U.V.S. Seshavatharam
Honorary faculty, I-SERVE
Alakapuri, Hyderabad-35, AP, India
Prof. S. Lakshminarayana
Dept. of Nuclear Physics, Andhra University
Visakhapatnam-03, AP, India
With reference to the current physics concepts, implementing the gravitational constant in atomic and nuclear physics and studying its consequences is beyond the scope. 10 dimensional String theory is also not in a position to couple the nuclear scale and planck scale. Role of dark energy or dark matter is very insignificant in understanding the basic concepts of unification of fundamental interactions. Considering the atomic and nuclear physical constants till today cosmic acceleration is not yet verified.
Project summary
Project summary
Within the expanding cosmic Hubble volume, Hubble length can be considered as the gravitational or electromagnetic interaction range. Product of ‘Hubble volume’ and ‘cosmic critical density’ can be called as the “Hubble mass”. The three proposed assumptions are: 1) within the Hubble volume, each and every point in free space is influenced by the Hubble mass, 2) ‘molar electron mass’ can be considered as the rest mass of a new heavy charged elementary particle and 3) atomic gravitational constant is Avogadro number times the classical gravitational constant. This is a new approach and may be given a chance in understanding the four fundamental cosmological interactions. Approach may be different but involvement and encouragement may bring this subject into main stream.
Dear Andrea,
I hope cat like’s eat big sharks.
Big step, congratulations!!!
Dear Andrea,
I can only imagine what your reaction will be when the report is published and your outstanding achievements are universally acclaimed. There have been many famous people who have expressed their victory with some kind of salute (e.g. Churchill, Arafat). What will your expression of victory be? I want to capture the moment with a new caricature!
Kind regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
if you was able to raise the COP it means, that your dream machine is now even better concerning the running costs. I can’t wait for the report.
1. Do you forsee the possibility to further implement stages so that you only need a minimal input for safe huge excess heat or is it problematic due to safety reasons?
2. Has the startup time changed with the two stage design?
3. Do you think that the new multistage device will have an influence on the design of the home e-cat?
You said the 1MW could be 3 qubic meter in size. My current home heating device is bigger than that and only has like 20 KW.
Best Regards,
Robert Tanhaus
Congratulazioni Andrea
Sei un eroe!!!!
Sono felice!!!
Non vedo l’ora di avere un ecat per riscaldare la mia casetta.
Ancora TANTI AUGURI! di buon lavoro.
Dear Dr. Rossi
Congratulations and Thank You!!!
The World is in dire need of your highly efficient 3rd generation Hot-Cats.
Rossi Hot-Cats will help halt Global Warming and will also stimulate the Global economy, creating millions of good jobs in clean energy.
Cheap abundant clean energy will solve a great many problems humanity faces today.
Dear Andrea. I was sure that you had read Sun Tzu.
Regarding the eagle:as told in the lost tragedy by Aeschylus Prometheus Unbound, after three thousand years, Hercules passed from the Caucasus region, pierced with an arrow the eagle that tortured Prometheus and freed him breaking the chains.So i was thinking of an expedition on ‘Mt. Kazbek the highest peak of eastern Georgia(Mount Kazbek is associated in Georgian folklore with Amirani, the Georgian version of Prometheus )
However a good remedy for liver is a solution based on glycerol: the solution Schoun.
Andrea; I am delighted to hear you have separated activation from power production. Soon you will add more cartridges to your revolver. At times it helps to be biased.
Your advancement of this project has been more swift then I could hope. God must be smiling. pg
Congratulations on your recent 3rd Party tests! I’m a dedicated follower since January 2009, and share your vision in a better future for humanity (thanks to you).
After your rise to success I hope you continue to serve humanity, specifically leveraging your power to support transitional technologies.
An example of a currently feasible technology: Evacuated Tube Transport Technology, Darryl Oyster Florida
Also as I’m sure your well aware nanotechnology is the future.
Sorry to waste your time, I just want a better world for future generations to come.
Thank god for you Mr. Rossi
Dear cslemon:
Yes, I tried to do what I supposed was the work He wanted from me to give a sense to all what has been before. Nothing that happens is negative, it’s a step, or a test.
Warm Regards,
For the last two years it took all my self-restraint not to bother you with questions and comments but now I must send you my
Thank you and congratulations!
You are doing His work. After all that you’ve been through, AXIOS!
Dear Hans-Joachim Mueller:
I too am very surprised how many friends we have…I couldn’t imagine!
Warm Regards,
Dear Dave K:
Thank you
Warm Regards.
Dear Hank Mills:
First of all, thank you for your attention, glad to hear from you.
1- wait the report, after that we will talk of it. It has been a real revolution
2- confidential
Warm Regards, also to our friend Sterling
Dear Luca Salvarani,
Thank you, a hug to you,
Dear Marco,
I understand. Let’s wait the report, eventually we will talk of this.
Warm Regards,
Dear Martyn Aubrey:
Thank you, yes I think these Mouse-Cats will bring warm, like the following
Warm Regards,
Dear Giuseppe:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Dear Carloluna:
I read that book, know it: I agree, but you must hunt the dam bird anyway,
Dear Martin Lasser:
WOW! Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Dear Carlo Marcena:
Thank you, wishing all the best to you,
Warm Regards,
Dear Giovanni Guerrini:
He,he,he…delicious! Yes, but my Cat is more aggressive, luckily!
Warm Regards,
Dear Janne:
Thank you, very kind,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
1- no, just to give the idea of something that wakes up a Cat: the mouse activates the aggressivity of a Cat…
2- no, are not reversible
3- I can say that 1 MW of power stays in 3 cubic meters
4- different scaling will be necessary, but the 1 kW modules are very perfectioned
5- both
6- same as in 2
Happy Holy Day to you and all our Readers
Warm Regards,
Dear Bernie Koppenhofer,
I think it has been fixed after your signal.
Warm Regards,
Dear Gregory Lee:
Thank you very much for your snake-busting, he,he,he.
Our Partners share our revolutionary intent, do not worry.
Warm Regards,
Dear Xavier Pitz:
I am very proud to have friends also in France. Surely I will give information on this blog when the publication will be available.
Merci Beaucoup !
Warm Regards,
Dear Robert Tanhaus:
1- no, we revolutioned the technology separating the activation from the E-Cat, making 2 separated apparatuses in the same house: mouse ( activator) and Cat. This has enhanced the efficiency of the E-Cat. Has been an idea I got during a night of fever and asma attack… I couldn’t sleep, it worked.
2- He is helping manufacturing the plants
Warm Regards,
Dear bernie Morrissey:
Unbelievable, I couldn’t imagine that so many persons were following our work with appreciacion..
Thank you, thanks to all! It’s a privilege for me your attention to our work.
Warm Regards,
Dear Neil J. Taylor:
Thanks to you, very kind,
Warm Regards,
Dear Gian:
Thank you, interesting link.
Warm Regards,
Dear Luca Salvarani:
1- substantially different, because we separated the activation from the reaction in 2 separated devices
2- efficiency
3- the goal of the tests was strictly to discover if the effect exists or not
Warm Regards,
Dear Dave K:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Dear Hans-Joachim Mueller:
Thank you, the sustain of our Friends has always been very important,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Only 3 curiosities:
1) Is the new hot cat a really new generation product or a “simple” upgrade… in other words how innovative is the new hot cat?
2) What are its main advantages over the former one? Security, cost, performance? It sounds far better… can I dream?
3) Did the 3rd party scientists also help you understanding the phisical phenomenon? If so I think it absolutely doesn’t affect their indipendence and their report…it’s normal they try to explain what they saw. I promise not to write other questions untill the end end of April…forgive my curiosity!
Thank you for your patience and you great work…
From Italy : thank you Andrea.
Here is something you and your fans must read.
Dear Mr. Rossie,
The last two years have been an eternity for all of us. I hope that your announcement is the beginning for a whole new world of nonpolluting energy. You may have saved us all from ourselves. God speed on moving this project forward for humanity despite all the snakes who try to discredit these momentous achievements of yours and your associates!
Thank you from the whole world,
Dear Andrea Rossi
I feel so privileged to to be able to tell you congratulations on all your achievements. This is truly great news. I get excited to read of all the advancements and look forward to seeing reports from the third party tests.
The world will soon be changing for the good of civilization.
Bernie Morrissey
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I have two questions.
1. Was the Hot Cat in Pordenone of the same model as the Hot Cats in the 3rd party test now?
2. Did your “new” partner helped you a lot designing these two stage reactors?
Thank you,
Robert Tanhaus
Dear Mr. Rossi,
Well done 🙂
Congratulations to you and your team ! You also have “fans” in France 😉
Please keep us in touch when you’ll know were and when the 3rd party report will be published. We are all very impatient…
Best Regards,
Xavier Pitz
Dr. Rossi. I have been following your inquisitive and dogddely and fiesty advancements through the years.
Right off the top I knew I had seen the REAL THING when I first heard about your endeavour. I don’t know what made me put my full trust in you so firmly and quickly sight unseen, but I did. Call it a sixth sense, if you will, but I did .
I also don’t mind telling you that I did spend few minutes here and there fending off poisonous snakes showing their fangs trying to discredit your name.
I do not expect your response but I thank you in advance if you do.
It has been a tumultuous and fascinating journey that is about to culminate in paradigm shift. Your invention will also help many other underdogs to come to light and give them the kind of credence they deserve from myopic scientific estabilishments . Much DESERVED congratulations !!
My only other hope is that you will carry on for the mankind if not for yourself and not succumb to weighty barons’ demands.
Again I bid you well Dr.Rossi.
Gregory L.
Dr. Rossi: I noticed the site: is no longer available. Can you tell us why it was taken down? I send my skeptical friends to this site to learn about your E-cat. Thanks
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations to you on your new generation of kittens.
I hope they will grow healthy and strong.
In your response to Steven Karels, you said three Hot-Cats are being tested.
Each Hot-Cat has 2 stages – a 1st stage activator (or ‘MOUSE’) and a 2nd stage E-Cat 1 kW-Th module.
1: Is the first stage called a ‘Mouse’ because it is so small?
2: Can you feed heat back from the 2nd stage to the first stage (‘Mouse’) to help activate the ‘MOUSE’? ( …to make the mouse squeak. )
3: How big (or small) and how heavy (or light) is the current (two-stage) 1 kW module?
4: Do you plan to have 1000-1 kW modules or can you scale up the size of the
modules to 5 kW, 10 kW etc. That is can you scale up this technology to 10 MW instead of 1 MW without having 10,000 – 1 kW modules?
5: Can the newest module be driven by natural gas or by electric heaters?
6: If heat is fedback from the 2nd stage to the MOUSE, does that enhance the time duration/stability of the self-sustain mode?
Best regards to you, your family, your team and Readers for a Happy and Holy Day.
Joseph Fine
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I feel privileged in being able to congratulate, dare I already say, a useful inventor of the 21st century.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
now we have the 2^generation,do you think that the 3^ could be like this?….
eh,eh… G G
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I have no words to describe my appreciation of your achievements …
Thanks and thanks again.
Wishing u all the best,
Carlo Marcena
WOW! Congratulation Dr. Rossi!
Dear Prometheus. I would like to recommend a good book on military strategy.    
Sun Tzu, The Art of War,%20L’arte%20della%20guerra.pdf
Useful for medical issues, business strategies, legal battles, and more.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations, thank you for sharing this important informations.
The day the report will be pubblished i will be so happy that i will cry
Please, also, make your followers in pole position to have news.
[…] the Andrea Rossi’s blog the following […]
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Well Done Sir!!
Many congratulations on your new milestone.
We are all looking forward to your Hot Cats, (and mice) bringing some warmth back to this cold World!
Perhaps now the Main-Stream Media will start to pay attention to your excellent achievements.
Kindest Regards,
Martyn Aubrey.