It would be rather pointless to reveal their address, because I can’t dance.
Nevertheless, their rejection is a bit of an insult.
If they don’t want to be addressed, let them dance around the clock!
Sooner or later, artificial neural networks will unravel all the tricks of the ballerinas, and entire ballet operas and concerts can be written for them.
In the meantime, take care of your own neural network.
To be honest, I am really surprised that you are now starting a new generation. Let us hope that the SSM and the electricity production will be fine soon. What are the proportions that you expect between electricity and heat in percentages? Roughly.
Raffaele Bongo,
If the Ecat works in a concern wherein is important the continuity in case of black out, it is important to have a back-up. By the way: the Ecat SK Leonardo in permanent SSM should not need external power sources ( if we will be successful with what we are doing ).
Warm Regards,
Clearly, you are not a Prof of Physics, as put in evidence from the stupidity you just wrote, and I have not the time to educate you.
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
The southern half of the city has been on the internet. I had a break lasting more than 12 hours. (No TV, no phone, no web)
I ask the following question: Does the Industrial E-Cat continue to work in the event of a web outage or is it shut down?
I wish you every success in your quest for the autonomous E-Cat
Best regards
Because you have understood nothing and, if it is true that you are a physicist, you clearly did not study my paper.
If you really studied it and understood nothing, I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do for you.
All I had to say about the Coulombian force related to my effect is written in the paper.
Warm Regards,
From midnight to 6 A.M. I sleep.Fortunately I am regular: at midnight I fall asleep because tired and at 6 AM I wake up because of the anxiety of results.
Thank you for your concern,
Warm Regards,
Sven B:
As of today, my paper on Researchgate reached 31837 full readings and 230 recommendations from Prof and researchers of the whole world.
It is the most read and recommended paper of nuclear physics published in the last years. Note: the scientists that recommended the paper have published their recommendations, which makes of a recommendation a peer reviewing. This success was absolutely not expected.
Warm Regards,
Sorry, I confirm what I already answered. If you are a physicist, obviously you did not even read my paper, now that I am reading this answer of yours.
Never mind,
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
1- We are aiming at what we are not able to do. This is R&D stays for
2- I do not know, it is not impossible, but it is difficult
3- I am not able to answer this question, but I think our experiments give evidence to the theoretical work of scientists that do not follow the mass, for example Hestenes ( see his references on my paper ).
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Has your focus shifted from generation of heat>generation of heat + electricity to generation of electricity + less or no heat ?
Frederick Somerville
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations with your progress!
Just a few questions:
1. Are you now aiming for generating mainly electricity with the E-cat Leonardo?
2. Do you believe that you will accomplish SSM this month (November)?
3. Now it seems that your theory and tests come more and more and more together and assuming your view on how it works is right: Do you think that our existing knowledge of elementary particles in the sense of how they are are built up, come into existence and interact, will need to change?
Thanks, kind regards, Gerard
Now we are very curious again. What did you discover? That two or more ballerinas can perform choreographic arts or juggling tricks together that are not possible for a single ballerina?
I read it, studied it and compared it to the regular theories about fusion and still cannot get Your connection.
BTW, I am a physicist, so when I read documents, it mostly implies, that I study them and reflect.
It is somewhat misleading, that You recommend to read 1-4.
Whereas the coloumb chapter is at the end of chapter 3 ongoing.
And if Your effect is not of nuclear nature, then messing with the coloumb barrier is, at least for me, not necessary and also this “balancing” is not possible with the techniques mentioned in Your paper.
So, please be kind and go into detail about, why your effect shall be connected to the coloumb barrier….
I do not think you studied it. At the most you read it.
It is well explained why it is important that the Coulombian forces are balanced and the reason is not nuclear fusion.
Par 1,2,3,4. More than this, I cannot say.
Warm Regards,
Dr Irina and Vitaly Uzikov:
Thank you for your concern: thanks to God, my health sustains perfectly my job. Looking for working together,
Warm Regards,
You cannot even imagine the work that is going on here today. We are very excited and working like beasts.
Thank you for your sustain, always,
Warm Regards,
“First step, second step”. You must have accomplished SSM and now in ‘second step’ – “electricity, electricity, electricity”. If so, congratulations on the epoch achievement!
Caro Andrea,
io sono sicuro che tu non hai mai buttato via anni di lavoro e che neanche un minuto di tempo né un pezzetto di metallo è stato da te speso o sprecato invano.
Non è la prima volta che modifichi la tua strategia nell’affrontare il fenomeno LENR, come quando sei uscito dall’ospedale dopo l’operazione all’ernia e hai dato vita a “Ballerina”, una fantastica creatura!
Ora la tua nuova strategia è affrontare il fenomeno LRPI, quello che hai messo in evidenza con la tua avveniristica pubblicazione.
Io, anzi noi tutti, siamo vicini a te che stai affrontando questo ultimo passo, verso il più avvincente dei traguardi!
Dear Andrea,
I am sure that you have never thrown away years of work and that not even a minute of time or a piece of metal was spent by you or wasted in vain.
It is not the first time that you change your strategy in dealing with the LENR phenomenon, like when you left the hospital after the hernia operation and you gave birth to “Ballerina”, a fantastic creature!
Now your new strategy is to face the LRPI phenomenon, the one you highlighted with your futuristic publication
I, indeed all of us, are close to you that you are facing this last step, towards the most fascinating finish line!
Dear Andrea,
There is one aspect of usable energy supply that no one seems to be talking about. That is that the supply of fossil fuels no matter how large will be eventually depleted and in fact since its use is growing, perhaps sooner than expected. So, the debate about its effect on global warming may be immaterial. Nature has a tendency to move slowly so IMHO this probably will happen before any catastrophic events can occur. As fossil fuels become less available, devices such as yours will by necessity be developed into usable substitutes.
Future regards,
Regarding blockchain for your business model
I am not a professional so really cannot give a good advise for why it would be a huge step forward for your business model, except for the advise to consult a top nudge blockchain consultant who can explain the advantages much better then I will ever be able to do. I believe in regarding to data collection, smart contracts, efficiency, and security it will be of a great benefit.
Dear Andrea!
We are happy to know about the breakthrough successes in the theory and engineering of your fantastic source of energy. Only one request – be more attentive to your health, your over-stressed work should not negatively affect your health – it is too important for all of us!
Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
We redisigned the Ballerina you saw in
. We threw away years of work, made an internal revolution, but it was necessary to arrive where we have to arrive. Courage has been necessary, because we decided not to sit down and enjoy the remarkable results obtained making heat, but I think we are very close and getting closer by the day to our objective. Spent much money, wasted much materials, but it was necessary to make epoche’ on what had been done to arrive where we have to arrive. The pulse has been generated by our theoretical evolution or, better, revolution initiated with
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, The connection between your E-Cat achieving a self sustain mode and cancer is that both of these problems are directly connected to embodied energy. Your E-Cat has solid elements and hydrogen. Cancer is a soft cell becoming solid. It is overrunning a cellular cycle and becoming dense. This subject is to do with atomic structure. Your E-Cat has to get the energy out of embodied substance i.e. conversion/transition. Question how do you stop a cell from densifying i.e. running further than it should. If you can cure cancer or put the E-Cat into a self sustain mode you will realize the connection by the method. However, I do not profess to know everything so maybe there are many methods to overcome this related problem regarding energy/density. As an added piece of information I do not think the problems I sometimes have posting, certain information, on your site has anything to do with the JONP as I have encountered many problems before and no doubt will continue with regards specific information, that certain individuals consider not to be shared. I am use to it. Computers when deemed necessary can be like open books and able to be peer revued. This is nothing to dwell on as I am aware you are extremely busy and wish you all the best being an independent researcher. Regards Eric Ashworth
Dear Andrea,
In order to achieve electrical production, are you just adding special components or are you also redesigning the Ballerina to get easier electrical extraction?
Chuck Davis:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea
In response to your answer: without dreams you could not be where you are today,
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi,
It would be rather pointless to reveal their address, because I can’t dance.
Nevertheless, their rejection is a bit of an insult.
If they don’t want to be addressed, let them dance around the clock!
Sooner or later, artificial neural networks will unravel all the tricks of the ballerinas, and entire ballet operas and concerts can be written for them.
In the meantime, take care of your own neural network.
To be honest, I am really surprised that you are now starting a new generation. Let us hope that the SSM and the electricity production will be fine soon. What are the proportions that you expect between electricity and heat in percentages? Roughly.
Very kind regards,
Raffaele Bongo,
If the Ecat works in a concern wherein is important the continuity in case of black out, it is important to have a back-up. By the way: the Ecat SK Leonardo in permanent SSM should not need external power sources ( if we will be successful with what we are doing ).
Warm Regards,
Clearly, you are not a Prof of Physics, as put in evidence from the stupidity you just wrote, and I have not the time to educate you.
Warm Regards,
I understood it well.
And it is quite erroreous.
For example….
“the quantum vacuum fluctuations predicted by
the Heisenberg uncertainty principle”
Since when does the UCP predict vacuum fluctoations ???
Hello A. Rossi
The southern half of the city has been on the internet. I had a break lasting more than 12 hours. (No TV, no phone, no web)
I ask the following question: Does the Industrial E-Cat continue to work in the event of a web outage or is it shut down?
I wish you every success in your quest for the autonomous E-Cat
Best regards
Because you have understood nothing and, if it is true that you are a physicist, you clearly did not study my paper.
If you really studied it and understood nothing, I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do for you.
All I had to say about the Coulombian force related to my effect is written in the paper.
Warm Regards,
From midnight to 6 A.M. I sleep.Fortunately I am regular: at midnight I fall asleep because tired and at 6 AM I wake up because of the anxiety of results.
Thank you for your concern,
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr Rossi,
Do you ever sleep?
So much things to do in so much small time!
With love,
Sven B:
As of today, my paper on Researchgate reached 31837 full readings and 230 recommendations from Prof and researchers of the whole world.
It is the most read and recommended paper of nuclear physics published in the last years. Note: the scientists that recommended the paper have published their recommendations, which makes of a recommendation a peer reviewing. This success was absolutely not expected.
Warm Regards,
Sorry, I confirm what I already answered. If you are a physicist, obviously you did not even read my paper, now that I am reading this answer of yours.
Never mind,
Warm Regards,
Koen Vandewalle:
We asked ballerinas if we can give you their address, but they said “no, it is confidential”
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
1- We are aiming at what we are not able to do. This is R&D stays for
2- I do not know, it is not impossible, but it is difficult
3- I am not able to answer this question, but I think our experiments give evidence to the theoretical work of scientists that do not follow the mass, for example Hestenes ( see his references on my paper ).
Warm Regards,
Frederick Somerville:
Now our focus is on production of electricity, but we are not abandoning the production of heat.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Has your focus shifted from generation of heat>generation of heat + electricity to generation of electricity + less or no heat ?
Frederick Somerville
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations with your progress!
Just a few questions:
1. Are you now aiming for generating mainly electricity with the E-cat Leonardo?
2. Do you believe that you will accomplish SSM this month (November)?
3. Now it seems that your theory and tests come more and more and more together and assuming your view on how it works is right: Do you think that our existing knowledge of elementary particles in the sense of how they are are built up, come into existence and interact, will need to change?
Thanks, kind regards, Gerard
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi and Team,
Now we are very curious again. What did you discover? That two or more ballerinas can perform choreographic arts or juggling tricks together that are not possible for a single ballerina?
In time we will be allowed to know for sure?
Kind Regards,
Hi, Andrea.
You answered this:
I am curious about the latest statistics of the publication
What are now the four figures and how does each of them compare with all other publications?
Kind regards
Sven B
Frank Acland:
Not yet, but today we made another important step forward.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
Thank you for your kind attention for our work, but I think the Flying Cat is just a dream…but…
Warm Regards,
Hermes Atar Trismegistus:
Soundwaves can affect some kinds of plasma. Not ours.
Warm Regards,
Do soundwaves any effect on the plasma we watched on ? Good luck for the Electric Ecat !
Hermes Atar Trismegistus
Dear Andrea,
I am excited to see your progress toward the Ecat and can’t wait to power my house with itin California.
Also: imagine to power this kind of stuff with the Ecat:
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Dear Andrea,
From your comments, it sounds like an exciting day today at the lab. Have you achieved permanent self-sustain yet?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
I do not think you studied it. At the most you read it.
It is well explained why it is important that the Coulombian forces are balanced and the reason is not nuclear fusion.
Par 1,2,3,4. More than this, I cannot say.
Warm Regards,
Ronald Kinsler:
1- Always
2- Never happened that ionizing radiations have been emitted by any E-Cat
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Aleida Wollner:
Warm Regards,
Dr Irina and Vitaly Uzikov:
Thank you for your concern: thanks to God, my health sustains perfectly my job. Looking for working together,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your suggestions and the links,
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Because since something better remains to be done, it’s like you did nothing.
Warm Regards,
I agree.
Warm Regards,
Enea Romagnoli:
Thank you for your trust in our work.
I see what I can do to merit it
Warm Regards,
You cannot even imagine the work that is going on here today. We are very excited and working like beasts.
Thank you for your sustain, always,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
“First step, second step”. You must have accomplished SSM and now in ‘second step’ – “electricity, electricity, electricity”. If so, congratulations on the epoch achievement!
Caro Andrea,
io sono sicuro che tu non hai mai buttato via anni di lavoro e che neanche un minuto di tempo né un pezzetto di metallo è stato da te speso o sprecato invano.
Non è la prima volta che modifichi la tua strategia nell’affrontare il fenomeno LENR, come quando sei uscito dall’ospedale dopo l’operazione all’ernia e hai dato vita a “Ballerina”, una fantastica creatura!
Ora la tua nuova strategia è affrontare il fenomeno LRPI, quello che hai messo in evidenza con la tua avveniristica pubblicazione.
Io, anzi noi tutti, siamo vicini a te che stai affrontando questo ultimo passo, verso il più avvincente dei traguardi!
Dear Andrea,
I am sure that you have never thrown away years of work and that not even a minute of time or a piece of metal was spent by you or wasted in vain.
It is not the first time that you change your strategy in dealing with the LENR phenomenon, like when you left the hospital after the hernia operation and you gave birth to “Ballerina”, a fantastic creature!
Now your new strategy is to face the LRPI phenomenon, the one you highlighted with your futuristic publication
I, indeed all of us, are close to you that you are facing this last step, towards the most fascinating finish line!
Dear Andrea,
There is one aspect of usable energy supply that no one seems to be talking about. That is that the supply of fossil fuels no matter how large will be eventually depleted and in fact since its use is growing, perhaps sooner than expected. So, the debate about its effect on global warming may be immaterial. Nature has a tendency to move slowly so IMHO this probably will happen before any catastrophic events can occur. As fossil fuels become less available, devices such as yours will by necessity be developed into usable substitutes.
Future regards,
Dear Andrea,
Good luck in your quest for electricity from SSM — but why go for the most difficult goal right away? Heat is very important and a vast market.
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea
Regarding blockchain for your business model
I am not a professional so really cannot give a good advise for why it would be a huge step forward for your business model, except for the advise to consult a top nudge blockchain consultant who can explain the advantages much better then I will ever be able to do. I believe in regarding to data collection, smart contracts, efficiency, and security it will be of a great benefit.
sometimes to find a big cheese just follow a mouse….but maybe I am just smelling something that’s not there
I am sorry I cannot be more specific.
Kind regards and success to you and your team
Dear Andrea!
We are happy to know about the breakthrough successes in the theory and engineering of your fantastic source of energy. Only one request – be more attentive to your health, your over-stressed work should not negatively affect your health – it is too important for all of us!
Dr Rossi,
Are you still selling heat?
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
1 Are you always measuring the radiations emitted from the Ecat SK Leonardo ?
2 Results?
Hi, Andrea.
You asked:
Andrea Rossi
November 12, 2019 at 11:47 AM
Did you study it ?
Warm Regards,
Now I studied it.
And I do not see, why You still refer to a coloumb barrier transition, if You admitted, that it is not fusion.
Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
We redisigned the Ballerina you saw in
. We threw away years of work, made an internal revolution, but it was necessary to arrive where we have to arrive. Courage has been necessary, because we decided not to sit down and enjoy the remarkable results obtained making heat, but I think we are very close and getting closer by the day to our objective. Spent much money, wasted much materials, but it was necessary to make epoche’ on what had been done to arrive where we have to arrive. The pulse has been generated by our theoretical evolution or, better, revolution initiated with
Warm Regards,
Eric Ashworth:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, The connection between your E-Cat achieving a self sustain mode and cancer is that both of these problems are directly connected to embodied energy. Your E-Cat has solid elements and hydrogen. Cancer is a soft cell becoming solid. It is overrunning a cellular cycle and becoming dense. This subject is to do with atomic structure. Your E-Cat has to get the energy out of embodied substance i.e. conversion/transition. Question how do you stop a cell from densifying i.e. running further than it should. If you can cure cancer or put the E-Cat into a self sustain mode you will realize the connection by the method. However, I do not profess to know everything so maybe there are many methods to overcome this related problem regarding energy/density. As an added piece of information I do not think the problems I sometimes have posting, certain information, on your site has anything to do with the JONP as I have encountered many problems before and no doubt will continue with regards specific information, that certain individuals consider not to be shared. I am use to it. Computers when deemed necessary can be like open books and able to be peer revued. This is nothing to dwell on as I am aware you are extremely busy and wish you all the best being an independent researcher. Regards Eric Ashworth
Dear Andrea,
In order to achieve electrical production, are you just adding special components or are you also redesigning the Ballerina to get easier electrical extraction?
Best Regards,