Dear Andrea:
A jet engine would resolve all the problems connected with the heat exchange in the context of a minuscule primary an the big surfaces necessary to convey the heat. The throw could eventually turn a turbine. What do you think?
Chuck Davis:
It is true, but now we are selling only heat. When we will make jet engines or other mobile applications we will study the new situation.
About the modulation, we have resolved the problem and we will regulate the power along the necessities of the Client.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I think that the centralized control of the Ecats will limit their application in many fields, like for example cars. Besides, it is impossible to modulate from remote an Ecat that has to change rate in short time.
Your answer?
Mr Rossi,
With the new control and regulation in remote mode, is the waiting time between the instructions given by the client, and the command sent to the plant, not a security risk?
More specifically:
1. Is there an emergency stop at the user’s disposal?
2. Does compatibility remain with the certification you got previously?
Best regards,
Nigel Sanders:
The control and regulation will be made from out headquarter in remote mode, based on the instructions that the Client will have to give us. At any moment the Client will be able to email or phone us if he needs any variation from the standard performance and we will command to the plant consequently.
Thank you for your kind words,
Warm Regards,
What I can say is that in our Team there are women whose work is extremely important. I do not know if your statement has bases, I knew very qualified women working in our field, though.
Warm Regards,
Women have reached the highest echelons in Physics, but none of them has emerged in the field of LENR. Do you have an explication for this?
Congratulations for the convincing demo of the Ecat QX on November 24 in Stockholm- I watched the youtube video of it.
Dear Andrea,
How will be regulated the amount of heat produced by your plant, assuming he could need from 10% to 100% of the power? Will he have a control on the power regulation?
Your long time admirer, with best wishes to you and your team,
Nigel Sanders
Robert Curto:
Coal: the BACT ( best available control technologies ) can make sustainable the emissions, the importance of coal is still huge, the jobs generated in the world by its chain, from mining to burning, are millions.
Nuclear Power: the problem of waste disposal is still there, you are right, plus the nuclear plants produce plutonium that encourages the production of nuclear arms. Here the problem is very big and very political, more than energetic…nonetheless, they do not emit any molecules suspected to increase the global warming. The balance is that the existing ones can be integrated, albeit more of them would not be the best choice: obviously this is my opinion, right or wrong as it might be. All the other sources are satisfying the global demand of energy that no source is able to fulfill alone and the consequences of energy shortage are more dangerous that the damages from all the sources are producing; as a general of Napoleon said during the battle of Austerlitz: ‘If you want to make an omelette, some eggs have to be broken!’.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
I read all the case history on
Very inspiring.
Good luck for your penetration in the market with your revolutionary product,
Dr. Rossi, You keep saying, ALL the energy sources should be integrated.
Does this include Coal ? Which kills thousands of people each year. This is a fact.
Does this include Nuke Plants ? They produce Radioactive Rods which remain Radioactive for 300 Thousand Years.
With the exception of Solar and Wind, I believe every source of energy has a harmful effect on Humans or the Environment or both.
Why do you want the World to continue to use these bad Apples ?
Robert Curto
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Raffaele Bongo:
Premature to answer, but I think that all the energy sources have to be integrated. Thank you for your wishes to our Team,
Warm Regards,
75% of French electricity is of nuclear origin. The French state is committed to reducing the share of nuclear power to 50% by 2050.
Do you think it’s possible and cost-effective to eventually replace the conventional nuclear boilers of today’s plants with E-Cat SK boilers of the same power? Could this be a solution for a cheaper conversion?
All my support for your entire team for both R & D and industrialization
Best regards
Eric Ashworth:
Homeopathy is a sort of a trick that could be a model to understand tha basic pronciple of quantum mechanics: since the last ‘quantum’ of a thing is one molecule of it, if you dilute that substance enough times, also the last molecule disappears. This is just dilution and if you dilute several tens of time any substance with the 99% of another substance, for example water, the original substance disappears, because you cannot dilute further after you arrived to the last molecule ( like to say you cannot have more light after you spent the last quantum of it, which is like to say the last photon of it ).
Thank you for your insight anyway,
Warm Regards
Again, thank you for your sincere efforts in all of your goals. I know your project is based on an undefined scientific principal because its physics, as applied it is new and unfamiliar implementation. I’ve had one glass of wine {Merlot} so my tongue is loose but ‘honest’ … I think your desire to control your project is predicated on previous unjust and unfair actions of corrupt government and greedy individuals. Your desire to protect and guide your project in a ‘structured’ and shielded environment is understandable however, it is unfair to you and the children of our future.
Please bear with me on this logic as I am sure as a man of Christian virtues you will evaluate truths in our faith from the words of One who we follow.
As I am aware the internet is a two edged sword and capable of both creative and destructive processes and as a parallel, so is our church of followers & deniers and the perspectives each may have …. And of which you also have many. Andrea, like many things of our life passing, we see and understand to the limit of which God has allowed us to see and comprehend. For his purpose and our wonder, we strive to reach an epoch of reference so we may measure…
That seems to be mans nature does it not, to measure? Everything,.. we must measure and establish new boundaries and datums on each variable, Q or E, or TRUE or NOT and for others to use and hypothesize ad infinum.
Without merit, I am just another person who understands based on other evidence, knows that your system of invention does work and I will enjoy watching your journey to prove many others a wonderful and fruitful creation. But I ask you for serious caution in your zealous desire for absolute control. It is an unresolved platform for transfer of power. You are the genesis of this but will not be the recognized source until this generation passes. As a key is passed to another so will the magnitude of power be passed ceremoniously to another with a different vision.
Please with insight, consider a path for many to follow in the fairness of ‘common knowledge’ v.s. constrained ownership. Both are measured by truth and fairness, what will you be measured by ?
Of course , this need not be published as it is for you.
Dear Andrea, Thank you for your reply and generous offer of allowing me the opportunity to put forward a few thoughts, some of which are based upon observations regarding embodied theories and some upon reactions from specialists in the associated fields. Whether my information is correct or not, is like a lot of theories in physics speculative but nevertheless I believe it should be shared among people interested in this fascinating subject. Nano technology is opening up new horizons in technology. One thought of mine which I know nothing about but is interesting is with regards to homeopathy a very ancient science that maybe in certain instances could have a beneficial effect. Anyway I will not be mentioning this again but it is mentioned in Wikipedia together with some modern day theories regarding memory water.
Regards, Eric Ashworth
Se il ciclo di Carnot (per trasformare il calore in energia elettrica) non va bene a livello casalingo o all’interno di una automobile, cosa è conveniente usare per sfruttare l’immenso calore dell’Ecat?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
after reading all the dramatic events described on
I cannot avoid to think to the ads of ENI that sY they have invented how to turn wastes into fuel: they are just copying your patent of 1978!
Below are links referring to a power plant in Texas that burns natural gas and that uses supercritical-CO2 (SCO2) as a heat transfer fluid to drive a turbine for producing electricity.
Perhaps, they might consider using a heat source other than natural gas.
You never can be sure in this field, but we made a great thing with top level experts, taking advice of the most recent developments. I am sure that to succeed you have to unforeseeable good.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards
Gavino Mamia:
Thank you for your wishes.
About your dreams, i think we are far from applications in cars, as well as from electricity ( Carnot cycle ) made by domestic Ecats.
Tha Carnot cycle is fit only for industrial plants.
In the short term I am optimistic about the production of heat and electricity for industrial plants.
Warm Regards
I live in a group of 231 apartments divided in several buildings.
Our annual heating costs are roughly 180000 € per year for all apartments.
Our common boiler works with fuel, which is currently very cheap. This boiler works beautifully well, with very few failures and extra costs.
World oil and gas reserves are important, the US has become one of the largest producers, which has led OPEC to reduce production to stabilize prices.
In these conditions, assuming that the new E-cat works reliably (few maintenance interventions), do you think you will be competitive?
Caro Dott. Rossi!
Sogno una automobile che abbia un motore e-kat che produca elettricitĂ (ciclo di carnot?), con una batteria abbastanza piccola e leggera (100 kg) che sia sufficiente per alimentare l’e-kat, per le partenze e per una percorrenza abbastanza limitata come backup.
Sogno una centralina casalinga e-kat con una potenza da 3-5 KW che produca energia elettrica per gli elettrodomestici e per i condizionatori d’estate, che produca acqua calda per il bagno e per i termosifoni d’inverno.
Sogno un mondo non inquinato e energia alla portata di tutti.
Questa energia ci costa ora mezzo stipendio e una buona parte del mondo non se la può permettere.
Spero che questo sogno si avveri prima possibile.
Tanti auguri di buon compleanno.
Dear Andrea:
A jet engine would resolve all the problems connected with the heat exchange in the context of a minuscule primary an the big surfaces necessary to convey the heat. The throw could eventually turn a turbine. What do you think?
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Which are the elementary particles that are conserved during the interactions?
Mr Rossi:
Is there in your team any afro-american woman?
A Goumy:
1- yes
2- yes: all the sefety issues have been maintained.
Warm Regards,
Jag Bara Undrar?:
This is another important replication, generated by the very good work of Dr Parkomov. Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
It is true, but now we are selling only heat. When we will make jet engines or other mobile applications we will study the new situation.
About the modulation, we have resolved the problem and we will regulate the power along the necessities of the Client.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I think that the centralized control of the Ecats will limit their application in many fields, like for example cars. Besides, it is impossible to modulate from remote an Ecat that has to change rate in short time.
Your answer?
Please hurry up. Now I really want your name to be in the history books and not just as a footnote
Mr Rossi,
With the new control and regulation in remote mode, is the waiting time between the instructions given by the client, and the command sent to the plant, not a security risk?
More specifically:
1. Is there an emergency stop at the user’s disposal?
2. Does compatibility remain with the certification you got previously?
Best regards,
Nigel Sanders:
The control and regulation will be made from out headquarter in remote mode, based on the instructions that the Client will have to give us. At any moment the Client will be able to email or phone us if he needs any variation from the standard performance and we will command to the plant consequently.
Thank you for your kind words,
Warm Regards,
Mohamed Ali:
Yes, and very good too, I must say.
Warm Regards,
What I can say is that in our Team there are women whose work is extremely important. I do not know if your statement has bases, I knew very qualified women working in our field, though.
Warm Regards,
Women have reached the highest echelons in Physics, but none of them has emerged in the field of LENR. Do you have an explication for this?
Congratulations for the convincing demo of the Ecat QX on November 24 in Stockholm- I watched the youtube video of it.
Dr Rossi:
Is any Islamic person among the scientists you worked with?
Dear Andrea,
How will be regulated the amount of heat produced by your plant, assuming he could need from 10% to 100% of the power? Will he have a control on the power regulation?
Your long time admirer, with best wishes to you and your team,
Nigel Sanders
Robert Curto:
Coal: the BACT ( best available control technologies ) can make sustainable the emissions, the importance of coal is still huge, the jobs generated in the world by its chain, from mining to burning, are millions.
Nuclear Power: the problem of waste disposal is still there, you are right, plus the nuclear plants produce plutonium that encourages the production of nuclear arms. Here the problem is very big and very political, more than energetic…nonetheless, they do not emit any molecules suspected to increase the global warming. The balance is that the existing ones can be integrated, albeit more of them would not be the best choice: obviously this is my opinion, right or wrong as it might be. All the other sources are satisfying the global demand of energy that no source is able to fulfill alone and the consequences of energy shortage are more dangerous that the damages from all the sources are producing; as a general of Napoleon said during the battle of Austerlitz: ‘If you want to make an omelette, some eggs have to be broken!’.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
I read all the case history on
Very inspiring.
Good luck for your penetration in the market with your revolutionary product,
Dr. Rossi, You keep saying, ALL the energy sources should be integrated.
Does this include Coal ? Which kills thousands of people each year. This is a fact.
Does this include Nuke Plants ? They produce Radioactive Rods which remain Radioactive for 300 Thousand Years.
With the exception of Solar and Wind, I believe every source of energy has a harmful effect on Humans or the Environment or both.
Why do you want the World to continue to use these bad Apples ?
Robert Curto
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Steven N. Karels:
24 hours.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
What is the longest, continuous operation of the SK version of the eCat reactor? seconds, minutes, hours, days…
Raffaele Bongo:
Premature to answer, but I think that all the energy sources have to be integrated. Thank you for your wishes to our Team,
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
75% of French electricity is of nuclear origin. The French state is committed to reducing the share of nuclear power to 50% by 2050.
Do you think it’s possible and cost-effective to eventually replace the conventional nuclear boilers of today’s plants with E-Cat SK boilers of the same power? Could this be a solution for a cheaper conversion?
All my support for your entire team for both R & D and industrialization
Best regards
Jeff Smathers:
Second answer
Every client would be able to measure the Watts consumed and the watts produced by the Ecat.
Warm regards
Eric Ashworth:
Homeopathy is a sort of a trick that could be a model to understand tha basic pronciple of quantum mechanics: since the last ‘quantum’ of a thing is one molecule of it, if you dilute that substance enough times, also the last molecule disappears. This is just dilution and if you dilute several tens of time any substance with the 99% of another substance, for example water, the original substance disappears, because you cannot dilute further after you arrived to the last molecule ( like to say you cannot have more light after you spent the last quantum of it, which is like to say the last photon of it ).
Thank you for your insight anyway,
Warm Regards
Thomas Florek:
He, he, he…
Beey ice, thank you for your music !
Warm Regards,
Jeff Smathers:
Thank you for your insight.
Warm Regards
Again, thank you for your sincere efforts in all of your goals. I know your project is based on an undefined scientific principal because its physics, as applied it is new and unfamiliar implementation. I’ve had one glass of wine {Merlot} so my tongue is loose but ‘honest’ … I think your desire to control your project is predicated on previous unjust and unfair actions of corrupt government and greedy individuals. Your desire to protect and guide your project in a ‘structured’ and shielded environment is understandable however, it is unfair to you and the children of our future.
Please bear with me on this logic as I am sure as a man of Christian virtues you will evaluate truths in our faith from the words of One who we follow.
As I am aware the internet is a two edged sword and capable of both creative and destructive processes and as a parallel, so is our church of followers & deniers and the perspectives each may have …. And of which you also have many. Andrea, like many things of our life passing, we see and understand to the limit of which God has allowed us to see and comprehend. For his purpose and our wonder, we strive to reach an epoch of reference so we may measure…
That seems to be mans nature does it not, to measure? Everything,.. we must measure and establish new boundaries and datums on each variable, Q or E, or TRUE or NOT and for others to use and hypothesize ad infinum.
Without merit, I am just another person who understands based on other evidence, knows that your system of invention does work and I will enjoy watching your journey to prove many others a wonderful and fruitful creation. But I ask you for serious caution in your zealous desire for absolute control. It is an unresolved platform for transfer of power. You are the genesis of this but will not be the recognized source until this generation passes. As a key is passed to another so will the magnitude of power be passed ceremoniously to another with a different vision.
Please with insight, consider a path for many to follow in the fairness of ‘common knowledge’ v.s. constrained ownership. Both are measured by truth and fairness, what will you be measured by ?
Of course , this need not be published as it is for you.
Thank you for your time and diligence.
Here is some new music that features Andrea Rossi. Best wishes for a Happy Birthday!
Better : Better bet on a better bet… 🙂
Dear Andrea, Thank you for your reply and generous offer of allowing me the opportunity to put forward a few thoughts, some of which are based upon observations regarding embodied theories and some upon reactions from specialists in the associated fields. Whether my information is correct or not, is like a lot of theories in physics speculative but nevertheless I believe it should be shared among people interested in this fascinating subject. Nano technology is opening up new horizons in technology. One thought of mine which I know nothing about but is interesting is with regards to homeopathy a very ancient science that maybe in certain instances could have a beneficial effect. Anyway I will not be mentioning this again but it is mentioned in Wikipedia together with some modern day theories regarding memory water.
Regards, Eric Ashworth
Good luck
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to the work of our team.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Will be first plant you will install locared in the USA?
Dear Dr Rossi,
again congratulations for the very convincing demo at the IVA of Stockholm of the Ecat QX
Mr Rossi,
I have placed a bet against your capacity to start to deliver within 2018
Dr Joseph Fine:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards
That patent of mine has expired on 1998 and I am honoured that ENI is using it.
Warm Regards,
Gavino Mamia:
for domestic Ecats the sole use I can foresee in the short term is heating.
Warm Regards
Se il ciclo di Carnot (per trasformare il calore in energia elettrica) non va bene a livello casalingo o all’interno di una automobile, cosa è conveniente usare per sfruttare l’immenso calore dell’Ecat?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
after reading all the dramatic events described on
I cannot avoid to think to the ads of ENI that sY they have invented how to turn wastes into fuel: they are just copying your patent of 1978!
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Below are links referring to a power plant in Texas that burns natural gas and that uses supercritical-CO2 (SCO2) as a heat transfer fluid to drive a turbine for producing electricity.
Perhaps, they might consider using a heat source other than natural gas.
Super regards,
Joseph Fine
Dr Joseph Fine:
Thank you for your kind wishes,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Whether your birthday is on June 2nd or 3rd, my/our best wishes for today and for many more happy and healthy birthdays in the future.
Joseph Fine
You never can be sure in this field, but we made a great thing with top level experts, taking advice of the most recent developments. I am sure that to succeed you have to unforeseeable good.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards
Are you sure that the remote control from your headquarter will forbid the reverse engineering?
Gavino Mamia:
Thank you for your wishes.
About your dreams, i think we are far from applications in cars, as well as from electricity ( Carnot cycle ) made by domestic Ecats.
Tha Carnot cycle is fit only for industrial plants.
In the short term I am optimistic about the production of heat and electricity for industrial plants.
Warm Regards
Warm Regards
Dear Dr Rossi,
I live in a group of 231 apartments divided in several buildings.
Our annual heating costs are roughly 180000 € per year for all apartments.
Our common boiler works with fuel, which is currently very cheap. This boiler works beautifully well, with very few failures and extra costs.
World oil and gas reserves are important, the US has become one of the largest producers, which has led OPEC to reduce production to stabilize prices.
In these conditions, assuming that the new E-cat works reliably (few maintenance interventions), do you think you will be competitive?
Caro Dott. Rossi!
Sogno una automobile che abbia un motore e-kat che produca elettricitĂ (ciclo di carnot?), con una batteria abbastanza piccola e leggera (100 kg) che sia sufficiente per alimentare l’e-kat, per le partenze e per una percorrenza abbastanza limitata come backup.
Sogno una centralina casalinga e-kat con una potenza da 3-5 KW che produca energia elettrica per gli elettrodomestici e per i condizionatori d’estate, che produca acqua calda per il bagno e per i termosifoni d’inverno.
Sogno un mondo non inquinato e energia alla portata di tutti.
Questa energia ci costa ora mezzo stipendio e una buona parte del mondo non se la può permettere.
Spero che questo sogno si avveri prima possibile.
Tanti auguri di buon compleanno.