Electrical catalyst

Tadej Bajda a.k.a.Tamal Krishna
das Krsko, Slovenia
Description of a fictional device, cylindrical in shape, for starting a low energy nuclear reaction. Using an environment of hydrogen and nickel charecteristics, similiar to one in an E-Cat. Imagining hydrogen molecul as a spring resonant system and simply using frequency and power of electricity as a catalyst.

882 comments to Electrical catalyst

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea,
    In your very interesting answer to Frank Acland you stated, as once before, that NUclear = UNclear.
    Do the professors (especially Professor Focardi) who are very close, confirm this ?
    Is it then wise (as from wisdom) to scale this up ?
    Sorry if I’m seeking too much “good” and “reflection” in the delays.
    The actions of our ennemies create opportunities for us to learn more about ourselves.
    Kind Regards,

  • I just knew today is your birthday.
    I can suggest you a good bottle of wine.
    Maybe a “Montepulciano d’Abruzzo”
    ……Hei! Is it your catalist?!?
    Happy birthday, Giuseppe

  • Joseph Fine

    Happy Birthday Andrea Rossi,

    Best wishes to you for a healthy and productive year and a year full of good surprises.

    Also on June 3, (in 1920) Sir Ernest Rutherford postulated the existence of a neutral particle (or neutron) which was later discovered (in 1932) by his colleague Sir James Chadwick.

    Perhaps you have found another neutral particle or quasi-particle.


    Joseph Fine

  • Sergey Ivanov

    Dear Mr.Rossi, one of your Russian fans want to congratulate you! Happy Birthday!!!

  • Dear dr. Rossi,
    we are pleased to tell you that our interview was published on http://www.nextme.it/scienza/energia/5740-fusione-fredda-e-cat-funziona-intervista-andrea-rossi (italian language). Thank you very much for your time
    Kind regards
    Roberta De Carolis on behalf on NextMe.it

  • Nick Pourmi

    Dear Andrea,

    Celebrate Your Birthday today. Celebrate being a Hero every day!

    I simply can’t wait for the caterpillar to become the butterfly you are!

    Nick Pourmi

  • Giovanni Guerrini

    Caro Gherardo,
    solo le persone di viva intelligenza comprendono a fondo l’importanza di questa tecnologia,come tuo padre.
    Vorrei fare i miei auguri a lui ed a te,di poter assaporare ancora per tanto tempo i momenti trascorsi insieme.

    Ciao Giovanni.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you very much, is a pleasure to hear that.
    Warmest Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Herb Gillis:
    Thank you.
    Yes, will be good surprises.
    Other nuclear reactions need millions Celsius ( fusion) and emit radiations in the order of MeVs, we emit 50-100 keVs ( inside the reactor).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luca Salvalani:

  • LilyLover

    Happy Birthday Dear Dr. Rossi.
    Happy Birthday to you.
    I just sang it.
    May this day bring joy to you.

    This seems like a firefly’s offering of light to you, a Sun-donor.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    We’ll see.
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    >but big surprises are arriving…

    Electricity produced by a Hot-Cat?

    Hopeful Regards…
    Italo R.

  • Luca Salvarani

    Tanti tanti auguri ingegnere!
    Almeno oggi festeggiale festeggiale…

  • Herb Gillis

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    Best wishes on your birthday. May all your big surprises be good surprises!
    As regards the terms “LENR”; does your acceptance of this term imply that you think the underlying phenomenon is indeed nuclear- – as opposed to something even more fundamental (such as zero point energy, or second law violation, or ???)?
    If the basic phenomenon is indeed nuclear; in what sense is it “low energy”- – as compared to other nuclear reactions?
    Best Regards; HRG.

  • Hampus

    Happy Birthday Andrea Rossi!

    Thank you for your important work.

    Dont worry about Snakes or Trolls, there is more people on your team then against you.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Friends Giovanni Guerrini, Pierino S., Lucio Martini, Fabio 82,
    Pietro F., Gian Luca:
    Thank you for your kind greetings! I am celebrating working, but big surprises are arriving…
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Yes, but with scarse results…
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You repled “Actually, the issue of the IP defense is not a simple one.” The defense, like a wall, is built one brick at a time. The suggested tamper proof memory devices were just one brick.

  • Giovanni Guerrini

    Caro Dott Rossi,
    Le auguro un felice compleanno.


  • Pierino.S.

    Tanti AUGURI di buon compleanno Andrea!
    Grazie per quello che stai facendo.
    Per me sei un eroe!

  • Lucio Martini

    Buon Compleanno e mille di questi giorni,
    non poniamo limiti!
    Lucio Martini

  • fabio82

    ……happy birthday!
    You’ll get an “indipendent party” with food and drinks? 🙂

  • Pietro F.

    Auguri ingegnere,
    buon compleanno.

  • Gian Luca

    also to me……happy birthday 🙂

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gio, Antonella, Silvio Caggia, Gianvico Pirazzini:
    Thank you !
    Warm Regards,

  • Antonella

    Happy Birthday Andrea!

    tanti tanti auguri e felicità.

  • Gianvico Pirazzini

    Happy birthday.
    Gianvico and Pierino

  • Silvio Caggia

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Just google “quando e’ nato andrea rossi?”
    You will get: 3 giugno 1950 (età 62)
    Happy Birthday!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Thank you! How did you know?
    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Happy Birthday tomorrow

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Lucio Martini:
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Lucio Martini

    Dear Ing. Rossi
    If Wikipedia writes things that are not true and prevents the corrections, it is possible that he has some favor in return?
    What a pity! I thought Wikipedia was a free item.
    It may be that the “twenty-one sisters” (but it would be enough to one-third) have put “something more”
    However the decision to move to take legal action is your sacrosanct right and if it his joint to the fact that any compensation will be donated by you to charity, puts you on a much higher plane morally than Wikipedia and any other possible lobbies that support it.
    Con grande stima.
    Lucio Martini

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Frank Acland:
    Very problematic question, but intriguing.
    LENR ( Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) is acceptable, based on my personal experience, because the Third Indipendent Party Report has accertained beyond any reasonable doubt that the energy produced cannot be generated by the quantic status changement of the electrons orbiting around the nuclea ( see the Ragone diagram of the well known Report).
    CANR is difficult to define: what does mean “chemical assisted” exactly? Definitions “de omnino et nihil” are basically meaningless.
    LANR comes from a nuclear model based on ” lattice structure of nucleons”, but when it turns into models, NUclear = UNclear. It comes from the W-L theory, which is wrong because unsustainable under the theoretical point of view ( conflicts with the leptons conservation law and confers to virtual particles characteristics limited to the real e.p.) and under the experimental point of view ( it has never worked in 10 years of attempts. By the way: I have given to 2 of our US scientists the task to work full time for 1 year to replicate all the existing patents of LENR in the world, to analyze which of them can work. We also analyze the theoretical claims, checking with the instrumentation we can use, very complete, if the supposed radiations, fusions etc really happen. We are making this work both for scientific purpose and for understanding which patents work and which ones do not work).
    ANOMALOUS HEAT EFFECT : “anomalous” is generic, this too is a substantive that does not confer a precise meaning. “Anomalous” can be used as an adjective of a phenomenon observed in an experiment or a test, indipendently from a defined process.
    FLEISHMANN-PONS EFFECT is valid for electrilytic systems, but has nothing to do, for example, with my Effect, which is based upon a precise mechanism that has nothing to do with electrolysis.
    COLD FUSION is limited to the energy produced if and when fusion is effectively reached: my personal experience is that cold fusion is a side effect of the LENR.
    This is my opinion, but maybe Others will be able to coin better definitions.
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    Recent interview (in italian) with dr. Rossi, about the Independent Report:


  • Alex

    For those of you who are US citizens, there’s an opportunity to petition the Administration for a commission “to research LENR energy production from devices such as Andrea Rossi’s ECAT”.

    Link below.

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    There have been a number of labels applied to the phenomenon that was originally referred as ‘cold fusion.’ Some are: LENR (Low energy nuclear reaction), LANR (Lattice assisted nuclear reaction), CANR (Chemically assisted nuclear reaction), Anomalous heat effect, Fleischmann Pons effect, Cold fusion — and more.

    What do you think is the most accurate label that should be applied to your technology — and why?

    Many thanks!

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea

    Dear Andrea,
    i’m sorry, i was talking about power (not about time) during self-sustained mode(Input OFF)compared to not self-sustained(Input ON).
    I was asking if the power produced in the core is expected to be constant during the entire cycle
    or rather higer during non self-sustained mode than during SSM, and if so, at what ratio.
    This information is not provided on the report where has been measured only average excess, but maybe in your test you had a chance to measure this ratio.
    Thank you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Andrea, I am not sure I have understood your question, let me try an answer:
    the self sustaining mode endures about 40 minutes per hour.
    If you need another answer, please repeat the question.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea

    Dear Andrea,
    on the report has been measured an excess power of more than 500 W on average.
    According to your experience, what should have been the ratio of excess power during input ON and OFF rispectively? A constant excess of 500+500 W(1:1) or maybe 2:1 or less?
    Thank you for your attention,

  • Andrea Rossi

    My opinion is that the different energy sources must integrate themselves, not destroy each other. We need all of them, and if the windmills in the Northern Sea are fit, there is no reason not to build them. I do not know the authorization files, anyway, therefore I am not able to give an opinion regarding the authorizations.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Actually, the issue of the IP defense is not a simple one.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • gianfry

    Egr. Dr. Rossi
    Una più attenta rilettura della relazione delle prove fate dai Saggi sull’ E-Cat
    mi porta a rivedere quanto da me espresso in precedenza su un eventuale sistema
    di controllo.

    Il sistema di controllo scelto per l’E-Cat provato negli ultimi mesi,
    nella sua semplicità, ben si adatta all’ impiego che ne è stato fatto.

    La scelta di un opportuno duty cycle consente, a parità degli altri parametri,
    ed in particolare della massima tensione di alimentazione (questa legata
    all’obiettivo della sicurezza di funzionamento), di garantire sia la stabilità, che il rendimento del sistema ( COP ).

    La scelta del rapporto (Tempo ON / Tempo OFF = 0,35/0,65) deve essere stata fatta
    in base a test precedenti o ad altre considerazioni razionali.

    L’utilizzo di un controllo a loop chiuso utilizzante la PWM, come da me ipotizzato,
    in questo caso era del tutto inutile.

    Con sempre grande stima

    Dear Dr. Rossi
    A more careful reading of the report of the tests made by the Sages on theE-Cat
    leads me to revise what I write earlier about a possible control system.

    The control system used with the last E-Cat tested in recent months,
    in its simplicity, is very well suited to the use that has been made.

    The choice of an appropriate Duty Cycle allows, at parity of the other parameters,
    and in particular the maximum supply voltage (this linked to
    achieving the security of operation), to ensure stability,
    as well as system performance (COP).

    The choice of the report (Time ON / Time OFF = 0.35 / 0.65) must have been made
    to optimise 1° stability and 2° COP on the basis of previous tests or other rational considerations.

    The use of a closed-loop control utilizing PWM, as I have suggested,
    in this case was totally unnecessary.

    Warm Regards

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Reverse engineering of eCats will likely occur using your industrial versions, even if you have NDAs in place and other legal protections. Units could be stolen, etc., in industrial spying.

    Most definately, when you begin to produce residential units, this will occur. So you cannot expect to retain the trade secrets forever. This is always the case with the “first one to market”, especially in a technology leap that eCat appears to be. There is a great incentive to learn, copy, steal by both those in technology and those whose motives are strictly financial (greed).

    There is little you can do to protect the architecture, the mechanical design as the eCat unit could be disassembled (either re-assembled or destructively).

    You could attempt to control access to your control software or firmware with storage in memory devices that destroy the program when tampered with. Perhaps this is something you may wish to explore.

  • Dear Andrea Rossi.

    The Dutch government is planning to build windmills in the North Sea for 3200 MW electric by 2020.

    Is your industrial partner capable to produce ECATs for 5000 MW thermal (which should produce about 3200 MW electric) before 2020? If yes, could they please, send an offer to the Dutch government, just to give them (the public and the media) a reason to reconsider the windmills which are becoming a liability in many respects?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am delighted to read your comment.
    Say hello from me to your father.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gherardo

    exceptionally I’ll write this post in italian to better express myself.

    Ieri ho spiegato a grandi linee a mio padre, in là negli anni, la sua invenzione.
    Era molto interessato, mi ha fatto molte domande pertinenti e l’ho visto “vivo” dopo tanto tempo. Infatti a causa di una malattia da molto tempo ha perso vero interesse per questa vita.
    Ieri invece era ansioso di sapere quando questa tecnologia si sarebbe diffusa, a che punto era e ha immediatamente realizzato il grosso salto in avanti che sarebbe per l’umanità. Quando ha percepito bene il discorso del vapore ha ironizzato ridacchiando che si sarebbe tornati alle locomotive a vapore. Insomma ha visto una scintilla di futuro migliore per questa povera umanità che ultimamente non sta dando il meglio di se’.
    Volevo ringraziarla per avergli donato questo momento di gioia.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N. Karels:
    Theoretically there are not limits in this sense, but there are considerations connected with the intellectual property that limits the convenience of these “mini”Cats. Think, for example, to the Clowns who are saying that they have been able to steal our technology: today they have a mock up, an empty box waiting ( from us) for real technology to be filled with. Should they be able to buy for small money a device, the day after they could announce a real test, made by an indipendent party, and they are just a paradigm of a crowd like them. We will put in the market small devices only after we will be able to produce in mass quantity, to gain a competitivity enough to forbid a steal of IP. This issue is bound to the certification process: with a certification process done, we can robotize the production, prices will be unsustainable for wide competition, we will be able to get a strong share of the market: after that, even if unavoidably the competition will be born, our efforts will have been prized adequately.
    Warm Regards,

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