United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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40,497 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Anonymous

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Watched the video of the Stockholm event on http://www.ecat.com
    Very convincing.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Small amounts, small niche of market. Not a relevant source of profit. Nevertheless, we could sell the isotopes too, as secondary as they might be.
    Warm Regards

  • WaltC

    Dear Andrea,

    I’m sure you’ve considered this long ago and figured out the answer:
    1) is there any commercial value to be gained as a result of the byproducts of transmutations that occur within the E-Cat– that is from reselling rare, more valuable, elements that are produced by the transmutation of common, less valuable, elements?
    2) Or would the net quantity produced– even with large numbers (I’m thinking ahead) of Multi-MW commercial installations– still be too small to consider?

    Walt C.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Not yet, but I have all their characteristics.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Morrissey:
    We have a list of Pre-orders, not of orders.
    In due time we will send to the companies that sent a pre-order a precise offer that they will be free to accept or not.
    Let me remind you that we are talking only of industrial plants.
    Warm Regards,

  • Anonymous

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    If you really will be able to start the industrialization of the Ecat within this year, this will be a so big achievement, that you will really be a game changer in the world.

  • Bernie Morrissey

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    It is so exciting that you are getting closer to the massive industrial production. You have said that there is a waiting list for the Ecat QX. How will you pick a company that will get the first order? Second order? Have you already made the choice?

    Bernie Morrissey

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    When you say you are “studying the robots”, does this mean you now have robots in the lab that you are working with?

    Best regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Carla French:
    1- yes
    2- studying the robots
    3- in Miami
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Well, this is not a bad idea! He,he,he…
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Donald Anderson:
    Some of them had to be invented and made from scratch.
    Warm Regards,

  • Donald Anderson

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Are all the components of the control box off the shelf, or you had to invent something that is not already ready for sale?

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi, this is not a serious subject, so please reject it if you do not think it is appropriate.
    As you know, Elon Musk is earning millions of dollars by selling online tens of thousands of gadgets such as hats and flamethrowers to fund his “The Boring Company”.
    And these items are all sold in a few days having a great success.
    Could it be possible in the future to buy from you gadgets QuarkX branded?

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Carla French

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Are you working today Saturday?
    Doing what?
    Just curiosity,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bill Hayes:
    Sorry, so far this is confidential.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    The COP of the Ecat comes from the ratio between the thermal energy made and the electric energy consumed. After that, all the conversion efficiency are common.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your sustain and insight.
    About the tennis coach: nemo propheta in patria.
    Warm Regards

  • Buck

    Dear Andrea,

    there is nothing more enjoyable than seeing you in such a positive mood after the Stockholm demonstration. You appear to have a clear path to your goal: the E-Cat QX in the marketplace.

    You’ve suggested that your expanded complex team has substantially modified the QX in preparation for market release. You’ve shared with Frank Acland the ‘new’ E-Cat QX will be a highly adaptable heat source capable of meeting the needs of many industrial applications. And, of course you’ve stated that the IPO of E-Cat company would come on the initial success in the industrial marketplace.

    All of this suggests a business development plan that will greatly and positively impact the IPO’s acceptance by investors: You can and will work with different OEM’s supplying E-Cats to different industries having very different performance requirements. These OEMs will then configure and build the ‘interface’ between the E-Cat and the particular industrial application’s heat/steam requirements.

    Does this fairly represent your path to your IPO? If it is, I think the market for your IPO will be enormous and you will easily obtain the financing for the massive attack upon the “heat source” market you envision.

    Of course, my best to you, your complex team, and your tennis coach.


    ps. Does your tennis coach still feel that you don’t bring enough heat to your game?

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Dear A. Rossi

    We can pricize for Mr.Gennady the following thing. Steam tubines have a 60% efficiency and alternators 95%. The conversion of heat into electricity shows a loss of 45% and that without counting the energy expenses of the condenser, pumps etc …
    I guess with an E-Cat as a heat source, a 45% yield would already be a good performance, 50% is unlikely and 55% impossible.

    Best regards


  • Bill Hayes

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I wonder if you could tell the spacing between each of the 100 QX reactors on a 4 KW module?

    1. 1-2 diameters of a QX reactor?
    2. 3-5 diameters of a QX reactor?
    3. 6-10 diameters of a QX reactor?
    4. 11-20 diameters of a QX reactor?
    5. Much larger spacing?

    Thank you for allowing your readers to understand a little more about the remarkable E-Cat.

    Bill Hayes

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes. In this period we already made an enormous work.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Interesting, but I think the authorization process either for this or for the suggestion to use thorium have still a big problem to resolve for what concerns the authorizations, since there they are talking of radioactive fuels that will still remain as nuclear wastes for long periods. They have a solution to the problem of the global warming that could turn out to be worse than the problem they resolve.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Waqrm Regards,

  • Lance

    Dear Andrea,
    You still on schedule at the beginning of february? Still think the sales will start this year?

  • Jackie

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Has the Ecat QX been already substantially modified in direction of the industrialization?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1- depends on the utilizations they are deployed for
    2- yes
    3- see 1
    4- yes
    5- t.b.d.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    1. Will the first E-Cat Plants be equipped with heat exchangers and plumbing that will allow them to produce easily hot water/steam?

    2. Will customers be able to easily attach the plant to existing hot water/steam systems?

    3. Will the first E-Cat Plants be capable of delivering supercritical steam?

    4. Will it be possible for plant operators to adjust the temperature of the plant to meet their needs?

    5. What will be the approximate cost of a 1MW plant?

    Many thanks for being willing to answer questions on the JONP,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    I am working to industrialize the industrial plants now. For the domestic I am not able to to give precise answers yet.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Toussaint Francois:
    It is an extended and complex team.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Neri Accornero:
    Thank you for your sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Premature to abswer. Much smaller that the former one, though.
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    based on the status of the art at this moment, what can be, approximatly, the dimensions of the 1MW plant with and without heat exchanger and the electricity generator.
    Best Regards, Giuseppe

  • Dear Andrea,

    Oggi sono stato all’ Accademia dei Lincei a Roma dove si è tenuto un convegno sulle “Grandi Imprese Italiane “. Era prevista una sezione sull’energia alla quale avrebbero dovuto partecipare le presidentesse ENEL ed ENI che invece sono state sostituite da due rappresentanti di alto livello delle due società. Come prevedevo gran discorsi su oleodotti, gasdotti, molto su petrolio e carbone e un pò meno su nucleare (fissione), fotovoltaico ed eolico e assolutamente nulla sulla fusione fredda. Ma quel che è peggio che costoro parlano del futuro, i prossimi 50 anni, come se nulla dovesse cambiare se non nella modalità di distribuzione dell’energia e negli accordi tra i paesi per gestirla. Nel pubblico tra varie personalità accademiche e governative ho notato Prodi e Rubbia. Purtroppo nonostante abbia sventolato la mano per intervenire mi è stato fatto osservare che non era prevista alcuna discussione ( ipse dixit !). Tornato a casa davvero disgustato ho scritto questa mail, che trovate in calce, al professor Alberto Clò, economista, ex ministro dell’industria nel governo Dini, che ha moderato la sessione con sagacia ma allineato con quanto riferito dalle due suddette società.

    Cari saluti a tutti

    Gentile Professore Clò

    Ho ascoltato il suo discorso all’Accademia del Lincei oggi 1° febbraio, le faccio i miei complimenti per la quantità e qualità delle informazioni che ha trasmesso e per la sagacia del suo discorso. Mi spiace però che non ci sia stata la possibilità di un dibattito perché, dopo gli interventi dei due rappresentanti ENEL ed ENI, avrei voluto intervenire sul fatto che ancora in ambienti così prestigiosi nessuno voglia parlare di Fusione Fredda che è già una realtà commerciale.

    L’argomento è trattato da almeno un centinaio di laboratori nel mondo e tra questi la NASA, l’ MIT, e la NISSAN che hanno depositato brevetti internazionali. Andrea Rossi poi, in US Florida nel 2016 ha fatto funzionare ininterrottamente il suo sistema ECAT da 1 Mw termico per un anno consecutivo senza interruzioni. Il sistema è brevettato internazionalmente ed è già commerciale per cifre di gran lunga inferiori, a parità di produzione, ai sistemi attuali (nucleare fissione, eolico e fotovoltaico). Occupa lo spazio di un container, consuma quantità irrisorie di Nickel Litio e Idrogeno per un anno intero senza ricarica, senza emissioni radioattive né scorie. Nel 2017 Rossi ha reso modulare e miniaturizzato il suo dispositivo che ha presentato presso la Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences il 24/11/2017 al cospetto di una settantina di fisici ed ingegneri di tutto il mondo, tra i quali la presidentessa del comitato per il premio Nobel.

    Ho avuto l’onore di essere invitato alla presentazione durante la quale Rossi ha messo in funzione, davanti a tutti, il suo micromodulo da 20W delle dimensioni di un fusibile elettrico, che ha aumentato la temperatura di un litro d’acqua da 20° a 40° in circa un ora con COP di 500 , 500 volte più energia in uscita rispetto a quella in entrata per mantenere la reazione !

    Rossi afferma di essere prossimo alla commercializzazione su larghissima scala nel corso di questo anno. Ovviamente più moduli possono essere connessi in parallelo per raggiungere la potenza termica richiesta dall’utente, anche oltre 1 Mw.

    Informazioni inconfutabili sulla fusione Fredda sono in rete già da parecchi anni, non credo possibile che in ambienti come ENEL ed ENI nessuno ne abbia sentito parlare, credo piuttosto che non se ne VOGLIA parlare per paura del profondo cambiamento dell’economia mondiale che sta per avvenire, ma fare gli struzzi certo non giova. In una prospettiva molto prossima le uniche reti che sopravviveranno saranno quella idrica e quella fognaria, niente TRASPORTO di energia !

    Da qualche anno ho cercato di coinvolgere autorità accademiche, personalità governative e giornalisti senza il minimo riscontro. Se l’argomento interessa, e dovrebbe…, posso fornirle della bibliografia internazionale o metterla in contatto con Andrea Rossi, che avrà capito essere il più avanti di tutti, ma talmente scoraggiato in Italia da essersi dovuto recare all’estero per proseguire il suo lavoro.

    Lei dirà perché un neurologo parla di queste cose ? Semplicemente perché nonostante in pensione non mi sono ancora fritto il cervello.

    Cordiali saluti.


    Prof. Ordinario di Clinica Neurologica
    Università di Roma “Sapienz

  • Toussaint françois

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    It seems that you and your team are working and progressing at a very fast pace, are you able to tell how many people are working for the E-CAT QX ?

    Warm Regards.

    Toussaint françois

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Today it was concluded that the production of natural gas in the Netherlands must be halfed. It caused increasing Earthquakes in the north of the country. As non of the buildings in tha large area can withstand these Earthquakes this decision will be taken. This has a huge consequence for the heating of houses (and the industry), because almost all the houses are heated with this gas from our National resource.
    You can imagen that this will cause a huge change, because it is nearly impossible to change the boilers to another type of gas overnight. There is a large market waiting for you there.
    I know you are working as hard as you can to bring the Ecat QX on the market ASAP, but can you tell us if in your view the QX is, apart from getting the licenses, also ready for the domestic market if your production factory is ready to go?
    Thanks and kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Obviously you have no idea what robotic mass production means and implies.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    1 MW to begin with.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards

  • CC

    Dr Rossi,
    are you still hoping to be able to sell the industrial plants within this year?

  • Anonymous

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Summing up,
    Which will be the min power of the Ecats QX assemblies you are going to sell?

  • Matt

    For the robotic mass production will there also be used plastic garden hose fittings and duct tape?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The transformation of heat to electricity is the same of any other source.
    Our gain is on the source of energy, not on its conversion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • BIA

    Hello Dr Rossi,

    Your readers would enjoy watching this documentary.

    This documentary explains the formation, chemistry,
    variations and allure of the most notable gemstones;
    diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies, jade and opals.

    Treasures of the Earth:


  • Gennady

    Dear Andrea,

    If I understood it correctly, the question from Raffaele Bongo was about efficiency ratio of converting heat to electricity. Do you mean that the 1 MW eCat QX plant will have a higher ration than 40%? Is it going to be 45%, 50%, 55% …?



  • Eric Ashworth

    Dear Andrea, Further to my previous explanation that I believe incomplete due to an exclusion of Lithium I shall now attempt to complete it. Also I think I should mention that I believe Hydrogen in the periodic table is in the wrong position. It is a unique pure neutral withers zero point of gravity, central to its proton, providing its proton with an absolute maximum size positive potential (absolute by being not off centre) and its negative with an absolute maximum volume negative potential. This provides the Hydrogen atom with its superior bonding properties. In the periodic table, I believe, Hydrogen should be positioned above Nickel inline with Helium.

    Lithium is a size positive element in comparison to Nickel which can be considered as the volume negative element. T diagram the LENR process, as I see it, Draw a small circle for Lithium, leave a gap and draw a bigger circle for Nickel. Draw a series of smaller circles attached to the Lithium, these being the Hydrogen atoms, attached by there electrons which distorts the Hydrogen atom by pushing the proton off centre. Do the same for the Nickel, except these are attached by there protons which are pulled off centre by attraction and which also distorts the Hydrogen atom in an opposing direction to that of the Lithium. In the exact middle position between the Lithium and Nickel draw a small circle, this is an undistorted neutral Hydrogen atom. Then using two chains of Hydrogen atoms connect the central neutral hydrogen atom to the Nickel and Lithium by distorted atoms. One more thing is needed, I believe, to get the reaction started and this is photons. To generate the photons you need current to jump gaps between metals. Once the photons are generated by the current they are neutrals that stick to mass and acquire the charge of the particular mass, becoming charge particles (my previous explanation describes photons). The photons of the Nickel are stemless goblet shaped being negatively charged (its base facing the Nickel). The photons of the Lithium are pyramid shaped being positively charged (its apex facing the Lithium). The base of the stemless goblet and the apex of the pyramid are both of positivity but being of differing neutrals are of different charge dimensions. Thereby, to become equal in neutrality both charges travel to the middle position on there hydrogen chain where they neutralize as a potential of a photon. This activity creates an event horizon of a gravity value at some point around the central undistorted Hydrogen atom causing it to display a degree of kinetic energy which throws the proton into its electron cloud whereupon plasma is manufactured, creating photons that sustain the LENR process. If indeed this process is correct, or almost, there is, I believe, a back up method to demonstrate in a different way how a LENR process is produced. Your method uses gas which is highly energized. Flieshchman and Pons used a liquid which is less energized. Take the set up that Flieshchman and Pons used and activate the process in the dark for a duration of time then expose both the cathode and the anode to photons at the same time. This in theory will displace the absorbed Deuterium from the two plates simultaneously and create heat. I would suggest various durations regarding process and photon stimulation. Regards, Eric Ashworth

  • Andrea Rossi

    Torbjorn Johnsen:
    We’ll see.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Svein Henrik:
    A- yes
    B- no
    C- depends on the production system
    D- I do not understand the question, please rephrase
    E- premature
    F- depends on the function
    Warm Regards,

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