Dear Andrea,
I believe that using an Ecat to heat air in a chamber with a vertical condensing flue through which the heated air would rise and condense the water vapor could be a solution to water shortage.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Industrial reforming[edit]
Steam reforming of natural gas is the most common method of producing commercial bulk hydrogen at about 95% of the world production[4][5] of 500 billion m3 in 1998.[6] Hydrogen is used in the industrial synthesis of ammonia and other chemicals.[7] At high temperatures (700 – 1100 °C) and in the presence of a metal-based catalyst (nickel), steam reacts with methane to yield carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
The United States produces nine million tons of hydrogen per year, mostly with steam reforming of natural gas. The worldwide ammonia production, using hydrogen derived from steam reforming, was 144 million metric tonnes in 2014.[9]
My math error. I did the inversion incorrectly. 1m^2/13.5 = 0.07m^2.
Yes, at 300 Sun level illumination, the photovoltaic will need active cooling but the heat could be output for the normal commercial application or otherwise dissipated.
I choose a sphere as an example of the smallest volume possible for the required area.
Dirk Boon:
The Ecat makes heat. I am not expert of hydrogen production, but if it takes heat at competitive price, the Ecat sure can talk.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
I am following your progress 8 years since.
Is it possible to produce hydrogen with the Ecat? In the Netherlands we need to produce hydrogen.
Dirk Boon
Dear Steven N. Karels,
I did not quite understand your figure 13.5 square metres. As I see it, the situation is the following. You have 22 kW radiative power. One sun is 1 kW/m^2. Hence, with one sun illumination level, one would need 22 m^2 of PV area. But with 300 sun illumination level, one needs only 0.07 m^2 area. It is the area of a sphere whose diameter is 15 cm. Which is about right to enclose the ballerina.
As a technical detail, it is not necessary to surround the source from all sides by PVs, because one can use mirrors, just like one uses mirrors in lamp design. If other area of the enclosure are reflecting (mirror or painted white), photons gather on the only dark area, which is the PV part. This assuming, of course, that the paint or mirror is able to reflect the relevant wavelength. The wavelength is either the raw UV, or if fluorescent materials are used to downconvert photons as is customary in fluorescent lamps, it is some longer, optical wavelength.
It may also be possible to integrate the fluorescent material with the PV. In this case the internal mirrors must be able to reflect the raw UV wavelengths.
At 300 suns level, the PV part must be cooled to keep it in its operative range. If the PV is silicon, its efficiency drops rather rapidly with temperature. If it’s SiC or GaAs, for example, then it tolerates somewhat higher temperature without losing efficiency. In GaAs at least, there is also some nonlinear effect which raises the efficiency at high illumination levels, relative to the 1 sun illumination level.
best regards, /pekka
Veronica Naggia:
Thank you for citing this work I made with LTI for the US Army between the years 1998 and 2000.
The matter of the fact is that we obtained high efficiency with a prototype I made with my hands, therefore very expensive. The most difficult part was the directional fusion of the BiTe alloy doped with antimony to make the positive and selenium to make the negative poles. When we passed from the prototype to an attempt of industrialized production, the efficiency has fallen too low. Think that to meke the directional fusion of the materials to make 1 kW of power it was necessary to me one month of work.
For this reason it has not been an industrial success, albeit it has been a successful experiment under a scientific point of view.
Thank you for your insight and suggestions, but the R&D is one branch, commercial is another, manufacturing is another, all make a synergy, they do not overlap.
Warm Regards,
2017 presentation of the Ecat QX, 2019 presentation and commercialization of the Ecat SK, 2019 R&D to invent a new cell to make direct electricity…Andrea, you are unique in the world.
Dear Andrea
When you say “We are a high-tech company. Research and development can never stop “, you run the risk of making a very serious mistake in which inventors and talented designers are easily caught.
A product is not just about invention and design but also about industrialization and marketing, and often these last two (less glorious voices) are more important than the first two for economic and commercial success.
The inventor / designer who has just completed a product sees better than anyone else the limits and defects and easily launches into a work of improvement and development without end. Often this is wrong because at some point it is necessary to stop and devote oneself to industrialization and marketing that can hide problems that often the pure designer does not imagine: problems of realization, of people, financial problems, image problems, legal problems, etc …. Surely the E-cat SK will highlight some problems (I hope small and not important) that you will know only when hundreds or thousands of plants will be in operation and therefore now production-sales and assistance must have priority.
We want you to succeed but we also want this success, as soon as possible, to be a success for all of humanity.
With love
Grabat batteries are far superior to the Tesla battery packs as you can see googling:
Future batteries coming soon: charge in seconds, last months and power over the air
They are already in production and expected to be available this year.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Reviewing recent developments in photovoltaic cell technology, there is a German firm that reports a concentrated photovoltaic design at an illumination level of about 300 suns and an efficiency of about 44%. Assuming such a concentrated photovoltaic cell could be designed for the eCat-SK output spectrum (notably in the UV area), then what size would a 22kW thermal output plant be and how much electricity would it produce?
With a 44% efficiency of light-to-electrical power and with the eCat-SK output of 22kW, then the electrical output would be about 9.7kW.
To achieve 300 sun level illumination, the photovoltaic surface would be about 13.5 meters squared. It this were configured as a sphere, then the radius of the sphere would be about 1 meter. So roughly something like a 10 foot on a side cube would be about right. Thoughts?
It was mentioned in the past to fit e-cats to power turbine generators (such as ABB) in order to generate electricity using existing infrastructure. Is this still a priority?
I just read you are developing a new P.V. cell system. Alternatively, would it be possible to apply your thermoelectrical devices to the E-cat in order to convert the waste heat into additional electricity? I’m talking about the thermoelectrical devices you developed for the U.S. army more than 15 years ago ( ). In such case, how much would the COP increase?
Dear Andrea, I have just been reading a paper titled Zitterbewegung and the Electron by retired professor Arend Niehaus of physics of Ultrecht University, the Netherlands. The paper contains diagrams and explains in easy to read format technical details. This material to me implies that an entity as stated being an electron is dependent upon a time and space to be either a positive or negative i.e. the product of a contradiction by being able to transition between being that of a volume or that of a size. This paper for me represents an in depth explanation of an electrons ability to hide itself within an enigma and is, I believe, worth taking notice of. Also to add my own none technical thoughts, I believe the electron is not only responding to the positive proton charge alone but catering to both energy states, one being comprised of the inner positive state of something and the other being that outer state of nothing with regards to materiality and thereby the electron is sandwiched between what I refer to as the Absolutes of contradiction and which I believe is responsible for all of nature and that which exists within. Could EVOs be classified as none material neutrals?. Regards Eric Ashworth
Dear Dr Rossi,
Can the Ecat give heat so cheaply to allow the production of hydrogen competitive and therefore boost the hydrogen economy?
= = = = = = =
Hi K.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but are not the principal problems with hydrogen: A) that it is massively explosive (it was the fuel for the main engines of the Space Shuttle!) and, B) that it would need an entirely new, nationwide, safety-oriented infrastructure to transport and store it, which in practical terms goes a long way to rendering it economically non-viable?
I am not expert of hydrogen production, therefore I cannot know if cheaper heat can boost the hydrogen economy. Only after a specific and detailed analysis I could give a consistent answer.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
regarding your answer to Pekka Janhunen.
Also to me 10% of efficiency seems reasonable, and just right for future house applications: a 22Kw ECat has similar power to current boilers (my boiler is the baseline, with 21Kw, that heat a 150mq house and produces hot water, but there exist also a higher range model that is 25Kw). With about 2kwh of continuos electric power, one can charge one or more battery packs (there exist commercial Tesla battery packs of 400V 7-10KWh, that can be put in parallel to increase capacity, since some years, you only need an inverter) and power the ECat itself and the house. The “waste” heat can then be used for sanitary water, heat and air conditioning. If you use the heat for all this things, you need few electric power, just for appliances and to cook. 2kwh backed up by batteries should be enough… The only higher electric need could be to recharge electric cars. But if you have an electric car, you could increase the battery pack capacity at the house and run the Ecat moreless continuously to recharge the car when needed: an electric car can do at least 5km with a kwh, so if you use your car, let’s say for 100km/day, maybe total among your electric cars (your wife, your childrens), you need 20kwh/day, that is half of the ECat production. Maybe if you have electric cars, you may consider a bigger ECat, or solar panels, or maybe you manage to obtain more than 10% efficiency. Anyway the future is bright: an household ECat should solve all your energy problems, even if you have electric cars…
Some of the newer multi-junction photovoltaic cells claim efficiencies approaching 50%. If you can engineer the heat dissipation problems, you would have a system approaching that of industrial electric production for a more smaller, distributed technology. eCat + solar cells – sound like a dream come true, if it works.
Gerard McEk:
We are a high technology company. R&D can never stop. When a company like Leonardo Corporation stops R&D its death starts its course. We are making important inventions that are the future of us, while we are focusing on the diffusion of our Ecats. When our competitors will reach what we are doing now ( it will take 3-5 years at the least ), we will be again years ahead of them with our new “divisions”.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I’m a bit surprised that you are still further researching the E-cat as I understood from a previous question that you would be putting all your energy in getting the E-cat into full production and acquiring more orders in this period.
Is there a special reason that you continued researching the E-Cat on its direct electrical output capabilities?
Thanks and kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea,
How large conversion efficiency do you want for direct electricity production, in order to consider it worthwhile? Is ten percent enough?
best regards, /pekka
Dr Rossi,
Do you know that your paper in
has reached 14 000 full readings in 40 days ? This is the most read paper in the history of Researchgate.
What is impressive is also the diffusion in the world of the readers. Unbelievable.
Dear Dottore Rossi,
Are you using this discovery for new type of PV or thermal production of electricity?
Joe Maccini:
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I believe that using an Ecat to heat air in a chamber with a vertical condensing flue through which the heated air would rise and condense the water vapor could be a solution to water shortage.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
When the Ecat will produce directly current maybe your technology could be useful to Tesla,
Joe Maccini
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
It’s a huge (growing) market for using ECAT. I suggest to contact some of the big leaders in the industry.
Industrial reforming[edit]
Steam reforming of natural gas is the most common method of producing commercial bulk hydrogen at about 95% of the world production[4][5] of 500 billion m3 in 1998.[6] Hydrogen is used in the industrial synthesis of ammonia and other chemicals.[7] At high temperatures (700 – 1100 °C) and in the presence of a metal-based catalyst (nickel), steam reacts with methane to yield carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
The United States produces nine million tons of hydrogen per year, mostly with steam reforming of natural gas. The worldwide ammonia production, using hydrogen derived from steam reforming, was 144 million metric tonnes in 2014.[9]
kind regards Arjen
Pekka Janhunen,
My math error. I did the inversion incorrectly. 1m^2/13.5 = 0.07m^2.
Yes, at 300 Sun level illumination, the photovoltaic will need active cooling but the heat could be output for the normal commercial application or otherwise dissipated.
I choose a sphere as an example of the smallest volume possible for the required area.
Dirk Boon:
The Ecat makes heat. I am not expert of hydrogen production, but if it takes heat at competitive price, the Ecat sure can talk.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
I am following your progress 8 years since.
Is it possible to produce hydrogen with the Ecat? In the Netherlands we need to produce hydrogen.
Dirk Boon
Dear Steven N. Karels,
I did not quite understand your figure 13.5 square metres. As I see it, the situation is the following. You have 22 kW radiative power. One sun is 1 kW/m^2. Hence, with one sun illumination level, one would need 22 m^2 of PV area. But with 300 sun illumination level, one needs only 0.07 m^2 area. It is the area of a sphere whose diameter is 15 cm. Which is about right to enclose the ballerina.
As a technical detail, it is not necessary to surround the source from all sides by PVs, because one can use mirrors, just like one uses mirrors in lamp design. If other area of the enclosure are reflecting (mirror or painted white), photons gather on the only dark area, which is the PV part. This assuming, of course, that the paint or mirror is able to reflect the relevant wavelength. The wavelength is either the raw UV, or if fluorescent materials are used to downconvert photons as is customary in fluorescent lamps, it is some longer, optical wavelength.
It may also be possible to integrate the fluorescent material with the PV. In this case the internal mirrors must be able to reflect the raw UV wavelengths.
At 300 suns level, the PV part must be cooled to keep it in its operative range. If the PV is silicon, its efficiency drops rather rapidly with temperature. If it’s SiC or GaAs, for example, then it tolerates somewhat higher temperature without losing efficiency. In GaAs at least, there is also some nonlinear effect which raises the efficiency at high illumination levels, relative to the 1 sun illumination level.
best regards, /pekka
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today on other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Veronica Naggia:
Thank you for citing this work I made with LTI for the US Army between the years 1998 and 2000.
The matter of the fact is that we obtained high efficiency with a prototype I made with my hands, therefore very expensive. The most difficult part was the directional fusion of the BiTe alloy doped with antimony to make the positive and selenium to make the negative poles. When we passed from the prototype to an attempt of industrialized production, the efficiency has fallen too low. Think that to meke the directional fusion of the materials to make 1 kW of power it was necessary to me one month of work.
For this reason it has not been an industrial success, albeit it has been a successful experiment under a scientific point of view.
George N.:
Warm Regards,
Because I never comment the work of our competitors. Iunderstand this is a tautology, but this is what it is.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
Thank you for your insight and information. I am learning.
Warm Regards,
Prof Cristos Stremmenos:
What a pleasure to here from you!
Thank you for your insight and for your kind attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight and suggestions, but the R&D is one branch, commercial is another, manufacturing is another, all make a synergy, they do not overlap.
Warm Regards,
Connie Patrick:
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
2017 presentation of the Ecat QX, 2019 presentation and commercialization of the Ecat SK, 2019 R&D to invent a new cell to make direct electricity…Andrea, you are unique in the world.
Dear Andrea
When you say “We are a high-tech company. Research and development can never stop “, you run the risk of making a very serious mistake in which inventors and talented designers are easily caught.
A product is not just about invention and design but also about industrialization and marketing, and often these last two (less glorious voices) are more important than the first two for economic and commercial success.
The inventor / designer who has just completed a product sees better than anyone else the limits and defects and easily launches into a work of improvement and development without end. Often this is wrong because at some point it is necessary to stop and devote oneself to industrialization and marketing that can hide problems that often the pure designer does not imagine: problems of realization, of people, financial problems, image problems, legal problems, etc …. Surely the E-cat SK will highlight some problems (I hope small and not important) that you will know only when hundreds or thousands of plants will be in operation and therefore now production-sales and assistance must have priority.
We want you to succeed but we also want this success, as soon as possible, to be a success for all of humanity.
With love
Grabat batteries are far superior to the Tesla battery packs as you can see googling:
Future batteries coming soon: charge in seconds, last months and power over the air
They are already in production and expected to be available this year.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Dear Andrea,
I want to congratulate with your intuition: I watched very attentively
and read very attentively
I understood that, being the Ballerina’s T much lower that the T of the sun, commercial P.V. cells cannot work, because they are sensible to solar spectrum that is filtered by ozone, therefore with UV strongly reduced. An invention of specific cells was necessary!
I wish you the continuation of your good work,
Cristos Stremmenos
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Reviewing recent developments in photovoltaic cell technology, there is a German firm that reports a concentrated photovoltaic design at an illumination level of about 300 suns and an efficiency of about 44%. Assuming such a concentrated photovoltaic cell could be designed for the eCat-SK output spectrum (notably in the UV area), then what size would a 22kW thermal output plant be and how much electricity would it produce?
With a 44% efficiency of light-to-electrical power and with the eCat-SK output of 22kW, then the electrical output would be about 9.7kW.
To achieve 300 sun level illumination, the photovoltaic surface would be about 13.5 meters squared. It this were configured as a sphere, then the radius of the sphere would be about 1 meter. So roughly something like a 10 foot on a side cube would be about right. Thoughts?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
It was mentioned in the past to fit e-cats to power turbine generators (such as ABB) in order to generate electricity using existing infrastructure. Is this still a priority?
George N
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi
I just read you are developing a new P.V. cell system. Alternatively, would it be possible to apply your thermoelectrical devices to the E-cat in order to convert the waste heat into additional electricity? I’m talking about the thermoelectrical devices you developed for the U.S. army more than 15 years ago ( ). In such case, how much would the COP increase?
Eric Ashworth:
Sorry, I do not understand what you wrote.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, I have just been reading a paper titled Zitterbewegung and the Electron by retired professor Arend Niehaus of physics of Ultrecht University, the Netherlands. The paper contains diagrams and explains in easy to read format technical details. This material to me implies that an entity as stated being an electron is dependent upon a time and space to be either a positive or negative i.e. the product of a contradiction by being able to transition between being that of a volume or that of a size. This paper for me represents an in depth explanation of an electrons ability to hide itself within an enigma and is, I believe, worth taking notice of. Also to add my own none technical thoughts, I believe the electron is not only responding to the positive proton charge alone but catering to both energy states, one being comprised of the inner positive state of something and the other being that outer state of nothing with regards to materiality and thereby the electron is sandwiched between what I refer to as the Absolutes of contradiction and which I believe is responsible for all of nature and that which exists within. Could EVOs be classified as none material neutrals?. Regards Eric Ashworth
= = = = = = = =
March 3, 2019 at 10:05 AM
Dear Dr Rossi,
Can the Ecat give heat so cheaply to allow the production of hydrogen competitive and therefore boost the hydrogen economy?
= = = = = = =
Hi K.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but are not the principal problems with hydrogen: A) that it is massively explosive (it was the fuel for the main engines of the Space Shuttle!) and, B) that it would need an entirely new, nationwide, safety-oriented infrastructure to transport and store it, which in practical terms goes a long way to rendering it economically non-viable?
Steven N. Karels:
Thank you for your suggestion and your kind sustain to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
I am inventing a new cell.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight.
What I can say is that we are working very seriously on the direct production of electricity.
Warm Regards,
I am not expert of hydrogen production, therefore I cannot know if cheaper heat can boost the hydrogen economy. Only after a specific and detailed analysis I could give a consistent answer.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
Can the Ecat give heat so cheaply to allow the production of hydrogen competitive and therefore boost the hydrogen economy?
Dear Andrea,
regarding your answer to Pekka Janhunen.
Also to me 10% of efficiency seems reasonable, and just right for future house applications: a 22Kw ECat has similar power to current boilers (my boiler is the baseline, with 21Kw, that heat a 150mq house and produces hot water, but there exist also a higher range model that is 25Kw). With about 2kwh of continuos electric power, one can charge one or more battery packs (there exist commercial Tesla battery packs of 400V 7-10KWh, that can be put in parallel to increase capacity, since some years, you only need an inverter) and power the ECat itself and the house. The “waste” heat can then be used for sanitary water, heat and air conditioning. If you use the heat for all this things, you need few electric power, just for appliances and to cook. 2kwh backed up by batteries should be enough… The only higher electric need could be to recharge electric cars. But if you have an electric car, you could increase the battery pack capacity at the house and run the Ecat moreless continuously to recharge the car when needed: an electric car can do at least 5km with a kwh, so if you use your car, let’s say for 100km/day, maybe total among your electric cars (your wife, your childrens), you need 20kwh/day, that is half of the ECat production. Maybe if you have electric cars, you may consider a bigger ECat, or solar panels, or maybe you manage to obtain more than 10% efficiency. Anyway the future is bright: an household ECat should solve all your energy problems, even if you have electric cars…
Electric regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
are you inventing a new type of P.V. cell, or are you using an existing type adapted for your needs?
Kind regards,
Italo R.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Some of the newer multi-junction photovoltaic cells claim efficiencies approaching 50%. If you can engineer the heat dissipation problems, you would have a system approaching that of industrial electric production for a more smaller, distributed technology. eCat + solar cells – sound like a dream come true, if it works.
Dear Readers:
Please go to to find comments published today on other posts of this blog.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
We are a high technology company. R&D can never stop. When a company like Leonardo Corporation stops R&D its death starts its course. We are making important inventions that are the future of us, while we are focusing on the diffusion of our Ecats. When our competitors will reach what we are doing now ( it will take 3-5 years at the least ), we will be again years ahead of them with our new “divisions”.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
We are studying a new kind of P.V. system.
Warm Regards,
>ugust Harnett:
I’d say yes.
Warm Regards,
I read carefully
Making an analysis of all the parts of them I reached the conclusion that the very core of your technology and its theory is in the paragraph 4 of your paper.
Am I correct?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Are photovoltaic cells (or equivalent) used in the direct electricity production or some other technique?
Dear Andrea,
I’m a bit surprised that you are still further researching the E-cat as I understood from a previous question that you would be putting all your energy in getting the E-cat into full production and acquiring more orders in this period.
Is there a special reason that you continued researching the E-Cat on its direct electrical output capabilities?
Thanks and kind regards, Gerard
Frank Acland:
Yes: first principle of thermodynamics.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Is there a heat v. electricity trade off with the E-Cat? In other words, the more heat you produce, the less electricity, and vice versa?
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Pekka Janhunen:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
How large conversion efficiency do you want for direct electricity production, in order to consider it worthwhile? Is ten percent enough?
best regards, /pekka
Yes, it has improved. We are working on it.
Warm Regards,