United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,350 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your opinion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pietro F.:
    My strategy is not changed, the accelerator is always pushed as much as possible.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Janice

    Good Day Dr Rossi,

    Interesting – New Telescope Reveals 1,300 Galaxies Where Astronomers Thought Only 70 Existed.


  • Pietro F.

    Ho l’impressione che stia premendo sull’acceleratore?

    se non sbaglio e se non sono indiscreto, ha una nuova strategia?
    I have the impression you are accelerating: did you change strategy ?

  • F.Z.

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    It seems to me that you are losing a lot of time for nothing: after 20 years of work you still achieved nothing.

  • Susy

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    It is clear that your 1 year test with your 1 MW E-Cat is gone well, apart differences of evaluations due to commercial issues. In few years you made a historic step, but not all have understood this already. They will understand this not thanks to new tests, but only to your E-Cats in the market, like happened with the personal computers. You are totally right to focus on the production, not on further tests. Your strategy will prevail.
    Thank you for your enormous work.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    This issue is one of the pillars of my engagement in all this work and I want real results from it. It is a vow. I do not think that the best way to act in this sense is give the money to organizations, because the risk is that most of the money goes to pay the structure of such organizations instead of to go to the subjects we want to help. We have a completely different idea about how to obtain the due results, without intermediaries.
    Thank you for the suggestions, though.
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, in your Post to Jacky July 22 at 6:15AM
    You said: a foundation to help the needs of children with cancer.
    I have been reading about your desire to help children with cancer for years but I have said nothing to you., because you do not have any money yet.
    But your desire to set p a foundation is very complex. How are to going to find the children ?
    I hope you don’t intend to give the parents a Gift to pay for the treatment.
    If you give a person a Gift of more than $14,000 you pay the IRS a 35% Gift Tax of everything over that amount. Also there is a lifetime limit on the amount of money you can give as a tax free Gift.
    It is 5.4 million. Check out this information with a Tax expert.
    I am a layman, with a High School education, but I am very interested in cancer, and cancer research.
    In the last 7 years I have exchanged over 10,000 emails with Doctors and others interested in cancer.
    I have a lot of suggestions on how you should spend your money.
    The first two are donate to Saint jude Children’s Research Hospital/
    No patent ever receives a Bill from Saint Jude.
    Another one is CHOP. Children’s Hospital of Phriladeliph. They are doing great work.
    These donations are Tax Deductible, which means you pay Zero Income Tax on the amount of money you donate. And you will be in the 39% Tax Bracket.
    I have a lot of suggestions, let me know if I sound good to you.
    I would like to know what you think about the foundation.
    Robert Curto
    fT. Lauderdale Florida

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link.
    Warm Regards,

  • Engineer48

    Dear Andrea,

    What do you think about Darden’s words in Sept 2015 as attached?

    Would appear to discredit the claims made by Weaver and others that IH never measured any isotopic changes or excess heat from your IP, as attached:



  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea,

    For today we have:


    It is about management of factsDe Sade’s style- in LENR.

    a great weekend!


  • Andrea Rossi

    I strongly want so.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Ing. Michelangelo De Meo

    Did Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax Admit being an IH Operative with a Mission to Induce FUD !


  • Roger

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Within this year the industrial QuarkX will go in the market ? At least the first ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G. Zavela:
    Thank you for your suggestions.
    We must be very careful before entering massively the market, because errors will not be pardoned to us.
    We are still in a developed R&D phase.
    Warm Regards

  • Dear Dr. Rossi,

    As regards the ECat QuarkX R&D, do you feel that you have moved from the research phase and more into development? With the precision tools required to construct the ECat QuarkX, does ABB currently have this machinery or will they need to invent and make a custom new tooling for robotic assembly? Motorola’s Six Sigma Program refers to product quality, 3 defects allowed per million final units produced. Your five sigma approach to manufacturing yield of a working QuarkX cell unit more resembles Intel’s chip yield targets which is less than 100%. Intel is looking for more than 50% yield on a new chip design process. Are you being too tough on yourself to expect 5 sigma QuarkX operating cells, or do I miss understand your product performance objective?

    God speed on you difficult tasks.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Andrea Rossi

    As you can see comparing the reports and the patents published in this timespan, there has been an evolution.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing Michelangelo De Meo:
    Thank you for the links.
    Warm Regards

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    since you started to work on the E-Cat, let say after Bologna demonstration in 2011, the composition or the recipe of the fuel or the way to apply it is changed?
    If yes, it has been gradually or one or few steps and, you can consider this changes marginal or important.
    Best Regards, Giuseppe

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am a scientist and an industrialist, my time is necessary to make jobs, clean and economically convenient energy, a foundation to help the needs of children who have cancer, therefore all that counts to me are results and facts, not chatters.
    The matter of the fact is that to make a settlement it takes two parties.
    War is the logic continuation of a relationship when other means are no more possible ( Von Clausevitz ) : symmetrically, diplomacy is the logic continuation of war when other means return to be possible.
    I absolutely do not like war, but if I have to do it, I do. Unfortunately, in this world freedom is not for free.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jacky

    Dear Andrea:
    After the decision of the Court on the notion to dismiss it seems to most of us that a settlement could be the best solution. What do you think ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    The USA. I am deeply indebted with this Great Country for what I learnt here, for what I made here and I will pay my debts with the American People in two ways: jobs and clean energy at low cost.
    This is what I am able to do and this is what I am doing and will do.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Patrick Ellul:
    The comment of Frederick Zender has been published on this blog on July 20 at 4.18 a.m.
    He asked if the preparation of the Swedish concern is in progress.
    Warm Regards,

  • Patrick Ellul

    Dear Andrea,

    You answered to “Frederick Zender: Yes, the Swedish Team is working on that.”

    What was Zender’s original question? I can’t see it.


  • William

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Which is the Country you feel more to be indebted to for your achievements ?
    Just a curiosity, if you can answer.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea

    Today’s Ego OUT is here:


    It is about a sad situation.

    Best wishes and hopes,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    Have you thought about integrating any redundancy into the devices to be sold to the general public, both in the control electronics and the core?
    Confidence regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    I hope, but this issue does not depend only from me. For the industrial applications we’ll not have problems, though.
    Warm Refards

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,
    We are pleased to hear that your work continues to do well and show promise. The ability to cycle the QuarkX on and off during the day is one of the operational condition issues that you mentioned earlier, and I can easily imagine that it may well be one of the “specific success” functions required for the certification process.

    You have spoken of the year of the cat being 2016 recently. May I ask then, please? “Are you convinced right now that you will achieve certification for the QuarkX sometime prior to April of 2017?”

    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    No comment. I do not comment any issue that has to be discussed in Court.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    The work is going on well and still promising.
    We are testing different operational conditions.
    The QuarkX is producing electricity, heat and light.
    I cannot still schedule a calendar.
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph Fine

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    How has the QuarkX been performing this week?

    Are further tests being performed (varying the temperature, power output etc.) or is it operating at a constant power level?

    Is the QuarkX producing light during the current tests?

    When will the test schedule be completed?

    Thermal regards,

    Joseph Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today on other posts of this blog.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I prefer not to comment in the blogs issues related to the activity of the Court. I have full trust in the American judiciary system and will reserve for the Court any comment related to the litigation.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I prefer to maintain confined in Court any further consideration. I have full trust in the American justice.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dimitry

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    Congratulations for the victory you got in Court ! The Judge has rejected the motion to dismiss made by IH in all the most important claims and has confirmed all the defendants, while has dismissed claims that clearly were less important. Very important victory. Congratulations to you and your attorney. At last the truth is coming in the clear in Court.
    Warm Regards,

  • Caren

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    It appears to me that the Federal Judge of Miami has confirmed all the most important claims of your complaint and also confirmad that all the subjects you made against the complaint to ( Cherokee Partners Fund, Tom Darden, JT Vaughn ) have been confirmed in their role of defendants: I am an attorney and my opinion is that this decision is positive for your complaint.
    Do you want to comment ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm regards,

  • Dear Andrea,

    EGO OUT today:


    Envy is a destructive force in the field.


  • Andrea Rossi

    from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. I study Physics; from 7.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. I am working on the QuarkX in this period, updating also the work on the patents in preparation; from 5 p.m. to 7 I have to work on the papers of the litigation with IH, also meeting with my Attorney. From 7 to 8 p.m. I make exercise. This is my basic scheduling, obviously with the necessary variations when opportune.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frederick Zender:
    Yes, the Swedish Team is working on that.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    The E-Cat of the type that has been operated during the 1 year test is designed for low temperature steam. To get higher temperatures it is necessary the design used in the high temperature reactors.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    I have just a simple question: I know that the standard E-cat plant can produce steam just over 100 C, but can you indicate to what maximum temperature steam can be produced if the steam system would be suitable for it? Obviously I am not talking about the EcatX or the QuarkX.
    Thanks for answering our questions.
    Kind regards, Gerard

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