Jacques Chauveheid
If quantum mechanics can provide quantitative expressions of forces in conformity with the work of Erhenfest and the principle of correspondence, recognized quantitative expressions for nuclear and weak forces do not currently exist. In addition, the four basic forces do not depend on temperature, since measured in vacuum between particles.
In one of his books, Abraham Pais recalled a comment by Rutherford during the 1914-1919 period: “the Coulomb forces dominate if v (speed of alpha particles) is sufficiently small”, evidencing by these words the velocity-dependence of the strong-nuclear force. However, since Rutherford did not apparently refer to temperature, optimal conditions for nuclear fusion do not necessarily arise in disordered configurations characterized by extremely high temperatures, such as those encountered in stars like the sun. Even compared with galaxy formation, hot fusion in many stars seems the slowest and most inefficient physical phenomenon in the universe, because the sun’s ten billion year lifetime has an order of magnitude similar to the age of the universe, this circumstance having been highly beneficial for the life on earth.
Although not based on equations, Rutherford’s conclusion constitutes the essence of the “cold” approach to nuclear fusion and reactions starting from moderate energy levels, instead of extreme temperatures hardly controlling with precision the physical parameters ruling nuclear phenomena. In this view, a better theoretical understanding of these parameters will help nuclear technologies.
B. Theoretical antecedents
Eddington mentioned the concept of asymmetric affine connection in 1921 and pointed out applications in microphysics, but he did not pursue this idea [5]. In 1922, Elie Cartan introduced geometric torsion, as the antisymmetric part of an asymmetric affine connection. In May 1929, Cartan wrote a letter to Einstein in which he recommended the use of the differential formalism he developed, but Einstein did not follow Cartan’s advice.
Between 1944 and 1950, J. Mariani published four papers dealing with astrophysical magnetism and introduced an “ansatz” structurally similar to that used in the present theory. The German word “ansatz”, used by Ernst Schmutzer (correspondence), refers to a supposed relationship between fields of distinct origin, for example geometric contrasting with physical. Einstein also used an ansatz when he identified gravitation with the 4-space metric, but he did not put it in the form of an equation, presumably because being trivial.
The organization of the paper is the following: Section II details the Lagrangian formulation and the calculus of variations. Section III is about field equations and quantitative expressions of forces. Section IV introduces the short-range force between charged particles, first referred to as strong-nuclear between nucleons. Section V is on Yukawa and complexity. Section VI details the short-range forces in both systems electron-proton and electron-neutron, evidencing a weak nuclear mechanism in LENR technologies.
When not stated otherwise, mathematical conventions are those of reference.
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Dear Andrea,
Not to belabor the question, but as reported by many sources(including Fermi) one of the most common modes of radioactive decay(Beta- or Beta+) is postulated to be caused by electron capture including 56Ni. In all cases the resulting reaction involves the subsequent emission of a neutrino along with the Betas. The reports also measured Auger electrons and x rays which were predicted to occur when the upper electrons fell down into the vacated inner orbits(K shell). There seems to be a large consensus among researchers that electron capture does occur. If as you say the emission of the neutrinos cannot explain the conservation of parity, what else can?
Dr. Rossi,
I find your work credible and am excited to see the potential for your science. I wonder if you would care to comment on any career advice in this field of what could be a major breakthrough. Boilermaker?
Of course, I know numbers of papers have been written about electron capture, and I read many of them, but this does not change the fact that leptons conservation law cannot be violated and that one neutrino does not conserve one electron. What I need to read is the report of the experiment in which an electron capture happened, with a credible, and not naif, explication how leptons conservation law has been respected.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
L. Alvarez has written a number of papers on the electron capture process. He expanded on the foundation work of Wick and makes a good argument for it. Again perhaps I am misunderstanding your questions.
Pekka Janhunen:
your comment assumes that a neutrino is enough to conserve an electron, which is wrong.
Warm Regards
Steven N. Karels:
I do not know, and I am an experimentalist: we will see.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Send us a link to a publication wherein there is an electron capture with the respect of the lepton conservation: I never saw one. A neutrino is not enough to conserve the balance of leptons in an electron capture process!
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I do not mean to take up your valuable time, but I think what you mean is that no sign of electron capture has been shown in any LENR experiments. The concept of electron capture(reverse Beta, internal conversion) has been shown in many experiments to be a viable effect. Usually a neutrino is emitted during the process which balances the electron spin parity. Perhaps I am missing something.
Andrea, whith all this horrible drones swarming around, when publicly disclosing your current geographical position, please sidetrack the exact location by a couple of miles, just in case 🙂
Dear Andrea Rossi,
What do you see as the major opposition to eCat technology, assuming the TIR report is positive?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Electron capture (in the usual meaning of the term) is not a wrong concept because neutrino emission balances the lepton conservation law: p+e->n+nu_e.
Whether electron capture has anything to do with LENR, I do not know.
Best regards, /pekka
Pekka Janhunen:
I understand perfectly what you say, but I repeat that all energy sources will be integrated in the market along specific fields of competitivity, in a dynamic evolution.
Warm Regards,
I think electron capture is a wrong concept because it violates the leptons conservation law. I will, of course, be happy to say I am wrong as soon as I will be informed of substantial experimental evidence of it. So far, no trace of it I have been informed of.
Warm Regards,
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA; in the factory of Industrial Heat, in the heart of the Research Triangle, where many mammoth companies have their R&D centers.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Part of energy price is due to market vision of its likely future scarcity due to depletion of some easily extractable oil and gas resources. Belief in the scientific and practical viability of the Rossi Effect will change the market vision, because it will provide an economic incentive for producers to sell more oil and gas before the products diminish in value too much. If this happens (i.e. if some produces indeed start to sell more oil and gas), the price of energy will drop. If that happens, it is obviously good for consumers, but it also reduces the E-cats’ profit margin.
I realise that the above description is a bit complicated, so let me try a simpler version: Knowledge of E-cat might reduce energy price to some extent, possibly rapidly, so the E-cat in the market might face a somewhat tougher competition from traditional energies than what the present price levels would indicate.
I hope the E-cat has enough “reserve” to be able to compete economically in a robust way even if the energy market changes as described above. Notice that the price change could come rapidly, much more rapidly than the availability of E-cat energy itself would affect the market by normal mechanisms.
Best regards, /pekka
I have noticed that the bloggers on Vortex-l are discussing internal conversion through electron capture as a possible LENR producer. They seem to look for reactions involving deuterium rather than in the metals used in LENR. I would suggest they read further the work of Fermi(Beta decay), Gian-Carlo Wick, L. Alvarez and Hideki Yucawa. If they do not understand or believe the reaction
,this research may aid them.
Mattias Andersson:
Warm regards
“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.”
Chinese Proverb.
I think sometimes the Eastern philosophers can tell us a bit about how to approach a situation where we don’t know all of the details.
Not at all.
Warm Regards
Hank Mills:
What they are doing will be described in the report. I do not know what they are doing and I cannot give information about the protocol of the experiment, that surely will be published in the report.
Warm Regards,
These are two totally different things. LHC is a concern dedicated to theoretical Physics, to discover elementary particles that can be found only with unimmaginable energies in the common world. I strongly doubt that the particles discovered by apparatuses like the LHC will find a practical use, due to the costs of production. MAX IV and ESS are born to study any kind of material at costs that can be sustained to improve any product. In a nutshell, here is the principle upon which this system is based: when a beam of neutrons is aimed at a sample,some neutrons pass trough the material, some deviate with a characteristic angle that allows, analysing the deflection patterns and the energy of the neutrons, to get information regarding fundamental properties of the material targeted; for example, it will be possible to determine atomic and magnetic structures and to get a deeper understanding of the possible applications.
Warm Regards,
I read that this fantastic plant is in the middle of an intensive development phase: this facility is like a gigantic microscope that, by means of neutrons, will allow to study materials more completely than ever. It will be extremely useful for all the scientific community.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
You have stated the scientists doing the testing can perform whatever tests they see fit. Does this mean:
1) They can perform any type of analysis (microscopic, elemental, isotopic) on the contents of the reactors – metals, gases, hydrides – that they desire?
2) They can perform any type of analysis on the walls of the reactor?
3) They can use the above info to attempt to build and replicate a hot cat? Cherokee has done this already, and I wonder if the TIP might be trying to do the same.
4) They can publish any of the above findings in the report?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Where are you exactly in this moment, if I can ask?
Dear Andrea, the customer that has bought the 1 MW plant is someway owned or has been also partially owned now or in past by Industrial Heat or by Leonardo Corp?
Warm regards
Dr Rossi:
I also wanted to ask: do you think it is more useful an instrument like this of the Lund University or the titanic facilities like CERN’s LHC ?
Dr Rossi:
What do you think of the MAX IV and ESS ?
(Google Lund University Max IV, ESS)
The E-Cat detractors are making a wonderful work: they do not know, but I read carefully all they say and write. Their critics sometimes are right, sometimes are not, but in both cases we learn from them. You have noticed that the more they fight against us the more we grow up and a scientific observation should put a ratio cause-effect between the criticism and our growth.
About your paragraphs:
1- no neutrons exit from the E-Cats
2- quite difficult with the first and second thermodynamic principles
3- we will see from the next Third Independent Party: maybe it is true, maybe not
4- the patentability has nothing to do with the question if it works or not
5- this is a very important paragraph, let us analyse it; first of all we must put a distinction between the objective and the subjective aspect of this issue;
a- objective aspect: if the so called Rossi Effect works ( and let me remind to all that the results of the tests could be positive, but also negative) it will be useful for everybody, also for the children or all the world
b- subjective aspect: I repeat what I wrote in another comment today: I gave my honour word that a relevant part of the profits of our work will be spent to fund the healthcare of children whose families cannot afford proper healthcare. I said it, my Team and I are doing it, we will do it. Do not ask me anymore about this issue, because this is an issue I want not to trumpet around.
Thank you for your trust.
You ask: what they will come up with next ? Whatever it will be, we will take advantage of it. In my life I had to overcome many, many, many very, very negative events and to survive I developed a skill to turn into positive a negative event: for example, when I have been put in prison for crimes I never made, I told to myself: ” what a wonderful occasion to study the LENR: now I lost everything I had, all my time can be dedicated to this”. It worked.
Warm Regards,
I am structurally optimist: if a product is competitive the Customers buy it. If a product is not competitive, the market will eliminate it. Period. I also have the luck to live in a Country where if something has a Worth, its Worth is always sustained: the USA.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, you say that “any attempt to stop a competitive product is a lost battle” but this is true only in a “perfect competition” environment that happens in a very limited macro-economics actual circumstances. Especially in the field of energy, which influences worldwide lifestyle and economy, the theoretical principles are defeated by geopolitical interests, weapon enforcement, big cartel price fixing and so on.
Unfortunately the world goes without referring to economics textbooks.
The E-Cat detractors are getting desperate– to paraphrase how their complaints have evolved over time:
1) It can’t work, the neutrons would kill you.
2) Maybe neutrons aren’t a problem, but it’s only just a chemical reaction.
3) Maybe it’s not chemical, but it’s not reproducible.
4) Maybe it’s reproducible, maybe it works, but it’s not patentable because it happens in nature all the time. (So does Velcro/burrs which is patented.)
5) Maybe it works, maybe it’s patentable, but he won’t share part of the profits with poor children.
I wonder what they’ll come up with next?
By the way, I believe the vast majority of the readers here completely trust your word– on profit sharing & many other things still to come.
Walt C.
To the Readers:
There is one thing that disturbs me, that is circulationg in minor blogs that have been reported to me: I am accused not to respect my honour word to spend relevant part of the profits produced by the Rossi Effect for the healthcare of children that cannot afford proper healthcare. I gave my word on this issue, and I always do what I say, even if this will not be trumpeted around.
In due time and in due sites we will give information of this endeavour of us. I am very upset to have to write about this, but, unfortunately, the mother of the imbeciles is always pregnant and we must take care of what pops out.
Andrea Rossi
I do not agree with you. Power is distributed in the cheapest way at the moment. Believe me: a product does not resist in the market if it is not competitive, and to decide if it is competitive or not is only one entity: THE CUSTOMER. For this reason we do not react to the stupidities said about our product, we just care the satisfation of the Customer, while the science of tests and experiments is essential to the development of a reliable industrial product. Any attempt to stop a competitive product is a lost battle, because the Customers will eliminate the non competitive ones.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
For the third party examinations, in addition to the Ecat is your theory also being examined.
Best regards,
Keith Thomson.
This issue is typical of the systems based upon electrolysis . We do not use any kind of electrolysis.
Warm Regards,
Congratulations, not long now!
Many LENR studies find some metal samples being tested reproduce the desired effect whilst other samples, often from the same batch, don’t. However, the majority of these studies use the electrolysis method.
Does your method find that some batches of ‘fuel’ do not work as hoped, or have you completely overcome that problem?
Best regards,
Dear Andrea,
to me it has always seemed as if the market is not as democratic as it should be. Power is not homogeneously distributed but rather concentrated on old established companies and networks.
I am actually worried that some of these companies and networks have a large interest in disturbing or at least decelerating yours and other inventor’s work to conserve their power and position. Let us all do our best to not let them. As far as I am concerned I will.
There are things whose importance lies beyond economical success.
Best wishes,
I repeat: all the energy sources must be integrated. The commercial and social impact of the so called Rossi Effect will be made by that universal and democratic medium that is the market: in mercatu veritas.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi,
your invention will relativise the meaning of money itself. Since such an enormous drop of the price of energy und it’s availability should strongly influence the economy.
I think it would be very interesting to discuss the economical and societal impact of your invention.
Best wishes,
Ettore de Sio
Before we get such a safety certification strong statistics of industrial plants safe operation are necessary. We are constantly working on this issue.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andreawhile Rossi,
How is the certification for the home user e-cats coming along? We haven’t heard much about them in awhile.
I understand you all, but when we publish photos they are analized from professionals to the most microscopical level. Our photos are never trivial, if analyzed to that level, even if to you they can appear trivial. We will give all the specific possible information as soon as we will open the visits period. It won’t take too long, as well as it won’t take too long the publication of the report.
Thanks to all of you for your strong attention, I understand the feeling, but we have to avoid a mess and an infinite theory of one ended discussions, not having the possibility, in this stage, to answer to the unavoidable tsunami of questions.
Warm Regards,
Hi Andrea,
I for once completely agree with Andrew’s comment. Some photos will not hurt your company.
We are close to the moment in which abundance of what you are requesting will be poured in this blog and, maybe, somewhere else.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Before we deliver a plant it has to be tested in our factory.
I celebrated my 4th of July studying History of the USA, playing tennis, swimming and biking. Tomorrow back at work.
Hope you too got fun.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Regarding the 1MW plant you are installing at a customer’s factory: Did it pass the required tests at your factory satisfactorily before you took it to the new location?
And happy independence day — how have you celebrated the holiday?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Dr Andrea Rossi,
For all of those people that support, believe and cheer for you, why don’t you give back a Little something? Such as some fresh new pictures of the working Plan or the hot Cat or whatever..
That would Not violate your nda anyway
Best regards
In my answer to BroKeeper ( to which obviously you refer) I said anything but what you write. This blog is a true treasure for me and my team, because we learn here from our Readers an infinite amount of information that surely is strongly useful to our work. I just said that we did not get information useful regarding what happens inside the reactor’s core, and it is obvious, so long we do not give information, direct or indirect, about it.
Warm Regards,
Yes, it is different.
Warm Regards,