Dear Andrea,
First of all I want to wish you all the furtune with the plant in the last about hundred days to come. I hope your New Fire will burn bright and stable during these last days of the test.
One thing bothers me: How can the result ever be negative when you have a whole spare plant available, when things aren’t going as they should? And another thing: Suppose the plant breakes-down the last day of the test, would that also be a total failure? Are you really that harsh?
I am sure there is some margin in it. I would think the plant is a great success even if the plant would fail the last month, assuming that it was profitable for the customer in the 11 months before that. In my view that would be a breakthrough energy supply that is fantastic and it should be told to the world. Wouldn’t you agree?
I look forward to your answer.
Good health and kind regards,
Gerard McEk
Dear Andrea Rossi,
With interest I have followed your stepwise development of the E-Cat concept. Still I think that I may have missed something. Originally the 1 MW plant was powered by a multitude of small, identical units colloquially named Fat-Cats. But since some time back you say that you instead are using four 250kW reactors that combined give the required output. Now my question for you is, are these reactors Super-Fat-Cats of a new kind or are they composed of assemblies of the same Fat-Cats as before, just operating as independent groups that you can turn on or off with the flick of a switch?
/Kind regards, Jürgen
Dear Andrea Rossi,
The result of the test will be surely negative…
When the customer’s boss will see the bottom line, including all the costs of the time you spent in the container with your team, he will jump out of the chair! 😀
As you correctly imply, the ratio between the energy bill the Customer paid before the E-Cat and after the E-Cat is the most important data for what concerns the success of our operation. For a Customer what is important is not the science of the plant, nor positivisms and negativisms: for the Customer counts mainly the money he makes with our plant.
Such a critical data can be given only when the test will have been completed.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
We are all hoping that your customer saves a lot of money on his energy consumption bill thus validating your technology. Can you tell us what was you customer’s yearly energy bills BEFORE your plant was installed?
Oestein Lande:
I repeat that the final results of the tests on course could be negative. This is valid for every part of the technology. The sceptics could also be right.
Also, to speak now of scheduling of the commercial developments is totally premature: assuming the tests will have positive results ( and this is not certain yet) there are plans to produce the factory, the manufacturing robotized lines, etc etc, more tests and R&D, certifications, etc etc.
The times after the tests on course will be hard times, whatever the results, because in either case ( negative or positive as the results might be) an enormous work will be in front of us. Wish me luck and good fortune
Warm Regards,
Dear mr Rossi,
Regarding your continous “positive or negative” statements, although there are only some 4 Months of test period left….
Is it right to assume your “F9” is related purely to commercial success, and not Scientific proof of concept, i.e. Proof of LENR? I assume you have confirmed that stable SSM and high COP for long periods are possible, and that it’s the commercial side of the product that you need to finally confirm now…..?
Ing Michelangelo De Meo:
This seems to be another result of the replications made after the publication of our patent.
Thank you for the interesting link.
Warm Regards,
Carlo Marcena:
Thank you for your enthusiasm, but let me pour some water on the “New Fire”, to keep it under control: the status of the test that is underway and the data we are receiving is helping us with our plans , expanding our knowledge and proving valuable. This is all I can share at this time.
A strong future is my priority, but I cannot predict the future and the final results could be either positive or negative. Assuming the final results will be positive, which is not certain, the next phase will require more hard work and more help to prepare the massive manufacturing: this effort will need more intellectual efforts. I hope our Friends will wish us luck and good fortune, as many challanges remain.
Warm Regards,
Marco Serra:
Further patents are pending or in preparation for further issues. We cannot make disclosures that could forbid the patentability of further developments.
Warm Regards,
Good morning, Andrea.
If I am not wrong, today the countdown for the 1 Mw E-cat testing period is entering the last hundred days … the final rush has begun … to the Victory.
With my best regards,
Dear Andrea,
now that you are shielded by the US Patent why not relax a bit the secrecy about some details that would not advantage your competitors anyway. As an example the % of SSM over the running time is a kind of information that would add nothing to your competitors knowhow but would make all of us dream.
Hi Andrea,
your patent is a limit for the competitors, their products must not fit with it, you instead are free to fit or not to fit, if your new product does not fits, better, you got a new patent to claim.
Be free to go ahead and beyond, go, go, go!!!
Frank Acland:
1 MW E-Cat: stable, long periods of ssm.
E-Cat X: go,go, GO !!! ( Promising. Could make a revolution, even if totally covered by the US Patent we got, which makes all simpler; I designed it to fit perfectly in the US Patent).
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr. Rossi:
Please find here two interesting links:
The world’s smallest heat engine: it is made from a single atom and has implications more theoretical than practical, but it will help in the study of heat fluxes.
The second link is the duel between David and Goliath in the fusion world: Hot Fusion asks for further 20 billion dollars from the Taxpayer to beat what you and IH are doing with your money; either David of Goliath will get the Holy Grail ( guess who will win…)
Godspeed, Andrea!
Lucio Martini:
You are asking me in Italian if we are making our tests in the factory of a certain company. I cannot answer in positive or in negative, for obvious reasons.
Thank you for your kind words and for your wishes.
Warm Regards,
Caro Dr Rossi mi sta passando per la testa che lei sta provando il suo e-tiger presso l’IDEAL STANDARD.
Non le chiedo la risposta per questo le scrivo in italiano.
Le faccio comunque tutti i miei auguri, alla faccia delle burocrazie demenziali dell’intero mondo.
Aggiungo che spero tra non molto di avere in casa mia uno dei suoi E-CAT. Mi sono prenotatotra i primi.
Ancora complimenti e tanti auguri.
Lucio Martini
I join the proposal of Mr. Orsobubu and suggest ecatworldcom as the site where to deposit the results F9. Being a true world wide web I am convinced that Mr. Acland will do the best use of those and will be capable of organizing the pertinent actions to celebrate in positive case and to encourage further research in negative. Obviously not every of us will be able to take part in the Great Party but it could be celebrated in a lot of independent cells worldwide.
I thank you for your generosity wanting to share your success but evidently it is only yours.
The endurance of the charge is not the whole problem and I must confirm that still negative results could be met before the end of the tests on course.
Warm Regards,
I think us readers can declare for you a positive F9! Putting aside your agreement with the factory owners for a 1 year run, you had originally estimated a six month run per charge which you have surpassed. If it ran out of “juice” today, you would still have people lined up to buy it. Congratulations on the run so far and the patent. Thank you for your years of dedication.
Thank you for your imortant sustain.
I want to say this and this to be clear: if the results of the tests on course will be positive, it will be a positive result not just of our Team, but also of all the persons that, like you and like all the Readers of this blog. With their suggestions and encouragement they have helped us substantially to overcome some strongly discouraging moments and to work with the necessary determination to obtain our US Patent. When I read our US Patent I cannot forget the endless suggestions I got from our Readers on the matter; I read very carefully all the comments of yours, even if it doesn’t seem to be so; every comment is studied and analyzed by me, to get from it all the information written and not written: sometimes unwritten info are more important than the written ones from which they are directly and indirectly implied.
This said, I prefer wait for the results of the tests on course, before talking of the post-tests era. Such results could be either positive or negative; if positive, the merit will be shared between all of us, because I learnt a lot from all of you and from my Team, but if negative I will be the sole responsible of the failure, because I have been the director of this all and I am the one that decided all the choices.
Thank you for your “permanent” attention to our very hard work.
Warm Regards,
I like mr. Casagrande’s idea to join a party, with your presence and in your honor, but hopes to be invited are, for us normal people, clearly very low. So I came up with a backup idea, and if someone has already had it I apologize for proposing again here. There are now thousands, but I hope a lot more, of people following with trepidation the results of 1MW test F9. It is likewise the wait for the new episode of Star Wars, only this time it’s real. I think it would be great if in all countries of the world, at least in the big cities, these fans would be making a formal meeting waiting for the fateful moment F9. Of course, this thing should be coordinated by someone, but certainly there is not scarcity of folks who might put up quickly a site which to refer for organizing the parties. I imagine that the wait would be for a positive announcement, which would trigger in unison the revels and celebrations and backslappings; but also it might be negative, and the meetings would have an equally strong meaning for the discussion which just surely would ensue. Everything, however, require that you gave the announcement of the outcome of the test at a precise time, that everyone should know in advance in a worldwide coordination, like a message to the nation. It should not be an awkward thing to do, since after all these months of analysis I think, getting closer to the date, should be quite easy for your team and investors to decide whether you have a clear F9 result or not, positive or negative. Obviously, if the result is verging to the negative side, you could decide to delay the announcement, and everybody would grasp the meaning without any worsening backlash for you. But if the result is positive, these initiative could represent a significative step for marketing and comunication, and would repay your fans for their support along these years, instead of letting them alone jumping here and there like crazy in their little crappy bedrooms.
Nils Fryklund:
You asked me by an email if I will give up in case of negative results of the tests on course. Answer: I will never give up. We will put down at work from scratch.
Warm Regards,
Koen Vandewalle:
I have to wait the end of the tests on course before making any estimate.
I confirm that all energy sources will have to be integrated. About this issue: very interesting the cover story of the issue of November 4 of the magazine Time related to the hot fusion.
Warm Regards,
Wouldn’t it be great to have a statement of you about realistic estimates of the short and medium term achievable COP of E-cat technology just before COP21 starts in Paris on November 30 ?
You stated several times that all energy sources should be integrated. Which is indeed correct. Decisions should be made to prepare the integration of your technology.
Kind Regards,
PS: I think you’re way too modest about your invention. There are not many years left to enjoy it, which is also important besides all the work and sacrifice.
One of your recent answers to a reader’s question was:
“When it is in SSM it produces 1,000 kWh/h and consumes 13 kWh/h. That is our definition of SSM, related to the 1 MW E-Cat.”
This is an awesome achievement, a COP of 1000/10=100. There is no reason at all to doubt this, considering that now your claimed technology is backed up by a US patent.
Considering this fact I cannot not describe this scientific/technological milestone as anything but a great success, at par with the invention of the transistor and what it did to the electronic world. You have been humbly awarding just an F9 to your own work, but I give it an F1, the Formula 1 of energy production.
I feel so certain about your success. Ad Multos Annos.
Alessandro Coppi:
The Go,Go,Go philosophy can work in experiments, not in the market, wherein only products with all the necessary certifications can be introduced.
I already explained our strategy and do not think we will change it. Anyway, let us complete positively ( if possible) the tests on course, eventually we will work on the manufacturing and commercial plans.
Warm Regards,
Obviously I sympathize with your impatience!
Dear Andrea,
First of all I want to wish you all the furtune with the plant in the last about hundred days to come. I hope your New Fire will burn bright and stable during these last days of the test.
One thing bothers me: How can the result ever be negative when you have a whole spare plant available, when things aren’t going as they should? And another thing: Suppose the plant breakes-down the last day of the test, would that also be a total failure? Are you really that harsh?
I am sure there is some margin in it. I would think the plant is a great success even if the plant would fail the last month, assuming that it was profitable for the customer in the 11 months before that. In my view that would be a breakthrough energy supply that is fantastic and it should be told to the world. Wouldn’t you agree?
I look forward to your answer.
Good health and kind regards,
Gerard McEk
Jurgen Schmitt:
The super fat cats are single biggest modules, not an assembly of small- average E-Cats.
Warm Regards,
Silvio Caggia:
Now I understand why they bought chairs 25 cm ( 10″) high! Thank you for your enlightenment.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
With interest I have followed your stepwise development of the E-Cat concept. Still I think that I may have missed something. Originally the 1 MW plant was powered by a multitude of small, identical units colloquially named Fat-Cats. But since some time back you say that you instead are using four 250kW reactors that combined give the required output. Now my question for you is, are these reactors Super-Fat-Cats of a new kind or are they composed of assemblies of the same Fat-Cats as before, just operating as independent groups that you can turn on or off with the flick of a switch?
/Kind regards, Jürgen
Dear Andrea Rossi,
The result of the test will be surely negative…
When the customer’s boss will see the bottom line, including all the costs of the time you spent in the container with your team, he will jump out of the chair! 😀
As you correctly imply, the ratio between the energy bill the Customer paid before the E-Cat and after the E-Cat is the most important data for what concerns the success of our operation. For a Customer what is important is not the science of the plant, nor positivisms and negativisms: for the Customer counts mainly the money he makes with our plant.
Such a critical data can be given only when the test will have been completed.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
We are all hoping that your customer saves a lot of money on his energy consumption bill thus validating your technology. Can you tell us what was you customer’s yearly energy bills BEFORE your plant was installed?
Kind Regards,
Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
Thanks, interesting link.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
1- need more R&D
2- purring
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Would the E-Cat X be useful to you in future factories in its current form, or does it require more R&D?
BTW, how are the cats today?
Many thanks
Frank Acland
Hello Dr. Rossi, did you read the interesting patent ENEA (Italy)?
Energy: to produce hydrogen safely using CO2
Frank Acland
Of course!
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
If you make new factories, I hope you will heat them with E-Cats!
Could you make use of the E-Cat X in your factories, too?
Kind regards,
Oestein Lande:
I repeat that the final results of the tests on course could be negative. This is valid for every part of the technology. The sceptics could also be right.
Also, to speak now of scheduling of the commercial developments is totally premature: assuming the tests will have positive results ( and this is not certain yet) there are plans to produce the factory, the manufacturing robotized lines, etc etc, more tests and R&D, certifications, etc etc.
The times after the tests on course will be hard times, whatever the results, because in either case ( negative or positive as the results might be) an enormous work will be in front of us. Wish me luck and good fortune
Warm Regards,
Dear mr Rossi,
Regarding your continous “positive or negative” statements, although there are only some 4 Months of test period left….
Is it right to assume your “F9” is related purely to commercial success, and not Scientific proof of concept, i.e. Proof of LENR? I assume you have confirmed that stable SSM and high COP for long periods are possible, and that it’s the commercial side of the product that you need to finally confirm now…..?
Ing Michelangelo De Meo:
This seems to be another result of the replications made after the publication of our patent.
Thank you for the interesting link.
Warm Regards,
Hello dr. Rossi,
I am sending you the interview of Dr. Vessela Nikolova.
E-Cat “new fire”. A look at the energy of the future.
Hello dr. Rossi:
I am sending also this: the Chinese government is investing on LENR. What do you think of the potential competitors?
Sunday Times: “China Chases Secret of Cold Fusion” (From 2011)
China chases secret of cold fusion
China’s scientists are leading the quest to unearth the ‘holy grail of physics’ – a safe form of nuclear power to fuel the 21st century
Carlo Marcena:
Thank you for your enthusiasm, but let me pour some water on the “New Fire”, to keep it under control: the status of the test that is underway and the data we are receiving is helping us with our plans , expanding our knowledge and proving valuable. This is all I can share at this time.
A strong future is my priority, but I cannot predict the future and the final results could be either positive or negative. Assuming the final results will be positive, which is not certain, the next phase will require more hard work and more help to prepare the massive manufacturing: this effort will need more intellectual efforts. I hope our Friends will wish us luck and good fortune, as many challanges remain.
Warm Regards,
Marco Serra:
Further patents are pending or in preparation for further issues. We cannot make disclosures that could forbid the patentability of further developments.
Warm Regards,
Good morning, Andrea.
If I am not wrong, today the countdown for the 1 Mw E-cat testing period is entering the last hundred days … the final rush has begun … to the Victory.
With my best regards,
Alessandro Coppi:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
now that you are shielded by the US Patent why not relax a bit the secrecy about some details that would not advantage your competitors anyway. As an example the % of SSM over the running time is a kind of information that would add nothing to your competitors knowhow but would make all of us dream.
God bless you
Marco Serra
Hi Andrea,
your patent is a limit for the competitors, their products must not fit with it, you instead are free to fit or not to fit, if your new product does not fits, better, you got a new patent to claim.
Be free to go ahead and beyond, go, go, go!!!
Thank you for the nice link,
Warm Regards,
Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
all the energy sources are precious and must be integrated. Some is more precious than others.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
1 MW E-Cat: stable, long periods of ssm.
E-Cat X: go,go, GO !!! ( Promising. Could make a revolution, even if totally covered by the US Patent we got, which makes all simpler; I designed it to fit perfectly in the US Patent).
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Could we have an update on the plant?
Many thanks!
Frank Acland
Hello Dr. Rossi:
Please find here two interesting links:
The world’s smallest heat engine: it is made from a single atom and has implications more theoretical than practical, but it will help in the study of heat fluxes.
The second link is the duel between David and Goliath in the fusion world: Hot Fusion asks for further 20 billion dollars from the Taxpayer to beat what you and IH are doing with your money; either David of Goliath will get the Holy Grail ( guess who will win…)
Godspeed, Andrea!
Let’s avoid to talk of celebrations when the war is on course… the results could be negative, remember.
Warm Regards,
Lucio Martini:
You are asking me in Italian if we are making our tests in the factory of a certain company. I cannot answer in positive or in negative, for obvious reasons.
Thank you for your kind words and for your wishes.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Here is the link to a very interesting interview made by Salvo Mandarà ( who interviewed you months ago) to the psychologist Vessela Nikolova, the author of the book “The new fire”. It’s pure fun:
Caro Dr Rossi mi sta passando per la testa che lei sta provando il suo e-tiger presso l’IDEAL STANDARD.
Non le chiedo la risposta per questo le scrivo in italiano.
Le faccio comunque tutti i miei auguri, alla faccia delle burocrazie demenziali dell’intero mondo.
Aggiungo che spero tra non molto di avere in casa mia uno dei suoi E-CAT. Mi sono prenotatotra i primi.
Ancora complimenti e tanti auguri.
Lucio Martini
Dear Mr. Rossi
I join the proposal of Mr. Orsobubu and suggest ecatworldcom as the site where to deposit the results F9. Being a true world wide web I am convinced that Mr. Acland will do the best use of those and will be capable of organizing the pertinent actions to celebrate in positive case and to encourage further research in negative. Obviously not every of us will be able to take part in the Great Party but it could be celebrated in a lot of independent cells worldwide.
I thank you for your generosity wanting to share your success but evidently it is only yours.
Robert Curto:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
The endurance of the charge is not the whole problem and I must confirm that still negative results could be met before the end of the tests on course.
Warm Regards,
Mr. Rossi,
I think us readers can declare for you a positive F9! Putting aside your agreement with the factory owners for a 1 year run, you had originally estimated a six month run per charge which you have surpassed. If it ran out of “juice” today, you would still have people lined up to buy it. Congratulations on the run so far and the patent. Thank you for your years of dedication.
God Speed
Dr. Rossi, I love your comment to Koen Vandewalle.
Robert Curto
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Franco Papini:
You sent us an email that you are not able to place in the blog and asked me to publish it here.
Please read your text reported hereunder:
” Dear Andrea Rossi, did you listen to this interview:
Maybe your readers are interested to take a look”.
Thank you for the link.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your imortant sustain.
I want to say this and this to be clear: if the results of the tests on course will be positive, it will be a positive result not just of our Team, but also of all the persons that, like you and like all the Readers of this blog. With their suggestions and encouragement they have helped us substantially to overcome some strongly discouraging moments and to work with the necessary determination to obtain our US Patent. When I read our US Patent I cannot forget the endless suggestions I got from our Readers on the matter; I read very carefully all the comments of yours, even if it doesn’t seem to be so; every comment is studied and analyzed by me, to get from it all the information written and not written: sometimes unwritten info are more important than the written ones from which they are directly and indirectly implied.
This said, I prefer wait for the results of the tests on course, before talking of the post-tests era. Such results could be either positive or negative; if positive, the merit will be shared between all of us, because I learnt a lot from all of you and from my Team, but if negative I will be the sole responsible of the failure, because I have been the director of this all and I am the one that decided all the choices.
Thank you for your “permanent” attention to our very hard work.
Warm Regards,
I like mr. Casagrande’s idea to join a party, with your presence and in your honor, but hopes to be invited are, for us normal people, clearly very low. So I came up with a backup idea, and if someone has already had it I apologize for proposing again here. There are now thousands, but I hope a lot more, of people following with trepidation the results of 1MW test F9. It is likewise the wait for the new episode of Star Wars, only this time it’s real. I think it would be great if in all countries of the world, at least in the big cities, these fans would be making a formal meeting waiting for the fateful moment F9. Of course, this thing should be coordinated by someone, but certainly there is not scarcity of folks who might put up quickly a site which to refer for organizing the parties. I imagine that the wait would be for a positive announcement, which would trigger in unison the revels and celebrations and backslappings; but also it might be negative, and the meetings would have an equally strong meaning for the discussion which just surely would ensue. Everything, however, require that you gave the announcement of the outcome of the test at a precise time, that everyone should know in advance in a worldwide coordination, like a message to the nation. It should not be an awkward thing to do, since after all these months of analysis I think, getting closer to the date, should be quite easy for your team and investors to decide whether you have a clear F9 result or not, positive or negative. Obviously, if the result is verging to the negative side, you could decide to delay the announcement, and everybody would grasp the meaning without any worsening backlash for you. But if the result is positive, these initiative could represent a significative step for marketing and comunication, and would repay your fans for their support along these years, instead of letting them alone jumping here and there like crazy in their little crappy bedrooms.
Nils Fryklund:
You asked me by an email if I will give up in case of negative results of the tests on course. Answer: I will never give up. We will put down at work from scratch.
Warm Regards,
Jacques Van Dangen:
Please send to this blog your suggestions, if you deem it opportune. Thank you anyway.
Warm Regards,
Koen Vandewalle:
I have to wait the end of the tests on course before making any estimate.
I confirm that all energy sources will have to be integrated. About this issue: very interesting the cover story of the issue of November 4 of the magazine Time related to the hot fusion.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Wouldn’t it be great to have a statement of you about realistic estimates of the short and medium term achievable COP of E-cat technology just before COP21 starts in Paris on November 30 ?
You stated several times that all energy sources should be integrated. Which is indeed correct. Decisions should be made to prepare the integration of your technology.
Kind Regards,
PS: I think you’re way too modest about your invention. There are not many years left to enjoy it, which is also important besides all the work and sacrifice.
Albert Ellul:
Thank you for your kind encouragement, but still I must say that the final results could be negative.
Warm Regards,
Thank you, interesting for the energy storage.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi, good read on Energy Storage.
Dear Dr Rossi,
One of your recent answers to a reader’s question was:
“When it is in SSM it produces 1,000 kWh/h and consumes 13 kWh/h. That is our definition of SSM, related to the 1 MW E-Cat.”
This is an awesome achievement, a COP of 1000/10=100. There is no reason at all to doubt this, considering that now your claimed technology is backed up by a US patent.
Considering this fact I cannot not describe this scientific/technological milestone as anything but a great success, at par with the invention of the transistor and what it did to the electronic world. You have been humbly awarding just an F9 to your own work, but I give it an F1, the Formula 1 of energy production.
I feel so certain about your success. Ad Multos Annos.
Alessandro Coppi:
The Go,Go,Go philosophy can work in experiments, not in the market, wherein only products with all the necessary certifications can be introduced.
I already explained our strategy and do not think we will change it. Anyway, let us complete positively ( if possible) the tests on course, eventually we will work on the manufacturing and commercial plans.
Warm Regards,
Obviously I sympathize with your impatience!