United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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40,528 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    You are correct: all the tests that followed confirmed the validity of the theoretical structure explained in the paper of Researchgate you cited,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    It seems quite dangerous to me,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hermes Atar Trismegistus:
    1- no
    2- yes
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Koen Vandewalle

    @Wilfried 20 April 10:33AM

    Dear Wilfried,

    Oddly enough, Andrea Rossi seems not to respond to your question, although you describe an extremely interesting phenomenon. Completely within the context of this propellant-free propulsion, about thirty years ago, I conducted a little experiment based on my then high school knowledge of physics, particularly the Lorentz force. This Lorentz force occurs in conductors when current flows through them while they are in a magnetic field. Electric motors operate on this principle.

    The idea was to create propulsion by using air as a conductor via an electric arc, and to generate this arc in the magnetic field of a ferrite magnet.

    It didn’t work…

    Until I replaced the transformer with a piezo igniter from a lighter. Then I observed a perceptible force at the moment of igniting the electric arc. However, the force was so slight that I thought the motion was caused by my breath blowing against the setup. To eliminate this, I placed it in a glass jar, which I also tried to evacuate as much air from as possible. The idea was to have as little air as possible so that the plasma arc would extinguish as quickly as possible, allowing a new one to be “ignited” shortly thereafter.

    The remarkable phenomenon is that the pendulum setup did not move in the direction of the Lorentz force I expected, but rather moved in the direction of the jumping electrons during the ignition of the electric arc.

    There was no internet back then, and with only paper encyclopedias and books from the library, I couldn’t make much progress. I threw away the setup. I also didn’t have a camera.

    So, as far as I’m concerned, the phenomenon you refer to may have some connection to the E-CAT in the sense that it could also be related to high dV/dt phenomena.

    Always interested in new ideas and abnormal phenomena.

    Best regards,

  • Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Has the power density of the E-Cat increased from 10 to 100 watt?
    Is the price of the 100 Watt E-Cat 10 times more than the 10 Watt E-Cat?
    I understand that you are a hard working inventor. Always willing to improve the E-Cat.
    But when you have time, you can always look at the historical test of John Bedini’s
    Free Energy Motor:


    Best Wishes, Hermes

  • Steven Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another eCat application – Powered paragliding

    Powered paragliding, also known as paramotoring or PPG, is a form of ultralight aviation where the pilot wears a back-pack motor (a paramotor) which provides enough thrust to take off using a paraglider. The paraglider itself has no rigid structure and the pilot is suspended by lines. The pilot is clipped into a harness and the motor is a backpack unit with propeller to give thrust allowing you to climb and fly level at your own will.

    A powered paraglider, also known as paramotoring or PPG, can achieve speeds of around 25 to 35 miles per hour (40 to 56 kilometers per hour). The actual speed depends on factors such as wind conditions, the weight of the pilot, and the specific paramotor equipment being used. It’s a thrilling way to experience flight while enjoying the freedom of the open sky!

    They Can go up to 18,000 feet above mean sea level (MSL) but most pilots fly between grass height and about 2,000 feet above ground level. Weighs between 45 and 90 pounds empty (no fuel). Carries 2 to 5 gallons (13 to 35 pounds) and burns between 0.5 to 1.3 U.S. gallon per hour.

    Most extra-large paragliders can support up to 120kg (265 pounds) of weight for a single paraglider, including pilot & equipment. For heavier weights, a tandem paraglider can be used as they can support a weight of up to 240kg (529 pounds) maximum including pilot, passenger, and equipment.

    Maybe the first person to cross the Atlantic in a Powered paraglider?

  • Harry

    Dr Rossi,
    I have just viewed the photo of the actual internal Ecat NGU reactor (development). It can seen this is visually similar the the 2017 reactor. Is this due to a linear development guided by the principles found in the paper found at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions

    Harry. R

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another eCat technology application – an electric motorcycle.

    “The energy consumption of the electric motorcycle is 35.96 km/kWh or 2.8 kW h/100 km. The energy consumption of the gasoline motorcycle is 41.16 km/L or 2.43 L/100 km (4.38 km/kWh or 22.84 kW h/100 km). The electric motorcycle consumed approximately eight times lower energy than the gasoline motorcycle.”

    “Motorcycle fuel tanks can have a capacity between 2 to 10 gallons.”

    The likely average speed for a long-distance motorcycle is 120 kph. So, 2.8 kW-hr/ 100 km * 120 km/hr = 3.36 kW.

    Adding a small rechargeable battery for climbing hills, etc. and taking times out for eating, etc., the 3 kW NGU unit would nicely fit this application.

    Note: the longest distance per day that I know of is 1,000 km per day.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mels M.:
    This is a good question.
    We have organized the outsourcing system to increase the production as much as necessary to deliver all the Ecat pre-ordered within 6/10 months. At the most.
    Warm Regards,

  • Mels M.

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    i read that you can produce 500,000 ecat 100W in a year and your aim is 1 million pre-orders.
    If i order now, then i have to wait full TWO years after the production started (maybe more if people in the queue before me enlarge their pre-orders ?
    Or can i hope that you will increase the production significant?
    Warm regards
    Mels M.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Another possible application for eCat Technology – power source for Spacex Starship Tankers

    Spacex has a plan of launching multiple propellant tankers orbiting in Near Earth Orbit. They would be used as propellant fueling stations to support Starships before the refueled Starship goes to the Moon or to Mars. These tankers would be periodically refilled by Starships launched from Earth. A major issue is propellant loss due to boil off. This is a simplistic analysis towards addressing that issue.

    The Starship has the dimensions of a diameter of 9 meters and an approximate length of 50 meters. The Starship tankers will not have reentry thermal shielding as once they achieve orbit, they stay there. So, a long duration electrical power source is needed.

    Satellites in Earth orbit experience temperature ranges from -150C to +150C. The temperature range varies as approximately 1/2 of the time the satellite is in direct sunlight and the other 1/2 time it is in the Earth’s shadow.

    The propellant in Starship is liquid methane and liquid oxygen. The liquid methane is chilled to -180 °C, while the liquid oxygen is chilled to -207 °C.

    Some sort of power system will be needed within the Starship tanker to keep the propellants at their desired temperatures.

    First Order Heat Transfer Analysis

    Model the Starship as a rectangular panel of 9 meters by 50 meters, facing the Sun.

    in Near Earth Orbit, solar intensity is 1,369 W/meter squared.

    Stainless Steel, in the thermal wavelengths, has a reflectivity of approximately 88%.

    So, in direct sunlight, the power being received by the Starship exterior is about 73.4 kW.

    With 1/2 of the time spent in the Earth’s shadow, the effective average thermal load will be 36.7 kW. Over 24 hours, the total energy will be about 880 kW-hrs.

    The ship’s insulation will slow the heat transfer, but it will not stop the heat transfer. It is likely that vacuum insulation will be used to decrease the thermal conductivity to a value of 2 W/(m/K).

    If we assume some sort of cryogenic system will be in use, especially while the Starship tanker is in the Earth’s shadow, and an assumed efficiency of 10%, then the electrical power requirement will be around 2.2 MW for cooling in over 4 hours.

    It is likely that two separate cryogenic cooling systems will be required, but the total power should be around 3 MW (allowing for environmental conditioning of the NGU unit and other control equipment) as the cooling process may only be accomplished efficiently while in the Earth’s shadow and not while either being refueled or refueling another Starship. So, the cooling should be done quickly, so as to not interfere with the refueling mission.

    Alternatively, the Starship tanker could surround the propellant tanks in liquid nitrogen and then use a single cryogenic cooling system would cool only the nitrogen.

    Another alternative would be to keep the orientation of the tanker pointed at the Sun to minimize thermal energy.

    Tanker orientation could be accomplished by using a very small amount of the propellant to control attitude and/or rotation.

    The proposed system would pump the boil-off from each propellant tank, compress it (thus heating it up), radiating the excess heat into space, and then cooling it down to the desired temperature by expansion.

    Problems such as propellant transfer, separation of liquid and gaseous propellants, are left to Spacex.

    Perhaps the cryogenic cooling is only done while the tanker is rotating to induce an artificial gravity to facilitate liquid/gas separation and transfer?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    You are right,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You posted that you wanted me to redo my math on the new heater.

    “Generally, space heaters use 1,500 watts (W) of electricity, depending on the model. Most space heaters use about 15 amps and connect to a 120-volt outlet.”

    So, to be competitive, we are likely looking at a 1.5kW space heater application. With a stated price of $2.50USD per Watt for eCat technology, the price of the new space heater will be $3,750 USD.

    Space heaters are used an average of 8 hours per day, depending on the location and user needs.

    If we assume an average cost of electricity to be $0.20 USD per kW-hr, then the breakeven time, in terms of the cost of electricity savings, will be 4.3 years.

    Current space heaters cost around $100 USD.

    Most current space heaters have temperature controls so that they turn off when the room reaches the desired temperature. For example, if the average duty cycle is 50% on, then the 4.3 years will double to 8.6 years.

    My point being that eCat technology is best served when the use is 100% of the time. Space heater, I suggest, are not the ideal platform for eCat technology.

  • Gavino Mamia

    Caro Dott. Rossi
    Il suo prototipo di riscaldatore da 3KW è bellissimo, ma mi ricorda la mia infanzia quando c’era il caminetto in cucina e la vita si trascorreva lì tutto il giorno, perché tutte le altre stanze erano freddissime.
    Mi fa pensare alla caldaia a Gas che possiedo e tutto l’impianto di tubi e radiatori necessari per portare il calore in tutto l’appartamento.
    Mi fa pensare alle stufe a pellet che usano un sistema di ventilazione per cercare di scaldare più possibile lontano dalla fonte di calore, oppure a quelle più costose e complicate Idro Pellet.
    Col suo Ecat che produce energia elettrica basterebbero delle stufe elettriche da poche decine di euro messe nelle varie stanze per riscaldare un appartamento intero.
    Chi vuole spendere di più userà dei climatizzatori, col vantaggio di avere anche aria fresca in estate.
    Quindi trovo ottimo il suo riscaldatore ma solo come test per l’Ecat, oppure per una demo pubblica.
    Consiglio quindi di concentrarsi solo sulla produzione di corrente elettrica.
    E sulle prossime demo, al più presto possibile ovviamente.
    Buon lavoro
    His prototype 3KW stove is beautiful, but it reminds me of my childhood when there was a fireplace in the kitchen and we spent our lives there all day, because all the other rooms were very cold.
    It makes me think of the gas boiler I own and the entire system of pipes and radiators needed to bring heat throughout the apartment.
    It makes me think of pellet stoves that use a ventilation system to try to heat as far as possible from the heat source, or of the more expensive and complicated Hydro Pellet ones.
    With its Ecat that produces electricity, electric heaters costing a few tens of euros positioned in the various rooms would be enough to heat an entire apartment.
    Those who want to spend more will use air conditioners, with the advantage of having fresh air even in summer.
    So I find its heating excellent but only as a test for the Ecat, or for a public demo.
    I therefore recommend focusing only on electricity production.
    And to the next demos, as soon as possible obviously.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Todd Burkett:
    Thank you for your high fidelity !
    When we will be ready to deliver we will contact you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Todd Burkett

    Hello from the beautiful island of Utila Honduras, I have been following you for more than 20 years I think. I wanted to know if you have ever reached out to Elon Musk? There is great demand for intense energy supply for AI computing, and also various things, of course. I have had a variety of orders since the first day you made that available and I’m looking forward to the day I can get the devices I’m in the mist of needing to install either solar power, which is quite expensive or in the ultimate hopes that your device is ready within the next 6 months for shipment I’m truly hoping it would be within six months as it would save me a great deal of money over solar power. I would still need to purchase the charge controllers, of course, but they are the least expensive part of the solar systems these days. also, it would change the lives for people in places like this electricity cost $.57 per kilowatt here!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1. no
    2. no
    3. yes, but this is not a product, but a prototype made along our spedific R&D and eventual measurements
    4. not shown
    5. 30 cm/side
    6. please redo your math
    Warm Regards,

  • Ron Stringer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    The new heater is very interesting, and will make a great demonstration device. However, there are a lot of manufacturers who could make this, I’m not sure why you would want to. You will create a self-charging EV battery pack for a demonstration, but I imagine it would be better to let EV manufacturers design and build their own, rather than manufacture them yourself. You have had a huge number of very good ideas for products which would incorporate E-Cats presented on the blog, you can’t build them all!
    You have a plan, obviously, I am just struggling with what seems to be a sidetrack. It is going to be a huge effort to just build enough E-Cat units to keep up with demand once they are introduced. Every product that uses electricity could potentially use an E-Cat, and every producer will want to design products that will incorporate them. It seems to me that your currently planned production of 100MW per year (1 million units of 100W) is just the barest start!
    Maybe I misunderstand your manufacturing strategy.
    1. Do you really intend to have Leonardo Corp. manufacture specific products like this, in addition to the E-Cat in its various forms?
    2. Is this not a distraction from your main effort, which is to bring the E-Cat to market?
    3. Or is this something you will do with a manufacturing partner?
    All the best,
    Ron Stringer

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    The following was posted on another site regarding the NGU Heater.

    “a prototype heater we have under development in our lab. This heater is powered by the E-Cat NGU, no connection to the grid is needed.”

    1. Is there a 3 kW eCat NGU unit inside the heater?
    2. Or is this a resistive load for an external NGU unit?
    3. Is the unit shown on its side — the fins are mounted horizontally when they should be vertical for convection heat transfer.
    4. Where is the on/off switch, the temperature selection, the temperature display, and the necessary safety equipment to turn off the power?
    5. What are the dimensions of this “cube”. It appears to be about 40 cm on a side.
    6. Given a current price of $2.50USD per Watt for eCat technology and the average space heater usage is less than 8 hours per day, it seems it would take a very long time to pay for itself in electricity savings. Comments?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Any heater can be powered by the Ecat,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Actually, it is a heater; this said, an electric cooler can certainly be powered by an Ecat,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    I see an E-cat NGU cooler in the picture. I wonder what the temperature of those coolers is.
    All the best J.Š

  • Z.Roeden

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    thanks to your new heater you can save heating costs at your office.
    But is it possible to connect such a heater with 230V-2000Watt for just 30€:
    directly to an ecat 3KW ?
    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1. it is not part of the unit, because its characteristics will depend on the specific situations. We will be able to supply it as an optional upon request of the Customer
    2. same as in 1
    3. same as in 1
    Warm Regards,

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