United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm regards,

  • TheFutureIsNow

    Dear Andrea,

    Here is another awesome paper that describes the phenomena that is taking place in the QX/SK.

    In short, it explains how the fireball through the double layer produces ion acoustic oscillations that distribute energy and matter throughout the plasma.


    My guess is that you have optimized the gap between electrodes (made it larger), optimized the pressure in the reactor (near atmospheric), optimized the gaseous atmosphere (using a noble gas mixture of mostly argon and perhaps a percentage of neon), and optimized the fuel (the lithium and deuterium) to produce nuclear reactions that provide heat that the fireball can convert into electrical current which power the oscillations that transport ions. These ion acoustic oscillations then go on to produce additional excess heat by polarizing the active vacuum and extracting electron positron pairs. In addition, through controlling the impulses applied after the initial higher voltage/current impulse OR using permanent magnets to produce a “magnetic mirror effect” you are able to keep the fireball off the surface of the electrodes to reduce the erosion rate.

  • Sam

    Hello Dr Rossi

    This is information on an invention
    using steam power.




  • keV

    Hi Andrea,

    I’m Looking forward to the upcoming presentation.

    A few weeks ago I mentioned the possibility of the resurgence of helium airships, and how your tech would dovetail with that nicely.

    I guess you are pretty busy at the moment, but if you want a diversion for 15 mins, head on over to https://www.hybridairvehicles.com where they are just bringing very large airships to market. I understand they are using large V8 auto engines. If you can enter this market in its infancy (say over the next 5 years), you will be well placed for transitioning the other existing combustion engine based markets (20 years).


  • Andrea Rossi

    Today has been published on the Journal of Nuclear Physics the paper ” Reasons Why Modern Steam Engines Make Sense as a Drive Train in Future Vehicles “, by Peter Platell, PhD, CTO of Ranamotor AB.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your information.
    Warm regards,

  • TheFutureIsNow

    Hello Andrea,

    Please read the following article entitled, “Macroscopic Vacuum Polarization.”


    The author, Moray B. King, explains how ion acoustic oscillations in a plasma can polarize the positron-electron pairs already present in the vacuum and release energy. These oscillations are the exact same type you are producing in the QX and SK if you have created a “fireball” with a double layer that is continually exchanging matter and energy with the general plasma.

  • Obro

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Can you tell us something about your marketing plans after the presentation?
    Have you got any customers lined up already? Are you going to embark on wide marketing campaign?
    Alternatively, are you just going to wait for customers convinced in the economic advantage of using your E-Cat plants, to come to you?

    I wish you success in all your endeavors!


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for sending the point of view of Don Hotson.
    Warm Regards,

  • TheFutureIsNow


    Please read the series of articles called, “Dirac’s Equation and the Sea of Negative Energy” by Don Hotson (who is now deceased). The documents can be found in a simple google search. He describes how it is incorrect that only virtual particles exist in the vacuum. Instead, completely REAL electron-positron pairs exist in the vacuum and these electron-positron pairs are what actually compose photons. The simple truth is that if something is REAL then it must exist: there’s nothing virtual. The electron-positron pairs in the negative sea are every bit as real as they are when they emerge into our “positive” sea of energy, except that they are in a condition which hinders our ability to observe them.

  • Andrea Rossi

    De Meo Michelangelo:
    We will talk of these issues during the presentation: http://www.ecatskdemo.com
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Valentine Senti:
    Vacuum is not an absolute concept: as a matter of fact, vacuum is full of fields of virtual particles that can act as real in certain situations. As a consequence of this fact, it is impossible to give an absolute answer.
    Warm Regards,

  • Valentine Senti

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Do you think that vacuum can facilitate LENR?

  • De Meo Michelangelo

    Hi dott. Rossi, will you officially start selling the heat from the 31st of January?
    Is it possible to know the cost and the economic convenience of buying your heat?
    how much is a thermal Kwh?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Muhammad Kathrada:
    1- yes
    2- yes
    3- with the Carnot cycle the efficiency can reach the 35%, less with other cycles or methods technologically available as of today.
    Attention, though: the Ecat Home does not exist yet, because we do not have yet the safety certification. Only the industrial Ecat is available.
    Warm Regards,

  • Muhammad Kathrada

    About the Ecat Home:
    1-is its output only thermal energy?
    2- if yes, can this thermal energy be converted into electricity?
    3- if yes, at what efficiency?
    Thank you
    Muhammad Kathrada

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1- the heat dissipated by the control system can be recovered independently for independent use, or integrated with the heat generation of the Ecat, for example pre-heating the the secondary flow, with an energy recovery with a COP close to 1.
    2- see point 1
    3- this will be explained during the demonstration
    4- not yet, but in time this is expected to be possible
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    1. Is my assumption right that the heat, generated by the control system, is somehow added to the heat production side of the Ecat?
    2. If this is true, will you be able to do that also if a customer wants closed loop high level heat (say 500 deg. C minimum input temp.; 1000 deg.C. Maximum output temp.)?
    3. What instrument(s) will you use to determine the produced quantity of heat during the test @1-31?
    4. Have you already found a customer willing to openly publish the performance of the E-Cat SK during the first year?
    Thanks, kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your sustain: I hope all the energy source will be integrated in the common interest.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tobbe

    We have three possible scenarios after January 31st 2019 presentation http://www.ecatskdemo.com
    1- the presentation will confirm success, but the society as a whole will continue to ignore it
    2- there will be a strong hostile and disparaging activity against Andrea Rossi: oil, coal, gas, wind, solar, nuclear, hot fusion are going to continue to get enormous funds and they can easily kill this technology and the man behind it
    3- a large majority of educated world decides to help the development of this technology to fight against the degradation of our environment.
    My question is: which is the best scenario for the wellness of mankind?
    Best Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The measurements will be shown during the presentation.
    The carbon dioxide produced by the Ecat during its operation is zero.
    The amount of carbon dioxide produced to manufacture an Ecat ( the so called “grey energy” ) is the same that a 20 kW Ecat saves in a couple of days of operation, vs a supposed life of 20 years.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We will draw the electricity needed from the Ecats from the outlet of the Clients, since we cannot make contracts with the providers to sell us electricity in a place that is not ours or rented by us.
    Our billing system will be very simple and clear: we and the Customer will put a wattmeter along the line that supplies electric energy to the control system, to read the Wh per month consumed by the whole Ecat System ( control panels plus Ecats ), so that we will have the worth of the electricity consumed by the Ecats; the bill will compute the price of the thermal Wh generated by the Ecats and the price of the electric Wh consumed by the same Ecats: the Customer will obviously pay the difference between the price of the thermal energy generated by the Ecats and the price of the electric energy consumed from the same Ecats.
    Note: we will bill also the thermal energy recovered from the cooling system of the control panel: such energy is recovered with a COP close to 1.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Casbon:
    Thank you for your kindness towards our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Adrian Ashfield:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Maybe you can get some tips from this
    Richard Strauss video to help you
    conduct the E-Cat SK demonstration.



  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea,
    I suggest as a name for the control system “Recrudescence”, meaning “breaking new afresh” like a new beginning.
    Chuck Davis

  • Adrian Ashfield

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    Is the automated factory already operating?
    Looking forward to watch the presentation on January 31st on http://www.ecatskdemo.com
    Best Regards,
    Adrian Ashfield

  • Mike Casbon

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I appreciate the strategy you defend your IP with.
    I also hope a sequel book after “An impossible invention” will be published with the description of the incremental improvements until the realization of the Ecat SK.
    I think such a book will inspire future generations of technicians and scientists.
    Thank you,
    Mike Casbon

  • W

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Will the plants that you will install in the factories of your customers consume electricity from the outlet of the customers or from the grid with your own accounts?
    If from the client’s plug, how will be calculated the bill?

  • Michel

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    A complete, uncensored measurement of the electrical input power is required, which method will you use :
    – power measured at the input of the control system (true rms Watt Meter)
    – power measured at the reactor inlet (simultaneous acquisition of U and I)
    – during this presentation, will there be an oscilloscope, showing both the input voltage and the input current of the reactor?
    – since your reactor is in operation, the customer probably made his own measurements: will he make a communication about these measurements, and therefore the real gain on the electricity bill for the thermal energy produced ?

    I will follow with interest the presentation of the new reactor, January 31, hoping that my questions will be retained. I think there will be many from all those who follow the development of the “E-cat”.
    Sincere wishes for your project, humanity urgently needs low-carbon energy sources (By the way, did you evaluate the carbon footprint of the reacteur, manufacturing/while running ?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Interesting, as all the work of Alexander Parkhomov.
    Warm Regards,

  • JPR

    Dr Rossi:
    What do you think of this?
    A.G.Parkhomov, Multeity of cold nuclear transmutations involving electrons, IJUS, November 21 2018
    Jean Paul Renoir

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the insight and the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the past due link!
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Because Richard Strauss is part of the
    E-Cat Demo this video is interesting.



  • TheFutureIsNow

    Dear Andrea,

    Here is a link to an article about the “Super Tube” concept. The author combines a number of different principles from various inventors to come up with what he believes would be an optimum design for a device that taps into the vacuum by producing fast ion surges in the “negative resistance” regime. He incorporates ideas such as a hollow cathode (the Russian psudospark discharge concept), radioactive electrodes (for pre-ionization of the gas to allow a lower starting voltage and transition to the negative resistance phase), and even specific circuits to capture the back spikes and convert them into electricity. In other papers he documents how the same concept of extracting positron-electron pairs has been theorized to take place in cavitation of argon filled bubbles in a liquid during ultrasound which produces a blue light.


  • TheFutureIsNow

    Eric Ashworth,

    I do not believe in the vacuum truly being empty. I subscribe to the Dirac Sea concept in which space devoid of what we consider ordinary matter to be full of electron positron pairs (some scientists simply refer to them as photon pairs). This sea of electron positron pairs constitutes a kind of superfluid “aether” which contains tremendous potential energy.

    I’m also fascinated by the concept of vacuum polarization in which electron-positron pairs can be made to emerge from the aether.


    I tend to think that it’s plausible that in the SK could be extracting electron positron pairs from the Dirac Sea (or aether) as a source of energy. For example, rapid accelerations of charged particles can create powerful electric fields that can polarize electron-positron pairs, pull them out of the aether, and make them appear as ordinary particles. Since it’s accepted scientific fact that the double layer of a plasmoid such as those produced in a pulsed direct current discharge can suddenly accelerate ions, I’m thinking that during this process positron-electron pairs could appear. The positrons would annihilate with electrons in the plasma producing a source of energy.

    If some quantity of electron positron pairs are being extracted from the vacuum, then a certain percentage of the power output of an SK would be from nuclear reactions occurring between the fuel placed inside and another percentage would be from the electron positron pairs extracted from the aether.

    Here is a totally made up and hypothetical example.

    Percentage of the energy output resulting from fusion reactions between H, D, Li, Al, Ni: 50%

    Percentage of energy out resulting from the extraction and annihilation of electron positron pairs from the Dirac Sea: 50%

    I would like to ask you for your wild guess as to the proper percentage, if any energy is coming from the vacuum at all.

    If I haven’t made myself clear I apologize.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ken Kocher:
    …it will be indeed…
    Warm Regards,

  • Ken Kocher

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    I think this can inspire the presentation of the Ecat SK on January 31st:
    “…tonite’s the night we are gonna make it happen…”

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Supposing you get a new customer that have an existing own system of heating in his facility. Installing the new system with E-Cat will requires costs.
    Question: who pays for these costs:
    1. Leonardo
    2. The customer
    3. Both, in fractions depending on the contract.

    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alexander Brueck:
    North America, most of Europe, Japan; in future all the Countries where our patent has been granted.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    The correct way to write is: E-Cat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    1- average/ssm operation
    2- 1 eV
    3- the modulation of the energy generated is made by on/off series, the temperature is always 1 eV
    Happy and Healthy New Year also to you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph Fine

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In the past you have said the ‘temperature’ of the core of the E-Cat reaches 1 eV (or about 11,600 deg K).

    1) Is this an average temperature during normal operation, self-sustained operation or a maximum temperature that should not be exceeded?

    2) What is the initial temperature following normal startup (for example, ten minutes after you push the START button) ?

    3) Does core temperature reach 1 eV if the E-Cat produces only 10% of rated power, or is this temperature reached at 90-110% (??) of rated power?

    Happy and Healthy New Year,

    Joseph Fine

  • Italo R.

    As it is important writing correctly the name of things and symbols (ie we must write kW and not KW or Kw), I think that we should yet determine the right way to write the name of your invention:

    1 – E-Cat
    2 – E-cat
    3 – ECat
    4 – Ecat

    Italo R.

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