Virtual neutrons and miniatoms in low energy nuclear reactions of hydrogen and deuterium

Lino Daddi
Retired Earlier Professor
at Naval Academy Leghorn, Italy
They are considered the roles of miniatoms and virtual neutrons in LENR reactions of hydrogen and deuterium absorbed in solids.
Has highlighted the role of virtual neutrons in restructuring of the nucleus, when the strong force provides the required energy for the virtual neutrons becomes real neutrons.

Some behaviors can be facilitated in hydrogen by alternation of the proton-electron system between the condition of miniatom and the condition of virtual neutron. This alternation could increase range and duration of the compressed system <p/e> to allow the proton to meet with a nucleus of the solid.
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322 comments to Virtual neutrons and miniatoms in low energy nuclear reactions of hydrogen and deuterium

  • Andrea Rossi

    Nobody answered to my comment of 05 05 8.17 a.m., so I give you the answer: the guy was Prof. Orlando Ferguson, from Hot Springs, South Dakota: he wrote ” Square and Stationary Earth”, in 1893, in which he argued that based on his assumptions, the Earth is square and firm. His book had a good success. If at the end of the test the 1MW E-Cat will complete a positive operation, Prof Ferguson will be the paradigmatic example of LENR negationists.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bong Sisavath:
    I always answer when I see intelligent critics. I never answer to persons who continue to ignore the answers I already have given or have been given from others. The reason is lack of time to lose with persons that, obviously, either have an agenda, or are eager to make a discussion with us, even groundless, to get notoriety at any cost. The best thing to do is ignore them, because intelligent Readers understand by themselves that these guys either have an agenda or are frustrated persons in search of futile attention. Consider that now we have made a transition from laboratory tests to a plant that has been put in the market, sold to a Customer and is working in his factory, so that now our COP is not object of speculation, but of actual production: yadda yadda about assumptions are just a loss of time. To say ” the E-Cat cannot have a COP>1 because of the fact that I have calculated that …etc etc- whatever the value of the etc-…” is like to say ” The Eearth is flat because I have calculated that…” ( as some wannabe physicist actually published during the 19th Century: do you know his name? He didn’t pass to the History like a particularly smart guy).
    This said, I must add that the results of the tests on course could be positive, but also negative.

  • Dr Andrea Rossi:
    I noticed that you always turn a blind eye when somebody attacks you around the blogosphere. Why that?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Charis Birchett:
    Nanostructured metals are interesting for their exciting plasmonic and photonic properties, making possible strong field localization, light focusing, strong absorption and scattering at their resonance frequencies. Resonant plasmonic and metamaterial absorbers are useful for thermo- photovoltaics, hot electrons collection and similar issues.
    We made an ultranarrow band absorber based on the surface lattice resonances and have been observed ultranarrow band resonant absorption peaks, without any effect on LENR though, so far.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dr A. Rossi:
    Are you familiar with metal resonances and, if yes, do you think they can be useful with LENR ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Management Consultants:
    The patents matter is being carefully reviewed. This matter is business strategy and I cannot comment in these matters in positive or negative. I must continue to focus, together with my team, on the 1 MW E-Cat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Congratulations for your fantastic work, but we think you could need help in management issues, for example concerning how to handle the patent problems.
    We could help you.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    A) first, then a trial and error process that could be defined by B). More A than B in the first period, eventually a mix of an evolving A modified by B and vice versa. Not easy to digest, I know. This is why the E-Cat is a very complex apparatus and the 1 MW plant is made by tens of thousands of components.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hi Andrea:

    A quick question, but only if you feel it is appropriate to address the matter. If not please send to trash.

    In very general terms, is your success in finding a method for generating substantial quantities of excess heat based:

    A) Principally, on a careful consideration of your knowledge of nuclear processes and logically deducing what might well stand a chance of working? or:

    B) Principally, on trying all kinds of experiments with all kinds of substances in many combinations, finally finding a combination that worked?

    If it reflects both, would you like to make a guess as to what proportion each contributed?

    The first of the above reflects an astonishingly superior level not only of knowledge but also of understanding. (The difference between knowledge and understanding is, in my opinion, often underestimated!) The second reflects a remarkable degree of tenacity!

    Thank you.

    Rodney Nicholson.

  • Regarding Dr. Joseph Fine’s link to this very interesting article …….. :

    ….. can someone please clarify for me whether the article is implying that if the de Broglie interpretation of quantum mechanics proves to be correct (using the word ‘correct’ cautiously!) then it can be taken as serious evidence for the existence of an aether?

    And that it is on the waves of this vibrating aether that photons propagate, giving them the appearance of possessing wave properties, when in reality they are particles only, riding on these aether waves? Or might the waves some kind of non-aether wave?

    And, as a further consequence, that Occam’s Razor should be applied cautiously!

    Or am I completely off on a tangent here?

    Struggling-for-some-sort-of-understanding regards,

    Rodney Nicholson
    (My understanding is limited because I am an economist not a physicist. But I did a fair amount of physics in my final three years of UK high school.)

  • Regarding Dr. Joseph Fine’s link to this very interesting article …….. :

    ….. can someone please clarify for me whether the article is implying that if the de Broglie interpretation of quantum mechanics proves to be correct (using the word ‘correct’ cautiously!) then it can be taken as proving the existence of an aether?

    And that it is on the waves of this vibrating aether that photons propagate, giving them the appearance of possessing wave properties, when in reality they are particles only, riding on these aether waves?

    Or am I completely off on a tangent here?

    Struggling-for-some-sort-of-understanding regards,

    Rodney Nicholson
    (My understanding is limited because I am an economist not a physicist. But I did a fair amount of physics in my final three years of UK high school.)

  • Andrea Rossi

    Greg Leonard:
    Surely the heat production for direct use of heat is the more efficient, for the first and second thermodynamic principle.
    Warm Regards,

  • Greg Leonard

    Dear AR and Rodney Nicholson,
    To heat an object, the heat source needs to be a some significant higher temperature.
    I can imagine that a gas powered burner would work fine here.
    What I am unsure about is whether the temperature difference between the ‘heater’ ecat and the ‘heated’ ecat will be enough to get the ‘heated’ ecat into self-sustain mode.

    I imagine the gas powered ecat would be extremely useful when the output requirement is simply heat, and in a place far from the electric grid.
    Greg Leonard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    We are considering this, as you correctly write.
    Warm Regards,

  • Regarding:

    Andrea Rossi
    December 17th, 2014 at 3:31 PM
    Koen Vandewalle:
    The gas fueled Hot Cat is a logic evolution of the Hot Cat, due to obvious economic considerations.
    Warm regards

    While it appears some electrical stimulation is essential for the functioning of the Ecat, might it be possible in a multiple unit system for the energy required to heat units not in self-sustain mode to be provided by heat from the units in self-sustain mode? This way, from the heat input point of view, the entire device would be self sufficient and a gas supply would not be necessary? No doubt you have already considered this.

    Rodney Nicholson.

  • Hi Dan C.:

    “When Rossi says all energies will be integrated, he is just being realistic. it will take many decades to transition. ”

    I have to very much agree with this. If you take the energy content of the entire current annual consumption of crude oil, natural gas and coal, and add present nuclear power generation which will be phased out eventually as the plants exceed their useful lives; then calculate how many one megawatt units are required to displace it, you will see it will take a long time.

    Even assuming initial production of 10,000 one megawatt units a year and doubling production each year for a few years it will still take a long time, simply because the current usage of coal, natural gas and oil is so huge. Having said this, though, it didn’t take very long to install optical fiber and related equipment across the entire world when the internet appeared.

    The critical factor permitting the rapid expansion of *any* business is that the product be sold at a price which allows profits to be high enough so that they can be reinvested in the construction of larger and larger manufacturing plants quickly. If a company is making only small profits it will not have the resources to expand quickly, if at all. LENR will be no different.

    Charging a high enough price will be critical in determining how long it takes for LENR technology to achieve maturity. If E-cat units are sold at prices sufficient to finance rapid expansion, then it will certainly not take 100 years.

    Of course the profits must also be high enough to finance both research into new products and the improvement of existing ones, to stay ahead of potential competitors. Also, when competition eventually appears, in order to continue to thrive it will be critical for the company to maintain a very strong balance sheet so it can take on competition likely to come from some very large and very well financed companies in the energy and transportation industries.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    Usually I ignore stupid comments, but sometimes I get nervous.
    Warm Regards,

  • Thank you, Andrea, for your wonderfully entertaining reply which started:

    “Andrea Rossi
    October 10th, 2014 at 3:05 PM
    I have been informed right now that on a blog a person whose nickname is Raman has said a curious thing I want to deal with because is a paradigmatic example of fake professionality used to perpetrate an agenda.”

    It brought a huge smile to my face!

    Thanks also to Hank Mills for his quote from Jonathan Swift!

    Rodney Nicholson.

  • To Steven N. Karels:

    Questions about how much longer the fuel charge could have continued providing heat in the ITP test may not have much relevance to the performance of a commercial E-cat because in the ITP test the investigators ran the unit with power continuously ‘on’.

    I understand this was to make it simpler to calculate both the energy input and heat output. In previous experiments, in order to keep the unit functioning it had only been necessary to provide input power intermittently. With the continuous power input during this test the fuel may have been used up at a faster rate than would have been the case with only intermittent power input.

    This will also likely be a factor in the COP. If in this ITP test the power had indeed been applied only intermittently, when strictly necessary, then the amount of power input would have been reduced, and the power output likely would not have been diminished as much. So I believe this is one of the reasons the COP in the ITP test came out to less than 6. There may perhaps be additional reasons also.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    1- I do not know why the Professors of the ITP decided that way to publish. They, as I always said, are totally independent from us. If they did so, means they had a reason for it. The report has been written by them, obviously; today I have contacted their spokesman, who confirmed that the report published is the original version, uncut; the version that will be published in a scientific magazine will have to be reduced within 15 pages. They told me it was necessary a publication with all the 54 pages, because every page has a specific importance.
    2- the charge had been made for a 35 days test. This is the test duration agreed upon when the experiment has been started
    3- I cannot enter in this particular
    Thank you for your attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Mr. Rossi:

    Many questions have been answered in the paper. But more arise:

    1) Was it originally intended that the paper be released on sifferkoll? Or might
    this be some kind of unintentional leak? And if it was unintended, from what you know is the information contained in the report accurate?

    2) It seems that in the ITP test the content of 58Ni was reduced almost to zero after one month of operation. That leads to a conclusion that maybe some route of conversion of 58Ni to 62Ni may be a significant source of the energy relaeased. But if the E-cat can function for as much as six times longer than the 32 days of the ITP test, then that cannot be right because there would not be any 58Ni available for the next five months.

    3) I had previously thought I had understood that hydrogen was supplied in gaseous form under pressure. But I do not see mention of that in the paper. It seems that it is available only in the form of AlLiH4. Is that correct?

    Please feel free to modify, or completely erase, any of the above questions if you feel discussion of them might not be helpful.

    Again, wonderful (positive?!) news. Congratulations.

    Rodney Nicholson.

  • A STUNNING (dare I say “positive”?) result.



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