Dear Andrea,
I substantially agree with your energy definition, but thinking of the dimensionalities of energy and Planck’s constant, I think that it should actually be:
energy density = information density in the space-time = number of bits or events per volume and per time
energy = information density in time = number of events per time = event frequency
Planck’s constant is what relates energy E and event frequency f: E = h*f.
By the way, concerning business strategy and all that, it seems to me that you are on the right path. Just an opinion, though.
Frank Acland:
“capacity for doing work” is a definition of an attribute, not of the intrinsic being. It is like to say that the definition of a car is ” capacity to move “: it is not a definition of a car, it is an atrribute of it.
Warm Regards,
unfortunately my knowledge of physics and mathematics is not enough to understand your paper. Therefore I try to give a trivial description of the origin of the energy.
At the beginning of the universe there was the big bang. Before the Big Bang, everything that existed in this universe was united in a pseudo singularity. Pseudo, because the spatial extent was zero, but the “information” already existed. I would call it a breakthrough from another dimension. According to my thesis, what we call energy did not exist before the Big Bang, and certainly not what we call matter. It was much denser than energy, it was pure information. I like your definition of energy (= information density in space-time) and it goes with the fact that there was no energy before the Big Bang, because there was no space-time either.
After the Big Bang, the information begins to crystallize and space-time is formed. First energy is created and then increasingly matter. What we must not forget is that the information existed before the Big Bang. Information is what gives form. Form is another word for structure. So there was already structure before the Big Bang. This structure has an impact on what happens in and after the Big Bang. Namely to the extent that our energy, matter, laws of nature have evolved. This original structure is still there, but its density is decreasing; the information density in spacetime decreases. In the middle, the energy is distributed more and more and is thinned out.
Now we come to the energy source for the E-Cat.
Information density in space-time also has a special characteristic, which we call entanglement. Entanglement can be gradual, which has already been proven in recent years. With quantum computers one tries to increase the entanglement to 100% and to keep it. I would describe the state of 100% entanglement as related to the information density before spacetime, i.e. before the big bang. In this entanglement, there is a very high density of information, including the basis of energy. However, it only becomes energy when the entanglement is lifted and thus passes into space-time, including e = m * c2.
What the E-Cat does now is nothing more than to lower the degree of remaining entanglement (information density that is not yet in space-time) that was still present from the Big Bang and thus transfer the energy. Mathematically, it is certainly extremely difficult to describe and understand. However, my trivial execution makes it a bit understandable for the layman.
From this approach I also understand that there is no change in matter, and thus there is also no waste in our worldly sense. However, the residual entanglement is limited, so the material is used up and has to be replaced at some point. However, it could be that the density of information contained is so great that we no longer experience the consumption.
Can you do anything with this approach, or does it seem incomprehensible to you?
Dear Andrea,
Recently you said that certification of the Ecat SKL is not required to allow for a presentation.
Some questions about that:
1. Is it still likely that the presentation will be in 2020?
2. Can you say what is the main issue that needs to happen before organizing the presentation?
a. Certifying agency willing to testify
b. Some tests that are crucial
c. Partner who must agree
d. something else
3. Is the certification testing progressing well?
4. Are you happy with the results of the tests?
5. Were any unexpected issues found?
6. If so, do you value these issues?
Thank you for answering our relentless questions and good luck to you and your team.
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea,
A number of mediums and psychics experience, during violent thunderstorms with lightning, the impossibility to connect with passed away souls with whom we sometimes wish to make contact again.
Intuitive people also seem to have connections that we would call supernatural, and which are not yet detectable with our modern means.
People who are separated from the omniscient universe by living in disharmony to a serious degree, eventually experience complaints on a physical or mental level.
Since the E-Cat makes use of very high energies that are quite certain to be adjacent to all kinds of fields in the universe, I wondered if you were already confronted with that? And if so, whether you are considering measures or adjustments for this?
With best regards,
if the certification testing is completed till April and the production line is already designed: Can we expect to buy an E-cat maybe already in 2021 ?
Your invention will make a tremendous impact on the energy market.
Even the production of efuel would be possible because of the cheap energy.
20 kwh are enough to produce 1 liter of petrol or Diesel. (engl subtitles)
So trucks, air traffic, farm tractors.. could be provided immediately with fuel without an oil concern and without oil ressources in the own country.
Houses don’t need hot water boiler or heat pumps for heating. Just cheap electric resistance heating. No costly maintenance, no costly sweep, lower standards for house insulation…
Also no costly catenary for trains, no tram wires..therefore cheaper transport between China and EU (belt and road initiative).
Hence there will be also many enemies of this new energy. Countries which have great conventional energy ressources, countries who control these ressources (USA) and their vassal countries (f.e. EU) who are submissively dependent on the USA.
To be in the safest possible hands, i reckon, you and your company need to work in a country who can really defend itself and a country without significant energy ressources. This could be the PR of China. At least a production line should be placed there because sabotage is unlikely, the Chinese government will foster the progress.
I do not agree: certification is important also under a legal point of view in case of fraudolent sabotages that we expect from hostile forces.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, By “utility” I am referring to the electric power received from the electric supplier. If I remember right you formerly stated that it would be advisable to keep it as a backup for the ecat. Maybe we could use a portable battery bank as a backup. They are both expensive. The electric utility company has a large overhead expense that it charges the customers whether or not they use any energy!
Dear Andrea,
The only useful reason for certification I can think of, is to use it for marketing purposes. However your device, in my estimation does not need anything more than disclosure to allow you to sell as many as you can produce. I feel that your effort to certify may be a waste of time and money.
Good luck regards.
Dear Andrea,
I hope you do not think I am facetious, but I cannot understand why you insist on having your invention certified before introducing it to the world. I cannot think of one important invention that had to be certified before its use in society. Starting with fire, cars, airplanes, steam engines, firearms, atom bombs, etc. Also none of your competitors are talking about certification although talking about their patented devices coming onto the market.
I am sure you have your reasons for taking this path, but for me it is beyond my ability to understand why.
Dumbfounded regards.
Dear Andrea, What would be your guess about 1. when a domestic ecat will be available and 2. do you still believe that the utility should be maintained as a backup.
With the ongoing certification of the E-Cat SKL, how would you value the device?
1 Prototype
2 Pre-production which needs some adjustments
3 Production ready
Yesterday you wrote that you hoped that the certification testing would take in the range of 4-6 months. Does this mean that we should not expect a presentation until that is completed?
Thank you for your insight and your suggestion.
About the comprehention issue: simpler than I have been on
is not possible without making it trivial. I can answer to specific questions, as I am doing, but not be trivial. The matter itself is not easy and cannot be banalized.
The different level of comprehension depends on the background of the Readers and always try to make my answers proportioned to the kind of the specific questions.
Warm Regards,
Dear AR
Very excited in anticipation for the demonstration.
A quick question: Does the success of the SK-L mean that the earlier jet engine applications have been stopped?
Echoing commenters like Yrka, Enea Romagnoli and Vincenzo Bonomo, this reflects the diverse levels of comprehension among your followers over the SKL plasma interactions.
The coming global public presentation will also comprise a similar audience with a wide spectrum of scientific insights. Although having electronic and some nuclear physics education, I consider myself a layman with a very rudimentary understanding of particle and quantum physics.
Personally, I cognitively visualize the SKL plasma, as ancient it may be, is to relate it to the electrical properties of a vacuum amplifier tube with the cathode electrons enhanced by a catalytic fuel and a tuned pulsed frequency, and the grid (being the thousand wires) controlling the amount of electron current passing to the anode. (Ha – showing my age)
With all this in mind, will the SKL presentation address the processes that have been described in your paper ‘E-Cat SK and long-range particle interactions’ that are understood by the ‘experts’ can also be explained in a simpler level forum for most listeners to grasp?
As a thought, perhaps (as discovered from past presentation deliveries), illustrations and animation embedded within challenging concepts could aid to the novices’ and intermediates’ understandings.
Also, have you considered operating an E-Cat SKL at its full potential and maximum load doing work everyone would recognize (washer/dryer, range/stove, refrigerator/freezer, AC/heater, etc.) for a “very strong” visual effect? Just picking your thoughts.
Thank you!
As always, very respectfully yours,
Dear Dr Rossi,
I have followed your progress since I saw your 2011 demonstration. I am interested in the history of your thought process. How has your understanding (as reflected in your paper in archivcex) changed since that time period?
1) incrementally, in small steps
2) by large changes at various times
3) as a result of collaboration with others
Was there any particularly significant insight(s) that occurred at some point in time since 2011? If so can you share it/them?
1- I am not able to answer exactly, but I hope D
2- R&D and tests. The production line has been already designed, with exception of details
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
If we define a space vacuum as the absence of any form of matter or energy then there is no vacuum. We can measure, for instance microwave energy which is everywhere in space along with gravitational waves. We can detect visually all the stars, including our sun that fill space with large amounts of photons. We also do our part of adding photons to universal space by transmitting enormous amount of informational energy every second of time. Is there a portion that is being contributed by other alien sources?
So the problem is how do we separate each contribution by the various sources from the EVO’s that are postulated to be existent in space, or are we just detecting the energy that is already there?
Some investigators claim that they can extract this energy as a net gain and are ready to market their devices in the near future.
It seems to me that a multitude of inventors are preparing to exhibit and market their units. Does this in any way change your plans to offer your device to society?
1) What’s your best guess at how long the certification testing will go for?
A) less than 1 month
B) 1-2 months
C) 2-4 months
D) 4-6 months
E) more than 6 months
2) What else will you be focusing on while the certification testing is undergoing? Perhaps designing the mass production line?
Enea Romagnoli:
The formation of bosonic electrons in par 2 of my paper
is proposed as an alternative possibility, that I like because the evolution they have in time is the creation-annihilation of virtual particles that may play a particular role as explained in paragraph 3. But attention, because in paragraph 2 you cited has been preliminarly explained the possible formation of electrons with spin +/- h-bar/2
See in the same paper reference 14.
The stability and consequently the lifetime of the picometric structures in the proposed models should be favoured by the strong Coulomb potential between the proton and the electron charges at picometric -0.38 pm- distances, but should also be hindered by their low entropy, which means highly ordered = easy to be destroyed.
The concept of entropy used in the paper is an extension of the concept generally used in Physics that involves the electrons wave-function phase coherence, a condition totally absent in thermodynamics. At this moment it is not possible to give a precise value of the lifetime of such hypothetical structures.
My hypothesis is that the formation of these structures is possible only in out of equilibrium- high dV/dt, low energy, high power pulses- strongly non-linear conditions.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi.
I believe the E- Cat SKL will start selling soon. Hope the applications from 2014 and 15 are still valid.
If you find it possible to explain it to me and to other “non-physicists”, it is difficult for me to understand your theoretical work.
1. Is SKL not LENR, is there no Coulomb barrier in the SKL reactor because there are no changes in the atomic nucleus?
2. The data from your early research, presented in early presentations with changes in the atomic number of nickel and the appearance of copper, are:
and. Measurement errors?
b. Was there a LENR reaction?
3. Do many replications of your experiments (Parkhomov and others) that confirmed the change in the nuclear number of nickel have a different explanation, except for LENR?
Good luck to you and your team!
Happy tennis battles with your beautiful wife!
And most importantly, I hope you have a lot of health to fight!
We are all looking forward to triumph.
Dear Andrea,
in your article
in paragraph 2 you describe very clearly the formation of a
pico-metric aggregate formed by a coherent chain of bosonic electrons with protons located in the center of their Zitterbewegung orbits.
My curiosity would be to know how these aggregates evolve over time and their average life.
Can you provide, if it is in your knowledge, this information with clear and understandable words as you know how to do?
Dear Andrea,
I substantially agree with your energy definition, but thinking of the dimensionalities of energy and Planck’s constant, I think that it should actually be:
energy density = information density in the space-time = number of bits or events per volume and per time
energy = information density in time = number of events per time = event frequency
Planck’s constant is what relates energy E and event frequency f: E = h*f.
By the way, concerning business strategy and all that, it seems to me that you are on the right path. Just an opinion, though.
regards, /pekka
Wilfried Babelotzky:
Thank you for your insight.
I am not able to comment it.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
“capacity for doing work” is a definition of an attribute, not of the intrinsic being. It is like to say that the definition of a car is ” capacity to move “: it is not a definition of a car, it is an atrribute of it.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
A standard definition of energy is “the capacity for doing work”. Today you gave a definition of energy as: “information density in the space-time”.
Can you explain why you have such a different definition of energy than is normal?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Gerard McEk:
1- I do not know
2- b
3- yes
4- yes
5- yes
6- yes
Thank you for your kind wishes,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
unfortunately my knowledge of physics and mathematics is not enough to understand your paper. Therefore I try to give a trivial description of the origin of the energy.
At the beginning of the universe there was the big bang. Before the Big Bang, everything that existed in this universe was united in a pseudo singularity. Pseudo, because the spatial extent was zero, but the “information” already existed. I would call it a breakthrough from another dimension. According to my thesis, what we call energy did not exist before the Big Bang, and certainly not what we call matter. It was much denser than energy, it was pure information. I like your definition of energy (= information density in space-time) and it goes with the fact that there was no energy before the Big Bang, because there was no space-time either.
After the Big Bang, the information begins to crystallize and space-time is formed. First energy is created and then increasingly matter. What we must not forget is that the information existed before the Big Bang. Information is what gives form. Form is another word for structure. So there was already structure before the Big Bang. This structure has an impact on what happens in and after the Big Bang. Namely to the extent that our energy, matter, laws of nature have evolved. This original structure is still there, but its density is decreasing; the information density in spacetime decreases. In the middle, the energy is distributed more and more and is thinned out.
Now we come to the energy source for the E-Cat.
Information density in space-time also has a special characteristic, which we call entanglement. Entanglement can be gradual, which has already been proven in recent years. With quantum computers one tries to increase the entanglement to 100% and to keep it. I would describe the state of 100% entanglement as related to the information density before spacetime, i.e. before the big bang. In this entanglement, there is a very high density of information, including the basis of energy. However, it only becomes energy when the entanglement is lifted and thus passes into space-time, including e = m * c2.
What the E-Cat does now is nothing more than to lower the degree of remaining entanglement (information density that is not yet in space-time) that was still present from the Big Bang and thus transfer the energy. Mathematically, it is certainly extremely difficult to describe and understand. However, my trivial execution makes it a bit understandable for the layman.
From this approach I also understand that there is no change in matter, and thus there is also no waste in our worldly sense. However, the residual entanglement is limited, so the material is used up and has to be replaced at some point. However, it could be that the density of information contained is so great that we no longer experience the consumption.
Can you do anything with this approach, or does it seem incomprehensible to you?
Best regards
Koen Vandewalle:
Sorry, that is a matter I am not acquainted with.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Recently you said that certification of the Ecat SKL is not required to allow for a presentation.
Some questions about that:
1. Is it still likely that the presentation will be in 2020?
2. Can you say what is the main issue that needs to happen before organizing the presentation?
a. Certifying agency willing to testify
b. Some tests that are crucial
c. Partner who must agree
d. something else
3. Is the certification testing progressing well?
4. Are you happy with the results of the tests?
5. Were any unexpected issues found?
6. If so, do you value these issues?
Thank you for answering our relentless questions and good luck to you and your team.
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea,
A number of mediums and psychics experience, during violent thunderstorms with lightning, the impossibility to connect with passed away souls with whom we sometimes wish to make contact again.
Intuitive people also seem to have connections that we would call supernatural, and which are not yet detectable with our modern means.
People who are separated from the omniscient universe by living in disharmony to a serious degree, eventually experience complaints on a physical or mental level.
Since the E-Cat makes use of very high energies that are quite certain to be adjacent to all kinds of fields in the universe, I wondered if you were already confronted with that? And if so, whether you are considering measures or adjustments for this?
With best regards,
Sandy R:
Absolutely not.
Thank you for your kind wishes,
Warm Regards,
Greetings Doctor Rossi
Would it be correct to think that the SKL could be directly useful in the remediation of nuclear waste?
We wait patiently, and in the meantime wish you good health and focus
Energy = information density in the space-time
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
if the certification testing is completed till April and the production line is already designed: Can we expect to buy an E-cat maybe already in 2021 ?
Your invention will make a tremendous impact on the energy market.
Even the production of efuel would be possible because of the cheap energy.
20 kwh are enough to produce 1 liter of petrol or Diesel. (engl subtitles)
So trucks, air traffic, farm tractors.. could be provided immediately with fuel without an oil concern and without oil ressources in the own country.
Houses don’t need hot water boiler or heat pumps for heating. Just cheap electric resistance heating. No costly maintenance, no costly sweep, lower standards for house insulation…
Also no costly catenary for trains, no tram wires..therefore cheaper transport between China and EU (belt and road initiative).
Hence there will be also many enemies of this new energy. Countries which have great conventional energy ressources, countries who control these ressources (USA) and their vassal countries (f.e. EU) who are submissively dependent on the USA.
To be in the safest possible hands, i reckon, you and your company need to work in a country who can really defend itself and a country without significant energy ressources. This could be the PR of China. At least a production line should be placed there because sabotage is unlikely, the Chinese government will foster the progress.
Sincere regards
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
After your paper
how would you describe the term “energy”, like “energy =…” ?
I do not agree: certification is important also under a legal point of view in case of fraudolent sabotages that we expect from hostile forces.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
Good point,
Warm Regards,
My main hypothesys is based on the self-organizing Zitterbewegung electron phases in vacuum and Lorentz force,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
What is, in your opinion, the primary source of the hypothesis of the virtual particles and antiparticles in the space charge talked about in paragraph 3 of
Thanks if you can answer,
Dear Andrea, By “utility” I am referring to the electric power received from the electric supplier. If I remember right you formerly stated that it would be advisable to keep it as a backup for the ecat. Maybe we could use a portable battery bank as a backup. They are both expensive. The electric utility company has a large overhead expense that it charges the customers whether or not they use any energy!
Warm regards,
Chuck Davis
Dear Andrea,
The only useful reason for certification I can think of, is to use it for marketing purposes. However your device, in my estimation does not need anything more than disclosure to allow you to sell as many as you can produce. I feel that your effort to certify may be a waste of time and money.
Good luck regards.
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
1. I am not yet able to answer
2. I do not understand what you mean by “utility”
Warm Regards,
We must put a distinction between a presentation and the introduction in the market. I am sure you understand why,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I hope you do not think I am facetious, but I cannot understand why you insist on having your invention certified before introducing it to the world. I cannot think of one important invention that had to be certified before its use in society. Starting with fire, cars, airplanes, steam engines, firearms, atom bombs, etc. Also none of your competitors are talking about certification although talking about their patented devices coming onto the market.
I am sure you have your reasons for taking this path, but for me it is beyond my ability to understand why.
Dumbfounded regards.
Dear Andrea, What would be your guess about 1. when a domestic ecat will be available and 2. do you still believe that the utility should be maintained as a backup.
Warm regards,
Chuck Davis
Andrea Rossi
is it possible to make a presentation without waiting for the completion of certification
Good luck to you and your team!
Hello Andrea
With the ongoing certification of the E-Cat SKL, how would you value the device?
1 Prototype
2 Pre-production which needs some adjustments
3 Production ready
Dear Andrea,
Yesterday you wrote that you hoped that the certification testing would take in the range of 4-6 months. Does this mean that we should not expect a presentation until that is completed?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
A mix of 1+2+3
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Viktor Shipachev:
Theoretically possible, but strategically wrong.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight and your suggestion.
About the comprehention issue: simpler than I have been on
is not possible without making it trivial. I can answer to specific questions, as I am doing, but not be trivial. The matter itself is not easy and cannot be banalized.
The different level of comprehension depends on the background of the Readers and always try to make my answers proportioned to the kind of the specific questions.
Warm Regards,
Greg Leonard:
Nothing will be stopped, but now the focus is not there.
Warm Regards,
Dear AR
Very excited in anticipation for the demonstration.
A quick question: Does the success of the SK-L mean that the earlier jet engine applications have been stopped?
Dear Andrea,
Echoing commenters like Yrka, Enea Romagnoli and Vincenzo Bonomo, this reflects the diverse levels of comprehension among your followers over the SKL plasma interactions.
The coming global public presentation will also comprise a similar audience with a wide spectrum of scientific insights. Although having electronic and some nuclear physics education, I consider myself a layman with a very rudimentary understanding of particle and quantum physics.
Personally, I cognitively visualize the SKL plasma, as ancient it may be, is to relate it to the electrical properties of a vacuum amplifier tube with the cathode electrons enhanced by a catalytic fuel and a tuned pulsed frequency, and the grid (being the thousand wires) controlling the amount of electron current passing to the anode. (Ha – showing my age)
With all this in mind, will the SKL presentation address the processes that have been described in your paper ‘E-Cat SK and long-range particle interactions’ that are understood by the ‘experts’ can also be explained in a simpler level forum for most listeners to grasp?
As a thought, perhaps (as discovered from past presentation deliveries), illustrations and animation embedded within challenging concepts could aid to the novices’ and intermediates’ understandings.
Also, have you considered operating an E-Cat SKL at its full potential and maximum load doing work everyone would recognize (washer/dryer, range/stove, refrigerator/freezer, AC/heater, etc.) for a “very strong” visual effect? Just picking your thoughts.
Thank you!
As always, very respectfully yours,
Andrea Rossi
Is it possible to start arbitrariness and sale without waiting for the completion of certification
Dear Dr Rossi,
I have followed your progress since I saw your 2011 demonstration. I am interested in the history of your thought process. How has your understanding (as reflected in your paper in archivcex) changed since that time period?
1) incrementally, in small steps
2) by large changes at various times
3) as a result of collaboration with others
Was there any particularly significant insight(s) that occurred at some point in time since 2011? If so can you share it/them?
Thank you!
1- I am not able to answer exactly, but I hope D
2- R&D and tests. The production line has been already designed, with exception of details
Warm Regards,
Warm regards,
Dear Andrea,
If we define a space vacuum as the absence of any form of matter or energy then there is no vacuum. We can measure, for instance microwave energy which is everywhere in space along with gravitational waves. We can detect visually all the stars, including our sun that fill space with large amounts of photons. We also do our part of adding photons to universal space by transmitting enormous amount of informational energy every second of time. Is there a portion that is being contributed by other alien sources?
So the problem is how do we separate each contribution by the various sources from the EVO’s that are postulated to be existent in space, or are we just detecting the energy that is already there?
Some investigators claim that they can extract this energy as a net gain and are ready to market their devices in the near future.
It seems to me that a multitude of inventors are preparing to exhibit and market their units. Does this in any way change your plans to offer your device to society?
Dear Andrea,
Two questions if I may.
1) What’s your best guess at how long the certification testing will go for?
A) less than 1 month
B) 1-2 months
C) 2-4 months
D) 4-6 months
E) more than 6 months
2) What else will you be focusing on while the certification testing is undergoing? Perhaps designing the mass production line?
Best regards,
Enea Romagnoli:
The formation of bosonic electrons in par 2 of my paper
is proposed as an alternative possibility, that I like because the evolution they have in time is the creation-annihilation of virtual particles that may play a particular role as explained in paragraph 3. But attention, because in paragraph 2 you cited has been preliminarly explained the possible formation of electrons with spin +/- h-bar/2
See in the same paper reference 14.
The stability and consequently the lifetime of the picometric structures in the proposed models should be favoured by the strong Coulomb potential between the proton and the electron charges at picometric -0.38 pm- distances, but should also be hindered by their low entropy, which means highly ordered = easy to be destroyed.
The concept of entropy used in the paper is an extension of the concept generally used in Physics that involves the electrons wave-function phase coherence, a condition totally absent in thermodynamics. At this moment it is not possible to give a precise value of the lifetime of such hypothetical structures.
My hypothesis is that the formation of these structures is possible only in out of equilibrium- high dV/dt, low energy, high power pulses- strongly non-linear conditions.
Warm Regards,
1 this issue is more complex, must go to
to understand what I say
2- see point 1
3- see point 1
Thank you for your kind sustain,
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
That would be the destiny of the Ecat, sooner or later,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
You stated yesterday that regarding the E-Cat SKL, the applications it could be used for would be unlimited.
Does this mean that your business strategy will be to try disseminate the E-Cat into every possible market throughout the world?
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi.
I believe the E- Cat SKL will start selling soon. Hope the applications from 2014 and 15 are still valid.
If you find it possible to explain it to me and to other “non-physicists”, it is difficult for me to understand your theoretical work.
1. Is SKL not LENR, is there no Coulomb barrier in the SKL reactor because there are no changes in the atomic nucleus?
2. The data from your early research, presented in early presentations with changes in the atomic number of nickel and the appearance of copper, are:
and. Measurement errors?
b. Was there a LENR reaction?
3. Do many replications of your experiments (Parkhomov and others) that confirmed the change in the nuclear number of nickel have a different explanation, except for LENR?
Good luck to you and your team!
Happy tennis battles with your beautiful wife!
And most importantly, I hope you have a lot of health to fight!
We are all looking forward to triumph.
Yuri Isaev
Dear Andrea,
in your article
in paragraph 2 you describe very clearly the formation of a
pico-metric aggregate formed by a coherent chain of bosonic electrons with protons located in the center of their Zitterbewegung orbits.
My curiosity would be to know how these aggregates evolve over time and their average life.
Can you provide, if it is in your knowledge, this information with clear and understandable words as you know how to do?
Raffaele Bongo:
Very interesting.
Warm Regards,