Jacques Chauveheid
If quantum mechanics can provide quantitative expressions of forces in conformity with the work of Erhenfest and the principle of correspondence, recognized quantitative expressions for nuclear and weak forces do not currently exist. In addition, the four basic forces do not depend on temperature, since measured in vacuum between particles.
In one of his books, Abraham Pais recalled a comment by Rutherford during the 1914-1919 period: “the Coulomb forces dominate if v (speed of alpha particles) is sufficiently small”, evidencing by these words the velocity-dependence of the strong-nuclear force. However, since Rutherford did not apparently refer to temperature, optimal conditions for nuclear fusion do not necessarily arise in disordered configurations characterized by extremely high temperatures, such as those encountered in stars like the sun. Even compared with galaxy formation, hot fusion in many stars seems the slowest and most inefficient physical phenomenon in the universe, because the sun’s ten billion year lifetime has an order of magnitude similar to the age of the universe, this circumstance having been highly beneficial for the life on earth.
Although not based on equations, Rutherford’s conclusion constitutes the essence of the “cold” approach to nuclear fusion and reactions starting from moderate energy levels, instead of extreme temperatures hardly controlling with precision the physical parameters ruling nuclear phenomena. In this view, a better theoretical understanding of these parameters will help nuclear technologies.
B. Theoretical antecedents
Eddington mentioned the concept of asymmetric affine connection in 1921 and pointed out applications in microphysics, but he did not pursue this idea [5]. In 1922, Elie Cartan introduced geometric torsion, as the antisymmetric part of an asymmetric affine connection. In May 1929, Cartan wrote a letter to Einstein in which he recommended the use of the differential formalism he developed, but Einstein did not follow Cartan’s advice.
Between 1944 and 1950, J. Mariani published four papers dealing with astrophysical magnetism and introduced an “ansatz” structurally similar to that used in the present theory. The German word “ansatz”, used by Ernst Schmutzer (correspondence), refers to a supposed relationship between fields of distinct origin, for example geometric contrasting with physical. Einstein also used an ansatz when he identified gravitation with the 4-space metric, but he did not put it in the form of an equation, presumably because being trivial.
The organization of the paper is the following: Section II details the Lagrangian formulation and the calculus of variations. Section III is about field equations and quantitative expressions of forces. Section IV introduces the short-range force between charged particles, first referred to as strong-nuclear between nucleons. Section V is on Yukawa and complexity. Section VI details the short-range forces in both systems electron-proton and electron-neutron, evidencing a weak nuclear mechanism in LENR technologies.
When not stated otherwise, mathematical conventions are those of reference.
Read the whole article
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Andrea Rossi,
An online article at http://www.Phys.org (see above) suggests that Radioactive decay rates depend on the incoming rate (flux) of Solar Neutrinos from the Sun. When solar flares erupt, the rate of solar neutrinos declines and the decay rate of radioactive isotopes decreases as well. When the solar neutrino flux increases to normal, the decay rate returns (that is, increases) to normal.
The article does not say how any change in neutrino flux could alter radioactive decay rates, but only suggests that it does. The author also did not mention any possible contribution of electromagnetic fields. (At night-time, after traveling 93 Million miles as well as through the earth, it is difficult to imagine how an EM field from the Sun could have any effect on a detector on the Earth.)
A possible conclusion from my reading of this article – my own crazy idea – is that increasing the neutrino flux probably would increase the radioactive isotope decay rate. And, increasing Solar Neutrinos above the normal flux, should reduce the Half Life (increase the decay rate) of a radioactive element. So, ‘Voila’, there it is ! To increase the radioactive decay rate of a substance, just increase the neutrino flux. All you need are a few more neutrinos.
The rest are engineering details!
Sunny regards,
Joseph Fine
I am not an expert of disinfestation, but I do not think that the E-Kat could help. About you, I think also in India you can find TriCalm, the best after moschito bite cream we have in the USA.
Warmest Regards
Steven N. Karels:
My last vacation has been in Italy in Costa Smeralda in August 2011 two weeks. Since then I have not been able to leave my job. But I must add that the places I am working in are so beautiful, that I am very lucky to be here.
Warm Regards
Maintainance is made by our assistance team. When charges have to be changed the system is fast.
Warm Regards
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I know that you don’t care rumors, whispers etc, but I am hearing very strong rumors from important sources that the report of the TIP will be published in September. Any comment?
I bet this comment and the former one will be spammed by the robot.
Thank you for all your answers about Physics: I appreciated also your answer about mass and gravity.
I am in vacation in India where I think the E-Cat can have enormous importance. What do you think? I also have big problems with moschitos: do you think the Ecat can be useful for disinfestation ?
Thank you
Dear Andrea
Thinking about the logical/hypothetical assessment Mr. Karels presented on the ‘E-Cat Fuel Limitations’, has it been conceived by your team a means by which the spent nickel powder core could be replaced on an automated continuous basis?
In my limited knowledge of metallic particle flow under harsh heat conditions, perhaps a very slow heat tolerant auger would feed at one end while dumping the “41%” spent nickel into a hopper at the other end. This not only could provide an extension of its life cycle but break up any coagulation occurring.
I’m sure you have thought of many ways to extend the maintenance cycle of the E-Cat and their limitations. Could you share your thoughts on these proposed concepts? Thanks.
With much respect, BK
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Hopefully this posting has outwitted your robot…
Do you take vacations (defined as one week or longer away from the place you work)? If so, when was your last vacation?
Francesco Poscetti:
Thank you for your kind attention.
1- There is not a term for the publication, but I think it will not take long, at this point.
2- This technology will be available for industrial utilizations, eventually it will be available also for domestic applications, provided safety certifications will be granted after enough experience in the industries.
3- Next step: the 1 MW plant installed in the factory of a Customer of IH.
Warm Regards,
Carissimo Andrea Rossi,
Ti seguo dal 2011, quando mi sono cominciato ad interessare al problema energetico dell’umanità. La tua invenzione e’ la soluzione più promettente tra quelle che io conosco. Sono molti mesi ormai che attendo novità. So che stiamo aspettando un test di terze parti. Quando scade il termine? Sono impaziente! E sono anche un pò preoccupato perchè ho timore che questa tecnologia venga frenata dal sistema attuale. Sara accessibile a tutti? O avremo il solito monopolio? A parte questi miei timori vorrei comunque ringraziarti di tutto quello che hai fatto. Sei un esempio per me.
Francesco Poscetti
Ps. Qual’è la fase successiva?
Your invention is the most promising game changer I heard of. We all are waiting for the publication of the second TIPR: is there a term for the publication? Will this technology available to all?
What’s the next step?
Thank you for your work.
Francesco Poscetti
Angel Blume:
For some reason that we do not know, many comments go in the spam. Our IT guy says that probably in the address or in the text there is something that the robot identifies as an advertisement. I always take a look to the first page of spam, to check if there is a good one, and now and again i fish a good comment erroneously spammed, but we receive hundreds of spammed comments per day, so, unfortunately, some good comment goes lost. What I suggest, if a comment is spammed, is to change address from where you send the comment, or eliminate any link, because sometimes links are carriers of advertising and for this reason the comments are spammed. I never ban anybody!!! Sometimes I spam a comment because contains offensive expressions, but when I do it I always send a private email to the Author, explaining why I spammed the comment: I spam specific comments, never ban any Reader !
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi.
I am happy knowing that some posts are erroneously classified as spam.
Were not for your kind responses I had thought I were banned.
Warm regards
Steven N. Karels:
This comment of yours has been casually recovered by me in the spam, where the robot had placed it. Please use another address to send your comments from, because this one goes to the spam, for some reason. Thank you for your insight.
Warm Regards,
eCat Fuel Limitations
Let us make a hypothesis that the primary reaction within the eCat is a hydrogen-to-hydrogen reaction. Andrea Rossi has stated he now believes the nickel plus hydrogen to copper is a secondary reaction. So let us assume that the secondary reaction is at 1 per cent level. Let us also assume that the nickel consists of the natural distribution of nickel isotopes and the reaction between the hydrogen-to-hydrogen only occurs in the presence of 64Ni. 64NI occurs in about 0.9% of natural nickel.
We understand that the amount of natural nickel in the eCat reactor is about 5 grams of mass. So the 64Ni would constitute about 46 milligrams. A 10kW eCat reactor operating continuously for 6 months would produce 43,200 kWhrs of energy. One gram of converted mass is equivalent to 23,000 kWhrs of energy. So 1.88 grams of mass will have been converted to energy. With our assumption of a 1 per cent secondary reaction, the amount of 64Ni would be 18.8 milligrams.
If the above is true, then the long term output power of the eCat should decrease by 41% over the six month operating run. Look to the independent report to see if this occurred.
Italo R.:
Thank you: we must be patient.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
We all wait to see, you are right.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I know that you have repeatedly stated the long duration test may be positive or negative. And I understand this as a normal disclaimer. But what you have revealed is that a single eCat operated for a long period of time, perhaps greater than six months of continuous operation. So the only success or failure metric that I can foresee is if the total energy being used to control the eCat was greater or less than the total energy output by the eCat. Am I missing another possible metric or outcome? Given your statement that it operated continuously and without failure seems to me to limit other possible outcomes. We all await to see what that ratio (output vs input energy) will be.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
the TPR2 has lasted about 6 months, and has been made only on one reactor. There were other two of them as spares, but they haven’t been used, there hasn’t been no need to use and test them.
The writing of its report is lasting for long, very long time.
I mean: for me, the result surely will be very very exciting.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Angek Blume:
Thank you for your attention.
The text-tail is due to the fact that the results of the long run Third Independent Party can really be positive or negative, as far as I know. Anyway should not be long the waiting for the results at this point. As for the industrial plant, we must wait a long run operation before being sure it works and respects the guarantees.
Thanks, again, for your offer of help.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi
I am buffled by the persistent texttail ‘positive or negative’.
What is it related to?
Of course NOT to efficiency as it would mean that the E-Cat does not work.
If problems with process control / safety, it is a matter of time.
If related to Ni isotopes enrichement / separation let me know.
Do not dismay.
Go on and do not hesitate on asking for help if needed.
Ville Kanninen:
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi, Mr. Inventor
Probably self-evident for you, but I did not think or realize that atomic vibration of individual atoms even in very small nanoscale atomic clusters are not equal. External atoms on the surface of the nano-structure vibrate more than internal atoms. Sounds very common sense, of course.
Anyway, interesting article about it, see
– Popularization in phys.org: “Scientists unveil new technology to better understand small clusters of atoms”, http://phys.org/news/2014-08-scientists-unveil-technology-small-clusters.html
– Original article in Physical Review Letters: “Modeling Nanoscale Inhomogeneities for Quantitative HAADF STEM Imaging”, http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.075501
I remember that you have found certain confidential particle size of nickel powder to work best for Rossi effect. An outsider speculation: maybe there are additional reasons than just larger surface with smaller particles to that.
kind regards
Ville Kanninen
Will Hurley:
I do not know about the matter, but we are not counting on incentives.
Warm Regards,
Mr. Rossi,
Will the Ecat qualify for low-carbon/clean energy tax incentives, credits or subsities that will lower the initial capital cost. I understand that it is competitive now. It is probably still to early but it will be a selling point.
God speed
Giuliano Bettini:
Obviously, even in case of negative results the activity will continue, probably in a more difficult situation, but we are not going to retire whatever the results.
Due information will be given in due time.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
“Our activity is in expansion, the team is increasing. Important events are on the verge to happen.”
Seems to be the TYPICAL move of whom is expecting “negative results”, I would say. 🙂
What kind of “important events”?
Giuliano Bettini.
Steve Karels,
I certainly do not want to run the Hot cat in an ‘open loop situation’ because in that case you would have no control. As far as I know is the Hot cat controlled by a temperature control loop: If the temperature exceeds a desired temperature, you switch the internal electrical heating element off, if it drops say ten degrees below that, you switch it on. What I understood is that if the temperature increases, the probability of runaway is higher. What I suggested is to control the Hot cat temperature with the flow of the cooling medium (say water). So if the temperature rises you increase the flow, it it drops you lower the flow, so it is still controlled and certainly not ‘open loop’. If, for whatever reason, the temperature continues to rise, I would suggest a second (safety) cooling loop with a factor 10 higher maximum flow and triggered by a second temperature indicator, which should always be able to stop a runaway and switch it completely off.
There is a similarity with a nuclear fission power station, which is also being operated around the runaway point (‘reactor is critical’). The biggest difference is that I think that a Hot cat that melts down is potentially not very dangerous for people and the environment, but melt down of a nuclear power station is and that therefore the precautions can be relaxed for a ‘critical’ Hot cat.
Andrea Rossi indicated that this cannot be done because of safety reasons. He will know best. Maybe the Hot cat can explode in case of a runaway, or cause fire or melt through its casing, whatever. I am sure for the time being he wants to walk the safe way and I agree with that. A ‘critical’ Hot cat may be something for the future if the advantages of this approach exceed the disadvantages.
Italo R.:
Our activity is in expansion, the team is increasing. Important events are on the verge to happen.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi, you have written:
“… In September I am afraid this situation will be frequent, but with the help of my great team we can do it. Failure is not an option….”
Can you give us some more details about what will happen in September? Thank you
Working Regards,
Italo R.
Mass and Gravity are two completely different things. You can have Mass in absence of Gravity ( otherwise you could move spaceships in the space without any effort) and you can have Gravity in absence of Mass ( for example light rays, made by massless photons, are bent by the gravitational field of galaxies).
Said this, Mass, conceptually, measures how much resistance you encounter when you push apart an object at a certain speed; more precisely, Mass is the amount of Energy that an object has when it is at rest: from the Einstein equation E=mc^2, you , which gives us the amount of energy that is in an object with a certain mass, we have, by equivalence, a formula that gives us the mass of the same object when it is not moving. Gravity is a force, mediated by gravitons, independent from mass: if I remember well I already answered you about how we can conceptually figure gravity fields and their bosons ( gravitons).
Warm Regards,
I think you are referring to the plant made in Alabama by Algae System, a Nevada company. They heat algae at 300°C at high pressure and, yes, it is the same process I patented in 1978. Good luck to them, is an important contribution and a very interesting new energy source.
Warm Regards,
Yes, the 1 MW plant has been made in the USA by IH.
Warm Regards,
Information about the 1 MW plant will be given in due time. Now is too soon to give any kind of information, in positive or in negative.
Warm Regards,
If I understand your suggestion correctly, it would be to run the Hot eCat in an open loop mode of operation — that is, let it run away but rely on cooling to keep it from destroying itself. Is that essentially correct? The problem with open loop systems, among other things, is that what happens if the cooling system fails? What about the thermal resistance between the cooling fluid and the eCat? The eCat could destroy itself. Keep up the suggestions but I don’t think this one is practical.
Thomas Florek:
Not true: your band is good and your music interesting.
Warm Regards
> I also like to play drums ( Jazz), but I have no more the time to exercise, so I am losing the skill: years ago I was very good, >now I stink.
If you stink, then you are ready to play with us. “Stinking” is intricate to our style.
Andrea Rossi:
There are rumors that the 1 MW plant is running well already. Is it true?
Warm Regards,
I also want to ask: the 1 MW plant has been made totally in the USA by IH ?
Warm Regards,
When you have time: what is the difference between mass and gravity exactly? I continue to take advantage from your ability to explain simply diff ult things, or things difficult for me.
Thank you
On the New York Times of today is published an article about Diesel oil made by algae: is this related to your patent of 1978 to make oil from wastes?
Robert Curto:
Thank you for the reference.
Warm Regards
Dr. Rossi, your readers may be interested in this book.
Click on:
For The Love Of Physics/Bill Gates
Robert Curto
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Hank Mills:
The proposed model of domestic E-Cat is accident proof, but the concept of “accident proof” must be based on precise protocols that do not exist for LENR. This makes the limits of the concept unknown, therefore is necessary experience to build a protocol from the statistics. It is a very complex thing.
Warm Regards,
This is not possible, for safety reasons.
Thank you anyway for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Adrea,
I am following your E-cat/ Hot cat developments now for 3 years and I have read about all the little and big steps in progress you are making. I would love to be one of your team, but I am sure that will not be possible. Nevertheless, I constantly think of things I read. I have tried to ask your opinion on this earlier, but it is difficult to find the right entrance of your blog.
My suggestion is to run the Hot cat at such high temperature that runaway would start and then use the cooling medium to control the temperature. The advantage is that there is no need for stimulating the LENR process and energy input, so the COP would virtually be infinite. It would bring the possibility of producing electricity in combination with the Hot cat a huge step forward.
The disadvantage is that you cannot control the energy output of the Hot cat, but just its stability. However, windmills and solar panels suffer a similar problem and that does not seem a real disadvantage.
I would love to read your opinion about this, although I expect you have had a similar idea yourself or within your team.
Dear Andrea,
I wonder if there is a way to design a home product, such as a basic heater, that would keep it super safe and accident proof. For example, making an incredibly thick reactor wall (far larger than what is required) and a robust, fire proof case of thick metal? Surely there is some level of overkill shielding and structual reinforcement that would not rupture even in the worst of runaway situations? Could you build such a prototype, intentionally allow the reactor to melt down (on the inside), and repeat the process a hundred times to show the cerificators?
It seems to me that although such a device could cost more in materials, it could be accident proof.
Domestic certification for LENR is not like for a normal appliance. I already explained why.
The task, not easy, is to convince the Certificator that LENR can be handled by laymen. We need consolidated experience with industrial plants . It is not how you say, the issue is not to show to have something practicable, it is to convince that LENR are not dangerous for persons without skill for them. It is much more complex than you say. It is not impossible, though.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Domestic certification could become practicable overnight with the stroke of a pen (if not in the US, then elsewhere).
Have something on the verge of ready to go, that’s all I ask.
That’s an awful lot to ask of you and your team, I understand!
Best wishes,