John Atkinson:
Thanks to you for your kind attention to our work.
We are working to sell the first industrialized units by the end of 2018. They will be made also by means of robots.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
The Ecats make heat, not electricity. The production of electricity is made by a single generator after the Ecats.
Warm Regards,
My understanding of the eCat reactor is that up to 100 reactors may be connected in series electrically and all of them controlled from a single eCat controller. Have you considered creating a single reactor group which contains 100 20W eCat reactors within a single enclosure electrically connected in series? With an understanding that the active depth of each reactor is only about 1mm in thickness, you could build individual cells about 3mm in length. With 100 such units in series, the reactor group would be about one foot in length and could produce around 2kW of thermal power.
I have been following your work now for many years. I thank you for your grit and willingness to share your amazing journey with the rest of us,throughout the world. I have two question for your concideration. The first, when do you see e cat QX changing the everyday persons lives? One year,two or up to five. I mean this by heating ,cheaper power, cheaper manufactured good etc. My second question, when you roll out the e cat QX will it be made by man or your new robot assembly. Thanks for your determination and bull headedness, with out those attributes, concidering your trash talk adversaries, one of less grit would have faded away by now.. Thankyou
Dear Dr. Rossi, I think the two new HyperCat models with 10kW and 100kW will make it easier to build plants much greater than 1 MW, because they will need less single reactors and the piping and wirings will be more simple.
Am I right?
P.S. I like the name “HyperCat” as it resembles the extraordinary “Hypercars”
Dr Rossi,
When you have to measure temperatures above 1500 Celsius, which is the max temperature that thermocouples can measure, how do you resolve the problem?
1. Will the new anti-reverse engineering system change your estimated production timeline?
2. Will it make E-Cats more expensive?
3. Will it make E-Cats more dangerous?
4. Will it make E-Cat dissemination faster?
5. Will it mean that plant owners will be able to change their own e-cats (like we replace printer cartridges for example)?
Herb Magnum:
So far it is just a white plastic box with our logo, with a plug cable and two pipe gates, one to convey the fluid to be heated in, one out.
Warm Regards,
Your comment is the # 41 000
Tom Conover:
Sigma food is exactly what we need now.
As a matter of fact, this is a fertile period in our lab, not to mention the thread that led us to discover the way to make reverse engineering practically impossible.
Thank you for your constant attention to our work.
Warm Regards,
Mr Rossi,
Can you anticipate how much time will be necessary to your customers to pay back their investment to get an Ecat?
Thank you if you can answer,
Looks like you let the elephant into the room again today with your post that a single reactor Qx module @ 10kW and a single reactor @100kW are being tested. That is off the star chart. Sounds to me like you found the ultimate throttle that has full control to train these kittens with, and keep them from getting over zealous and going into meltdown.
You are resurrecting the Tiger-Cat concept then, good sir? Move over 1MW plants. Enter 10MW modules less than 5′ x 5′ x 5′ in size? Enter Jet Engines, which means turbine generators. Tasty.
Here kitty, kitty, TIGER! Better wear leather gloves, these cats have CLAWS! Feed these kiddos some Sigma food so they can get to market next year.
Thank you for posting about this progress, Andrea!
Thank you for your attention to our work. I prefer not to give information about the characteristics of prototypes that change by the day.
Warm Regards,
thank you for the clarity of your response yesterday about R&D testing of both a 10kW and 100kW reactor.
I appreciate your caution about predicting success for either module. In support, I have to point out a simple basic problem with your cautionary assessment: you learn. Only you know how many iterations your original 2010 Ecat has gone through to arrive at the now in production development Ecat QX. The simple truth, you learned from every single new piece of information. With this in mind, I support the perspective of your success at developing these two new reactors as you will learn from every new piece of information . . . it may take a little longer, but so what.
One question, if the Ecat QX singlet reactor is the size of a small wooden match, what is the approximate size of the 100kW reactor? The size of a thumb?
Dear Dr.Rossi,
The name E-Cat is well known and most important. Why not simply add a number for each generation. ie. E-Cat 1 (first generation) E-Cat3 (third generation QX) E-Cat 4 (new larger model.) You could also add a letter for small variation to each model.
Adrian Ashfield
Dear Andrea,
Are you really implying that, after you put the device on the market, it will be impossible for any entity to financially benefit from reverse engineering efforts?
About the larger prototypes, you wrote: ‘we are testing prototypes trying 10 kW and 100 kW of power. It is premature to say if we will succeed or not.’
My Question: Do you mean single units of 10kW and 100kW, or are these prototypes each made of several units, built together to make the prototypes of the appropriate size? (And if yes, what’s the unit size used in each of the prototypes? If confidential, I apologize)
Frank Acland:
1- yes
2- yes
3- I consider it impossible
4- when we go commercial this point makes no sense. Customers will use the Ecat independently
5- crack the code will be the favorite sport of all our competitors anyway
Warm Regards,
Very interesting comment regarding the impossibility of reverse engineering your E-Cats.
1. Do you think it will be impossible to reverse engineer both controller and reactor?
2. Does this mean you now feel more confident about wide sales and distribution?
3. Don’t you think maybe another top rank specialist might be able to discover the secrets with enough time and resources?
4. Does this mean you would feel comfortable sending an e-cat for testing to others, and you would not have to be there in person to protect the IP?
5. Do you worry now that by saying it is ‘impossible’ to reverse engineer you have now laid down a challenge for people to ‘crack the code’?
Not at all: we have found the way to make reverse engineering impossible. Believe me: impossible.
Learnt from a top rank specialist of the field.
Warm Regards,
John Atkinson:
Thanks to you for your kind attention to our work.
We are working to sell the first industrialized units by the end of 2018. They will be made also by means of robots.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
The Ecats make heat, not electricity. The production of electricity is made by a single generator after the Ecats.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi
Can you tell us about your health in this period?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
My understanding of the eCat reactor is that up to 100 reactors may be connected in series electrically and all of them controlled from a single eCat controller. Have you considered creating a single reactor group which contains 100 20W eCat reactors within a single enclosure electrically connected in series? With an understanding that the active depth of each reactor is only about 1mm in thickness, you could build individual cells about 3mm in length. With 100 such units in series, the reactor group would be about one foot in length and could produce around 2kW of thermal power.
I have been following your work now for many years. I thank you for your grit and willingness to share your amazing journey with the rest of us,throughout the world. I have two question for your concideration. The first, when do you see e cat QX changing the everyday persons lives? One year,two or up to five. I mean this by heating ,cheaper power, cheaper manufactured good etc. My second question, when you roll out the e cat QX will it be made by man or your new robot assembly. Thanks for your determination and bull headedness, with out those attributes, concidering your trash talk adversaries, one of less grit would have faded away by now.. Thankyou
Dear Dr. Rossi, I think the two new HyperCat models with 10kW and 100kW will make it easier to build plants much greater than 1 MW, because they will need less single reactors and the piping and wirings will be more simple.
Am I right?
P.S. I like the name “HyperCat” as it resembles the extraordinary “Hypercars”
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
With a spectrometer to measure the wavelength of the radiations, eventually resolving with the Wien equation.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Sam North:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr Rossi
Here is a link to some interesting
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Are you still working with Gullstrom on the theory?
Dr Rossi,
When you have to measure temperatures above 1500 Celsius, which is the max temperature that thermocouples can measure, how do you resolve the problem?
He,he,he… I am not convinced of the formula, though.
Thank you for the link!
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
The robotized industrial production has not been started yet. I hope to be able to start it within the end of 2018.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
about the impossible reverse engineering of E-Cat, are you already applying it to the robotized industrial production?
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
THIS is a peer reviewer of your work: Walt Disney !!!
Any comment ?
Believe me: it will be impossible. Beyond any possible doubt.
Warm Regards,
Moshe Borland:
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Still on schedule to present your product by the end of this year?
Dr Rossi:
There is no way you have avoided any possible reverse engineering
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Marcus Haber,
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Are there hazardous operations to do while changing the charges of the Ecats?
Marcus Haber
Dear Andrea,
God and Science?
(Gen 1:1)
With much respect,
Frank Acland:
1- No
2- No
3- No
4- Probably yes
5- Yes
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
1. Will the new anti-reverse engineering system change your estimated production timeline?
2. Will it make E-Cats more expensive?
3. Will it make E-Cats more dangerous?
4. Will it make E-Cat dissemination faster?
5. Will it mean that plant owners will be able to change their own e-cats (like we replace printer cartridges for example)?
Thank you very much,
Frank Acland
Probably shorter than expected. Very, very, very short.
Warm Regards,
It has revolutionized our commercial strategy.
Warm Regards,
Herb Magnum:
So far it is just a white plastic box with our logo, with a plug cable and two pipe gates, one to convey the fluid to be heated in, one out.
Warm Regards,
Your comment is the # 41 000
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Can you describe the shape of the “Tiger” cited by Tom Conover?
Tom Conover:
Sigma food is exactly what we need now.
As a matter of fact, this is a fertile period in our lab, not to mention the thread that led us to discover the way to make reverse engineering practically impossible.
Thank you for your constant attention to our work.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Will your system to protect your intellectual property change your commercial strategy?
Mr Rossi,
Can you anticipate how much time will be necessary to your customers to pay back their investment to get an Ecat?
Thank you if you can answer,
Dear Andrea,
Looks like you let the elephant into the room again today with your post that a single reactor Qx module @ 10kW and a single reactor @100kW are being tested. That is off the star chart. Sounds to me like you found the ultimate throttle that has full control to train these kittens with, and keep them from getting over zealous and going into meltdown.
You are resurrecting the Tiger-Cat concept then, good sir? Move over 1MW plants. Enter 10MW modules less than 5′ x 5′ x 5′ in size? Enter Jet Engines, which means turbine generators. Tasty.
Here kitty, kitty, TIGER! Better wear leather gloves, these cats have CLAWS! Feed these kiddos some Sigma food so they can get to market next year.
Thank you for posting about this progress, Andrea!
Ch33rs t0 y0u and T0 Y0UR T3AM!
Daniel De Caluwé:
They are one-single-reactor Ecats.
Warm Regards,
We found a system that will make reverse engineering practically impossible.
Warm Regards,
Toussaint Francois:
It will make it easier.
Warm Regards,
Adrian Ashfield:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to our work. I prefer not to give information about the characteristics of prototypes that change by the day.
Warm Regards,
Good Day Andrea:
thank you for the clarity of your response yesterday about R&D testing of both a 10kW and 100kW reactor.
I appreciate your caution about predicting success for either module. In support, I have to point out a simple basic problem with your cautionary assessment: you learn. Only you know how many iterations your original 2010 Ecat has gone through to arrive at the now in production development Ecat QX. The simple truth, you learned from every single new piece of information. With this in mind, I support the perspective of your success at developing these two new reactors as you will learn from every new piece of information . . . it may take a little longer, but so what.
One question, if the Ecat QX singlet reactor is the size of a small wooden match, what is the approximate size of the 100kW reactor? The size of a thumb?
my best,
Dear Dr.Rossi,
The name E-Cat is well known and most important. Why not simply add a number for each generation. ie. E-Cat 1 (first generation) E-Cat3 (third generation QX) E-Cat 4 (new larger model.) You could also add a letter for small variation to each model.
Adrian Ashfield
Dear Andrea Rossi
Now that you have find a way to make reverse engineering impossible, will have the effect to accelerate the commercialization of your product ?
Warm Regards,
Toussaint François
Dear Andrea,
Are you really implying that, after you put the device on the market, it will be impossible for any entity to financially benefit from reverse engineering efforts?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
About the larger prototypes, you wrote: ‘we are testing prototypes trying 10 kW and 100 kW of power. It is premature to say if we will succeed or not.’
My Question: Do you mean single units of 10kW and 100kW, or are these prototypes each made of several units, built together to make the prototypes of the appropriate size? (And if yes, what’s the unit size used in each of the prototypes? If confidential, I apologize)
Kind Regards,
Frank Acland:
1- yes
2- yes
3- I consider it impossible
4- when we go commercial this point makes no sense. Customers will use the Ecat independently
5- crack the code will be the favorite sport of all our competitors anyway
Warm Regards,
Conception Perez:
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Very interesting comment regarding the impossibility of reverse engineering your E-Cats.
1. Do you think it will be impossible to reverse engineer both controller and reactor?
2. Does this mean you now feel more confident about wide sales and distribution?
3. Don’t you think maybe another top rank specialist might be able to discover the secrets with enough time and resources?
4. Does this mean you would feel comfortable sending an e-cat for testing to others, and you would not have to be there in person to protect the IP?
5. Do you worry now that by saying it is ‘impossible’ to reverse engineer you have now laid down a challenge for people to ‘crack the code’?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Dr Rossi,
To make all the progress you are making you must work like crazy: thank you for your efforts,
Steven N.Karels:
It is not so.
Warm Regards,
Not at all: we have found the way to make reverse engineering impossible. Believe me: impossible.
Learnt from a top rank specialist of the field.
Warm Regards,