Is proton the harmonic mean of up and down quark fermi-gluons!

U.V.S. Seshavatharam
DIP QA Engineer, Lanco Industries Ltd, Srikalahasti-517641, A.P, India

Department Of Nuclear Physics, Andhra University, Vizag-530003, AP, India.

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Estimated or phenomenological [7, 8] masses of up and down quarks are 1.3 to 3.3 MeV and 4.1 to 5.8 MeV respectively.
Standard model assumes that proton constitutes 2 up quarks and one down quark. Neutron constitutes 2 down quarks and one up quarks.
In any way their estimated or phenomenological [7, 8] mass sum is not matching with the nucleons rest mass.
In any way their sum is not matching with the nucleons rest energy.
There should be some reason for this mismatch. This clearly indicates that there is something missing from the standard model.
In standard model there exists 8 gluons having `color’ charge with no rest mass and in between the quarks strong interaction is mediated by these gluons.
If gluons has no rest mass and up and down quarks mass sum is small (compared to the nucleon rest mass) how to generate the existing nucleon rest mass? To over come this difculty [1] it is suggested that there exists integral charge quark fermions, integral charge quark bosons, integral charge (massive) quark fermi-gluons and integral charge (massive) quark boso-gluons.
Note that fermi-gluon means massive gluons having fermion behavior and boso-gluon means massive gluons having boson behavior.
(Effective) fermi-gluons play a crucial role in baryons mass generation and boso-gluons play a crucial role in mesons mass generation.

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304 comments to Is proton the harmonic mean of up and down quark fermi-gluons!

  • Wladimir Guglinski

    Joe wrote in August 28th, 2012 at 2:27 PM

    The proton does move with respect to space. But if the proton is stationary with respect to aether within the framework of QRT, this means that aether is not stationary with respect to space in the vicinity of the proton. This would render a situation of two aether dynamics within the same atom – one moving (nucleus), one still (electron). QRT must account for this dual dynamic.
    All the best,

    No, Joe.
    When the proton belongs to the structure of the neutron, the proton does NOT move with regard to the aether.
    The correct is: the neutron moves with regard to the aether.
    And the neutron moves with helical trajectory, because of the interaction between the proton and the eather.


  • Andrea Rossi

    To the Readers interested to contact the Italian Licensee of Leonardo Corp:

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Brian:
    Warm Regards,

  • Brian

    Mr. Rossi

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. When you say “Eventually” for the publication by JONP will this be in September? Is there a reason for the additional delay? For example, does the report contain confidential information that you are trying to protect for the time being.

    Good luck to you with everything.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mark Saker:
    All our production has to be certified.
    The safety certification for the industrial plant has been completed for the low temp. plants.
    The certification for the Hot Cats is in course.
    The certification for the domestic apparatuses is in course.
    The NDA we have with the Certificators does not allow us to give more info regarding the certifications so far.
    Congratulations for your glorious Newspaper,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Brian:
    The Journalists attending the conference will hear the report. The same report will be eventually published on the Journal Of Nuclear Physics and anybody will be allowed to reproduce it free in toto or in part: the Journal Of Nuclear Physics does not apply the Copyright on its publications.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Niccolò Vassena:
    Please contact
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N. Karels:
    I agree.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
    Warm Regards,

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Mr. Rossi: As you know I have been very interested in how your E-Cats can be used to solve probably the most critical humanitarian problem facing our world: the desalination and purification of water. I know your plate is full and I hate to ask you this question, but I must. Have you given any thought to designing or subcontracting the design of an E-Cat system for the above application? “Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Theodore Roosevelt and anonymous..

  • Steven N. Karels

    eCat and Thermal Conductivity

    Since eCats are designed to run 24 hours per day and 7 days per week (e,g., continuously), it makes no difference the thermal conductivity of the heat transferring elements as the amount of heat generated will equal the amount of heat released into the environment. What does make a difference is the temperature difference between the interior and the exterior of the heat transferring interface. For the same amount of thermal power, a material with a lower thermal resistance will have a lower delta temperature. So if a Hot eCat is attempting to supply thermal heat near the melting point of nickel, then it becomes a design concern. In addition, since most materials tend to loose strength with temperature and eCats operate with an internal pressure, this also affects the design choices.

  • Se vuole siamo disposti ad investire per marinizzare il suo prodotto, sarebbe interessato?

  • Brian

    Mr. Rossi

    I hope that you are well

    You have indicated that your September 8 report will be published by the media that is attending your licensing convention. Can you clarify what you mean by this? Do you mean that they will report on your presentation in their publications? Or will they be provided with a copy of the report itself? If not, will the written report that you are discussing in Zurich be published through your Journal?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. We know that you are very busy and your efforts to keep the public informed are greatly appreciated.

  • Mark Saker

    Dear Andrea,

    There seems to be so many variations of cats in development. I am concerned how these affect the delay in industrial and home certifications. Could you please advise the following state of certifications and questions:

    1. 1MW original
    2. 1MW hot cat
    3. 10kW original
    4. 10kW hotcat
    5. The 1MW sales which have been made so far – are they for the 1MW original or 1MW hot cat?
    6. I worry that each new iteration of the ecat delays the home ecat. Is this the case?

    Sorry for the questions, I am eager for news. In fact I am having an article published in my local newspaper – the oldest newspaper in Britain

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Herb Gillis:
    I cannot answer to your question.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear SRWallace:
    Anything we sell implies liabilities, therefore needs certification.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
    You are right, but certifications for naval applications will take many years.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear H.Hansson:
    We will check.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Pekka Janhunen:
    1- good idea
    2- 200/300 W
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea Rossi, SRWallace:

    1) While waiting for certification, maybe make and sell an E-cat simulator for application developers: a device of the same external appearance as the real E-cat, but having only a resistor instead of nickel powder inside. The simulator would have the same temporal behaviour as the real E-cat, made by software by regulating the resistor’s power in an appropriate way. In other words, the simulator would consume up to 10 kW from the wall outlet, but otherwise it would behave in the same way as the real E-cat. In this way application developers could start building their stuff around the product before you are able to obtain the certification licenses for selling the real things.

    2) You said you will test “2-300 W” device. Is it indeed 2 W or did you mean to write 200-300 W?
    regards, pekka

  • H. Hansson

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    In some cases EU Government do approval of certifications.

    Like for such things like car parts you needs to file the certification documents to a Government agency (like in Italy cars the: Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti), meanwhile for other products like recreational boats you only needs to do a “Declaration of Conformity” based on the certification documents.

    In your case I would strongly advice your people to check if not one or several components of your eCat falls under a more strict requirements, especially when you starts offer the eCats for homes.

  • Dear Joe, Your question directed to Wladimir intrigues me. Quote ‘The proton does not move with respect to space’. I believe the proton pulses and thereby does not move, a pulse is a neutral stationary position going nowhere. The aether as a conglomerate is the proton. Wladimir may not agree with me on this one but energy takes on the same dimensions whether on a macro scale or a micro scale. Within the density of the proton I believe the particles are of an ordered structured and move slowly within the proton mass. Particles within the electron are of the same structure but move more freely being not as condensed. These two states proton and electron are connected by mobile neutrals composed of particles that are transitory and move with rapidity and bind the two potentials together being an internal economy flow system. Exterior to this unit of energy is an outer exterior flow that connects the unit to the exterior environment and is responsible for the ultimate destruction of the unit when the unit encounters an environment with more positive gravity than the interior gravity of the unit. Aether forms a particle and I believe, there are three types of aether long wave short wave and medium wave. It is when these threesome get into a certain position within their environment that they are able to display their potential, that is to say as a neutral with a bias of potential. Wladimir I hope you do not mind me answering Joes question and maybe you do not agree with me but it’s what I believe to be a valid explanation. Regards Eric Ashworth.

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Mr. Rossi: Congratulations on your amazing progress. You stated above: “No, we are not ready for naval applications”. Could you explain, I would think the hot cat would be ideal for marine applications.

  • SRWallace

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    I do not know of any certification that would be required for a research/experimenter’s kit. I understand that any application developed by the researcher would/might have to be certified prior to any general release to the public. I am sure that there are many, many universities and other institutions that would appreciate investigating your device once the appropriate intellectual property rights are granted. Just something to think about.

    Warm regards,

  • Herb Gillis

    Andrea Rossi:
    Do you think that the exhaustion of the fuel may be due, in whole or in part, to changes in the crystal structure of the metal? Have you looked for changes in crystal structure after an extended burn (ie. on the order of 6 months)? If you were to recover the pure nickel from spent fuel and reprocess it [so that the pure nickel crystal structure is restored] do you think it is possible that more energy could be extracted from it?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Niccolò Vassena:
    No, we are not ready for naval applications.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bruno Galvan:
    I do not tjink that a publication made by a scientific institution will change substantially things, even if it will be useful. What is really important is the production and operation of well working plants.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Guest:
    I prefer not to make projections now. I hope a substantial number.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Giuliano Bettini:
    Of course! (he,he,he)
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear H. Hansson:
    The certification is not made by Governments.
    Warm Regards,

  • Bruno Galvan

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I strongly believe that a publication/declaration, made by an autoritative independent scientific institution (e.g., an university), that the E-cat works as you say, would rise a great interest from the international media.

    You said that a rigorous publication deriving from a third party validation will be relelased within October by a University. Do you think that this pubblication will have the above effect on the media?

    Bruno Galvan

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear SRWallace:
    I put you now in the waiting list. No, kit for application would put very big obstacles to the certification.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Joe:
    You are right. We will test soon reactors very small (2-300 watts of power). For the future, not for short term sales.
    Warm Regards,

  • Joe

    Dr Rossi,

    How small could a Hot Cat be designed – perhaps the size of a consumer battery? A tiny one would not only prepare the way for future use in small devices but the increase in surface area per unit volume or weight would mean an increase in the amount of heat per unit time that would be available for use immediately. That is, an ensemble of tiny Hot Cats would have a greater power density and would be better for Leonardo Corporation.

    All the best,

  • SRWallace

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    Will there be an research/experimenter’s kit for application development? There are so many potential uses that it appears to be endless. If so, how do I get on the waiting list?

    Warm regards,

  • H. Hansson

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    To what Government approval authority will you file your certification documents in Europe ??

  • Giuliano Bettini

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    Hot Cat 1MW.
    I suppose you choose this shape, a drum, because you play the drums. 🙂
    Giuliano Bettini

  • Guest

    Dear mr Rossi,

    In your opinion: How many E-cat MW will be installed in the world in say 3 years time?


  • Spettabile Ing. Rossi, è da tempo che la sto seguendo e mi sembra maturo il tempo di contattarla per sapere se fosse possibile produrre in breve periodo un E-Cat tale da poter essere installato su imbarcazioni e capace, con debite modifiche, di sviluppare 400kVA.
    Ringraziandola anticipatamente
    Niccolò Vassena

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Achille:
    Our consumption of Ni is irrilevant respect the world nickel production.
    Warm Regards,

  • Achille

    Carissimo Ing. Rossi, una domanda “interessata”. Credendo fermamente al suo E-cat, e volendo scommettere sulla sua scoperta, ritiene obiettivamente interessante investire in Borsa sulla quotazione del Nichel?
    Grazie, cari saluti, Achille Conti

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Scott Hansen:
    The home unit will yield about 40 000 kJ/h.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Jam:
    When the medium is at the equilibrium temperature, it gives all the heat it gets. Like a sponge, when it is full, no more water can be retained. Of course the system has to be well insulated, so that the heat goes where you need it. At the beginning of the process the more conductive wall will transfer more heat, but when the system is in equilibrium, so much energy you give, so much energy you get ( 1st principle of thermodynamic). Insulation is paramount,to be sure the heat goes where you want it to go.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Adam Lepczak:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Prof. Joseph Fine:
    About 30-40 minutes.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Joe:
    1- we have a back up
    2- yes, within due limits
    3- is a possibility we are studying
    Warm Regards,

  • Scott Hansen

    Dear Mr. Rossi:
    I would like to know how many BTU’s the home unit will put out. That way I’ll know if I need to order more than one unit. I live in Fairbanks AK, so it’s important to get it right.

    Thank You.

  • Joe

    Dr Rossi,

    1. Since the certification agency demands an independent source of power to drive the E-Cats for reasons of safety, what would happen if that second source failed to deliver power (blackout, for example)?

    2. Would the certification agency ever allow a self-running device?

    3. When the E-Cat does eventually become self-running, could not a separate system be adjoined to the E-Cat simply to serve as a shutdown device that is used only when the E-Cat finds itself in an emergency?

    All the best,

  • Joe


    The proton does move with respect to space. But if the proton is stationary with respect to aether within the framework of QRT, this means that aether is not stationary with respect to space in the vicinity of the proton. This would render a situation of two aether dynamics within the same atom – one moving (nucleus), one still (electron). QRT must account for this dual dynamic.

    All the best,

  • Joseph Fine

    Andrea Rossi,

    A better question, is how long would it take for a module (or system of modules) to change its output/(total output) from 10% of maximum output power up to 90% power and from 90% power down to 10% power?

    Equilibrium regards,


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