Analysis of the performances of sealed timing resistive plate chambers

Khokon Hossen
Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), that were introduced by R. Santonico and R. Cardarelli in 1981, are gas ionization chambers made with resistive electrodes separated by precision spacers.
Typical gas gap range from a few hundred micrometers to several millimeters wide.
Timing Resistive Plate Chambers (tRPCs) were introduced in 2000 by P.Fonte, A.Smirnitsky and M.C.S Williams and has, since then, reached Time Resolutions better than 50 ps (σ) with efficiencies above 99% for Minimum Ionizing Particle (MIP).
In this research work, we describe the main features of gas detectors and the different types of RPCs and their properties.
We describe a cheap and easy to built sealed tRPCs and we explain how we have built it.
We describe the main results we have got operating the sealed tRPCs built in the laboratory.

856 comments to Analysis of the performances of sealed timing resistive plate chambers

  • KD

    Mr. Koen Vandewalle wrote
    >>>>>>the idea of the “collector’s items” Paul referred to, reminds me of some promise.
    Do you remember that too ?<<<<<

    But you have to remember what Mr. Rossi lately says.
    "The results might be positive, but also negative.:)

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Do not worry: I always remember what I promise. I just forget to do it ( he,he,he,he)
    Warm Regards,

  • Koen Vandewalle


    the idea of the “collector’s items” Paul referred to, reminds me of some promise.
    Do you remember that too ?

    Kind Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    That’s some idea! I will pass it on.
    Warm Regards,

  • Paul


    If the customer is manufacturing a durable good (like a bottle of beer), maybe he/she could put a cryptic logo on the packaging to designate that the product was manufactured during the 1 MW E-Cat Beta test.

    Some day they may become collector’s items.


  • Hank Mills

    Tom Conover,

    No group or individual replicating has a requirement to disclose information about their tests. They have a right to work quietly, and, if they wish, never disclose their results or wait as long as they want. However, I hope that replicators who desire to see the Ni-LiAlH4 technology replicated as repetitively, broadly, and as successfully as possible will be open about their testing.

    Replicators need to learn from each other. There are still many issues and variables that are not understood, and these factors may be important to produce excess heat. By communicating and being open, those who have had good results may save others a huge amount of time, effort, and money. Of course, in my mind, the most beneficial result could be more successful replications, sooner rather than later. If we want the media and scientific community to wake up to the reality of this technology, there must be a tidal wave of successful replications taking place all over the world. Right now, that is not happening.

    I know it can happen. The Rossi Effect is extremely powerful (a kilowatt of heat per gram of fuel at the low end), there are many individuals-teams performing tests or getting setup to replicate, and Parkhomov has established a fantastic example for being open about his work.

    Now we just need any additional replicators who are having success in triggering the Rossi Effect to share their knowledge and experience. From what I’ve been told, the Ni-LiAlH4 reaction is not excessively finicky. So if we can get a few guidelines sorted out, I think success can come quickly.

    Then again, if there is a lack of communication, successful replications may come more slowly. Replicators will have to perform many more trial and error tests and have to redesign and rebuild their systems. This will waste time and slow down the acceptance of this technology by the mainstream. I want the day when the mainstream media and scientific community go into an all out panic about the reality of the E-Cat to happen as quickly as possible. When the world realizes this technolgy is real, they will freak out due to the fact it will be able – after more engineering – to replace every current source of energy at a fraction of the price of today’s energy sources: while releasing no pollution whatsoever! No carbon! No particulates! No radiation!

    I want this day to come as soon as possible. That means we need all replicators to have all the information they need to produce excess heat. I can understand Rossi’s position – he has a huge investment at stake! Everyone else seeking to replicate holds ZERO ownership in the technology which means holding onto information makes no sense whatsoever. And, even if they have reputations or careers to protect from the stigma of LENR, having as many successful replications as possible take place would be in their best interest!

    Maybe I’m too involved in this.

    Maybe I have contact with too many people who desperately want to see this technology accepted by the mainstream.

    Maybe I’ve spent too many long nights chatting about and discussing these issues.

    Maybe discussing countless variables and design parameters with parties who desire to replicate has me a bit obsessed.

    But darn it, this technology is important and critical to the future of this planet!

    Can’t we just open up, share, and make this happen?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    I think you are right, based on information I got. Obviously I cannot be sure the information I got will be confirmed and in which measure.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tom Conover

    Hello Andrea,
    I agree with you very much about the Replicators. I think positive results will be announced very soon. some of us just haven’t made any announcements yet. keep up the good work and thank God very much.
    warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    Thank you for your insight, but I do not agree: I know some of the groups that are making replications: they are making a good job with strong engagement and I think soon successful experiments will be announced.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    I’m glad you follow the replication attempts. As you probably have noticed, the vast majority of them – that are openly disclosed – are not achieving results nearly as robust as Parkhomov’s (perhaps around a kilowatt of heat per gram of fuel). This is for a number of reasons, but I feel a primary issue is that very few individuals are willing to put in as much time and effort as Parkhomov and yourself. The average experimenter may perform one test a week when, conversely, you would have performed dozens in the same time period. Another reason is that the testing setups, materials, and fuels used have varied greatly. This hinders the “community” from figuring out what variables are critical and which ones are not. There are rumors of certain parties producing more robust results, but when their data will be released is unknown.

    I don’t know if you prefer successful replications to take place or not. I also don’t know you would want professional scientists in laboratory environments (following all safety guidelines) to even try to replicate the Rossi Effect. Everything right now just seems extremely complicated and uncertain – except for the fact the evidence the E-Cat produces massive excess heat is overwhelming. This reality is what keeps me involved: the Ni-LiAlH4 E-Cat technology is the news story of the decade or maybe the century!

    But the world, as a whole, keeps moving along like it doesn’t exist. Every time I see a news article on a small improvement in solar panel efficency, a new design of a wind power generator, or new bio-fuel mix I can’t help but preform an internal “face-palm” out of frustration.

    You are very limited as to what info you can release. I get that. You have to do what makes best business sense so your investment (years of your life and the sale of personal possessions) pays off.

    I just wish that at some point your position in the commercialization of the technology will be far enough advanced that explaining the variables that must be abided by to replicate a basic reactor will not be considered too great of a risk.

    So far, except for Parkhomov, no one performing “open” experimentation seems to be able to fully reproduce the effect to a significant extent.

    Maybe this is what is preferable for Industrial Heat and yourself.

    Maybe not.

    I don’t know.

    And I am realizing that as of right now, we – those on the outside of IH -don’t know much. Or, we don’t know how to interpret the information we do have. Maybe all the information we need is already starting us in the face. It could be in plane sight. Or there could be intricacies we do not yet understand.

    My poor 1990 model 75mhz Pentium Processor with 16 megabytes of RAM of a brain is crashing.

    Time to reboot.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Visits are allowed to nobody, not even to the closest friends, until the test is finished.
    Data will be supplied after the end of the tests.
    The only thing I can say is that I am continuing to work in the plant 16 hours per day.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I received corrections from one of the peer reviewers, and I will have to work ( and study) on it for some week more. I should receive two other reviews; if publishable ( it could turn out not to be publishable) it will take minimum a month more.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    JC Renoir:
    Yes, I am in contact with the main manufacturer of 3D systems for production of metal fabricated machines, and we are studying seriously the issue, very seriously. I am extremely curious about this issue. Could become very important. We already had economic analysis and the budgets are workable. Much due diligence has to be done yet.
    Warm Regards,

  • DTravchenko

    Andrea Rossi:
    Do you have news about your paper in preparation ?

  • Curiosone

    Can you give us an update about the test of the 1 MW plant? Are visits allowed for some privileged people?

  • JCRenoir

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Have you news about the 3D printing?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph Fine

    AlbertN, Andrea Rossi,

    Andrea Calaon’s reply to Axil Axil is very interesting. But AlbertN’s comment is also appropriate. While thinking and discussion are always valuable, testing the idea via (many) experiment(s) is/(are) essential.

    Galilean regards,

    Joseph Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    If you find the discussion interesting, this means it is useful for something.
    I respect the opinions of everybody and confirm what Prof. Cook and I wrote.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    250 kW reactor.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    3.5 kW
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    We are working on it.
    Warm Regards,

  • AlbertN

    Dear Dr.Rossi,

    There is quite an interesting discussion about the Rossi/Cook Reaction Theory on E-Cat World:

    The discussion (I admit) is way above my head. Some people do the hard work (like yourself) and some people just talk. Talk, as we know, is cheap. Does any of this discussion make any sense to you? Care to comment?

    Albert N

  • Koen Vandewalle

    The Long-Cat. m 2 x 0.3 x 0.7

    Are there other elongated properties, such as very loooooooooooooooooooooooooong SSM ?

    Longing Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    What are the largest High Temperature eCat reactors you have successfully developed/demonstrated? You previously posted the 250kW reactors were of the low temperature variant.

  • Paul


    Does your 250 KW modules consist of one 250 KW reactor or do they consist of multiple reactors adding up to 250 KW ?


  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, if you and your Readers want to know the future of Wind Turbines, Google;
    Click on:

    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- low temperature
    2- m 2 x 0.3 x 0.7
    3- tests on course
    Warm Regards,

  • Fyodor

    Mr. Rossi

    Thank you for the update-a 250 KW E-cat sounds very interesting. Are the 250KW reactors low or high temperature E-cats? How big are they? Do you believe that there will be more favorable economics for the larger E-Cats because fixed costs like the controls, etc, are spread over a larger reactor?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question and for your ongoing accessibility and engagement with this community.

    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    1- yes
    2- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, the Customer is measuring independently the energy that arrives to his plant, both with gauges and ( more important) with the operation of his manufacturing system, which needs our energy to work.
    The measurements give similar results, within the margin of error of the instrumentation, but, as I said, what counts more than all is the FACT that the energy we supply him makes his plant work as expected. Calorimetic measurements now are coupled with manufacturing efficiency measurements, which put in evidence the very result that really counts: is our Customer making money with our plant or not ? This is the most important issue. If the Customer does not make money with our plant, he will not get solace if we will present him good calorimetric results, however obtained…
    Data regarding the COP will be given after the completion of the tests and the final results can be either positive or negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    No, the E-Cats can be built to make a specific amount of energy and this limit cannot be overcome.
    You cannot turn a 20 kW E-Cat into an E-Cat with higher power. But you can make a 1 GW plant with modules of 250 kW each, theoretically.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Your comment about stable 250 kW E-Cat reactors is very interesting. Does it make sense to you to move towards plants with fewer, but larger, if these reactors are stable?

    It would seem that there would be less complexity involved in manufacturing and controlling fewer E-Cats.

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You mentioned that your team has demonstrated eCat reactors up to and including 250kW thermal output. So can we assume that the current 1MW ensemble unit could, in theory, be scaled to 25MW, with appropriate changes in input power, heat exchangers, etc.?

    If this technology could be scaled, then a 1GW electrical power generation plant, running at 40% Carnot efficiency and thus requiring 2.5GW of thermal input power could be achieved with 100 such units.

  • Alexvs

    Dear Mr. Rossi.

    Given the purpose of the 1 Mw plant test, I suppose that your customer and you self (or IH) are monitoring independently the energy balance. At this moment, do the measurements equate within a reasonable error margin?
    I would like to know if the energy balance is positive or negative but I understand that you shuldn`t answer this question.

  • Tom Conover

    Hello Andrea,

    You mentioned today that you can scale single units up to 250 kw with high reliability. My home would require a minimum of 40kw of heat to keep it warm during our Wisconsin USA winters (as low as -30F sometimes). (1) Hypothetically would the control mechanisms be as simple as the 10kw units for the 250kw (or 100kw) units? (2) Hypothetically would the possible manufacturing cost of a 100kw unit be approximately 10x the cost of the 10kw unit? Thank you in advance for your kindness in responding to the inquiries in this blog!


  • Andrea Rossi

    This does not depend on us, but on the Customers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, we arrived to modules of 250 kW quite reliable.
    Warm Regards,

  • Paul


    Are any of your prospective 1 MW plant customers entities that showcase new technology?
    (Such as Disney’s Epcot Center)



  • Fyodor

    Mr. Rossi

    I hope that all is well with you.

    I understand that you have focused on smaller (10kW) modular e-cats in part for the redundancy and reliability that comes from smaller units. I was wondering if it were possible to build larger individual E-cats with higher power outputs. Can they go to 50KW or 100KW with the same level of reliability and control or do they stop scaling up at some point?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I hope that they are letting you out of the plant every once and a while to get some air.

    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    James Rovnak:
    Thank you for the information and for your insight. I can’t comment about e.m. fields in positive or in negative and I have strong respect for the work of the replicators.
    Warm Regards,

  • James Rovnak

    Andrea what about use of this GE high temp material in Hot E-Cat. Robert Godes tweeted interest in this material the other day & I thought it just might interest you also: Jim
    Also replicators seem to be having trouble starting & controlling LENR power in their attempts. Could it be they need high freq EM to excite process as Dr Godes does in his developing project? I think Parkhomov’s TRIAC based source had plenty of dI/dt to excite even his neighbors service to say nothing of his LENR success! Did you know his grand daughter (who translates for him) name is Ecaterina – interesting, No? Keep up the good work!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Is a very good tool. Very useful.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    JC Renoir:
    The situation is foundamentally changed in this sense: after our plant is entered in the market making real work in a factory, most persons are just waiting to know if it really works or not . That’s what our Team is working on.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    D. Travchenko:
    Thank you for the information, very interesting.
    Warm Regards,

  • DTravchenko

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Maybe this is useful for you: Tadiran Batteries
    They produce batteries lithium- thionyl-chloride that last 40 years of continue operation !
    Maybe useful for the E-Cat, to drive it in remote areas?
    Warm Regards,

  • JCRenoir

    Hi, Andrea:
    I noticed your work is appreciated the more every day from more persons, also in the highest scientific echelons. You satisfied of this?

  • Curiosone

    What do you think of

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