A. Is it possible that a working E-Cat SK will also be presented in Stockholm?
B. Is an E-Cat SK test part of the January third party testing?
C. Is it possible that a working E-Cat SKL will power a Working blue box E-Cat SK at the Stockholm presentation?
D. Is successful completion of the January testing a necessary part of the requirements to allow public presentation of single or multiple working E-cats in Stockholm to proceed?
Dr Joseph Fine:
I know, now I know… Paul told me… I have been very superficial, sorry.
By the way: freedom from fossil fuels is like all freedoms: they never come for free.
Warm regards,
Paul di Anno:
Ohhh…how stupid from me the answer I gave! In this period I am not like watching television. I am like a monk in the Ecat abbey…
Warm regards,
Chuck Davis:
Good point.
The data will be given at the presentation, provided the tests on course will confirm the validity of the results.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
If the COP of the Ecat SKL has a zero at the denominator, the cost of electricity will depend on amortization of cost and recharge cost. Can you give a key ?
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
COP25 is the UN’s 25th Climate Change “Conference of the Parties”, presumably the 25th such Conference.
Their “Coefficient of Performance” seems to be much less than 25.
Nevertheless, Paul is right to bring it up.
If there is a chance of a Solar Minimum in the next decade (or two), a new and additional energy source will be depended upon to provide sufficient heat and electricity to the world.
Maybe then, there might even be a less dis-United Nations.
Herein is found “Donald Trump has filed paperwork to remove the United States from the Paris Agreement, signed by his predecessor Barack Obama, next November – the earliest date the U.S. can leave. The U.S. absence has left the EU alone in trying to bring developing countries like China and India on board.”
More on President Trump and energy can be found at:
The Mystery of Nikola Tesla’s Missing Files – HISTORY https://www.history.com › news › nikola-tesla-files-declassified-fbi
May 3, 2018 – The FBI has finally declassified its files on Nikola Tesla, but … as John G. Trump was the uncle of the 45th U.S. president, Donald J. Trump.
-and more on President Trump and energy can be found at-
John G. Trump – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › John_G._Trump
John George Trump (August 21, 1907 – February 21, 1985) was an American electrical … In 1943, as the technical aide in Division 14 of the NDRC, Trump reviewed and analyzed the papers of Nikola Tesla when the inventor died in a New …
Cold regards from Donald Trump the 5th, it would seem.
Some condiderations about electricity prices with the e-cat SKL.
In the past you said, that the price for heat with the (older) e-cat would be below 1 cent and the price for electricity would be 1 cent per kw/h. I believe, that the price for electricity with the e-cat SKL will be below 1 cent per kw/h on a production cost basis. But this is irrelevant for the customer. The electricity price for the customer is determined by the selling price of the e-cat SKL and the refueling fee.
For instance in Germany the price for electricity is meanwhile at 30 cent per kw/h. So you could set the selling price of the e-cat SKL and the refueling fee so, that these costs result in a kw/h price of, say, 15 cents for the customer. This would result in an insane high margin for you, but the customer would still be happy, because he can halven his electricity bill. This is how captalism works. Normally prices only come down with competition.
Egregio Dott. Rossi
Mi scuso innanzi tutto nel non scrivere in inglese
Visto il potenziale dell’ECat SK Leonardo il suo bacino di utenza è di miliardi di persone e temo che per soddisfarlo ci vorranno anni, decenni.
Anche iniziando a produrre catene robotizzate penso che sarà difficile soddisfare tutte le richieste in poco tempo.
E per l’assistenza? Ho capito che dopo 6 mesi va sostituito o rigenerato.
Perché non darlo in licenza alle case automobilistiche?
Loro hanno già tutto il necessario: linee robotizzate, personale, catene di concessionarie e officine autorizzate.
Stimando una royalty di circa 1.000 cadauna penso che Lei avrebbe un immenso guadagno.
Molti penseranno che il costo sia alto ma confrontandolo con un normale motore a combustione non lo è per nulla.
Se pensiamo poi che sostituirà un pacco batteria da 500-600 kg e più di 5.000 euro di costo…
Le stesse case produrrebbero anche gli E-CAT per le abitazioni aumentando il loro guadagno.
Spero che legga questo consiglio.
Buon lavoro
You say that the cost of electricity made by the Ecat SKL will derive from the COP, but how can you even use the concept of COP when there is no external energy input? (COP = energy out/energy in)
Sven B:
The price of electricity today is > .10 $/kWh everywhere.
Warm Regards,
The cost of the electricity made by the Ecat SKL will derive from the COP and will be disclosed after the tests on course.
Ecat SKL seems to be a superior source of electricity but I did not yet see a figure for the estimated cost of producing one kWh.
According https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/electricity_prices/ the 2018 worldwide average kWh price was 0.14 $ for households and 0.12 for the industry.
However, as each country figure includes all charges, different levels of energy taxes and for poorer countries often quite large government subsidies, the real net cost for electricity production is not transparent.
According to Bloomberg NEF and other sources, land-wind and utility-solar PV are now the cheapest ways to generate fossil-free electricity in new projects, booth projected to reach 0.05 $/kWh during 2020.
To assess the cost of generating electricity using SKL modules I made some calculations with estimated figures for initial and yearly cost.
The estimations come from different inputs from your blog in the last two years.
All calculations use an up-time of 90% during 20 years with one yearly service + cost of recharge.
The result shows a dramatic reduction from the level of 0.05 $/kWh
Can you confirm an estimated possible reduction from 0.05 $?
1 . > 80% reduction
2. > 60% reduction
3 > 40% reduction
4. Will this possible reduction be presented during the February demonstration?
Dr Rossi,
Your ECAT SKL has the potential to disrupt the business of pretty powerful guys.
Take care of yourself.
Merry Noel to you and your Team,
Eric Schlinger
Dear Andrea,
As I said before, nuclear waste containment and disposal is not a problem. As to safety there is no doubt that using fission energy has been the safest method of producing energy since its inception. How many lives have been lost in fire related systems using wood and fossil fuels as compared to fission? How many lives have been saved by its use?
If LENR from any system proves feasible, only then can a better method of energy production be considered as more safe and more economical.
Hopeful regards.
@ Aleksei Savchenko
About your comment of December 11th regards Entropy. I am not academic and never studied entropy but I recognize chaos as a factor with regards heat. The opposite of entropy must be order i.e. a stable ordered system which represents the material world and consequently GOD must come into the equation as a stabilizing force. This is obvious when applying logic. To understand this phenomenon of entropy and creation is fully described in the book of wisdom which I am aware of Aleksei is fully aware of. As man evolves he graduates with intelligence. Wisdom is higher form of intelligence. The Bible is nothing other than an exam to test a persons intelligence. Any doubting by a person that the Bible contains intelligent information is an idiot. It consistently contains contradictions so as to be accurate. Chaos and order are representations of the Omega and Alpha state but the E-Cat SKL cannot get back to Alpha because it’s only a part of the whole system. But it is not required to get back, only to the Omega and this is where Wisdom comes in which can not only explain where information comes from i.e. not out of books but the source of all information. I can assure you that there are many specialists following the JONP as it is a good source of study into how people think with regards science and technology at our particular stage of development.
Regards Eric Ashworth.
Dear Andrea,
You will be preparing the test and probably also preparing for massive introduction on the market of the ECat SKL.
1. Can you tell for how much percent the SKL is ready for mass production?
2. How much time is still needed for the full 100%?
3. How convinced are you that the ECat SKL will pass the test (0-100%)?
4. The purpose of the test, demo and presentation in Stockholm will be:
A. Show the world your wonderful invention as a possible solution for the deteriorating environment?
B. Show investors the SKL with the aim to raise money for massive production and further development?
C. Show entrepreneurs an energy generator the they can integrate in their products to their spec and maybe under license?
D. What other reason?
I wish you and your team a perfect preparation for this monumental event!
Thanks, kind regards, Gerard
Chuck Davis:
More nuclear plants means more probability of malfunctions. Must be better explained in this new technology how it can substantially reduce the issues of safety and of nuclear wastes disposal.
Warm Regards,
the fruit of your work, the E-cat, is above all thanks to you but also, as you have said many times, of your valiant team.
It is like an orchestra with its conductor, together they can produce a magnificent symphony.
The ability of individual members is indispensable, but above all a good conductor is needed who knows how to extract the best from each of them through his ideas and his genius.
I know you like music. I would like to propose to you some videos of the excellent conductor André Rieu.
You’ll see what he can do with his team of musicians. Fantastic!
I own many blu-rays of his concerts and every time I watch them it is an incredible experience.
You have to spend a little time to listen to this wonderful music. It really heals the soul and the mind. Sometime you deserve some rest from your hard work.
I just read, that you are working on your business plan. Does your business plan include an IPO (initial public offering) in the future ? We just had the IPO of ARAMCO ( Saudi Arabian Oilcompany), know the most valuable company in the world. If I had to choose buying shares of Aramco or shares of Leonardo, I would buy shares of Leonardo.
Of course you could decide to become the Tim Berners Lee of the energy sector. (gave away the internet invention for free, not famous and not very rich). But if I were you, I would like to become the Steve Jobs or Elon Musk of the energy sector (visionary entrepreneurs, famous and rich). But again to my question. Is there hope for an IPO in the future?
Dear Andrea
I agree, but the British people, by majority, also do much to reduce Carbone emission.
They, more than most nations, go for: Carbonexit done!
To this big exit, you may do more than Mr. B. Johnson for an evan greater majority.
regards: Svein Henrik
A,B,C will be defined at the presentation
D I do not understand exactly what you mean: please rephrase.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
A. Is it possible that a working E-Cat SK will also be presented in Stockholm?
B. Is an E-Cat SK test part of the January third party testing?
C. Is it possible that a working E-Cat SKL will power a Working blue box E-Cat SK at the Stockholm presentation?
D. Is successful completion of the January testing a necessary part of the requirements to allow public presentation of single or multiple working E-cats in Stockholm to proceed?
Keith Thomson.
Tom Conover:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dr Joseph Fine:
I know, now I know… Paul told me… I have been very superficial, sorry.
By the way: freedom from fossil fuels is like all freedoms: they never come for free.
Warm regards,
Paul di Anno:
Ohhh…how stupid from me the answer I gave! In this period I am not like watching television. I am like a monk in the Ecat abbey…
Warm regards,
Ulrich W.A. Kranz:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
Good point.
The data will be given at the presentation, provided the tests on course will confirm the validity of the results.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
If the COP of the Ecat SKL has a zero at the denominator, the cost of electricity will depend on amortization of cost and recharge cost. Can you give a key ?
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Dear Andrea,
In Germany the cost of electricity is 30.22 cts/kWh and the 43.6 of electricity is made by coal !
Ulrich W.A. Kranz
Cop 25 = Madrid’ s conference for the climate change. Not YOUR Cop…Best regards.
Dear Andrea Rossi, Paul,
COP25 is the UN’s 25th Climate Change “Conference of the Parties”, presumably the 25th such Conference.
Their “Coefficient of Performance” seems to be much less than 25.
Nevertheless, Paul is right to bring it up.
If there is a chance of a Solar Minimum in the next decade (or two), a new and additional energy source will be depended upon to provide sufficient heat and electricity to the world.
Maybe then, there might even be a less dis-United Nations.
Best Hope and Regards,
Joseph Fine
Dear Andrea,
Perhaps the meaning of “COP 25 has failed” can be found regarding climate control is now not functional by the nations of the world (as found at):
Herein is found “Donald Trump has filed paperwork to remove the United States from the Paris Agreement, signed by his predecessor Barack Obama, next November – the earliest date the U.S. can leave. The U.S. absence has left the EU alone in trying to bring developing countries like China and India on board.”
More on President Trump and energy can be found at:
The Mystery of Nikola Tesla’s Missing Files – HISTORY
https://www.history.com › news › nikola-tesla-files-declassified-fbi
May 3, 2018 – The FBI has finally declassified its files on Nikola Tesla, but … as John G. Trump was the uncle of the 45th U.S. president, Donald J. Trump.
-and more on President Trump and energy can be found at-
John G. Trump – Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › John_G._Trump
John George Trump (August 21, 1907 – February 21, 1985) was an American electrical … In 1943, as the technical aide in Division 14 of the NDRC, Trump reviewed and analyzed the papers of Nikola Tesla when the inventor died in a New …
Cold regards from Donald Trump the 5th, it would seem.
Warm Regards from
Tom Conover
to Frank Acland:
in SKL with SSM we can still use the COP.
In fact, the reactor requires anyway an input power (which in this case derives from the output).
With the same input power (for example 38 watts), having a greater COP means having a higher output power.
Best Regards,
Italo R.
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Gavino Mamia:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
What does mean “COP 25 has failed” ?
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
End January probably
Warm Regards,
Can you disclose the ratio power/weight of the Ecat SKL ?
Saju Abraham
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Is it possible that the certifiers’s tests can end by mid-January?
Italo R.
Dear Mr Rossi,
Some condiderations about electricity prices with the e-cat SKL.
In the past you said, that the price for heat with the (older) e-cat would be below 1 cent and the price for electricity would be 1 cent per kw/h. I believe, that the price for electricity with the e-cat SKL will be below 1 cent per kw/h on a production cost basis. But this is irrelevant for the customer. The electricity price for the customer is determined by the selling price of the e-cat SKL and the refueling fee.
For instance in Germany the price for electricity is meanwhile at 30 cent per kw/h. So you could set the selling price of the e-cat SKL and the refueling fee so, that these costs result in a kw/h price of, say, 15 cents for the customer. This would result in an insane high margin for you, but the customer would still be happy, because he can halven his electricity bill. This is how captalism works. Normally prices only come down with competition.
Kind regards,
Dear Andrea, Cop 25 has failed. Please be fast, our planet needs a cure. God bless you.
Egregio Dott. Rossi
Mi scuso innanzi tutto nel non scrivere in inglese
Visto il potenziale dell’ECat SK Leonardo il suo bacino di utenza è di miliardi di persone e temo che per soddisfarlo ci vorranno anni, decenni.
Anche iniziando a produrre catene robotizzate penso che sarà difficile soddisfare tutte le richieste in poco tempo.
E per l’assistenza? Ho capito che dopo 6 mesi va sostituito o rigenerato.
Perché non darlo in licenza alle case automobilistiche?
Loro hanno già tutto il necessario: linee robotizzate, personale, catene di concessionarie e officine autorizzate.
Stimando una royalty di circa 1.000 cadauna penso che Lei avrebbe un immenso guadagno.
Molti penseranno che il costo sia alto ma confrontandolo con un normale motore a combustione non lo è per nulla.
Se pensiamo poi che sostituirà un pacco batteria da 500-600 kg e più di 5.000 euro di costo…
Le stesse case produrrebbero anche gli E-CAT per le abitazioni aumentando il loro guadagno.
Spero che legga questo consiglio.
Buon lavoro
Dear Andrea,
You say that the cost of electricity made by the Ecat SKL will derive from the COP, but how can you even use the concept of COP when there is no external energy input? (COP = energy out/energy in)
Best regards,
Frank Acland
Sven B:
The price of electricity today is > .10 $/kWh everywhere.
Warm Regards,
The cost of the electricity made by the Ecat SKL will derive from the COP and will be disclosed after the tests on course.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Ecat SKL seems to be a superior source of electricity but I did not yet see a figure for the estimated cost of producing one kWh.
According https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/electricity_prices/ the 2018 worldwide average kWh price was 0.14 $ for households and 0.12 for the industry.
However, as each country figure includes all charges, different levels of energy taxes and for poorer countries often quite large government subsidies, the real net cost for electricity production is not transparent.
According to Bloomberg NEF and other sources, land-wind and utility-solar PV are now the cheapest ways to generate fossil-free electricity in new projects, booth projected to reach 0.05 $/kWh during 2020.
To assess the cost of generating electricity using SKL modules I made some calculations with estimated figures for initial and yearly cost.
The estimations come from different inputs from your blog in the last two years.
All calculations use an up-time of 90% during 20 years with one yearly service + cost of recharge.
The result shows a dramatic reduction from the level of 0.05 $/kWh
Can you confirm an estimated possible reduction from 0.05 $?
1 . > 80% reduction
2. > 60% reduction
3 > 40% reduction
4. Will this possible reduction be presented during the February demonstration?
Kind regards
Sven B
Eric Schlinger:
I do my work. All my focus is on it. All the rest depends on God’s will.
Merry Christmas to you and your family,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Your ECAT SKL has the potential to disrupt the business of pretty powerful guys.
Take care of yourself.
Merry Noel to you and your Team,
Eric Schlinger
Gerard McEk:
1 premature
2 premature
3 enough
4 A+B+C
Thank you for your kind wishes
Warm Regards,
Rick 57:
a no
b something more than one month
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your opinion.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
As I said before, nuclear waste containment and disposal is not a problem. As to safety there is no doubt that using fission energy has been the safest method of producing energy since its inception. How many lives have been lost in fire related systems using wood and fossil fuels as compared to fission? How many lives have been saved by its use?
If LENR from any system proves feasible, only then can a better method of energy production be considered as more safe and more economical.
Hopeful regards.
@ Aleksei Savchenko
About your comment of December 11th regards Entropy. I am not academic and never studied entropy but I recognize chaos as a factor with regards heat. The opposite of entropy must be order i.e. a stable ordered system which represents the material world and consequently GOD must come into the equation as a stabilizing force. This is obvious when applying logic. To understand this phenomenon of entropy and creation is fully described in the book of wisdom which I am aware of Aleksei is fully aware of. As man evolves he graduates with intelligence. Wisdom is higher form of intelligence. The Bible is nothing other than an exam to test a persons intelligence. Any doubting by a person that the Bible contains intelligent information is an idiot. It consistently contains contradictions so as to be accurate. Chaos and order are representations of the Omega and Alpha state but the E-Cat SKL cannot get back to Alpha because it’s only a part of the whole system. But it is not required to get back, only to the Omega and this is where Wisdom comes in which can not only explain where information comes from i.e. not out of books but the source of all information. I can assure you that there are many specialists following the JONP as it is a good source of study into how people think with regards science and technology at our particular stage of development.
Regards Eric Ashworth.
Dear Andrea,
two quick questions if you can respond:
a) Have the independent tests already been started ?
b) Is it reasonable to expect they will be completed in one month ?
Best Regards,
Dear Andrea,
You will be preparing the test and probably also preparing for massive introduction on the market of the ECat SKL.
1. Can you tell for how much percent the SKL is ready for mass production?
2. How much time is still needed for the full 100%?
3. How convinced are you that the ECat SKL will pass the test (0-100%)?
4. The purpose of the test, demo and presentation in Stockholm will be:
A. Show the world your wonderful invention as a possible solution for the deteriorating environment?
B. Show investors the SKL with the aim to raise money for massive production and further development?
C. Show entrepreneurs an energy generator the they can integrate in their products to their spec and maybe under license?
D. What other reason?
I wish you and your team a perfect preparation for this monumental event!
Thanks, kind regards, Gerard
It is premature to answer this question. In any case, not before a massive distribution has been consolidated.
Warm regards,
Italo R.
Thank you for your kind sustain and encouraging words for our Team,
Warm regards,
Coretta Delgado:
Yes, it does.
Warm regards,
Chuck Davis:
More nuclear plants means more probability of malfunctions. Must be better explained in this new technology how it can substantially reduce the issues of safety and of nuclear wastes disposal.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
They are returning to nuclear, just making smaller nuclear plants and sustaining “smaller is safer”:
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Dr Rossi,
Doess your publication
still represent a true base for the understanding of the Ecat SK Leonardo able to produce excess of electricity and heat ?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
the fruit of your work, the E-cat, is above all thanks to you but also, as you have said many times, of your valiant team.
It is like an orchestra with its conductor, together they can produce a magnificent symphony.
The ability of individual members is indispensable, but above all a good conductor is needed who knows how to extract the best from each of them through his ideas and his genius.
I know you like music. I would like to propose to you some videos of the excellent conductor André Rieu.
You’ll see what he can do with his team of musicians. Fantastic!
I own many blu-rays of his concerts and every time I watch them it is an incredible experience.
You have to spend a little time to listen to this wonderful music. It really heals the soul and the mind. Sometime you deserve some rest from your hard work.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I just read, that you are working on your business plan. Does your business plan include an IPO (initial public offering) in the future ? We just had the IPO of ARAMCO ( Saudi Arabian Oilcompany), know the most valuable company in the world. If I had to choose buying shares of Aramco or shares of Leonardo, I would buy shares of Leonardo.
Of course you could decide to become the Tim Berners Lee of the energy sector. (gave away the internet invention for free, not famous and not very rich). But if I were you, I would like to become the Steve Jobs or Elon Musk of the energy sector (visionary entrepreneurs, famous and rich). But again to my question. Is there hope for an IPO in the future?
Thank you as always for your answer.
E. Hergen
Svein Henrik:
Thank you for your sustain,
Warm regards,
Dear Andrea
I agree, but the British people, by majority, also do much to reduce Carbone emission.
They, more than most nations, go for: Carbonexit done!
To this big exit, you may do more than Mr. B. Johnson for an evan greater majority.
regards: Svein Henrik
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to finf comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
1 no, we are already working on the business plan
2 exactly
3 no
Warm regards,
Dear Andrea,
I was just wondering
1. Are you going to wait and see what the response is to the upcoming validation tests and presentation before you develop your business plan?
2. You are currently developing your business plan but it is not completed?
3. You already have a defined business plan in place and it will be announced at the presentation?
Many thanks and best wishes,
Frank Acland
Svein Henrik:
The majority of the British People have chosen brexit, we must respect the majority’s will.
Warm regards,
In the USA and in other parts of the world
Warm Regards,