United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Dr. Mike

    Congratulations on achieving an improved controller design so quickly. I have a few questions about the new controller and the QX devices:
    1. What is the most QX devices that you have actually operated at one time with the new controller?
    2. What is the input power to the new controller when it was driving that number of QX devices from (1)?
    3. Has the final design and specifications for the QX device been established?
    4. How many QX devices have been manufactured (by hand) that were made to the exact specifications of the three QX devices that were used in the demonstration?

    Thank you for your time in answering these questions.
    Dr. Mike

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Which is harder, to make a E-Cat QX prototype, or to make robots reproduce the prototype?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Eric Ashworth

    Dear Andrea, I shall share some of my thoughts with regards a unified structured field that is able to be demonstrated by a mechanism. I shall not elaborate on the mechanism it is complex but my findings could help explain LENRs. I shall use four sections to help explain over time. These sections will be dealt with separately. LENRs with regards structure – Geometry of structure – Possible cause of a LENR – Kinetic energy with regards LENRs.

    LENRs with regards structure: The LENR paradox I believe could be caused by a none understanding of how structure comes into being. Only recently have I come into contact with the term EOV (exotic vacuum object). My understanding and research has been with regards structure and thereby for me, the study of EVOs could be termed the study of structures of potential according to the vacuum. This understanding of mine is not that complicated and has been embodied into a mechanism but nevertheless it requires a degree of consideration and thought because it is novel. The mechanism is able to demonstrate the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction. The mechanism itself has a mobile aspect and a static aspect that compliments to achieve a static and mobile unified field of a two part structure from a fluid which in this instance is air. Nature I believe has a basic law with regards to achieving a structure and depending upon the vacuum which is created by a source of power/current, not potential, the structure will exhibit a quality reflected in its potential to exist over a specific duration. I shall not go into the mechanism but say it involves understanding interactions as geometric volumes and sizes within a pre existent structure which provides the power field containing an inner point of zero gravity surrounded by an outer region of spacial gravity between which two necessary unequal potentials (hydrogen of which) form a structure that contains an event horizon which represents the separation between the positive and negative mss of the structure, these being the potentials that respond to the power. Thereby an inner zero gravity with regards nickel an outer spacial gravity and a variable centripetal point of gravity between two unequal mass potentials being the proton/electron of the hydrogen (the mechanism generates two unique corpuscles of a a flow representative of). This centripetal point of gravity is of a variable dependent upon its location which depends upon the strength of the zero point of gravity induced by a current and thereby the neutral structure able to be formed within the centripetal position is also of a variable with regards its point of zero gravity. Being between two unequals proton/electron the neutral responds in various ways and it too has its event horizon. Motion of a neutral: Rotates around its zero point of gravity, vibrates in time and space, pulsates in accordance to position. These three actions are required to compliment the two alternative pro generative states of its being. The proton and electron mass of the hydrogen rotate in the same direction being of the same environment, thereby the neutral has to counter rotate being a hybrid of the two established states. I shall take a break and return to help explain the geometry of structure. Regards Eric Ashworth

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    Thank you: we are working very hard in these days. I have every day well clear in my mind how many days are left of the 2018 to reach our goal. When I live through one hour during which I do not see a step forward that is worth one hour I get nervous.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ray Clovis:
    You make me feel moved by your sympathy,
    Warm Regards,

  • Ray Clovis

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    I want to congratulate for the convincing test of Stockholm, where you got some deserved accolades: I felt like I was receiving some of that glory myself, so much I feel good. You make us feel proud of you.
    May God always be at your side.
    Ray Clovis

  • Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations for achieving a prototype ready for industrialisation.
    Best regards, /pekka

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hugh Maguire:
    I agree and I thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to our work.
    Warm Regards,

  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations on achieving a prototype for robotic assembly line development. After the completion of the assembly line and have manufactured enough QX modules, do you plan to test a full assembled plant in a real-world commercial application before your public announcement?
    Thank you.

  • Hugh Maguire

    Hello Dr. Rossi,
    I feel that every replication, even the ones where the underlying methods appear to be different from yours, are a boost to your own past work.
    The latest is presumably the most authoritative yet, by A.Takahashi et al.
    See: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322160963_Brief_Summary_Report_of_MHE_Project_Phenomenology_and_Controllability_of_New_Exothermic_Reaction_between_Metal_and_Hydrogen
    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Colin Watters:
    All this will be available soon, probably several months, obviously based upon specific contracts.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Seymour

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Congratulations for the convincing demonstration at the IVA of Stockholm: clear, perfect and perfect measurements, stunning results.
    Why don’t you make a short video with the highlights of it? Maybe it is not so easy for the public of non experts to follow and understand the 4 hours of the combined videos of the Ecat test and the Gullstrom’s theoretical lecture.
    All the best,

  • Ricky

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    I love your answer to “Matt”!

  • Colin Watters

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    At some point a potential industrial customer for your reactor module will need a specification and drawings in order to incorporate the reactor into their own products. Do you have an estimate of when these might be available? Perhaps in three to six months?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ronnie Izar:
    Thank you for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your opinion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Matt

    Do you know yourself at all how many times you have announced “robots” in the past? There will be no robots and there will be no product, not in 2018 and not in any other year. Am I right, or am I right?

  • Ronnie Izar

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Again congratulations for your convincing demo of Stockholm.
    I read now that it is possible that in the 2018 you will start the industrial production: this would be a miracle, made in few years and without taxpayer’s funding, while for the hot fusion, after 60 years and tens of billions of dollars entirely paid by the taxpayer, we still have obtained nothing.
    You and your team are making a veritable miracle.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Not yet. It will be not a robot, it will be a series of robots.
    Warm regards,

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi, you have written:

    “…I think now we have ready the prototype to be industrialized…”

    It’s really great!

    Have you already a robot working to try to build that prototype?

    The Best Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1- yes
    2- yes
    These two months have been dense.
    Warm regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    1. Does the “prototype to be industrialized” include both the E-Cat QX and the controller?

    2. Does this mean you have solved the controller overheating problems?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, we made a strong progress. I think now we have ready the prototype to be industrialized.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Michelangelo De Meo:
    Thank you for your three comments and the related links.
    Warm Regards,

  • Michelangelo De Meo

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Another important replication inspired by your work:
    Akito Takahashi

    On Jan 4, 2018 the researcher Akito Takahashi shared an update on their project:
    Leading the Japanese Gvt NEDO project on anomalous heat effect of nano-metal and hydrogen gas interaction

    Goal: To confirm non-chemical (namely nuclear origin-like) high energy-density heat genration by nano-metal and hydrogen gas inetraction at elevated temperature and to extend R&D program for new hydrogen energy devices.

    Brief Summary of Final Report on Project 2015-2017
    Final formal report of the project 2015-2017 has written in 169 pages text (in Japanese) and sent to NEDO in the end of December 2017. Hopefully, it will be disclosed in near future.
    Brief summary in English is uploaded in RG on New Year Day of 2018, as you see below.


  • david

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Did you make progress from the day of the convincing demo of Stockholm on November 24 to now?
    Best Regards

  • Michelangelo De Meo

    Andrea Rossi:
    …and another replication of your work here:
    Comparison of excess heat evolution from zirconia-supported Pd-Ni nanocomposite samples with different Pd/Ni ratio under exposure to hydrogen isotope gases

    1JCF18 (2017.11.24-25, Sendai)Comparison of excess heat evolution from zirconia-supported Pd-Ni nanocomposite samples with different Pd/Ni ratio under exposure to hydrogen isotope gasesA. Kitamura1,5, A. Takahashi1, K. Takahashi1, R. Seto1, T. Hatano11 Technova Inc., 100-0011 JapanY. Iwamura2, T. Itoh2, J. Kasagi22 Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University, 982-0826 JapanM. Nakamura3, M. Uchimura3, H. Takahashi3, S. Sumitomo33 Research Division, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., 237-8523 JapanT. Hioki4, T. Motohiro44 Green Mobility Research Institute, Institutes of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University, 464-8603 JapanY. Furuyama55 Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, 658-0022 JapanM. Kishida6, H. Matsune66 Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, 819-0395 Japan

    (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321295906_Comparison_of_excess_heat_evolution_from_zirconia-supported_Pd-Ni_nanocomposite_samples_with_different_PdNi_ratio_under_exposure_to_hydrogen_isotope_gases [accessed Jan 11 2018].

    Abstract Hydrogen isotope absorption by palladium and nickel-based nanocompositesamples has been examined as acollaborative work using the experimentalapparatuses installed at Kobe University and Tohoku University in order toshare scientific understanding of the anomalous heat effects both at roomtemperature (RT) and elevated temperatures (ET).In the present paper wediscuss D(or H) gas charging and heat release characteristics of PNZ6, PNZ6rand PNZ7k tested in Kobe.These samples consist of Pd-Ni nanocomposites embedded in ZrO2particles that had been formed by milling of calcined amorphous ribbons of Pd, Ni and Zr mixture made by melt-spinning method. The calcination was performed in atmospheric air for 60 hours at 450 °C. The PNZ6r sample is a re-oxidized sample of PNZ6 after finishing a series of D(H) gas charging/calorificationexperimental runs at RT and ET with repeated sample baking. The PNZ6 and PNZ6r samples contain Pd and Ni with atomic ratio of Pd/Ni = 1/10, while the PNZ7k sample contains them with Pd/Ni = 1/7. About 100 gram of the sample containing about 20 gram of Ni was used in each case.

  • Michelangelo De Meo

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Still about the replications inspired from your work:
    Interim Report for the H28 fiscal year of H-27-29 program
    R&D Subjective: Leading Program for Energy and Environment
    Sub-theme: Analysis and control of new thermal energy by metal-hydrogen
    Reporters: The 6 parties of teams from Technova Inc., Nissan Motors Co, Kyushu University,
    Tohoku University, Nagoya University and Kobe University
    To re-confirm and obtain basic data on the previously claimed anomalously high-energydensity
    heat release effect (AHE) by the interaction of hydrogen gas and Ni-based nanometal
    composite samples, the following program was implemented by the 6 parties for the
    H28(2016 Oct to 2017 March) period. The target to obtain thermal energy density more than
    2 MJ/mol-H has been cleared with much enhanced energy density (ca. 200 MJ/mol-D for
    instance), by collaboration studies for CNS (Cu-Ni/ silica), CNZ(Cu-Ni/zirconia) and PNZ
    (Pd-Ni/zirconia) series samples at 200-300 degree C operation temperatures.
    1) New experimental calorimetry system (new MHE facility) for metal hydrogen-gas
    interaction was installed in June H28 in Tohoku University, and the initial running tests in
    July and implemented the first experiment with PNZ-type sample to observe and confirm
    the previously claimed Technova-Kobe results of AHE, with less than 1.5% error in
    calorimetry. The new experimental system was totally established in August 2016 (H28).
    Collaboration study by the 6 parties was implemented with 10 test experiments in the
    H28 period, using the MHE facilities at Kobe University and Tohoku University, for
    metal nano-composite samples which were fabricated by the meltspinning/oxidation
    technique to have provided PNZ-type and CNZ-type samples.
    PS-type (Pd /silica) and CNS-type samples provided by the wet technique at
    Kyushu University, Nagoya University and Kobe University were also tested. AHE
    phenomena were observed in most experiments except for using PS-type samples.
    Observed AHE data showed ca. 5-200 MJ/mol-H(or D for PNZ-type) level high
    thermal energy density for several days sustaining power (ca.4-20 W level) .
    Material analyses by XRD, SEM and STEM/EDS for every sample before and after the hydrogencharge
    run have been done by the 6 parties. Interesting nano-structure data have been obtained
    in the view of controlling the sustainable AHE phenomena of nano-composite metal and
    hydrogen gas interaction.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your ideas.
    Warm Regards,

  • WaltC

    Dear Andrea,
    In terms of Design Models, here’s a “thought experiment” (in other words, it may not be literally possible, but it might lead to alternative physical design approaches):

    Analogous to the design of a nuclear reactor, if small pellet-like “quark assemblies” could be stacked vertically inside a cylindrical casing (like nuclear fuel pellets in a fuel rod) (you’d also need some sort of “power rail system” inside the rod casing), then those cylinders assembled into bundles & those bundles immersed in the heat-transfer fluid, you’d have a physically dense structure with some of the positives of nuclear reactor designs (e.g., reduced likelihood of coolant leaks, plenty of heat-transfer surface area…) and without the massive negatives of radiation and shielding.

    If such an approach were possible, I would think the Quark-pellets, Quark-Rods & Quark-Bundles would all lend themselves to robotic assembly.

    A big downside of such an approach (that I can’t figure a way around) is it’s hard to replace a Quark-pellet, Quark-Rod or Quark-Bundle without shutting down and depressurizing the entire system (or sub-portion of a system).

    Anyway, no questions from me today, just wild & crazy thought experiments. 😉

    Have a fun day,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,
    your message did not self destruct itself because the T did not reach the mass of the anti-message.

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    We welcome the Nissan electric car to the world of LENR based on the MHEfinalsummaryreport2018Jan.pdf results reported from an extensive, professional, and POSITIVE results reported at:


    by Michelangelo De Meo on your blog today. It is a very interesting and professional validation in your toolbox, which will no doubt be added to your website in the not so distant future…

    (Quote from a very old TV series “Mission Impossible”):
    This message will self destruct in 60 seconds.
    I know you can’t comment on this, but I can. Ha Ha …



  • Andrea Rossi

    Michelangelo De Meo:
    Thank you for the link.
    Obviously I cannot comment in positive or in negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • Michelangelo De Meo

    Brief Summary Report of MHE Project Phenomenology and Controllability of New Exothermic Reaction between Metal and Hydrogen
    Technical Report · January 2017


    Project Aim: to verify the existence of new exothermic reaction between nano-metals and hydrogen which will be applicable for future new clean energy source, and to study the controllability of generated thermal energy. In the following, brief summary of implementation and results by MHE-group Japan is described in designated R&D issues for two years project period of 2015 October to 2017 October.

    Brief Summary Report of MHE Project Phenomenology and Controllability of New Exothermic Reaction between Metal and Hydrogen (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322160963_Brief_Summary_Report_of_MHE_Project_Phenomenology_and_Controllability_of_New_Exothermic_Reaction_between_Metal_and_Hydrogen [accessed Jan 10 2018].


  • giorgia

    Dr Andrea Rossi
    Congratulations for the convincing demo of Stockholm I found on http://www.ecat.com
    All the best,

  • Prof

    @Cary Moffitt:
    Thank you for the link to Aftenposten, it is very interesting: at last the major media are talking seriously of LENR.

  • Andrea Rossi

    You bet!
    Warm Regards,

  • Stan

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Will be delivered in Sweden the first industrial plant with the plate dedicated to Prof Sven Kullander?
    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Colin Watters:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Cary Moffitt:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We will make both.
    Thank you for your insight and for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Robinson:
    1 in this period we are working on prototypes to prepare the industrialization of the Ecat QX
    2 up to 100
    3 premature to make a statistic, for which at least thousands have to be made
    4 of course yes!
    Thank you for your concern,
    Warm Regards,

  • Mike Robinson

    Dear Andrea
    Few questions:
    1 How many modules of the Ecat QX do you have now?
    2 How many of them can be operated by a single controller?
    3 Ratio good vs not good?
    4 Are you getting rest or is this not in your nature?
    Suggestion: eat more salads and less carbohydrates: your health is important.
    Kind regards,

  • LarryJ

    Dear Dr Rossi

    Before the Stockholm demo you were on record as saying that your plan was to sell heat. This made great sense to me for several reasons.

    1. It would allow an earlier entry into the market since any reliability problems would only be known by Leonardo Corp. and could be dealt with privately. Reliability would not be an issue for the customer with a grid power backup.

    2. It would prevent your technology from being reverse engineered until you were firmly established.

    3. It would deny your competitors and enemies a rallying point to hinder your development since there would be no absolute proof your technology was real. Skeptics would claim you were just selling grid power at a loss.

    4. The major disadvantage would be a large initial capital cost to build the reactors.

    My question is are you still planning to only sell heat or will you only sell reactors or will you sell both. If you sell both will you sell heat first, then reactors.

    Thank you for your kind attention to my question and I eagerly await the massive industrialization of your technology and wish you every success with it.


  • Colin Watters

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    Can you explain what you mean by a module? Are you expecting industrial customers to buy modules and turn them into completed industrial or even consumer products?

    For example currently one company might make gas burners and another builds them into water heaters/furnaces.

    Is that the business model you are planning?

  • Cary Moffitt

    Mr Rossi:
    Read this article published in the most important newspaper of Norway:

    Congratulations for the Stockolm event.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm regards,

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