United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Karl Henrik Malmqvist:
    There remains to be resolved the problem of safety, that cannot depend from the good standing of the equipment.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sven Magnusson:
    Thank you for your encouragement.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland,
    I think that in remote areas there are other technologies more fit.
    Warm Regards

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    I hope that your vision might be adjustable to meet the needs of rural dwellers. One critically important aspect of the E-Cat, in my opinion, is that it could make possible affordable energy production for people who live in remote areas of the world where an existing energy infrastructure is not already well developed.

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Sven Magnusson

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    What a genial envision you gave og the future of the E-Cats: perhaps the most genial commercial strategy I heard of in the last twenty years.

  • Karl-Henrik Malmqvist

    For me the off-the-grid aspect of the E-Cat has been the most intriguing part. Energy off-the-grid is much more valuable than extra energy where we already have access to the grid.

    If the E-Cat X can produce more electricity than it consumes the safety part is easy to handle.
    The electricity from the E-Cat X charges two battery banks. The primary bank is always charged first and powers (through inverters) the computers, pumps, valves and control systems as well as the stimulation system when the E-Cat X is in SSM mode.
    The secondary battery bank handles the start up and heat energy needed when the E-Cat X is not in SSM. If there is a problem for the E-Cat X to enter SSM only the secondary battery bank will be drained and the primary bank can safely shut down the E-Cat X.

    I wish you and your team a successful 2016


  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    After reading your blog about your dream, I too had a dream where you and IH collaborated with a land developer building a 100 home division that allowed you to install insulated heat and refrigeration pipes and electric power cables into each home using the trench containing the sewer system. This would be a relatively inexpensive plan to provide the means for transporting electric power,heat and refrigerant, generated by a nearby installed E-Cat power station, to the homes. The homes would also be equipped with the usual heat and refrigeration equipment to allow the comparison of efficiency with or without the E-Cat equipment by using them alternately. Being able to switch them at will would assure the home owner that failure of one system would not deprive them of any utilities.
    This is essentially what a power company did at the 1893 World Fair held in Chicago. A power company installed a power station near the site of White City constructed for the fair which allowed them to inexpensively install power lines and bulb holders into the newly built facilities. They did this to advertise and demonstrate the advantages and utility for the recently invented power devices. Needless to say the installation awed the people,from around the World and the US, who observed the new illumination system. The effect was credited with greatly speeding up the implementation of electric lighting into the World.
    Wishing you all the best,
    Congratulatory Regards.

  • Hugh DeVries

    Andrea Rossi:
    Happy New Year!!

    There are nuclear powered sources today which generate electricity and heat directly for use in space mission applications. These power sources use radioactive decay of elements to provide heat and direct generation of electricity. Some are referred to as Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs).
    How does the E-Cat X using LENR differ from these sources?


  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi and Readers, Disposal of Nuclear Waste is a MAJOR problem.
    For 60 Years they have been looking for a place to store it, for 250,000 Years.
    We have stored about 100,000 tones at about 70 sites all across the USA.
    If it were all placed on a Football Field, it would be 24 feet high.
    If they find and build a site to store it, how are they going to Transport it ?
    By Truck or Train, the possibility of an accident is enormous.
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

  • Sebastian

    Best wishes for 2016!

    I also had a dream a couple nights ago. You were spending a lot of time by the E-cat and one day realized that you were getting younger!

    The E-cat was actually the fountain of youth!

  • Dear Mr. Rossi,

    My dream is that with the help of many scientists and engineers as partners you develop an E-Cat-X that maximizes electricity output while minimizing heat output, which could lead to greater stability and scalability. Imagine a single unit 30 kilowatt home reactor that puts out 66% electricity and 33% heat. The heat can be used to warm your house, and the electricity can be used to run your lights, computers, televisions, kitchen appliances, etc. Imagine a single unit E-Cat-X that puts out 1 megawatt for large scale energy production. Would not maximizing electricity production while minimizing heat production give greater control and stability? I bet there are many experiments and alterations of design ahead for this technology that could make it all happen.

    Sincerely, Christopher Calder

  • Bill Hayes

    Dear AR
    Happy New Year and continued great success
    Bill Hayes

  • Andrea Rossi

    Silvio Caggia:
    Thank you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you very much and again Happy New Year,

  • Silvio Caggia

    Santa Maria La Longa, 26 gennaio 1917



    (Giuseppe Ungaretti)

    Somewhere in USA, 1 gennaio 2016



    (Andrea Rossi)

  • Stephen

    A little bell rang in my dream at 6 this morning here in Europe so I was able to see your post which was great!. Since then I keep thinking about your dream and the more I think about your dream and the ideas you developed from it and its application and method of distribution the more I realise just how smart a dream and idea it is. All the best for this vision in 2016 and your other dreams, ideas and activities too.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Thanks and Happy New Year to you and all our friends in the beautiful Canary Islands

  • Andrea Rossi

    The issue is much more complicated and, again, it is not important, under the economic point of view, what you use the electricity for.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Silvio Caggia:
    it was a typo, corrected.
    Thanks for your attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Silvio Caggia

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    What did you mean with the typo “nor” in your answer?

  • Luis Navarro

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    thank you for sharing your dream with us!
    I hope for all of us it comes true.
    Happy New Year from the Canary Islands.
    Luis Navarro Llabres

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    Maybe you can avoid safety issues using output electric power as input for e-cat X just using output of E-Cat X (A) as input of E-CatX (B).
    Di nuovo Buon Anno,Giuseppe

  • Andrea Rossi

    D. Travchenko:
    The peer reviewers of the JoNP deemed the paper important to resolve the stategic problem of the disposal of nuclear waste.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wade Brenton:
    An enormous work has to be done to arrive there, but we consider work a blessing.
    Warm Regards,

  • Wade Brenton

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Now, after reading your “dream”, we understand that your brain works on the base of complex genial views. What impressed me is your capacity of global vision. May God conserve you for us the time necessary for you to realize what you have in mind.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Still waiting for it: maybe we can trade it with a big amount of work.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Silvio Caggia:
    That is a possible configuration, but there are safety issues that could obstaculate it. Anyway it is not important the destination of the use.
    Warm Regards

  • DTravchenko

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Thank you for the publication of the important paper of our scientists Irina Uzikova and Vitaly Uzikov.
    Happy New year, from Russia, with love

  • Silvio Caggia

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Have you never dreamed, now, to use output electric power as input for e-cat X?

  • KD

    You had pleasant dream. But I expected that you received so long awaited crystal ball.:)
    Happy New Year.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    Thank you for your insight.
    As you already know, I cannot make pre disclosure in positive or in negative.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Working on it.
    Thank you and a wonderful 2016

  • Curbina

    Dear Dr. Rossi:

    What a dream! From Chile please receive a hug in this new year and may your dream, which is now the dream of many of us, come true soon enough.


  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    Can you give us a brief and basic explanation of how the device generates electricity? Obviously, if it is happening in the wafer, you are not using a secondary device to convert heat to electricity – such as a TEG. The most common sense explanation, in my thinking, is that the KE of the alpha particles is being converted to electricity. But there could be something else happening. Please, throw us a brief explanation, if possible.

    Also, I like the idea of a totally distributed system like in your dream.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, likewise to you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    You got it!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers of the JoNP:
    It’s 00.00.01″ of January 1st 2016.
    Update: the 1 MW E-Cat is stable and in ssm, the E-Cat X is very promising and still operating and making heat, electricity.
    The E-Cat X is very close to the design of the core of the apparatus described in the US Patent, I mean the wafer. It has been engineered to resist to very high temperatures. The electricity exits directly from the wafer.
    As I said , several nights ago I had a dream. The E-Cat X had been produced in billions pieces, each of them assembled with others in various combinations to make public lamps: a town was totally illuminated by the E-Cat X and from every lamp a network of pipes and of wires was able to distribute heat and electricity to the houses.
    In that town there were about 1 million lamps each of them of 500 watts, consuming about 50 watts; consequently, there were 450 MWh/h produced, of which about half were turned into heat distributed to the houses through a network of well insulated pipes, running inderground, like optic fibers, the other half was used to enlight the town and to distribute electricity to the households. The cost of the E-Cat X was around 50 $/kW of power, due to the production of billions of pieces per year in all the world, with tens of thousands of jobs. Less taxes were paid by the people, due to the saves derived from low pollution and low energy cost for public services. Millions of persons were also earning money selling E-Cats and every owner of E-Cats was saving money in utilities ( electricity, heat, light).
    Then I heard the alarm clock: it was time to return to the factory, to make true the dream. F9.
    Happy new year, I love you all.
    I am drinking my cup of Korbel champagne, then i have to return to the gauges of the plant. She is good, tonight.
    Again, Happy 2016, may God bless you all,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Were you planning to post information at midnight Easter Time?

    Looking forward to it!

    Frank Acland

  • Bruno

    Thank you Andrea !
    I wish a Great 2016 for you and all of us.
    ” Per Aspera ad Astra ! ”

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan C.
    Happy Birthday then!
    And a wonderful 2016

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Happy New Year

  • Andrea Rossi

    He he he…
    Happy and Permanently New Year!

  • orsobubu

    Dear Readers, the New Year is born, now it’s 00.00 a.m. of Jan 1st 2016 here inside the E-Cat X lab just next to the 1MW container in the customer’s plant. I’m alone and uncorking my California Korbel bottle to celebrate together with all of you this historical day. I’m so excited to pre-disclose here on JONP these very important technical details of the E-Cat X reactor and a thorough technical description of the fuel wafer not yet protected by my patent US 9,115,913 B1, complete with crucial unpublished sketches I will make now for the first time ever. These particulars will be described in the upcoming new patent application I will write and deposit soon.

    Dear friends, the 2015 gave us the US Patent, the 2016 will give us the E-Cat able to make heat and electricity. No more silly F9. No more annoying positive or negative. I will write here exactly what is the E-Cat X, what I want to do of it and what is my vision for its worldwide usage and diffusion. As a matter of fact, the perspective of the E-Cat X is huge. And here is the big new! Yes, the E-Cat X produces directly enormous electric power: you can see that if I unlock the screw of the outlet n.24 here in the Voltage Source n.33 and I touch



    hehe 🙂 Happy 2016!

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    I may be totally wrong, but this is my prediction about how the E-Cat X works to produce electricity and on the fly change the ratio of heat and electricity produced.

    “My guess is that Rossi is using one or more permanent magnets or electromagnets to align the alpha particles emitted by the proton-lithium reaction along one vector. This would allow for a non-random magnetic field that could be harvested and converted to electricity via a pickup coil. Without such an external magnetic field to direct the alpha particles, the mostly random magnetic fields would only produce heat via eddy currents. By choosing to what degree you align the alpha particles, you can vary the ratio of heat or electricity produced. I hope a permanent magnet will suffice – it would reduce the input power requirements. Also, the permanent magnets could be thermally insulated with a magnetically transparent – non-ferromagnetic – substance like aerogel. This is my prediction.”

    I am eager to read your announcement.

    Thank you for all of your hard work in 2016.


  • Dan C.

    Dear Andrea,

    I understand you can walk on water.

    I’ll up the ante,
    If I flap my arms really fast, I can Fly.
    Of course, I haven’t totally mastered it as of yet(F9).
    I still have navigational problems.
    It appears at this time I can only fly in a vertical down direction.

    While much of the world is out celebrating my birthday (December 31st) and fast approaching time of birth(11:45 pm), I thought I’d drop a line and wish you & your team a Happy New Year.

    I also want to thank you for waiting until zero hour of January 1st before posting about the X-cat. I was afraid you were going to steal the thunder of this very special day. My Birthday.

    Warm Regards,
    Dan C.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Paul Calvo:
    Ha,ha,ha,ha…very funny link!
    Thank you for the wishes, same to you: a wonderful 2016 to you and your family,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Happy new Year to you!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    My daily shift is from 5.30 p.m. to 10,30 a.m.; from 8.30 p.m. to 6.30 a.m. I am alone (except the security guards), but in case of emergency or of need for urgent assistance I call the team member fit for the purpose. All the members of the Team have to lodge at a distance that allows them to reach the plant in not more than one hour anytime I call them.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Is it normal for you to be alone at midnight each night, or do you normally have other workers of your team with you?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Wayne

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    There will be a lot of people waiting for your communication later today at midnight: will you reveal your dream and some feature of the E-Cat X?
    Happy new year,

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