United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,903 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Earl

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    How is going on the preparation of your next 200+ patents?

  • Giulio Robotti

    Dr Rossi:
    It is clear the you have the world leadership in the LENR field. Do you feel responsibility for this?
    Giulio Robotti

  • Ray Peals

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Congratulations for your US patent.
    The ownership of this patent is of Leonardo Corporation or of you?

  • W.

    Mr Rossi:
    From what I read in your responses, I understand that the E-Cat X will never exist as a real product.

  • Andrea Rossi

    So far she resists. Still to be determined the “saturation” point.
    Warm Regards

  • Paul


    Were you able to destroy the E-Cat X during your destructive testing?

    If not, is there a point were adding more power in does not increase the power out?


  • Andrea Rossi

    1- Depends on F9
    2- >6, F9
    3- 6-12 months
    4- both
    Warm Regards,

  • Umbi

    Have a NEWS for domestic E-CAT ?

    1) Timing for Marketing
    2) COP ?
    3) Duration charge ?
    4) Will be X-CAT or E-CAT ?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Oeystein Lande:
    1 no
    2 too soon to answer. F9
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Byron McDonald:
    Not yet.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    I will see what I can do.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    1 good standing
    2 a month
    3 we will
    4 not yet
    5 hours
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention
    Warm Regards

  • Stephen

    Thanks for the answers to the questions. If it proves robust to all those conditions it will be remarkably useful. I hope the tests continue to perform well and maybe even exceed expectations. Looking forward to seeing this applied in the world when it’s ready to be there.

    Best Regards

  • Joseph Fine

    Andrea Rossi,

    1. What is the most recent status of the 1 MW E-Cat System and the E-Cat X (following the recent test)?

    2. How long did the recent E-Cat X “Stress test” last?

    3. Did you try the E-Cat X “Stress test” more than once?

    4. Can you comment on the (approximate) maximum temperature achieved by the E-Cat X?

    5. What is the average duration of Self-Sustained- Mode (SSM) operation?

    “Curiouser and curiouser” Regards,

    Joseph Fine

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    Please build me a YouBoo that I can buy for $1200 today. It would be a chemical battery (typical lithium computer battery) with extended life, capable of output of 3 ampere at 12 volts for up to a guaranteed period of at least 12 months. It is just a battery, no special materials …, perhaps includes nickel, lithium, etc etc and would be fun to play with. There is an joker down the block that is selling something like this to blokes near me, and I want to buy a product from you, ANY PRODUCT. (Google “Orbo Product Launch”).

    There are standard procedures for batteries for UL listing, (but I don’t even think that a UL listing would be required!) for such a product, and it would be a nice toy for me to have.

    Actually, I trust you, and I wouldn’t even need a 12 month guarantee.

    Thank you very much for considering this inquiry,

    Yours truly,

    Thomas Conover
    Somerset WI 54025

  • Byron McDonald

    Dear Dr. Rossi

    By ECatX 1.1 I mean the next iterative model of ECatX incorporating any improvements or advancements arising from operation of the current which I assumed to be ECatx 1.0.

    But, if we hold true to the software version number analogy it is perhaps more appropriate to call the current ECatX a beta version number below 1.0 (E.G. ver. 0.8) to reflect its status as a beta version product. Version number 1.0 typically indicates the first commercial model of a product or software rather than a prototype.

    In any case, my question is whether or not you have prepared a new version of the ECatX to replace this current unit and whether this new version contains any advancements arising from the experience with this present model undergoing destructive testing.

  • Øystein Lande

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    If the test ends positive;

    1. Do you have a goal of sales numbers allready this year?

    2. How many units would your Company be able to construct and deliver in 2016 ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, In regards to the E-Cat Snow Removal Device, at the top of the Device it should have two Trap Doors that will remain closed, until they feel the weight of a Bucket of snow, then they will open and close automatically.
    This will keep the heat in the ‘Oven’ when no snow is being dumped in.
    Send this to your Whiz Kids.
    Robert Curto
    Ft.Lauderdale Florida

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giuliano Bettini:
    Too much heat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Albert Ellul:
    F7 cannot be defined until F9 has been disclosed.
    Operational prototypes have been made.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Byron McDonald:
    So far the expectations have been achieved. I cannot give details yet, though.
    What do you mean exactly with E-Cat X 1.1 ? In which sense ?
    I share your hope.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sorry, it had to be “n.a.”: not available information. Just a typo.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- both
    2- yes
    3- yes a + b
    4- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuliano Bettini

    Dear Andrea,
    maybe my questio is “naive” but…
    Trying to destroy the Cat, did you use:
    1 – too much heat
    2 – too much electricity?
    (or none? or both?).
    Explosive regards,
    Giuliano Bettini.

  • Stephen

    Could you tell us something about the disructive tests being performed on the ecat-x?

    1. Is this a test measuring robustness to high power and high tempt?
    2. Is the test imeasuring robustness to multiple power cycles?
    3. Is the test measuring robustness to external factors such as
    a) the external thermal environment? Both hot and cold and transients?
    b) multi axis vibrational and acoustic environment?
    c) external EM environment?

    I suppose 3 could be useful for the jet engine or other kinds of transportation constraints as well as use in uncontrolled environments. Perhaps those tests are more applicable to particular devices designed for those uses and built taking into account those constraints.

  • Yrka

    Dear Mr. Rossi

    Forgive my dullness.

    On my question:

    “3. In which regions is a priority delivery?”

    you answered – “n.c.”

    I do not understand “n.c.”

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi, just a curiosity: I suppose you use english language working with your team in the container. Do you use sometimes italian with someone of them?
    Italo R.

  • Dear Andrea,
    Have you performed on/off torture testing of E-cat X?

    A car’s normal service interval (let us assume it is 30000 km) corresponds to only about 2 weeks of continuous use of the engine (which the E-cat X has thus already bypassed by factor of four), but involves some 500-1000 cold starts. One could simulate cold starts by turning the device on and after it reaches operational temperature, immediately turn it off, wait until it cools completely, then turn on again, etc. In this way, one could probably simulate the required number of cold starts in about one week or so (number depends on how quickly the device warms and cools).

    I would guess that an E-cat car would already be a commercial success if the E-cat replacement interval is about 30000 km, that is, synchronised with the normal service interval of the car and corresponding to 2 weeks of continuous running plus 500-1000 cold starts.

    regards, /pekka

  • Byron McDonald

    Dear Dr. Rossi

    Kindly indicate if the electrical / heat output of E-Catx have met your expectations during this new state of operations? Specifically, have the outputs scaled in step with the increased state of the reaction? If they are scaling, do they scale proportionally or in a logarithmic manner?

    Further, it occurs to me it is possible you have created (whether in design only or in an operating prototype) an E-Catx 1.1 to replace this unit. Are you able to confirm whether this 1.1 exists and if not when?

    Thank you for your work…. I look forward to the day when every E-Cat does not have to come with a clone of Andrea Rossi 🙂

  • Ing. Albert Ellul

    Dear Ing. Rossi,

    Do you have an operational prototype of the domestic e-Cat ready for to be cloned when the roll out (F7) commences?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    Could be.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sunday, 09.15 p.m. of Jan 24 2016:
    1MW E-Cat good girl: allows me to watch the Panthers, fingers crossed.
    E-Cat X resisting to the destructive attempt, good sign.
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, I know you are overwhelmed about possible uses for the E-Cat.
    But if this one is possible, it could make a huge amount of money.
    Snow removal today:
    A Front End Bucket Loader scoops up a Bucket of snow and dumps it into a Truck. Then they drive the Truck to a large empty space, not easy to find in a City, and dump it.
    Or if there is a nearby River, they dump it there. As you know this is very expensive.
    Every City has a Storm Drain, to Drain rain water from City Streets.

    Is this possible ?
    At the Storm Drain park an E-Cat with a very large and very hot Bin.
    Dump the Bucket Load into the Bin, where it will become water and flow down the Drain.
    Then move the E-Cat to the next Block.
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale Florida

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    No, I am not authorized to give any information about the ownership, so far.
    Their goals are same of mine: to create the biggest possible world concern for the exploiting of this technology. F9. To create jobs. To create good products to allow our Customers to make money with the E-Cats. To help the global Environment integrating our energy at maximum levels with the existing sources.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Coppi:
    I agree. Will do.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel De Caluwé:
    i- no
    ii- not necessarily
    iii- the tests are still on course
    iv- His the decision
    The evoluton of the E-Cats will never stop, but this will not stop the sales of the existing models.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Michael S.:
    Thank you for your insight. I am not able to answer, because the E-Cat X is still in a preliminar phase and is not ready for any of the applications you propose.
    I can answer only after specific experiments for any application.
    Warm Regards,

  • Michael S

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You have hinted to us readers that the X-Cat could potentially produce 50/50 heat and electricity. On the other hand you are working hard on jet engine fueled by ecat heat. These engines are extremely expensive in acquisition and maintenance. Are you aware that electric high voltage engines are being developed currently that ultimately will be less expensive to buy & use ? ( http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20150000748.pdf ; http://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft/siemens-unveils-260-kw-electric-aircraft-motor ; http://sunjet-project.eu/sites/default/files/Airbus%20-%20Delhaye.pdf ;

    The biggest hurdle to adoption of electric fans is the complexity of the hybrid power train, batteries missing the necessary energy density. So my question is shouldn’t the X-cat be explored as power source ? It would not need to run for a year. A month between recharge would already be perfect 🙂 And two major cost factors of plane travel would be solved to the benefit of all (pollution being solved in both cases).

    Which makes me ask one more question : could the reliability of electricity producing ecat’s be better then a full thermal ecat, considering less heat induced wearing ?

    Kind regards,

    Michael S.

  • Daniel De Caluwé

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    In your first answer to Barty you wrote:

    There are many parts of the plant that need upgrading and the next generation of industrial plants (F9) will be different. I cannot give the details of the parts to be modified, for obvious reasons, but we are talking not just of plumbing and wiring, we are talking of internal structure of the reactors.
    This plant belongs to the first generation, substantially it is equal to the plant tested in Bologna in the Winter of 2011; the next one will be different and I am already designing it (again: F9).

    i) Doesn’t this mean that the next generation also requires a new extensive test period like the one you’re performing now?

    ii) As you mainly tested the new 4x250kW units, does this mean that the improvements for the next generation are about these 4x250kW units, and not about the old/ordinary 1MW plant (made up by 10kW units) that was in reserve?

    iii) Is the old/ordinary 1MW plant (made up by 10kW units) sufficiently tested to sell to your client or new clients?

    iv) If your client is satisfied by the present test, will he go on with the old/ordinary 1MW plant (and in that case, is it sufficiently tested, see question iii), or with the newer 4×250 kW units? And in the latter case, what about the leakages and other problems? Wouldn’t he prefer the next generation (in the case of the 4×250 kW units)?

    I hope you don’t mind the critical attitude in my above questions, but I too have the impression that development of the E-cat still is going on (the E-cat is in its development phase), and that you still will need further tests with new generations?

    Nevertheless, for an observer like me, your work already is a big success (because you generate lots of excess energy with the E-cat, that in all its forms (E-Cat X, 10kW units, 250 kW units) is a wonderful LENR device), and I wish you all success in further developing it!

    (I know you only consider it as a success if you can sell a lot of units, but for many of your observers, like me, you already are successful, because we are convinced that you already generate a lot of excess energy, and that it’s only a matter of further development and engineering to solve some remaining problems…)

    Kind Regards,

  • Alessandro Coppi

    Hi Andrea,
    About the E-cat x that is going into destructive tests would be very interesting to know the power density reached in the last minutes of its life, and how many minutes it lasts before melting, this perhaps could be useful at the take off, to supply the jet engine, some elements could be lost each take off and replaced… F9 permitting.

    Best regards
    Alessandro Coppi

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Is there anything you can tell us about the owners of Leonardo Corporation and the Board of Directors that you report to? If you can’t identify them, can you say maybe something about their background, goals and interests?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Robert Curto

    Dr.Rossi, I receive a Newsletter from Orison, they make the Plug In Battery.
    It is signed by:
    Eric Clifton
    CEO & Founder of Orison

    On the JoNP, on January 16 at 9:03AM you said you were the CEO of Leonardo Corporation
    Your correct Title is:
    CEO & Founder of Leonardo Corporation

    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale Florida
    P.S. On your Website, you do say you are the Founder of Leonardo Corporation in 1997.
    However, when you list your Title you should not just say:
    CEO of Leonardo Corporation

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Very good question: yes, we are thinking about producing ouselves the lithium aluminum hydride.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you!
    Our Special Team did their best.
    Warm Regards,

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