Hello Dott. Rossi,
Dr. Michael McKubre about you the minute 13:20 ” Questions about Rossi ‘s converter ”
MICHAEL C.H. McKUBRE is currently principal scientist in the Materials Research Laboratory at SRI International.
Nuclear Fusion Then and Now with Dr. Michael McKubre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WL3LMypWLk
Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
Thank you for the interesting link, very good work of Sean Stone: equilibrated, sincere, highly professional.
Warm Regards,
Hello, Dr Rossi:
Here is a link of important people speaking of you:
Cold Fusion, nuclear power and the global economy are put under the microscope with guest James Martinez in this full length interview for Buzzsaw with Sean Stone.
James Martinez is a Media Ecologist, Radio Talk Show host and pioneer in radio broadcasting and behavior modification.
Pietro F.:
How have the manufacturers of cars at the beginning of the xxth century addressed the problem of diffidence of the market, such as the attitude of science against those monstruous things spitting smoke from behind, going at speeds above 50 mph, notoriously to be very dangerous for the heart of humans, not counting the defamatory campaigns to be expected from the horse breeders?
I am terrified at the sole thought of this.
Warm Regards,
Complimenti per il brevetto, buona strategia. Quando commercializzerà l’ecat come affronterà il problema della diffidenza del mercato, porto ad esempio l’attuale atteggiamento di una parte del mondo scentifico nei confronti delle LENR. Senza contare le campagne diffamatorie che saranno messe in piedi da grossi interessi economici quali il settore petrolifero. Ha già pensato quale strategia adottare?
Congratulations to the patent, good strategy. When it will market the ECAT as address the problem of diffidence of the market, such as the port current attitude of the science against LENR. Without counting the smear campaigns that will be made up by big economic interests such as the oil sector. Have you thought what strategy to adopt?
Dr Rossi
I appreciated very much the interview on Experimentalmath: by the way, the interviewers are David H. Bailey and Jon Borwein, two top level professors of Mathematics.
Dear Dr. Rossi, only a simple question:
is it necessary using such “intelligent” robots for making E-Cat components?
After all we are talking of “simple” mechanical or electronic parts.
Or not?
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
The one that is referred to as the “Professor” from the other robots surely has passed the Turing test. He never said “cogito ergo sum”, but the other robots are sure he thinks it.
Warm Regards,
Saturday Oct 10 at the Opera Theater of Miami Beach ( the “New World Symphony”) they will perform musics od Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble: I already bought the tickets and surely I will think to all the scientists that are making this very good work in Russia. I have asked my Team to cover me for several hours. My culture is impregnated by Russian art and literature, when I was a teen ager my favourite books were “War and Peace” of Tolstoj and “Delitto e castigo” of Dostoevskij. I read them repeatedly, as I always do when a book is very good.
Warm Regards,
Let me cite also other Russian scientists that have made a serious work of replication: Igor Stepanov, Yi Malakov. Also the nuclear physicist of the Chinese Atomic Institute Chi Nguyen Quoc worked with these replications. In the link sent us today from Ing. Michelangelo De Meo you can find the details of their work.
Steven N. Karels:
Yes, I liked it very much, because it is rigorously reviewed by NASA and the reproduction of Mars environment is very, very interesting. As a matter of fact, the story is flat, if any (an astronaut on Mars gets lost in a storm while the spacevehicle of his fellows has to escape back to the Earth, but he manages to survive against the odds and when his fellow astronauts return to Mars to pick him back everybody is so happy) but the reproduction of the planet Mars is magnificent, being made by rigorous material of NASA. Very interesting the technology exposed by NASA too. It is surely worth the price of the ticket. Luckily it does not contain the usual stupidities of science fiction movies, like loopholes, time that goes back etc, so that the situations are scientifically credible and, consequently, very interesting. When the “Martian” heats himself up with plutonium to survive in the cold weather, I thought that maybe an E-Cat could have been better.
Warm Regards,
Gunnar Lindberg:
The Customer was not previously using electricity: he switched to electricity when we proposed him the E-Cat explaining that with the E-Cat his thermal energy was going to cost less, increasing his profits. Your question was clear and well formulated, probably my answer was incomplete.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Did you see that Russian scientific world is strongly sustaining your work, from Dr Uzikov to Dr Parkhomow and many others?
We think you have opened a gate that is going to change the game; we like your struggle and the courage you bring it on with.
Even if the charge in a 250 kilowatt module lost efficency after a single month, it would still beat out every other energy source on the planet. The fact the charge has lasted this long makes the technology phenomenol! If the power output per gram of fuel is 1000 watts, on average, that means the module uses 250 grams of fuel. The fuel, in a situation in which it was produced in bulk, might cost 2 cents a gram. So to fuel a 250 kilowatt module that can continually operate for at least six months, probably longer, would only cost $5.00 dollars.
The metal barrel that contains a barrel of oil would cost more! A single extra value meal at a fast food joint would cost more! To produce that much thermal power via any conventional chemical fuel would cost hundreds or thousands of times more, take up more space, and produce pollution.
Dear Andrea,
My earlier question was not clearly formulated. What surprises me is that the customer was previously using electricity to make steam. It sounds like a more costly alternative than other heating methods. I understand that the E-Cat is a still better option.
Warm Regards
Gunnar Lindberg
As soon as I read your question, I was going to answer that it is a confidential issue, but against a “Victor” I must accept defeat and answer properly. When I met the robot manufacturer he has shown me different kinds of robots, characterized by different prices, depending on their skills. I wanted the best of the best, so he accompanied me in the sancta sanctorum of his showroom and indicated me a robot whose price was ten folds the price of the most expensive among the others. It appeared to be same of the others. I asked what was the difference that makes that robot cost ten folds the price of the better of the others. He told me: ” I do not know”.
So I asked how can he tell that robot to be much better than the others and he explained: when we pass with him in front of the other robots, they all salute him:” How are you, Professor?”
Please keep this confidential.
Warm Regards,
Gunnar Lindberg:
Because the Customer bet on the efficiency of the E-Cat. In any Country, not just in yours, staem is made with conventional fuels and this is one of the causes of the acceleration of the global warming cycle. The E-Cat is supposed to be more efficient even if it uses electricity as a drive. But, again, the results could be, at the end, negative instead of positive, or, if you prefer, F9.
A propos: “…a friend heard from a friend that heard from a friend…” doesn’t seem like the two mirrors that look each other and reproduce infinitely a fake number of figures?
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I have heard from a friend who heard from a friend that the customer receiving heat from your one megawatt plant is very satisfied. That makes me happy but I do not expect you to comment on that.
I have a question. How is it that the customer uses electricity to make steam. In my country heating by electricity is considerably more expensive than other options.
Best regards
Gunnar Lindberg
Dr Andrea Rossi,
When you talk of the invention of a new revolutionary manufacturing system I suppose you are talking of robotized lines. Can you explain the difference between your robots and the ones used, for example, in other industries of appliances?
Thank you,
Thank you for the link. The Readers interested to it can just go to the link in your comment; it cannot be published on the JoNP because it is not written with the criteria of a scientific publication; it is interesting, though!
Warm Regards,
From your name I suppose you are an extraterrestrial: I am delighted to see that our Team’s work is looked at from other planets ( presumably Mars, after the movie I saw yesterday).
Here is the answer: important tasks, both scientific and administrative.
Warm Regards,
Nils Fryklund:
Others. I prefer to delay any answer to the end of the tests on course, because I want not to make a process to the intentions of the E-Cat. I base my work on real situations, along the Galilean approach I always apply.
Warm Regards,
It is out of any doubt that the work of Dr Parkhomov is strongly interesting and the replication of his work by these other Russian scientists is important, also because we all know how high is the scientific level of Russians in the field of Physics. I am also learning from some particular aspect of their endeavour.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
You answered to a recent comment that in your Team there are also women. Can you say if they are commited to just bourocratic tasks, like secretaries or something like that, or are they assigned to imporant tasks, either scientific or administrative?
Dear Andrea,
I saw the replication of the replication of the Parkhomov experiment made by other our Russian scientist. I think this is an important result for you.
From Russia, with love,
Hello Dott. Rossi,
Dr. Michael McKubre about you the minute 13:20 ” Questions about Rossi ‘s converter ”
MICHAEL C.H. McKUBRE is currently principal scientist in the Materials Research Laboratory at SRI International.
Nuclear Fusion Then and Now with Dr. Michael McKubre
Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
Thank you for the interesting link, very good work of Sean Stone: equilibrated, sincere, highly professional.
Warm Regards,
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Hello, Dr Rossi:
Here is a link of important people speaking of you:
Cold Fusion, nuclear power and the global economy are put under the microscope with guest James Martinez in this full length interview for Buzzsaw with Sean Stone.
James Martinez is a Media Ecologist, Radio Talk Show host and pioneer in radio broadcasting and behavior modification.
Pietro F.:
How have the manufacturers of cars at the beginning of the xxth century addressed the problem of diffidence of the market, such as the attitude of science against those monstruous things spitting smoke from behind, going at speeds above 50 mph, notoriously to be very dangerous for the heart of humans, not counting the defamatory campaigns to be expected from the horse breeders?
I am terrified at the sole thought of this.
Warm Regards,
Tina Chase:
Very important: they have found evidence of the fact that neutrinos have mass. Very merited Nobel Prize.
Warm Regards,
Mark Curry:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Ernest Hunt:
Thank you for the link.
Yes, the US patent has been one of the most important achievements of my life, I can say.
Warm Regards,
Complimenti per il brevetto, buona strategia. Quando commercializzerà l’ecat come affronterà il problema della diffidenza del mercato, porto ad esempio l’attuale atteggiamento di una parte del mondo scentifico nei confronti delle LENR. Senza contare le campagne diffamatorie che saranno messe in piedi da grossi interessi economici quali il settore petrolifero. Ha già pensato quale strategia adottare?
Congratulations to the patent, good strategy. When it will market the ECAT as address the problem of diffidence of the market, such as the port current attitude of the science against LENR. Without counting the smear campaigns that will be made up by big economic interests such as the oil sector. Have you thought what strategy to adopt?
Coraggio e buona giornata.
Italo R.:
It depends on the semantic you couple with the term “intelligent” referring to mechanics and electronics.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Congratulations for the magnificent interview you made on “Experimentalmath”:
Also, congratulations for your US Patent, that I think is one of the most important achievements of your life: am I right?
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for your US Patent: terrific!
Dr Rossi
I appreciated very much the interview on Experimentalmath: by the way, the interviewers are David H. Bailey and Jon Borwein, two top level professors of Mathematics.
Sean Stone ( the son of Oliver Stone) has made a very interesting show talking of LENR, focusing on the E-Cat.
Did you see it?
I read your interview on
It has to be read to the last word.
Thanks to you and the math professors who interviewed you.
Hello Andrea Rossi,
What do you think of the Nobel Price on Physics that has been published today?
Hi, Andrea:
I saw now your US Patent published on the JONP:
Congratulations, nothing else to say in front of this magnificence.
Did you see the interview of Sean Stone to James Hernandez? Very good!
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Did you see this movie? Ha.ha.ha,ha,ha, you gotta take a look at it: get real fun!!!
Dear Dr. Rossi, only a simple question:
is it necessary using such “intelligent” robots for making E-Cat components?
After all we are talking of “simple” mechanical or electronic parts.
Or not?
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
The one that is referred to as the “Professor” from the other robots surely has passed the Turing test. He never said “cogito ergo sum”, but the other robots are sure he thinks it.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Would a factory Robot powered by the E-Cat pass the Turing test? What are the ethical implications?
Saturday Oct 10 at the Opera Theater of Miami Beach ( the “New World Symphony”) they will perform musics od Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble: I already bought the tickets and surely I will think to all the scientists that are making this very good work in Russia. I have asked my Team to cover me for several hours. My culture is impregnated by Russian art and literature, when I was a teen ager my favourite books were “War and Peace” of Tolstoj and “Delitto e castigo” of Dostoevskij. I read them repeatedly, as I always do when a book is very good.
Warm Regards,
Let me cite also other Russian scientists that have made a serious work of replication: Igor Stepanov, Yi Malakov. Also the nuclear physicist of the Chinese Atomic Institute Chi Nguyen Quoc worked with these replications. In the link sent us today from Ing. Michelangelo De Meo you can find the details of their work.
Steven N. Karels:
Yes, I liked it very much, because it is rigorously reviewed by NASA and the reproduction of Mars environment is very, very interesting. As a matter of fact, the story is flat, if any (an astronaut on Mars gets lost in a storm while the spacevehicle of his fellows has to escape back to the Earth, but he manages to survive against the odds and when his fellow astronauts return to Mars to pick him back everybody is so happy) but the reproduction of the planet Mars is magnificent, being made by rigorous material of NASA. Very interesting the technology exposed by NASA too. It is surely worth the price of the ticket. Luckily it does not contain the usual stupidities of science fiction movies, like loopholes, time that goes back etc, so that the situations are scientifically credible and, consequently, very interesting. When the “Martian” heats himself up with plutonium to survive in the cold weather, I thought that maybe an E-Cat could have been better.
Warm Regards,
Hank Mills:
Thank you for your insight.
Warm Regards,
Gunnar Lindberg:
The Customer was not previously using electricity: he switched to electricity when we proposed him the E-Cat explaining that with the E-Cat his thermal energy was going to cost less, increasing his profits. Your question was clear and well formulated, probably my answer was incomplete.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Did you see that Russian scientific world is strongly sustaining your work, from Dr Uzikov to Dr Parkhomow and many others?
We think you have opened a gate that is going to change the game; we like your struggle and the courage you bring it on with.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
A question you will probably be able to answer completely… Did you like the movie, The Martian?
Dear Andrea,
Even if the charge in a 250 kilowatt module lost efficency after a single month, it would still beat out every other energy source on the planet. The fact the charge has lasted this long makes the technology phenomenol! If the power output per gram of fuel is 1000 watts, on average, that means the module uses 250 grams of fuel. The fuel, in a situation in which it was produced in bulk, might cost 2 cents a gram. So to fuel a 250 kilowatt module that can continually operate for at least six months, probably longer, would only cost $5.00 dollars.
The metal barrel that contains a barrel of oil would cost more! A single extra value meal at a fast food joint would cost more! To produce that much thermal power via any conventional chemical fuel would cost hundreds or thousands of times more, take up more space, and produce pollution.
Dear Andrea,
My earlier question was not clearly formulated. What surprises me is that the customer was previously using electricity to make steam. It sounds like a more costly alternative than other heating methods. I understand that the E-Cat is a still better option.
Warm Regards
Gunnar Lindberg
As soon as I read your question, I was going to answer that it is a confidential issue, but against a “Victor” I must accept defeat and answer properly. When I met the robot manufacturer he has shown me different kinds of robots, characterized by different prices, depending on their skills. I wanted the best of the best, so he accompanied me in the sancta sanctorum of his showroom and indicated me a robot whose price was ten folds the price of the most expensive among the others. It appeared to be same of the others. I asked what was the difference that makes that robot cost ten folds the price of the better of the others. He told me: ” I do not know”.
So I asked how can he tell that robot to be much better than the others and he explained: when we pass with him in front of the other robots, they all salute him:” How are you, Professor?”
Please keep this confidential.
Warm Regards,
Bradly Hudspeth:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Morice Curtis:
Warm Regards
The 1 MW E-Cat, at 03.47 p.m. of Oct 5, is stable in ssm, while the E-Cat X is still in preparation.
Warm Regards,
Gunnar Lindberg:
Because the Customer bet on the efficiency of the E-Cat. In any Country, not just in yours, staem is made with conventional fuels and this is one of the causes of the acceleration of the global warming cycle. The E-Cat is supposed to be more efficient even if it uses electricity as a drive. But, again, the results could be, at the end, negative instead of positive, or, if you prefer, F9.
A propos: “…a friend heard from a friend that heard from a friend…” doesn’t seem like the two mirrors that look each other and reproduce infinitely a fake number of figures?
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I have heard from a friend who heard from a friend that the customer receiving heat from your one megawatt plant is very satisfied. That makes me happy but I do not expect you to comment on that.
I have a question. How is it that the customer uses electricity to make steam. In my country heating by electricity is considerably more expensive than other options.
Best regards
Gunnar Lindberg
Dr Andrea Rossi:
An update of today, please!
Dear Andrea Rossi,
is it true that you have 64 patents in part already pending, in part in preparation related to your E-Cat?
Dr Andrea Rossi,
When you talk of the invention of a new revolutionary manufacturing system I suppose you are talking of robotized lines. Can you explain the difference between your robots and the ones used, for example, in other industries of appliances?
Thank you,
Dr Andrea:
Congratulations for your US Patent, is very important.
Frank Acland:
Something like that, but better.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the link. The Readers interested to it can just go to the link in your comment; it cannot be published on the JoNP because it is not written with the criteria of a scientific publication; it is interesting, though!
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Do you have anything like this in mind for your E-Cat production? https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=41&v=sjAZGUcjrP8
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I submit an article for review and publication in the Journal Of Nuclear Physics B. (Sometimes called ‘the comments section’)
“A Dialogue Concerning Two Chiefs’ World-System”
(a savage treatise on further myths surrounding the E-Cat)
I find it insightful and amusing. But then again, I wrote it.
From your name I suppose you are an extraterrestrial: I am delighted to see that our Team’s work is looked at from other planets ( presumably Mars, after the movie I saw yesterday).
Here is the answer: important tasks, both scientific and administrative.
Warm Regards,
Nils Fryklund:
Others. I prefer to delay any answer to the end of the tests on course, because I want not to make a process to the intentions of the E-Cat. I base my work on real situations, along the Galilean approach I always apply.
Warm Regards,
Rafal Krych:
Thank you for the interesting information and for the related link.
Warm Regards,
It is out of any doubt that the work of Dr Parkhomov is strongly interesting and the replication of his work by these other Russian scientists is important, also because we all know how high is the scientific level of Russians in the field of Physics. I am also learning from some particular aspect of their endeavour.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
You answered to a recent comment that in your Team there are also women. Can you say if they are commited to just bourocratic tasks, like secretaries or something like that, or are they assigned to imporant tasks, either scientific or administrative?
Dear Andrea,
I saw the replication of the replication of the Parkhomov experiment made by other our Russian scientist. I think this is an important result for you.
From Russia, with love,