United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Can you explain more about certification for the QuarkX? What kind of certification is required for its industrial use, and how does one obtain it?

    Thank you,

    Frank Acland

  • Mark Saker

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for saying that you will try and get a picture of the Quark X to us. I have a great idea for a picture!

    With the quark X being so small, surely it is now small enough to fit in a kettle and boil some water to make a cup of tea with it. I believe that has been the long standing request to any LENR researcher! 🙂

    Even better a video showing the quark x in a kettle along with input power readings from beginning to end as the water boils! It won’t do anything to quiet the skeptics but it will make a great story.

    I will settle for just a picture though. hehe



  • Xavier Pitz

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations about the certification of the industrial QuarkX !
    I hope to see one in operation shortly in France or Germany 🙂

    @Alan :
    As a glider pilot myself, I advise you to watch this short (20 seconds) YouTube video.

    I think you’ll like it 🙂


    Xavier Pitz

  • anonymous

    Mr Rossi:
    You continue to talk of the quarkx, but nobody saw it: is it a ghost?

  • Kevin

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Fantastic new the fact that perhaps by this year an industrial QuarkX could be in operation.

  • Carlos Wojenski

    Dear Andrea Rossi
    What are you doing in these days with the QuarkX ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, it will not, because to make a 360 degrees loop the car has to prevail the gravity force by means of its acceleration. Once the gravity force has been prevailed upon by acceleration, all the objects inside the system will not be prevailed by the gravity force, therefore you can stay in your car during a 360 degrees loop with your briefcase seat on the floor, and it will not fall down ( this comes from 2nd Newton Law).
    Warm Regards,
    If in your briefcase there is much money, let alone the second of Newton and hold your briefcase tight, along the 1st sheriff’s law:
    ” If you have there much money
    hold it tight to you, dear honey”
    ( Patent pending)

  • Andrea Rossi

    Terry H.:
    Defense of IP demands that when we put in the market an apparatus of ours it must be extremely competitive to prevent reverse engineering.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Q1: For the industrial yes
    Q2: yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    You told us on 9/2/16 that the new tests were mainly dedicated to safety issues and therefore to the certifications. So, you must have made great strides on the safety issues, and hopefully you have achieved the certification for the QuarkX device too! I imagine that running independently of full time operator attendance still needs development, which needs to be completed before industrial plants can be commercially acceptable and that will also make them safer to operate, too.

    I also understand that you are not quite ready for the commercialization of the QuarkX, that you possibly will prepare an industrial industrial prototype within this year (no promises though), but you cannot schedule the commercialization of domestic units so far, because it does not depend on you.

    We also need to remember, though, that commercial units need to begin to be integrated into the power grid to insure minimum disruption of the economy that exists, and the ones that this decision depends upon require this action to begin before domestic production begins, which does not depend on you. So then, two questions please?

    (Q1) Was the certification for the QuarkX finally completed? (Y/N) If so, that would really inspire all of us that are following you!

    (Q2) Are the commercial unit productions required before the domestic unit productions can begin by the decision makers that this depends upon (which is not you)? (Y/N) (I think we could all live with that.)

    I hope you achieved the certification for the QuarkX, Andrea. (I also hope it will not take as long as it did for Pons & Fleischmann to begin the domestic production).

    Congratulations again on the positive test!

    Warm regards!


  • Terry H.

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for your honest answer. I have a quick question & I hope a quicker solution to those of us who have been following your progress on getting a domestic E-Cat/QuarkX on the market.

    Back when I was a lot younger (20-23) & braver I built an experimental airplane (VariEze). The way Rutan was able to get his invention to market as quick as he did… since his new plane was considered an experimental aircraft the homebuilt aircraft builders, like myself, agreed to & assumed the liability. We bought the plans from him & other venders made the parts & we put the planes together. I see your QuarkX like an engine that produces heat & electricity. The other parts (H20 tanks, backup batteries, inverters etc) we will need to build our systems to heat & power our homes off the grid can be bought from other venders.

    After you have a working “Preproduction” (d) QuarkX or smaller (10-30kWh) Industrial E-Cat version that is stable and doesnt need 24hr supervision would you be willing & able to let 500-1000 of your most loyal & vetted followers to buy your 1st generation prototype QuarkX “engine” (b4 it is certified) for us to install in our own non disclosed locations that you could monitor via internet w/ Cameras & temp probes to help you with your next “Field Test” (e) phase?

    I think this could be a mutal benifit to work out any other bugs before you go into “Full Production” (f) & you will also have data from the bata testers to show your future customers.

    Hopefully #1 Loyal Customer

    Terry H.

  • Alan

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Sorry to bother you for this, but there is a discussion between friends and we have chosen you as the referee: in a roller coaster, when you make a 360 degrees loop and you have a briefcase seat on the floor of the car, when the car is upside-down and your head is downside and the floor is upside, will the briefcase fall down, due to the gravity?
    Thank you.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Terry H.:
    1- We are not ready for the commercialization of the QuarkX, possibly we will prepare an industrial prototype within this year, but I cannot schedule the commercialization of domestic units so far: therefore we do not have yet the subject for that job
    2- I am not able to answer, as a consequence of what said above
    3- same as above
    4- same as above
    Thank you for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am receiving comments with any sort of stupidities from persons that want to find alternatives to the definition or use of kW, kWh, kWh/h; my favourite is the definition of “kW/h” ( that obviously does not exist). I have no more time to spend on this, since the correct definitions are in all the manuals of Physics, there is nothing to surrogate, invent, propose, younameityougotit. Who is seriously interested to the matter can just study a manual ( I have suggested a very good one, easy to understand for everybody having a high school background).
    Warm Regards,

  • Terry H.

    I was glad to read your QuarkX test went well & you’re deadline goal is to ” complete the R&D on the QuarkX to sell the first unit within 2016″.

    I’m trying to put together a backup battery system in case the grid goes down. 

    I’m looking to either purchase:
    a Tesla Powerwall (6.7k/5.6kWh for $3.5k) 3650 @ 80% w/ 10yr limited warrantee.

    or a LG Chem (6.4k/5.4kWh for $4.8k) cycle life 5800 @ 80% discharge & both have lithium nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) cell chemistry. 

    or a PylonTech Extra2000 (2.4k/1.92kWh up to max 9.6kwh for $1.1k ea) cycle life 4000 @ 80% & has “At present the safest Lithium combination is lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4 or LFP for short) which is also one of the few lithium batteries which can be recycled.”

    I plan to purchase your domestic QuartX (hopefully b4 the next polar shift:-) to provide heat to 50 gal H20 tank for our domestic hot water (130F max) & a second larger 60gal tank for our radiant floor heating (I live in SW WI & heating 600′ min to 1600 sq ft if possible) system which I need 140F max. Since it also produces electricty I’d like to use the power to keep my batteries charged. (We use & the average American home uses 30kWh per day.) 

    1. Will one QuartX do the job? 

    2. If not how many will I need to puchase to keep the battery from discharging to 80% & be fully recharged by morning?

    3. How much will each QuartX cost?

    (To recharge the batteries with a solar system I est. would cost $10-13k)

    4. Which battery backup grid system would you recomend I purchase; Telsa, LG or PylonTech?
    OR do you recommend I should wait for your QuartX (10kWh?) system because no storage batteries will be required?

    Thanks for your hard work & advice!

    Terry H.

  • W.B.

    Dr Rossi:
    I sent a comment in which I suggested an alternative way to define a kWh, but you spammed it.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1- in the making
    2- yes
    3- enough
    4- maybe
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    You are right, also Prof. Sergio Focardi told me one day, while we were working on the E-Cat, the same thing, that the concept of energy, strangely, for many is difficult to understand and that many of his students had to be dismissed from the examens because had not been able to explain the definition of a kWh, a kWh/h and a kW. Perhaps can be useful to remind, to persons that have a minimal base of Physics, that a kWh is a quantum of energy that defines the energy that can be generated from a horse in a precise period of time. This is why kWh is a unit ( = a quantum) of energy, not of energy/time and this is why to say that you can eliminate the “h” from the numerator and the denominator of the formula kWh/h is a blaspheme. No person in this world with a degree in Physics will ever say a stupidity like this. But, strangely to me, many persons are not able to understand this concept, which is very simple and intuitive.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
    When we will start with Europe.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Karl-Henrik Malmqvist

    Dear Andrea,
    In the car industry it is common to make
    a) First prototype generation, few units, followed by tests and improvements.
    b) Second prototype generation, few units, followed by tests and improvements.
    c) Third prototype generation, few units, followed by tests and improvements.
    d) Preproduction, higher number of units made in a way close to mass production.
    e) Field tests with real costumers, adjustments.
    f) Production for limited markets, adjustments only in the production line.
    g) Full production for many markets.
    Would you say that you now are preparing for d) regarding QuarkX ?
    Best Regards,
    Karl-Henrik, Sweden

  • Ing. Michelangelo De Meo

    Dr Rossi:
    When do you think the E-Cat, at least industrial, will arrive in Italy?

  • Seeker

    Dt. Rossi,
    From my school-days I remember many people having difficulties to distinguish between power and energy.
    So, thank you for the explanation what kW, kWhours/h and kWh stand for.

    What I would like to know in addition: How to calculate how much matter does a 1MW plant convert to thermal energy over 1 year (=8760 hours) time periode?
    Did you calculate the loss in mass of the fuel, and did you weight the fuel before and after the test?


  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    A few questions on the QuarkX if you don’t mind:

    1. Have you made any new QuarkX reactors beyond the three that you have been testing?
    2. Was your new partner involved in the recent testing?
    3. How many people are now involved in QuarkX R&D?
    4. Is the QuarkX going to be part of the first industrial E-Cats you are building?

    Thank you,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1- we are working on this issue
    2- I hope yes
    3- n.a.
    4- yes
    5- too soon to answer
    6- Yes, give me some more time
    Thank you for your attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations with the good outcome of the tests of the QuarkX. I believe these tests were very important for the future of this device.
    Some questions if I may:
    1. Is it inherently safe now?
    2. Is it right to assume that also the domestic and other mass applications of the QuarkX are now in sight?
    3. How long do you estimate to gear-up mass production?
    4. Will the first application be a industrial plant?
    5. If 4 is ‘yes’, will it only produce heat or also electricity and/or light?
    6. Is it possible to show us a picture of a QuarkX in operation?
    Thank you for answering our questions.
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • James Santiago

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    About the definition of kW, kWh and kWh/h you are right. Your enemies should study Physics before talking of this matter.

  • Dante Ewen

    Dear Mr Rossi,
    Do you think that before the end of the year we’ll see some video or photo of the QuarkX?

  • Gene

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    From your success with the QuarkX, it appears that you have not been damaged from the litigation with IH. Is this correct?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Now we have to organize the production of a module that can go by self, without continue assistance, reliably and safely.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations having passed the recent test with the QuarkX. Can you give any more information about what a ‘superior level of engagement’ is?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- yes, I am sure
    2- good
    Thank you for your concern,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    “Non ti curar di lor, ma guarda e passa”.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Today we completed the test, it has been good.
    Now we pass to a superior level of engagement.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for your insigtht,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Enjoy the lectures of Richard Wolfson, Prof of Physics at Middlebury College.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G.Zavela:
    Thank you for the link. I am afraid transmutations do not work that way, it is not impossible some analytic issue, but I am not a biologist and prefer not to comment at all.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andre,

    Today I have composed:

    The editorial is about an abominable document and I HAD to write it. I accept the consequences, what is too much is too much.

    All the best


  • Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Yes, transmutations of elements in nature occurs frequently. This is one major reason that the transmutation of elements in “Cold Fusion” LENR experiments cannot be ignored by science.


    Thank you, Tim Conover, for the DOD report link. Some of us have been waiting 27 years to see the DOD and the physics establishment “eat crow”.

    Dr. Rossi, looking forward to your continued progress with all your impressive E-Cat cells.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Joseph

    Sr Andrea Rossi
    Thank you for suggesting “physics and our universe” of Prof Wolfson: very useful and easy to learn. By the way, you were perfectly right about Power, Energy.

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    It looks like the DoD is coming out of the closet this month. For your entertainment, and for your information, here is my synopsis of the 132 page report (slightly edited) entitled “Mosier Boss Investigation”.


    Since before the Pons and Fleshman fiasco in 1989, DoD was aware of the validity of the reality of LENR. They now report that Cold Fusion reactions may be enhanced in the presence of either an external electric or magnetic field, or by optically irradiating the cathode of cells driven at their optimal operating point (OOP). This optimal operating point has now been code named “The OOPS Factor” demonstrating a massive failure on the part of the DoD to provide necessary information to the public upon discovery. (OOPS!)

    How does it work? “Optimal operating points appear when heat AND power gain, (or helium or tritium production), are presented as a function of the input electrical power.” (OOPS!)

    The Pd/D co-deposition process has been shown to provide a reproducible means of manufacturing Pd-D nano-alloys that induce low energy nuclear reactions (LENRs). (OOPS!)

    On March 23, 1989, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, professors of chemistry at the University of Utah, held a press conference to announce the results of electrochemical experiments that produced more heat than could be accounted for by chemical means. They speculated that the heat had a nuclear origin. The experiments were quickly dubbed “Cold Fusion” by the news media. (OOPS!)

    At the time of the announcement in 1989, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific scientists were involved in developing batteries for torpedo propulsion. The lead scientist in those torpedo propulsion efforts, Stanislaw Szpak, was aware of the Fleischmann–Pons experiment (OOPS!) prior to the press conference and knew about the long incubation times needed to fully load bulk Pd with D.To reduce the incubation time, he developed the Pd/D co-deposition process as a means to initiate low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) inside the Pd lattice.

    In 1989, the Department of Energy (DoE) conducted a review of the phenomenon. The conclusions of the review were that the claims of excess heat were not convincing (OOPS!), that the excess heat was not shown to be associated with a nuclear process (OOPS!), and that the evidence of neutron emission was not persuasive (OOPS!). In the aftermath of the DoE review, it was concluded that heat was not going to convince anyone that nuclear events were occurring inside the palladium lattice (OOPS!). Also heat does not provide any information as to the processes occurring inside the Pd lattice (OOPS!). For these reasons, the emphasis of the research done as SSC-Pacific shifted from heat (OOPS!) to looking for nuclear emissions such as -/X-rays and tritium.

    But how does it work?

    By using the Pd/D co-deposition technique and co-depositional variants6 (based on flux control7,8), solid evidence (i.e., excess heat generation,7,9,10, hot spots,11 mini-explosions, ionizing radiation,12 near- IR emission,13 tritium production,14 transmutation,15 and neutrons,16) has been obtained that indicate that lattice assisted nuclear reactions can and do occur within the Pd lattice. The results to date indicate that some of the reactions occur very near the surface of the electrode (within a few atomic layers). Also, the reactions may be enhanced in the presence of either an external electric or magnetic field, or by optically irradiating the cathode of cells driven at their optimal operating point (OOP). Optimal operating points appear when heat, power gain, or helium or tritium production, are presented as a function of the input electrical power.17,18 They allow standardization, and driving with electrical input power beyond the OOP yields a falloff of the production rates.

    Optimal operating points appear when heat, or power gain, are presented as a function of the input electrical power. (OOPS!)

    Twenty seven years later, DoD decided to stop repressing this technology, and publicly annouce that cold fusion, is in fact, real. (OOPS!)

    IV. Patents
    1. P.A. Boss and S. Szpak, “Electrochemical Cell Having a Beryllium Compound Coated
    Electrode”, Navy Case 76707. U.S. Patent No. 5,928,483 issued 7/27/99.

    Warm Regards,


  • Charles

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    News about the Quarkx?

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