“Andrea Rossi is in a league of his own, beyond the rest of the LENR field, due to the triumph of the E-Cat technology. His recipe of carbonyl nickel, lithium aluminum hydride, and elemental lithium produces results far beyond the wildest dreams of other researchers. Everyone in the minor leagues should have realized this when, early on in this saga, Dr. Levi operated an E-Cat for EIGHTEEN HOURS primarily in self sustain mode. Repeatedly, he has conducted tests showing the massive excess heat his technology can produce. A one time assistant, who went by the handle Cures on the Cobraf forum, described in posts (some of which have been removed) countless early hot cats melting down. They would run away and reach temperatures that could melt ceramic. Hydrogen from a tank or from a chemical source — the massive excess heat was the same. He went so far as to report that the excess heat could be triggered by strait DC, pulsed DC, or AC input. Beyond Cures, we have third parties that have witnessed massive excess heat production. Some of these reports are still confidential, but others have been reported on. We also have replicators who have witnessed massive excess heat from the mixture of Ni and LiAlH4. Parkhomov achieved excess heat and at least one short period of self sustain, Songsheng achieved THREE HOURS of self sustaining excess heat at temperatures around 1300C in addition to other periods, N. Stepanov measured excess heat production by water flow calorimetry along with witnessing meltdowns, and there have been other replications as well.
The E-Cat technology doesn’t just represent a hit that could get LENR onto first base, in the hopes of eventually scoring a run in the form of a commercial product. In fact, a GRAND SLAM HOME RUN doesn’t do the E-Cat justice, metaphorically speaking. The “problem” some people refer to isn’t the E-Cat technology itself or Rossi’s less than mellow personality. Jealousy is at work. That’s right, the sin of COVETOUSNESS.
Every LENR researcher wishes THEIR PRODUCT matched up or even came close to the performance of the E-Cat. So there is naturally a decent amount of resentment in the field against Rossi. After many years of work — although not with the same tireless work ethic of Rossi’s — they have been able to, at best, generate very modest levels of COP at fairly low temperatures. Then all of a sudden there is a guy who shows off a string of reactor designs (for a while it seemed like there was a new demonstration every few weeks) with a LENR fuel capable of producing at least a KILOWATT PER GRAM at INFINITE COP (self sustain mode). Then a little while later, he ratchets up the temperature to levels which would allow easy-as-cake conversion to electricity using ordinary off the shelf steam turbines. The situation is like having a stranger move into your cul-de-sac, him having an estranged great aunt pass away leaving him an inheritance that pays off his house, and then win the jackpot lottery, all in the same month!
Even a regular church attending, Bible reading, soup kitchen volunteer that mows his elderly neighbors grass (for free) out of the goodness of his heart would feel at least a small pang of jealousy! Anyone would!
If LENR insiders are moving away from Rossi, the reason isn’t because he is a scammer. The opposite is true. They would simply feel more comfortable without their super lucky neighbor hanging around. A mansion in Beverly Hills, a luxurious condo in Trump Tower, a luxurious mansion on a private island: he can live anywhere but the suburbs of LENR land!
Now let’s get back to reality. The E-Cat works. Anyone who has followed this whole affair from the start MUST see that. And I am absolutely certain beyond any doubt that Thomas Darden of Cherokee is convinced the E-Cat works — including the one megawatt plant. Combining the huge amount of evidence for gigantic exothermic releases of energy with the setup of the 350 day test there is NO WAY a COP of 6 could be mistaken for a COP of 50. There were too many knowledgeable people there, too many sets of measurement equipment, and the test was too long for such a mistake to go unnoticed. In addition, the customer had THREE THINGS that would indicate if the plant was functioning at high COP: the WATER BILL, the ELECTRIC BILL, the QUANTITY OF PRODUCT MANUFACTURED. Each and every month if even ONE of these were significantly off it would have been an OBVIOUS SIGN something was wrong. If the water bill was LOW that would mean the plant wasn’t producing the correct amount of steam and their production rate of nickel sponge would have dropped or halted. To be blunt, Johnson Matthey’s engineers have the experience to know if a megawatt of steam — what was needed for the production at the plant — was being produced or not. If the electric bill was not dropping dramatically from before the plant was installed that would tell them that the COP was obviously low. From what we have been told by Mats Lewan, from one of his sources, the electric bill dropped dramatically! Also, if the plant wasn’t producing the amount of heat required the manufacturing process would have slowed or stopped. And, of course, since the plant could only pull 300kW at maximum from the grid, if there was no significant excess heat produced, the plant could NOT HAVE PRODUCED THE NEEDED QUANTITY OF STEAM!
The 1MW plant worked and it worked wonderfully. For some reason we do not yet understand, Industrial Heat is denying this fact and trying to avoid paying Andrea Rossi. I really and sincerely hope the reason for their false assertions is that they just don’t have the money. Being unable to pay due to not having the money in the bank wouldn’t make up for what they’ve done. But at least it would be a less than totally nefarious answer to why they refused to pay and are being dishonest (trying to be diplomatic here because I don’t like calling people liars) about the performance of the plant.
In a far worse scenario, Leonardo Corporation could be correct in their assertion: once Industrial Heat acquired Rossi’s intellectual property they had no intention of paying him another red cent. Why could this be? I’ll give a possibility that may or may not be correct, but it makes sense in my mind according to the knowledge I’ve accumulated by following this saga since the start.
Thomas Darden knows the E-Cat holds the potential to rapidly decimate all other sources of energy — including his precious renewable such as solar and wind. The E-Cat is simply an ideal technology that is far beyond what hot fusion scientists think may be possible in another thirty or forty years! Small, portable, energy dense, high temperature, clean, non-polluting, safe, and the closest thing to “free energy” mankind will ever figure out: the Energy Catalyzer holds too much disruptive potential. If accepted by the mainstream media and scientific community as real, the E-Cat wouldn’t just “rock the boat” but could send every solar panel company, every wind energy company, and every conventional alternative energy company into BANKRUPTCY!
No government is going to give funding, grants, or tax breaks to solar, wind, tidal, or biofuel companies when the E-Cat exists.
No private institution is going to provide investment dollars or even loans to these companies.
No legislature, congress, or executive order from a sitting president will be able to save them.
I don’t think Thomas Darden wants this to happen. And I think the same is true for the individuals that compose the circles of influence and power he communicates with. They want the status quo to be maintained and upheld. For this to happen, the hardest working, most intuitive, and luckiest man on the planet — Andrea Rossi — has to be stopped from commercializing his IMPOSSIBLE INVENTION, his PARADIGM SHATTERING MIRACLE, his SOLAR INDUSTRY STOCK CRASHER!
So they decide not to pay — possibly thinking they could re-negotiate with Rossi to drag things out for another extended period of time.
But Rossi has been back-stabbed, cheated, swindled, lied to, and attacked ruthlessly repeatedly in his life — yet he has survived to this day because he LEARNED from each of the encounters. As things were leading up to the completion of the test, he saw the writing on the wall, the signs that were obvious to see, and listened carefully to what was being said. He’s a great observer, and he knew something wasn’t right. Instead of begging and pleading to try and convince Industrial Heat his technology worked — when they already had the absolute proof — he came out swinging his white hot nickel plated, alpha particle emitting sword to defend himself.
The whole situation IS a headache for all of us. I agree with that. And the lawsuit has done damage to the LENR community. I agree with that as well. I’d even go so far that to outsiders or those individuals who have only casually kept up with this saga, the field looks like a “fusion” between an episode of MacGuyver and Breaking Bad. However, in this case, the damage to the image and reputation of the LENR field is not Rossi’s fault. In my humble opinion, it lies squarely on Industrial Heat.
I’m not perfect. I could be wrong about several aspects of this analysis. My hope is that the issue is really *only* about Industrial Heat’s lack of ability to round up the dough. But that just doesn’t seem to make sense to me. What I know I’m not wrong about is the reality of the E-Cat. There is zero doubt whatsoever in my mind that it represents an energy breakthrough that rivals the warp cores and Mr. Fusion’s of science fiction.
If anything, our community shouldn’t distance ourselves from Rossi. Conversely, we need to push forward to perform additional replications of the E-Cat technology and support his efforts to commercialize the E-Cat Quark X. Whom I think, according to my understanding of the situation, that we should distance ourselves from is Industrial Heat.”
Because my Attorney told me that to publish the report before it has been disclosed in Court is not correct .
I have to do what my Attorney says in matters related to the litigation.
Warm Regards,
I can See that Mr Rossi has not finished his Marathon run yet.
Being the tenacious man that he undoubtedly is he will go till the finish.
The hills and dales that have and still confront him leave the man undaunted.
He runs on still controlling his pace and breathing.
We will applauded when he crosses the line.
It is with dismay I see that your blog is no longer about invention and progress, but about legal battles. Morally I am on your side, whatever that is worth. I hope you manage to turn this around. You deserve it. The life as an inventor is a tough life. Thieves are around every corner. It is tough to invent, but it is easy to steal.
Did you ever think to sell energy instead of devices? If you start selling cheaper energy, you should have the discussions moved away from the technology you are using to produce it.
Dear Andrea,
In my opinion, Intel would be a better model for you than Microsoft. Intel’s product is physical and their market has competition (AMD) which they win by large production volume and by making good products.
A Microsoft-type monopoly is only possible in a market where the interface is (or can be made) too complicated for competitors to follow. In energy production the interface is very simple because it is just energy, a physical quantity. It’s even simpler than in Intel’s case, where the interface is the instruction set (AMD competes with Intel by using the same instruction set). The simpler the interface, the easier it is to compete.
regards, /pekka
Do you know a Mr John Dewey Weaver, CEO of the venture capital group ”Deep River Venture”, in Raleigh, North Carolina, a good friend of Tom Darden, has played a role in collecting money from investors to put it in IH Holdings International Ltd, where Woodford and Tom Darden have put all the money of the investors saying it was to buy your IP
Are you aware of this company ”Deep River Venture” and John Dewey Weaver ??
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Please, stop talking of this damn litigation, let’s return to talk of science, technology and our beloved E-Cat !!!
if you can answer, according to your (past) agreement, does IH have rights for all versions of e-cat or is limited somehow?
Thanks, Gherardo
“Believe me, nobody in their right mind would pay $16m for a technology that doesn’t work. We’re living in interesting times, people. I hope you have positioned yourself to profit from the coming Energy Revolution.”
Bernie Koppenhofer:
1- I will do it as soon as my attorney will give me green light: you, as all the intelligent persons, surely understand that when is on course a legal litigation the directions of the attorney must be respected, as well as on course of a serious ill the directions of the physician have to be respected. Otherwise, it is useless to pay them, don’t you agree ?
2- I agree
3- I agree
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi, you have been vigilant and valiant trying to keep your IP from what I call Crony Capitalists (Wikipedia definition). IH and Darden have hired the brightest and the best propagandists and legal minds in the world to bend public opinion and our laws to take control of LENR. I realize I do not have as many of the facts as you do, but from my perspective there are three things you can do to counter the propaganda and legal landslide that is about to hit you: 1) Release the report on the yearlong test 2) Get a reliable customer to come forward and vouch for economic value of your E-Cat 3) Sell as many of your E-Cats to customers as fast as possible. Respectfully, what do you say to these three suggestions?
Frank Acland:
1- 300 kW
2- yes
3- this is an issue I cannot answer because related to matter that will be discussed in Court
4- same as in 3
Warm Regards,
Andrea I’m just finishing Jane Mayer’s new book, “Dark Money”; with all the troubles IH is presenting now I wonder if the Oil Oligarcy is cleverly funding them? Please have your legal staff review her book if you also have no time. Charles Koch the right wing billionaire is also Chemical engineer; funds many things demise that he does not control or own! Please be careful our legal system can be a problem with the Dark Money people conniving without our knowledge! Their economic resources are beyond belief; their action loaded with greed!
No, I did not speak of bombs and rabbits. My original post:
Dear Mr. Rossi
You wrote:
“I am confused: IH says my plant is worth nothing…but: to fight against something that is worth nothing, do you need the most powerful Law Firm of the world ?…”
Please be aware of the 87,000,000 reasons IH has to do it.
There Mats Lewan and some other commentators try to clean up the mess, to loosen knots and I have learned many new things and got a better understanding of some relationships and last but not least it is exciting to read.
1. What was the maximum electricity input available to the 1MW E-Cat plant during the year long test?
2. Have the electricity bills from the power company supplying power to the plant for the duration of the test been retained by the customer?
3. If so, are these bills available to Leonardo Corporation and Industrial Heat?
4. Are these bills included in the ERV report?
Please understand that Tom Darden and Industrial Heat want what you
have and they will stop at nothing to get it.
Tom Darden sold your dream to his investors and they listened
and invested in the ecat – YOUR ECAT – and now you have
suffered irreparable damage short of a settlement equal to the crime.
This will take many years to crawl through the courts and that is
exactly what they want to string you out with extended court dates
and appeals year after year.
All we can hope is that you follow up with your own production
and eventually the home units.
Even if a rabbit costs 89 000 000, you still do not use an atomic bomb to shoot at it: besides, the “hunters” we are talking of are used to expensive animals. They deal daily with them, it’s the core of their business: they sold a dog of 150 million dollars in change of 15 cats estemated at 10 million dollars each, after an accurate fair value auditing. So, it’s odd that they are so impressed of a rabbit priced 89 millions, to the point to use an atomic bomb !
Warm Regards,
I lost your original comment in the spam, where the robot sent it wrongly, when I tried to recover it : I reproduced exactly, I think, what you wanted to say rewriting myself your comment. It is not precisely equal, but my editing surely represents what you wanted to say.
Rip Van Winkle:
When you have a battle on course you must focus all your strength in the specific moment in the specific site, without losing energies to think to things that are not in the specific battlefield. You must fight against all the specific entities that are shooting at you with the maximum strength you have at your disposal, without dispersing any of it anywhere.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Can you give an update about the QuarkX ?
“Andrea Rossi is in a league of his own, beyond the rest of the LENR field, due to the triumph of the E-Cat technology. His recipe of carbonyl nickel, lithium aluminum hydride, and elemental lithium produces results far beyond the wildest dreams of other researchers. Everyone in the minor leagues should have realized this when, early on in this saga, Dr. Levi operated an E-Cat for EIGHTEEN HOURS primarily in self sustain mode. Repeatedly, he has conducted tests showing the massive excess heat his technology can produce. A one time assistant, who went by the handle Cures on the Cobraf forum, described in posts (some of which have been removed) countless early hot cats melting down. They would run away and reach temperatures that could melt ceramic. Hydrogen from a tank or from a chemical source — the massive excess heat was the same. He went so far as to report that the excess heat could be triggered by strait DC, pulsed DC, or AC input. Beyond Cures, we have third parties that have witnessed massive excess heat production. Some of these reports are still confidential, but others have been reported on. We also have replicators who have witnessed massive excess heat from the mixture of Ni and LiAlH4. Parkhomov achieved excess heat and at least one short period of self sustain, Songsheng achieved THREE HOURS of self sustaining excess heat at temperatures around 1300C in addition to other periods, N. Stepanov measured excess heat production by water flow calorimetry along with witnessing meltdowns, and there have been other replications as well.
The E-Cat technology doesn’t just represent a hit that could get LENR onto first base, in the hopes of eventually scoring a run in the form of a commercial product. In fact, a GRAND SLAM HOME RUN doesn’t do the E-Cat justice, metaphorically speaking. The “problem” some people refer to isn’t the E-Cat technology itself or Rossi’s less than mellow personality. Jealousy is at work. That’s right, the sin of COVETOUSNESS.
Every LENR researcher wishes THEIR PRODUCT matched up or even came close to the performance of the E-Cat. So there is naturally a decent amount of resentment in the field against Rossi. After many years of work — although not with the same tireless work ethic of Rossi’s — they have been able to, at best, generate very modest levels of COP at fairly low temperatures. Then all of a sudden there is a guy who shows off a string of reactor designs (for a while it seemed like there was a new demonstration every few weeks) with a LENR fuel capable of producing at least a KILOWATT PER GRAM at INFINITE COP (self sustain mode). Then a little while later, he ratchets up the temperature to levels which would allow easy-as-cake conversion to electricity using ordinary off the shelf steam turbines. The situation is like having a stranger move into your cul-de-sac, him having an estranged great aunt pass away leaving him an inheritance that pays off his house, and then win the jackpot lottery, all in the same month!
Even a regular church attending, Bible reading, soup kitchen volunteer that mows his elderly neighbors grass (for free) out of the goodness of his heart would feel at least a small pang of jealousy! Anyone would!
If LENR insiders are moving away from Rossi, the reason isn’t because he is a scammer. The opposite is true. They would simply feel more comfortable without their super lucky neighbor hanging around. A mansion in Beverly Hills, a luxurious condo in Trump Tower, a luxurious mansion on a private island: he can live anywhere but the suburbs of LENR land!
Now let’s get back to reality. The E-Cat works. Anyone who has followed this whole affair from the start MUST see that. And I am absolutely certain beyond any doubt that Thomas Darden of Cherokee is convinced the E-Cat works — including the one megawatt plant. Combining the huge amount of evidence for gigantic exothermic releases of energy with the setup of the 350 day test there is NO WAY a COP of 6 could be mistaken for a COP of 50. There were too many knowledgeable people there, too many sets of measurement equipment, and the test was too long for such a mistake to go unnoticed. In addition, the customer had THREE THINGS that would indicate if the plant was functioning at high COP: the WATER BILL, the ELECTRIC BILL, the QUANTITY OF PRODUCT MANUFACTURED. Each and every month if even ONE of these were significantly off it would have been an OBVIOUS SIGN something was wrong. If the water bill was LOW that would mean the plant wasn’t producing the correct amount of steam and their production rate of nickel sponge would have dropped or halted. To be blunt, Johnson Matthey’s engineers have the experience to know if a megawatt of steam — what was needed for the production at the plant — was being produced or not. If the electric bill was not dropping dramatically from before the plant was installed that would tell them that the COP was obviously low. From what we have been told by Mats Lewan, from one of his sources, the electric bill dropped dramatically! Also, if the plant wasn’t producing the amount of heat required the manufacturing process would have slowed or stopped. And, of course, since the plant could only pull 300kW at maximum from the grid, if there was no significant excess heat produced, the plant could NOT HAVE PRODUCED THE NEEDED QUANTITY OF STEAM!
The 1MW plant worked and it worked wonderfully. For some reason we do not yet understand, Industrial Heat is denying this fact and trying to avoid paying Andrea Rossi. I really and sincerely hope the reason for their false assertions is that they just don’t have the money. Being unable to pay due to not having the money in the bank wouldn’t make up for what they’ve done. But at least it would be a less than totally nefarious answer to why they refused to pay and are being dishonest (trying to be diplomatic here because I don’t like calling people liars) about the performance of the plant.
In a far worse scenario, Leonardo Corporation could be correct in their assertion: once Industrial Heat acquired Rossi’s intellectual property they had no intention of paying him another red cent. Why could this be? I’ll give a possibility that may or may not be correct, but it makes sense in my mind according to the knowledge I’ve accumulated by following this saga since the start.
Thomas Darden knows the E-Cat holds the potential to rapidly decimate all other sources of energy — including his precious renewable such as solar and wind. The E-Cat is simply an ideal technology that is far beyond what hot fusion scientists think may be possible in another thirty or forty years! Small, portable, energy dense, high temperature, clean, non-polluting, safe, and the closest thing to “free energy” mankind will ever figure out: the Energy Catalyzer holds too much disruptive potential. If accepted by the mainstream media and scientific community as real, the E-Cat wouldn’t just “rock the boat” but could send every solar panel company, every wind energy company, and every conventional alternative energy company into BANKRUPTCY!
No government is going to give funding, grants, or tax breaks to solar, wind, tidal, or biofuel companies when the E-Cat exists.
No private institution is going to provide investment dollars or even loans to these companies.
No legislature, congress, or executive order from a sitting president will be able to save them.
I don’t think Thomas Darden wants this to happen. And I think the same is true for the individuals that compose the circles of influence and power he communicates with. They want the status quo to be maintained and upheld. For this to happen, the hardest working, most intuitive, and luckiest man on the planet — Andrea Rossi — has to be stopped from commercializing his IMPOSSIBLE INVENTION, his PARADIGM SHATTERING MIRACLE, his SOLAR INDUSTRY STOCK CRASHER!
So they decide not to pay — possibly thinking they could re-negotiate with Rossi to drag things out for another extended period of time.
But Rossi has been back-stabbed, cheated, swindled, lied to, and attacked ruthlessly repeatedly in his life — yet he has survived to this day because he LEARNED from each of the encounters. As things were leading up to the completion of the test, he saw the writing on the wall, the signs that were obvious to see, and listened carefully to what was being said. He’s a great observer, and he knew something wasn’t right. Instead of begging and pleading to try and convince Industrial Heat his technology worked — when they already had the absolute proof — he came out swinging his white hot nickel plated, alpha particle emitting sword to defend himself.
The whole situation IS a headache for all of us. I agree with that. And the lawsuit has done damage to the LENR community. I agree with that as well. I’d even go so far that to outsiders or those individuals who have only casually kept up with this saga, the field looks like a “fusion” between an episode of MacGuyver and Breaking Bad. However, in this case, the damage to the image and reputation of the LENR field is not Rossi’s fault. In my humble opinion, it lies squarely on Industrial Heat.
I’m not perfect. I could be wrong about several aspects of this analysis. My hope is that the issue is really *only* about Industrial Heat’s lack of ability to round up the dough. But that just doesn’t seem to make sense to me. What I know I’m not wrong about is the reality of the E-Cat. There is zero doubt whatsoever in my mind that it represents an energy breakthrough that rivals the warp cores and Mr. Fusion’s of science fiction.
If anything, our community shouldn’t distance ourselves from Rossi. Conversely, we need to push forward to perform additional replications of the E-Cat technology and support his efforts to commercialize the E-Cat Quark X. Whom I think, according to my understanding of the situation, that we should distance ourselves from is Industrial Heat.”
Please send again your comment: I lost it in the spam.
Peter Gluck:
Thank you for the link.
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea
This is today’s issue of my blog.
warmest regards,
Because my Attorney told me that to publish the report before it has been disclosed in Court is not correct .
I have to do what my Attorney says in matters related to the litigation.
Warm Regards,
Please send again your comment, I lost it retrieving it from the spam where it has been put improperly by the robot.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi
Why is it Good to NOT Release the COP~50 ERV #LENR Report?
seen on ECW:
I can See that Mr Rossi has not finished his Marathon run yet.
Being the tenacious man that he undoubtedly is he will go till the finish.
The hills and dales that have and still confront him leave the man undaunted.
He runs on still controlling his pace and breathing.
We will applauded when he crosses the line.
Mats Lewan Calls for “Group Effort” to Get to the Truth on Rossi/IH Affair.
Pekka Janhunen:
Thank you for the insight,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm regards,
Peter Forsberg:
I totally agree with you. From now on I will spam all the comments related to the litigation.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Yes, exactly.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi
Did I understand well that you now aim at making a small module to pile up more modules and reach any power limit ?
Dr Rossi,
Do you use titanium in the QuarkX ?
Dear Andrea,
It is with dismay I see that your blog is no longer about invention and progress, but about legal battles. Morally I am on your side, whatever that is worth. I hope you manage to turn this around. You deserve it. The life as an inventor is a tough life. Thieves are around every corner. It is tough to invent, but it is easy to steal.
Best Regards
Dear Andrea,
Did you ever think to sell energy instead of devices? If you start selling cheaper energy, you should have the discussions moved away from the technology you are using to produce it.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi
Will the E-Cat be distributed also in Italy, if you will reach a massive production?
Dear Andrea,
In my opinion, Intel would be a better model for you than Microsoft. Intel’s product is physical and their market has competition (AMD) which they win by large production volume and by making good products.
A Microsoft-type monopoly is only possible in a market where the interface is (or can be made) too complicated for competitors to follow. In energy production the interface is very simple because it is just energy, a physical quantity. It’s even simpler than in Intel’s case, where the interface is the instruction set (AMD competes with Intel by using the same instruction set). The simpler the interface, the easier it is to compete.
regards, /pekka
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Do you know a Mr John Dewey Weaver, CEO of the venture capital group ”Deep River Venture”, in Raleigh, North Carolina, a good friend of Tom Darden, has played a role in collecting money from investors to put it in IH Holdings International Ltd, where Woodford and Tom Darden have put all the money of the investors saying it was to buy your IP
Are you aware of this company ”Deep River Venture” and John Dewey Weaver ??
Torkel Nyberg (‘Sifferkoll’) and Mats Lewan are
doing a pretty good job of trying to untangle the mess:
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Please, stop talking of this damn litigation, let’s return to talk of science, technology and our beloved E-Cat !!!
Sorry, I cannot answer this question, because related to issues to be discussed in Court.
Warm Regards,
if you can answer, according to your (past) agreement, does IH have rights for all versions of e-cat or is limited somehow?
Thanks, Gherardo
Margaret Cho:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Please share this interesting link – Wow! $100 Million Contract Signed For LENR
“Believe me, nobody in their right mind would pay $16m for a technology that doesn’t work. We’re living in interesting times, people. I hope you have positioned yourself to profit from the coming Energy Revolution.”
Frank Acland:
The average energy produced has been:
circa 1 MWh/h
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
During the 1-year E-Cat plant test, during the time the plant was operating (excluding down times), what was the average power output (thermal)?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Bernie Koppenhofer:
1- I will do it as soon as my attorney will give me green light: you, as all the intelligent persons, surely understand that when is on course a legal litigation the directions of the attorney must be respected, as well as on course of a serious ill the directions of the physician have to be respected. Otherwise, it is useless to pay them, don’t you agree ?
2- I agree
3- I agree
Warm Regards,
Peter Gluck:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi, you have been vigilant and valiant trying to keep your IP from what I call Crony Capitalists (Wikipedia definition). IH and Darden have hired the brightest and the best propagandists and legal minds in the world to bend public opinion and our laws to take control of LENR. I realize I do not have as many of the facts as you do, but from my perspective there are three things you can do to counter the propaganda and legal landslide that is about to hit you: 1) Release the report on the yearlong test 2) Get a reliable customer to come forward and vouch for economic value of your E-Cat 3) Sell as many of your E-Cats to customers as fast as possible. Respectfully, what do you say to these three suggestions?
Dear Andrea,
Your kind answers and some LENR Info is here:
best wishes,
Giovanni Guerrini:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Adalyn Baldwin:
We are working as always, no problem at all.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
1- 300 kW
2- yes
3- this is an issue I cannot answer because related to matter that will be discussed in Court
4- same as in 3
Warm Regards,
Felix Rends:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Obviously, as everybody can see, your original text means exactly what I wrote. The answer is the same I already gave you.
Warm Regards,
James Rovnak:
I do not agree with you and I have full trust in the American legal system.
Warm Regards,
Andrea I’m just finishing Jane Mayer’s new book, “Dark Money”; with all the troubles IH is presenting now I wonder if the Oil Oligarcy is cleverly funding them? Please have your legal staff review her book if you also have no time. Charles Koch the right wing billionaire is also Chemical engineer; funds many things demise that he does not control or own! Please be careful our legal system can be a problem with the Dark Money people conniving without our knowledge! Their economic resources are beyond belief; their action loaded with greed!
You friend and ally Jim
Dear Mr. Rossi
No, I did not speak of bombs and rabbits. My original post:
Dear Mr. Rossi
You wrote:
“I am confused: IH says my plant is worth nothing…but: to fight against something that is worth nothing, do you need the most powerful Law Firm of the world ?…”
Please be aware of the 87,000,000 reasons IH has to do it.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
If you do not already know, I would like to lead your attention to Mats Lewan’s initiative “join force to bring out the truth on Rossi-IH affair”.
There Mats Lewan and some other commentators try to clean up the mess, to loosen knots and I have learned many new things and got a better understanding of some relationships and last but not least it is exciting to read.
Best regards
Felix Rends
German Moderator http://www.lenr-forum.com
Dear Andrea,
Can you answer the following questions:
1. What was the maximum electricity input available to the 1MW E-Cat plant during the year long test?
2. Have the electricity bills from the power company supplying power to the plant for the duration of the test been retained by the customer?
3. If so, are these bills available to Leonardo Corporation and Industrial Heat?
4. Are these bills included in the ERV report?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dear Andreas Rossi,
Please understand that Tom Darden and Industrial Heat want what you
have and they will stop at nothing to get it.
Tom Darden sold your dream to his investors and they listened
and invested in the ecat – YOUR ECAT – and now you have
suffered irreparable damage short of a settlement equal to the crime.
This will take many years to crawl through the courts and that is
exactly what they want to string you out with extended court dates
and appeals year after year.
All we can hope is that you follow up with your own production
and eventually the home units.
Caro Dott Rossi,
solidale,come sempre.
Cari saluti Giovanni Guerrini
Even if a rabbit costs 89 000 000, you still do not use an atomic bomb to shoot at it: besides, the “hunters” we are talking of are used to expensive animals. They deal daily with them, it’s the core of their business: they sold a dog of 150 million dollars in change of 15 cats estemated at 10 million dollars each, after an accurate fair value auditing. So, it’s odd that they are so impressed of a rabbit priced 89 millions, to the point to use an atomic bomb !
Warm Regards,
I lost your original comment in the spam, where the robot sent it wrongly, when I tried to recover it : I reproduced exactly, I think, what you wanted to say rewriting myself your comment. It is not precisely equal, but my editing surely represents what you wanted to say.
Rip Van Winkle:
When you have a battle on course you must focus all your strength in the specific moment in the specific site, without losing energies to think to things that are not in the specific battlefield. You must fight against all the specific entities that are shooting at you with the maximum strength you have at your disposal, without dispersing any of it anywhere.
Warm Regards,