Do Dark Gravity Theories Predict Opera Superluminal Neutrinos and LENR Phenomena?

F Henry-Couannier
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
July 1, 2012


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We investigate whether Dark Gravity theories (DG) with two conjugate metrics gμν and g‾μνμρ ηνλ gˆρλ  where ημρ is supposed to be a background non dynamical and flat metric or an auxiliary field, actually predicted the occurrence of apparently superluminal propagations (from our metric side gμν point of view) such as the one recently reported by the Opera experiment. We find that indeed such theories could predict the order of magnitude of the superluminal velocity and even explain the apparent conflict with the SN1987 normal neutrino speeds provided the neutrinos are able to oscillate between the two conjugate metrics while propagating in a dense medium. We then explain the theoretical motivations and explore all possible phenomenological consequences of the field discontinuities naturally expected in some Dark Gravity theories. Since the Opera result was not confirmed, these discontinuities do not actually allow a propagation of neutrinos oscillating between the two conjugate metrics.
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320 comments to Do Dark Gravity Theories Predict Opera Superluminal Neutrinos and LENR Phenomena?

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Yesterday you said that the “E-Cat is an energy generator (Thermal and electric).” All previous descriptions were that the E-Cat generated heat only (which could then make electricity via a turbine, Stirling engine, etc.

    It is possible that you mean that you are now able to generate electricity directly from the E-Cat?

    Thank you, and best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • NewQuark

    Dr Rossi:
    Did you see that NASA has launched a program to make LENR domestic application copied from your E-Cat?
    They also made a theory about it. How do you feel about this?

  • Curiosone

    Microsoft is financing small nuclear reactors to reduce the environmental risks respect the big nuclear power plant. Your opinion?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for your emotional comment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    I hope that the positive and negative anodes of your battery of hot-cats being tested soon reaches it’s summit. The peak of your efforts will then be translated into the reports, and the percussion section will rock to the beat of the peer review in the scientific periodical that has the privilege of publication of the article for you. When you reach this apogee of your journey, the seed of a new age will be sown upon the globe that is Earth. We hope that the journey of it’s passengers will continue to progress to another age beyond the stone, bronze, iron, agricultural, industrial, technology, and information periods, into the space age. The new fire will blaze with power beyond any we have seen, lighting the way of this journey.

    The Torchship (or torch ship) is a term used by Robert A. Heinlein in several of his science fiction novels and short stories to describe fictional rocket ships that can maintain high accelerations indefinitely, thus reaching speeds that approach the speed of light. In his 1950 novel Farmer in the Sky, Heinlein describes a “mass-conversion ship” that derives its motive power from the complete conversion of mass to energy. The narrator of the novel, who is traveling to Jupiter in a mass-conversion ship called The Mayflower, describes the propulsion system as her “torch”.

    Fire or expressions having the thought of burning, or flaming, are also often associated with love, passion, judgment, or strong emotion. For instance, a fire of an unknown type will be used to dissolve and melt certain elements of the earth, resulting in a new earth that we are waiting for; one that will be in accord with the nature of it’s Design(er).

    May God bless you,

    Tom Conover

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giovanni Guerrini:
    you got it: ” lavolale, lavolale!”
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    I confirm that our target is to reduce the cost of electric power with the E-Cats, if the tests in course will be positive, until it will be around 1 cent/ kWh: at least this is our target, but still a hard work of validation and R&D has to be completed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, I believe you once said that E-Cat electricity would cost 1 cent per kWh.
    Is that estimate correct ?
    If you Google:
    The price of electricity in your state
    Click on that website.
    In Hawaii the cost is 33 cents per kWh !
    If they use the national avenge of 978 kWh
    Do the math, $322 or $9.78 with the E-Cat
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale

  • Giovanni Guerrini

    don’t forget this:

    It works,it lavola,lavola !

    Regards G G

  • Andrea Rossi

    I think end of March, but this is not a certain date. All the other consideration will be made after the results.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    E-Cat is an energy generator ( Thermal and electric).
    Warm Regards,

  • carloluna

    Hello Andrea.
    Plastic waste are killing the seas. E-cat can do something about this problem? after all it is raw materials. I think that with your knowledge of the field, those of your partner and the contribution of governments,the problem can be solved.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thomas Florek:
    I know today you completed your 51st ride around the Sun: can’t this be your next song?
    Thank you for your comment and a billion of Wishes

  • Andrew

    Dear Dr. Rossi
    When you say that the results of the validation process can either be positive or negative.. What do you mean exactly?
    What if the results are negative? Would that mean that the Cat doesn’t work?
    I am very confused
    Best regards

  • Hello Andrea,

    I continue to follow the exciting news. After the press-release and other statements, it occurs to me that it may feel like a great relief to be able to focus on Research and Development and leave the concerns of running a production line to others.

    Of course, I realize that any important collaboration requires that all of the parties have good understand and trust, and I wish that things go smoothly, (which they appear to be).

    I am convinced that the development of LENR will have profound effects on how the people in our culture see themselves, and the world around them. Thus I expect there to be great developments in Art, and culture happening.

    Anyway, I hope that you are enjoying the ride that you are on, and that it feels manageable and fun.

  • Andrea Rossi

    In our factory we are completing our cycle of validation and R&D, as well as we are manufacturing reactors for the plants. The results of the validation can be positive or negative, and I cannot give so far precise answers on the issue. The mass production line, for which parts have already been prepared, will be set up and put in operation when the mass production will begin, but, as I said many times, we cannot begin a mass production until the R&D and validation work will be completed. About the pathos: they are not our problem.
    Warm Regards,

  • SammyM

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I have been following this E-Cat story for quite a while now. I find the debate between the ‘true believers’ vs ‘patho-skeptics’ fascinating. Personally I am ‘sitting on the fence’ waiting for further results. But deep down inside I pray and hope for your success.
    However there is a point the ‘skeptics’ keep bringing up that bothers me. Between January 2011 and March 2012 you made a series of statements regarding a factory in the US (Florida?) with the purpose of making E-cats. You mention ‘my robotized line is already in construction, but not in operation’. Since little of this is heard in the months that follow I’m a little unclear as to what happened.

    – What happened to the factory?
    – Were any E-cats ever produced there?

    I’m not sure if you have already addressed these questions. I looked but could not find the answers. I hope you can clarify this confusion the ‘skeptics’ (snakes I believe you called them) keep bringing up. Regardless or whether you decide to answer or not I wish you continued success.

    Kind Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Federico, Giovanni:
    I am sure that the Electrolux issue will be resolved by the management of that Company in collaboration with the workers. The situation is very difficult, but, from their press releases, it appears they are working to resolve the problems. I think that with good sense and collaboration between the parties they will save that so important facility.
    Warm Regards

  • Giovanni

    dear Federico

    I’m also an old follower of Andrea Rossi and I leave in Porcia close to the mentioned Electrolux plant. I know many people working in that plant and I can confirm what you say about the skillness. In our area there are is a lot of know-how in many technologies (you mentioned cold and hot, not forgetting plastic, stainless steel and many other). You are right what is only missing in Italy is some serious people at hiher level of our stae administration.

    dear Andrea,

    I was also attending your e-cat presentation in Pordenone.

  • Andrea Rossi


  • Andrea Rossi

    Michael Schneider:
    I know the Viessmann application: is interesting.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea Rossi, in case you have missed this :
    Best regards,

  • Federico

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I live i Friuli Venezia Giulia, and as you certainly know Electrolux (ex Zanussi) is about to be sold off, or turned into a reservoir of slaves. I ask you, to you and your strong American investors: this might not to be an ideal place to produce your invention on a large scale? This is a place full of skilled workers, technical experts in cold and hot technlology. You had already made contacts with the Technological Innovation Center in Pordenone. Could you help Italy to exit the crap where is it now? Americans are great in innovation, I know, but italians also, despite the infamous government.
    Thank you for your attention.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    The JoNP will always been maintained and defended from the many attacks!
    The articles will continue to be published on monthly base, they will continue to be peer reviewed, and the blog will continue to be our direct contact with the world of our Readers. You bet.
    It will remain always extremely useful for me, for many reasons, and a mine of information also for me, not just for our beloved Readers.
    About the name: I think it comes from the fact that one of the core business will be the sale of thermal energy, but I am not the right guy to ask this.
    About radiations: as you know, we do not use radioactive material, do not produce radioactive material, as thousands now of measurements have put in undisputable evidence.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    John L:
    The production is not made by students…it is made by workers ( and very good too !!!). It is true that I teached to them something, months ago, but I am not working in the production, nor directing it. My role is chief scientist. Now I am totally free from productive and commercial engagements. This makes me extremely more productive under the R&D point of view.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Of course: our production now is entirely made in the USA and I do not anymore care of the production: my job is R&D direction.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    You mention the reactors being used in the 3rd party testing have been made entirely in the Industrial Heat factory. Does this mean that you, personally, did not participate in their manufacture?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea,
    Will you please maintain the JoNP ?
    It might become less usefull four you, but it remains very important.

    I cannot ask all I think because the answer will probably be that the information is confidential, but may we assume that the name “Industrial Heat” is well chosen again ? If I ever planned to sell planes, I would not call my company: “Best-Cars”.

    A lot of very powerfull people might become interested in your products now. Will you be more open in future communications about the technology and the source of the energy ? It might be better if terms as “controverse” were replaced by “Eureka !” (and patents….)
    By trying to understand Nuclear Physics and particles, I have become very afraid that some radioactive materials will never stop producing radioactivity, because the source of their energy may be unlimited. A lot of research will be needed to resolve that. My hope is that we need less energy to resolve that problem than what was produced by creating it.
    Therefor the entire world should be gratefull that you device does not produce neutrons.

    Kind regards,

  • John L

    Was the hotcat under test by the international physicists, made by someone else (your students) within I.H.?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Domenico Canino:
    I am not responsible of the communications and of the commercial strategy; I am just the chief scientist and, as such, I confirm that a third indipendent party validation, made by an international team of Physics totally indipendent from us, with reactors built entirely in the factory of Industrial Heat, will generate within several months a report that will be published on a peer reviewed scientific magazine; as I always said, the results can be positive or negative; also I want to add that a Research and Development work is in course, in which we are dedicating all our forces.
    Warm Regards,

  • domenico canino

    dear andrea rossi,
    There is a new strategy?
    Why IH LLC decided to coming out right now?
    I hope it is because after many monthes of good results of internal test, they said: we are ready.
    warm regards
    domenico canino

  • orsobubu

    … to the new powerful Rossi’s battleship 🙂

  • orsobubu

    JDM, having discussed lots of times about economic issues with readers and Rossi himself here in JNP, my advice is not to worry about them, because if the technology proofs effective in stimulating market economy, that’s good for everyone, and also environment will receive great benefits, getting rid of carbon emissions and nuclear isotopes. If it proofs deflationary, inflationary or anything else it will be even better, since it will represent a key factor, together with automation and robotics, for organizing a transition to new forms of production and distribution of goods, more advanced than capitalistic wage work exploitation, exempt from profit falls and crisis of overproduction. All my best wishes to the new… ( continues)

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dave Lafleur:
    Thank you, we are working at the maximum of our possibilities and the moral sustain of people like you is important for our Team.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Joseph J:
    Regarding the so called Rossi Effect, I am the chief scientist at Industrial Heat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    If the validation of this technology will be confirmed ( it has not been yet and the results of the tests in course could be positive or negative,as everybody knows and as I always said) it will be useful for everybody, and therefore the balance will be generally good. The rise of computers has cancelled typewriter machines, but the world did not get worse for this.
    Cheaper energy can stimulate economy, not deflate it.
    Warm Regards,

  • JDM

    Do you think about the economic results, positive and negative, of you work? For example less expensive energy would most probably make stuff cheaper delighting the masses, but the world’s central bankers might take extraordinary measures to combat the perceived deflation.
    Best regards,

  • Joseph j

    Dear Andrea
    You always say you’re schief scientist at your new partner
    Since the press release from Industrial Heat, LLC, I wonder,
    are you now chief scientist at Industrial Heat, LLC, or is there another comp. involved?

    kind regards
    Joseph j

  • Dave Lafleur

    Mr Rossi;
    I think I can speak for many of your long time viewers…congratulations on the venture capital for the e-cat with Industrial Heat LLC.

    Good luck to you all.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Martyn Aubrey:
    Thank you for your insight and for your suggestions.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    maybe you are right. Yes, we have about 600,000 pre-orders for the domestic applications, but we stopped the collection of the same, pending the certification process for the domestic applications. For now we must stay focused on the industrial applications.
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, I thought you may be interested in an email exchange i had with
    Dr Akbar Khan who is the Director of Medicor Cancer Centre in Toronto, Canada.
    I am very interested in cancer research, we have exchanged 5,000 emails.
    First I told him about IH.
    His reply:
    Awesome, I hope this means it will be in production faster.
    Thanks to you, I am on the list of early customers 🙂

    BTW Dr. Rossi, how many orders do you have ?
    The last I heard I think it was 600,000.

    My reply to Dr. Akbar Khan:
    He is still working on a Unit for the home for heat and for electricity.
    This is what I THINK:
    When he gets these Units for sale, the first thing he has to do is get
    approval from the UL before he can sell one Unit in the U S and most
    other Countries.
    This is going t be a struggle, this is new technology, so the UL will be
    very careful.

    However in China, if the Government says it’s okay, they go into production.
    China is the most polluted Country in the World, people are dying every day.
    They get most of their energy from coal.
    Some days you cannot see the top half of a tall building across the street !
    They desperately need the clean E-Cat.
    So when they have a million Unites operating safety for a year the UL will
    sit up and take notice.
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

  • Martyn Aubrey

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I have been rethinking my comments on connecting the E-Cat to a working load.

    I suggested previously, that to achieve the maximum power output, it would be necessary to match the E-Cat to the load.

    If the E-Cat operated as a conventional power generation source with a fixed capacity, then I still think that this would be correct.

    However, the E-Cat Mouse-Cat configuration has shown in tests that it can significantly increase its output power by increasing the heat feedback between the Mouse and the Cat reactors.

    You have told us that, if the heat is allowed to overdrive the reactors, the power is sufficient to make “all the cylinder (become) white-blue”, and “reach temperatures in the range of 2,000 Celsius degrees, when the “mouse” excited too much the E-Cat”.

    This shows that the E-Cat is capable of producing a great amount of power, if only for short periods of time before overheating destructively damages the reactors.

    The control system is able to adjust the heat feedback between the Mouse and the Cat reactors to achieve a stable Cat reactor power output with a chosen temperature of 1,100 deg C. In this way, the E-Cat appears to act very much in the manner of a constant-voltage, but variable-current, electronic power supply unit (PSU).

    With a small load connected, the output power level from the Cat reactor would be set by the control system to provide just the low power required to maintain the chosen stable temperature at the load.

    When a larger load is connected to the E-Cat, the load will take up more heat from the Cat reactor, but the control system will respond and increase the effective COP of the Mouse to further drive the Cat and provide the extra heating power required.

    Effectively, it appears that the E-Cat will match itself to the connected load, and always adjust the output power to provide the maximum power into that load at the selected stable temperature, thus negating the need to make other adjustments to achieve the load matching.

    In the sense that the E-Cat adjusts its output power to the capacity of the load to take up the generated heat, it could be thought of as being a Load-Responsive Power Source.

    The outstanding question of course is at what point the output power limit is reached. I look forward to the completion of your R&D when you can let us know.

    Kind Regards,
    Martyn Aubrey

    p.s. It looks like I was right, 2014 WILL be the year that the E-Cat leaps onto The World Stage!!
    Many congratulations on all your hard work that brought you so far, and again, Good Luck for the future development and bringing the E-Cat into large-scale production.

  • Andrea Rossi

    I hope too ( he,he,he…).
    Prof. Sergio Focardi is surely getting a lot of fun looking at us from where he is now.
    Warm Regards,

  • Luca

    Dear AR
    “When you see the light out of tunnel….” I hope that this isnt a train!!
    This just a joke!!!
    Congratulation for your result….and….. I dont forget Sergio Focardi.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sorry for the late answer: in these 2 last days, as probably the Readers have seen, we had problems with the JoNP internet connection, we have been attacked, now the problems have been resolved by our brave IT Guy and we are back online.
    Regarding your question: the evolution is permanent both for what concerns the device and the theory. The tunnel of research never ends, when you see the light out of the tunnel it is an illusion, a reflection of your present knowledge, but the absolute knowledge is always behind the artificial sun. That’s why you better make epochè of any given “knowledge”.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Herb Gillis:
    Thank you, very interesting,
    Warm Regards,

  • Herb Gillis

    Dr. Rossi:
    The device described in the attached paper (link below) describes an improved (higher efficiency) process for converting solar energy into electricity via infrared radiation. I think the same device might be applied to the production of electrical energy from an Ecat, also via infrared radiation:

    Regards; HRG.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    No comment. I have only to think to stay focused on my work in course of R&D and validation. I will make comments only after the publication of the results of the work in course, positive or negative as they might be.
    Warm Regards,

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