Dear Andrea,
It must be very exiting discovering new aspects while testing the E-Cat SK Leonardo.
You said that it may lead to an update of the latest paper on ResearchGate or a new paper.
1. Do you consider these findings as major impact or just as small additions/tweaks to this ResearchGate paper?
2. Do you believe that a demonstration and presentation of the Ecat SKL is still feasible in February?
I wish you and your team great succes with these tests and verification of its properties and hope everything goes well!
Thanks. Kind regards Gerard
Good morning Dr Andrea Rossi:
All is quiet in Stockholm waiting for your SSM demo. Prepare for a harsh war in case of success.
All the best,
JD Sweeney
Dear Dr Rossi,
Will a battery be needed for load change cushioning, to allow a smooth variation ?
Total respect and wishes for you and your Team,
Nigel Sanders
1. Are you refining your theory based on the results of current experiments?
2. Will you publish a new paper based on the results of current experiments?
Hello A. Rossi
In your comments you told us that once the E-Cat’s reactor has run out of combustible, it charges like you change a battery.
Is it possible, that the customer may one day, change the reactor he would have in stock?
All my support for your work
Best regards
Solar plants have a couple of disadvantages (at least two):
1. They only operate when the light is available (daytime, cloud cover, clean window, etc.)
2. They degrade about 1% per year in their efficiency.
On the other hand, an SKL-based unit potentially operates 24/7 for a 6 month or 1 year period. Then “remove and replace” maintenance is needed. Likely, the planned maintenance could be scheduled during non-peak demand hours and separately from adjacent units. For example, for an ensemble of 365 SKL-based units, one might schedule maintenance services of one SKL-based component each day, etc.
Shipment could be by conventional means as the replacement SKL component is small and relatively light weight. An Electric Vehicle would suffice — it could be charged during non-duty hours and it would be environmentally friendly.
The major application for SKL-based energy production, in my opinion, would be baseload power generation, running 24/7 for months at a time. Solar and other technologies have their place in an integrated energy production effort. An integrated approach will likely be implemented as the new SKL technology moves into the commercial marketplace. Early adapters will likely be the initial customers. If they are successful, it will then spread as economics dictate.
Andrea Rossi must have a mechanism to produce and support a variable growth demand. This is not a trivial problem. I suspect production of SKL components will be a secondary problem or limitation. Human resources (sales, maintenance, management) will likely be a more difficult task to perform optimally.
I will expect that one of your biggest concerns at this moment is how to present E-Cat SKL with the most favorable lifetime climate footprint.
It must be a real challenge.
Comparing a 20kW solar power system to a 20kw SKL system ( 24/7- 1-year fuel) the customer is facing 50 times more transport logistics with the SKL.
To minimize the financial and environmental costs of this significant logistics you need at minimum an exponential expansion of local SKL factories and full control of the logistic chain including using only SKL-powered vehicles.
Do you agree?
I have no doubt you have read and seen how the Ecat SKL nurtures a great deal of thought and discussion at E-CatWorld, by many remarkable people from around the world.
The following may be seen as a view for what your team now re-imagining your Business Strategy has had to face and how your audience during the February/March presentation might imagine about the future.
May I ask… if and when a device needs recharging. Will it be necessary for the user to replace:
A. The whole 10cm cubed device?
B. just a smaller component or components from the device?
C. Both options will be possible?
D. If B is the replaceable component is it much smaller than the whole device?
On 23rd November 2019 you announced that a test of the E-Cat SKL had “Obtained permanent self sustaining mode with production of strong excess of electricity, generating more excess of electricity than of heat.” and “we got more electric energy that the electric energy necessary to make the Cat work. The increase is strong”.
This breakthrough was almost two months ago, following this you have indicated that the work was so important that you and your team have worked constantly over the Christmas and new year festivities without break, in this period the original E-Cat SKL has been working 24 hours, 7 days a week presumably requiring constant supervision, also in this time several additional E-Cat SKL’s have been produced, it is likely that each has included some refinement, and in this short time you have likely observed benefits and possibly even discoveries during tests.
I would expect that you are trying to improve the output ratio of electricity to heat / power density as this will have benefits for how the E-Cat SKL can be used, the multiples in difference from having to deal with 30%, 20% or 10% of output in the form of heat has large implications, if heat is a major output it has to be treated as an asset to be recovered, if it becomes minor it may be possible to dissipate as a waste, (like a desk top computer).
Of the following what is closest;
A. In the short time since your breakthrough, have you observed sufficient incremental benefits or important discoveries as to require more time for further improvement / testing / validation, before submitting an E-Cat SKL to the testing authority.
B. You have selected an E-Cat SKL to put forward but need more time for reliability testing
C. Although time is tight you are on schedule and will try to keep the presentation within February.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I appreciated your answer to “Listenbetter” and most of all I appreciated the lecture of Dirac of which you gave us the link in your delighting comment.
Dear Readers:
In my comment of yesterday in response to Listenbetter there was a typo in the link to the important paper of Dirac with his Nobel Price lecture. The link now has been corrected.
Sorry, my mistake.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
We will give this information when we will be ready. At the moment the situation does not allow a date.
Thank you for your important attention to our work.
Warm Regards,
How much advance notice will you be able give about the planned E-Cat SKL presentation? I would think it would be an event that you would like to publicize as much as possible, so it will be important for people to prepare for it.
This comment answers to both your comments of today.
You should “listen better” when you read my paper, so maybe you can understand what I wrote, albeit I think you are not paid to understand, but for other kind of things. I discovered who you are ( it is not very difficult ), but I want to answer anyway, because the stupidities you write must be “listened better” to be duly exposed.
As I wrote on
ZBW is the movement at speed of light on a circular or helicoidal trajectory of a massless elementary charge that has a pure electromagnetic momentum
p = eA
equal to the product of the elementary charge e time the vector potential A associated with the ZBW current.
P.A.M. Dirac in his Nobel lecture wrote:
“It is found that an electron which seems to us to be moving slowly, must actually have a very high frequency oscillatory motion of small amplitude superposed on the regular motion which appears to us.
As a result of this oscillatory motion,the velocity of the electron at any time equals the velocity of light.”
Reference here ( not for you, a paid character killer, because you are, so to speak, ‘differently able to understand’, but for the Readers ):
Dear Readers: I strongly suggest this reading, to better understand my paper.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Are your theoretical findings (on which you say the experiments have had a major impact) helping you improve the performance of the E-Cat SKL?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Gerard McEk:
1 major impact
2 I still hope
Thank you for your sustain,
Warm Regards,
E. Hergen:
We’ll see
Warm Regards,
JD Sweeney:
We’ll see.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
It must be very exiting discovering new aspects while testing the E-Cat SK Leonardo.
You said that it may lead to an update of the latest paper on ResearchGate or a new paper.
1. Do you consider these findings as major impact or just as small additions/tweaks to this ResearchGate paper?
2. Do you believe that a demonstration and presentation of the Ecat SKL is still feasible in February?
I wish you and your team great succes with these tests and verification of its properties and hope everything goes well!
Thanks. Kind regards Gerard
Good morning Dr Andrea Rossi:
All is quiet in Stockholm waiting for your SSM demo. Prepare for a harsh war in case of success.
All the best,
JD Sweeney
Dear Mr. Rossi,
in a reply to Frank Acland you say, your focus of you and your team now are experiments with the e-cat skl and the theoretical consequences.
Is the e-cat-skl ready for the third party test or do you still hve to solve problems?
Kind regards,
E. Hergen
Frank Acland:
1 yes
2 either this, or updating
Warm Regards,
Nigelk Sanders:
Thank you for the suggestion, in some situations it could be useful.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
Will a battery be needed for load change cushioning, to allow a smooth variation ?
Total respect and wishes for you and your Team,
Nigel Sanders
Dear Andrea,
1. Are you refining your theory based on the results of current experiments?
2. Will you publish a new paper based on the results of current experiments?
Thank you very much,
Frank Acland
Raffaele Bongo:
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
In your comments you told us that once the E-Cat’s reactor has run out of combustible, it charges like you change a battery.
Is it possible, that the customer may one day, change the reactor he would have in stock?
All my support for your work
Best regards
Frank Acland:
Experiments with the SKL and theoretical consequences are the focus of our Team now.
Warm Regards,
It is not impossible,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
What aspect of your work is occupying most of your time and attention in this period?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Sven B,
Solar plants have a couple of disadvantages (at least two):
1. They only operate when the light is available (daytime, cloud cover, clean window, etc.)
2. They degrade about 1% per year in their efficiency.
On the other hand, an SKL-based unit potentially operates 24/7 for a 6 month or 1 year period. Then “remove and replace” maintenance is needed. Likely, the planned maintenance could be scheduled during non-peak demand hours and separately from adjacent units. For example, for an ensemble of 365 SKL-based units, one might schedule maintenance services of one SKL-based component each day, etc.
Shipment could be by conventional means as the replacement SKL component is small and relatively light weight. An Electric Vehicle would suffice — it could be charged during non-duty hours and it would be environmentally friendly.
The major application for SKL-based energy production, in my opinion, would be baseload power generation, running 24/7 for months at a time. Solar and other technologies have their place in an integrated energy production effort. An integrated approach will likely be implemented as the new SKL technology moves into the commercial marketplace. Early adapters will likely be the initial customers. If they are successful, it will then spread as economics dictate.
Andrea Rossi must have a mechanism to produce and support a variable growth demand. This is not a trivial problem. I suspect production of SKL components will be a secondary problem or limitation. Human resources (sales, maintenance, management) will likely be a more difficult task to perform optimally.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Is it possible that sooner or later the Ecat will be sold in the internet, for example by Amazon ?
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Sven B:
Sorry, I do not agree. Just remake the math.
Warm Regards,
Sven B:
I agree,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I too want to thank you for the link to Dirac you put in the answer to Listenbetter. It is very important.
Best Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I forgot to add that my comparison was based on 25 years lifetime.
Kind regards
Sven B
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I will expect that one of your biggest concerns at this moment is how to present E-Cat SKL with the most favorable lifetime climate footprint.
It must be a real challenge.
Comparing a 20kW solar power system to a 20kw SKL system ( 24/7- 1-year fuel) the customer is facing 50 times more transport logistics with the SKL.
To minimize the financial and environmental costs of this significant logistics you need at minimum an exponential expansion of local SKL factories and full control of the logistic chain including using only SKL-powered vehicles.
Do you agree?
Kind regards
Sven B
Dear Andrea,
I have no doubt you have read and seen how the Ecat SKL nurtures a great deal of thought and discussion at E-CatWorld, by many remarkable people from around the world.
The following may be seen as a view for what your team now re-imagining your Business Strategy has had to face and how your audience during the February/March presentation might imagine about the future.
You face the great challenge as you artfully expressed in your exchange with Salvatore Boi on November 29th, 2019: “to break the cage”.
As always, I wish you, your team, and your wife well.
Mason Ainsworth
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Keith Thomson:
I cannot comment so far.
Warm Regards,
This is a kind of industries I will never deal with.
Warm Regards,
On Njewje-Nic
1- confidential
2- we already produced Ecats
3- one
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
This is another video about Paul Dirac
and how he fits into the big picture
of Physics.
Hi Andrea.
May I ask… if and when a device needs recharging. Will it be necessary for the user to replace:
A. The whole 10cm cubed device?
B. just a smaller component or components from the device?
C. Both options will be possible?
D. If B is the replaceable component is it much smaller than the whole device?
Best Regards
Dr Rossi,
Thank you for the link to the lecture of Dirac. It also helps to better understand your paper
Mr. Rossi.
1) Approximately, how many ecat-sk’s were produced in Your robotic factory
until now ?
2) When did the official production start ?
3) How many factories are operating ?
Best regards
Dear Andrea,
The marijuana industry needs the E-Cat SKL!
They can use the light, electrical output, and waste heat!
This could be a gigantic market for the E-Cat SKL. I believe you should contact one of the leading growers ASAP.
Dear Andrea,
On 23rd November 2019 you announced that a test of the E-Cat SKL had “Obtained permanent self sustaining mode with production of strong excess of electricity, generating more excess of electricity than of heat.” and “we got more electric energy that the electric energy necessary to make the Cat work. The increase is strong”.
This breakthrough was almost two months ago, following this you have indicated that the work was so important that you and your team have worked constantly over the Christmas and new year festivities without break, in this period the original E-Cat SKL has been working 24 hours, 7 days a week presumably requiring constant supervision, also in this time several additional E-Cat SKL’s have been produced, it is likely that each has included some refinement, and in this short time you have likely observed benefits and possibly even discoveries during tests.
I would expect that you are trying to improve the output ratio of electricity to heat / power density as this will have benefits for how the E-Cat SKL can be used, the multiples in difference from having to deal with 30%, 20% or 10% of output in the form of heat has large implications, if heat is a major output it has to be treated as an asset to be recovered, if it becomes minor it may be possible to dissipate as a waste, (like a desk top computer).
Of the following what is closest;
A. In the short time since your breakthrough, have you observed sufficient incremental benefits or important discoveries as to require more time for further improvement / testing / validation, before submitting an E-Cat SKL to the testing authority.
B. You have selected an E-Cat SKL to put forward but need more time for reliability testing
C. Although time is tight you are on schedule and will try to keep the presentation within February.
D. You cannot comment.
Keith Thomson
Hello DR Rossi
This is a video about Paul Dirac
who like you made Florida his home.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I appreciated your answer to “Listenbetter” and most of all I appreciated the lecture of Dirac of which you gave us the link in your delighting comment.
Dear Readers:
In my comment of yesterday in response to Listenbetter there was a typo in the link to the important paper of Dirac with his Nobel Price lecture. The link now has been corrected.
Sorry, my mistake.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
We will give this information when we will be ready. At the moment the situation does not allow a date.
Thank you for your important attention to our work.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
How much advance notice will you be able give about the planned E-Cat SKL presentation? I would think it would be an event that you would like to publicize as much as possible, so it will be important for people to prepare for it.
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
This comment answers to both your comments of today.
You should “listen better” when you read my paper, so maybe you can understand what I wrote, albeit I think you are not paid to understand, but for other kind of things. I discovered who you are ( it is not very difficult ), but I want to answer anyway, because the stupidities you write must be “listened better” to be duly exposed.
As I wrote on
ZBW is the movement at speed of light on a circular or helicoidal trajectory of a massless elementary charge that has a pure electromagnetic momentum
p = eA
equal to the product of the elementary charge e time the vector potential A associated with the ZBW current.
P.A.M. Dirac in his Nobel lecture wrote:
“It is found that an electron which seems to us to be moving slowly, must actually have a very high frequency oscillatory motion of small amplitude superposed on the regular motion which appears to us.
As a result of this oscillatory motion,the velocity of the electron at any time equals the velocity of light.”
Reference here ( not for you, a paid character killer, because you are, so to speak, ‘differently able to understand’, but for the Readers ):
Dear Readers: I strongly suggest this reading, to better understand my paper.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,
I do not know precisely, but gravity should not have any effect on the Ecat, as far as I know.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
based on your knowledge, would the E-Cat-SKL work in the absence of gravity and outside our atmosphere?
Regards, Giuseppe