Sundar Narayan
Lambton College – Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
This paper derives a formula for the lifetime of an unbound or free neutron and shows that neutron lifetime can be related to Newton’s gravitational constant, G, providing a much-needed theoretical formula for G, enabling G to be computed with greater accuracy than today’s experiments allow.
Another equally accurate formula for G is derived based on the properties of the virtual electrons that very briefly exist in a quantum vacuum.
Also, Newton’s law of gravity and Coulomb’s electrostatic law are derived from the same equation, providing a simple proof of the well-known connection between these two laws.
Our focus is intact. We choose only industries that call us directly without solicitation and only if they are really in need of the heat produced by our plant and if they have a back up in case of our service interruption for technical problems. We do not accept requests from companies that do not have a consolidated history of heat consume proportional to the request and avoid companies that we deem more interested to spy than to use our energy. This is our strategy in this pioneering period.
Warm Regards,
Is it intact your focus on selling heat ? Which are the conditions at which you accept to install your plants to sell heat?
Francesco Boldrini:
Thanks to you and your father for your kind attention.
Warm Regards,
I’d like to thank you for the advices and the suggestion, that i warmly accept, thank you again,
Francesco Boldrini:
I want to give you a suggestion, though: in your years of education in the high school, it is better that you study the basics of Physics as they are in the text books your Professor has chosen to teach the matter. First, learn the bases as well as you can, let alone for now the LENR. Don’t put the cart ahead of the horses. Study as much and as well what your Professors teach to you, for now.
I don’t think is a good idea to study LENR in High School; I think it is much better you study as well as you can the matter as it is explained in the textbook, because it is contingent with your actual level of preparation.
Warm Regards,
Francesco Boldrini:
You can find all the information you need for a research to be presented at your school on
and in all the links there reported.
Much material you will find on this very blog ( more than 24 000 comments and about 1 000 links, with about one thousand of pages related to tests.
Also on the Journal of Nuclear Physics you will find good articles on the subject.
Good luck and Warm Regards,
PPS the smile is creepy
Hi Dr Rossi, I am Francesco Boldrini, I am a student and I would like to ask you a bunch of questions since I am very interested in your energy catalyzer project and I would like to do my 5th exam topic on this. Right now I’m going to attend the 4th year of high school, I am aware that you cannot specify tecnical details of the e-cat but still hope this project will be a bit less top secret by the time I will attend my exam; me and my father followed the studies on the e-cat since almost the very beginning and we were there when you and Sergio Focardi demonstrated that the machine was working in an early conference, here in Italy.
I will wait for an answer here or, if you have time that would be better ,on my mail,
Best regards,
PS i wrote this in English so that everyone can understand easily my comment. 🙂
Mathilde Posas:
No, it has not been abandoned, and I am working also on it in the Hot Cat that we put in operation inside the computers container, here in the factory where the 1 MW plant is working for the Customer of IH.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Andrea Rossi, the thread of research to arrive to produce electricity directly insid the E-Cat has been abandoned?
Alessandro Coppi:
We are not waiting Godot.
Warm Regards
Hi Andrea, you and your team are making by yourself the whole jobs of primary research, practice experimentation, and industrialization of the devices.
Now you can say: the cop is beyond what we hoped.
The oil price is dropping, and I believe your work is a factor.
In this situation what is that still keeps out of this business in a massive manner the main stream research laboratoryes, and the real jant top firms?
Best regards
Alessandro Coppi
yes, but the efficiencies are low.
Consider that in industrial applications the heat is exchanged and the heated medium takes away the energy, so that you have no more glowing surfaces, but steam.
Hi Andrea,
Having seen the white hot glowing Hot-cat photos on the internet, have you ever tried to catch this energy by photo-voltaic cells?
Some multi-wavelength capturing cells on high tech market offer remarkable efficiency.
Sterling Allan:
Thank you for the information.
Warm Regards,
LENR-to-Market Digest — January 30, 2015 – Highlights this week include: New report by Alexander Parkhomov showing excess heat in E-Cat variant; Jack Cole Reports Excess Heat, too; Sven Kullander Plaque for 1 MW E-Cat Plant; Report from Cold Fusion 101 at MIT; Science Journal special section on LENR; “Other Nuclear” (PESN; January 30, 2015)
Frank Acland:
At this point I suppose I can say that the replication of Prof. Parkhomov is serious, very serious.
I am delighted of the fact that an expert of the art, using what has been published, has been apparently able to replicate the Effect. I think this is a good thing for all.
Parkhomov is a product of the Russian scientific school, and I am honoured to have been studied from professionals belonging to that level of excellence. Now we have a mainstream scientific environment Prof, not confined in the LENR entity, that has replicated seriously my work.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Here is a post with some new data from Alexander Parkhomov’s tests done this month on a reactor. They are consistent with data reported in his December tests.
Also a video of his reactor and experiment (2 hours long!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTa3uVYuvwg
What are your thoughts on Dr. Parkhomov’s apparent success on replicating the ‘Rossi effect’?
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Thomas Florek:
He,he,he…I am very sorry, but I have to stay night and day, every day, with the 1 MW plant: I have to direct tens of thousands of components of the plant, playing in the same “orchestra” to reach the perfect harmony, as in the movie “The Concert”.
And this will be at least until the end of the year.
I wish great success to your benefit show and I am sure you will find a better drummer ( it doesn’t take too much).
Warm Regards,
Hi Andrea,
While I understand how busy you are changing the world, I wanted to be sure to invite you to another small benefit we are planning.
“Tom & Doug” will be headlining a benefit concert on Saturday March 21 in Princeton NJ. The beneficiary this time is this:
We’ll have a drum kit available, just in case there are any Special Guest Drummers.
Mats Lewan:
Thank yoy for this information regarding your book.
WRm Regards
To all readers of JONP.
The second edition of my book ‘An Impossible Invention’ about Andrea Rossi, the E-Cat and LENR, containing corrections and a few updates, is available both as e-book and paperback through Amazon:
If you already read the book, feel free to write a review on the Amazon listing page.
The e-book version of the second edition is offered for free to anyone who bought the first edition. To get a copy, please send an email to mats@animpossibleinvention.com .
Mats Lewan
Dear Pekka Janhunen,
The reason for the reaction Li6+ep->He4 + He3 + e + 3.51 MeV not being included in reaction 10e is VERY specific: I forgot to add it. :).
Thanks for the suggestion/correction.
I say that Hyd is “picometrically neutral” only because its maximum charge displacement 0.4 [pm], about 3 thousands of the shortest internuclear distance in a pure Ni crystal at room temperature. This should give penetrating properties much higher than any charged particle, towards that of a neutron. I do not know the cross section of Hyd at their average speed (also unknown) in a Nickel lattice or in alumina. I agree with you that Hyd should not be able to cross many microns of a solid state reacting matrix. I have never done detailed “scenario” numbers, perhaps I should. Clearly, as you say, if the nuclei of the matrix do not react (Ni62 seems to be among these) the Hyd should only be scattered elastically and their free path increase.
Thanks for your questions.
Best regards
Andrea Calaon
I do not agree. The technology cited by Prof. Carlo Rubbia is surely very interesting, but I think that all the possible energy sources have to be integrated.
Warm Regards,
Not before November 2015, not later than February 2016, I suppose.
Warm Regards,
JC Renoir:
We make a strong self sustained mode, that, obviously, substantially affects the COP. The Professors of the Independent Third Party wanted not to use the ssm, for the reasons they explained clearly in the report.
I must remind you that at the end of our tests the final results could be positive, but also negative and we cannot give final results until the tests will have been completed.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Why the COP you are getting from the 1 MW plant is higher than the COP resulted in the Lugano Test made by the ITP?
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Prof. Carlo Rubbia said yeaterday that alternative energies are useless and that the only resource to go for is gas and the technology to break its molecule to get cheap and clean hydrogen. What do you think?
Dear Andrea Rossi:
When do you think the test phase of the 1 MW plant delivered to the customer will finish?
Thank you,
Dear Andrea Calaon,
Is there some specific reason why reaction Li6+ep->He4+He3+e+4MeV is not included in reaction 10e on page 20? I would imagine that one to be a faster reaction than the ones given because it does not involve the weak interaction.
regards, pekka
Frank Acland:
At this time it is too early to tell when we will finish our testing and a product will be available for sale; there is also the safety certification issue to complete.
I will continue my R&D efforts and work with the Team to ensure we are able to bring the domestic E-Cat to market. This will be done as fast as we can, but there is considerable work to be done.
Warm Regards,
Giannino Ferro Casagrande:
Thank you for your kind attention.
Warm Regards,
Molto , molto bella la risposta a Frank Acland !!! Rammentare l’immenso Sergio assieme al prof. Kullander , che io non ho mai conosciuto , ma che immagino la statura umana , è una cosa che mi fa gioire nerl seguire ( in silenzio ) da anni il sito JdFN ….. Giannino da Udin !!!!!!!!!
Dear Andrea,
The E-Cat Australia web site states that domestic e-cats will be available mid-2018 (http://e-cataustralia.com/order-and-buy/domestic-10kw)
Is this projection based on the latest information you have?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Frank Acland:
Sven has inspired us to arrive to the top. This does not imply that we are there already and does not mean that after the test period the results will be positive: it means that we have to reach positive results with every positive effort.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I assume you are happy with the performance of the plant, since I doubt you would honor Dr. Kullander with such a plaque if it was not performing well.
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
The plaque has been written by an English mother language Professor.
I suppose he has chosen that kind of punctuation for a stylistic choice, as you correctly write. About the “Swedish Royal Academy of Science” I think that it is not uncorrect.
You are right about the proposal to put a plaque also for Prof. Sergio Focardi. It’s on its way.
About the photos of the plant, I already answered and I sympathise with your will.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Actually, I was referring to the photograph of the plaque that you sent to Frank Acland. It seems to contain no commas at all. Perhaps a stylistic choice? Also, I believe it is called “The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences” instead of “The Swedish Royal Academy of Science”.
Minor nitpicks, I know. What I really want to see is a photo of the plaque on the plant itself, and maybe something for Professor Focardi as well?
Best Regards,
My typos in the comment, the plaque is correct. Thank you for your attention.
Warm Regards,