Analysis of the performances of sealed timing resistive plate chambers

Khokon Hossen
Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), that were introduced by R. Santonico and R. Cardarelli in 1981, are gas ionization chambers made with resistive electrodes separated by precision spacers.
Typical gas gap range from a few hundred micrometers to several millimeters wide.
Timing Resistive Plate Chambers (tRPCs) were introduced in 2000 by P.Fonte, A.Smirnitsky and M.C.S Williams and has, since then, reached Time Resolutions better than 50 ps (σ) with efficiencies above 99% for Minimum Ionizing Particle (MIP).
In this research work, we describe the main features of gas detectors and the different types of RPCs and their properties.
We describe a cheap and easy to built sealed tRPCs and we explain how we have built it.
We describe the main results we have got operating the sealed tRPCs built in the laboratory.

856 comments to Analysis of the performances of sealed timing resistive plate chambers

  • Andrea Rossi

    Let’s not put the cart ahead of the horses. F9.
    Warm Regards,

  • Paul


    In the future, do you see IH leasing the 1 MW plants or selling then outright?

    Leasing may give IH better control of their IP.


  • Peter Metz

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    When you have said the 1M plant is in SSM, what do you mean? Are all the E-Cat reactors in SSM concurrently or are just the majority of them? Or do you mean that the plant is operating at an overall COP >> 1?

    I hope you find some time to get some good 4th of July BBQ wherever you are.


    Peter Metz

  • Andrea Rossi

    Konrad Welsh:
    It’s 3.48 p.m. of Saturday July 4th ( Independence Day for the USA). The 1 mW plant is stable, in ssm, the Hot Cat is stable and in ssm too. In this moment we have not particular problems, just stay alert.
    Warm Regards, from inside the computers container,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • George

    Dear Andrew,
    you can find the work by Hagelstein that Jonathan cited in his comment here:

  • Konrad Welsh

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Please send us the update as of today of the operation of the 1 MW E-Cat installed in the factory of Industrial Heat’s Customer!

  • Andrea Rossi

    I cannot disclose contractual particulars.
    Thank you for your kind attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Koppenhofer:
    If F9 will be positive, the numbers will speak for themselves. If not, same thing, but in negative. There will be not much need to speak.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    1- I said She is running on its initial charge, not that we did not have any breakage
    2- I cannot give this information
    3- No
    4- Yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You posted “but must endure 350 operative days, so we cannot foresee how many days we will have to interrupt the operation of the plant, due to breakages etc.”.

    You previously said, I believe, that the current 1MW eCat unit has not had any failures and is still running on its initial charge.
    1. Is this correct?

    2. Have there been breakages of the customer’s equipment that affect your operation?

    3. Have there been interrupts of input electrical power (i.e., from the electricity provider)?

    4. Have there been other interrupts in operation, such as planned maintenance, scheduled shut-downs, etc?

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Dr. Rossi: How much time and effort are you and IH expending to make sure the results of your 350 day contract, F9, will be accepted by future costumers as a money saving solution for their operations?

  • Alexvs

    Dear Mr. Rossi

    “The fuel ashes belong to the owner of the plant”.
    I think it is unfair but if it is so contracted, let it be so.

    Take care of your health!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jonathan Metz:
    Thank you for your information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G. Zavela:
    No Muse. Just study and work.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    You are right.
    The fuel ashes belong to the owner of the plant.
    Warm Regards

  • Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Did you have a Muse or a consulting chemist to provide the insight needed to eliminate E-Cat’s original external hydrogen tank? This was major improvement to your E-Cat “fuel”. But I wondered if you conducted a series of experiments or had a sudden revelation as to how to access hydrogen inside the E-Cat cell?

    Wishing you continued good luck for your great work.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Alexvs

    Dear Mr. Rossi

    To whom belong the fuel ashes after test completion?
    Pure Ni62 is expensive and you can have a suppletory gain. Money does not harm and it would be a compliment for you.

    Take care and keep healthy.

  • Jonathan Metz

    Dear Dr Rossi:
    You talked of the work in the MIT of Prof. Hagelstein: it is described in the blog

  • Andrea Rossi

    Craig Johnson:
    Because when I think I have something theoretical that is worth to say, I publish it. Otherwise, instead of discussing I prefer to learn from Professors and from books. My time is very limited, I must select things surely worth to do. Please do not think this is a snobbery: I have to spend my time as cautiously as a person with not much money has to spend his money.
    Warm Regards,

  • Craig Johnson

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Why you want not to make theoretical discussions?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jane Brown:
    The experiments of Prof. Peter Hagestein are very important as a sign of how is changed the perception of LENR in the highest echelons of the mainstream scientific world. Few years ago the MIT considered LENR non-science, today they are making R&D on LENR in their labs and publishing reports of successful experiments. This is important for the LENR environment: let me say, without hypocisy, that the merit of this change of mode has been generated by the enormous work made by our Team.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    I never comment the work of our competitors. As I said, the sole experiments we have successfully reproduced so far are the ones I cited. This is NOT a comment on the work of the others, it is just a matter of fact strictly related to our replications.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    I cannot give this information. We will give due information when the test will have been completed. Please remember that the test has not a solar calendar, but must endure 350 operative days, so we cannot foresee how many days we will have to interrupt the operation of the plant, due to breakages etc.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ian Walker:
    I want not to enter in a discussion. I prefer, in this period, to use the free time left from Her to study Physics, more than discuss about this matter. I published that link because maybe it can interest some reader of our blog.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jane Brown

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Which is your opinion about the LENR experiment made by Prof Peter L. Hagestein in the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT) ?
    Thanks if you find the time to answer,

  • Ian Walker

    Hello Andrea Rossi

    I ask whether you have seen the thermodynamic analysis of the Lugano E-Cat written by Slad

    As featured in Frank Acland’s

    As I think it a very good analysis.

    While you may have people who are in your team who are working on this and may have seen similar analysis or carried it out your self, with your fluid engineering background. I myself find it to be very competently written and you may want engage in discussion with the author.

    Kind Regards Ian Walker

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Have you reached the half-way point of your one year test yet?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    Previously, you have stated that out of all the LENR devices that have been claimed in patents and literature, IH has only been able to replicate and produce excess heat from Ikegami’s and Brian Ahern’s experiments. I’ve been reading the patents and papers of Unified Gravity Corporation, and I wonder if you attempted to replicate their setup as well.

    They claim in their patent application to have produced high rates of proton-lithium fusion using very low energy protons (sometimes as low as 200ev but usually not higher than 2000 or so ev). In their experiments, they have applied an alternating bias voltage (for example a few tens of milliamps and a few hundred volts to a couple thousand) to a lithium disc in high vacuum. Hydrogen gas is either pumped into the chamber or lithium hydride is placed on the disc. When the power is turned on, a lithium hydrogen plasma formed. They claim the negative bias pulses create the plasma and the positive pulses induce the proton lithium fusion. In one experiment, they used square wave pulses and a short 10% duty cycle to achieve a vert high calculated COP in the hundreds. They have also used low power magnetic fields to confine the plasma and further enhance the reaction rate. In addition, they have detected in real time a huge flux of alpha particles and have detected helium ash.

    I cannot help but wonder if some of the processes in their device and the hot cat are very loosely related. Have you tested their claims?

    What impresses me about their work (even though you are far ahead of them because you have an actual product and they do not) is that they have performed hundreds or thousands of tests, built many different reactors, and optimized their system via trial and error like you have. They are not just talk.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hoover Bismark:
    The factory the plant is in is guarded 24/7 by security officers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight. I met many times Prof. Ikegami in the university of Uppsala in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and I studied with attention his work with Li; we discussed together with Prof. Sven Kullander about his work and my work. The study of the work of Prof Ikegami has doubtless been important for me.
    About your insight: I cannot comment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hoover Bismark

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    During the nights, that you spend inside the plant, are not you afraid of hostile intrusions ?

  • Slad

    Mr Rossi

    In your theory paper written with Norman Cook you say:

    “At the temperature of operation of the ECat used in the Lugano test, the Lithium contained in the LiAlH4 is vaporized, and consequently was distributed evenly within
    the volume of the E-Cat.”

    I believe a significant proportion of the lithium remains as liquid, even up to the melting point of nickel.

    I explain why here:

    In the snappily titled: A THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF THE LUGANO E-CAT (A Handy Guide for Replicators, Inventors, Nay-Sayers and Theorists)

    I think this behaviour has parallels with Ikegami’s work involving molten lithium.

    Best Regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jimmy Hunt:
    Thank you, but let me just add that all this work is not made just by me, but by our great Team. F9.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Coppi:
    My uninterrupted presence in the plant installed in the factory of the Customer of IH is due to the fact that it is our first plant installed in the factory of a Customer, operating for unlimited time. We have to be always present for at least 1 year due to our contractual agreement and due to the fact that it is our first occasion to make R&D, tests on an industrial plant really working and producing and not on an experimental industrial device working for few hours. Staying continuously with her we are learning an enormous amount of data, information that will be at the base of our industrial production. It is the first time in the history for such a plant, we do not have prior art to gat experience from, so we have to observe her with extreme attention.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alessandro Coppi

    Hi Andrea, your uninterrupted presence close to her, make me to believe that something about the working mechanism would not already well known, and this make me believe that perhaps it could be not explainable also in the future.
    If is there an unexplained variable, that I guess (ignorantly) it could take part to the reaction: a third factor in add to the charge and heat supply, it seem a fluctuating and unpredictable presence, could be named as antimatter? that fluctuates into a parallel dimension.

    Oneiric regards
    Alessandro Coppi

  • Jimmy Hunt

    Dr Rossi:
    Every single day that you say your 1 MW E-Cat is working in the factory of a customer and has long periods of self sustaining mode (ssm) I ask myself: do people understand that this is History in the making, day by day, by this guy?
    God bless you, Andrea, for the work you are making for us 16 hours per day, day and night. Just take notice that we are millions who wait for your product.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Enrique Gonzales:
    11.45 a.m. of July 2nd: situation substantially stable, in this moment we are in ssm both with the 1 MW E-Cat and the small Hot Cat. I am finishing my working shift, will return here at 6 p.m.
    I go to sleep.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    David Levis:
    No, I am honoured that the work of our Team is taken seriously from these giants.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    James Rovnak:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • David Levis

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    NASA, AIRBUS are making experiments after the Lugano Report, Universities in Russia have replicated your Effect, the China Institute for the Atomic Energy has replicated your Effect, the Universities of Bologna has replicated your Effect, the University of Uppsala is replicating your Effect, the MIT is replicating your Effect…are you worried for your Intellectual property?

  • Enrique Gonzales

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Can we have an update in the very moment you read this comment?

  • domenico canino

    Hi Andrea,
    NASA working on LENR propulsion for Aircraft. This is the link to their work. In the paper you will see the photo of a Rossi Hot Cat of the Lugano text. Nasa working on LENR after Rossi’work. It’s clear. It’s a big thing.
    warm regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    George Mc Elvenny:
    I didn’t know about the existence of a LENRleaks! This is another sign of the LENR consistency ( he,he,he…).
    I am not informed about what you say. I know that a team of Professors of the Univessity of Bologna has made a reactor after the Lugano test, but I am not informed about their work. Surely they will publish a report when they will have consolidated results, though.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hanna Von Goetz:
    No, it is not my merit: it is merit of Dr Alexander Parkhomov, who made a convincing replication and of Dr Irina Uzikova, nuclear Physicist of the Russian Academy of Science, that prepared the ground since when she attended the demo we made with the first 1 mW plant in Bologna on 2011.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestions.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We have to respect the laws of the USA and European Countries everywhere we go in the world.
    I confirm what I have already said, also for what concerns the protection of the IP: there cannot be production of richness for everybody if there is not substantial intelklectual property protection. Nobody is going to invest seriously for anything whose iP is not protected.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Koppenhofer:
    Basically, yes, with due exceptions to be evaluated in specific situations. IP is easier to protect in 1 MW E-Cats.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jamews Rovnak:
    Thank you for the update related to the replications on course.
    Warm Regards,

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