We sincerely congratulate you on the successful completion of the test with Ecat SK!
Your fantastic performance, brilliant talent and perseverance in achieving a great goal provide an incredibly rapid development of ECAT technology. But there is a huge request to you that you take care of your health.
Jean Paul Renoir:
The test with the Ecat SK has been completed minutes ago and has gone very well. Some problems remain to be assessed, but we are very satisfied, because the major problems have been resolved.
Warm Regards,
No, we did not.
We hope will start the deliveries within the end of this year, but not selling the plants, we will install the plants and sell the heat they produce and they will be controlled from our headquarter, wherever they will be in the world.
Warm Regards,
I just wanted to know if other 1MW reactors (the same generation that was tested for a year at a customer) were sold. And if so, who are these customers (if of course this question is not still covered by NDA).
Luciano Cavalieri:
Thank you for the suggestion, your considerations have right of citizenship. We must be careful, but also we must give evidence of our activity, albeit your point is taken.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I suggest you not to publish the names of your Customers for the first year of operation, to avoid them to be assaulted from your powerful enemies. I read on the interesting site http://www.ingandrearossi.com that the clients to whom you sold thousands of tonns of your oil Petroldragon have been blocked with formal pretexts to forbid you to sell your oil and therefore qualify your oil made by wastes as a waste itself, with a consequent spending of “politic” money, paying for the disposal 10 times the market price. Be careful. Obviously, we should be curious to know the names of your customers, but maybe for them and you is better maintain the business confidential until your market is so consolidated, not to be put in discussion.
You are History in the making, be careful.
All the best,
regarding the publication of the names of your customers on your website. It is a form of advertising, for you and for them, but I think that, at least for the first customers, you could tempt some of them by offer a discount on the heat price if they accept to be on your website… Talking to the wallet of the customer is often the best strategy…
Rodney Nicholson:
“A lot of work, no Sundays, no Holidays, no excuses, a totally dedicated life, an endless patience in every possible situation”.
Warm Regards,
1- this allowance will depend on them, but I think some of them will accept.
2- you kidding?
3- we have a solid business plan, audited by one of the major auditing companies. It is confidential.
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team.
Warm Regards,
The external aspect and the dimensions are the same, but the Ecat QX shown at the IVA of Stockholm had a power of 20 W, the industrialized Ecat has a power of 1 kW.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Will be the module of the industrialized Ecat QX equal to the Ecat shown on the video of youtube “Presentation of the Ecat QX Stockholm November 24 2018”?
1 – Companies are always proud to publish their customers on their home pages: will we see on your website who are your customers, or will it still be submitted to NDA?
2 – If I did not miss anything, it seems to me to have seen nothing or heard about the customers of the previous Ecat (1MW) ?
3- Companies need heavy investments to start massive production (Tesla for ex). How are you going to finance the production and do you plan to use the market?
Congratulations for your persistence in this project, I hope it will succeed where all others have failed, make it a product.
“An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency”: ‘the miracle of rising from the grave’
“A remarkable event or development that brings very welcome consequences”: ‘it was a miracle that more people hadn’t been killed’;
‘industries at the heart of the economic miracle’
“An exceptional product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something”: ‘a machine which was a miracle of design’.
Dear Andrea,
I agree that “miracle”is not the proper word to describe the Ecat:”phenomenal” maybe more appropriate. In my mind is among the most important invention of all times.
Thank you,
Chuck Davis
Gerard McEk:
The Ecat is not a miracle, it is the product of a team that is working very, very hard that soon will enter the market.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I do not understand why you are saying that the Ecat is not a miracle. If it does do what you have been showing, then it is a miracle, at least in the eyes of 95% of the nuclear physists. Can you explain this, please?
Thanks, kind regards, Gerard
Gerard McEk:
Thank you for your suggestion.
The global warming has much more complex origins and the Ecat is not a miraculous device.
It will be useful, for sure.
Warm Regards
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi
thank you for the convincing test you made at the IVA of Stockholm. I saw it on Youtube
“Ecat demonstration of the Ecat QX on Stockholm November 24 2017” if somebody is interested.
Now we wait the product!
Good luck,
Dear Andrea,
If you read this article https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00376-018-7160-4, (just the abstract will do), then you must agree that humanity has little time left to survive the disaster that is coming to us. Maybe your Ecat is the only way out.
Wouldn’t you agree that, assuming that people are indeed the cause of the change in climate by burning fossile fuel, the Ecat IS the short term solution?
If you have earned enough money, in the coming years, please give the design and know-how to humanity, so it can be developed much more quickly than you and your team can do, just to save the world!
Thanks, kind regards, Gerard
Dear Dr Rossi,
for what it’s worth, I felt like adding my 2 cents to [Wikipedia’s] omission of facts.
My email to them:
” Article: Energy Catalizer
24-05-2018 11.24
to: info-en@wikimedia.org
Dear info service,
please note that the commercialization of this device is coming and its proof of validity will be tested in the crucible of wether it works, or not, in heat production. One ought to wait for these results, or minimally mention that the commercial use is coming, prior to condemning the process to oblivion, as the article now concludes.
Thanks for any attention to this matter.
Alan Schechter”
Best Regards, carry on, the world is waiting, patiently.
Every intelligent person has surely noticed that in the wikipedia pages you are attacked for things happened thirty years ago, while about your present work with the Ecat they need to hide information (like the fact that after review your patent has been granted in the USA and in the world) to reach the scope to libel you. Means they have not substantial arguments against you. By the way: if you observe carefully the language and the references, it appears obvious that the “editor” happens to be your well known competitor (or, better, failed competitor) probably backed by some strong power, to be so much rooted in Wikipedia.
Just ignore them, as you always did, your product will dissolve their effect, if any.
Silent majority guy
What is fastidious in the Andrea Rossi page published on Wikipedia is not the fact that they express skepticism, this is their right and only a series of Ecat working regularly in the market will dissolve skepticism. Sincere skepticism is always welcome. What is fastidious is that Wikipedia writes false facts and refuses to accept the corrections: this legitimates doubts, or, if you prefer, skepticism, about their assumed neutrality: what Andrea calls their “dark side”.
All the best,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
At this point we are close to half year: do you still think it is possible you will start the industrial production of the Ecat within the end of 2018?
Edgar 182:
I know the feeling. You are not the first to say this. Wikipedia is like the moon: there is a clear side and there is a dark side of it.
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Your comment is the N. 42 000 of this blog
Dear Andrea Rossi:
I saw the Wikipedia page about you and I got stunned:
1- they write that your US patent has been rejected, but it is obviously false, because your patent US 9,115,913 B1 has been granted in the USA and in all the Countries of Europe, plus in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Russia, China, Japan, Australia, South Africa… I tried many times to make this correction, but Wikipedia cancelled my correction!
2- they write that you have been convicted, but they do not write that you have been acquitted, hiding the article of the Corriere Della sera in which is published that you have been acquitted in the middle of all the references, to make it invisible! I tried to make also this correction, but again it has been deleted by the “editor” im matter of seconds, even if the source is certain and neutral, along what is supposed to be Wikipedia’s protocol
3- they write that you are married with Ms Pascucci, but I know you and I know this is false! This is not per se important, but gives a clear evidence that, beyond any possible doubt, Wikipedia lies compulsorily even upon things that have nothing to do with the core of the issue,
4- they report libeling themes against you citing as “neutral sources” publications of your competitors ! For examplr thay deleted my correction related to your thermoelectric Seebeck Effect modules: they totally ignored the publications in which has been explained that the prototype, made by you, worked well, but when has been made a more massive direct fusion the efficiency decreased down to 10%, but the DOD considered interesting the experiment: there is a document produced in the litigation against IH that proves it, and it is a document written by the DOD! They also omit to say that you did not receive any money from the DOD for this R&D, therefore it is false write that you had a contract.
I tried to correct, correct correct things absolutely false, but always my corrections have been deleted. After my umpth correction finally I succeeded to receive an answer from the gentlemen of Wikipedia: THEY BANNED ME !!!! And maintained all the blatant falsities. I REPEAT: I DID NOT CORRECT TO MAKE CONSIDERATIONS OR INNUENDOS, OR JUST OPINIONS, I JUST TRIED TO CORRECT BLATANT FALSITIES WITH EVIDENCE BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT!!!
I am writing this comment just to inform you and the readers of this blog that Wikipedia is not that correct media that they pretend to be. They are liars, independently from the reason of this lurid behavior.
Fortunately your product in the market will spoil the damage they could generate toward you and will put them in a ridiculous situation.
Edgar 182
The money that the Ecat will make our Customers save and earn. If our product will make our Customers earn money, they will buy the Ecat, otherwise they will not buy it.
Warm Regards,
Good question, I am not able to answer, also considering that the Relativity has been confirmed by endless experimantal and industrial applications: just consider that cell phones could not work without calculations related to the Relativity, while, on the contrary, all the critics and the theories against the Relativity turned out to be unsustainable.
I think this is just a semantic issue.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I read that you made a doctorate thesis concerning also the Relativity theory.
Why do you think that the Relativity of Einstein is still considered a theory of physics and and not a law?
All the best,
Dear Andrea,
You said that the SK test had gone very well. Does this mean that you will now start the industrialization with the SK instead of the QX?
Thank you very much,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea!
We sincerely congratulate you on the successful completion of the test with Ecat SK!
Your fantastic performance, brilliant talent and perseverance in achieving a great goal provide an incredibly rapid development of ECAT technology. But there is a huge request to you that you take care of your health.
Irina and Vitaly Uzikov
Jean Paul Renoir:
The test with the Ecat SK has been completed minutes ago and has gone very well. Some problems remain to be assessed, but we are very satisfied, because the major problems have been resolved.
Warm Regards,
No, we did not.
We hope will start the deliveries within the end of this year, but not selling the plants, we will install the plants and sell the heat they produce and they will be controlled from our headquarter, wherever they will be in the world.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
My previous question (2) is probably misplaced.
I just wanted to know if other 1MW reactors (the same generation that was tested for a year at a customer) were sold. And if so, who are these customers (if of course this question is not still covered by NDA).
How has gone the test with the SK? Should have been completed now, based on what you said yesterday.
Thanks if you can answer,
Warm Regards,
Luciano Cavalieri:
Thank you for the suggestion, your considerations have right of citizenship. We must be careful, but also we must give evidence of our activity, albeit your point is taken.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I suggest you not to publish the names of your Customers for the first year of operation, to avoid them to be assaulted from your powerful enemies. I read on the interesting site http://www.ingandrearossi.com that the clients to whom you sold thousands of tonns of your oil Petroldragon have been blocked with formal pretexts to forbid you to sell your oil and therefore qualify your oil made by wastes as a waste itself, with a consequent spending of “politic” money, paying for the disposal 10 times the market price. Be careful. Obviously, we should be curious to know the names of your customers, but maybe for them and you is better maintain the business confidential until your market is so consolidated, not to be put in discussion.
You are History in the making, be careful.
All the best,
Dear Andrea,
regarding the publication of the names of your customers on your website. It is a form of advertising, for you and for them, but I think that, at least for the first customers, you could tempt some of them by offer a discount on the heat price if they accept to be on your website… Talking to the wallet of the customer is often the best strategy…
Kevin Crase:
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
Is the test with the Ecat SK on course in the USA?
Are the measurements of the power of the Ecats taken both with calorimetry and spectrometry?
Rodney Nicholson:
“A lot of work, no Sundays, no Holidays, no excuses, a totally dedicated life, an endless patience in every possible situation”.
Warm Regards,
1- this allowance will depend on them, but I think some of them will accept.
2- you kidding?
3- we have a solid business plan, audited by one of the major auditing companies. It is confidential.
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team.
Warm Regards,
The external aspect and the dimensions are the same, but the Ecat QX shown at the IVA of Stockholm had a power of 20 W, the industrialized Ecat has a power of 1 kW.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Will be the module of the industrialized Ecat QX equal to the Ecat shown on the video of youtube “Presentation of the Ecat QX Stockholm November 24 2018”?
Dear Dr Rossi,
1 – Companies are always proud to publish their customers on their home pages: will we see on your website who are your customers, or will it still be submitted to NDA?
2 – If I did not miss anything, it seems to me to have seen nothing or heard about the customers of the previous Ecat (1MW) ?
3- Companies need heavy investments to start massive production (Tesla for ex). How are you going to finance the production and do you plan to use the market?
Congratulations for your persistence in this project, I hope it will succeed where all others have failed, make it a product.
Three Oxford Dictionary definitions of “miracle”:
“An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency”: ‘the miracle of rising from the grave’
“A remarkable event or development that brings very welcome consequences”: ‘it was a miracle that more people hadn’t been killed’;
‘industries at the heart of the economic miracle’
“An exceptional product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something”: ‘a machine which was a miracle of design’.
Take your pick!
Chuck Davis:
We ( my team and I ) are just making our job as well as we can.
Thank you for your sustain,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I agree that “miracle”is not the proper word to describe the Ecat:”phenomenal” maybe more appropriate. In my mind is among the most important invention of all times.
Thank you,
Chuck Davis
Gerard McEk:
The Ecat is not a miracle, it is the product of a team that is working very, very hard that soon will enter the market.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I do not understand why you are saying that the Ecat is not a miracle. If it does do what you have been showing, then it is a miracle, at least in the eyes of 95% of the nuclear physists. Can you explain this, please?
Thanks, kind regards, Gerard
Gerard McEk:
Thank you for your suggestion.
The global warming has much more complex origins and the Ecat is not a miraculous device.
It will be useful, for sure.
Warm Regards
Warm Regards,
Catarina Lorrie:
Thank you for your attention.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi
thank you for the convincing test you made at the IVA of Stockholm. I saw it on Youtube
“Ecat demonstration of the Ecat QX on Stockholm November 24 2017” if somebody is interested.
Now we wait the product!
Good luck,
Dear Andrea,
If you read this article https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00376-018-7160-4, (just the abstract will do), then you must agree that humanity has little time left to survive the disaster that is coming to us. Maybe your Ecat is the only way out.
Wouldn’t you agree that, assuming that people are indeed the cause of the change in climate by burning fossile fuel, the Ecat IS the short term solution?
If you have earned enough money, in the coming years, please give the design and know-how to humanity, so it can be developed much more quickly than you and your team can do, just to save the world!
Thanks, kind regards, Gerard
Silent Majority Guy:
Thank you, I agree.
Warm Regards,
Jean Powell:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Alan Schechter:
Thank you for your 2 cents. We put them in our treasure.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
for what it’s worth, I felt like adding my 2 cents to [Wikipedia’s] omission of facts.
My email to them:
” Article: Energy Catalizer
24-05-2018 11.24
to: info-en@wikimedia.org
Dear info service,
please note that the commercialization of this device is coming and its proof of validity will be tested in the crucible of wether it works, or not, in heat production. One ought to wait for these results, or minimally mention that the commercial use is coming, prior to condemning the process to oblivion, as the article now concludes.
Thanks for any attention to this matter.
Alan Schechter”
Best Regards, carry on, the world is waiting, patiently.
Dear Andrea:
Your answers on http://www.ingandrearossi.com are very well done.
Every intelligent person has surely noticed that in the wikipedia pages you are attacked for things happened thirty years ago, while about your present work with the Ecat they need to hide information (like the fact that after review your patent has been granted in the USA and in the world) to reach the scope to libel you. Means they have not substantial arguments against you. By the way: if you observe carefully the language and the references, it appears obvious that the “editor” happens to be your well known competitor (or, better, failed competitor) probably backed by some strong power, to be so much rooted in Wikipedia.
Just ignore them, as you always did, your product will dissolve their effect, if any.
Silent majority guy
I agree.
Warm Regards,
What is fastidious in the Andrea Rossi page published on Wikipedia is not the fact that they express skepticism, this is their right and only a series of Ecat working regularly in the market will dissolve skepticism. Sincere skepticism is always welcome. What is fastidious is that Wikipedia writes false facts and refuses to accept the corrections: this legitimates doubts, or, if you prefer, skepticism, about their assumed neutrality: what Andrea calls their “dark side”.
All the best,
My Alma Mater is the “Universita’ degli Studi di Milano”, Via Festa del Perdono, Milan, Italy.
Warm Regards,
Yes.I still hope. This weekend we will also know if the SK will enter in production too, pending a terribly important test.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
At this point we are close to half year: do you still think it is possible you will start the industrial production of the Ecat within the end of 2018?
Dear dr Andrea Rossi:
Where did you get your doctorate?
Lucrecia Beck:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Edgar 182:
I know the feeling. You are not the first to say this. Wikipedia is like the moon: there is a clear side and there is a dark side of it.
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Your comment is the N. 42 000 of this blog
Dear Andrea Rossi:
I saw the Wikipedia page about you and I got stunned:
1- they write that your US patent has been rejected, but it is obviously false, because your patent US 9,115,913 B1 has been granted in the USA and in all the Countries of Europe, plus in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Russia, China, Japan, Australia, South Africa… I tried many times to make this correction, but Wikipedia cancelled my correction!
2- they write that you have been convicted, but they do not write that you have been acquitted, hiding the article of the Corriere Della sera in which is published that you have been acquitted in the middle of all the references, to make it invisible! I tried to make also this correction, but again it has been deleted by the “editor” im matter of seconds, even if the source is certain and neutral, along what is supposed to be Wikipedia’s protocol
3- they write that you are married with Ms Pascucci, but I know you and I know this is false! This is not per se important, but gives a clear evidence that, beyond any possible doubt, Wikipedia lies compulsorily even upon things that have nothing to do with the core of the issue,
4- they report libeling themes against you citing as “neutral sources” publications of your competitors ! For examplr thay deleted my correction related to your thermoelectric Seebeck Effect modules: they totally ignored the publications in which has been explained that the prototype, made by you, worked well, but when has been made a more massive direct fusion the efficiency decreased down to 10%, but the DOD considered interesting the experiment: there is a document produced in the litigation against IH that proves it, and it is a document written by the DOD! They also omit to say that you did not receive any money from the DOD for this R&D, therefore it is false write that you had a contract.
I tried to correct, correct correct things absolutely false, but always my corrections have been deleted. After my umpth correction finally I succeeded to receive an answer from the gentlemen of Wikipedia: THEY BANNED ME !!!! And maintained all the blatant falsities. I REPEAT: I DID NOT CORRECT TO MAKE CONSIDERATIONS OR INNUENDOS, OR JUST OPINIONS, I JUST TRIED TO CORRECT BLATANT FALSITIES WITH EVIDENCE BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT!!!
I am writing this comment just to inform you and the readers of this blog that Wikipedia is not that correct media that they pretend to be. They are liars, independently from the reason of this lurid behavior.
Fortunately your product in the market will spoil the damage they could generate toward you and will put them in a ridiculous situation.
Edgar 182
Dear Andrea,
Good luck for the next week’s test of the SK: I want to see what you dubbed your masterpiece,
Martin Dowtin:
Warm Regards,
We will proceed with the Ecat QX, that has reached a solid reliability.
Warm Regards,
The money that the Ecat will make our Customers save and earn. If our product will make our Customers earn money, they will buy the Ecat, otherwise they will not buy it.
Warm Regards,
Good question, I am not able to answer, also considering that the Relativity has been confirmed by endless experimantal and industrial applications: just consider that cell phones could not work without calculations related to the Relativity, while, on the contrary, all the critics and the theories against the Relativity turned out to be unsustainable.
I think this is just a semantic issue.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I read that you made a doctorate thesis concerning also the Relativity theory.
Why do you think that the Relativity of Einstein is still considered a theory of physics and and not a law?
All the best,
What do you think will be the most important feature of the Ecat for your customers?