BCC lattice model of nuclear structure

Gamal A. Nasser
Faculty of science, Mansoura University, Egypt
E-mail: chem.gamal@hotmail.com
This model is development of solid nuclear models. Like FCC model, this model can account for nuclear properties that have been explained by different models. This model gives more accurate explanation for some nuclear properties which are Asymmetric fission, Nuclear binding energy and the most bound nuclei, Natural radioactivity and Number of neutrons in nuclei depending on the structures of these nuclei. The structures of nuclei in this model have special advantage, as there is separation between lattice positions of similar nucleons giving new concept for nuclear force.

565 comments to BCC lattice model of nuclear structure

  • Schaeffer

    The strong force is fiction. For example, the so-called anomalous scattering is magnetic. Indeed, it suffices to change, in the Rutherford formula, the -2 electric by -6 magnetic, to solve the problem. Indeed, in log-log coordinates, one has two straight lines with slopes -2, electric, and -6 magnetic. See my paper: Anomalous Rutherford Scattering Solved Magnetically

    It seems that there a problem: my post disappeared when I post comment

  • Ruby Shale

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    IH has offered today to you in the blogs the opportunity to buy back from them your license, at some conditions.
    Can you settle on this base ?

  • JP Renoir

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    Yesterday you wrote here that Leonardo Corporation has organized a scientific commettee. Are all the members nuclear physicists like Dr Pierre Clauzon ?
    Will they make experiments with the QuarkX too ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chang Marcelino:
    Yes, we have attorneys fit for this issue, even if I think that competitivity is the best defense for our IP.
    Warm Regards,

  • Do you already have a legal team ready for the unavoidable batles regarding the intellectual properties?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind words. I agree with you about Dr Darden.
    I cannot give the information you are requesting until the test on the 1MW E-Cat will have been completed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Milva

    Dear Andrea,
    from what we have heard and read about Dr. Darden in these days, I thought he is really a great person. A real man, before an entrepreneur.
    Frequently you express a similar business pohilosophy in the past. Therefore congratulations, you have found the right person!
    Question: can you find out which COP you arrived lately, considered you said that you have now reached periods of self-sustaining, much longer than before?
    Good job and keep healthy.
    warm regard

  • Danielsen

    Dear JR,
    I appreciated very much your comment.
    Thank you.
    Please continue.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tommaso Di Pietro:
    The Customer we have delivered the plant to has been granted from us a specific performance that is exclusively measured from him by means of the ratio between the electric energy that the plant consumes and that he pays and the thermal energy necessary to his production. What the Customer cares of is how much costs to him make his producton using our plant : if the cost is
    much lower as expected, the Customer will be satisfied and the test will be positive.
    Separately, our Team will take from the plant operation all the data necessary to complete program of R&D using the more than 100 computers that not only regulate the operation of the plant, but also supply the data we want to improve the technology.
    Such R&D endeavour is made by our internal scientists and technologists.
    Being in a commercial phase, the sole independent party that makes the final verdict is the Customer.
    Thank you for your question.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tommaso di pietro

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Who will analyze The data of 1
    MW plant in operation?the prof of TPR 1 and 2 or another scientists?
    Thanks in advance and merry christmas for you and your family

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tommaso Di Pietro:
    Yes, we are working on that too. At the moment we are oriented toward a classic Carnot Cycle assembly, even if we are looking with curiosity to all the alternatives. The production of electric power with the Carnot Cycle goes together with the R&D we are making with the gas as a fuel, for obvious reasons.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tommaso di pietro

    Goodmorning ing.Rossi.
    Did you start The test with hot cat to generate electric power?
    If so…when ?

    Thanks in advance

  • Andrea Rossi

    Richard Hill:
    Let me say just this: we have now 110 computers integrated with each other to control the operation of about 10,000 components. And no former statistics and experience. Guess what this means. Luckily, the team is made by top level guys at any working level.
    Warm Regards,

  • Richard Hill

    Dr. Rossi,
    You have said that you are working flat out on your customer’s plant. In such projects in the real world there are many things that have to be done, many problems to solve. I’m sure you are solving them one by one. It would be very good for us if you could give us an example of a typical problem (or even a small one) that you have overcome.

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are making important progress on this issue. Soon will start to test the first prototypes.
    Warm Regards,

  • DTravchenko

    Dr Rossi:
    How is going the R&D of the gas fueled E-Cats? News?
    Warm Regards,

  • Joe


    1. In the Sound of Aether, how do the electricitons and magnetons organize themselves in order to form a longitudinal wave?

    2. In your response to JR, you seem to believe that in standard theory, a neutron added to an even-even Z = N nucleus forms an isotope whose values for intrinsic spin, intrinsic magnetic dipole moment, and electric quadrupole moment are identical to those of the newly introgressed neutron. In effect, you claim that standard theory views these three properties of the neutron as carrying the same values as those for the nuclei of 4Be9, 8O17, etc. But is this what standard theory actually teaches?

    All the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wladimir Guglinski:
    Just a statistic curiosity: your comment is the # 20,000 arrived to this blog.
    Warm Regards,

  • Wladimir Guglinski

    Joe wrote in October 31st, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    It is interesting that you mention plasmons because they are associated with antenna technology, and Dr Rossi was inquiring about this some time ago. I gave him this link to a paper by Prof Konstantin Meyl:


    The paper mentions a COP of about 3 which I found interesting in light of the newly discovered Rossi Effect.

    in my book Quantum Ring Theory I call “The Sound of Aether” the longitudinal propagation of electromagnetic waves , because of the following:

    1. The photon is a transverse electromagnetic propagation, and its transverse nature of propagation is due to the helical trajectory of the particle and antiparticle which compose the body of the photon. In this sense, the aether is need only for the formation of the electric and magnetic fields of the photon.
    Due to the interaction of the photon with the aether, the velocity of the light in the vacuum is 300.000km/s.

    2. In the case of the “Sound of Aether”, the aether plays a role similar to the water for propagation of longitudinal waves in the surface of a lake. The electromagnetic disturbance of the particles and antiparticles of the aether moves (the sound of aether) is longitudinal and moves with speed faster than light.
    In this sense, the aether works as that “luminiferous” aether supposed by the physicists of the 19th Century, promoting the propagation of electromagnetic longitudinal waves (but not light).


    So, when the aether works as a medium for propagation of transverse electromagnetic propagations, it is non-luminiferous.

    And when the aether works as amedium for propagation of longitudinal electromagentic disturbances, it is luminiferous in the sense of the concept of the 19th Century (but the waves are not transverse, and are not luminiferous light as supposed the physicists of the 19th Century, when they supposed that the aether is a medium like the water of a lake where waves move in its surface).


  • Wladimir Guglinski

    Joe wrote in November 1st, 2014 at 5:48 PM

    If vortices are to your liking, then the following paper (10 pages) by Prof Meyl will be a feast for you:


    He goes right back to Newton and Da Vinci, and ends with the discovery of magnetic monopoles in 2009:

    Dear Joe,
    here I propose how the monopole is physically formed, taking in account the structure of the aether:

    Magnetic monopole – new experiment corroborates Quantum Ring Theory


  • Koen Vandewalle

    Joe, Eric Asworth,
    Can we see a vortex also as an “emergency exit” allowing energy to flow from an n-dimensional system to an n+1 (or even more) dimension in case of collisions in n-dimensional energies ?
    In that case, the laws of conservation of engergy in collisions may go beyond the dimensions considered in de Schroëdinger equation ?

    In brief: when systems collide, the original dimensions do not conserve all the energy in them if the collision energy, as a wave, passes the limits of elasticity in the original dimensions.
    That energy is likely to change dimension through a vortex or tunnel.

    Once that vortex is created, then maybe a continuous flow coud keep tunneling through.

    All these vortices could cluster toghether.

    Matter from light.

    Kind Regards,

  • Eric Ashworth

    Continuation from previous message. Computer problem cut me off. So you ask what’s the static flow force. Two curvature vortex flows are produced. These two vortex flows oscilate within chambers out to in, of and within the mechanism and then they exit and cancel into linear. It’s the oscilating activity that produces the static state. This static non flow area I refer to as the valency that surrounds the inner structures of flow. So this static barrier of non flow is between the curvature and the linear flows, it is therefore a neutral flow and its true position is middle to the structure, so if its middle to the structure we have to have a reference point for that which is dead centre and this is commonly referred to as the point, being the point of gravity. Whether you are dealing with liquid, gas or aether the same mechanics of flow exist. By understanding flow in three forces you can obviously create an understanding that can propell knowledge to the outer bounderies of human understanding. I remember, and I think Wladilir will also, that on this blog a well known person stated in reply to Wladimir that there is nothing special about a centrifugal force. Obviously this person lacks specific knowledge relating to this very important subject of centrifugal vortex flow and force. Regards Eric Ashworth.

  • Eric Ashworth

    Joe, Thanks for the links to professor Meyl. And yes it is extremely interesting and very important with regards understanding some anomalies in modern physics. My understanding in physics is more to do with mechanics and therefore some of professor meyl,s jargon is over my head. This paper of professor Meyl’s explains to me why my prototype flow control mechanism has consistently been denied demonstration at research councils and universities. As I have said before mysteries are only secrets but I have also said do you know the reason why?. Here is a clue to the mystery. Everything exists within a vortex, consequently there are vortexes of size that exist within a vortex of a volume or you could say vortexes are like wheels within a wheel. By understanding interactive vortexes you will understand that there are three types of flow, curvature that binds, linear that interacts with the environment and static that protects the binding force and competes with the exterior interacting. The competition between the static and the linear (linear no such thing this flow is actually a huge arc that extends outside of all structures) is governed by the environment. As the environment increases in its gravity the structure is eventually pulled apart (all structures are on an evolutionary path, the path begins on a periphery and ends at the point (this being the central position but the central position when understood is not central, the centre lies between the point/dead centre and periphery, there are three positions to every vortex not two).

  • Andrea Rossi

    E Hergen:
    I am really angry: how could you find this top secret video of us? As I always say, we have to trust nobody. Who gave you this very confidential info? Who is the stupid guy that underevaluated the importance of this video? Should I know, I would fire him, whomever he is. We’ll meet in Court.

  • E Hergen

    The first e-cat producing electricity:


  • Joe


    If vortices are to your liking, then the following paper (10 pages) by Prof Meyl will be a feast for you:


    He goes right back to Newton and Da Vinci, and ends with the discovery of magnetic monopoles in 2009:
    “With this discovery in a magnetic solid state the vector potential with all its calculations is no longer viable, in spite of the correctness and verifiability of all present results. One can also say: “we must start all over again and consider a new approach.”
    “I suggest a vortex description completely without vector potential A and with

    div B =/= 0.

    “With my approach even the Aharonov Bohm effect is explainable, generating scalar waves, that are verified after they have tunneled through a screening. According to today’s interpretation this effect with no measurable field is assigned to the vector potential and even spoken of as evidential value.”

    This is great!

    Now all of Maxwell’s equations can fully participate in describing Nature. There is no more arbitrarily setting div B to zero due to the belief in the lack of magnetic monopoles in Nature.

    And a note to Dr Rossi:
    The hot spots in the E-Cat might be vortex losses as explained by Prof Meyl. (See Fig 12 on the last page.)

    This paper is a must read for everyone!

    All the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, I am honoured of what you write and I forwarded to the Professors of the ITP your comment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, we did not have direct contacts with Areva.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    All the energy sources must be integrated at the service of Mankind. More energy sources will surely make less troublesome the quest for this indispensable commodity and, indirectly, favour a more collaborative attitude. We are just a piece of the energetic mosaic.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Eric Ashworth

    Joe, Your reply to Pekka 31st. inst. I found fascinating regards the scalar waves paper by Prof. Dr Ing. Konstantin Meyl especially the reference to tunnelling whereby the waves are able to penetrate objects and the observed gain in energy. I am not involved in electronics but I too am able to demonstrate a curious tunnelling effect with regards a vortex wave comprised of atmospheric air. I shall briefly explain. I have a mechanism that draws air constantly downwards in such a way that it runs at a constant low presure above the mechanism. The downward flow is subsequently by mechanical activity formed into two spinning vortexes of flow that upon eventual contact spin out to create a single linear flow of air because the two flows spin in the same direction. However, these two spinning vortexes in the mechanism take up specific positions, one is in an inner position and the other in an outer position. These two vortexes before making contact with one another are compromised by the low pressure above. Consequently, there are two upward backflows being of a vortex structure. The curious phenomena is that these vortex flows from beneath are able to tunnell through the incoming air flow above. The outer vortex due to the design of the mechanism tunnells across the flow into the inner section, so too does the inner vortex only on a shorter distance. The vortex flows are able to do this because they take on a solidity in comparison to the intake flow. These vortex flows I have labelled ‘economy flows’ because they boost the overall flow rate by delivering a flow into the inner section/chamber of the mechanism. My understanding of this phenomena is with regards to gravity. Any spinning object with centrifugal force generates a degree of gravity due to an expansion from the centre, (the gain in energy is kinetic. The economy flow system contains kinetic energy) and gravity produces solidity, in other words anything that becomes more solid because of gravity contains more energy and because everything is comprised of energy a gain in energy is only to be expected. If certain phenomenas are not investigated then what is considered impenetrable remains impenetrable. Also as a footnote I have the same thinking as Wladimir, that a phenomena must hold more weight than a flawed or incomplete theory when dealing with physics which comes from the word physical. Regards Eric Ashwort

  • Joe


    Thanks again for your response.

    I figured that the Schrodinger equation being so ubiquitous was a sign of its potential primordialness in describing all physical phenomena including mass itself. I thought the equation might simply need a slight tweaking at worst to make it fully work at describing all things big and small. But maybe that is short-sighted. Maybe the nature of mass will be dealt with in the future along with that of electric charge.

    All the best,

  • Curiosone

    Are you collaborating with any of the groups that are trying to replicate your effect?

  • DTravchenko

    Do you think your technology could affect the geopolitical situation also in the Russia-Ukraine area?
    Warm Regards,

  • JCRenoir

    Did you have contacts with Areva?

  • JCRenoir

    Dr Rossi:
    I have given to control the ITP report to a scientist that is working with ITER project. He is a Ph.D. in nuclear physics, is a mainstream science person and I was interested to hear from him what he thinks of the report.
    He told me is a well done work and that there was no better way to make the measurements. He said he has forwarded the report to Areva, with is where he works. I told you this, because I think you may be glad to hear.
    JC Renoir

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    Thanks for the information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, many States have passed these laws, they vary from State to State.
    This is what i understand.
    Net Metering:
    Any home owner can install renewal energy on their property, Solar, E-Cat,
    Any excess energy they produce, can be sold back to the Grid.
    Virtual Net Metering:
    Any group can install a large Unit to benefit all.
    For example, on the Roof of a Condo, or Shopping Center.
    Any excess energy they produce, can be sold back to the Grid.

    Virtual Net Metering
    You will get many websites on both.
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale Florida
    P.S. Many other Countries are doing the same.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Today ( Saturday November 1st, 8.30 a.m. US eastern time) all the comments arrived in the last 14 hours have been spammed by the system for error. All our Readers who sent a comment in the last 14 hours and found it spammed are kindly requested to post it again.
    Sorry for the inconvenience,
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Observer 10:
    Thank you for your opinion, but, as I already answered many times to this kind of comments, to give away for free the IP would stop the real investments necessary to develope this technology. Our commercial breakthrough, obviously, should help.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We never comment on the work of our competitors.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, it is a totally different thing.
    Warm Regards,

  • Observer10

    Dear Mr. Rossi I have a question for you.

    Students like Oscar-Gullstrom publish these theories based on “published” test results. If you notice the paper talks very little about any other possible Ash products such as Helium, etc. which has been shown to be present in other LENR experiments.

    This paper that you were pleased with could be better if more of us had the opportunity to replicate the basic so called “Rossi Effect.” However, we all have very little recent empirical public data to go on.

    I fully understand and value the requirement for not publishing certain data.

    My question is simply this: Could we get an idea from you as to when, be it by patent disclosure, or commercial product, when us younger aspiring scientists can have a full disclosure of the “Rossi Effect?” So that we can actually study it without stumbling around in the dark?

    A timeline would be important so that we can plan accordingly. If you think about what it takes to get a PhD, you will understand what I mean.

    Thank you for your time.

  • Joe


    I forgot to mention that plasmon-polariton waves are a type of evanescent wave. And that, in quantum mechanics, the evanescent-wave solutions of the Schrödinger equation give rise to the phenomenon of wave-mechanical tunneling about which Dr Rossi was inquiring a few days ago. In fact, Prof Meyl, even though he is an electrical engineer, still had the prescience to mention tunneling at the very end of his article to which I linked in my last posting to you. And this was back in the year 2001. Maybe the explanation of the Rossi Effect lies somewhere in this area.

    All the best,

  • bertoldo

    It is a visual similarity. The effect of compression – release or better visual peaks that can be seen in the minutes indicated may be related with the tunneling resistance of the wire that you use? Obviously in this thread is at the nanoscopic level.

    Si tratta di una similitudine visiva . L’effetto compressione – rilascio o meglio i picchi visivi che si notano nel minuto indicato possono essere correlati con l’effetto tunnel del filo della resistenza che Lei usa ? Ovviamente nel filo questo avviene a livello nanoscopico e le “valli” sono molto più profonde dei picchi .

  • sebbie

    Andrea Rossi:
    Are you aware that the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is starting a “replication” project based on the Lugano report?

    What do you think would be their chances of succeeding in building a working prototype within a year? By working prototype, I mean one that can replicate the excess heat produced at Lugano.

    Warm Regards,

  • Joe


    It is interesting that you mention plasmons because they are associated with antenna technology, and Dr Rossi was inquiring about this some time ago. I gave him this link to a paper by Prof Konstantin Meyl:


    The paper mentions a COP of about 3 which I found interesting in light of the newly discovered Rossi Effect.

    All the best,

  • JR


    A quick response to your two points:

    1. The Schrodinger equation tells you how an object’s wavefunction evolves over time, and it can include mass, external potentials, etc…. It’s true that it does not tell you where the mass comes from, but that’s not what it’s meant to do. Where mass comes from is a remarkably difficult question and investigations of this need go well beyond non-relativistic quantum mechanics.

    2. It certainly doesn’t require a human to look at it. The wavefunction evolves according to the Schrodinger equation, and for an object sitting in a fixed potential, you can have a case where not much is happening and so the evolution of the wavefunction doesn’t do much of anything. But if it interacts with other potentials or other objects, the wavefunction will evolve based on it’s interactions.

    In addition, it may or may not ‘collapse’. When we say it collapses when you look at it, it (basically) means that if you measure it’s position very precisely, then the wavefunction becomes localized in that region where you observed the object. If one is talking about a binary system (Schrodinger’s cat – alive vs. dead, spin-1/2 particle – spin-up vs. spin-down), then the observation can collapse the wave function into one of the two states. But if you’re talking about a continuous variable (the position or momentum of an object), it doesn’t have to collapse down to a single point.

  • Andrea Rossi

    James Heath:
    Sorry, I cannot give this kind of information, positive or negative as it might be.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Really interesting under a scientific point of view. Spectacular.
    Obviously it has nothing to do with the E-Cat.
    Warm Regards,

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