Analysis of the performances of sealed timing resistive plate chambers

Khokon Hossen
Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), that were introduced by R. Santonico and R. Cardarelli in 1981, are gas ionization chambers made with resistive electrodes separated by precision spacers.
Typical gas gap range from a few hundred micrometers to several millimeters wide.
Timing Resistive Plate Chambers (tRPCs) were introduced in 2000 by P.Fonte, A.Smirnitsky and M.C.S Williams and has, since then, reached Time Resolutions better than 50 ps (σ) with efficiencies above 99% for Minimum Ionizing Particle (MIP).
In this research work, we describe the main features of gas detectors and the different types of RPCs and their properties.
We describe a cheap and easy to built sealed tRPCs and we explain how we have built it.
We describe the main results we have got operating the sealed tRPCs built in the laboratory.

856 comments to Analysis of the performances of sealed timing resistive plate chambers

  • James Rovnak

    Andrea another replication run today with some very innovative features.

    Sure this will hold our interest, No?

    Your friend & admirer. Especially for “The New Fire” & it’s promise to warm humanity from a much more friendly source than fossil or conventional nuclear with their inherent problems. I just hope the negative thermal resistance of the LENR process does not bite him.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Ronald Taylor:
    I think it is the inclusion of a strong spin orbit force ( by Goeppert- Mayer and Jensen). It couples the spin and orbital angular momentum of each individual nucleon and corresponds to the “jj” coupling limit of atomic theory. By the theory of Norman Cook ( Models of the atomic nucleus, Berlin 2010) the phenomenological single particle model is reconciled with the liquid drop model in a unifying phenomenological system.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ronald Taylor

    Dr Rossi, professional question: which is the insight that made the phenomenological single particle model a useful tool in nuclear physics?

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    From your recent comment it sounds now like your plant is potentially a 2 MW plant. You have described previously 100 10kW reactors, now it sounds like you have added four 250 kW reactors to it. Is this correct?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    James Rovnak:
    Thank you for your insight and for the link.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    1- You can assume anything you deem opportune
    2- same as above
    3- Some operations demand the shut down of the plant, some do not.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Low temperature E-Cats are more fit than Hot Cats for lower T for reasons different than COP.
    1- no
    2- this information will be given with the commercial literature in due time.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You posted regarding current technology (low temperature eCats) versus hot eCats – “For the low temperatures the current technology has advantages.”

    You previously posted that COP increases with temperature. This seems in conflict.

    1. Do current technology (low temperature) eCats have a longer SSM than hot eCats?
    2. Can you clarify what other advantages current technology eCats have over the hot eCats?

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    1. Can we assume that “modifications” to the eCat at this time are not physical but software or firmware modifications?
    2. I further assume that most of the changes are to the control laws (adjusting parameters — so called tweaking”) to improve or adjust performance?
    3. Changes to the operational software/firmware would require the eCat be shutdown and restarted. Is this primarily the case when you mentioned eCat being shutdown and restarted?

  • James Rovnak

    Andrea check out speculation on thermal control ie self regulation, negative thermal feedback like in nuclear reactors.

    Interesting thoughts by David Robinson & Bob Cook for your interests.

    Iv’e thought of thermal self regulation for a long time. Lugano showed about a 400 second process time constant of power input to temperature, but an oblivious long term drift which I think are long term decay products falling out/in , but I can’t see the whole picture yet. One would see the nuclear micro burst on Ni & Li less than a microsecond process. These burst in energy would be-filtered through fuel element’s thermal time constant to us ie 400 sec.

    Well hope you enjoy the reference & their discussion & its fit to your theory.


    Interesting how this all fits in with (ssm) LENR, only you seem to know for sure!

    Noted your comment on wide temperature range of operation the other day!

    Have a pleasant evening & thanks for tolerating my inquires. You sure have a lot of us thinking & guessing? But you do keep our minds young with that work!

    Thanks again

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments arrived to this blog on other posts than this today.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Kerstin Fryklund:
    In your comment, wrongly spammed by the robot and lost, that you sent me by email, you asked:
    1- did we change charge during the 1 MW E-Cat operation since we started ?
    2- is the charge of the 1 MW plant in operation in the industry of the Customer the best available possible?
    3- the 4 E-Cats with a power of 250 kW each do have the same charge?
    4- can you go to have lunch leaving the E-Cat alone or, if not, how did you resolve the problem?
    Thank you for your questions and here are the answers:
    1- not so far
    2- yes
    3- yes
    4- No, I have to bring with me the 1MW E-Cat to eat together. You can’t imagine how much She costs in pet food!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Paul Calvo:
    Thank you, interesting information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Paul Calvo

    What’s a startup with just under $7 million in venture capital going to do with $125 million worth of Tesla’s grid batteries?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Joseph Mc Carthy:
    1- This is a long term test and requires careful due diligence; it is normal for me to feel positive about my work, I feel what I am doing is the right thing to do; that’s why I spend 16 hours per day in the sauna inside the plant.
    2- Operation of the plant and interaction with the Customer is particularly sensitive information; I want only those who have contractual right know all the due information, to protect our IP and trade secret: hence we want to manage our disclosure of information carefully, because we cannot allow our competition to gain any ground.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Yes, correct. See also my answer to the last comment of Frank Acland.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    The modifications we can make during the operation are done without turning the plant off, other are done turning off the plant only if necessary; not necessary, but suggested modifications suggested by the operation’s experience will be done after the end of the tests and R&D on course.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you. Does this mean that you are able to make significant modifications to this plant while it continues to do it job (i.e. no need to shut it down?)

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You stated “and many modifications are made during the operation.” Are many modifications made each day or each week? I would expect by now that major modifications have ceased and minor modifications might occasionally be made. Daily there might be small adjustments. Is this essentially correct?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    I can say that so far we are positive about what is going on, but the final results could still be either positive or negative.
    We are constantly controlling the plant and many modifications are made during the operation.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    I cannot give more information than I already did.
    Warm Regards

  • jackie

    Dear Mr. Rossi, would it not please you to help people like MFMP et al by giving them hints as to the most basic conditions necessary to replicate your new fire.
    It surely can do you little harm financially to give this basic help for all humanity now you are so far advanced in your Research.
    Best Wishes

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Is the 1MW plant performing as you have hoped these days, or is there still the need for frequent intervention and correction?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Joseph Mc Carthy

    Dr Andrea Rossi: do you feel optimistic about the operation of the plant in the factory of the customer?
    Why do not give us more data about the operation?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find new comments arrived to other posts of this blog.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    For the low temperatures the current technology has advantages.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for you response, very interesting. Does this mean that it would be possible to use the current Hot Cat for all temperature needs, or are there some advantages of the the current low temperature design for low temperatures?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Yes, it is possible.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Is it possible to run the Hot Cat at the temperature of the low temperature E-Cat?

    Just curious,

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan C.:
    Our Team appreciates your comment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dan C.

    Dear Andrea,

    I read your response to my previous post about 5 hours ago.
    The first thing that stuck out was ” ?^*!§#/*^§[+/%$??”

    It’s been going around the internet about certain code that can cause smart phones to shut down & reboot. My 1st thought was you were trying to do this to my computer.

    After staring & waiting for about 10 minutes with no Blue Screen of Death, It occurred to me that your real plan was to shut down & reboot the entire Internet to hide my Genius from the world. So I sat here staring & waiting for nearly 5 hours when it Dawned on me. I Have No Genius to hide as is now obvious. My mother always told me it’s best to keep your mouth shut & let some people think your dumb then to open your mouth & remove all doubt. OOPS 🙂

    Finally I read your full response. Holy Catsnacks! F8 + F9.
    Actually, I was so overjoyed that the Internet didn’t reboot that ” ?^*!§#/*^§[+/%$??” never entered my mind. Besides. how many can claim getting both F8 + F9 in the same post.

    On a serious note. That you & your team have time to focus on the Hot-cat R&D is very encouraging. Obviously for the most part, the Pilot plant must be behaving well. Be sure & let your team know that many of us appreciate all the hard work you all do. It’s good for people to know their efforts are appreciated.

    Now about “The Cat-sling!” hmm the Cat-a-Log, the Catrack, I’ll have to think on it a lil bit.

    Dan C.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments and answers arived today in other posts of this blog.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Forsberg:
    Thank you for your kind words, surely addressed to all the Team I have the honour to work with.
    Very interesting the link related to the investigation of the hidden structure of consciousness.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Of course! I too did not notice the typo.
    Warm Regards,

  • Peter Forsberg

    Andrea Rossi and Eernie1:

    I also believe that the ECat will prove more useful to science than the LHC. Many people (I don’t want to name names) only consider Andrea Rossi to be an engineer. But I consider you to be one of the great scientist of all times. I hope history will record you as such. The way that you have approached the invention of the ECat reminds me extremely much of the way that I and my team investigate the “mystery” of consciousness. Many people only consider findings as science if they have been translated into the linqua franca of science, mathematics, and if they have been peer reviewed. But thruth is truth no matter of how it has been reached, and often mathematics is a straight jacket.


    Peter Forsberg (

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    Of course I meant 13 TeV energetic particles produced. Sorry, my mind was on power production.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for saying this. As a matter of fact, it is true: the E-Cat could be an important source of information; in the paper Cook-Rossi we started a percourse to integrate what happens inside the E-Cat with what is known about atomic models; you touched an important switch: the LHC of the CERN works at so high energies, that it is unlikely the information it will get will be directly useful for something, apart the enrichment of human scientific culture:
    “Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
    ma per seguir virtute e conoscienza”
    [” Ulysses” in Inferno, La Divina Commedia, Dante Alighieri- Lunigiana (Italy) written through 1304- 1321, first manuscripts Italy, circa 1330] .
    But it is very unlikely that the cost to find, for example, the Higs boson or the dark matter ( if any) will allow the application of such entities for something industrially useful. There can be indirect benefits, though: tools and systems made to find Higgs boson and dark matter can find industrial applications…the internet has been invented in the CERN to communicate between scientists…
    Our E-Cat is so economic that could spread knowledge in measure quantitatively exponential with the number of persons that will use it.
    But let me make you remember that the final results of our test on course could be either positive, or negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    You mentioned the fact that the CERN device is now running at a 13 terawatt power level and that this may provide more information which can be used to unravel the mysteries of the atom. I suggest that you possess a device which can be used to uncover more of the workings of the atom than this device. Using combinations of atomic species in the e-cat configurations for lengthy test runs at different power levels and then performing assays in depth would probably present us with much usable information which would add immensely to the atomic theories we presently consider valid.
    Investigative regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    James Rovnak:
    Thank you for the update.
    Warm Regards

  • James Rovnak

    Andrea, another beautiful set of slides freely shared by Larsen on Catalyst & his take of LENR processes. I really like his colorful & meaningful slides & sure they have a lot of reminders in them of your work in producing oil from organic matter to help solve the Worlds Energy Crisis. Years ago my employer was involved in building ethylene plants & we had a patented catalytic process that increased yield in cracker units. I did some interesting dynamics/control & protection work on furnaces at a plant we built in China.

    When I first started following your work years ago the “Catalyst” in the E-Cat word drew me to your efforts & my nuclear background excited me in the possibilities you offered in cleaner, safer more powerfull than fossil energy. I had become some what disenchanted with commercial nuclear power after seeing monetary/efficiency gain emphasized over more inherently safer plants developing so I went into fossil & petrochemical plant work for a while.

    Along the line of improvements in the E-Cat series, we used burnable poisons in nuclear plant fuel element design & I am sure they could be added to the E-Cat & I know the nuclear industry has many men devoted to improving fuel elements using various method from their materials bag of tricks & trust they are working out well for you also.

    Again in your relaxing moments at the plant I hope you will look at & enjoy some of the slides Larsen has prepared for open public view. I’m sure they will bring back memories of moments of discovery for you, & fascination we both have for the Ultra Low Momentum neutrons that have to be firing the E-Cat in your process even if their exact nature & source somewhat eludes our certainty at the present moment in time. I’m am truly interested in discovering for myself the EM effect that may eventually control their use in commercial products like the E-Cat series.

    I also see an E-Cat rising in power to the ssm mode & sitting there in thermal feed back regulation if isotope stabilization can no longer be influenced because of its long term decay constants taking control like a nuclear plants decay heat build up. “We lose control of nuclear plants at the low end because of this buildup of fission decay products, especially at the end of fuel cycle requiring partial or full refueling with fresh rods.

    In Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) at one point in my career at about 20% power a slow limit cycle would occur of about 60 minute period so operators just went quickly thru that point. I often wonder if that point still exists or someone has found the reason & a solution. Remember water void fraction feedback made BWRs somewhat self regulating in actually controlling thermal neutron population. The same effect could appear in the Hot E-Cat with fourth power radiant temperature losses in the total (ssm) LENR mode of operation, just maybe, I don’t know but you must.


    Well do have a pleasant evening & I hope you find the colorful slide insightful as I have.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Domenico Canino:
    No, there are no signals at all in the direction you describe, while, on the contrary, I am convinced of the fact that our technology will be integrated in the complex system of energy sources, to create a synergy that will not be a killer application, but a global game enhancer.
    Warm Regards,

  • domenico canino

    Dear Andrea,
    I am not a technician, so my question is not on catalizers or COPs and so on. If the cat “goes” like you say, and i am sure that’s it, it is the fossil energy “killer application”, a real game changer. There is some signal from big oil companies, to stop you or to buy your cat, an dig it under tha sand? I am very worried about it.

  • Andrea Rossi

    To the Readers:
    Please go to
    to find new comments arrived in other posts of this blog right now.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    James Rovnak:
    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan C:
    Wow! The Cat-sling!
    F8 + F9.
    I know your answer what will be: ” ?^*!§#/*^§[+/%$??”
    Warm Regards,

  • Dan C.

    Dear Andrea,

    Based on my primitive assumptions, How about 1 Mouse surrounded by 6 Cats.$T2eC16VHJIkE9qU3kIJrBRPW-wf,ew~~60_35.JPG

    What do you think?
    Or is this an “F9” moment…
    Or Possibly an “F8) I can not disclose etc, etc,

    Dan C.

  • James Rovnak Now Andrea I would say they saw the original home heater E-Cat show up on the early 200 C part of first & longest run at MFMP They spent some time down there allowing the Lady to show up rather prominently I’d say, No? Compare Blue & Green temperatures. Green is nice as it was done after fuel was removed & I think Ged feels more comfortable with that trace as other calibrations were done quickly with active fuel & confused them with Ladies Presence I am sure! Its their test & call & they are very cautious & thorough as all experimenter replicators of your Hot E-Cat should be, No? Well we have time to wait for a new longer test & ash analysis & further conclusions from MFMP with their great fuel element design, nice testing program & thorough analysis team!


  • Andrea Rossi

    I am making many variations; the T range is between 1000 and 1600 K
    Warm Regards,

  • Fyodor

    Mr. Rossi

    Can you tell us what temperature the Hot-Cat has been operating at for the self sustain mode tests that you’ve been discussing recently?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

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