United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Marcello Gianferrari:
    The Earth is a closed system. If you extend it to the solar system,you still are in a closed system. If you extend it to the Galaxy, it is still a closed system. And so on.
    Whichever system you define Entropy increases, unless a force to modify it intervenes. By the way, we can use the Occam’s Razor and consider only the Earth, just to avoid sterile discussions about the Universe.
    Sorry, no 1000 $ prize.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    If the load drops to zero the Ecat SK Leonardo will stop to operate.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Vincenzo Bonomo:
    During the days after the start we did not observe malfunctions,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Toussaints Francois:
    38 Watts for both.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Merry Yogurt:
    I am sure, yes.
    Warm Regards
    Obviously they will have access to the black box to verufy that there are not power sources of any kind.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel Hicks:
    Thank you for your moving words.
    I wish to you and all our American Readers a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving Day
    Andrea Rossi

  • Daniel Hicks

    Dear Andrea:
    I have been following your work since the first presentation of the Rossi effect.
    Thank you for never giving up, Dr Rossi.
    All of us who believe in your work share this Thanksgiving Day with you in gratitude to God for leading you so magnificently to this wonderful discovery.
    At just the right time.
    Looking forward to the Clarion Call that the public demo of January or february will be,
    Best Wished to you and yours,

  • Merry Yogurt

    Dear Andrea,

    Do you think the name of the verifying entity will be easily recognizable by the public?

    Voltaic regards,

  • toussaint françois

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    May I ask you 2 questions, please.

    What is the power necessary to start up the SKL ?

    And what is the power necessary to maintain the closed loop of the SKL ?

    Warm Regards.

    Toussaint François

  • Vincenzo Bonomo

    Caro Dr. Rossi in queste ultime settimane ha mai registrato casi di divergenza durante il funzionamento dell’Ecat SK Leonardo?
    Cordiali saluti.

  • Giovanni

    Dear Andrea

    perhaps I didn’t catch your answer to similar questions, so please be patient….

    What will happen if the load drops to zero (car during the night, house deserted because owners are on vacation, etc.) and the EcatL is still producing electricity? Or, if the load drops behind the set output.

    My best regards


  • Marcello Gianferrari

    Forgive my english, but there is a logical fallacy in your reasoning about entropy. Entropy can only increase in a closed system, the earth (like many other planets) is not (at least until the sun goes out). In an open system the entropy can decrease and therefore allow the birth of complex systems. You cannot take a law that applies to a closed system (the universe) and apply it to all the elements (open systems) it contains.

  • L-E

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    In my opinion, fast diffusion of Ecat-SKL should now be easier than ever
    due to the present state of climate urgency(agreed by a global many).
    Most governments will immediately approve and promote it as it suddenly makes their
    own UN and domestic plans for carbon reduction much more realistic and achievable.
    Present laws for pollution from transports and industry will then be made tougher.
    A range of investment support (taxpayer money) to companies and individuals (as today for wind and solar)will be created (whether you like it or not)
    Any upcoming certification issues will be handled smoothly.

    I am sure your strategy is already taking this new situation into account.

    Best regards

  • WaltC

    Dr Rossi,
    If you can say–
    As you draw increasing amounts of electricity from the E-Cat SKL, does the total output of the device (heat plus electricity):
    – remain approximately the same?
    – increase?
    – decrease?


  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    How long of a continuous test period is required to differentiate the eCat SK Leonardo from chemical-based supplies?


    Power Output: 1 kW (70% electrical; 30% thermal)
    eCat Mass: 0.1 kilogram

    Test Duration: 1 week continuous – based on one month with independent reviewer: 1 week to set up; 1 week trial run; 1 week actual test and 1 week verification test.
    1 week = 168 hours

    eCat SK Leonardo:
    Specific Power density = 1 kW / 0.1 kg = 10,000 W / kg
    Specific Energy density = 1 kW * 168 hr / 0.1 kg = 1,680,000 W hr / kg

    Compare this with Gasoline:
    Specific Power density of about 100 W / kg
    Specific Energy density of about 1,000 W hr / kg

    Compare with Pu-238
    Specific Power density of 300 W / kg
    Specific Energy density of about 3,000,000 W hr / kg.

    So a one week test duration (under the above assumptions) should be about the right length of time to differentiate the performance from chemical sources.

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi, what does happen if we reduce the resistance of the load (i.e. asking for more energy)?
    I imagine that the current will increase with a constant voltage (Ohms law). But where is the limit?
    Has the SKL a protection against short circuit?
    Kind regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Entropy is a pillar of Physics.
    In simple words, Entropy increases constantly the grade of disorder : based on the thermodynamic principles, Entropy ( disorder ) increases in time unless a force is applied to make it decrease in specific systems. In the Universe Entropy is constantly increasing ( I am speaking in very simple words, to be understood from everybody ).
    Now, the cases are two and they exclude each orher: either the Entropy does not exist, and in this case it is possible that a Supreme Creative Entity does not exist, or Entropy exists, in this case it is the scientific evidence of the existence of God.
    Entropy says, as an example, that if you pour a gallon of ink on the floor, without anything to dispose it with exception of gravity, the ink will splash on the floor in a very disordered feature.
    If you repeat the same operation billions of billions of times, the result will be the same.
    This is what Entropy says.
    To say that pouring casually ink on the floor one gallon of ink sooner or later letters will form until will appear the text of Romeo and Juliet of Shakespeare is an evident stupidity, because Entropy will forbid it: pouring ink casually on the floor can only increase, not decrease the disorder.
    Now: I suppose we all agree upon the fact that the Universe and all the creatures contained in it are fare more complicate ordered systems than the opera of the great British Author William Shakespeare, so it is obvious that the universe and all what is in it cannot be a so sophisticately ordered system without a Supreme Force that has put order to the disorder that Entropy, by physic law, would have produced.
    I will give a prize of 1000 $ to any agnostic or atheist scientist ( they are so a’ la mode of today… ) that will be able to give evidence of the contrary without compromise the Thermodynamic Principles, which would mean
    rewrite science from the scratch.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    These data will be given during the presentation,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dear Andrea:
    your paper on Researchgate

    has been translated in Chinese here:

    Now 1.5 billion Chinese can read your paper!

  • Milan

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    how much electrical power is the device you are currently testing generating? Approximately.

    Thank you, I’m very excited about your invention!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    A + B + C have nothing to do with the Ecat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea:

    I realize you may not be able to provide a definitive answer to these questions, but whatever your best guess is, will be fine with me:

    A. Do you have any idea whether there may be a limit to the quantity of energy a trillion or so (for the sake of example) of your catalysts, distributed across the planet, would be able to source simultaneously? Put slightly differently: Is there reason to suppose there is likely to be a limit to the amount of energy that can be extracted per second per cubic kilometre of space-time?

    B. Is this novel energy source likely to be self-replenishing across the universe, perhaps in a manner analogous to the hydrological cycle on planet earth, or as in an analogy with diffusion?

    C. Might astronomers eventually be able to detect distant civilizations by observing their efforts to drain this resource from their surroundings? (Irrelevant really, but I just wanted to be on record as the first person to suggest it!)

    In short, is it likely that, as in the case of an oil well, the supply could run out if tapped too quickly, or in the very long run? Or, when the supply is used up in one location in the universe might it simply be automatically replenished thereby making it limitless for all practical purposes?

    Deuterium from seawater was once touted as inexhaustible, but even at assumed modest rates of growth of energy demand that proved inaccurate.

    Thank you, as always,

    Unlimited regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are working on the best size module issue. It is extremely important.
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Because we did not yet make a global presentation.
    In due time we will make it. I think January/February. With the product.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Martin Himpe:
    Lower the generation to the level you need. With the modular system this is easy.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It’s working since days now.
    The tests are not going to stop.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Aillas Troice:
    Thank you for the suggestion. A presentation is necessary and to make it global and strong we need more than that.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1- confidential
    2- we have still to decide, experiments and measurements are on course to define the most convenient solution
    3- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    1. Which, if any, parts of the E-Cat SKL will have to be specially manufactured, rather than bought off the shelf?
    2. What is the power rating for the individual SKL (which can be combined with other units for the desired power output)?
    3. After the prototypes you have built for testing, are you now building more SKLs?

    Best regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Aillas Troice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    It has been several days now since the momentous event: you can now be confident that you are not dreaming and your apparatus works as described, driving a workload without any external input. If you think it works, I’m sure it works. Why wait for the certification before announcing this discovery to the world? In terms of its bombshell effect it will be like the discovery of intelligent life on Mars. It’s the most important scientific discovery ever; people will need time to get used to the idea, to process it, to think of the implications, to prepare for the Rossi reactor’s (hopefully speedy) arrival on a commercial scale. You say the apparatus is still working, without external power, driving a useful load. Why not put a continuous, uninterrupted stream of it on Youtube? Not everyone will be immediately convinced, but the news will start to spread. Right now, only your loyal followers are aware of what’s happened (and not all seem to be convinced). Your R&D has arrived at such a phase that the time for secrecy, for ambiguity, for “let’s wait for another test or another certification” is well past. Let the revolution begin! And let it begin now, not in February! Russia and Ukraine, for example, are on the brink of another war if they fail to sign a long-term natural gas transit contract before the end of December. If the Russian and Ukrainian governments learn that the Rossi reactor is about to go commercial, the 10-year gas transit contract will become irrelevant and there will be no war. Every day counts!

  • Stephen

    Dear Andrea,

    There’s a question I’m itching to ask that I’m sure others are wondering. But I’m not sure if I’m asking too soon or if you prefer to wait. If so feel free to ignore it till thee right time. I’ll understand it is a

    But here is the question anyway:

    I understand that the ecat was put into closed loop on Saturday for some period of time at least. Can you tell us already what the longest period of closed loop operation was?

    A follow up question if relevant is are you planning longer duration tests like this in the near time frame?

    Which ever the case best if luck for the testing that you are performing I’m looking forward to January/February very much now and thanks for being patient with my questions.

    Best Regards.


  • Paul


    For regulatory purposes, put a solar panel on it and call it a highly efficient solar power system. (Hey, its so efficient it works in the dark!)

    Folding it into the current regulatory structure will circumvent the powers that be (and the interests that pull their strings) from making the technology unobtainable to the public.


  • Martin Himpe

    Dr Rossi,
    What happens if the Eca6t generates more electricity that it is consumed by the load?
    Best Regards,
    Martin Himpe

  • Claud

    Dear Andrea, three days after the declaration of the success of your final endeavour, I didn’t find any mainstream press article about this issue. I googled “e-cat Sk Leonardo” and similar but no echo appears excluding few specialized sites.
    Why, in your opinion, there is so low attention to this breaking new? Is it due to the likely aversion of the carbon energy powers?
    May this portray a threat for the e-cat?
    With my best wishes


  • Stephen

    Dear Andrea

    Lilylovers question with ants and elephants made me smile. After several days celebrating I’m sure many of us would end up like this. But perhaps a glass or two makes me realize there is a very interesting point Bring made there.

    The engineering of the current device seems really optimum for most uses. But could it also be applied to your previous QX sized device?

    There could be an optimum there too.

    For most practical applications batteries are ideal for small devices. But loose charge. Very small ecat a might be interesting but the small amounts of thermal out put would need to be radiated in these small devices.

    But having a suitable portable power pack to keep this batteries charged would be really interesting possibility

    The QX size is interesting 20W device might have perhaps 15 W electrical output that could trickle charge a battery power pack that could be used to charge any kinds of batteries in phones, laptops torches what ever. 5W thermal output should be manageable to radiate from a small enough surface with out getting too hot. Perhaps not much hotter than a human body.

    Maybe a bit heavy for an ant but just nice to put beside my phone in my briefcase.

    Does the device need to be the size of your current device to work or could it be miniaturized to QX sizes?

    or perhaps even much smaller if that was also a useful size domain for those ants e engineering ants 😉

    Thanks and Best Regards


  • Andrea Rossi

    Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
    a- it is not
    b- assembling modules you reach the power you want
    c- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Karl-Henrik Malmqvist

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations to the success with the E-Cat SK L!

    a) Is it sensitive for varying electrical loads?
    Maybe it is necessary to have a contactor that disconnects the output from the load in case of an overload or a shortcircuit?
    But that function can be built into the electrical transformer.

    b) When you start to design the commercial module (blue box) will it be closer to 1 KW electrical power or closer to 20 kW?

    c) If the blue box will be 20 kW electrical power it might consist of a number of smaller E-Cat SK L:s ?

    Best Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jag Bara Undrar:
    Moreless so,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jag Bara Undrar:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • L-E

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I hope you do not mind that I try to bring the attention of
    your work into the climate debate.
    See my posts at https://lenr-energy.info

    My best wishes for your worldwide introduction!

  • Jag bara undrar?

    4000-5000 hours ….

    Should be around 300,000 km = normal for a car…

  • Jag bara undrar?

    “because our module has been designed using parts already off the shelf asnd already manufactured in millions of pcs per year”

    Just put the “battery (cat) in the existing electric car and drive away …

  • Andrea Rossi

    Stefano G.:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Dorr:
    Thank you for your sustain and attention to our work. About the spelling: what a coincidence !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Remi Andre’:
    I do not like the terms “new Physics” and “known Physics”. Physics is a matter in constant evolution and sometimes, like in this case, new discoveries are made returning to a better study of past theories ( for example a deeper study of the Dirac equations ). Nothing is new in absolute or known in absolute. As a matter of fact, the unknown is everywhere.
    The theoretical bases of the evolution of the Ecat SK Leonardo are here:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Forsberg:
    Welcome back !
    With the right partners this could take not much time, because our module has been designed using parts already off the shelf asnd already manufactured in millions of pcs per year. I used all the experience made in the last years to avoid bottlenecks in the industrialization phase.The passage to a strong industrialization could be much faster than the time to realize the prototype.
    Warm Regards,

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