Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Aren’t you not worried about the fact that your competitors will probably be the first ones to buy your industrial plants to make the reverse engineering of your IP?
Relative to reactor stability… Is the fundamental problem that as the dimensions of the reactor (same design, just larger) is increased the power produced grows as the cube of the dimensional change while the heat transfer grows as the square? If this were the fundamental issue, then larger reactors, by definition, would be more difficult to control, however, not necessarily impossible to control.
A physicist who attended the demonstration last November rightly says in my opinion that inside the E-Cat in operation there is production of radiation. You yourself said that the reactor was shielded which seems to confirm radiation.
Can you tell us what are the different rays present in the reactor core in activity?
All my support for your R&D and the industrialization of the E-Cat 1MW
Hi Andrea,
The reactor used in the last public presentation had an aspect very green, not very different from the first protype, I believe It is a precise choice to mantain covered the actual state of the art, but It Will be great if you could show some images of the real reactor, probably a compact array of qx with its heat sink.
1. What is the approximate size of the unit?
2. Are you looking to couple it with an electricity generation system?
3. Is it significantly easier to maintain and control then previous units?
4. Is this going to be bases for a home unit?
please forgive my repeating a question already asked and answered.
Yesterday you asserted that the new Ecat SK will be a 100kW reactor. To clarify, just as the singlet reactor within the existing Ecat Q 4kW unit is rated at 40W, are you saying that the singlet reactor within the prototype Ecat SK will be rated at 100kW and not 1000W which is already 25x the rating of the Ecat Q singlet reactor? You are testing a singlet reactor 2500x the rating of the Ecat Q 40W reactor?
If so, I am dumbfounded by your revolution within a revolution. I can only imagine the far more stringent requirements encompassing the control module, reactor materials, reactor super-structure materials, the heat transfer fluid, and the rate of heat transfer.
Dr Rossi,
I watched on the link to the video of 6 minutes with the summary of the IVA-Stockholm event; very well done, in few minutes we can get all the essentials.
Dr Andrea Rossi:
For the bigger reactor I suggest as a name “E-Kratos”, being Kratos the name of the god of power in the ancient Greek mythology. It fits with the fact that this apparatus will allow the world a new sustainable energy, improving our way of life.
Have a wonderful incoming weekend,
“Rossi went small with the QX because the control was easier and he needed to get something stable to make commercial plants with. He did the approx 1 year Sigma 5 test to prove its viability and this got his new partner on board to help with commercialization. THey have designed and prototyped the first generation of plants around the QX and they are now preparing to build them.
“Meanwhile, as Rossi always does, he tries to make improvements. Obviously it would be less complex to build plants out of larger reactors (fewer individual items to build, faster refueling of plants, etc.) but it sounds like they are harder to keep stable. So now Rossi is long-term testing a larger reactor with a new control system. If it is a success these controllers and reactors will likely be used in the second generation of the commercial plants, and might be used to replace the QX controllers/reactors in the first generation of plants when the time for recharging comes around.”
How correct is my interpretation?
Another suggestion for your new product
is Ecat KF the last name initial of the fine
men Sven Kullander and Sergio Focardi
you collaborated with to invent the Ecat.
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations that you found a way to improve the output power of the E-cat QX, mainly by improving the control. I have some questions about this:
1. Does it mean that the usable output temperature has increased?
2. Is the COP also improved?
3. If the QX reactor size stays the same, does a higher output imply also a shorter operational time?
4. Can the operational time be compensated by changing the fuel mix when the reactor size stays the same?
Thanks for answering our questions.
Kind regards, Gerard
Frank Acland:
Absolutely NOT !
They big reactor is in the R&D laboratory, the QX is in the industrialization development process. Different places, different guys involved.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Aren’t you not worried about the fact that your competitors will probably be the first ones to buy your industrial plants to make the reverse engineering of your IP?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Relative to reactor stability… Is the fundamental problem that as the dimensions of the reactor (same design, just larger) is increased the power produced grows as the cube of the dimensional change while the heat transfer grows as the square? If this were the fundamental issue, then larger reactors, by definition, would be more difficult to control, however, not necessarily impossible to control.
Viktor Shipacev:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
are you already manufacturing reactors with robots?
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Alessandro Coppi:
We will do it when we will make the presentation of the product.
Warm Regards,
Raffaele Bong
This information is confidential.
Warm Regards,
Toussaint Francois:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
It seems that your Research and development on the prototypes are on steroids is it due to your enhanced Team ?
Dear A. Rossi Hello
A physicist who attended the demonstration last November rightly says in my opinion that inside the E-Cat in operation there is production of radiation. You yourself said that the reactor was shielded which seems to confirm radiation.
Can you tell us what are the different rays present in the reactor core in activity?
All my support for your R&D and the industrialization of the E-Cat 1MW
Hi Andrea,
The reactor used in the last public presentation had an aspect very green, not very different from the first protype, I believe It is a precise choice to mantain covered the actual state of the art, but It Will be great if you could show some images of the real reactor, probably a compact array of qx with its heat sink.
Best regards
Alessandro Coppi
Dr Andrea Rossi,
I too enjoyed the 6 min summary of the Stockholm event published on
we are testing prototypes trying 10 kW and 100 kW of power. It is premature to say if we will succeed or not.
Warm Regards,
1- premature
2- it is destined to be coupled to anything that uses heat for something
3- premature
4- also
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Mike Phalen:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
For the name how about “ROAR Reactor” for a 10k Ecat.
ROAR stands for:
R eaction
O f
A ndrea
R ossi
Dear Andrea,
Is the larger reactor under test 100 kW or 10 kW?
Thank you very much,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea,
Couple questions regarding the 10 KW eCat:
1. What is the approximate size of the unit?
2. Are you looking to couple it with an electricity generation system?
3. Is it significantly easier to maintain and control then previous units?
4. Is this going to be bases for a home unit?
Kind regards,
Good Day Andrea:
please forgive my repeating a question already asked and answered.
Yesterday you asserted that the new Ecat SK will be a 100kW reactor. To clarify, just as the singlet reactor within the existing Ecat Q 4kW unit is rated at 40W, are you saying that the singlet reactor within the prototype Ecat SK will be rated at 100kW and not 1000W which is already 25x the rating of the Ecat Q singlet reactor? You are testing a singlet reactor 2500x the rating of the Ecat Q 40W reactor?
If so, I am dumbfounded by your revolution within a revolution. I can only imagine the far more stringent requirements encompassing the control module, reactor materials, reactor super-structure materials, the heat transfer fluid, and the rate of heat transfer.
Jeffrey Khalaf:
We are working hard on it, but we are far from a product.
Warm Regards,
Becki Regal:
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Gianvico Pirazzini:
I agree.
Warm Regards,
No, even if isotopic shifts happen
Warm Regards,
The name of a product is important, you made well asking help to the Readers of the JoNP.
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Do you think it is lucrative to use the “Rossi Effect” to produce isotopes or to turn atoms in other atoms?
Dr Rossi,
I watched on the link to the video of 6 minutes with the summary of the IVA-Stockholm event; very well done, in few minutes we can get all the essentials.
Dear Andrea,
…a 10 kW single reactor? Fantastic, if you succeed it is another masterpiece.
Ammie Bawa:
The Country of the great Nelson Mandela? Of course! By the way, we have patented our technology also in South Africa.
Warm Regards,
Kristofer Kubert:
Absolutely not.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Is there any Country or area of the world where you will not try to diffuse the Ecat?
Mr Rossi,
Will we see your products also in South Africa?
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
For the bigger reactor I suggest as a name “E-Kratos”, being Kratos the name of the god of power in the ancient Greek mythology. It fits with the fact that this apparatus will allow the world a new sustainable energy, improving our way of life.
Have a wonderful incoming weekend,
Bill Hayes:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Here is a suggestion for naming the individual QX reactors and the integrated reactor modules:
Individual QX Reactor Units:
a. E-Cat QX-20 (20-watt QX reactor unit)
b. E-Cat QX-40 (40-watt QX reactor unit)
c. E-Cat QX-100 (100-watt QX reactor unit)
d. E-Cat QL-1K (1-kilowatt QL reactor unit)
e. E-Cat QL-10K (10-kilowatt QL reactor unit)
Integrated Reactor Modules:
a. E-Cat 4K Reactor Module (4-kilowatt integrated reactor module)
b. E-Cat 20K Reactor Module (10-kilowatt integrated reactor module)
c. E-Cat 100K Reactor Module (100-kilowatt integrated reactor module)
Thank you,
Bill Hayes
I cannot answer this kind of quastions, in positive or in negative.
Warm Regards,
Sam North:
Thank you for the suggestion. Or we will dedicate to Prof Focardi another product.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Yes, your interpretation is correct.
Warm Regards,
That’s the prototype we are testing.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
From your comment of yesterday I understood that the new big reactor has a power of 100 kW: did I understand well?
“This is my interpretation of what is going on.
“Rossi went small with the QX because the control was easier and he needed to get something stable to make commercial plants with. He did the approx 1 year Sigma 5 test to prove its viability and this got his new partner on board to help with commercialization. THey have designed and prototyped the first generation of plants around the QX and they are now preparing to build them.
“Meanwhile, as Rossi always does, he tries to make improvements. Obviously it would be less complex to build plants out of larger reactors (fewer individual items to build, faster refueling of plants, etc.) but it sounds like they are harder to keep stable. So now Rossi is long-term testing a larger reactor with a new control system. If it is a success these controllers and reactors will likely be used in the second generation of the commercial plants, and might be used to replace the QX controllers/reactors in the first generation of plants when the time for recharging comes around.”
How correct is my interpretation?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Hello DR Rossi
Another suggestion for your new product
is Ecat KF the last name initial of the fine
men Sven Kullander and Sergio Focardi
you collaborated with to invent the Ecat.
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Can you answer if the Ecat QX has vacuum inside?
Gerard McEk:
1- maybe, to be tested
2- no
3- the size is not the same
4- N.A.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations that you found a way to improve the output power of the E-cat QX, mainly by improving the control. I have some questions about this:
1. Does it mean that the usable output temperature has increased?
2. Is the COP also improved?
3. If the QX reactor size stays the same, does a higher output imply also a shorter operational time?
4. Can the operational time be compensated by changing the fuel mix when the reactor size stays the same?
Thanks for answering our questions.
Kind regards, Gerard
Dr Rossi,
Do you think your products will be also sold in internet?
We preserved the prototype of any reactor produced.
Warm Regards,
About the name: thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Absolutely NOT !
They big reactor is in the R&D laboratory, the QX is in the industrialization development process. Different places, different guys involved.
Warm Regards,