United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,813 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Will you make the presentation only after all the problems with the SKL have been resolved?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Milan

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    it seems to me that recently you sound more reserved concerning the surplus electricity production by the E-Cat SKL, after you were extremely optimistic after your first big tests.

    1. Have any major problems come up?
    2. Do you think there could have been an error or misinterpretation of data in your first E-Cat SKL Tests?
    3. If you would estimate, what is the probability that there will be a working E-Cat SKL product?


  • Andrea Rossi

    When we will make the presentation, we also will introduce the theoretical improvents that have been born by the experiments and that have improved the experiments, albeit all the problems have not yet been resolved.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today on other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Brady Slachter:
    That’s we are working for.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Greta is very effective in making the Countries aware of the environmantal risks we are confronting.
    Warm Regards,

  • Donna

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    What do you think of the intervention of Greta at the event of Davos ?

  • Brady Slachter

    Youi still think the Ecat will be able to generate more electricity than it consumes ? This device would really change the world.

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    The E-Cat SKL appears to be a derivative of the E-Cat SK, you have taken the 22kW heat output of the SK and developed this into a low kW electrical output for the SKL, it would appear impossible to convert the produced 22 kW of heat into low kW electrical making energy disappear, so something else is happening.

    In a previous reply to my question; would the main source of the energy be formation of proton-electron aggregates, you replied “that is one of the component”, another component could be where you recently referred to equation 49 of the Vassallo paper in JCMNS Vol 29.

    So possibly through developments in the composition and quality of the electrical input, (an orchestrated complex electronic symphony), you are now gaining insights and ability to target the change in nuclear state of the energy production component that leads to electricity and avoid the energy production components that lead to heat.

    Through this ongoing progress in the development of the E-Cat SKL, have any new signature(s) been identified that point to theories that would align with the observations and insights.


    Keith Thomson.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Vincenzo Bonomo:
    All’esterno non abbiamo trovato campi magnetici oltre le tolleranze di background.

    Outside the Ecat we have not found magnetic fields above the background tolerances.
    Warm Regards,

  • Vincenzo Bonomo

    Caro Dr. Rossi il nuovo reattore SKL espelle campi magnetici durante il funzionamento come i predecessori o ha un comportamento diverso?

    Cordiali Saluti dall’Italia

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Walton:
    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Rod Walton

    On Power Engineering issue of January 21st 2020:
    Wartsila handles EPC, commissioning and training for 132 MW fuel oil plant in Bahamas
    Rod Walton

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight and for the suggestions,
    Warm Regards

  • Aleksei Savchenko

    @ Steven N. Karels January 20, 2020 at 7:52 AM to Andrea Rossi
    Dear Steven N. Karels,
    I beg you a pardon as I decided to make some comments regarding technical issues, although this may seem impolite, since you addressed your question to Andrea Rossi.
    I would like to clear situation concerning your note of the appearance of odor of Sulfur at ball lightning due to two oxygen atoms fusion process and possibly the same process can occur in ECat.
    I agree with you that two oxygen atoms can combine (only theoretically) to form Sulfur in this process with the smell of sulfur and we need to use perfume to neutralize it. But I have never heard of sulfur formation in any LENR processes, including Aleksander Parhomov experiments with similar ECat design (old version). As you probably know he received the formation of a lot of Ca from Al and Oxygen (Al+O=Ca) outside the fuel (in the corundum tube), but never sulfur by oxygen combination. Nobody can explain this effect.
    By the way, the smell of sulfur means the appearance of evil spirits and it is necessary to invite a priest in this case. If in the Hall during the ECat presentation there will be a strong smell of perfume it will only mean the presence of a beautiful women, but not the sulfur formation, that needs neutralization by perfume.
    Best regards,
    P.S. I apologize for the humorous tone and somewhat rude formulations – these are the costs of translating from Russian into English. If I wrote in Chinese, my letters would be very correct and polite. By the way, do you happen to know why there are no comments on the forum from China, India, Arab countries, Africa, Asia and Latin America?

  • Aleksei Savchenko

    @ Eric Ashworth
    January 20, 2020 at 8:17 AM
    Dear Eric Ashworth,
    I agree with you, though I have another opinion on many points.
    Only two notes. First, what do you mean by the concept “independent researcher”? If you receive salary from anybody you are not independent.
    Second, in our country there are another type of contracts, than the one you mean. We are more free in decisions and live not according to the laws, but according to the concepts. For example, today the Earth is considered flat, tomorrow – cubic, and so on, as ordered by our scientific Superiors. You can have another opinion, but meet difficulties in publishing and conducting the research and some your fundamental research can be unknown for many years. In this respect I can recommend you to look through two papers:
    1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315739585_Disputable_issue_of_matter_and_antimatter_symmetry_-English_version
    2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318227372_Energy_Nature_of_Configurational_mixing_Entropy_its_Interconnection_with_Matter_and_Physical_Vacuum_and_the_Possibility_of_Generation_of_entropy_and_Anti-entropy_flows_-English_version

    They are simple and readable and partly devoted to LENR effects. If you want to cover the whole problem I recommend reading my alternative physics review:
    3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317581130_Brief_review_on_alternative_physics_An_alternative_opinion_on_physics_-_English_version
    This is a custom article written in 2014, made at the initiative of our previous General Director with the aim to interest ROSATOM with alternative developments in Russia. It is easy to read, as it has a popular scientific and even philosophical character, as it was written for officials. It is a little naive with it faith in a brighter science future in our country and is not very outdated, although now I would write much better. But the vector of science in our country turned in the other direction, and, as a result, we now depend not on our achievements, but on the successes of the Andrea Rossi team.
    Best regards,
    P.S. Answering your question in your P.S: ”where else could such conversations be conducted other than the JONP?.“
    There are many web-sites in particular, devoted to so-called alternative physics, LENR included, for example http://www.proatom.ru (in Russian). Practically every other day there appear new articles of different quality, and comments on them, causing discussions, often more interesting than the articles themselves. But there is one unpleasant feature – comments are not filtered. And if someone didn’t like your article or comment (scientific inaccuracies or a lot of idle talk), you can immediately find out in the comments about yourself, and sometimes about your nationality, so much novel information, that you will recover for a long time. There you need to be able to separate the seeds from the chaff and have strong nerves. But at the same time you can also get some absolutely fantastic ideas.

  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    I could be wrong, but I have the impression that you haven’t run one, or multiple, E-Cats all the way through to exhaustion-failure, to figure out what the range of possible exhaustion failure modes (EFM) are?

    Human nature being what it is, once the E-Cat becomes massively produced, it seems likely that there will be a large amount of that– especially for applications that aren’t fully connected with the Ethernet. I also believe that at some point certification will require that level of knowledge.

    We’ve all experienced batteries dying benignly, although sometimes corrosively. Similarly, light bulbs, water filters, gasoline engines are often run to exhaustion with minimal ill effect. I once experienced a mercury vapor lamp exploding within a piece of equipment– glass everywhere, but presumably that was a rare occurrence.

    The point is that until tested for, it’s impossible to know if the E-Cat’s EFM would be as uneventful as a light bulb’s, or as significant as the Fleischmann/Pons “Meltdown” (4-inch hole in a concrete floor).

    1) Anyway, if you have fully tested and characterized the E-Cat’s EFM, I apologize for “belaboring the point” and could you comment somewhat on the resultant behavior?

    2) And if you haven’t, is that sort of testing on your radar screen at any point?

    3) Also, related– wouldn’t it be interesting, and possibly informative, to learn the isotopic makeup of the EFM ash?

    Thanks, WaltC

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Not yet.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    I know you have not provided a date, or have made any announcement about the expected E-Cat SKL presentation, but have you been making any plans about it?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    We give one year for prudence and we are sure it is enough, at this point.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    We do not notice any odor of anything and we do not have sulphur.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Roberto Ridolfi
    Warm Regards,

  • Roberto Ridolfi

    Dr Rossi,
    Congratulations for your stunning success with your paper
    I noted that recommendations and full readings are totally traceable and many of them are really prestigious, while all of them have been made by tens of thousands of researchers and scientists. I also noticed that most of them are from America and Europe, but there are readings and recommendations from all the Countries of the world.

  • Eric Ashworth

    Dear Aleksei Savchenko
    I appreciate your response to my comments and find your information most interesting. With regards to (b) I could not agree more and I presume you are under contract and unable to publish.

    I am an independent researcher and as such not shackled by academic protocol. Science and technology is a very prickly subject and unless a person is involved they have no idea as to how controlled certain subjects can be. The JONP is an unbelievable breath of fresh air whereby information can be exchanged freely without upsetting people who have secrets to hide because there are, sensitive subjects that are strictly taboo and are unable to get out into the mainstream. LENRs is one of them i.e. no mention in the press, unifying field oscillation technology is another and I know there must be more. It is the technologies with far reaching effects i.e. those capable of knocking out certain industries and expanding knowledge into related areas of research that are suppressed. This is no revelation as I believe many people are now aware of this present situation but this represents one hurdle of many.

    Another hurdle and this involves many industries, is the intellectual property law whereby the property of a persons intellect is protected from theft (Wikipedia has a in depth article for people unfamiliar with its far reaching consequences) by various means. Few people realize that the intellect is the means by which an idea comes into being whereas the intelligence is the means by which the idea is used for whatever purpose is most fitting. This as you can guess provides an issue should the idea be that needed by a third party. Under normal circumstances such an issue is usually ratified by means of a none disclosure agreement (N.D.A). whereby should the idea be useless the N.D.A maintains protection of the property for the owner of the property and the prior agreement is cancelled. It provides a win, win situation to both parties, especially if the idea is brilliant and is just what is needed to overcome a problem. N.D.As are used throughout industry and although they have their drawbacks with regards secrecy they do allow information to be shared between various industries, groups and individuals so as to further the advancement of knowledge.

    However, in reply to (c) I do not agree that it is not known regarding the physical nature of LENR processes. LENRs like everything else rely upon specific conditions to attain success but one mans success is another ones failing. Depends on how high you set the bar. From my own experience the experts set the bar at maximum height in other words nothing short of perfection will do. You mention nuclear transmutations and strange radiation and bring to my attention special forms of bacteria that have the same effect (I know nothing of bacteria) but I can assure you the mystery that Andrea is seeking runs throughout nature. I will even say and many people may disagree that to keep a secret and maintain a mystery, one must divide to conquer i.e. subjects and language and I agree that by scientific explanation problems can easily be solved. Your line of research for me explains your interest in the LENR technology. My interest is exactly the same as yours, only my angle is different not being involved in bacteria. In a nutshell what you Andrea and myself are fascinated with is energy and energy is all that exists.

    Consequently to unlock the mystery of energy is to unlock the mystery of that which physicists seek. Every physicist has this same fascination but on their own unique degree of their intellect which I have come to believe is directly related to God and thereby it is true to say that by the grace of God all things eventually become known. I suppose epiphany to some people means very little or nothing at all but in the chain of human evolution that word becomes fully understood as a reference to the self and ones true purpose in life. But I would agree with all that you say except when you use the word ‘we’ as I take it, you are speaking for other people not just yourself.
    Regards Eric Ashworth
    P.S. where else could such conversations be conducted other than the JONP?.

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    A little off-topic. Ball lightning antidotes describe ball lightning exploding leaving the odor of Sulphur. Do you consider it possible that two oxygen atoms combine to form the reported Sulphur?

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I posted “can you tell us what is the limiting factor (maintenance, stability, etc.)?”
    and you responded “prudence”

    Would not a better metric be operating hours or cumulative energy produced, as well as time since original manufacture and/or installation?

    You need to display (either directly or remotely) to the user what is the lifetime status of the device.

    Another obvious display must be a unique identifier so maintenance can perform a function on the correct unit. A unique identifier such as a serial number or visual indicator to show positive identification. Obvious things but easily overlooked in the heat of development.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Aleksei Savchenko:
    On the contrary, I have a solid convinction that you have solid and extended scientific skills, probably at a higher level than mine, but, as you correctly write, I have confidential concerns that I sometimes flavour with humour.
    Obviously you are and will remain invited !!! My considerations about the stats of the supposed answers was, obviously, a joke.
    For the rest, I agree with you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    So far, I have nothing to add to what I wrote on the paper of Researchgate and the video on http://www.ecatskdemo.com
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Honestly, on Researchgate there are publications I deem more important than mine. I absolutely do not find a reason why my paper is the most read by orders of magnitude.
    Maybe the coherence between theoretical suppositions and experimental results and the sinergy with
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dear Andrea:
    The stats of your publication on Researchgate
    are more stunning than ever: as of today you gor 40034 ( fortythousandthirtyfour ) Full Readings, all traceble, and 281 Recommendation, all traceble, all from Professors and Researchers. Unbelievable.

  • Aleksei Savchenko

    Dear Andrea,
    Thank you very much for quick response and full answers in spite of the fact that I trouble you with technical issues that could be treated as confidential. To mitigate their effect I tried to soften the wording.
    The other method I implement is to give the variant of “possible answers” that to my mind is far from the reality but promote (provoke) you with answers using your great hence of humor. Now I have a difficult task to decode your answers. Earlier, in November, I formulated questions more directly and received a direct answer: “Dear Aleksei: Yes, you are right. Congratulations”. Now I tried to act diplomatically and got what got. I forgot the proverb:” if you do not know what to say, tell the truth”.
    But despite this I have understood (and this is important information for many people) that you are in a good mood now, which means that you and your team have practically solved technical problems and will soon set a presentation time.
    I still hope that you do not change your mind and invite me to the presentation despite my suddenly revealed poor scientific qualifications. You need such people in the hall that cannot fully understand your ideas, hence cannot do the same or better, but at the same time have good scientific international reputation (this is common, especially among experts), and fully support your activity. This is a rare combination.
    Best wishes to you and to your team.
    Bonne chance!

  • PlasmaFan

    Dear Andrea,

    If the plasma ball or “ballerina” of the E-Cat SK and E-Cat SKL are related to ball lightning and ball lightning is a system derived from quantum fluctuations, does this indicate that once source of power in this systems could be from collecting/gathering/harvesting quantum fluctuations?

    If the E-Cat SKL is not an LENR device, then this seems like one of the few remaining possibilities. Could you please expand at least a little? For example, could the “ballerina” be sustaining itself via the collection of virtual particles as they fluctuate?

    Thank you for any information you can provide.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Aleksei Savchenko:
    A Yes
    B No
    C Maybe
    D It depends on the meaning we give to the word “fuel”
    E Confidential
    F See E
    G Yes, but no distribution wave effect
    H I agree. We do.
    I Too late for this, but I can foresee future opening to external contributions
    Rating of suggested “possible answers”: 0 out of 8 ( he,he,he )
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ball lightning is a lower entropy system deriving from quantum fluctuations.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Aleksei Savchenko

    Dear Andrea,
    Could you kindly answer some questions?
    A) Do you still use hydrogen in fuel in any form (metal hydrides, gas under pressure, etc)?
    B) As you have noted, ECat SKL is practically irrelevent to decrease in the power at operating and fuel consumption. Does it mean that fuel is needed only to start the process?
    C) Does the operating time limitation depends mostly on degradation of applied design materials? In this connect are you looking for novel materials, may be metal-ceramic type with improved properties?
    D) Does your novel ECat SKL version needs any fuel in general or its work based on another similar to NiKolay Tesla developments?
    E) Do you use additional high frequency electromagnetic exposure and what is it parameters?
    F) If yes, do you implement a phase shift up to the full compensation of the maximum and minimum oscillations (synphase oscillations with a phase shift of 180 degrees)?
    G) Do you measure the temperature outside ECat SKL cube and has it distribution wave effect?
    H) Advice. Please, take into account that generated by ECat SKL entropy and untientropy flows can influence on instrument readings. One of the best solutions of this problem that I use in the experiments
    is to check instrument readings by touching thermocouples with your finger (if it possible, of course).
    I) Do you consider the possibility of preliminary discussion of novel effects outside your group in order to bring the presentation date closer?
    Possible answers: A) Confidential, B) Yes, C) Yes, D) I think so, E) Yes, F) No, G) No, H) Thank you for your insight, I) It is not impossible.
    Best regards,
    P.S. Usually. if we want to get something very strongly and make every effort, we usually don’t get it, because from the master we gradually turn into a slave of our desires. This is the law of the Universe (God rules). We must not depend on our desires. It is necessary to catch a state when you do not give a damn about everything.
    It helps for a couple of days to get distracted and go to France or Italy to touch something eternal.
    Bonne chance!!!

  • PlasmaFan

    Dear Andrea,

    Do you agree that ball lightning is likely a self organizing plasma construct?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    1 yes
    2 yes
    3 prudence
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andre Rossi,

    Gian posted “Can you provide us with information on the decrease in the power supplied by the E-CatSK at the expiration of 3-6-9-12 months?” and you replied “Practically irrelevant.”

    1. May I properly assume that “Practically irrelevant” means “no significant drop in output power was detected”?
    2. If that is correct, then are you saying depletion of fuel is not the reason for the 12 month limit on the eCatSK time of operation?
    3. If the above is correct, can you tell us what is the limiting factor (maintenance, stability, etc.)?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I’d say possibly yes. Ball lightning is a model I looked to when I had the initial idea.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today on other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Karl Poehlmann:
    Thank you for the information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Karl Poehlmann

    Here is a link that I think can be useful to the work of your team:
    Best Regards,
    Karl Poehlmann

  • Prof

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Can the plasma seen in
    and described in
    be someway comparable to the so called “ball lightnings”?
    Thank you if you can answer,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Practically irrelevant,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    I suppose positive.
    Warm regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    This major impact on the theory obviously does tickle my curiosity. Just one more question:
    Do you consider this impact being positive or negative?
    Thanks, kind regards, Gerard

  • Dear Andrea,
    I find the indications provided in response to my questions on 13 January very positive.
    Most of the 65 interventions that appeared on the subject in Ecat World appreciate the results obtained so far.
    Can you provide us with information on the decrease in the power supplied by the E-CatSK at the expiration of 3-6-9-12 months?
    Always grateful for your courtesy in satisfying our curiosity.
    Warm greetings

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