United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,810 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    I cannot comment about issues related to the litigation.
    Thank you for your sympathy.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dodgson

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    All my sympathy for your litigation against the slanders of Industrial Heat. They are rich and powerful, but everybody reading their counterclaims understood that they lie. They have used you to make money from their investors and then tried to discharge you. They stink, but you will win, because all their bullshit will not resist in Court. From all the papers deposited so far it is clear that your assessments are based on solid evidence, theirs are based on slanders.
    We are all with you.
    Barry Dodgson

  • Audrey Dadmond

    Dear Andrea:
    Congratulations for the counterclaims of IH: if that is all they got, you already won. You produced solid evidence and logic considerations, they produced slanders that will never be sustained by evidence.

  • Linus

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    The most humoristic part of the counterclaims of IH is where they say that they got the millions from Woodford and other investors not because of your IP, but for the other technologies they bought. But if you make a due diligence, you discover that what they got other than your IP is just a series of empty boxes, paid few hundred thousand dollars, plus shares of IH that are worth nothing, while IH collected more that 100 millions to buy your IP that is related to all the strong story of your work, your patents, your plants, the multiple tests made by third independent parties…and a real agreement they made with you and that certainly has been shown to their investors to justify the hundreds millions IH got from them. They are veritable fraudsters, this is what emerges reading the papers.
    Never give up !

  • Jill

    Dear Andrea:
    The counterclaims of IH are ridiculous.
    They say that the test was fake, that everything was fake, but they paid the reports made by the ERV in the first three quarters during which made their investors visit the plant while it was tested and collected 50 millions from Woodward. They stink.
    IH has got refused its motion to escape and now is inventing slanders to find an excuse not to pay their debt.
    By the way, Cherokee Fund is not new to frauds: see all the links below from the New York Times and other official sources about the frauds made by Tom Darden and Cherokee Fund Partners:
    I am sure you and your attorney will bring in Court all the evidence necessary to proof their dishonesty.
    I hope all this will not obstruct your work on the E-Cat.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link.
    Within several days our Attorney will assess the slanders in due mode. I cannot comment anything that has to be issued in Court, but I can say we are in possession of all the evidence necessary to dismantle the slanders of our foe.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea,

    this is my blog for today:


    Tomorrow it will be more clarity around.

    warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I do not comment on issues that have to be treated in Court.
    My Attorney and I are already working to prepare our due response.
    Warm Regards,


  • Jeff

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    What do you think of the counterclaims made by IH deposited today ? It seems to me that they shoot at their feet, because they collected millions of dollars based on the reports made by the ERV during the first nine months of the test ! I think they made heavy slanders, you should not have difficulty to defend your position.
    How do you comment ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel Nevis:
    Not at all: General Relativity is based on the gravitational fields, that have nothing to do with our work, unless I allow an E-Cat to fall on my feet.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    George Vastardis:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Megan Bonnard:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Megan Bonnard

    Tesla’s Model 3 factory – could look like an alien warship

    Robots play a major role in making advanced products today:


  • Dawn

    Dear Andrea,
    The energy density in the QuarkX is much higher than in the E-Cat used during the 1 year test ?

  • George Vastardis

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Is the QuarkX more fit to use for a jet than the Hot Cat ?

  • Daniel Nevis

    Mr Andrea Rossi,
    Does General Relativity have any theoretical connection with the so called Rossi Effect ?
    Thank you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Lisha Ackland:
    With all my heart I hope hundreds of thousands.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jeff Nolting:
    I think Mats Lewan will be glad to read this.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Glenn Cuestas:
    Thank you for your sympathy!
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards

  • Dear Andrea,



    is the first part of what I wanted to tell about the Apgar score of the still unborn (?)IH counterclaims document.
    To be finished tomorrow- or ?

    All the best,

  • Glenn Cuestas

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    So also this year you no holidays: thank you for your efforts, May God help you always

  • Jeff Nolting

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    I have read this week the book “An impossible invention” of Mats Lewan”.
    It is the most interesting book I got in the last 10 years.

  • Lisha Ackland

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    If the massive production of the E-Cats will be made how many jobs you realistically think will be produced :
    1 hundreds
    2 thousands
    3 tens of thousands
    4 hundreds of thousands

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Both will be produced.
    Warm Regards

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Do you see in the future a parallel development of E-Cats and QuarkXs, or do you think the QuarkX could eventually supersede your earlier technology? You seem to be spending a lot of time on the QuarkX these days.

    Best regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    MUrice Mrazich:
    Maybe you are right.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    It is not easy, but it is stimulating, if possible.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luo Sulc:
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards

  • Hank Mills

    The Rossi Effect: Beyond the MUD and the FUD

    By Hank Mills

    Various combinations of nickel, lithium, and hydrogen can be combined to produce massive excess heat beyond any possible chemical reaction: in my personal opinion, enough evidence has been provided to substantiate this statement beyond a reasonable doubt. Although this phenomenon — the “Rossi Effect” — is not yet always repeatable, the diverse array of replications that have taken place scream loudly that it is a reality. The number of individuals who have claimed to produce excess heat continues to grow. However, a legal war that has spilled over onto the internet threatens to distract observers and interested parties from further experimentation. Due to the focus on the conflict rather than the technology, the open dissemination of the critical parameters needed to allow for “guaranteed to work” replications may be delayed.

    For mainstream science to consider a controversial technology to be real, there must be a set of precise instructions that allow for replication of the effect. A scientist must be able to use materials “A” within certain parameters “B” under certain conditions “C” to get the expected result that is far beyond the margin of error “D.” We don’t have such a formula for the Rossi Effect. Multiple researchers seem to have produced high levels of excess heat; a few of them have seemingly been able to do so repeatedly. But not a single individual has offered an instruction sheet which — if followed in excruciating detail — would offer an ultra high success rate.

    Researchers who have successfully replicated the E-Cat have shared a good bit of information; for example, Alexander Parkhmov, N. Stepanov, Songsheng Jiang, and others have published in depth test reports. These accounts provide many tips and suggestions that could potentially assist individuals working to validate the Rossi Effect. But so far these papers fail to explain why some individuals obtain excess heat on the first attempt, and others don’t seem to produce a single watt after dozens of runs.

    This continuous enigma is what prevents the “Rossi Effect” from becoming the number one top news story. The ability to produce this phenomenon ON DEMAND at HIGH POWER would rattle our civilization in a way we cannot imagine. Literally, this combination of common and almost inexhaustible elements would represent a source of energy orders of magnitude ahead of any competitor. With a possible power density of 1000 watts (or higher) per gram of fuel, photo-voltaic and wind technologies would be destroyed. A massive shift would begin taking us away from expensive conventional “renewable” energy towards dirt cheap nuclear power. The human thirst for energy would finally be quenched. If not forever, at least for hundreds of years.
    But humans like scandal, intrigue, gossip, and innuendo. The current battle between Industrial Heat and Andrea Rossi has brought out the worst in many otherwise intelligent and decent individuals, providing soap opera like entertainment to some and a sad tragedy to others. With so little factual information out in the open — completely vetted in order to be free of “spin” — there is no rational way to come to an absolute conclusion about the issues being fought over. Most specifically, the performance of the one megawatt plant. But this hasn’t stopped forum users and bloggers from choosing a side, making derogatory statements about the other, and proclaiming their opinion as God’s truth without the hard data required to do so.

    I will openly and without reservation state that I feel it is a virtual certainty that the E-Cat is indeed real. To be clear, I’m not an engineer or a professionally trained scientist by any stretch of the imagination, so you can take my opinion with a grain of salt if you so desire. But I’ve read and been told of too many experiments — both those conducted by Rossi and by third parties — that produced high levels of excess heat beyond any possible chemical reaction to believe that they are all examples of sloppy measurement, exotic chemical reactions, or outright hoaxing. For starters, there are accounts of self sustained reactions and meltdowns, occurring after input has been switched off, that eliminate the need for the most sophisticated and precise measurement systems. Next, the quantities of heat produced overtime far exceed (sometimes by orders of magnitude) what could be generated if the grams of Ni and LiAlH4 had been replaced with thermite (iron oxide and aluminum), ignited inside of the reactor, and burned with 100% efficiency over an extended period of time. There is just no chemical fuel that comes near to the energy densities reported. Finally, the seemingly most successful replications have came from highly qualified, well educated individuals with ties to academia or scientific research. These individuals — separated sometimes by thousands of miles — would have little to no rational reason to intentionally exaggerate or lie.

    When it comes to the one year test of the one megawatt plant, I can only state that I expect it produced some level of excess heat — due to the fact so many other tests of Ni-Li-H systems have done so. But I will not say much more, because I do not have access to the ERV report. And, to be honest, I don’t care to dwell on the topic. The fact is that right now “hot cat” reactors, capable of operating at temperatures far higher than those in the shipping container locked up in Doral, Florida, can be built by third parties.

    Procure a suitable reactor core, add a tenth of a gram of LiAlH4, add nine tenths of a gram of nickel powder, wrap it with a suitable resistor like Kanthal A1, seal the ends adequately, protect the heating element from oxidation, heat the whole unit up to 1200-1300C, and apply whatever wave forms you desire (perhaps square waves): you have a chance to see massive excess heat and even self sustain for minutes to hours after turning off the input. But there is no guarantee of success. You may have to try repeatedly, use different brands of fuel, vary the ratio of empty space, perform some pre-cleaning on the nickel to remove oxidation, or even add some supplemental hydrogen. But the number of successful tests so far indicate that with enough effort you will eventually find excess heat.

    What we as a loosely knit, sometimes disfunctional, and sometimes cut-throat community need to do is figure out how to avoid all the trial and error required to produce the effect. Forget about the legal battle, stop reading the posts by extremists on both sides, and don’t look at the updates on the court docket; instead, do whatever you can to encourage, assist, and provide support for replicators who pledge to openly share their results and discoveries.

    My hope — as I’ve already stated multiple times — is for a formula to be made available that will allow for the “Rossi Effect” to be replicated by any qualified individual who is willing to abide by specific guidelines: with the purpose of forcing this technology to be accepted as real by the mainstream world. This can happen regardless of the less than flattering information that will most likely come out about BOTH Leonardo Corporation and Industrial Heat.

    Let’s get real: no one is perfect. Consider the candidates running for President of the United States. I would be willing to wager, if I were a gambler, that the vast majority of Republicans and Democrats see major flaws in their nominee. Even if they would be hesitant to speak openly about such issues, they observe them and are not oblivious to reality. I expect the same is true about Industrial Heat, Leonardo Corporation, and the individuals who operate both of these entities. When the court case comes to an end, unless a settlement is reached, I don’t think either party will walk away wearing a white suit without a spec of dust, so to speak. So arguing about who is the right and who is in the wrong is for the most part pointless.

    Conversely, focusing on coming up with a working recipe is not. The moment a recipe, backed up by multiple successful tests by different parties, is released, the grip that has been keeping most of the world ignorant will be released. An impossible snake-oil fantasy will have became hard fact: indisputable even to the most zealous cynics.

    So let’s keep focused in the days, weeks, and months to come. Don’t get caught up in the mud slinging that is bound to intensify as the legal battle heats up. Expect ahead of time that whichever “side” you feel more drawn towards is probably going to be revealed as totally less than spotless and unblemished, and remember that the technology is what really matters. I’d suggest keeping these three themes present in your mind.

    – Continual Testing to determine the critical parameters needed to trigger the effect.
    – Absolute Openness in sharing the knowledge about these critical parameters.
    – Non-participation in conflicts, arguments, and wars that are only distractions.

    We C-A-N move this technology forward if we focus on the above. When I get caught up in emotion, frustrated with the statements of muckrakers on various forums, I like to think about what’s possible with an energy source like the E-Cat. The wonders that come to mind help keep me focused, because they could lead to a technologically advanced world with far less suffering that I’d be proud to live in.

    Earth doesn’t have to remain a hell-planet and humanity a technologically retarded species unless we let ourselves get distracted. We are closer than I think most people realize to “cracking” the E-Cat. Let’s move forward by celebrating those who are performing open experimentation, and renouncing those who seek to slow progress and conceal information that could help fellow replicators. And, for goodness sakes, if you are holding onto unreported test results — positive or negative — please publish them immediately. The data could help us reach the point of having a “formula” days, weeks, or months sooner.

  • Lou Sulc

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Still promising the R&D with the Quarkx ?

  • Ulrich

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    is it possible that the next 1MW plant you will deliver will be updated with the Quark technology ?

  • Maurice Mrazich

    Mr Andrea Rossi,
    I am of the party that is convinced that you are not able to start an industrial production. We think you do not have the necessary skills.

  • Andrea Rossi

    I have no idea. The wisdom of the Great People of the USA, that are the sole real Sovereign of this Country, surely will choose the best possible candidate.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Prince

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Among the two candidates for the presidency of the USA who do you think will be more oriented toward the LENR ? Who do you think will win ?

  • Dear Andrea,

    the Blog issue written before the coming Counterclaims of IH. Anticipating their content and spirit


    Vederemo! We will see!


  • Andrea Rossi

    The price of the basic version is indicated on our website
    Warm Regards

  • Adan Peffer

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    can you say the price of the industrial plants ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, thanks to our fantastic Swedish Team.
    Warm Regards

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for the answer regarding Sweden — does this mean you have made progress in securing a factory location there?

    Thank you,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Now is started in the USA. Soon will start also in Sweden.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link.
    Warm regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Has your production started in one country only, or in more than one location? (you have mentioned you would have production in the USA and Sweden)

    Thank you,

    Frank Acland

  • Dear Andrea,

    My opus of today on the EGO OUT blog.


    Anticipative interrogative

    Looking toward what has to come,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    Obviously purity is fundamental when you have to make a compound. You need to know what you are dealing with, the more, the better.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    JP Renoir:
    “Centrifugal Force” does not exist in Physics. There is no force that can be defined centrifugal force. It is a wrong way to refer to inertia, which is the resistance to change in motion, but this is not a force.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    About a year ago, I came across a paper describing a comparison of different samples of LiAlH4 from varying suppliers, companies, etc. Tests were performed to determine purity, particle size, and hydrogen content. The result was that all of these varied wildly from sample to sample.

    On a scale of one to ten, can you give an indication of the importance of using absolutely pristine LiAlH4 with minimal or no contaminants from either exposure to atmosphere or the manufacturing process?

    Thank you.


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