Tadej Bajda a.k.a.Tamal Krishna
das Krsko, Slovenia
Description of a fictional device, cylindrical in shape, for starting a low energy nuclear reaction. Using an environment of hydrogen and nickel charecteristics, similiar to one in an E-Cat. Imagining hydrogen molecul as a spring resonant system and simply using frequency and power of electricity as a catalyst.
Dear Andrea Rossi and Jackie,
Water purification is an interest of mine. A complex subject depending on the condition of the local water to be purified. The apparently simple method of boiling and distilling it does not always produce safe, potable water depending in the contaniments in the local water. It is also very energy wasteful (it takes a lot of energy to boil water and then we condense it, discarding that energy).
Use of a UV lamp for sufficiently clear (low turbidity) water looks especially appealing because of its relatively low power consumption, assuming the contamination is primarily biological.
If the eCat could produce around 100W of AC power (e.g., 120VAC, 60 Hz), a village sized (100 – 200 people) purification plant could be put together with off-the-shelf components in a matter of weeks. More power might be needed if water pumping was required. This would be a constant load system, ideal for an eCat-electricity production unit.
Water (International Health) requirements are 1 – 2 gallons of potable water per person per day. The UV lamp must be changed yearly so this goes well with the 6 month change-out of the eCat fuel.
Dear Andrea, what is your major fear concerning the future of your invention? I hope nothing could stop you!
many thanks!
Dear Mr Rossi, I visit a small village in Uganda every year to teach English to the children and take with me water filters (link below) the villagers are always delighted to receive them as they have to buy clean water in small plastic bags which is expensive.
Thank you for your interest.
Dear Andrea,
Now that you are working with a group of scientists dedicated to the R&D of your technology how has the speed of development of the E-Cat changed?
Are you discovering things that were not possible when you were working alone?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Other researchers in the LENR field have suggested that LENR can be used to help destroy radioactive nuclei, or at least accelerate their decomposition. It has also been suggested that additional energy can be produced while doing this. Without getting into the theoretical disputes or confidential issues, can you tell me if your LENR technology might be used in this way?
Kind Regards; HRG.
Dear Andrea Rossi and Steve Karels:
The reason why I posted my questions about global energy reserves (due to nickel) was because of an earlier post by somebody else who suggested that the energy source may be the rearrangement of an unknown nuclear isomer of one or more of the heavy isotopes of nickel. If this if true then the actual fuel (the stuff that is consumed) might be even less than 4.5% of natural nickel.
While I appreciate that A.R. cannot give further information now (due to confidentiality), I believe the issue of how much energy is actually available from nickel (globally) is still open and needs to be addressed quantitatively at some point.
Regards; HRG.
Andrea Rossi,
Tropical Storm “Andrea” recently formed in the Gulf of Mexico and will make landfall in Florida this afternoon with winds of 60-65 miles per hour. Fortunately, it will not reach Hurricane force winds and will not be catastrophic, though there will be some flooding. The energy of the E-Cats and Hot-Cats, though small right now, will someday exceed the output of the hurricanes.
Windy regards,
Joseph Fine
Steven N Karels:
I understand, but I cannot give further information.
Warm Regards,
We are studying on this. Just conceptually for now, because I suppose a nor easy safety certification.
Warm Regards,
Tell me exactly where and when are you thinking about. Please no chatters, I need precision to make facts.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi, at your present rate of progress when do you think we may see the first self-contained water purifying unit powered by Cold Fusion in action for those in need.
Dear Andrea Rossi
Is it possible using nanotechnology to build small ECAT to be power source to different electrical appliances?
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I do believe you that the amount of additional Nickel consumption will be irrelevant but, being an engineer, I must resolve the discrepancy.
Clear the most tenuous assumptions are the Nickel isotopes and the mass defect effects.
I do not see a mechanism for the mass of an entire Nickel atom being consumed. So if Nickel mass is consumed, it is reasonable to assume that some small portion of the mass will be converted to energy, if this is the energy production process.
Without a further disclosure, a more complete analysis cannot be done.
Steven N Karels:
Sorry, your numbers are wrong, I have not time now to correct. You can either believe me if I say that our consumption of matter is irrilevant regarding Ni, or remake your calculations, with a complete analisys.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
To recharge a module costs about 50 $.
Warm Regards,
Bruce B:
I am honoured of your comment. I always said that honest sceptics make a positive role, forcing us to improve our work. It’s the Hegelian dialectic between thesys and antithesys to make the constructive synthesys.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,I recently changed my view from a skeptic (due to the lies of the snake) to a believer based on the credible evidence of the third party report.
Congratulations sir.
I start to believe that the second law of thermodynamics has a problem with relativity and things that go fast. There must be some rule we overlooked.
Dear Andrea,
How much will be the cost for materials utilized in a single recharge process. You said that will have a recurrence of about six month.
This not considering if will be part of a service contract.
Thanks, Giuseppe
Dear Andrea Rossi,
The topic has come up on how much Nickel could eCats consume if they became the dominant energy producers in the World?
The annual Nickel production is about 1.4 Million Tonnes per year. This equates to 1.4 x 10**+12 grams per year.
You have stated 1 gram converted to energy yields 2.3 x 10**+7 kWh of energy
You have also stated that only the Nickel isotopes are part of the reaction (62Ni and 64Ni). These represent around 4.5% of all natural Nickel
Assuming the energy producing reaction is Ni -> Cu, the typical mass defect (mass changed to energy) is about 0.00018 amu over about 63 amus for the Nickel atom of about 2.8 x 10**-6 of the Nickel mass is converted to energy.
Assume eCat consumption is limited to 10% of annual Nickel production or 1.4 x 10**+11 grams per year
Total eCat energy production is:
2.3 x 10**7 kWh/g * 1.4 x 10**11 g/yr * 0.045 * 2.8 x 10**-6 = ~4 x 10**11 kWh / yr
If we can convert this to electricity at 50% efficiency, then the total electrical energy production will be about 2 x 10**11 kWh / yr
The world electrical energy production is 20,000 TWh/yr or 2 x 10**13 kWh / yr.
With a 10% consumption of annual Nickel production, would not we still be 2 orders of magnitude short on power production?
Is the Nickel isotope assumption incorrect? If the rare isotopes are consumed in the energy producing reaction, they cannot be re-cycled.
Are you saying that energy and/or thermo/electric power will be so abundant and no more a scarce commodity? A least cost factor in any human economic evaluation?
Are you aware on what you are trying to thrive on and how much is vital that your products reach the wide market of individuals.
Are IP matters on the “wheel” your the closest problem?
I don’t think so.
I think you are refining the technology surrounding your “effect” just fo taking a twofold advantage on the biting followers.
I also hope that all the technical specifications to build your new fire will be so simple that after the Columbus’ egg we shall name the e-cat the Rossi’s egg. Nature is born simple. But you need to be very smart to understand it.
Many vows for your newest achivements. Let us thrive with your fire as soon as possible.
Planning on hope Regards.
Herb Gills:
I answered exactly referring to the global reserves of Ni: the consumption of the E-Cat, even with a worldwide utilization, will be irrilevant respect the Ni reserves of the world.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Thank you for responding to my question. If the amount of energy obtainable from a single charge is difficult to say, then that’s the way it is. However; you may have misunderstood what I meant by “reserves”. I was referring to global energy reserves due to the new source you discovered, not the reserves within a single reactor. Obviously the amount of energy that can be obtained from a fixed amount of fuel has major implications for calculation of the global energy reserve that nickel represents, as does the percentage of the rare isotope that is required.
While I recognize that we are getting into a delicate area, it is hard for me to understand why the total energy yield of fixed amount of fuel (nickel fuel composition, as used in the Ecat) is difficult to measure. Perhaps you might care to elaborate further, but I understand if you cannot. Thanks again.
Kind Regards; HRG.
Herb Gillis:
Theoretically 1 g of matter is equal to 23 x 10^6 kWh, indipendently from the atoms.
How much energy can make actually one charge of ours is difficult to say, but if you go to read the Ragone diagram on the Report of the Third Indipendent Party you will understand that reserves are not an issue.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Have you quantified the amount of energy which can be obtained from a fixed amount of fuel (nickel)? I know that this has been discussed before, years ago, but the total energy yield was not known at that time. I believe that this kind of information is important for estimating energy reserves- – especially if a rare isotope of nickel is required.
Kind Regards; HRG.
Dear Neri B.:
technological and scientific achievements. We are working very hard and results are increasing.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
you are a bit cynical with us followers always anxious for news if you say “big surprises and results” 🙂
Could you please tell us if you are referring to:
1. Technological improvements (electric power achieved, Electromotiv Force understood, increased COP)
2. Commercial achievements (important agreements, press conference upcoming)
3. Patent granted
Neri B.
Dear Peter Forsberg:
I am just making my job as well as I can. Thank you for your sustain.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi. I want to thank you for your hard work to make this invention real. I am very grateful, because it means that when my children grow up they will be able to live happier lives. The world now is headed towards financial disaster, but with abundant cheap energy I think that could be averted. Again, thanks.
Prof. Joseph Fine:
I think sooner will arrive very important results too.
Just a sensation.
Warm Regards,
Ville Kanninen:
Thank you, and also thanks for the interesting information.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
I hope weeks.
Warm Regards,
I never comment what happens inside the reactor.
Warm Regards,
Hank Mills:
Not easy.
Warm Regards,
Todd Burkett:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Maybe this day will be a holiday someday because of you!
Best of birthdays!
Hello Andrea,
I know you cannot answer in detail, but have you considered making a powder with a component that would poison the reaction over a certain temperature? That way the temp would climb until a certain point but would not be able to go beyond it. For example, maybe a substance that becomes a gas over a certain temperature that would poison the reaction, but when the temperature falls it could become a solid again and let the reactions continue? We just need some kind of property that would allow the ecat to self sustain continually without being able to exceed a set temperature and go out of control.
Caro Andrea
Have you considered nuclear isomers as a plausible explanation for LENR??
The energy is already there, in the form of naturally occurring nuclear isomers of nickel with the hydrogen acting as a trigger!
Dear Andrea,
I am sure you understand that when you mention good and big surprises are coming that everyone who is following your work pays attention and starts guessing. The suspense can be hard!
Are the surprises related to business developments or technological advances?
Can we expect to hear about them in days, weeks or months?
Many thanks!
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Slightly late happy birthday congratulations from Finland, too.
Not necessarily directly related to your research at all, but it is interesting to know, that reduced iron in some minerals can produce hydrogen from water in rather low temperatures. See a study from University of Colorado Boulder, “Water-rock reaction may provide enough hydrogen ‘food’ to sustain life in cool parts of the ocean’s crust or on Mars”, http://www.colorado.edu/news/releases/2013/05/30/water-rock-reaction-may-provide-enough-hydrogen-%E2%80%98food%E2%80%99-sustain-life-cool
kind regards
Ville Kanninen
Andrea Rossi,
Please don’t worry about this. You have many more important things to do besides responding to tens of thousands of our comments. I just wanted to know what else happened on June 3rd.
By December 3rd, there may be results from the six month test. That would be very interesting to hear about. It should show a higher energy density figure than from the recent independent tests.
Birthday regards,
Prof. Joseph Fine,
What a stupid I am, sorry, I didn’t read with the necessary attention ( must be quick). Thank you for the correction: very nice coincidence anyway.
Warm Regards,
Not Rutherford’s birthday, his lecture on his theory of the neutron.
Nick Pourmi:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Redazione NextMe.it:
Thank you and good luck to the Magazine you work for,
Warm Regards,
Sergey Ivanov:
I am so pleased that our work is observed also in Russia: I am very honoured of this.
Warm Regards,
Prof. Joseph Fine:
Thank you very much: I did not know abour Rutherford’s birthday: I am very pleased of this coincidence. You are always a source from which learn something.
Warm Regards,
In the USA is made in California a champenois that I like very much: I will celebrate with it. The catalist? Is the support from you all. I never received so many greetings in my life…
Warm Regards,
Koen Vandewalle:
Every person that studies seriously a matter, the more this person studies it, the more understands the shortcomings of his knowledge. Only the persons that do not know a matter at all are convinced to know it ( Socrates: ” the only thing I know is that I do not know”).
Warm Regards,