Dear Mr Rossi, I understand you are now operating several E-Cat QX cells in parallel to form one larger reactor. Can I ask how many QX cells you have built so far? Enough to build several of these larger reactors if you wanted or just one or two? Thanks.
Rupert Mann:
Got it. The link is:
Very interesting. I learnt from my Prof. of Physics that magnetic monopoles do not exist and that cutting a magnet the obtained pieces become new bipolar magnets. I also made an experiment about this. This link, anyway, is very interesting. Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
You said in past that the magnetic monopoles do not exist, but please google:
“unige seminaire talks mermod monopoles”
It appears you were wrong.
Rupert Mann
When the two opposite parties of a litigation reach a settlement, this means that both are satisfied of it, from their respective points of view. Relativistically speaking, both are winner. If in a quest to reach a prize composed by a peer and an apple the two foes settle by means of a solution that gives to party 1 the apple and to party 2 the peer, both are winner if each of them reached the fruit that was essential for them in the context of their strategy.
Warm Regards,
It will be a calorimetric measurement, based on the delta T of the water in liquid phase. We are not going to light bulbs for the simple reason that we are going to make heat, not electricity, in this demo.
Warm Regards,
A minor point: So many scams involving the purported generation
of electricity demonstrate that claim with a bank of light bulbs
that I HOPE that Rossi does not choose that mode of demonstration.
The visuals that would be posted of the demonstration would
immediately be a target for skeptics on that basis alone.
** Better to power high efficiency motors or some other
“visual demonstration” of the power output.
It is the Dark Energy.
Anyway Dark Energy and Dark Matter have a common denominator: it is the humbling of the Standard Model…
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
About the contrast between readers, what is your position: is it the Dark Energy to cause the accelerated expansion of the universe, or is it the Dark Matter?
Good morning Andrea,
Did everything go okay with the 20 units yesterday? Did the unit run all day, and continue this morning?
It is very exciting to see that you’re testing clusters now. Fabulous. Kudos!
Keep up the great work.
Dear Andrea,
have you decided what will be the size of the 1 MW E-Cat QX plant (including heat exchangers) you are planning to manufacture and sell for industrial purpose?
Dear Andrea,
It is good to hear that you are progressing well and are testing clustered E-cat QX.
Just some questions about that.
1. You contol this using one contol unit that can master a maximum of 100 QX’s. Is it right to assume that this unit cannot control each QX individually, but all in true parallel meaning you switch them all on and off at the same time?
2. Are you also able to contol the output power of the clustered unit in some way, (because you said that the output power would be between 200 and 500 Watt)?
3. Will a clustered E-cat QX still be called a E-cat QX or will you add a number for power or something?
4. Is this cluster test part of the sigma 5 qualification test?
Thank you, kind regards, Gerard
I was happy to know that you and your team found a solution to the problem of the control system overheating.
Could you specify which systems were modified to improve the reliability of control in such a harsh environment?
1. cooling system
2. control system
3. both
4. other
And one thought about the control system. Its reliability and heat resistance can be improved (even dramatically!) by using high-temperature electronics based on wide-bandgap semiconductors (I mean, primarily, silicon carbide) instead of conventional electronics, based on silicon. I’m sure that you know about it very well, but what if the cost of both solutions will be pretty close? Simply put, would you be interested in silicon carbide electronics if its price would be competitive?
Dear Andrea,
How long does it take you to manually build a working QX assuming you had all materials at hand?
It sounds like you’ve had to build a few for the demo.
Good thing that you will robotize the production line when you’re ready to ship orders.
Brest regards
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi.
1. You have a research plan.
When do you plan to get to Sigma5?
(Much before the presentation?).
2. You often said that now the industrial production of E-Cet is being prepared.
a. Already have rooms?
b. Already have equipment?
c. Do you customize production lines?
d. Confidential?
Thank you for your responses.
Successes and health.
Let me rephrase Iars’ question. While current nuclear power plants control the reaction within the enriched uranium by control rod position, among other techniques, it is conceptually possible to replace each uranium fuel rod assembly with an equivalent number of ECAT-QX reactors and to electrically control their thermal output. However, the current nuclear power plant is most likely contaminated with lingering nuclear active by products. SO:
1. Theoretically – would this harsh environment be so bad as to affect the theoretical ECAT-QX functionality?
2. This assumes, if the ECAT-QX could so operate, that its equivalent power density could match that of the uranium fuel rod. Would that be a problem, keeping in mind that the enrichment is below 50% — reactor grade, not weapons grade.
3. Does it make more sense to build numerous, smaller output and physical size units to decentralize the power generation?
I agree that an integrated energy approach is most likely to be used, but uranium fuel rod assemblies present, in my opinion, an interesting alternative, if possible.
Presently this is science-fiction.
Anyway, I repeat my mantra about this kind of issues: all the energy sources must be integrated.
Warm Regards,
Oystein Lande:
One to two hours the part that will be public.
Warm Regards,
All well also today,
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
What is the planned duration of the QX demonstration?
Colin Watters:
Not yet.
Warm Regards,
Colin Watters:
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr Rossi, If I remembered correctly the original E-Cat could only be cycled on and off quite slowly. Can the QX be cycled more quickly?
Dear Mr Rossi, I understand you are now operating several E-Cat QX cells in parallel to form one larger reactor. Can I ask how many QX cells you have built so far? Enough to build several of these larger reactors if you wanted or just one or two? Thanks.
Mario Marini:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
We are making well.
Warm Regards,
Rupert Mann:
Got it. The link is:
Very interesting. I learnt from my Prof. of Physics that magnetic monopoles do not exist and that cutting a magnet the obtained pieces become new bipolar magnets. I also made an experiment about this. This link, anyway, is very interesting. Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
You said in past that the magnetic monopoles do not exist, but please google:
“unige seminaire talks mermod monopoles”
It appears you were wrong.
Rupert Mann
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Nice answer to Lawier.
All the best,
When the two opposite parties of a litigation reach a settlement, this means that both are satisfied of it, from their respective points of view. Relativistically speaking, both are winner. If in a quest to reach a prize composed by a peer and an apple the two foes settle by means of a solution that gives to party 1 the apple and to party 2 the peer, both are winner if each of them reached the fruit that was essential for them in the context of their strategy.
Warm Regards,
It will be a calorimetric measurement, based on the delta T of the water in liquid phase. We are not going to light bulbs for the simple reason that we are going to make heat, not electricity, in this demo.
Warm Regards,
Seen this post by: gdaigle
A minor point: So many scams involving the purported generation
of electricity demonstrate that claim with a bank of light bulbs
that I HOPE that Rossi does not choose that mode of demonstration.
The visuals that would be posted of the demonstration would
immediately be a target for skeptics on that basis alone.
** Better to power high efficiency motors or some other
“visual demonstration” of the power output.
Dr Andrea Rossi:
There are discussions about who won and who lost in the litigation Leonardo vs IH: sincerely, who do you think is the winner?
Very good also today,
Warm Regards,
It is the Dark Energy.
Anyway Dark Energy and Dark Matter have a common denominator: it is the humbling of the Standard Model…
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
About the contrast between readers, what is your position: is it the Dark Energy to cause the accelerated expansion of the universe, or is it the Dark Matter?
Tom Conover:
Yes, we are working well, with minor problems to fix.
Warm Regards,
Good morning Andrea,
Did everything go okay with the 20 units yesterday? Did the unit run all day, and continue this morning?
It is very exciting to see that you’re testing clusters now. Fabulous. Kudos!
Keep up the great work.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
1- confidential
2- confidential
3- yes, followed by the number that corresponds to the power in kW
4- no
Warm Regards,
Not yet.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
have you decided what will be the size of the 1 MW E-Cat QX plant (including heat exchangers) you are planning to manufacture and sell for industrial purpose?
Dear Andrea,
It is good to hear that you are progressing well and are testing clustered E-cat QX.
Just some questions about that.
1. You contol this using one contol unit that can master a maximum of 100 QX’s. Is it right to assume that this unit cannot control each QX individually, but all in true parallel meaning you switch them all on and off at the same time?
2. Are you also able to contol the output power of the clustered unit in some way, (because you said that the output power would be between 200 and 500 Watt)?
3. Will a clustered E-cat QX still be called a E-cat QX or will you add a number for power or something?
4. Is this cluster test part of the sigma 5 qualification test?
Thank you, kind regards, Gerard
Dear Dr. Rossi,
What COP do you expect to reach at the October presentation. A COP of 6 as was standard for the older E-Cat versions, or (a lot?) higher?
Steven N.Karels:
At this moment I think we are simply not ready for that application.
Warm Regards
Operation on course.
Warm Regards
Frank Acland:
This depends from the heat exchanger : can be half cubic meter or many cubic meters.
Warm Regards
1- Before
2- D
P.S.- He,he: yes!
Warm Regards
Very good.
Warm Regards
Patrick Ellul:
Impossible answer.
Obviously the manufacturing will be robotized.
Warm Regards
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I was happy to know that you and your team found a solution to the problem of the control system overheating.
Could you specify which systems were modified to improve the reliability of control in such a harsh environment?
1. cooling system
2. control system
3. both
4. other
And one thought about the control system. Its reliability and heat resistance can be improved (even dramatically!) by using high-temperature electronics based on wide-bandgap semiconductors (I mean, primarily, silicon carbide) instead of conventional electronics, based on silicon. I’m sure that you know about it very well, but what if the cost of both solutions will be pretty close? Simply put, would you be interested in silicon carbide electronics if its price would be competitive?
Best wishes!
Dear Andrea,
How long does it take you to manually build a working QX assuming you had all materials at hand?
It sounds like you’ve had to build a few for the demo.
Good thing that you will robotize the production line when you’re ready to ship orders.
Brest regards
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi.
1. You have a research plan.
When do you plan to get to Sigma5?
(Much before the presentation?).
2. You often said that now the industrial production of E-Cet is being prepared.
a. Already have rooms?
b. Already have equipment?
c. Do you customize production lines?
d. Confidential?
Thank you for your responses.
Successes and health.
Will there be traditional tennis on weekends?
Yuriy Isaev
Russia, Tyumen.
Dear Andrea,
What would be the size of a 1MW E-Cat QX plant (including heat exchangers)?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Did you already spoil all the reactors of the 1 MW Ecat that made the test?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Let me rephrase Iars’ question. While current nuclear power plants control the reaction within the enriched uranium by control rod position, among other techniques, it is conceptually possible to replace each uranium fuel rod assembly with an equivalent number of ECAT-QX reactors and to electrically control their thermal output. However, the current nuclear power plant is most likely contaminated with lingering nuclear active by products. SO:
1. Theoretically – would this harsh environment be so bad as to affect the theoretical ECAT-QX functionality?
2. This assumes, if the ECAT-QX could so operate, that its equivalent power density could match that of the uranium fuel rod. Would that be a problem, keeping in mind that the enrichment is below 50% — reactor grade, not weapons grade.
3. Does it make more sense to build numerous, smaller output and physical size units to decentralize the power generation?
I agree that an integrated energy approach is most likely to be used, but uranium fuel rod assemblies present, in my opinion, an interesting alternative, if possible.
Presently this is science-fiction.
Anyway, I repeat my mantra about this kind of issues: all the energy sources must be integrated.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
now when you master to put a lot of QXs in parallell, do you think your E-Cat QX can replace uranium in the nuclear power plants?
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
Thank you for the suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Pietro F.:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the insight. I cannot comment.
Warm Regards,