United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,903 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello Andrea

    The use of concrete and the manufacture of cement is very energy consuming, the required temperatures are of the order of 1450 ° C. Is it possible to consider E-Cat ovens for this industry that has a significant carbon footprint?
    A curious thing, we get to know the lifetime of the atoms of our solar system but no one has managed to date to determine the life of the concrete.

    Your supporter and former pensioner


  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, when we make tests we always measure the microSievert outside the Ecat and compare with the background.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    8′ x 8′
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    This will happen when we will be ready to start the sales of the product ready for industrialization.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    The US global food company you mention, have they verified for themselves the performance of the E-Cat QX, and are satisfied it could be useful to them?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You posted “Plus the volume to have operative room, so that you need about a 30 ft container all included with the heat exchanger.”

    Could you please provide estimates of the other two dimensions for a 1MW thermal output unit?

  • Anonymous

    Did you control the radiations emitted by the Ecat QX during the Stockholm demo of November 24th?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Our goal is a wide diffusion of the Ecat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards

  • Regina

    Did you make any progress with the gas or jet engines?

  • Tamal

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    when E-Cat hits the market, its not gonna be just very profitable – soon it might become a symbol of a contemporary lifestyle and of “modern, high tech, top notch” companies… therefore hard to get. Please consider reserving a “fast” production line for customers with just a few E-Cats in their bag.
    It’s exciting to watch and support your team on the way up, not so much having your final match seat taken over with a bag of money. After all your Cat has a ball to score with.

    Kind regards and best wishes,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jason Bagent:
    Plus the volume to have operative room, so that you need about a 30 ft container all included with the heat exchanger.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jason Bagent

    From the dimensions you said a 1 kW Ecat has volume of about 30 liters, so that an assembly of 1 MW needs a volume of 30 cubic meters: about 2.5 x 2.5 x 5 meters: correct?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bosons do not respect the Pauli exclusion principle, therefore can pile up to reach big force in the same point at the same time: 2 Bosons occupy the same space at the same time as two trillion Bosons do. Fermions, on the contrary, respect the Pauli principle, therefore even two Fermions cannot be in the same point at the same time. This fact forbids Fermions to make up a force in the same place at the same time and consequently cannot break the Simmetry.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Elliott Wilcher:
    It is a US global company.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jag bara undrar?:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Anonymous

    How are positioned now to start the sales within this year? Are the probabilities stable?

  • Jag bara undrar?

    If the e-cat can come up with any normal temperature in the industry. Then the cement industry must be interested and there sells / manufactures ABB control systems and more.

  • Elliott Wilcher

    Dr Rossi:
    It is clear after your answers of yesterday that you are partnering with an important company in the food business. Can you say where is it located?

  • Andy

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Can you explain why Bosons carry forces and Fermions do not in few words?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    I think there will be important developments in the food industry sector related to the Ecat. Their strong need of heat to process their products makes them the ideal match for the Ecat. So the Ecat will say, like a poet: ” M’illumino di mensa”.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    I was interested your comment about the food industry being reactive to the E-Cat. It is a huge market that uses massive amounts of heat. Think of all the baking, boiling, heating, steaming, sterilizing, etc. that takes place in all kinds of food and drink processing plants.

    Here is one example, a Frito Lay factory for making potato chips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws_K9Cxs-uE

    Interesting they use co-generation in their plants — their natural gas powered deep fryers also generate electricity so the whole plant is off grid.

    What do you think about applying the heat of the E-Cat for plants like this?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are studying and experimenting about this and we are not ready for a publication, that is preliminary to any discussion.
    Warm Regards,

  • WaltC

    Dear Andrea,
    I have only a limited, intuitive, view of the Rossi/Gullstrom theory as currently proposed– so I’m on very thin ice– but my question relates to the “wave, anti-wave” portion: Borrowing from the concept in Quantum Mechanics of Wave-particle Duality,

    1) Is it possible that the “wave/anti-wave” aspect can also be thought of as “particle/anti-particle”?
    2) If so, what might the particle/anti-particle be?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    From the information you have provided, do I understand that your early adopters will be able to build plants of any size by combining 1 kW E-Cat modules in parallel only (not in series)?

    Thank you,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    We can go up to any T used in the existing utilization in the world.
    The box could be made by any convenient material, but plastic is the lighter and the more cheap.
    Further details are premature.
    Warm Regards,

  • Stephen

    Dear Andrea Rossi.

    I understand that the heat transfer medium into and out of the Ecat Box could be a one of a number of different fluids at different pressures and starting temperature depending on the needs. I wonder if the maximum temperature at the out let is already defined?

    Is it currently limited to say high pressure steam at 100 deg C?
    Or could it be higher in the day 400 deg C
    Or perhaps at temperatures even above 1000 deg C?

    Obviously the heat capacity is probably the important factor for most uses initially but I’m curious if there is an upper limit to the temperature -as well.

    Would yo be able to give this kind information regarding the unit? Or is it something for later?

    Another curious question. You mention the over all box is plastic. But I wonder could it also be made of other materials such as metals or ceramics for uses in places where plastics might not be able to be used?

    Best Regards .


  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind attention.
    For the Readers: please find the link to it on http://www.leonardocorporation.com
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You had posted that the dimensions of one 1kW eCat unit complete is 25cm x 25cm x 18cm. Let’s take a look at the implications of that sizing…

    For a 1MW thermal output system, you would need at least 1,000 eCat 1kW units.

    Within the USA, the maximum size of a unit being shipped is about 40 feet long, about 8 feet wide and about 8 feet high, assumes the interior of a large shipping trailer.

    A likely design would be a rack style with access to the individual units from the front and back. Allowing 1 foot (30cm) vertically between eCat units to allow for maintenance access means the maximum number of vertically stacked units is 8 — to keep the vertical size under 8 feet.

    To ship a iMW unit efficiently within such a shipping trailer, I assume 2 500kW units, combined after delivery to equal 1MW system, which, with tie-downs, would occupy the 8 foot trailer width.

    So each 500kW unit would be 8 feet in height (or less), be about 3 feet in width (2 eCat units plus room for plumbing, electrical and support structure) and would be about 32 feet in length.

    After the transportation was complete, the 2 500kW units could be connected, end-to-end, to form a 64 foot long, 8 feet high and 3 foot deep 1MW system, or two rows of 32 feet each and likely separated by 4 feet. Thoughts?

  • Jack

    Congratulations for the summary video of 6 minutes of the Ecat QX-demo made in Stockholm on November 24th. It condensates all in short.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    You are correct. Not to mention the electric cars, about which has not been sufficiently calculated that the electricity they consume comes mainly from plugs that receive the electric energy from generators mainly fueled by hydrocarbons. I suspect that the global warming source, in this case, is not eliminated, but transferred from one place to another.
    In our case the grey energy, which is the energy necessary to produce out Ecat, is supposed to be irrelevant.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention toward our work. All these issues are in progress.
    Warm Regards,

  • Buck

    Good Afternoon Andrea:

    thank you for sharing about the 5Sigma testing of the 10kW and 100kW reactor modules. All I can say in response to what you appear to have shared is . . . . BRILLIANT ! ! !

    I believe this because of your opinion expressed to Martin Aubrey (see your April 7, 2018 at 2:47 PM post) that you see the joining of the reactors in series as being useless. For me this suggests one manner of how you intend to scale up the Ecat: when a customer wants a power output beyond what a 1kW can reasonably achieve, then the customer may upgrade, replacing the 1kW with a 10kW, and when needed a 10kW with a 100kW.

    This implies that the box as you have described it, is being specifically designed for this sort of progression, minimizing the footprint of the total purchased Ecat reactor, and enabling a smooth progression using your already proven ability to vary the actual power output of a single reactor from sub-1kW all the way up to 100kW.

    AGAIN, BRILLIANT . . . A customer may choose to be an early adopter, purchase an Ecat reactor to provide say 5% of the heat for an existing operating unit, design the necessary plumbing for the given unit, test the Ecat performance for 6-12-18 months, and upgrade the boxes to the desired new power output level with relatively little redesign of the necessary plumbing because the footprint hasn’t materially changed.

    Of course, if I have misunderstood please correct my error.

    my best regards,


  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi

    The manufacture of E-Cats 1 MW will generate energy consumption that is called in France “gray energy”. Have you evaluated this energy consumed per E-Cat unit and how long will it take for the machine to clear its energy debt?
    For example the voltaic dear to the ecologist must work a good decade to pay off its energy debt and provide the first KW useful and more if we take into account the decline in profitability over time.
    For the wind I’m afraid it’s the same

    All my consideration and all my support to your team.
    Best regards
    Your supporter


  • Andrea Rossi

    yes I am and I hope to be ready with them within 2019.
    Warm Regards,

  • Buck

    Good Morning Andrea:

    You shared with Frank an expectation that the 5Sigma testing on the 1kW reactor module should be completed by year-end.

    Are you also testing the 10kW and 100kW reactor modules within the 5Sigma discipline and when do you think that testing might be completed?

    my best regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, I think that the food industry will be among the most reactive , at least initially.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan C.:
    Yes, the increase is logarythmic if the Ecats are at full power.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Do you expect to have Sigma 5 testing complete on the 1 kW E-Cat QX by the time you hope to go into production?

    Best regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Mitch

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    I think that the food industry is the one that mostly can take advantage of your technology, what do you think?

  • Dan C.

    Dear Andrea,

    I note those who talk of cascading. E-cat to E-cat,to E-cat.
    It occurs to me that once the power of an E-cat is used to power another E-cat, You have already reached the lowest common denominator. The cost of the fuel that provides the energy.

    To continue cascading would be like spending a dollar to save a penny. You’re a dollar ahead if you just keep that dollar in your pocket.

    Kind Regards,

    Dan C.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sorry for not having understood well at first attempt.
    The Ecat does not produce electric energy, it produces heat. Our Customers pay a certain bill to generate the heat they need to make whatever they produce. That is the term of comparison with the cost of our thermal energy. Example: our Customer spends 100 $ per hour to make the heat he needs. We make his heat at ,say, 10 $ per hour. This is the paradigma. What is the source from which his provider gets the energy is not our business, as well as it is not the business of our Client: our business is how much the Client pays to buy the energy from our competitor compared with how much he has to spend to use the Ecat. If his energy provider that competes against us gets his source energy from oil, wind, sun , cows and donkeys breath, you name it-you get it, this is not our business.
    Warm Regards,
    The costs listed in your link are superficial. They do not take account of the difference between power and energy, which is between kW and kWh. The produced kWh are normally 1/4 of the theoretical kWh allowed by the kW of power, because the wind is not constant, as well as the sun. The real cost of the energy of windmills and PV cells is 4 times as bigger and couldn’t be sustained without the funds arriving from the taxpayer. The price paid for the energy made by the solar and wind generators is sustained by the green certificates that are paid by the taxpayer. So, this is a technology that depends on political will not on intrinsic competitivity.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N.Karels:
    The 80 W has completed the Sigma 5. The 1 kW did not yet. Therefore I am not able to answer.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You posted essentially the same operating characteristics between the 1kW single reactor unit and the one made up of 13 80W reactors. (A) Is there any benefit of one configuration over the other? (B) Cost? (C) Reliability? (D) Dynamic Output range? (E)If both perform identically well, would not the simpler unit be the natural choice?

  • Buck


    My apologies for not being clear about the benchmark used to determine payback period.

    Yes, purchasing/investing in an Ecat means that $$$ will be saved: the $$$ purchase of the customer’s original energy source will be avoided as the Ecat QX is now this customer’s new energy source. My question is this: what original energy source did you assume so as to determine the $$$ difference between original and Ecat energy?

    If you are unable to share because this information is too specific, then I understand and appreciate your position.

    my best regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    To pay back in two years the plant means that the money saved to make that amount of energy in two years is more than the money spent for the plant.
    Warm Regards,

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