@ Eric Ashworth
January 11, 2020 at 6:24 PM
Dear Eric Ashworth,
I accept your point of view and treat it with understanding. There is no contradiction between these groups of questions, but on the contrary they complement each other.
a) For example, Rossi’s response to my second group remark once again helped me to understand that his new ECat SKL design has little in common with the previous version, well-known to all that he referred everybody to his paper.
b) Third group is of great importance to me but from the other point of view. The matter is that in many countries these studies are considered unscientific by authorities that are incompetent in scientific matters and their decisions are based only on the opinion of the corrupt scientists engaged in expensive projects such as ITER, CERN, etc. And this is despite the fact that the LENR effects obtained by dozens of different methods, and one of them – Ecat of the Andrea Rossi team is already close to commercialization. Therefore, the presentation of Rossi and the release of new products to the market will force our authorities to change their attitude. And if even they do not support these scientific activity, then at least not to interfere with them. For example, I had to stop partially the experimental part of my work and cannot publish new results accumulated during this time under my name even on the Internet. Therefore, many thanks and respect to Rossi and his team and it would be nice if he presented the results, even if they are intermediate.
c) The first group of questions is important to everybody for all readers, not only engaged in research. The matter is that we do not know the physical nature of LENR process as they can be produced by many various methods with receiving different final results, as I mentioned in my in previous comments (January 10). Most likely we are interacting with energy Physical Vacuum (PhV) or ether and do not need addition portions of fuel. Therefore various unrepeated nuclear transmutations, found in LENR processes is a side effect of another unknown process, that lead to the formation of so-called “strange” radiation, discovered experimentally and accompany LENR effects. That is why special forms of bacteria in water liquids can transform elements (these data was many times confirmed experimentally before E-Cat started). These processes also refers to LENR effects and need scientific explanation. Moreover, in our Institute engaged in developing novel materials and technologies for atomic application we transformed r/a Cs into stable Ba showing the way for diminishing of r/a waste accumulated by atomic stations as well as for cleaning Chernobyl, Fukusima and other dirty regions.
And this gives a chance for atomic energy electricity generation to survive partly in the future under development of LENR technology. But usage of bacteria is very complicated technology as they are very moody and inefficient. Using more simple ECat technology we can more easy solve this problem Moreover, if we manage to control the ”strange” radiation (in some my experiments weak antigravity effects appears) we can alloyed any metal by distance and receive any alloy composition and structure. But on the other hand not all novel received elements will be safe and can be used for dirty purposes. It is depends on us and as Andrea say ”all in God hands”. Even a harmless reaction like turning lead into gold can cause financial collapse
Best regards,
Luminescence is a spontaneous emission of light not caused by heat.
What is “Zitterbewegung” is described in my paper http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions
It is related to the nature of electron and consists on the “tremor” of the electron that makes the electron have two speeds: the speed along its direction and the speed of the trajectories made by such “tremor”, a vibration that has the speed of light.
If you are referring to the Ecat: the light of the plasma, that you can see well in http://www.ecatskdemo.com
is obviously not a luminescence, being made by the heat inside the reactor.
To understand well what is the ZBW the best publication I know is:
“Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam’s Razor: Unified Field, Elementary Particles, and Nuclear Interactions”, Amazon 2019, by Giorgio Vassallo, Andras Kovacs, Antonino Oscar Di Tommaso, Francesco Celani, Dawei Wang.
Warm Regards,
January 13, 2020 at 8:24 AM
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
What I appreciated most in your paper http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions
is the understanding of the fact that even if the electron is a fermion, and therefore cannot travel at c, it is possible that it has a zitterbewegung ( vibrations ) with the speed of light, maintaining its fermionic translation speed.
This is a revolution in the electron’s potentials concept
This is nonsense.
Zitterbewegung is nothing else than a movement.
And therefore never can be luminal.
It is forced to by subluminal.
Dr. Rossi,
Are your existing SK customers also interested in the SKL device (with direct electric output) or are they mainly interested in a heat-only ECat application?
I believe you posted a 70% availability on the eCat running since Nov 2018.
1. Is this correct?
2. If so, is that averaged over the last roughly 14 months?
3. If also so, are you seeing an improvement over the last month or so?
4. What is the availability over the last month or so?
Dr. Rossi,
If you can say–assuming the appropriate certifications, what’s the smallest sized appliance/device that you think the current generation of ECat-SKL might fit into and power?
– a toaster?
– a portable room heater?
– a clothes dryer?
– a furnace room water heater?
– an electric motor bike?
– an electric car?
our Readers are independent parties that can convince me I am not sleeping and I am really writing this.now please convince us that we haven’t been dreaming for 10 years
Dear Andrea:
Please find hereunder a link to a very interesting paper of Donald Reed that involves also your work:
“Bose-Einstein Condensate:Bridge between Matter-Non Matter- Potential for Revealing New Physicsand Inner Nature of Reality”
Dr. Rossi,
I apologize for this impertinent question of mine.
Not interested in receiving recognitions from the mainstream science ?
To obtain this honor, a good working time of 70% on E-Cat SK (but also 5% of a good work) would be more than enough.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
What I appreciated most in your paper http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions
is the understanding of the fact that even if the electron is a fermion, and therefore cannot travel at c, it is possible that it has a zitterbewegung ( vibrations ) with the speed of light, maintaining its fermionic translation speed.
This is a revolution in the electron’s potentials concept
Dear Andrea
In all hypothetical and theoretical terms, will it be possible in the future to produce single SKL cells much more powerful than the current one?
For example from a Giga W?
The ECat installed in November 2018 has still the original charge because of intermittent usage by the customer or because the charge lasted longer than predicted?
For the possible presentation of the Ecat SK Leonardo, I think there are two dates fit: 02 02 2020 and 2 02 2020: four 2 make 8, infinite energy.
Christian Scholl
Dear Readers of the Journal of Nuclear Physics blog:
Many of you think that as soon as the independent testing has been done and the E-Cat SKL is verified it is just to press a button and out come the E-Cats from a factory!
If we think of a standard product development process it is like this:
1) Prototypes (magnitude of 10), that are handbuilt, are veified, tested and used for further product development and adjustments. (Here we are now).
2) Preseries units (magnitude of 100) that are made semiautomatic. Maybe the computerboard with the necessary transducer conditioning comes from one subcontractor´s small series assembly line. The output inverterelectronics come from another subcontractor´s small series assembly line.
The reactor parts come from secret places and everything is assebled by hand. Units are tested in labs and with special costumers. The design is improved and adjusted for better automatic assemly.
3) First serial production (magnitude of 1000). The automatic production line is adjusted. All units are thoroughly tested and what is within or out of specification is decided.
4) First serial production line works perfectely. More production lines are added.
5) Production in several factories.
All of this will take its time, much depending on Leonardocorps partners (especially steps 3-5).
Dear Andrea,
while I always follow with interest your Ecats for the joint production of electricity and heat, I would be pleased to have information on the only heat production systems that you have rented to some users.
You can synthetically – with grades from 1 to 10:
1) Express your satisfaction with the services provided so far;
2) Express your perception of users satisfaction?
Can you provide a percentage of the ratio between regular operating time and the time required for stops due to assistance interventions carried out by you personally and by your team?
Warm greetings.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
If your Ecat SK Leonardo will work, it will be a potential tombstone for the oil business in the long term: somebody has been killed for much less.
Take care of yourself, maybe the assassination can not necessarily made physically, maybe they will use their power of fire to assassinate your character and dwarf your work.
I wish you all the best,
Interesting info about the E-Cat SK installed in November 2018. Is this the only E-Cat SK operating at a customer site? If so, why has it not been deployed more widely?
Dear Andrea!
Some questions about E-catSK, 22kW, which was been installed at a customer 19 november 2018:
1. Is it still giving 22kW at the customer?
2. Is the customer satisfied or has there been much problems?
3. How much fuel powder weight do you guess it has consumed?
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
To differentiate chemical-based versus nuclear-based power sources, one must look at the specific power (W/kg) and the specific energy (Whr/kg). By plotting each, as in a Ragone plot, one can differentiate the type of underlying specific power. Implicit in the specific energy measurement is that one runs the device long enough to either begin to run out of fuel or to clearly eliminate a battery or similar chemical source.
For example, assume the SKL has a mass of 1kg and a power output of 1kW. The specific power is 1,000 W/kg. The specific energy is the specific power times the duration of the test (hours). So the observation must be of sufficient time to preclude the use of a battery or chemical source, if the purpose is to negate the Troll’s claims of a battery or fuel cell being hidden within the SKL. A Li-ion battery has a specific energy of around 200 Whr/kg. So to preclude the SKL demonstration unit from being powered by a battery, one would want to show at least a 10X time greater than that provided by a Li-ion battery, or about 5 hours.
Dear Andrea,
Let me try to interpret Steven N. Karels question.
Let us say you have 2 black boxes both weiging 6 kg.
One black box contains an E-Cat SKL complete with control and inverter electronics.
The other black box contains a Li Ion battery.
Assuming the testers are not allowed to open the boxes how can they tell which contains the E-cat SKL and which contains the battery?
Answer: Knowing that the maximum battery energy capacity for Li Ion is 265 Wh/kg and applying an electrical load for 265 W to the battery means that the battery is empty after 6 hours.
This means that the testers must run the test for at least 6 hours with a 265 W load to be shure that it is not a battery in the E-Cat SKL box.
To be really shure they should at least run the black box with the E-Cat SKL 10 times this, 60 hours if the black box weighs 6 kg and can give 265 W electrical power output. If it can give more output than 265 W the test time can proportionally be shorter. If it weighs less than 6 kg, the testtime can proportionally be shorter.
On Power Engineering issue of January 14th 2020:
DOE launches fund challange to accelerate US energy storage supply chain, development
@ Eric Ashworth
January 11, 2020 at 6:24 PM
Dear Eric Ashworth,
I accept your point of view and treat it with understanding. There is no contradiction between these groups of questions, but on the contrary they complement each other.
a) For example, Rossi’s response to my second group remark once again helped me to understand that his new ECat SKL design has little in common with the previous version, well-known to all that he referred everybody to his paper.
b) Third group is of great importance to me but from the other point of view. The matter is that in many countries these studies are considered unscientific by authorities that are incompetent in scientific matters and their decisions are based only on the opinion of the corrupt scientists engaged in expensive projects such as ITER, CERN, etc. And this is despite the fact that the LENR effects obtained by dozens of different methods, and one of them – Ecat of the Andrea Rossi team is already close to commercialization. Therefore, the presentation of Rossi and the release of new products to the market will force our authorities to change their attitude. And if even they do not support these scientific activity, then at least not to interfere with them. For example, I had to stop partially the experimental part of my work and cannot publish new results accumulated during this time under my name even on the Internet. Therefore, many thanks and respect to Rossi and his team and it would be nice if he presented the results, even if they are intermediate.
c) The first group of questions is important to everybody for all readers, not only engaged in research. The matter is that we do not know the physical nature of LENR process as they can be produced by many various methods with receiving different final results, as I mentioned in my in previous comments (January 10). Most likely we are interacting with energy Physical Vacuum (PhV) or ether and do not need addition portions of fuel. Therefore various unrepeated nuclear transmutations, found in LENR processes is a side effect of another unknown process, that lead to the formation of so-called “strange” radiation, discovered experimentally and accompany LENR effects. That is why special forms of bacteria in water liquids can transform elements (these data was many times confirmed experimentally before E-Cat started). These processes also refers to LENR effects and need scientific explanation. Moreover, in our Institute engaged in developing novel materials and technologies for atomic application we transformed r/a Cs into stable Ba showing the way for diminishing of r/a waste accumulated by atomic stations as well as for cleaning Chernobyl, Fukusima and other dirty regions.
And this gives a chance for atomic energy electricity generation to survive partly in the future under development of LENR technology. But usage of bacteria is very complicated technology as they are very moody and inefficient. Using more simple ECat technology we can more easy solve this problem Moreover, if we manage to control the ”strange” radiation (in some my experiments weak antigravity effects appears) we can alloyed any metal by distance and receive any alloy composition and structure. But on the other hand not all novel received elements will be safe and can be used for dirty purposes. It is depends on us and as Andrea say ”all in God hands”. Even a harmless reaction like turning lead into gold can cause financial collapse
Best regards,
It is NOT in light speed.
The “C” appears just in the formula.
The electrons DO NOT wiggle in lightspeed.
Dear Andrea,
Do you think that the phenomena theorized in the following paper could help explain some of the energy gain in the E-Cat QX/SK/SKL?
Since you claim your system is no longer utilizing LENR as an energy source, I’m curious where the power is coming from.
Luminescence is a spontaneous emission of light not caused by heat.
What is “Zitterbewegung” is described in my paper
It is related to the nature of electron and consists on the “tremor” of the electron that makes the electron have two speeds: the speed along its direction and the speed of the trajectories made by such “tremor”, a vibration that has the speed of light.
If you are referring to the Ecat: the light of the plasma, that you can see well in
is obviously not a luminescence, being made by the heat inside the reactor.
To understand well what is the ZBW the best publication I know is:
“Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam’s Razor: Unified Field, Elementary Particles, and Nuclear Interactions”, Amazon 2019, by Giorgio Vassallo, Andras Kovacs, Antonino Oscar Di Tommaso, Francesco Celani, Dawei Wang.
Warm Regards,
January 13, 2020 at 8:24 AM
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
What I appreciated most in your paper
is the understanding of the fact that even if the electron is a fermion, and therefore cannot travel at c, it is possible that it has a zitterbewegung ( vibrations ) with the speed of light, maintaining its fermionic translation speed.
This is a revolution in the electron’s potentials concept
This is nonsense.
Zitterbewegung is nothing else than a movement.
And therefore never can be luminal.
It is forced to by subluminal.
Best regards
Thank you for the reference.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to our work. We are working at the maximum of our possibilities.
Warm Regards,
Is the “zitterbewegung” a phenomenon related to some form of luminescence ?
When ready, it might fit all of them.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
1 yes
2 roughly one year
3 yes
4 roughly 80%
Warm Regards,
I think they will be interested also to the electricity, when we will be ready.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
the article in the link below will provide support to the Ecat during storms bearing blackouts:
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Dr. Rossi,
Are your existing SK customers also interested in the SKL device (with direct electric output) or are they mainly interested in a heat-only ECat application?
Thanks, WaltC
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I believe you posted a 70% availability on the eCat running since Nov 2018.
1. Is this correct?
2. If so, is that averaged over the last roughly 14 months?
3. If also so, are you seeing an improvement over the last month or so?
4. What is the availability over the last month or so?
Dr. Rossi,
If you can say–assuming the appropriate certifications, what’s the smallest sized appliance/device that you think the current generation of ECat-SKL might fit into and power?
– a toaster?
– a portable room heater?
– a clothes dryer?
– a furnace room water heater?
– an electric motor bike?
– an electric car?
Thanks, WaltC
our Readers are independent parties that can convince me I am not sleeping and I am really writing this.now please convince us that we haven’t been dreaming for 10 years
Dear Andrea:
Please find hereunder a link to a very interesting paper of Donald Reed that involves also your work:
“Bose-Einstein Condensate:Bridge between Matter-Non Matter- Potential for Revealing New Physicsand Inner Nature of Reality”
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
I am working to get results.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
I apologize for this impertinent question of mine.
Not interested in receiving recognitions from the mainstream science ?
To obtain this honor, a good working time of 70% on E-Cat SK (but also 5% of a good work) would be more than enough.
Italo R.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
What I appreciated most in your paper
is the understanding of the fact that even if the electron is a fermion, and therefore cannot travel at c, it is possible that it has a zitterbewegung ( vibrations ) with the speed of light, maintaining its fermionic translation speed.
This is a revolution in the electron’s potentials concept
I do not think so.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea
In all hypothetical and theoretical terms, will it be possible in the future to produce single SKL cells much more powerful than the current one?
For example from a Giga W?
1- 7
2- 8
3- 70%
Warm Regards,
Christian Scholl:
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
Warm Regards,
It is lasting more than expected,
Warm Regards,
Toussaint Francois:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
My best wishes of succes for 2020.
May I ask you one question please, what is the percentage of probability that you will make the presentation of the SKL in February?
Warm Regards,
Toussaint François
Dear Andrea,
The ECat installed in November 2018 has still the original charge because of intermittent usage by the customer or because the charge lasted longer than predicted?
Will the consume of the charge decrease if the Ecat works at 50% of its power ?
Chuck Davis
For the possible presentation of the Ecat SK Leonardo, I think there are two dates fit: 02 02 2020 and 2 02 2020: four 2 make 8, infinite energy.
Christian Scholl
Dear Readers of the Journal of Nuclear Physics blog:
Many of you think that as soon as the independent testing has been done and the E-Cat SKL is verified it is just to press a button and out come the E-Cats from a factory!
If we think of a standard product development process it is like this:
1) Prototypes (magnitude of 10), that are handbuilt, are veified, tested and used for further product development and adjustments. (Here we are now).
2) Preseries units (magnitude of 100) that are made semiautomatic. Maybe the computerboard with the necessary transducer conditioning comes from one subcontractor´s small series assembly line. The output inverterelectronics come from another subcontractor´s small series assembly line.
The reactor parts come from secret places and everything is assebled by hand. Units are tested in labs and with special costumers. The design is improved and adjusted for better automatic assemly.
3) First serial production (magnitude of 1000). The automatic production line is adjusted. All units are thoroughly tested and what is within or out of specification is decided.
4) First serial production line works perfectely. More production lines are added.
5) Production in several factories.
All of this will take its time, much depending on Leonardocorps partners (especially steps 3-5).
Best Regards,
Karl-Henrik, Sweden
Dear Andrea,
while I always follow with interest your Ecats for the joint production of electricity and heat, I would be pleased to have information on the only heat production systems that you have rented to some users.
You can synthetically – with grades from 1 to 10:
1) Express your satisfaction with the services provided so far;
2) Express your perception of users satisfaction?
Can you provide a percentage of the ratio between regular operating time and the time required for stops due to assistance interventions carried out by you personally and by your team?
Warm greetings.
Frank Acland:
No, it is not.
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
I am dedicating all of myself and my time to a work I believe is useful. All the rest is in the hands of God.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
If your Ecat SK Leonardo will work, it will be a potential tombstone for the oil business in the long term: somebody has been killed for much less.
Take care of yourself, maybe the assassination can not necessarily made physically, maybe they will use their power of fire to assassinate your character and dwarf your work.
I wish you all the best,
Dear Andrea,
Interesting info about the E-Cat SK installed in November 2018. Is this the only E-Cat SK operating at a customer site? If so, why has it not been deployed more widely?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Nils Fryklund:
1- yes
2- satisfied
3- still the original charge
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea!
Some questions about E-catSK, 22kW, which was been installed at a customer 19 november 2018:
1. Is it still giving 22kW at the customer?
2. Is the customer satisfied or has there been much problems?
3. How much fuel powder weight do you guess it has consumed?
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
I agree.
Warm Regards,
R. Leckt Lummel:
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi and Chuck Davis,
To differentiate chemical-based versus nuclear-based power sources, one must look at the specific power (W/kg) and the specific energy (Whr/kg). By plotting each, as in a Ragone plot, one can differentiate the type of underlying specific power. Implicit in the specific energy measurement is that one runs the device long enough to either begin to run out of fuel or to clearly eliminate a battery or similar chemical source.
For example, assume the SKL has a mass of 1kg and a power output of 1kW. The specific power is 1,000 W/kg. The specific energy is the specific power times the duration of the test (hours). So the observation must be of sufficient time to preclude the use of a battery or chemical source, if the purpose is to negate the Troll’s claims of a battery or fuel cell being hidden within the SKL. A Li-ion battery has a specific energy of around 200 Whr/kg. So to preclude the SKL demonstration unit from being powered by a battery, one would want to show at least a 10X time greater than that provided by a Li-ion battery, or about 5 hours.
Hello DR Rossi
Can you say when the third
party tests of the E-Cat SKL
will be completed.
Hi, Mr. Rossi.
Can You tell us, how far the robotic assembly lines are developed?
Best regards.
Dear Andrea,
Let me try to interpret Steven N. Karels question.
Let us say you have 2 black boxes both weiging 6 kg.
One black box contains an E-Cat SKL complete with control and inverter electronics.
The other black box contains a Li Ion battery.
Assuming the testers are not allowed to open the boxes how can they tell which contains the E-cat SKL and which contains the battery?
Answer: Knowing that the maximum battery energy capacity for Li Ion is 265 Wh/kg and applying an electrical load for 265 W to the battery means that the battery is empty after 6 hours.
This means that the testers must run the test for at least 6 hours with a 265 W load to be shure that it is not a battery in the E-Cat SKL box.
To be really shure they should at least run the black box with the E-Cat SKL 10 times this, 60 hours if the black box weighs 6 kg and can give 265 W electrical power output. If it can give more output than 265 W the test time can proportionally be shorter. If it weighs less than 6 kg, the testtime can proportionally be shorter.
Best Regards,
Karl-Henrik (testengineer)