Dear Andrea,
Looks like two of the E-Cat SKL will easily fit under the rear car seat of a car or trunk. I’m sure that one E-Cat SKL could last for 8 months or so, but let’s say it’ll only last (or guaranteed) for 6 months. Now, will it be possible to keep second E-Cat SKL dormant for the first six months and activate when needed after six months? I.e.
Q1. Can the E-Cat SKL remain dormant, but connected to AI controller, for six months without going “stale” or “dead”?
(Why does that matter? You could send the entire car for annual check-up / update / refueling, rather than twice a year. Carrying extra dead load of say 20 kg is no big deal for such a convenience.)
Q2. Which are your top three favorite car models? (I know, I know here you are solving the World’s biggest problems, and you get such a silly question? Well, we’d love to know. For example, someone might say 1. Jaguar XK-E 2. Ferrari Dino 3. BMW 850; if you are in a happy mood, please list top seven, one for each day of the week!)
Q3. E-Cat SKL changes ‘offense is the best defense’ to ‘defense is the best offence’, do you concur?
Thank you.
Occasionally I try to understand some of your publication by reading and studying. A 3D animation would be extremely welcome 😉
The theory also seems to apply to devices from which we get a glimpse of creative technicians: some with permanent magnets, others with motor-generator loops.
By making the ballerina dance in a magnetic field, does she superimpose the electromagnetic energy of the Rossi effect on that field?
Do I see a lighthouse in the distance or is it a mirage?
Frank Acland:
Whatever you want. Close to it there is a box containing Artificial Intelligence that in any conditon keeps always the Ecat SKL at the maximum efficiency.A veritable masterpiece, born in these very days.
Warm Regards,
I noticed the suggestion to illuminate a Christmas tree: by extension, why not important meeting points like the Rockefeller Center?
Thanks to you, your Team and your many supporters,
Richard Pollack
I share the following question respectfully so as to make my point clear: Is the February presentation being done to prove your accomplishment or to gain entry into the market?
If your goal is as I expect it, then I suggest that you and your mysterious global partner are grappling with a key problem: how to gain entry into the market in a pronounced and profitable, cash flow rich manner.
If my understanding is correct, then you have put on the table two means to this end: (1) a testing institution, or possibly two, with presumably a “global” or irrefutable reputation, and (2) a “specialist” responsible for managing possible MSM invitees such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The International Herald Tribune for example.
I would suggest to you a third means: An economist, a specialist in this particular area, that would describe how the current pricing of the SK, 80% of the current heating bill, would enhance the USA’s competitiveness for commodities such as agricultural products, or bulk processed metals, or raw materials as input to value added manufacturing. Buyers of commodities are extraordinarily price sensitive. The economist would convey the degree of impact in broad detail of such a significant cost-of-processing reduction upon USA competitiveness in the global market.
I think it important to keep in mind, if you contract with a true “expert in the details” economist, then you likely will get good information on a possible change in pricing. The economist should be able to bring some meaning to the impact of the current 80% of the SK versus 75%, 70%, etc.
As always, my best to you, your team, and your wife.
ps. If my understanding of the situation is fair, then a professional PR person for the actual presentation would also help. This is a presentation with the message of “you mean business!” in your goal of improving the USA’s stance in the Global Market.
On Nov 26 you told me that the voltage at the output of SKL can be adjusted to any level by standard components.
This sounds really too good.
Does it mean that at 5Kw electric output level, an SKL assembly can be set to output >200 V DC?
If so you can directly replace any modern grid-connected 5 kW solar cell array with
SKL and keep it running 24/7 at 5kw without any batteries involved. Any peak need above 5kW, as well as starting power, will be supplied by the grid.
E.g if your yearly consumption is 15000 kWh, the overproduction,(8760*5kWh-15000), could today be sold at > 5 cents/kWh (in Sweden) and directly go to finance the SKL installation.
Could you pls correct the above discussion where needed?
Toussaint Francois:
The Ballerina was seeable on
because on purpose I hade prepares a translucent container. The product is closed in a box ( the blu cube ).
Warm Regards,
Eric Ashworth:
I cannot add information to what I have already published on
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
1- I do not need to deal with false ideas
2- yes
3- yes, plus we have made measurements of ionizing radiations with the certified instrumentation everywhere used to measure ionizing radiations and we never found any kind of radiation emitted
by the Ecat
4- no
5- no
6- no
7- no
Warm Regards
You descriptions of the E-Cat SKL keep on becoming more and more exciting. I’m very eager for the report to come out!
1) To put to rest the false idea that you’re utilizing a MHD device to produce electricity, can you confirm that the electrical output simply travels out of the plasma ball within the internal atmosphere of the reactor and into one of the two electrodes where it can be collected for use?
2) It seems that you’ve resolved the issue of your power supply overheating and requiring active cooling – especially if the control box is now the size of a pack of cigarettes. Can you confirm this?
3) Have you placed finely polished discs of various materials in close proximity to the reactor (in a similar manner to the experiments detailed in a paper by Dr. Alexander Parkhomov) to determine if the track marks characteristic of “Strange Radiation” can be obtained?
Here is a paper from Parkhomov which explains the concept along with photographs of the “Strange Radiation” tracks obtained from both an Ni-H reactor and a device creating electrical discharges in a liquid. I should point out that virtually all cold fusion devices seem to produce “Strange Radiation” to different degrees.
4) Do you utilize any materials with a high thermal neutron cross section either in the fuel mixture of the reactor or in the structure of the cube?
(Since Strange Radiation – likely clusters of Kenneth Shoulders EVOs or Exotic Vacuum Objects – is highly reactive to materials with a high thermal neutron cross section, if you are using such materials this could be an explanation if you have performed tests and failed to detect any external Strange Radiation escaping.)
5) In the demonstration of the E-Cat QX in Stockholm, the ion acoustic oscillations which are the signature of the negative resistance regime were repeatedly visible on the view screen of your oscilloscope. During the negative resistance regime of a plasma discharge, according to even mainstream literature, self-organizing plasma constructs must form. Can confirm that these same principles that were in operation within the E-Cat QX are still involved in the operation of the E-Cat SKL?
6) Can you tell us the size of the plasma ball within the E-Cat SKL? (You told us that within the QX it was minuscule and in the video of the SK we saw they were much larger.)
7) Does adjusting the plasma to produce more direct electrical output than heat reduce the overall, total output of the device? I’m curious if the trade off sacrificed when getting such a high electrical output is a reduction of TOTAL (heat, light, electrical, etc) output.
Thank you so much for your willingness to answer questions and communicate with the world on your blog! It’s very much appreciated.
Dear Andrea, In reply to your question, Can you shorten your question. I found it difficult until Franco Pirri asked the question is an informatics on your team. The source of all information is important because of the projections that can be made by the understanding. As an example, if you gave an Amazonian Indian a simple electric generator with a lighting bulb he would have no problem in using it but would be unable to apply the generator to any other task or expound upon it. Whereas if he worked out what electricity was and built the generator using logic he would know the applications it could be used for and overcome many problems other than creating light. I was unaware of the subject informatics but as I have said many times life is a learning experience and it did puzzle me how information can be acquired without giving out the mystery behind the GOD concept. Informatics is indeed a great idea whereby each scientific subject although relies upon a single foundation is by necessity departmentalized. That was why I asked the question regarding stones and pearls as I was trying to find out the source of your information, whether it came from that book of wisdom being the origin of the esoteric domain.
I would be interested to know whether your informatics specialist solved the ‘Paul Dirac Large Number Hypothesis’ because I find both the esoteric and academic scientific understanding both fascinating and important regarding planetary advancement.
Regards Eric Ashworth
I’ve been following the development of your products for several years and I really hope you get the success you deserve.
I do not understand how it is possible that the news of last November 23 has not been published in any news or newspaper worldwide.
This news could completely upset the world economies, I consider it at the same level as the “Eppur si muove!” by Galileo Galilei.
Now that the Climate Conference is opening in Madrid, such a news should be on everyone’s lips and the main topic to be discussed.
In your opinion, why is it not being discussed?
Dr Joseph Fine:
A new patent has been filed.
We are not using Carnot or Brayton cycles.
To produce heat is necessary a larger volume.
Warm Regards,
Tom Conover:
Thank you for your sustain.
They are two different things.
No, the industrial safety certifications did not expire.
Yes, there are on course certifications for households
Warm Regards,
There is a saying, “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” To many, what you claim regarding the SKL sounds too good to be true.
A lot is resting on the verification of your technology, and I think independent corroboration of your claims by the verifying entity will be very important in terms of convincing the wider world of the validity your technology.
1. Is the verifying entity independent of Leonardo Corp and any business partners you have?
2. Will the report made by the verifying entity be made public to the world?
3. Will the report include images and video of the SKL?
4. Will the verifying entity participate in your presentation?
Many devices that work with heat get worn out over time due to, among other things, thermal stress. I think this will also have been a problem with the previous versions of your reactors. Certainly under variable heat production and heat consumption.
That is why I assume that the basis of the SKL is an extremely robust design.
By extracting energy now in the form of electricity, and much less via heat, does it seem likely that the life of the reactors themselves could be multiplied?
You said you are not using MHD (Magnetohydrodynamics) to generate electricity.
and the SKL was extracting energy directly from the Plasma.
Do you have to file a new patent on this method of generating electricity from plasma, or are you using a variation of the Carnot Cycle (or Brayton Cycle) using high temperature gas?
I thought you were using MHD.
If your “Heat Transfer Fluid” is a hot gas, operating temperature would be much higher than 600 degrees Celsius. And generator efficiency would probably be limited to about 60-70%.
Are you using some form of Carnot Cycle or a Brayton Cycle, which seems more likely?
If you were using the E-Cat SKL to produce only Heat, would the 1 Liter (or 4 inch cube) module be capable of producing a 30 KW thermal output?
Toussaint Francois:
Not easy to answer, but I assure you we will do all that is possible to make it as short as possible.
Impossible to give a date now.
Warm Regards,
1 yes
2 I am Italian…obviously Ferrari
3 it depends on the situations
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Looks like two of the E-Cat SKL will easily fit under the rear car seat of a car or trunk. I’m sure that one E-Cat SKL could last for 8 months or so, but let’s say it’ll only last (or guaranteed) for 6 months. Now, will it be possible to keep second E-Cat SKL dormant for the first six months and activate when needed after six months? I.e.
Q1. Can the E-Cat SKL remain dormant, but connected to AI controller, for six months without going “stale” or “dead”?
(Why does that matter? You could send the entire car for annual check-up / update / refueling, rather than twice a year. Carrying extra dead load of say 20 kg is no big deal for such a convenience.)
Q2. Which are your top three favorite car models? (I know, I know here you are solving the World’s biggest problems, and you get such a silly question? Well, we’d love to know. For example, someone might say 1. Jaguar XK-E 2. Ferrari Dino 3. BMW 850; if you are in a happy mood, please list top seven, one for each day of the week!)
Q3. E-Cat SKL changes ‘offense is the best defense’ to ‘defense is the best offence’, do you concur?
Thank you.
Hello Andrea Rossi,
Occasionally I try to understand some of your publication by reading and studying. A 3D animation would be extremely welcome 😉
The theory also seems to apply to devices from which we get a glimpse of creative technicians: some with permanent magnets, others with motor-generator loops.
By making the ballerina dance in a magnetic field, does she superimpose the electromagnetic energy of the Rossi effect on that field?
Do I see a lighthouse in the distance or is it a mirage?
Kind regards,
De_Lyt Channel:
1 this data will be given at the presentation
2 find the answer, that is complex, here:
3 no
Warm Regards,
1 what is the power of the 10 cm cube?
2 are there electron-nuclear-resonance interactions?
3 is there any material inflow?
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Is the Artificial Intelligence box you mention also powered by the E-Cat SKL?
Thank you,
Frank Acland
Warm Regards,
Sven B:
I think it is premature to give these data.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Whatever you want. Close to it there is a box containing Artificial Intelligence that in any conditon keeps always the Ecat SKL at the maximum efficiency.A veritable masterpiece, born in these very days.
Warm Regards,
We are studying this situation. Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
John B:
1 no
2 after the end
Warm Regards,
Richard Pollack:
This year is too soon, maybe in the next years,
Warm Regards,
I noticed the suggestion to illuminate a Christmas tree: by extension, why not important meeting points like the Rockefeller Center?
Thanks to you, your Team and your many supporters,
Richard Pollack
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
DR Rossi,
here is the English version of the article on Ecat-the New Fire:
Dear Dr. Rossi
1. Has independent verification and certification begun on the test apparatus of Ecat SK Leonardo from Nov 23 ?
2. Will you be able to report on progress of Verification and certification as it is ongoing or when complete ?
Thank You
Warmest Regards
Hello DR Rossi
Will anyone other than yourself
that took part in the
November 23 ECat SKL
test be at the presentation?
Dear Andrea:
I share the following question respectfully so as to make my point clear: Is the February presentation being done to prove your accomplishment or to gain entry into the market?
If your goal is as I expect it, then I suggest that you and your mysterious global partner are grappling with a key problem: how to gain entry into the market in a pronounced and profitable, cash flow rich manner.
If my understanding is correct, then you have put on the table two means to this end: (1) a testing institution, or possibly two, with presumably a “global” or irrefutable reputation, and (2) a “specialist” responsible for managing possible MSM invitees such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The International Herald Tribune for example.
I would suggest to you a third means: An economist, a specialist in this particular area, that would describe how the current pricing of the SK, 80% of the current heating bill, would enhance the USA’s competitiveness for commodities such as agricultural products, or bulk processed metals, or raw materials as input to value added manufacturing. Buyers of commodities are extraordinarily price sensitive. The economist would convey the degree of impact in broad detail of such a significant cost-of-processing reduction upon USA competitiveness in the global market.
I think it important to keep in mind, if you contract with a true “expert in the details” economist, then you likely will get good information on a possible change in pricing. The economist should be able to bring some meaning to the impact of the current 80% of the SK versus 75%, 70%, etc.
As always, my best to you, your team, and your wife.
ps. If my understanding of the situation is fair, then a professional PR person for the actual presentation would also help. This is a presentation with the message of “you mean business!” in your goal of improving the USA’s stance in the Global Market.
Dear Andrea,
When you operate the E-Cat SKL, how close is the control box (you said the size of a cigarette pack) from the blue cube?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea Rossi,
On Nov 26 you told me that the voltage at the output of SKL can be adjusted to any level by standard components.
This sounds really too good.
Does it mean that at 5Kw electric output level, an SKL assembly can be set to output >200 V DC?
If so you can directly replace any modern grid-connected 5 kW solar cell array with
SKL and keep it running 24/7 at 5kw without any batteries involved. Any peak need above 5kW, as well as starting power, will be supplied by the grid.
E.g if your yearly consumption is 15000 kWh, the overproduction,(8760*5kWh-15000), could today be sold at > 5 cents/kWh (in Sweden) and directly go to finance the SKL installation.
Could you pls correct the above discussion where needed?
Kind regards
Sven B
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Your secret is out on how the control system resolves the cube’s erratic ballerina:
Toussaint Francois:
The Ballerina was seeable on
because on purpose I hade prepares a translucent container. The product is closed in a box ( the blu cube ).
Warm Regards,
I see what I can do.
Warm Regards,
Because the product has not yet been presented and certified by a third party.
Warm Regards,
Eric Ashworth:
I cannot add information to what I have already published on
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
1- I do not need to deal with false ideas
2- yes
3- yes, plus we have made measurements of ionizing radiations with the certified instrumentation everywhere used to measure ionizing radiations and we never found any kind of radiation emitted
by the Ecat
4- no
5- no
6- no
7- no
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
You descriptions of the E-Cat SKL keep on becoming more and more exciting. I’m very eager for the report to come out!
1) To put to rest the false idea that you’re utilizing a MHD device to produce electricity, can you confirm that the electrical output simply travels out of the plasma ball within the internal atmosphere of the reactor and into one of the two electrodes where it can be collected for use?
2) It seems that you’ve resolved the issue of your power supply overheating and requiring active cooling – especially if the control box is now the size of a pack of cigarettes. Can you confirm this?
3) Have you placed finely polished discs of various materials in close proximity to the reactor (in a similar manner to the experiments detailed in a paper by Dr. Alexander Parkhomov) to determine if the track marks characteristic of “Strange Radiation” can be obtained?
Here is a paper from Parkhomov which explains the concept along with photographs of the “Strange Radiation” tracks obtained from both an Ni-H reactor and a device creating electrical discharges in a liquid. I should point out that virtually all cold fusion devices seem to produce “Strange Radiation” to different degrees.
4) Do you utilize any materials with a high thermal neutron cross section either in the fuel mixture of the reactor or in the structure of the cube?
(Since Strange Radiation – likely clusters of Kenneth Shoulders EVOs or Exotic Vacuum Objects – is highly reactive to materials with a high thermal neutron cross section, if you are using such materials this could be an explanation if you have performed tests and failed to detect any external Strange Radiation escaping.)
5) In the demonstration of the E-Cat QX in Stockholm, the ion acoustic oscillations which are the signature of the negative resistance regime were repeatedly visible on the view screen of your oscilloscope. During the negative resistance regime of a plasma discharge, according to even mainstream literature, self-organizing plasma constructs must form. Can confirm that these same principles that were in operation within the E-Cat QX are still involved in the operation of the E-Cat SKL?
6) Can you tell us the size of the plasma ball within the E-Cat SKL? (You told us that within the QX it was minuscule and in the video of the SK we saw they were much larger.)
7) Does adjusting the plasma to produce more direct electrical output than heat reduce the overall, total output of the device? I’m curious if the trade off sacrificed when getting such a high electrical output is a reduction of TOTAL (heat, light, electrical, etc) output.
Thank you so much for your willingness to answer questions and communicate with the world on your blog! It’s very much appreciated.
Dear Andrea, In reply to your question, Can you shorten your question. I found it difficult until Franco Pirri asked the question is an informatics on your team. The source of all information is important because of the projections that can be made by the understanding. As an example, if you gave an Amazonian Indian a simple electric generator with a lighting bulb he would have no problem in using it but would be unable to apply the generator to any other task or expound upon it. Whereas if he worked out what electricity was and built the generator using logic he would know the applications it could be used for and overcome many problems other than creating light. I was unaware of the subject informatics but as I have said many times life is a learning experience and it did puzzle me how information can be acquired without giving out the mystery behind the GOD concept. Informatics is indeed a great idea whereby each scientific subject although relies upon a single foundation is by necessity departmentalized. That was why I asked the question regarding stones and pearls as I was trying to find out the source of your information, whether it came from that book of wisdom being the origin of the esoteric domain.
I would be interested to know whether your informatics specialist solved the ‘Paul Dirac Large Number Hypothesis’ because I find both the esoteric and academic scientific understanding both fascinating and important regarding planetary advancement.
Regards Eric Ashworth
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I’ve been following the development of your products for several years and I really hope you get the success you deserve.
I do not understand how it is possible that the news of last November 23 has not been published in any news or newspaper worldwide.
This news could completely upset the world economies, I consider it at the same level as the “Eppur si muove!” by Galileo Galilei.
Now that the Climate Conference is opening in Madrid, such a news should be on everyone’s lips and the main topic to be discussed.
In your opinion, why is it not being discussed?
Dear Andrea,
after the mass production and diffusion of the household ECAT SKL, do you think to be still able to protect your Industrial IPs (and if yes, how) ?
Home Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
One question please.
When the SKL is turned on, can you still see the “Ballerina”?
Warm Regards,
Toussaint François
Dr Joseph Fine:
A new patent has been filed.
We are not using Carnot or Brayton cycles.
To produce heat is necessary a larger volume.
Warm Regards,
Koen Vandevalle:
The expected life of both is 20 years, with due maintenance
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
1- yes
2- yes
3- yes
4- I think so
Warm Regards,
Tom Conover:
Thank you for your sustain.
They are two different things.
No, the industrial safety certifications did not expire.
Yes, there are on course certifications for households
Warm Regards,
Franco Pirri:
Yes, he is a University Prof of informatics,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Is there also an informatic in your team?
Franco Pirri
Greetings, Andrea!
Long time no see. Hope that you are in good spirits and that all is well with you. You mentioned the certifications process.
Did your ECat certification for industrial applications expire?
Did you apply for certification that includes use in the homes of customers?
1) Industrial Use
2) Home Use
There seems to be a swell and retreat of the waves at this time of the year. Hopefully we will be able to surf into a new age this year.
God bless you,
Dear Andrea,
There is a saying, “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” To many, what you claim regarding the SKL sounds too good to be true.
A lot is resting on the verification of your technology, and I think independent corroboration of your claims by the verifying entity will be very important in terms of convincing the wider world of the validity your technology.
1. Is the verifying entity independent of Leonardo Corp and any business partners you have?
2. Will the report made by the verifying entity be made public to the world?
3. Will the report include images and video of the SKL?
4. Will the verifying entity participate in your presentation?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Many devices that work with heat get worn out over time due to, among other things, thermal stress. I think this will also have been a problem with the previous versions of your reactors. Certainly under variable heat production and heat consumption.
That is why I assume that the basis of the SKL is an extremely robust design.
By extracting energy now in the form of electricity, and much less via heat, does it seem likely that the life of the reactors themselves could be multiplied?
Best Regards,
Andrea Rossi,
You said you are not using MHD (Magnetohydrodynamics) to generate electricity.
and the SKL was extracting energy directly from the Plasma.
Do you have to file a new patent on this method of generating electricity from plasma, or are you using a variation of the Carnot Cycle (or Brayton Cycle) using high temperature gas?
I thought you were using MHD.
If your “Heat Transfer Fluid” is a hot gas, operating temperature would be much higher than 600 degrees Celsius. And generator efficiency would probably be limited to about 60-70%.
Are you using some form of Carnot Cycle or a Brayton Cycle, which seems more likely?
If you were using the E-Cat SKL to produce only Heat, would the 1 Liter (or 4 inch cube) module be capable of producing a 30 KW thermal output?
Thermal Regards,
Joseph Fine
Toussaint Francois:
Not easy to answer, but I assure you we will do all that is possible to make it as short as possible.
Impossible to give a date now.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
Thank you !
@Thomas Florek: whattaya think ?
Warm Regards,
I did not say that to Fr Fine.
I did not use the MHD.
Warm Regards,
Paul Dianno:
We will give the data sheet with these informations when we will have completed all the certifications,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Giovanni: you are right.
Warm Regards,