United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ulrich W.A. Kranz:
    1 it depends on the needs of the client
    2 not so far
    3 yes
    4 no
    Warm Regards,

  • Ulrich W.A. Kranz

    Dear Andrea,
    4 questions:
    1 will the Ecat SKL need a heat exchanger ?
    2 will it be able to erogate 90% of electricity ?
    3 is it controllable by internet ?
    4 are you designing a more powerful module ?
    With my best regards,
    Ulrich W.A. Kranz

  • GodelMetric

    Dear Andrea,
    Thank you for your dedication to this technology of greatest importance! You have gone where you are needed most. 🙂
    I am curious if you have looked into modelling the nuclear interactions using a moire? When many copies of the same pattern are oscillating or shearing past each other, their interactions create a pattern that exhibits perpendicular motion and magnification – it seems that the magnification-effect, a coherent ‘wave’ of activity like in a flock of birds, might be facilitating long-range interactions between particles, or the appearance of particles at detectors too far for their usual lifetimes’ flight, perhaps even behind shielding… including that pesky Coulomb barrier. I also have a hunch that funneling hydrogen down a carbon nanotube, you can wiggle the electrons to create a transmutation beam, ideal for creating rare elements, but that’s just my strange dreams talking.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mattias Andersson:
    Thank you for your kind attention to our work and Happy New Year to you and yours !

  • Andrea Rossi


  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    A suggestion for demonstrating the eCat SK Leonardo (SKL)…

    Contact Porshe and equip one of their high performance all electric cars with an SKL of suitable output power (about 50 kW total output). Drive continuously, allowing for driver stops but no recharging. Continue for 2+ days (~50 hours). Use the Nardo Ring in Italy, lane 4, designed for a neutral speed of 149 mph / 240 kph. Drive a total of 7,500 miles. Measure the mass of the test vehicle before and after the test. If the test car was gasoline powered and assuming 30 mpg, the equivalent gasoline consumption would be 250 gallons or over 1/2 a ton of fuel. A dramatic test. Thoughts?

  • Dear Eric Ashworth,

    My questions to Andrea were rather about me trying to reconcile the two papers and to gain some understanding about how they are related. I’m not so much doubtful, but rather I try to connect the dots to see the full picture.

    Kind regards,

  • Thank you Andrea for a very detailed and informative reply.

    Wishing you a Happy New Year!


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Phalen:
    Of course the safety certification will be made. As we always made. All the Ecats are safety certified.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mattias Cedervall:
    Thank you for your kind sustain: I will be pleased to meet you,
    Happy New Year to you and Yours,
    Warm Regards,

  • Eric Ashworth

    Dear Andrea, I believe Mattias Andersson has some doubts as to theories put forward by yourself and Norman D Cook which is understandable considering the technicalities of your subject matter. Although I find your in-depth academic approach and explanations at times difficult to comprehend due to language and formulas I do understand the object of your exercise i.e. extracting energy out of structure and the proton field being inversely effected by exposer i.e. relating to transitions.

    Your theory I believe is absolutely correct but from my perspective it is difficult to explain but not impossible. Therefore, I am going to put this same information forward from my understanding. I do believe there is an unavoidable problem which I shall attempt to explain with regards what occurs and which can be overcome. As I have informed many times I have a technology that explains structure and that has been acknowledge by several specialists as being before its time. This technology also involves the deconstructing aspect which I know many people will not like to be mentioned but those early physicists investigating Phlogiston were on the same subject. Science is truly an amazing subject. Regards Eric Ashworth

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    By my understanding, you manufacture Nano size structure that creates Pico size zones of a critically balanced environment, you pass modulated electron flow through these structures to induce electromagnetic effect within the environment that then aligns the electron spin, critical density and spin alignment leading to Pico scale nuclear effect, with release of energy.

    I would rather think of this ingenious creativity as Pico-scale engineering not Pico-chemistry.

    P.S. I would say this as I am an Engineer.


    Keith Thomson.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mattias Andersson:
    1 Even if I am not currently following this line of research, as you have seen on [1], I consider the pico-metric neutral aggregates described in
    as the best candidates to support the hypothesis of a transmutation paths of Li and Ni: see equation 49 of
    “Electron Structure, Ultra-Dense Hydrogen and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions” in JCMNS Vol 29
    2 Norman Cook’s lattice nuclear models, based on a pure electromagnetic interpretation of nuclear force, have inspired the hypothesis of a possible balancing of Coulomb repulsion between electrons in dense clusters by a Lorenz force generated by the Zitterbewegung currents
    3 The idea of interactions at picometric scale between electrons and nucleons open the door to an entirely new field of science ( pico-chemistry ) where the possible formation of new nuclear isomeric states cannot be excluded.
    4 Accepting the ZBW model for the elementary particles, the range of the electro-magnetic binding energies is inversely proportional to the size of the ZBW current loops. For this reason, the short range nuclear binding energy should be at least three orders of magnitude stronger than in pico-metric aggregates. The orders of magnitude are:
    1 eV chemistry, 1 keV pico-chemistry, 1 MeV nuclear chemistry
    Warm Regards,

  • Mattias Cedervall

    Ciao, Andrea!

    If you will perform with success the presentation of the Ecat SKL,
    can I travel to our capital Stockholm to
    shake your hand and take a picture with
    you? I think you are a better tennis
    player than I am, so I won’t play.
    Thank you in advance for your
    reply if you have the time to
    write one!

    Have a happy new year/decade!

    Swedish regards, Mattias Cedervall

  • MikePhalen

    Hi Dr. Rossi,

    Will the E-cat certification being planned also certify that the E-cat does not emit radiation or anything toxic? Based on the recent false claims that windmills are toxic it is likely that there will be false claims made about the E-cat after it is generally accepted that a new form of energy is competing on the market.

  • Prof

    Dear Andrea,
    Are you still on schedule to make the presentation of the Ecat SKL by half February ?

  • Dear Andrea,

    Some questions related to two of your papers:

    1. In [2] you investigated possible transmutation paths of Li and Ni in the E-cat as a source of energy. Was this line of research abandoned in favor of the theories presented in [1]?
    2. What are the benefits of the lattice-IPM model when reasoning about long range particle interactions (if any)?
    3. What is the significance of nucleon excitation states when reasoning about long range interactions?
    4. What is the significance of short range binding energies in long range interactions?

    Thank in advance,

    [1] Andrea Rossi. E-Cat SK and long range particle interactions, 2019.
    [2] Norman D. Cook and Andrea Rossi. On the nuclear mechanisms underlying the heat production by the E-Cat, 2015.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    I am not able to answer, but the heat dissipated from a vehicle should be much less than the heat dissipated from a Diesel, gas or gasoline fueled engine, due to the different efficiency.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G. Zavela:
    Thank you for your wishes,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    4 the dimensions as well as the data of the Ecat SKL will be communicated during the presentation
    5 yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Paul di Anno:
    I have nothing to add to what is written on
    There is the theory at the base of the operation of the Ecat SKL.
    Warm Regards,

  • Paul di Anno

    Dear Andrea, do you think ecat works with Majorana fermions ? Happy 2020 full of success

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You responded to my questions as listed below”
    3. Are all of them the same nominal output power? 1 kW? – Answer: NO
    4. Does the 10 cm on a side cube dimension include the control unit? Answer: No. What are the dimensions of the SKL control unit?
    5. Have you attempted larger or higher powered units of the SKL type? Answer: No. Since you have stated they are not all the same output power and they are not higher output power, then are we to understand that you have built some units at a lower output power level?

  • Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Is the E-Cat SKL different enough from your other E-Cats to require a new patent? If, “Yes”, have you filed a patent application for the SKL?

    Remember to get some rest as this can generate insights and new ideas.

    Best of luck with your continuing R&D and your independent replication work.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi
    While it is true that heat will be an advantage in industrial and domestic applications, this will not be the case at all for the propulsion of vehicles which will have to evacuate this thermal energy.
    The SKL is already more efficient than any other system with an efficiency of 70 – 80%.
    According to the theory and the experience that you have, do you think possible with R&D to bring this return towards around 90 – 95%
    Happy Holidays for the first of 2020 to all the great team
    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    1 not much
    2 we are making tests with them
    3 no
    4 no
    5 no
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    For the eCat SK Leonardo (SKL) systems:

    1. How many have been constructed to date?
    2. Are all or are any still functioning?
    3. Are all of them the same nominal output power? 1 kW?
    4. Does the 10 cm on a side cube dimension include the control unit?
    5. Have you attempted larger or higher powered units of the SKL type?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wilfried Babelotzky:
    1 yes
    2 not yet
    Warm Regards,

  • Wilfried Babelotzky

    Dear Andrea:
    1 Do you think the Eat SK Leonardo is an experimental evidence of the theoretical system published in
    2 Do you have a Sigma # ?
    Best Regards,
    Wilfried Babelotzky

  • Andrea Rossi

    John Atkinson:
    It depends on the use to be made with the heat.
    Thanks for the blessing…we need it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    All of the paragraphs are integrated and important, because they all reflect a particular of the complex system that makes the Ecat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Norma

    Dr Rossi,
    Which is the point of your paper
    that better explains your effect?

  • John Atkinson

    Mr. Rossi,
    Considering the heat produced by the e-cat SKL, would it’s physical location be best suited outside or inside of the structure. Homes, factories, businesses, large buildings etc… Thank you and God bless.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Iggy Dalrymple:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Iggy Dalrymple

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    You might want to recruit this young man to your team. He is quite the innovator and has also designed and built his electric airplane which he flies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjKcInHIAkk

    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes. The experiments on course are coherent with it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Do you still think that your paper
    contains your theory regarding the Rossi effect from the Ecat ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Nolan Hullum:
    Thank you for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    The heat is an asset, not a liablity: in the cold seasons you need it, in the warm seasons it is anyway energy you can use to make conditioned air, while industries that use heat for their production need it every day.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Messino:
    1 maybe
    2 no
    3 no
    4 no
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Messino

    Mr Rossi,
    More questions:
    1 will you upscale the Ecat SKL ?
    2 would you use segmented cathods/anods ?
    3 or multiple cathods/anods ?
    4 would increasing the scale improve the efficiency ?
    I think it wouldn’t, because the plasma density would decrease
    Robert M.

  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea:
    The heat generated by the Ecat SKL could have a negative effect on the global warming: can you deal with this issue ?
    Warm Regards
    Chuck Davis

  • Steven N. Karels

    Artur Klepacz,

    If the eCat SK Leonardo (SKL) is real and mass producible, it would, in my opinion, be a candidate for EVs. Current battery capacities in actual EV cars today yield around 4 statute miles per kWhr of energy. So an EV doing say a max speed of 80 mph would need about 20 kW of power to sustain the car. Assume an 70% electrical output from the SKL and the total output of the SKL would need to be sized around 30 kW. Depending on the driving characteristics of the EV driver might reduce this level (does one drive 8 hours per day. stop every two hours for rest, eating?). A mixture of battery capacity and continuous SKL charging yields various SKL output level requirements.

    The larger the SKL output, the more “waste” thermal energy (heat) must be dissipated. Even with a requirement of 30 kW of total output power from the SKL (about 10 kW of waste heat would be generated), it might be sized in a 4 x 4 x 2 rectangular matrix perhaps in a 2 ft x 2 ft x 1 ft volume, assuming suitable cooling could be obtained. My guess at the estimated size.

    Other issues would include the issue that an exterior charging connection disables the EV operation — so when you plug-in to a charger, you can’t drive away with the charging cord still plugged in. But one would assume this change would be a relatively easy software alternation to the EV.

    I would encourage AR to contact Tesla and see if the front trunk (frunk) could handle such a unit. A smaller unit of perhaps 2 kW with continuous (24 hr/day) charging might be an interesting start for demonstration purposes. Thoughts?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today on other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Artur Klepacz:
    Yes, that is an important lead of R&D on course.
    Warm Regards,

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