United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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41,193 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Jean Vanleer

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Are you confirming that the January presentation will be made only in internet streaming?
    Thank you if you can answer,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    When you have your presentation of the E-Cat SK, will you be showing your new heat exchanger also?

    Thank you very much,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    Thank you for the information, but, as it happened to me in the tear 1999, the Seebeck effect does high efficiencies until you are at lab level, but when you try to industrialize to make costs acceptable, the efficiency falls down. I wish this new invention will have a luckier destiny.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, to produce electricity it is necessary to turn the thermal energy into electric energy by means of some apparatus or cycle. About the electricity that is formed in the plasma, we calculated that it is more efficient to thermalize it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    The heat exchanging system we adopted is working well.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Some weeks ago you said that you would be testing a heat exchanger which you hoped would be close to 100 per cent efficient. What can you tell us about how the testing went?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Elisa

    In the direct streaming you will made for the presentation of the SK will it be possible to see an Ecat SK in operation?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
    Thank you for your suggestions.
    The injection of water in a combustion room to upgrade the efficiency is a well known technology. Our system is based on a different configuration.
    I agree with you with your considerations about the thumb rules.
    Warm Regards,

  • Karl-Henrik Malmqvist

    Hello Andrea,
    You wrote in your blog some time ago that you are using air and water for your turbines.
    I guess that your partner is working with issues like optimizing such things.
    If they use the existing fuel pumps for the water, they will probably sooner or later get lubrication and/or corrosion problems in the pumps. Must be investigated separately.
    Always keep in mind to use the best material also for secondary processes around the SK like the heat transfer from air/steam to a secondary medium.
    A rule of thumb says that if the cost to solve a problem is $1 on the drawing board it will be $10 to try to fix it in production by modification and increases to $100 if the product has left produktion and you must take it back and rebuild it. If the product allready has been installed with a costumer the cost will rise to $1000 to fix the problem. The type of problem I mean is not to use stainless steel components.

    If your partner is a company for consumer products the mindset of the engineers is always to use as cheap components as possible.

    I wish you all the best with your health and the E-Cat development.

    Best Regards,
    Karl-Henrik Malmqvist, Sweden

  • Andrea Rossi

    The tests are continuing on daily base here in the USA where I am presently working.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It is better if our plants operate indoor. To operate outdoor, if it is necessary in specific situations, we have to study the external protection on the base of the situation.
    I am not an expert of the matter, therefore in front of a problem like this we’d have to help ourselves with a certified engineer specialized in the matter.
    Warm Regards,

  • F

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Can the Ecat plants operate ourdoor, or must be installed indoor to work properly? If outdoor: are they designed to resist to hurricanes and flooding?

  • Anonymous

    Is it continuing the series of tests with the Ecat SK?
    In which Country?

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are thinking about this issue.
    The Stockholm November 24th event had a scientific purpose, while this presentation will have only commercial purposes dedicated to a worldwide public.
    Probably we will make only an internet direct streaming with a public debate.
    This is where we are presently oriented, but ideas can change.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- serious differences
    3- Household appliances are in the certifications limbo.
    Thank you for your kind wishes to our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Toussaint Francois:
    Obscenely less.
    Warm Regards,

  • TOUSSAINT François

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    I hope that the industrialisation of the 40Mw SK plant is going well. One question please to better understand the paradigm shift, what is the volume of your fuel necessary for 1 year production compared to a classic 40 Mw gas turbine ?

    Warm regards

    Toussaint françois

  • Sharlene

    Dr Rossi,
    The presentation of the industrialized SK will be made only by internet streaming or also in a conference room like you made for the very convincing presentation of the Ecat QX in Stockholm on Nov 24 17?

  • Yrka

    Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi.
    1- I correctly understood that the E-Cat QX will be used in domestic installations, with the core temperature much lower than that of SK?
    2- QX and SK have serious differences in reactor design and control system or are they just different modifications?
    3- I understand that the main forces are busy preparing the industrialization of SK. Household reactors while “lie on the shelf”? Or are they still working on them?

    Thank you.
    I wish you a triumphant success!

    Yuriy Isaev
    Tyumen, Russia

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    I cannot answer this question in positive or in negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi

    If I understand correctly your customer will make electricity with the heat you sell him.
    Are you going to buy him some of his production to run your boiler?
    All my support for your team and all my wishes for success
    Best regards


  • Andrea Rossi

    The technology of 2010 is not archeology, it is the first step of an evolution that contains the seeds of what the Ecat is now.
    But the idea to make an excursus of the non confidential aspects is good.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It is possible.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Iggy Dalrymple:
    Ha, Ha, Ha !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    I think the statistics from the SK will help the household appliances.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rick Marley:
    I don’t care the Rock and Trolls.
    Warm Regards,

  • Rick Marley

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Whatever you will do, be sure your enemies will find the way to disparage your work. Be prepared.
    All the best,

  • Dear Andrea,
    Will the industrial experience that you will gain from the SK plant enable you to get a domestic license for the QX, or would you need industrial applications specifically for the QX in order to reach the domestic certification goal for it? If the latter, are such QX industrial applications being considered?
    regards, /pekka

  • P

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Is there an opportunity for you to release the rights to your patents in the near future? (Probably you will earn big money quickly so that you and your family will be financially independent) Or are you stuck in a partnership with venture capital companies that want to earn more and more money?
    It would be a good deed for humanity to accelerate the reduction of oil, coal and gas and make sure that different spin effects are achieved around your technology. Such a decision could accelerate new technologies around your patents and speed up new technologies for vehicles, aircraft, ships and solutions to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
    I wish you all the best and look forward to the presentation in January.
    Kind Regards,

  • TheFutureIsNow

    Dear Andrea,

    I’m hoping that the earliest versions of the E-Cat are so fundamentally primitive and outdated compared to the SK that you would feel at liberty to talk openly about them without having to “keep your guard up” while describing aspects of them that years ago you would need to keep confidential – because at the time they were your state of the art masterpieces utilizing critical IP. You see, so far, since the opening of this blog, I would dare say that not once have you been able to have a discussion about a single version of the E-Cat without having to mentally “check” you’re words (please correct me if I’m wrong here) to make sure you do not divulge sensitive details. If it’s possible that the earliest low-temperature, powder based systems are now such an anachronism that you can document their evolution at total ease without such concerns, we may have our first true look into the inventive mind of Andrea Rossi.

    The full description of the historical “incident of the burnt finger”, the first slapped together nickel-hydrogen tests you performed, the source of the inspiration to test nickel of enhanced surface topography, the testing of various hydrogen sources (electrolysis vs. tanked hydrogen), the search through the literature for possible catalysts, the first person you communicated with after a test with a catalyst that worked, the first communication you had with Focardi, the test that transpired which totally failed beyond belief in some bizarre way you couldn’t have predicted (there must have been at least one), the next series of changes you made, the performance improvements, the first period of total self sustained heat production, the small cot in the corner of the laboratory that you must have occasionally fell asleep in after working through the night until the early morning hours, and the final combination of parameters that you chose before announcing the technology to the world: a flow of consciousness from your mind to the attendees of the presentation about that era of history that must be documented by no one except yourself.

    I hope that is an adequate description of what I mean by unfiltered. Maybe it’s not possible. However, if the SK represents the leap I think it does in my mind, there may be a grain of hope that this period of time can be documented from your perspective.

  • Iggy Dalrymple

    God phoned Satan, “How’s it going down there?”
    Satan, “Thanks for asking, God. It’s going great. We now have an engineer and he has installed central air-conditioning and escalators. It’s much more comfortable here now.”
    God, “Somethings wrong! Engineers are not supposed to go to Hell. Send him back immediately.”
    Satan, “No way, the engineer has brought great improvements to Hell.”
    God, “This is an obvious clerical error. Send him back, or I will sue!”
    Satan, “Yeah right, God, and where do you expect to find a lawyer?”

  • Andrea Rossi

    What do you mean exactly with “Without a filter”?
    Warm Regards,

  • TheFutureIsNow

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for the answers.

    If you were to give such a presentation in honor of Focardi about the early systems you tested together, I think it would be extremely well received. Finally being able to hear you express how you dream, think, create, and then improve upon your ideas WITHOUT a filter in place would not only teach us more about the technology but you as a person. Such a presentation could be reference material that future generations go back and research when they investigate the genesis of the E-Cat technology.

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- They are allowed to do what they want and they obviously will be able to test the modules installed in their concern
    2- no
    3- no
    4- I cannot answer this question in positive or in negative
    5- 6-12 months
    6- no, we thermalize it
    7- I like this idea.
    Warm Regards,

  • TheFutureIsNow

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    1) By the time of your presentation in January, will your partner have been given the opportunity to independently test an individual SK unit, and, furthermore, will they be allowed to report on such testing?

    2) Is the greater output of the SK predominantly due to an increase in the overall size of the reactor?

    3) After extended use, does erosion of the electrodes take place?

    4) Does your partner currently manufacture gas turbines?

    5) How long do you guess that an SK could operate on a single fuel charge?

    6) Have you performed any tests to determine the quantity of direct electrical output that an SK can produce? What were the results?

    7) At the presentation, since by that time the original powder based systems that you originally launched will be stone age dinosaurs compared to the SK, would you consider providing a short historical account of the trial and error process that led to their creation? I’m speaking of the pre-Lugano systems such as those Focardi tested. The talk could be a tribute to his legacy at the launching of far more enhanced systems. With all the excitement that will be present due to the SK, these early breakthrough systems shouldn’t be forgotten. They far exceeded every LENR device that came before them.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frederic Maillard:
    a) I cannot answer
    b) yes, but this fact is independent from a)
    Warm Regards,


  • Frederic Maillard

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    You replied Yes to Frank Acland’s questions 1) “Will Leonardo and the Partner work together to build a plant utilizing these turbines” and 2) “Will The first plant be installed at your Partner’s facilities to provide heat and electricity for their own operations”.
    If you can aswer, my questions are:
    a) will your Partner sell the electricity produced by this kind of plants to their clients ?
    b) if a), then Leonardo and your Partner can keep their own IP ?

    Longing for next January.
    Warm regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1. yes
    2. yes
    3. not necessarily
    4. yes
    5. yes
    6. yes
    7. yes
    8. probably
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    It has been interesting to read your comments lately regarding your plans for using a turbine with the E-Cat SK. I think I am beginning to understand the situation a little better, but I would like to see if I am thinking correctly.

    Are the following assumptions of mine correct – please correct me if I am wrong.

    1. You have developed the E-Cat SK to what you consider to be a point where it is stable enough to be used in a commercial industrial product.

    2. Your business/industrial partner agrees with you about 1.

    3. The E-Cat SK needs to be combined with a turbine in order to operate in a stable, effective manner.

    4. You personally are not an expert in turbines, but your partner is, and has the resources to develop a turbine that will work with the SK.

    5. Leonardo and the Partner will work together to build a plant utilizing these turbines.

    6. This plant will be built at your Partner’s existing facility.

    7. The first plant will be installed at your Partner’s facilities to provide heat and electricity for their own operations.

    8. Your presentation in January will be to announce to the world that you have a technology ready for industrialization, and you are ready to start working with prospective customers and making contracts.

    Many thanks, and best wishes for your work.

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for your attention to our work, but , as I said, I cannot answer in positive or in negative to any hint about the name of our Partner.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Interesting question.
    I would like an answer from Dr Uzikov and Dr Irina Uzikova.
    I am considering the issue for our major installations.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    As far as I know, these are intaractions strongly phenomenological, but not derivable from the Standard Model.
    So far I am not able to say more.
    Warm Regards,

  • EH

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    How can be reconciled with the Standard Model the interactions between elementary particles at very short distances, that are strongly repulsive, and the interactions with an exchange of 2 or more pions and of mesons with mass higher than pions?

  • Barry

    Dear Andrea:
    Is the passive cooling system described in the paper of Dr Vitaly Uzikov and Irina Uzikova interesting for you, in the sense of utilizing it for applications to recover the heat from the Ecat SK? From what I understand, also in that case there is a high density of heat to deal with.
    Thank you if you can answer,

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    It had been a long time since you tried to experiment with the turbines, looking for the right model without finding it. In the meantime, you were trying to perfect the E-Cat to make it more and more reliable and powerful.
    Now it seems that the latest SK product is the one that can finally realize the dreams of a lifetime and reap the rewards of so much work and effort.
    Now you have a winning combination: a powerful reactor that can supply a large amount of high temperature heat and an associated Company that is working with you to use this energy on a turbine they own. And this company, if it is what we are thinking in many (its name should start with “A”) has a long experience in turbines.
    And this is the right choice: let them do the job they are able to do.
    Surely great things will soon be born with this coupling.
    I look forward to following your presentation in January. It will be exciting.

    Kind Regards,

    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1- depends on the turbine power
    2- a mix
    3- that is a problem of acoustic insulation, not difficult to be resolved.
    4- no
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Regarding the SK turbines:

    1. How many SK reactors are needed to drive each turbine?
    2. Are the turbines you are using off-the-shelf, or are they custom manufactured?
    3. Will there be significant noise from your plants with turbines running (dangerous levels of noise)?
    4. Will you be showing an E-Cat SK with the turbine at the January presentation?

    Thank you for answering our questions,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    A. we can supply water
    B. both versions are possible
    C. confidential
    D. confidential
    E. experiments are on course
    Warm Regards,

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