United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Angelo

    Dr Rossi:
    Did you see this important paper of Dr Parkhomov ?
    All the best

  • ulrich Kranz

    Dear Andrea,

    two applications of the new E-cat skl:

    – alternative/replacement of old windmills
    – electricity supply for cities/companies

    In a 20 foot container could be installed: 3 rows with 250 SKL each. Each row will supply 1 MW, the 3 rows will supply 3 MW. I left empty space for inspection and support equipment.

    The thermal energy that is irradiated from the skl´s would be 750 kwh/h.

    What kind of technology would practical / economic to get rid of the heat or better recover the heat ?

    I wish you a restful vacation.



    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations on 4KW SKL. Assuming it works in the SSM mode here are a back of envelope calculations on how it can improve Tesla Model S with 100 KW battery pack.

    Tesla 100 KW

    100 KW battery
    625 kg
    0.4 m³
    390 miles range
    0.9 90 percent
    80 Miles per hour on average max speed
    4.3875 Hours to deplete the battery
    22.79 KW per hour battery depletion

    Assume we replace a 100 KW battery with 40 KW battery plus 10 eCat SKL pack to charge the battery as needed to keep it at 90%.

    40 KW + 10 SKL pack
    250 kg + 10 kg (SKL) = 260 KG
    0.16 m³ + 8 liter
    156 miles range on a battery only
    90% 90 percent
    80 Miles per hour
    1.755 Hours to deplete the battery only

    Total saving in weight 365 KG, no need to charge Tesla every second day. One would need to recharge eCat pack every 12 month or so, since average user does not use the car 24/7. Large savings in electric charging and smaller batter costs. Some of the cost savings to be offset by the eCat SKL 10 pack.

    And NO RANGE anxiety… Huge plus.



  • Andrea Rossi

    Toussaint Francois:
    Premature to know.
    Warm Regards,

  • toussaint françois

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    Congratulations for this huge acheivement!. One question please with this new improved 4 KW SKL will this be the one to be massively commercialized ?

    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    See reference 14 in my paper on Researchgate:
    “Electron Structure, Ultra Dense Hydrogen and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions”, by G. Vassallo and A.O. Di Tommaso ( Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, 29:525-547, August 2019 ): the spin value +/- h-bar/2 is interpreted as the component of the electron’s angular momentum h-bar parallel to a magnetic field while the electron, like a tiny giroscope, is subjected to Larmor precession. This particular , semi-classical interpretation of spin does not exclude the possibility that the electron’s angular momentum may be aligned , in particular conditions, to the external magnetic field, so that electrons behave as elementary particles with whole spin h-bar.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It is not yet an achievement, as I said clearly in the disclaimer. Further information will be given during the presentation.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Thank you for your insight
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    On your new eCat-SKL test, the following is a Ragone Plot calculation of your test:

    1. 5 kW total output power (4 kW electrical, 1 kW thermal)
    2. Test duration: 7 hours
    3. eCat SKL mass: 1.0 kg

    Total Power: 5 kW
    Total Energy: 35 kW-hrs

    Specific Power: 5 kW/kg
    Specific Energy: 35 kW-hrs/kg

    Summary: Even in this relatively short duration test, this is about double the output of a modern lithium-ion battery. If the measurements were valid, this is not produced by a chemical reaction. (Note: I have not figured out how to include a picture in this posting).

  • Rick57

    Dear Andrea,

    congratulation for this huge achievement !

    Now our quest of the SKL parameters is over, but it was worth it.

    Can you tell us the voltage and current measured in your last tests, as well as the weight of the new SKL configuration ?

    Best Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    YES !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    10000 connections do not imply 10000 ballerinas !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The microscope is necessary for soldering, not for testing.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    The energy has been dissipated by a resistancein a dissipator.
    Thank you for the suggestion: maybe it works, who knows ? Maybe applying it to a tennis-programmed robot, considering that to be better than me is not that difficult
    Warm Regards,

  • Physicist

    Dr Rossi,
    Again about par 2 of
    which are the condition to reach the balance between Coulombian force and the Lorentz force ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Morrissey:
    Thank you for your kind wish,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Less than 1 kg
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ivan Samec:
    The volume is 4 liters, the weight is 1 kg
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    For security reasons.
    Warm Regards,

  • Drachenlord

    Hi, Dr. Rossi.

    To Sture Andersson, You replied:

    “I cannot say, where I am”.

    Why can’t You say, where You are ?
    Is it a mystery ?
    Must it be treated as a secret?
    Why must it be a secret?

    RAIner Winkler

  • Ivan Samec

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    for a simple consideration of costs:

    A) What is the volume and weight of the newest control module?

    B) How many tens or hundreds of CPU or FPGA are needed for the newest control module?

    CPU – Central Processing Unit (computer processor)

    Best Regards

    Ivan Samec

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    What is the mass of your eCat-SKL latest variant?

  • Bernie Morrissey

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations on your great success testing your E-cat SKL. I am sure the independent tests will be great success.
    Thanks for lifetime of work.

    Bernie Morrissey

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi
    The E-Cat ran for 15 hours at 4 Kw. You have therefore produced 60 kWh of electricity. This more energy than my wife needs to charge her car battery.

    Can you reveal what was the use of the electrical energy produced during the test?

    I suggest you, to be unbeatable in tennis, to mount this version of the E-Cat on your racket ……

    Have a good holiday and good tennis

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Do you think you will be
    under the microscope again
    with 3rd party testing?



  • Koen Vandewalle

    10000 ballerinas, each with their own will and their own dance rhythm.
    I wish the conductor of the orchestra good luck making them dance.

    Kind Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Came across this video on Henry Ford.
    Is this similiar to how you use your team
    to achieve success?



  • Andrea Rossi

    Ulrich Kranz:
    Thank you for your kind sustain, but remind the disclaimer. The apparatus still has to be verified by a third party.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    When we make a prototype it is impossible avoid to make things by hand, because only if I work that way I can invent things and know them intimately, so that I can intervene easily to make any changement I think can improve the system. I need to know any single particular and any single connection to understand shortly and make changements shortly if something goes wrong, or simply to understand during a test what can be improved, or understand where is the problem. This is my way to make inventions and work of them when from a theoretical idea the job becomes experimental. It is obvious that once a prototype passes to serial production everything is made in a robotized context, wherein 10 000 connections can be made in minutes and with precision.
    Warm Regards,

  • Iggy Dalrymple

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Will the 10,000 connections present a problem in the manufacture of the E-Cat SKL or can
    that be accomplished with some sort of mass produced printed circuit board or computer chip?
    Best regards,

  • Rudy Meiner

    Dear Andrea.

    1. On which date or for which event will you update the ECAT.com website?
    2. Is the SKL suitable for domestic use, i.e. no trained operator needed?
    3. For the people on the waiting list who long ago ordered a Home ECAT with 10 kW, can they now buy 2-3 SKL (of 4 kW) when it is their turn on the delivery list?

    Many thanks for your valuable time and patience in answering our questions.

    Kind regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    ZBV is generated by an elementary by an elementary charge e that rotates at speed c ( as a Fermion it maintains obviously a speed inferior along its normal trajectory, as discovered by Dirac- see ref 9 in my paper on Researchgate )along a circumference equal to the electron Compton wavelength.
    Warm Regards,

  • Physicist

    Dr Rossi: what is that generates the Zitterbewegung ?

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    You have said that you invested ‘big money’ to build your latest SKL. Also you stated that not all the connections were made by hand soldering. Was your financial investment in this latest test in equipment to make these many connections possible without doing it all by hand?

    Kind Regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Ulrich Kranz

    Dear Andrea,

    my congratulations for your big success testing the new e-cat skl. With a power of 4 kwh and a volume of 20*20*20 cm it will replace all the heavy batteries in e-cars.

    Stay in health

  • Andrea Rossi

    To start is enough a 12 V battery, or any power source with input 110/220 V, output 12 V.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Enea Romagnoli:
    Prof Sergio Focardi and I tried to turn instable isotoper into stable isotopes of the same atom, but without success. At the beginning we were convinced we made something, but eventually we discovered we had just made measurement mistakes. I do not think it is possible with LENR. based on our experiments and on the more mature theoretical system that has been published on Researchgate:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sture Andreasson:
    I cannot say where I am.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    More patents are coming up.
    Premature to know when the commercialization will start, that will also depend on our Partners. But the incentives are strong.
    Warm Regards,

  • Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I’m still overwhelmed!

    As I understand, your older types of LENR-reactors were based on a nuclear process creating energy, transmutations and some thermalized gamma rays, while your current plasma reactor works by long-range particle interactions generating energy. They both share the same fuel, but is it enough to secure and cover your brilliant inventention by only one patent? Or are there more patents coming up?

    I think your current reactor needs probably another extra year to improve and determine its reliability (Sigma 5), isn’t it? How much time do you think will go into commercialization?
    1) about half a year
    2) 1 year
    3) 2 years
    4) over 2 years

    Enjoy your vacation!


  • Sture Andreasson

    Did You made the 10000 connections, and run the test in Sweden?

  • Enea Romagnoli

    Dear Andrea
    Here is the reference you asked for:
    Signed by S. Focardi and A. Rossi

    On page 5 of this document you write this deduction:

    “The capture rate of protons by Nickel nuclei cannot depend on the mass values of different isotopes: in fact they possess the same nuclear charge and the same distribution of electrons in the various atomic shells. In practice, starting from Ni58 which is the more abundant isotope, we can obtain as described inthe two above processes, Copper formation and its successive decay in Nickel, producing Ni59, Ni60, Ni61and Ni62. Because Cu63, which can be formed start-ing by Ni62 is stable and does not decay in Ni63, the chain stops at Ni62 “

    The request I made to you comes from these words you wrote 10 years ago.

    Then Parkhomov with the reference:
    only looked at this phenomenon with regards to stable isotopes.

    Do you think it is interesting to investigate whether starting from unstable isotopes it is possible to arrive at stable isotopes?
    With the specific knowledge you have accumulated in this sector, you are the right person!
    I can’t suggest more because I am just an electrochemist passionate about every science!

  • Marco

    Dear Andrea,

    The new ECat SKL is self sustaining. But at the start some energy is needed. The propotype you tested has a battery or you used external power (e.g. a PSU) to start it? How big (Wh, V) a battery should be to be able to start the ECat?

    Regards, Marco.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    I ended it, to make a thoroughly check up and make calculations.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1. the reactor
    2. much more and much more complex. Extremely more complex !
    Warm Regards, also the the Readers of ECW

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    Thank you, interesting comparision. But, please, remember my disclaimer…
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sceptic guy:
    Around 0.77 x 10^-3 nm
    See detailed calculation on par 1 of
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph Fine

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    ‘Energy Density’ in units of W-h/Liter


    According to the Univ. of Washington’s link above,

    ” Compared to the other high-quality rechargeable battery technologies (nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal-hydride), Li-ion batteries have a number of advantages. They have one of the highest energy densities of any battery technology today (100-265 Wh/kg or 250-670 Wh/L). ”

    Aside from the issue that Li-Ion batteries are rechargeable, 250-670 Wh/L doesn’t compare to 4.3 Million Wh/L. Wow!

    ( Assuming I haven’t made more errors. )

    If the E-Cat can be ‘recharged’/(or charge replaced) in a few hours or at most 1 day, “The Masterpiece” seems to have several orders of Magnitude greater Energy Density.


    Joseph Fine

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    In discussions at ECW we were wondering where the heat is being dissipated. Can you tell us what contributes to most of the generated heat:
    1. a) the reactor or the b) controller?
    2. Does the SKL now require more controller circuits than before?
    Thank you, kind regards, Gerard

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