 8] masses of up and down quarks are 1.3 to 3.3 MeV and 4.1 to 5.8 MeV respectively.
Standard model assumes that proton constitutes 2 up quarks and one down quark. Neutron constitutes 2 down quarks and one up quarks.
In any way their estimated or phenomenological [7, 8] mass sum is not matching with the nucleons rest mass.
In any way their sum is not matching with the nucleons rest energy.
There should be some reason for this mismatch. This clearly indicates that there is something missing from the standard model.
In standard model there exists 8 gluons having `color’ charge with no rest mass and in between the quarks strong interaction is mediated by these gluons.
If gluons has no rest mass and up and down quarks mass sum is small (compared to the nucleon rest mass) how to generate the existing nucleon rest mass? To over come this difculty [1] it is suggested that there exists integral charge quark fermions, integral charge quark bosons, integral charge (massive) quark fermi-gluons and integral charge (massive) quark boso-gluons.
Note that fermi-gluon means massive gluons having fermion behavior and boso-gluon means massive gluons having boson behavior.
(Effective) fermi-gluons play a crucial role in baryons mass generation and boso-gluons play a crucial role in mesons mass generation.
Using the gas imply some hole for the air input and the exhaust gas output, I suppose. And a mean to ignite the gas, such as sparks. I am right?
Dear Herb Gillis:
Yes, it is possible.
Warm Regards,
Would it be possible to replace the electrical heating elements in the existing hot-ecat with tubes for hot oil (or liquid metal) heating? Then any heat source could be applied to heating the oil (or metal), and the customer can use what ever source is most economical for his situation to provide the drive.
Dear Marco:
The design allows many solutions for the assemblies. The one you suggested is one of them. It is very likely, anyway, that the first 1 MW plant we will make will be driven by gas, not electricity, to make it more economically convenient. I am designing the burners right now, while I am answering to you, with our engineers.
Warm Regards,
According to the leaked photo(s), the last design of the basic cell is simply two concentric steel tubes with the charge and the resistor between them and the insulation that leaves only the electric cables pass out. The series could be made simply screwing the modules with a threaded junction, complementar to treading made in the inner steel pipe. So the series can be viewed as a whole single long pipe, with cables exiting every 33cm (as I recall is this the module length).
Is such a design feasible? Do you think that it does not impair the stability? It would be very compact.
And finally, what is the optimal configuration for the 1MW plant in terms of series of parallel? I mean x series of 2,3,4,5,6 ecc modules? This can be useful for size calculation. A series of three modules will be 1 meter long.
Dear Ing. Benedetto Schiavone:
1- Our industrial plants are based on the modules of 10 kW of power. We are already manufacturing them, and the safety is based on the fact that being the 10 kW modules tested throughly, the assembly of more modules will be as safe as the single ones, upon which we have spent thousands of hours measuring the emissions and, therefore, the safety.
2- Yes. The savingsd are simple: with 1 thermal kWh you make 3 thermal kWh as a minimum and 6 thermal kWh as a maximum.
Thank you for your kind attention, Warm Regards,
A.R. Ing. Rossi,
seguo quotidianamente le news, sempre più sorprendenti, della evoluzione del E-Cat, ben conscio che una rivoluzione come quella che si sta realizzando avrà necessariamente bisogno di decenni per raggiungere la maturità.
Un paio di domande:
1)In base alla vostra attuale conoscenza del funzionamento è ipotizzabile in futuro più o meno remoto realizzare dei core molto più grandi (1 m, 10 m,..)o ci sono intrinseche limitazioni, quali instabilità o impossibilità di innesco della reazione?
2) l’innesco e il controllo della reazione tramite calore prodotto da gas in sostituzione di resistenza elettrica, è in previsione anche per l’e-cat domestico? Se si, sono stati stimati, qui in Italia gli eventuali rispermi di consumo?
Cordiali Saluti e Buon Lavoro
Ing. Benedetto Schiavone
Dear Bob Saunders:
I do not know when the picture has been taken, but could be.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I am sorry that the portrait of the Hot-Cat has leaked, but I must admit that at the same time I find it very interesting. Wow, 1200C, that is really HOT! Does the picture show the Hot-Cat at full power, over 13 kilowatts?
Kin regards, Bob Saunders
Dear wilw:
TEG so far are too low in efficiency: of course we could use them, but it is not convenient. Better the Carnot Cycle, so far, even if we are making R&D on direct conversion.
Warm Regards,
Posted in James Randi forum
By Tubbythin:
“Pedrone, did Guglinski use either the Skyrme SLy4 or the DD-ME2 energy-density functionals in his work?”
Reply by Pedrone:
“No, he did not.
However, the nuclear physicists used it along 100 years, and they did not succeed to discover that light nuclei are NOT SPHERICAL, from the theoretical way.
They had discovered only AFTER the experiments made by John Arrington showed it to them.
And Guglinski, who never used Skyme SLy4 or DO-ME2 energy-density, had discovered that light nuclei are NOT SPHERICAL, by using his brain, and published it 6 years before the experiments made by Arrington.
Therefore, dear Tubbythin, we realize that Skyrme SLy4 or the DD-ME2 energy-density did not help the nuclear theorists in their research trying to discover the real structure of nuclei.”
So, there is a hard dispute among those speudo-skeptics idiots, members of the James Randi Educational Foundation.
Each one of them tries to be most idiot of them.
There is no harmony among the idiots
There is always an idiot who wants to be more idiot than the other ones
Posted by Pietrus Pedrone in the James Randi forum, where there are the most vociferous voices of pseudo-skeptics claiming against Rossi’s E-cat:
Cold Fusion Claims
and against Quantum Ring Theory:
Quantum Ring Theory: Evidence for photon and neutron models
Does the Hot-Cat now allow direct electrical conversion using TEG (thermal electric generators)? Even though the conversion efficiency might be lower than steam-turbine, the overall lower cost and simplicity may be a good trade-off.
Dear Italo R.:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Evidence of Nature’s plagiarism ????
Dear readers of Rossi’s JNP
The authors of the paper “How atomic nuclei cluster”, published by Nature, are:
J.-P. Ebran, E. Khan, T. Nikšić, and D. Vretenar
When we click in their names, only E. Khan is available to be contacted.
Martin Freer, who published a short explanation on the paper in Nature’s “Views & News”, also can be contacted.
Then, when I sent my question to Martin Freer, I also had sent it to E. Khan.
But only Martin Freer replied, and sent me that explanation with an argument equal to what is proposed in the page 137 of the book Quantum Ring Theory.
E. Khan did not reply to me.
And we are stimulated to ask: Why ??????
Well… perhaps because E. Khan knows Guglinski. Maybe he knows the nuclear model proposed in QRT. Perhaps he had read the book, and he knows that in the page 137 it is proposed the same explanation proposed in the article published in Nature.
So, as he knows Guglinski is the author of the idea proposed in 2006, he could not reply to the author of the idea telling him that the same idea is used by the authors of the paper “How atomic nuclei custers”.
Yes… maybe… who knows ????
So, the question remains: why only Martin Freer did reply, and E. Khan did not ?
Why ????
Good morning, maybe this information could be useful for you:
Scientists have developed a safe and practical method of storing hydrogen in nanoparticles, opening the way for its wide spread use as a fuel source.
Meganne Christian and Dr Kondo-Francois Aguey-Zinsou of the University of New South Wales have successfully used a core-shell nanostructure to store, release and reabsorb hydrogen at practical temperatures and pressures.
The research, reported in the journal ACS Nano, uses tiny particles of synthesised sodium borohydride encased in nickel shells.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
The entire article here:
I have recently been able to consult the pdf memo Technical Characteristics and Performance of the Defkalion’s Hyperion pre-industrial product [sic!], authored by John Hadjichristos, Menelaos Koulouris, and Aris Chatzichristos, and I cannot but make (albeit reluctantly!…) several remarks on this document.
My first and emotionally spontaneous comment is Biblical: …τὸ ἅγιον τοῖς κυσίν [See here Matthew 7.6: «(Do not give) what is holy to dogs»].
Because of the obtuseness and frivolity of the very top figures of the Greek political scene, I was unfortunate enough to meet these characters about one year and a half ago.
I instructed them in and made them part of my work on cold fusion (… at the time they were ignorant of the very existence of this topic); later, I collaborated, together with Andrea Rossi, towards the (failed) development of the E-Cat in Greece.
This (theatrical?) troupe of characters belongs to «Defkalion Green Technologies Global, Greece-Canada-Swiss», a firm which notoriously deceived (with Levantine wiles…) Rossi for eight months.
To be more specific: John Hadjichristos holds a degree in Mathematics — he was an atypical entrepreneur in the construction business together with A. Xanthoulis; Menelaos Koulouris’ previous venture was the (probably not too successful) vending of sandwiches, pizzas, beverages, etc., in the center of Athens (I believe he might have graduated in Physics); as for Aris Chatzichristos, son of the above-mentioned John of the same name, he is a student — and I wonder what right he has to sign and associate his name with the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece…
I will not deal with the scientific contents of this amateurish report, which is quite destitute of all GALILEAN ethos; in the ancient language of my country one could proverbially describe it as λίθοι καί κέραμοι ἀτάκτως ἐρριμμένοι [See: Xenophon, Memorabilia, 3.1.7…], that is to say: «rocks and tiles untidily tossed about”…
Rather, and with a touch of malice, I wonder where Xanthoulis and the «Defkalionites» get their money from. Especially after proving themselves quite incapable of honoring (even symbolically) the financial commitments they had agreed to with ROSSI!
To what end is this megalomaniac media charade? It has been polluting the Web for months with nothing tangible to show for it.
These are questions which, in my opinion, must be asked by anyone who sincerely believes in the hope of new energy era … in the face of those who, whether for economic gain or «cultural» interests linked to a false concept of prestige, are attempting to discredit with (bankrolled?) fabricated stories the very advanced and tangible state of E-Cat technology.
Christos Stremmenos
Professor, University of Bologna (ret.).
Former Ambassador of Greece to Italy.”
To the readers of the Rossi’s JNP:
In 2010 Martin Freer had published the paper Clusters in nuclei:
In the paper he writes:
“In many cases a more appropriate picture of the nucleus is the one shown in Figure 1.”
Figure 1 in that paper shows the oxygen nucleus 16O with SPHERICAL form.
Therefore, with that spherical form, Martin Freer could explain why the nucleus 16O has NULL electric quadrupole moment.
Of course, if in 2010 Martin Freer should have read my book, he would claim about the FLAT structure of the nucleus 16O, proposed in my book:
“Such structure is impossible. A nucleus with flat form cannot exhibit a null electric quadrupole moment”.
Now in 2012 the experiments are showing that my proposal is correct: the 16O is NOT spherical, it is actually FLAT, as proposed in my book.
And in the page 137 I proposed an argument, so that to explain why 16O has null electric quadrupole moment, in spite of the nucleus has NOT a spherical form.
My argument is also applied to other nuclei with null nuclear spin and null nuclear magnetic moment, as 8Be and 20Ne.
The argument by Martin Freer used in the publication by the journal Nature is the same argument used in the page 137 of my book Quantum Ring Theory.
Is it a coincidence ?
Or is it a plagiarism ?
Who knows? Perhaps one of the several authors of the paper published by Nature had earlier read my book. Who knows?
But as there is a controversy, the editor-in-chief of the journal Nature must eliminate it, by publising a note in the journal, so that to explain to the readers that, in 2006, the argument proposed in Nature was already used in a book published in 2006.
Dear Daniel De Caluwé,
thanks to your kind words
Koen Vandewalle wrote in July 23rd, 2012 at 4:21 PM, in the article Integral charge 3 quark bound system with binding energy
Dear Wladimir Guglinski,
Now comes the question: From your theory, I derive that radioactive waste comes from nucleons that have not yet stabilized in their octagonal levels, positions, orientations and rotations, but that they have some surplus kinetic energy, after they have joined their new companions after a fusion occurence. This kinetic energy is not easily extracted, and so remains in the nucleus for a very long time, and sends us electromagnetic waves. Do you believe that it is feasible to invent some technique with electric and magnetic field manipulation (or other ways) to extract the surplus energy from these nucleons or systems that not have found yet their “peacefull” positions ?
Dear Koen,
in 23th July I was on holidays in the beach (without internet), and I did not see your question.
Tesla believed that the energy responsible for the radioactivity of the radioactive nuclei comes from the Sun.
I believe the same.
If this is true, than the radioactive nuclei get, from an unknown mechanism, their emitted energy from the Sun.
So, I think that yes, probably it’s feasible to invent some technique to extract the surplus energy from these nucleons.
Caro Andrea,
La pubblicazione del report validato da parti terze sarà un momento importantissimo non solo per la sua impresa ma, più in generale, per una tecnologia dall’incredibile potenziale come le LENR! Un momento che in futuro potrebbe essere ricordato come l’inizio di una nuova era!
Lei stesso inoltre ha più volte giustamente riconosciuto l’importanza degli Stati Uniti non solo nello sviluppo dell’e-cat, ma anche nella sua vita, dandole l’opportunità di riprendersi dopo un brutto momento.
Per tutti questi motivi, e molti altri ancora, le faccio una semplice proposta: pubblichi il report l’11 Settembre! Credo non esista giorno migliore per onorare gli Stati Uniti e rialzarsi!
Dear Andrea
The upcoming publication of the third parties report will be a great moment not only for your company, but also for the LENR in general: a technology with a really incredible world-changing potential. This could be such a moment that in the future people could even remember as the beginning of a new era! You have also justly acknowledged many times the importance of the US: both for the e-cat development and for your life, giving you the opportunity to recover after a bad moment. For all these reasons, and many others, let me give you a humble suggestion: publish the report on the very 11 of September! I think that it would be the best day to honour the US and raise up again!
Dear Mark Saker:
Thank you for the info,
Warm Regards,
Dear g.Luca from Italy:
Do not worry, now it’s time to make plants, real working plants making real Megawatthours, no more time for useless chatters. The time of table toys which give space to any kind of chatters is over.
Warm Regards,
Dear Philip Newell:
I understand you, and you make well when you ask, it’s up tome select confidential information.
About safety: after thousands of hours of experience with our industrial reactors we know well the safety issues and we also have got aprecise ideaof the theory behind.
Warm Regards,
Dear Ing Rossi,
I’m sorry I did not mean to pry into the inner workings of your reactor but instead was interested in if their design could have potential uncontrolled side effects of heat generation while just trying to store hydrogen. I know that you must protect your design and I respect that but I can not always control my desire to learn more.
Best Regards
Eng Newell
Dear Wladimir,
When you first mentioned the article in nature, I’ve read it, and I agree: it is very similar to your QRT-theory, that you published in 2006. (I remember you also mentioned a difference with them, and I agreed with your arguments about that too).
So, I agree with you that you protested, because you worked out these ideas very much earlier, and you even published a book about QRT in 2006. By the way, I like your theory, and I hope to study it more carefully, like I hope to study many other theoretical articles in this blog.
Further I hope that the scientific world will be honest enough to recognize your work, and not to attack you first, but steal your ideas later. (Unfortunately this tactics is often used by not so honest people, and I experienced this also myself, but in a totally different field).
Kind Regards,
Ir. Daniel De Caluwé
Mechelen, Belgium
Sinceramente, non vedo l’ora che queste pubblicazioni vengano rilasciate.
Osservare e leggere commenti poco corretti o al limite dell’insulto nei confronti di chichessia mi rattrista.
Al di là di quanto emergerà l’8 settembre, di cui per altro sono sicuro, mi piacerebbe che si portasse rispetto per tutti coloro che, in questa cosa, si impegnano e offrono parte della loro vita. Sottraedola alle passioni famigliari, allo svago e alla propria privacy.
La storia di F&P non ha insegnato niente. Neppure dopo la scomparsa di Fleishmann.
Ci sono due famose frasi che ben si addicono al momento:
“A pensar male degli altri si fa peccato ma spesso ci si indovina”
“Il potere logora….chi non ce l’ha”.
Hi Andrea,
I found this company on the Internet which seems to have a 3kW Kinematic Stirling engine running off 15kW heat. Would this be suitable for the home e-cat?
It seems a good candidate to be merged with the home e-cat if you can increase the heat to 15kW and get ahold of their stirling engines?
Dear Neil Garrett:
To serve the Country is also what you have done.
Warm Regards,
[…] information will be released — although there are two different dates mentioned. Here are two comments from the Journal of Nuclear […]
Mr. Rossi,
I must clarify a misunderstanding that has emerged. When I mentioned in our correspondence that I was a disabled veteran (which is true), I did not wish you to take that as a claim to be a combat veteran. I was an armor crewman in a time of peace.
Thanks more,
Dear Zero:
Ampenergo is our Licensee for America.
Warm Regards,
Dear H. Hansson:
On the 10th of September the report will be published, after the presentation of the same at the 1st Convention of the World Licensees of Leonardo Corporation that will be made in Zurich.
Warm Regards,
Carissimo Andrea
John Hadjichristos1, Menelaos Koulouris2, Aris Chatzichristos3, e non posso esimermi di commentare (… a mala voglia …!) questo documento.
Il primo commento emotivamente spontaneo è quello biblico “τα άγια τοις κυσί” ……
Questi personaggi sfortunatamente ho avuto l’occasione, per ottusità e frivolezza dei massimi vertici della politica greca, di conoscere un anno e mezzo fa.
Ho insegnato loro e gli ho resi partecipi dei miei lavori sulla fusione fredda (… ignari al tempo della esistenza di questa tematica …!) e ho collaborato in seguito insieme con A.Rossi per lo sviluppo (mancato) del E-cat in Grecia.
Questi personaggi fanno parte della “compagnia (teatrale?) Defkalion Green Technologies Global CTO, Greece-Canada-Swiss” che notoriamente ha ingannato sistematicamente (alla levantina …) per 8 mesi A. Rossi.
Nello specifico: John Hadjichristos laureato in matematica, imprenditore atipico insieme con A. Xanthoulis nel campo edilizio, Menelaos Koulouris che si occupava non direi con grande successo della vendita dei panini, pizze bevande ecc nel centro di Atene (credo laureato in fisica ?) e lo studente Aris Chatzichristos (figlio del omonimo John) che mi chiedo con quale diritto firma a nome della National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece ?………….
Non entro in merito del contenuto scientifico di questo rapporto dilettantesco, privo di ogni deontologia GALILELIANA che nella mia antica lingua in modo proverbiale sarebbe descritto come “λίθοι και κέραμοι ατάκτως ειρημένοι” cioè “sassi e tegole disordinatamente buttate” ………….
Invece maliziosamente mi domando , dove Xanthoulis e i “defkalioni” trovano i soldi ?….nel momento in cui non erano riusciti … anche simbolicamente ad onorare gli obblighi finanziari stipulati con ROSSI …..?
A che pro questa megalomane messa in scena mediatica che continua per dei mesi senza niente di tangibile a inquinare la rete..?
Sono domande che a mio parere deve porsi ognuno che crede veramente alla speranza della nuova era energetica ……. a cospetto di chi per interessi economici o interessi “culturali” di pseudo prestigio, tenta di screditare con delle fandonie (pagate?) lo stato avanzatissimo tangibile della tecnologia E-cat.
Christos Stremmenos
(’UniBO in pensione, già Ambasciatore della Grecia in Italia)
Dear Mr. Rossi,
How long will the NDA be in effect??
You have told us that independent verifications (University Bologna??) and other reports/presentations will be made available in the coming months/weeks. Some few months ago you also projected that information will be available in laymen terms in the end of the summer, effectively making LENR news worthy again.
It seems that your NDA have a very short lifespan… or have I missed something??
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Correcting the thermal heat transfer calculation to account for the 850C outside temperature, and assuming 1250C core temperature, 3cm hole, 9cm outer diameter and a length of 33cm in an ambient background of 20C yields a total heat transfer of 10.8365kW. Thanks for the update of the outer temperature. This is close to your nominal 10kW output rating.
Reply by Ian to my email, in which I had explained to him why there is plagiarism in the journal Nature:
Subject: RE: plagiarism in the journal Nature
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 21:03:42 +0000
Dear Wladimir,
This has nothing to do with that fact that the scientific model of nuclei as presents in Nature is not plagiarism because it has nothing to do with your book:
· Your book has pretty picture of nuclei that you made up
· The model is based on decades of science and empirical observations. No pretty pictures are needed.
A FLAT form is a ridiculous idea for light nuclei which are measured to have a SPHERICAL form.
The scientific theory published in the journal Nature is a not plagiarism of the proposal of yours because it has nothing to do with your proposal. It is not a FLAT form. It is not based on pretty pictures.
So what I said destroys your idea that there is plagiarism.
A poster on the JREF forum is touting your book and the extracts show it is obviously wrong ( It seems start with ignoring the fundamentals of QM that are backed up by empirical evidence, e.g. that atomic systems have a spin that is not classical spin. Any undergraduate physics student knows that any quantum system such as a nucleus with a spin of zero has to have no magnetic moment. Spin = 0 means angular momentum = 0 means no magnetic moment.
Thank you for your comments.
I sent to Ian the following reply:]
Subject: RE: plagiarism in the journal Nature
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 19:31:38 -0300
Dear Ian,
regarding to your words:
1- The model is based on decades of science and empirical observations. No pretty pictures are needed.
2- A FLAT form is a ridiculous idea for light nuclei which are measured to have a SPHERICAL form.
sorry to say that you are wrong.
The flat form of the light nuclei is observed by new experiments.
Look at the figure 1 shown in the link:
If you cannot realize the difference between a spherical and a flat form, I am very sorry.
I sent to Martin Freer a message where I wrote:
“Dear Martin Freer
With that distribution of charge of the 10Ne20 structure shown in Figure 1, how to explain that 10Ne20 has null electric quadrupole momentum ? That structure shown in Figure 1 is not spherical,”
And he replied by saying:
“The nucleus is intrinsically deformed as shown, but has spin 0. Consequently, there is no preferred orientation in the laboratory frame and thus the experimental quadrupole is an average over all orientations and hence is zero. Experimentally is is possible to show that the deformation of the ground state is non zero by breaking the symmetry and rotating the nucleus.
If the experiments would have detected spherical forms of the light nuclei, then Marting would have to reply to me:
“Dear Wladimir
you are wrong. The experiments have detected spherical forms of the light nuclei”.
Dear Ian,
it’s obvious that it’s hard to you to accept experiments which prove that it’s wrong the nuclear models which you believed (along decades) to be correct.
I cannot waste my time with a person who do not accept the results of experiments, and so I will not take seriously any other reply of yours.
Dear Eng Phillip Newell:
I cannot give information regarding what happens inside the reactor.
Warm Regards,
Dear Guru:
If our technology can help the Peace, this should be a gift from God; I agree with you on the fact that reason and good sense should avoid wars, but sometimes wars are necessary: think what could be the World today should the USA remain peaceful from 1941 through 1945…
Warm Regards,
Dear Neil Garrett:
First of all, let me tell to our readers that you are a hero who fought in the US Army to defend the freedom and democracy in the World.
After this, I cannot answerto your question because is bound to a confidential information. I an only say that application in air and space for the E-Cat are at least 20 years far.
Warm Regards,
Dear Ing. Rossi,
A very interesting article at nextbigfuture today on the storage of Hydrogen in Sodium Borohydride nano particles which are encased in a Nickle shell. Could this result in some of the same reactions that occur in your system?
Best Regards
Eng Newell
Dear Mr. Rossi,
Since the e-cat can now run without water cooling, it is
basically ready right now to replace the burner system in a hot air
balloon (add a blower, maybe). I understand that some LENR reactions
produce helium during operation. Do you foresee a dedicated portable
helium generator coming from LENR that would allow sealed envelopes to maintain their volume? To fill the envelopes in a reasonable amount of time? How far off do you think it will be? There has been much in the news about a coming helium shortage…
Oh, and Buon ferragosto! (Much better than “Beware the ides of March” for a mid-month sentiment!).
Since you suggested, here’s a photo of a small hot air balloon I designed and fly in front of crowds of creative types. Can’t wait to make it LENR powered…
Continual thanks,
Dr. Rossi wrote: “on the 8th of September we will publish on scientific magazines the complete report”
Thanks God, this very important non-delaying act maybe will thwart another illegal war. After publication of this important complete report and maybe some visible real operation of real E-Cats in real industrial duty – there will absolute obvious taht ALL classic nuclear powerplant are technologically obsolete.
Iranian Ayatollahs are educated men and with this important informations these will capable soon analyse, that their nuclear powerplants and thousands centrifuges are obsolete, unnecessary and oldfashioned iron. There is high probability they may order shutting off of this hardware in such new situation.
With Iranian nuclear powerplants and centrifuges out of duty, a new war can be avoided.
Northern hemisphere will saved from thousands tonnes of radioactive dust from debris of eventually bombarded installations.
Mr. Rossi – not only as inventor, as peacekeeper too.
Dear daniel De Caluwè:
Thank you for your kind wish.
Warm regards and “Buon Ferragosto” to you!
Warm Regards,
Dear Daniel De caluwè:
Yes, our plants are fit to be connected and intergrated with the existing plants of any kind.
Warm Regards,
Oh, what i forgot to ask in my previous message:
As the start-up time and the shut-down time both will be about 1 hour, am I right then that the Hot-cat (in the 1 MW plant and more) will be able to co-operate with renewable energy sources like wind-power and solar cells? I think yess, because 1 hour delay time still is fast enough to control or stabalize (the frequency and the voltage) of the electricity-grid, when there’s no wind and no sun. So in case of no wind, we quickly could start the Hot-Cat power plant, just in the same way as they do now with the gas-powered plants, that are easier to regulate than our big nuclear plants…
P.S. And have you heard of the problems with some of our big nuclear plants? We defenitly need the Hot-cat power plants!
Kind Regards,
Ir. Daniel De Caluwé
Mechelen, Belgium
What ever happened to Ampenergo? Are you still working with them? Are they ever going to become a more public company?
From a farmer son of a small country (Belgium), with an Italian prime minister (Elio Di Rupo), I wish Dr. Rossi and all readers (especially Italian readers ;-): Buon Ferragosto. Here in Flanders (Belgium), and in the past, the month of august was also called the ‘month of harvest’, so I guess that ‘Buon Ferragosto’ also means ‘I wish you a good Harvest’? In that case, this certainly is a good wish to Dr. Rossi, who, with his 600°C to 1200°C and also gas-driven Hot Cat (hot E-cat) will be able to produce electricity, and that certainly is a ‘good harvest’! So, I wish him and his team a ‘buon ferragosto’ again!
Dear Joe:
The next big step is in preparation between us and the Swedish Siemens R&D center.
Warm Regards,
Dear Steven N. Karels:
Actually, not true: the external surface temperature during the validation tests has been of 850 celsius.
Anyway: on the 8th of September we will publish on scientific magazines the complete report.
Warm Regards,